Home Perennial flowers The general education system consists of how many levels. Levels of education in Russia. Levels of vocational education

The general education system consists of how many levels. Levels of education in Russia. Levels of vocational education

Education in Russian Federation is a single process aimed at educating and educating the future generation. During 2003-2010. system domestic education has undergone major reform in accordance with the provisions contained in the Bologna Declaration. In addition to the specialty and postgraduate studies, such levels of the RF were introduced as

In 2012, Russia adopted a law “On the Education of the Russian Federation”. Levels formations similar to European states, enable free movement for students and teachers between universities. Another undoubted plus is the possibility of employment in any of the countries that have signed the Bologna Declaration.

purpose, function

Education is the process and result of the transfer of knowledge and experience that has been accumulated by all previous generations. The main goal of training is to familiarize new members of society with established beliefs and value ideals.

The main training functions are:

  • Raising worthy members of society.
  • Socialization and introduction of the new generation to the values ​​prevailing in this society.
  • Providing qualified training for young specialists.
  • Transfer of knowledge related to work using modern technologies.

Education criteria

An educated person is a person who has accumulated a certain amount of knowledge, knows how to clearly define the causes and consequences of an event and can think logically. The main criterion for education can be called the consistency of knowledge and thinking, which is reflected in a person's ability, reasoning logically, to restore gaps in the knowledge system.

The value of learning in human life

It is with the help of education that the culture of society is transferred from one generation to another. Education affects all spheres of social life. An example of such an impact can be the improvement of the training system. New levels of vocational education in the Russian Federation as a whole will lead to an improvement in the quality of existing labor resources state, which, in turn, will have a significant impact on the development domestic economy... For example, obtaining the profession of a lawyer will help to strengthen the legal culture of the population, since every citizen should know his own legal rights and responsibilities.

High quality and system learning, which covers all spheres of human life, allows you to educate harmonious personality. Significant influence provides training to the individual. Since in the current situation, only an educated person can climb the social ladder and achieve high status in society. That is, self-realization is directly interconnected with receiving high-quality education of the highest level.

Education system

The training system in Russia includes a number of organizations. These include institutions:

  • Preschool education (development centers, kindergartens).
  • General education (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums).
  • Higher educational institutions (universities, research institutes, academies, institutes).
  • Secondary special (technical schools, colleges).
  • Non-state.
  • Additional education.

Principles of the education system

  • Priority of universal human values.
  • The basis is cultural and national principles.
  • Scientificness.
  • Focus on the characteristics and level of education in the world.
  • Humanistic character.
  • Focus on environmental protection.
  • Continuity of education, consistent and continuous.
  • Training should be unified system physical and spiritual education.
  • Encouraging the display of talent and personality.
  • Mandatory presence of primary (basic) education.

Types of education

According to the level of achieved independent thinking, the following types of training are distinguished:

  • Preschool - in the family and in preschool institutions(children are up to 7 years old).
  • Primary - carried out in schools and gymnasiums, starting from 6 or 7 years old, lasts from the first to the fourth grades. The child is taught the basic skills of reading, writing and counting, great attention is devoted to personal development and acquisition necessary knowledge about the world around.
  • Secondary - includes basic (grades 4-9) and general secondary (grades 10-11). It is carried out in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums. It ends with the receipt of a certificate of completion of general secondary education. Students at this stage acquire knowledge and skills that form a full citizen.
  • Higher education is one of the stages of professional education. The main goal is the training of qualified personnel in the necessary areas of activity. It is carried out at a university, academy or institute.

By its nature and focus, education is:

  • General. It helps to acquire knowledge of the basics of science, in particular about nature, man, society. Gives a person basic knowledge about the world around him, helps to acquire the necessary practical skills.
  • Professional. At this stage, knowledge and skills are acquired that are necessary for the student to perform labor and service functions.
  • Polytechnic. Basic Principles Teaching modern production... Acquisition of skills to use the simplest tools of labor.

Education levels

The organization of training is based on such a concept as "the level of education in the Russian Federation." It reflects the division of the training program depending on the statistical indicator of the study by the population as a whole and by each citizen separately. The level of education in the Russian Federation is a completed educational cycle, which is characterized by certain requirements. the federal law"On education in the Russian Federation" provides next levels general education in RF:

  • Preschool.
  • Initial.
  • Basic.
  • The average.

In addition, the following levels of higher education in the Russian Federation are distinguished:

  • Bachelor's degree. Enrollment is made on a competitive basis after passing the exam... A student receives a bachelor's degree after he has acquired and confirmed the basic knowledge in his chosen specialty. The training lasts 4 years. Upon completion of this level, the graduate can pass special exams and continue his studies for a specialist or master.
  • Specialty. This stage includes basic education as well as training in the chosen specialty. On full-time the term of study is 5 years, and by correspondence - 6. After receiving the diploma of a specialist, you can continue your studies for a master's or go to graduate school. Traditionally, this level of education in the Russian Federation is considered prestigious and does not differ much from the magistracy. However, when working abroad, it will lead to a number of problems.
  • Master's degree. This stage graduates professionals with a deeper specialization. You can enter the master's program after completing the bachelor's and specialist's degrees.
  • Training of highly qualified personnel. This implies postgraduate studies. it necessary preparation to obtain an academic degree Full-time education lasts 3 years, part-time - 4. Academic degree awarded upon completion of training, dissertation defense and final exams.

According to the new law, the levels of education in the Russian Federation contribute to the receipt of diplomas and supplements to them by domestic students, which are quoted by higher educational institutions of other states, which means that they make it possible to continue their studies abroad.

Forms of education

Education in Russia can be carried out in two forms:

  • In special educational institutions. It can be carried out in full-time, part-time, part-time, external, remote forms.
  • Outside educational institutions. Implies self-education and family learning... It provides for the passage of the intermediate and final

Subsystems of education

The learning process combines two interrelated subsystems: training and education. They help to achieve the main goal of the educational process - human socialization.

The main difference between these two categories is that training is aimed primarily at the development of the intellectual side of a person, and education, on the contrary, is aimed at value orientations. There is a close relationship between these two processes. Moreover, they complement each other.

Higher education quality

Despite the fact that not so long ago a reform was carried out in the education system of the Russian Federation, there is no significant improvement in the quality of domestic education. Among the main reasons for the lack of progress in improving quality educational services the following can be distinguished:

Problems related to the management of the education system

  • Low level of remuneration for workers in the education sector.
  • Lack of staff with high degree qualifications.
  • Insufficient level of material and technical equipment of institutions and organizations.
  • Low education in RF.
  • Low level cultural development the general population.

Obligations to solve these problems are imposed not only on the state as a whole, but also on the levels municipalities RF.

Trends in the development of educational services

  • Internationalization of higher education, ensuring the mobility of teachers and students in order to exchange international best practices.
  • Strengthening the focus of domestic education in practical side, which implies the introduction of practical disciplines, an increase in the number of practicing teachers.
  • Active introduction of multimedia technologies and other visualization systems into the education process.
  • Popularization distance learning.

Thus, education is at the core of the cultural, intellectual and moral state modern society... It is a determining factor in socio-economic development Russian state... Reforming the education system to date has not led to global results. However, a slight shift in better side there is. The levels of education of the Russian Federation under the new law contributed to the emergence of opportunities for the free movement of teachers and students between universities, which suggests that the process Russian education took a course towards internationalization.

Education in Russia plays a decisive role in the process of personality formation. Its main goal is to educate and educate the younger generation, to acquire knowledge, skills, competencies and the necessary experience. Various types of education in Russia are aimed at professional, moral, intellectual and physical development children, adolescents, boys and girls. Let's take a closer look at this.

Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

According to this doc, educational process is a continuous, consistent linked system... Such content implies the presence of certain levels. In the law, they are called "types of education in Russia."

Each level has specific goals and objectives, content and methods of influence.

Types of education in Russia

According to the law, two large levels are distinguished.

The first is general education. It includes preschool and school sublevels. The latter, in turn, is divided into primary, basic and complete (secondary) education.

Second level - professional education... It includes secondary, higher (bachelor's, specialty and master's degrees) and training of highly qualified personnel.

Let's dwell on each of these levels in more detail.

About the preschool education system in Russia

This level is intended for children under seven years of age. The basic goal is general development, training and education of preschoolers. In addition, it implies the monitoring and maintenance of them. In Russia, these functions are performed by specialized institutions. preschool education.

These are nurseries, kindergartens, centers early development or at home.

About the system of secondary education in the Russian Federation

As noted above, it consists of several sublevels:

  • The initial one lasts four years. The main goal is to give the child a system of necessary knowledge in basic subjects.
  • Basic education lasts from grades 5 to 9. It assumes that the development of the child should be carried out according to the main scientific directions... As a result, secondary schools must prepare adolescents for GIA in certain subjects.

These levels of education at school are compulsory for children in accordance with their age. After the ninth grade, the child has the right to leave school and study further, choosing special secondary educational institutions. In this case, it is the legal guardians or parents who are fully responsible for ensuring that the process of acquiring knowledge is continued and not interrupted.

Full education means that the student is in the tenth to eleventh grades for two years. The main purpose of this stage is to prepare graduates for the Unified State Exam and further education at the university. Reality shows that during this period they often resort to the services of tutors, since one school is not enough.

More about secondary vocational and higher education in our country

Secondary vocational educational institutions are subdivided into colleges and technical schools (state and non-state). They prepare students for the chosen specialties in two or three, and sometimes four years. V most a teenager can enroll after the ninth grade. Exceptions are medical colleges... They accept in the presence of a complete general education.

You can enter any higher educational institution in Russia under the bachelor's program only after the eleventh grade. In the future, if desired, the student will continue his studies in the magistracy.

Some universities currently offer a specialty rather than a bachelor's degree. However, in accordance with the Bologna system, higher professional education in this system will not exist in the near future.

The next step is the training of highly qualified personnel. These are postgraduate studies (or postgraduate studies) and residency. In addition, specialists with higher professional education can take an internship assistant program. It is on the training of highly qualified pedagogical and creative workers.

Remote education

This system is a new, specific form of education that differs from traditional ones. Remote education is distinguished by other goals, tasks, content, means, methods and forms of interaction. The use of computer technology, telecommunications, case technologies, etc.

In this regard, the most common types of such training are as follows:

  • The first one relies on interactive television. During its implementation, there is a direct visual contact with the audience, which is located at a distance from the teacher. At present, this type is underdeveloped and very expensive. However, it is necessary when unique techniques, laboratory experiments and new knowledge in a particular area are demonstrated.
  • The second type of distance learning is based on computer telecommunication networks (regional, global), which have various didactic capabilities ( text files, multimedia technologies, video conferencing, Email etc). This is a common and inexpensive form of distance learning.
  • The third combines a CD (basic electronic textbook) and a global network. Due to the great didactic opportunities, this type is optimal for both university and schooling as well as in professional development. A compact disc has a lot of advantages: multimedia, interactivity, availability of a large amount of information with minimal financial losses.

Inclusive education

The Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" singles out the creation of favorable conditions for the education of persons with disabilities... Moreover, this is reflected not only in the form, but also in the content.

In law this system received the name "inclusive education". Its implementation implies the absence of any discrimination against children with special needs, the presence equal treatment to everyone and the availability of training.

Inclusive education is implemented in all educational institutions in Russia. The main goal is to create a barrier-free learning environment and provide vocational training for persons with disabilities. To implement it, it is necessary to complete certain tasks:

  • provide technical equipment to educational institutions;
  • develop special training courses for teachers;
  • create methodological developments for other students, aimed at developing relationships with people with disabilities;
  • develop programs that are aimed at facilitating the adaptation of persons with disabilities in educational institutions.

This work has just received its development. Over the next few years, the set goal and the identified tasks should be fully implemented.


V currently the types of education in Russia are clearly identified, the functions and content of each level are revealed. However, despite this, the reconstruction and reforming of the entire education system continues.

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