Home Roses What month is better to sunbathe? What is the best time to sunbathe? Melanin - what is it?

What month is better to sunbathe? What is the best time to sunbathe? Melanin - what is it?

How to properly plan for tanning so as not to get burned, but to get an even, beautiful tan with a bronze tint.

An even and beautiful tan makes the body more attractive. However, you need to know how to sunbathe. Improper sunbathing can lead to burns. In this case, there will be no beauty, only a long and painful struggle with the consequences of improper tanning. The general rules are equally effective both in a solarium and in the open sun.

How do different skin types tan?

  • There are four types of skin, each of which reacts differently to tanning. The first type includes white or pink-white skin. This skin type is called Celtic and is difficult to tan. Burns appear frequently, the result is not noticeable even after repeated exposure to the sun or solarium
  • The second type of skin is European, characterized by a stable white color. People with this skin type quickly get the first tanning results, but they cannot develop it much even after long sessions
  • Dark skin belongs to the third type, which is also called European, but differs from the second type more dark color. With such skin, burns almost never appear, and the tanning result only increases each time

How does fair skin tan? Photo

How does dark skin tan? Photo

How does white skin tan? Photo

How to tan properly? 10 basic rules

1. Avoid high sun activity. Sunbathe better in the morning before 10-11 o'clock and in the evening after 16-17 o'clock. During the day the sun is merciless, especially to those who came under its rays for the first time

2. Schedule your sun exposure correctly. The first visit should not exceed five minutes. Even if you don’t feel any effect from exposure to the sun, still go into the shade, and for a long time. Believe me, a little more time and a burn is guaranteed, especially with the first two skin types. Next time add a little more time and increase it gradually

3. Before going out into the sun, avoid using creams based on mineral fats, they significantly increase the chance of burning. It should also not be abused essential oils and perfume

4. Always try to use sunscreen before tanning. It improves the quality of tanning and protects against burns

5. It is better not to go out into the sun when you feel hungry or after a heavy meal. For a good perception of tanning, the body should not feel internal discomfort.

6. Be sure to wear a hat or scarf on your head, and protect your eyes with glasses. This will prevent overheating in the sun and eliminate the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes.

7. When sunbathing, it is better to completely relax your body. Avoid reading or watching videos. The eyes in the sun are already so tense, tire them out once again do not do it. It is better to be more physically active on the beach

8. When sunbathing in a static position on your back or stomach, be sure to put something under your head, it should be raised. This will improve blood flow

9. After heating up in the sun, do not immediately run to cool off in the water. Step into the shade for a few minutes and let your body cool down. Sharp and significant contrasts are stressful for the body

10. Always control your time in the sun; if you feel like you’re about to fall asleep, it’s better to get up and walk along the beach

How to get a good tan in the sun?

To get a good tan in the sun, you must strictly follow all the 10 rules written above. This is the minimum set that will avoid problems with burns. Be careful when choosing a sunscreen; it should have a high SPF (sun protection factor) content. The cream is selected according to skin type.

An even tan cannot be achieved in one go. This is the result of long work. A slight failure in tanning will result in burns, even minor ones will need to be treated. After this, it will be very difficult to achieve an even tan. Therefore, you need to be patient and tan at minimal intervals in order to get the expected effect.

At what time should you sunbathe so as not to harm your health?

  • If you plan to get a tan in a solarium, then the tanning time is not important, the main parameter is the duration. If you get a tan naturally from sun rays, daytime exposure to the sun should be avoided
  • The scorching heat is extremely dangerous not only for the skin, but also for health. During this period, people most often suffer from sunstroke or heatstroke. When sunbathing in the sun, you should eat less salty foods, since salt retains water in the body. Internal processes should be as active as possible, for this you need to drink a lot of fluid and move more, losing water through sweating
  • The best time for tanning is morning. From the very morning until about 10 or 11 o'clock. You can also sunbathe in the evening, when the main pressure of the sun's rays subsides.

What to do if your skin is sunburned? Urgent measures

First you need to assess the degree of the burn. If it is insignificant, you need to go to a cool place, it could be the shade of a tree or even go home. If your condition allows, you can take a cold shower at home to reduce the thermal effect. Dipping in water in the open sun is contraindicated.

Next, the burn site should be treated special means from sunburn. The most popular and effective is Panthenol. This is a spray that does not need to be rubbed into the skin, which eliminates pain. After this, it is recommended to drink a lot of table water for a while clean water, avoid going out into the sun.

If you experience nausea, dizziness, dry mouth or other negative reactions during a burn, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. You can call emergency assistance or come to the nearest aid station by taxi.

In case of a burn, it is prohibited to use alkaline substances, soap, alcohol, petroleum jelly and others. All this can only worsen the condition. If blisters appear after sunbathing, they should not be punctured - this will lead to infection of the skin inside. All recovery period tanning should be avoided.

How to enhance any tan?

To enhance any tan, special creams are used that have two functions: protective and enhancing. The result of such a tan usually appears quite quickly, but does not last long. The choice of cream must be agreed with your doctor. Contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist for help.

How to sunbathe correctly: tips and reviews
Sunbathing can be harmful; to prevent this from happening, use the tips described in this article. By properly controlling your tanning regime you can avoid negative consequences and get a beautiful and even tan.

Video: Sour cream for sunburn

Video: Proper tanning

Each country has its own concept of beauty - while Asian women wear special clothing that protects them from the sun's rays, Russians consider an even bronze tan a sign of “prestige”. Summer has come - with it the time of hot sun. Many people like to sunbathe, but not everyone knows how long they can sunbathe in the sun. Tanned skin suits everyone without exception, but to get an even chocolate body color, you need to try a lot. This includes remembering how long you need to sunbathe, otherwise there is a risk of getting sunburn.

Those who have very pale, sensitive skin, red hair, and a lot of freckles are not advised to take sunbathing - they will only experience redness of the body instead of a tan. Everyone else who wants to acquire golden-brown skin color should remember how long to sunbathe, at what time of day, and how to do it correctly.

What time can you sunbathe?

There is a concept of dangerous and safe times for sunbathing. From 12 to 15 o'clock in the afternoon - peak solar activity, it is the most dangerous, the easiest to get burned. On the day you can sunbathe in the sun before 12 am and after 16 pm. If the climate is hot, then you should not appear on the beach from 11:30 to 16:00.

The optimal time of day to sunbathe is from 8 to 10 am, from 17 pm to sunset. How many hours can you sunbathe in the sun at this time? Doctors recommend no more than a few hours a day. An even tan can be obtained in the shade or while exercising active species sports on the beach - volleyball, basketball, badminton.

You can sunbathe for three to four hours a day - this is the optimal number of hours to obtain an even body color, without overheating, stress, or heat stroke. Total time exposure to the sun depends on the location, weather, time zone. In Russia, the sun between 12 and 16 is not as hot as in Turkey or Egypt. Therefore, when traveling abroad, you should start going to the beach with caution; if it is a hot place with humid air, you should wait for acclimatization. If you have symptoms of a cold, sleep disturbances, strong symptoms of heat stroke, poisoning, or increased fatigue, do not rush to rush to the beach. Let your body get used to the new climate, weather, sun, air.

How long should you sunbathe for the first time?

How long can you sunbathe if you are just starting to sunbathe? In the first days on the beach under the sun, it is recommended to spend half an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening so that the body adapts. Therefore, to the question of how long you need to sunbathe in the sun for the first time, the answer is not long, half an hour to an hour. If the heat is intense, you risk overheating, and the consequences of heatstroke are not the most pleasant.

On the second day, you can sunbathe in the sun longer - an hour in the morning, one and a half to two hours in the evening. Increase the dose sharply sunlight not worth it. Your body is still in the process of adjusting to the temperature.

On the third day, you can sunbathe in the sun for a couple of hours in the morning, and the same amount in the evening. If you are pale-skinned, you should reduce the time by half an hour, if your body is initially dark-skinned, increase it by the same amount.

You can take short sunbathing, sunbathe for a short time - even fifteen to twenty under the sun in safe time will be beneficial for the skin. The sun's rays form vitamin D in it, which can only be synthesized in this way.

It's best to stand in the sun to get a tan. In this position, the tan applies evenly to the skin. A lying or sitting position is possible, but it is necessary to change the position. Choose a swimsuit so that there are no too noticeable marks from the straps, this is unsightly. When sunbathing for the first time in the sun, you need to have your hair tied up in a bun; do not constantly wear a hat or a Panama hat with large brims that cover your face - it will remain pale. And to make the tan go on more evenly and last longer, use a special one.

How much sun exposure do you need to get a tan - a guide to skin types

Skin phototypes - the degree of sensitivity of the epidermis to the sun. It is determined by some characteristic features, depends on him optimal time exposure to the sun. There are four main phototypes; we will not consider Asian and African (fifth and sixth).

The first phototype is people with light eyes (blue, green, gray), transparent skin, possible freckles, red or light brown hair. This type of people does not sunbathe; rather, they burn, literally 5 minutes after being in the direct sun. Therefore, beaches are not recommended for the first phototype - self-tanning is better. If you really want to go out in the sun, you need a cream with a high spf - from 30 to 60.

The second phototype is gray or brown eyes, light brown or blond hair, light skin. When exposed to the sun, the skin usually turns red and then develops a light tan. The risk of getting sunburned is still high, the tan itself is hard, the first time spent in the sun is 10-20 minutes.

The third phototype is brown eyes, dark brown or brown hair, dark skin. These people do not get sunburned at all - the skin immediately darkens, you can stay in the sun for 20-30 minutes without protection, but there is still a small risk of getting sunburned.

The fourth phototype - very dark eyes, black hair, dark skin. These people will only burn if they sit in the scorching sun for five hours straight. The skin quickly becomes bronze in color, no protective equipment is needed, but you should remember that sitting for a long time on the beach ages the skin, dries it out, and dehydrates it.

Precautions when tanning in the sun

What time is it better to sunbathe in the sun, how long to sunbathe for the first time - we figured it out. But it’s worth mentioning safety precautions, because sunburn is an unpleasant and dangerous thing.

Don't forget to protect your eyes from the sun. Glasses are a must-have at the beach, as is a hat to protect against overheating. Don't forget about sunscreen cosmetics - lotions, creams, and milk will protect you from sunburn and help your skin darken evenly.

How long after hair removal and depilation can you sunbathe?

During the warm months, women are especially sensitive to unwanted hair on the body, and at the same time they want to quickly soak up the sun's rays and get a bronze skin tone.

First positions in the ranking cosmetic procedures Epilation is the key to getting rid of unwanted hair. This is a process where hair follicles are deliberately damaged to completely prevent further growth hair shaft. The procedure has three types:

  • Electrolysis - the root sac is removed by cauterizing it with a weak electric shock
  • Photoepilation - the root bag is removed using a special photo lamp. Melanin in the follicle is destroyed and the hair falls off
  • Laser hair removal - the laser affects the hair follicle

If you do several courses of one of these procedures, over time, hair will stop growing altogether on the treated area of ​​skin. But all these procedures remove the upper layers of the epidermis, and this leads to temporary hypersensitivity to ultraviolet. Exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause the appearance of many dark or light pigment spots. Therefore, immediately after such procedures, cosmetologists strongly do not recommend spending a lot of time in the sun, much less intentionally sunbathing. So how long after laser hair removal, photoepilation or electrolysis can you sunbathe? It must take at least 14-21 days. It’s better to wait even longer - about a couple of months. Otherwise dark spots, burns, irritation and redness of the skin neutralize all the beauty of a bronze tan.

Even if more than two weeks have passed since the hair removal procedure using this method, precautions must be taken:

  • Apply a good sunscreen to your skin. Even if you just go for a walk under the scorching sun
  • Regularly moisturize your skin with appropriate creams to avoid dehydration and speed up the healing of the epidermis

Depilation with sugaring is incomplete hair removal, i.e., the visible part is removed, but the root remains in place. After the procedure, the follicles may become inflamed, so you need to be careful when under the sun. Otherwise, inflammation and even pustules may occur on the skin. After sugaring, you can sunbathe within 1-5 days, depending on the speed of epidermis regeneration.

How many days after peeling can you sunbathe?

Peeling is a method of cleansing the skin by removing and exfoliating the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Therefore, after this procedure, the skin is very delicate, sensitive, and is not able to properly withstand ultraviolet radiation.

Thus, after peeling you can sunbathe no earlier than two weeks later. And only after superficial peelings - if not side effects. After deep chemical cleaning, you cannot sunbathe for a whole month. Also, you should not sunbathe between several procedures.

When can you sunbathe after tattooing?

Getting a tattoo is a serious test for the skin, after which it takes a long time to heal and needs additional care. Therefore, as in the other two cases, after getting a tattoo, do not sunbathe for at least two weeks. Otherwise, at best, the colors of a fresh tattoo will fade, and at worst, unpleasant skin problems await you. After 14 days, you can safely sunbathe, but it is advisable to apply a special tattoo cream to your body art. You can buy it at a beauty salon.

The processes of tattooing and tattooing are similar in that in both cases special pigments are introduced into the skin to color the desired area. But the depth of influence and quality of the dyes are different; to create a tattoo, hypoallergenic natural dyes are used - they are injected to a depth of up to 1 mm. Therefore, permanent makeup is not as durable as a tattoo; it needs to be updated quite often.

But, along with the acquisition beautiful shape eyebrows or lips, we expose our skin to stress. She, as in the case of a tattoo, also needs to restore her protective functions. It is advisable to help the skin with this and certainly should not subject it to additional stress - exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Two days after applying permanent makeup, a small crust appears on the skin, similar to a scratch - this is the healing process. Then the crust begins to peel off and disappears after a few days. Then you can already see the tattoo as it will remain for several years - moderately bright and beautifully shaped. The entire healing process lasts for at least two weeks, and sometimes even a month. And at this moment you should not sunbathe. Violation of this rule is fraught with:

  • Skin irritation and redness
  • Burns
  • Long skin healing process
  • Changes in “drawn” contours, fading of paint. After all, at this moment the paint is actively absorbed into the epidermis

The result is wasted work and wasted money “in the sun.” Approximately two weeks after eyebrow or lip tattooing, you can sunbathe. And again, it is advisable to precisely apply special protective ointments. And don’t forget to take care of skin damaged by tattooing before you decide to soak up the sun. To do this, use special moisturizing and softening agents like Solcoseryl and Panthenol.

Newfangled microblading is also a type of eyebrow tattoo that looks more natural. How long after microblading can I tan? The procedure is called a little more “gentle” for the skin than usual Permanent makeup, but the recovery period is the same - from two weeks to a month.

When can you sunbathe after surgery?

If even after basic cosmetic procedures you cannot take sunbathing quite for a long time, it is not surprising that surgical intervention is even more sharp reason temporarily forget about tanning.

Active exposure to ultraviolet rays accelerates the aging process of the skin - and this is something that a person definitely does not need during the postoperative period.

After surgery, the skin actively heals and new skin grows. And the young epidermis is especially sensitive to aggressive effects, including sun rays. Depending on the type of intervention, the duration of the “ban on tanning” also depends. After serious abdominal operations It should take from a month to a year before allowing yourself to be naked on the beach. Laser surgeries do not cause such serious changes, so you can tan in the sun after 2-4 weeks. Otherwise, the skin will take a long time to recover and heal, redness and other reactions will appear, and the scar may greatly change color and become even more noticeable.

The healing process of postoperative wounds should be taken seriously, so upon discharge it is better to consult a doctor about when you can take sunbathing.

How long after you can sunbathe?

  • After laparoscopy - from a month to several, then it is advisable to stick silicone patches on the scars when tanning
  • After sclerotherapy - two to three months. Otherwise, hyperpigmentation may occur in the treated area. Moreover, after such an intervention, overheating of the extremities should not be allowed.
  • After rhinoplasty - at least two months
  • After Botox, at least 15 days must pass. Staying in the sun for a long period of time is also very undesirable, but taking short walks or going to the store on a sunny day is allowed
  • After abdominoplasty (removal of excess fat tissue) - no earlier than two to three months, until the scars turn white
  • After mammoplasty - no earlier than three months. During this time, the breast tissue rearranges and adapts to the new position. If everything goes well, the doctor may allow short sunbathing. Postoperative scars remain red for up to 5 months; the skin here is very sensitive, so some patients are not recommended to sunbathe. Ideally, you can bask in the sun no earlier than a year later, especially if there are complications. In any case, it is better to clarify the information with your doctor, otherwise you cannot avoid redness on the skin, hyperpigmentation of scars, pain, swelling and even deformation of implants and changes in the shape of the mammary glands
  • After removing a mole, be sure to ask your doctor. It is worth keeping for at least 1-3 months, depending on the speed of the regenerating processes. Until the wound has completely healed, you should not sunbathe. But even after it has healed, this place needs to be protected with special plasters. Also, patients should not sunbathe from 10-00 to 16-00

How long can pregnant women and children sunbathe?

During the first trimester of pregnancy, a pregnant woman is not recommended to sunbathe at all. Otherwise the level may decrease folic acid, which can cause irreparable harm the fetus, and the woman herself may overheat and get heatstroke.

At a later date, you can sunbathe for no more than half an hour a day, either before 10 am, or after 4 pm, when the sun is not so active. You need to sunbathe in a sun lounger and protect your head with a Panama hat or a hat.

How to sunbathe correctly for children? Firstly, the child must be over 5 years old and be exposed to sunlight only if accompanied by an adult. If the child has not yet reached this age, he can only sunbathe under the shade of umbrellas, trees, etc. Sunbathe also before 10 am or after 16 pm. Sun-protective clothing must be worn, and the baby’s entire body must be lubricated with sunscreen. Provide your child with access to plenty of fluids.

The languid aristocratic appearance with the characteristic whiteness of the skin was left behind. Cheerful and perky people with a beautiful and even tan have become fashionable. Following fashion trend, the beaches are filled with people wanting to get more sunshine.

We often forget about precautions, and as a result, we get burns, chills, fever, as a result, flaky skin, a spoiled mood and rest. What you need to know about the sun and its effects on the skin? What are the best times to sunbathe? And most importantly, how to relax to the fullest in the sun and not get burned? Answers to these questions and tips on how to tan properly can be found in this article.

Sun rays: benefit or harm

As with any product, the main thing is not to overdo it with ultraviolet rays. In small doses, the sun is beneficial to our body, especially after long winter. It not only improves immunity, but also speeds up metabolism, at the same time allowing the body to quickly absorb micro- and macroelements. The sun also produces endorphin - the hormone of happiness.

If you systematically exceed allotted time Being in the sun can cause irreparable damage to yourself: from burns and inflammation to cancer. Scientists have proven that excessive exposure to the sun during one season ages the skin by 6 months. This is why you need to sunbathe every day long time, then when tanned, the skin will become a pleasant shade, elastic, elastic and toned.

How to prepare your body for tanning

Before the hot summer, when the sun is at its strongest, it is better if the skin is prepared in advance. To do this, you need to get yourself a mini tan at the end of spring: April, May. Naturally, it’s too early to sunbathe on the beach, but you can already expose your legs and arms while exercising. Then the body will be saturated with the energy of the sun, and the skin will be ready to sunbathe under the hot summer sun.

How and when is the best time to sunbathe?

In order for sunbathing to bring only the benefits and beauty of a tan to the body, you need to take precautions, which sometimes every woman forgets.

When is it harmful to sunbathe? Since the sun is in most active from 12 noon to 3 p.m., it is better to leave the beach at this time to avoid burns and overheating of the body.

If you want to soak up the direct rays of the sun, then you need to know what time is best to sunbathe. Doctors recommend sunbathing from 8 to 11 am, and after 16 pm, while you can “catch” the sun until 18:00.

The temperature for tanning in the sun should not exceed 25 degrees. At this time, it is better to hide, especially for pregnant women and small children, as you can get sunstroke and severe overheating.

What time to sunbathe at sea

The sun at sea is very treacherous. Due to the special climate, the tan “sticks” very quickly, and after a short period of time you can get severe burns, which often happens after just a couple of hours of the first day of vacation at sea.

How to make sea sunbathing safe:

  1. - from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and after 5 p.m.
  2. At what temperature is it better to sunbathe?– for a good tan, it is enough if the air temperature does not exceed 21 degrees.
  3. It's better to stay in the shade more, under an umbrella or awning.
  4. Try to cover yourself with a light cape and be sure to wear a hat.
  5. You should not take a cold shower after the hot sun. In this case, overheated skin may experience shock, which will negatively affect its condition. The sea temperature should not be lower than 21 degrees.
  6. To prevent the body from overheating, you need to periodically swim in the sea. Afterwards you need to go into the shade, or dry your skin well, since in water you do not stop sunbathing, and after that, drops of water attract the sun to your body.

How to protect yourself

Top questions and answers that will protect you from the negative consequences of tanning:

  1. How long can you sunbathe on the beach on the first day?- the first day on the beach is the most dangerous, the skin is not yet accustomed to the scorching sun, and therefore the likelihood of getting burns increases. It is recommended to take in the sun's rays for no more than 20 minutes on the first day at sea.
  2. What is the best time to sunbathe?– in the morning until 11 o’clock, and in the evening after 17 o’clock in the evening.
  3. Time to sunbathe, should increase gradually every day, by about half an hour.
  4. What is the right time to sunbathe?– half an hour in the morning, about an hour in the evening.
  5. Optimal tanning time?- sunbathing in direct sunlight should not exceed 2 hours a day.
  6. Important to remember, that fair skin requires more careful care and protection from ultraviolet rays.

Safe tanning rules

The sun's rays, especially in hot countries, are not kind to the skin. For a quick and even tan, it is better to use lotions and special creams.

Their use is most effective if the skin is already lightly tanned. It is better to choose waterproof creams, so you will not need to apply cream after every bath. At the same time, the skin itself should be dry, since at sea, water on the body attracts direct sunlight. Using creams with sun protection factor will not only give your skin the perfect bronze tone, but also protect you from the sun.

It is important to know what type of skin you have and choose products that are most effective for it.

When tanning, not only the skin, but also the hair requires hydration. You need to drink as much as possible, it is better if it is just water without gases.

Who shouldn't sunbathe?

Before going to the sea, you should better consult a doctor, because there are skin diseases for which sunbathing in the sun is strictly prohibited, as is a long stay on the beach. You should also avoid tanning:

  • tanning is not recommended for pregnant women;
  • It is not advisable for children under 2 years of age to sunbathe under the sun, because their skin is delicate and susceptible to external influence, you should also limit the time;
  • people who have many moles on their body and birthmarks you can sunbathe in the shade for a short period of time;
  • people with cancer;
  • some medical supplies exclude the possibility of sunbathing;
  • people with acute chronic diseases.

The sun is vitamin D3, D6, its energy is useful for metabolism and the fight against the hormone of sadness (serotonin) for both adults and young children. Doctors recommend receiving indirect sunlight every day for a short time from the first days of life.

In order to avoid severe burns and heatstroke on the first day of rest, it is better to take into account the time allotted for safe tanning and protect not only the skin, but also the hair and eyes. If you go to the beach to sunbathe in the sun, be sure to put a hat, cape, towel, sunscreen and anti-burn product in your bag. Your compliance with precautions determines what impression you will have after relaxing on the beach.

With the arrival of summer, many girls carefully prepare for beach season: choosing swimsuits, going on diets, going to the gym…. There is not a girl in the world who would not like to use hot summer days and the sun's rays in your favor: at the end of the season, appear in front of everyone full of strength and with chocolate skin. However, the issue of tanning should be approached with the utmost caution and, at the very beginning of preparation for the beach season, study the question of how and at what time it is better to sunbathe in the sun.

Ultraviolet: benefits and harms

Ultraviolet rays in moderate doses carry great benefit for the body that is hungry for them during the winter cold. Sunbathing in the sun improves your immunity. Ultraviolet light helps speed up metabolism, which in turn helps the body quickly absorb beneficial micro- and macroelements. It has been proven that ultraviolet light will help cope with even some mental disorders, for example, with depression. It promotes the production of endorphins and fights serotonin (the hormone that causes feelings of sadness).

However, not everything is so rosy. It’s easy to overdo it with tanning and instead of boosting immunity and beautiful color skin, you can get burns and even develop cancer. So, if with moderate sunbathing you trigger positive processes in the body, with an excess of ultraviolet A- and B-rays emitted by the sun and able to reach the ground, penetrate deep into the skin and damage it from the inside, causing burns and even premature aging. There is an opinion among scientists that one season of intense time spent on the beach ages the skin by 6 months.

If you sunbathe every season and by the end of August you look like a resident of the tropics, then there is a high probability that your skin will begin to age 5-7 years earlier than that of people who prefer to avoid the sun.

Unfortunately, not all people can sunbathe. So, for example, people with heart disease, cancer, or tuberculosis need to sunbathe in very small doses and only after receiving a doctor’s approval for this. This category also includes people with big amount so-called nevi (commonly known as moles). Sun rays can have a detrimental effect on some types of moles, as a result of which they can degenerate, which can later lead to cancer.

Prolonged sun exposure should also be avoided by people who have recently finished taking antibiotics or who have just completed chemotherapy.

Pregnant girls should treat ultraviolet radiation with extreme caution, because long exposure to the sun can change hormonal background body, as a result of which the girl may develop age spots. Also, ultraviolet radiation can have a detrimental effect on the baby’s health.

Ideal tan: how and when to tan correctly?

So how long can you sunbathe? Firstly, it is worth saying that you need to gradually increase your time spent in the sun. Start literally with 10-15 minutes and gradually increase your time in the sun to 40 minutes - 1 hour. Yes, perhaps in the first few days with such a moderate amount of time in the sun, you will hardly tan, but then the tan will lie evenly and be more durable. Don't rush to get a tan on the first day of your vacation. Along with the desired bronze tan, you can end up with a bunch of health problems. It is recommended to sunbathe no more than 2 hours a day with breaks to rest in the shade or swim.

The opinions of many scientists differ regarding the question of what hours you can sunbathe in the sun and how long you can sunbathe in the sun, however, there are general rules.

So what is the best time to sunbathe? It is necessary to take into account the time and take sunbathing during periods of not the highest solar activity. The morning hours (from about 9 to 11 a.m.) and evening time(from 16 to 19 hours). The midday sun is considered the most dangerous and sunbathing in it (especially for people with fair skin) is highly discouraged. What time is the best time to sunbathe? It is best to sunbathe at 10-11 o'clock in the morning, so you will gain strength for the whole day and do not overdo it with ultraviolet radiation.

Rules for a perfect tan: tan quickly and safely

If you still want to quickly acquire a chocolate skin tone, then you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Use special tanning activators. Choose products with a sun protection factor, so you will achieve two goals at once: quickly get a bronze tan and do not harm your skin.
  2. Don’t forget about other skin cosmetics: sunscreens, natural peelings and scrubs... Prepare your skin for tanning correctly! Do not neglect protective cream even in the shade.
  3. Remember that sunbathing in water is harmful. Water only increases the intensity of the tan, but you will burn much faster. Remember to reapply sunscreen after every swim.
  4. Determine your skin type and, according to the result obtained, apply creams and determine perfect time for Tan.
  5. Never sleep on the beach. So you risk getting not only sunburn, but also heatstroke.
  6. Remember not only your skin, but also your hair: buy a special panama/hat, and also use moisturizers for your hair so that the sun does not dry it out.
  7. Drink plenty of fluids. Tea, coffee and juices don't count!
  8. Take care not only of yourself, but also of your loved ones. Make sure your family doesn't overdo it with sunbathing. Pay attention Special attention children, because their skin is hypersensitive and very susceptible to damage and burns.

The sun is an excellent source of health and good mood. Sunbathing strengthens the body and makes us happy. However, in order to enjoy the sun for a truly long time, do not forget about the rules of an ideal tan.

The bright and hot southern sun pushes millions of people to act rashly, especially on the beach. Many people do not know when is the best time to sunbathe, and prolonged exposure to the sun is very harmful to any skin. After all, lying motionless on the beach for hours, you get a tan, which negatively affects your body as a whole. Excessive sunbathing leads to painful burns, pigmentation, and can also cause cancer skin. Therefore, it is very important to use moderation when trying to get a beautiful chocolate tan.

So, what are the best times to sunbathe? It's best to do this in the morning. At this time of day, the earth and air were not yet hot enough. In some southern countries this is from 7 to 10 o'clock in the morning, at middle lane from 8 to 11, in the north - from 8 to 12. In the evening best time- this is from 16 to 19. In addition, it is advisable to sunbathe outside the city. There is less smog, which can distort the spectrum of sunlight.

What's the best way to tan at sea?

Doctors advise sunbathing 30-40 minutes after eating. It is not recommended to sunbathe on an empty stomach or before meals. On the beach, you should hide your head under an umbrella or a light wide-brimmed hat. Do not tie your hair with a scarf, towel or wear a rubber bathing cap. Don't forget about sunglasses.

For a beautiful and even tan, the correct positioning of the body is necessary. Lie with your feet facing the sun and remember to roll over from one side to the other more often. Don't sleep on the beach: it's so easy to get Wash sweat from your body, because the sun damages wet skin more.

Be sure to use protective equipment. On the one hand, they protect your skin from, and on the other hand, they promote a quick and deep tan.

The best time to get a tan is morning and evening. When is the best time to sunbathe, of course, it’s up to you to decide. You choose the time that is most comfortable for you. But it is necessary to remember that you should not stay in the sun for a long time. Sunbathing must be dosed. Start with 5-10 minutes on the beach, then gradually increase the time. But no more than 2-3 hours.

When is the best time to sunbathe? What time of year is best for this?

Of course, it is not necessary to fly to distant countries, because there is plenty of sun and hometown. For many, three months of summer are not enough, and they prefer to fly to hot countries in winter. But what about the rest of the year? Many have found a solution for themselves - a solarium. But even in order to get a beautiful shade in a solarium, you need to remember some features of tanning depending on the time of year.

Winter. There is little choice here. Or fly to hot countries, or go to the solarium. In winter, we really lack vitamin D. This causes increased fatigue and poor health. By taking sunbathing, you will not only get a beautiful tan, but also improve the functioning of your entire body. endocrine system, strengthen the metabolic processes in the body and get a wonderful mood!

Spring. When is the best time to sunbathe in spring? In May. This month is one of the best months of the year for getting a tan. If the weather is good, treat yourself - go to a pond and enjoy the warm rays of the sun. In April, of course, you will have to visit the solarium.

Summer. This is the best time of year for tanning. Just don't go too hard! Remember that you should not chase a tan at the expense of your own health. Sunbathe only at the prescribed hours.

Autumn. September is one of best months For family vacation on the sea. At this time, the sun is more gentle compared to the hot summer months, and is great for children's delicate skin. Many people visit the solarium to preserve the southern tan they brought for longer. And also to get a boost of vitamin D and Have a good mood during this cloudy and rainy season.

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