Home Beneficial properties of fruits What is Linux server most often used for? Choosing OS for a home server. Calculate Linux is fast and based on Gentoo

What is Linux server most often used for? Choosing OS for a home server. Calculate Linux is fast and based on Gentoo

November 29, 2010


I'll try to be brief. Linux- free, accessible, reliable operating system. Linux used for many purposes, ranging from mobile phones, ending with servers. Since on this moment I'm touching on the topic Linux server, I’ll explain why Linux deserves our attention, using real working examples!!!

Linux Windows

Linux Windows ? No need to rack your brains! All is decided! Linux server - will save money, nerves and time.

And to convince you of this, I’ll give you a couple of facts:

  • Price Windows server but it will cost, to put it mildly, a pretty penny, and if you are not strong in servers, then God himself ordered to install Linux server, and with the money saved from buying Windows you can easily hire a professional. Without going into the cost, I will say this: one Windows server without installation will cost you the cost of calling from 6 to 11 adjusters.
  • There is no need to look for a Linux server distribution in stores; you can simply download it on the Internet on official websites.
  • WITH Linux server you will forget about reboots without being distracted from important matters.
  • If you want to set up your Linux yourself, I advise you to go to www..

Well, the phrase Linux Windows is still spinning in my head. Then here's something else for you:

  • Linux is not so demanding on hardware characteristics. Whatever you say, the graphical interface will take its toll.
  • Linux usually comes with its own set of drivers and is suitable for almost any hardware configuration.
  • Additional Linux software packages are either already installed on your system or will be automatically downloaded from the Internet.
  • You will install additional programs as free as Linux itself.
  • For those who like to install without a license, especially in organizations. Don’t be surprised by a fine of 500 thousand rubles for just one Windows server. ( fine amount current as of 2010.11.29)

I hope that the Linux Windows issue has already disappeared for you, then let's move on.

Linux Server

A Linux server is fundamentally no different from any other server with the same type of function. I’ll get straight to the point and tell you which servers can be easily implemented:

File server is a server for storing files, simple and clear how additional features This is management of downloads to the server, access, load, as well as users. Set this up Linux server You can, for example, according to the article Installing FreeNAS in Russian.

Linux for server

There is a lot of debate about which Linux distribution to choose. Actually the answer is the same. The one in which it is easier for you to work. And if you have not yet had time to get acquainted with Linux, then choose one that has a description, or better yet, a clear one instructions from installation to launch .

  • If you understand and difficulty is your middle name, your choice is FreeBSD
  • If you are one of those who have been spinning a thought in your head Linux Windows , You will like CentOS, Fedora more, and someone, even for the sake of experiment, will want to leave the graphical interface, your right :)))
  • If you think that a graphical solution is unnecessary for the server. Ubuntu server is not only understandable, but also very popular, you will find not only a user manual and an article on how to create it Ideal server - Ubuntu 10.10

Oh Lord, I have sinned. FreeBSD is not Linux, but those who have already worked with FreeBSD will understand me :)))

Linux server download

Having decided on the Linux operating system, all we have to do is download Linux server using all the methods known to us for this. First, let's visit the official website of this operating system, from where we will not just download it, but also find out exactly the latest version.

You can download the Linux server on the official website, but if your speed allows you to download faster than the website allows, I advise you to contact rutracker.org. You are not only download Linux server faster, but you will also help others by remaining on the distribution :)))

Linux Server Installation

If you have reached this point, then you must assume that you yourself want install Linux server , or you have prepared the system for further remote system configuration. No matter how it was. I won’t make a fuss of writing and will answer directly. Linux Server Installation in most cases, an individual approach, and depends on his role. During the installation process, you will usually be asked to select the main components (programs) to continue with the installation.

Linux Server Installation not a complicated process comparable to installing Windows. The only difference from simply installing a personal computer is that when installing a Linux server, the main thing is setting up the network, so before disconnecting the monitor from our server, let’s make sure that the server is accessible from the network at one unchanging address, it is advisable to use a static IP address.

You are having difficulties installing Linux, a search on the Internet will open hundreds of pages for your request, and it’s better not even to read but to look, You Tube our savior :)))

Setting up a Linux server

And now it’s the finish line! As mentioned above, it is better to call a specialist than to waste precious time, but I don’t think that by starting server on your own in your home, you will want to hire a professional. You just have to be patient and scour the entire Internet or visit the website what is the server for?, so that in a couple of minutes we can find the material we need and get to work setting up a Linux server .

Setting up a Linux server it's better to do it while sitting personal computer connected by network to our server. The SSH protocol is used for communication. It is mainly used for remote control, but not everyone knows that with its help you can manage files not only on the server itself, but also transfer files from a connected computer directly to the server. To begin with, the control program itself from under Windows:

PuTTY- a simple, small program, but with truly powerful capabilities for setting up a Linux server, it will become your only friend, at least for the first installation of the system :)))

All about choosing a hosting. discussion of hosting and servers, as well as their choice, reviews of hosters, discussion of hosting tariffs.

Updated: September 16, 2014 Views: 35759

1. What trends in the development of server operating systems could you note in 2015–2016?

Vitaly Chesnokov, QSOFT
Server OSes have always strived and strive for stability, speed, fault tolerance, uninterrupted operation when maintenance and ease of deployment and administration.

In recent years, the number of servers running on the *nix OS family has been growing. This is due to their high stability and speed of operation. Over time, Linux becomes more and more convenient to use. In addition, there are distributions that have official support from the manufacturer and are aimed at enterprise-level companies. In this situation, it is not surprising that even products such as MS SQL and .NET are receiving Linux support. In the next few years, full support for Linux applications in the Microsoft OS family is expected. Since support will be implemented by broadcasting system calls from Linux kernels into the Windows kernel, applications running this way are not expected to experience any performance degradation.

Also, over time, the uninterrupted operation of server operating systems has greatly increased. For example, not long ago it became possible to reboot and update drivers without rebooting the system. It has even gotten to the point where it is possible to completely update a modern Linux distribution (including the kernel), almost unnoticed by the end user.

Nikolay Apurin, Artwell
Increasing the number of Linux servers.

Nikolay Fetyukhin,MST
Mainly supporting and extending virtualization and clustering. The main modern trend is the rapid deployment of components and systems from prepared images to virtual machines. Also improved cluster management tools and remote control of other machines.

Petr Urvaev, SimbirSoft
Big changes did not happen, and Linux and Windows are still used as server operating systems (of course, in their latest versions and builds).

Evgeniy Gusev ITECH
Firstly, containerization is a revolutionary resource management concept that took root in the industry overnight, but is still only revealing its potential. Undoubtedly, many interesting things still await us.

Secondly, clustering, focus on cloud computing. In part it echoes the previous point, in part it is an independent trend. CoreOS, Openstack, Microsoft Azure - prominent representatives of the present and near future of server computing.

2. How do you assess the extent of distribution and quality of domestic server OS?

Vitaly Chesnokov, QSOFT
Despite small degree distribution, the number of domestic operating systems based on Linux is growing steadily. These operating systems are mainly used in the government sector and the defense industry. It's safe to say that domestic operating systems have received all the advantages of Linux. In addition, they are mostly certified by FSTEC. We can predict a rapid growth in their popularity.

Nikolay Apurin, Artwell
They exist - this is definitely a plus. Of course, this is not a mass industrial solution (there are no domestic operating systems that have been installed by more than 100,000,000 people), but they perform their task of protecting information perfectly.

Nikolay Fetyukhin,MST
Domestic operating systems are mainly specialized for certain industries and the army. Good example- AstroLinux and WSWS, but they lag behind the main repositories, so they are rarely used widely in non-specialized projects

Petr Urvaev, SimbirSoft
Domestic server operating systems are niche products developed on the basis of Linux. They do not provide additional functionality compared to their global counterparts and are therefore little used in commercial development. Domestic server operating systems are used mainly in the public sector and the defense industry, where complete control over all stages of development of the software used is more important than commercial profitability.

Evgeniy Gusev ITECH
In the niche that is reserved for them - mostly highly specialized operating systems - they are common and cope with the tasks. Like OS general purpose It is difficult for them to compete with free, more widespread and better documented analogues.

3. What factors influence the choice of server OS?

Vitaly Chesnokov, QSOFT
Each OS has its own advantages and disadvantages; in addition, there are some highly specialized OSs tailored for the operation of certain services. The main factors influencing the choice of an OS will be: price, availability of support from the OS manufacturer, support for the software required for the project, complexity of the initial setup, complexity of administration and project tasks. In general, any of the server OS provides stability, speed and high fault tolerance in operation, so the choice is usually made based on the above points.

Nikolay Apurin, Artwell
First of all, it is necessary to understand what information will be processed, determine the required degree of its protection and the requirements for the OS information system, which will process the information.

Nikolay Fetyukhin,MST
First of all - the development platform, then - support, security and convenience. We deploy our .NET projects on Windows Server 2012 R2. For mobile application servers (Python, Django), virtual machines running Debian are most often used. Virtual machines are deployed on Hyper-V on Windows Server.

Petr Urvaev, SimbirSoft
Easy to use and configure, support for the selected OS technologies used in the project. This is especially true for software from Microsoft, some versions of which may not work on Linux.

4. What reasons can lead to the transition to a new server OS? What difficulties may arise in the process and how can they be overcome?

Vitaly Chesnokov, QSOFT
If properly configured, a server OS can work uninterruptedly for years in a static project. Typically, the reasons for switching are either vulnerabilities that cannot be fixed without updating, or fast development project, the need to use new software and scale.

When migrating to a new OS, administrators often encounter compatibility issues, although Lately such problems are given great attention from server OS and software developers. As practice shows, the transition can be carried out in any case, but this may require certain resources on the part of both administrators and programmers of the project. Naturally, such risks are reduced with competent, continuous administration and development.

Nikolay Fetyukhin,MST
Increased productivity, development platform requirements, more convenient management and monitoring tools. Difficulties most often arise in backward compatibility. Linux servers are especially prone to this problem. To overcome difficulties, it is better to clearly plan the transition in advance so that development can test and adapt applications to the new environment and use test machines.

Petr Urvaev, SimbirSoft
The reason for switching to a new server OS may be the end of support for the operating system you are using or the transition to new software that is incompatible with the current OS. At the same time, the transition to a new version of the OS is relatively painless, but difficulties arise when moving from one OS to another (for example, from Windows to Linux).

Evgeniy Gusev ITECH
Compliance with the intended tasks, level of support and size of the community, licensing policy and degree of integration into the existing company infrastructure.

The first acquaintance with any new system begins with its installation. Despite the fact that this topic is quite hackneyed and only lazy people did not write about it, without a description of the installation process our cycle for beginners will be incomplete. We will try to not only tell you how to install the system, but also why we choose certain settings and what they affect. We will also consider installing the server version of Ubuntu, since our cycle is intended specifically for novice administrators, so that they can eliminate knowledge gaps and consciously approach the perception of the rest of our materials.

Since the main system for our solutions is Ubuntu Server, we will install it. The latest release can always be obtained from the page: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server. We strongly recommend using only LTS versions, as they are the most stable and have a long support period. Regular versions, as a rule, are testing grounds for new technologies and can be unstable, not to mention the fact that a support period of 9 months is absolutely unacceptable for working server systems.

The first thing you will see when booting from the installation media is the language selection menu:

Its choice determines not only what language the installer and the system will communicate with you in, but also what locales will be generated. The set of locales affects not only how characters from national alphabets will be displayed, but also the operation of some programs and services that are critical to regional settings, for example, 1C Server.

After which the system, already in the language you have chosen, will offer to proceed with the installation and indicate the country it offers, based on the selected language.

Automatic layout detection should be abandoned:

And select the required layout from the list; in most cases, it is enough to agree with the choice of system:

Then you should specify the key combination to switch it. We strongly discourage, unless it is your personal system, specifying anything other than the default Alt+Shift. Because it is extremely unpleasant, finding yourself in an unfamiliar system, to guess which particular combination was chosen by the administrator who installed it.

The next step is that the system will try to get network settings, since most networks have a DHCP server, then at this stage the system will configure the network and gain access to the Internet.

If for some reason you cannot automatically obtain network settings, you can specify them manually or skip this step. We, exclusively with educational purpose, select the item Skip network setup for now.

After this, you will need to specify the system name and user name. Please remember that in Ubuntu Account root is disabled and the user created at this stage receives the authority to elevate his rights to superuser using the command sudo. See our article for more details:. Also, do not forget that Linux is a case-sensitive system, so it is good practice to use only lowercase, including in usernames.

You should also refuse the offer to encrypt your home directory.

Then enter your current time zone. This setting should be approached responsibly, since an incorrectly set time zone can lead to incorrect operation of a number of services or lead to the appearance of unreliable information in applications, for example, in a calendar or task scheduler, especially if the data is used by users located in other time zones. In this case, it is important to choose your own time zone, and not the corresponding offset from GMT. This is necessary so that if the time zones in your country change, the system will correctly apply the updates.

In Russian realities, it may happen that the distribution was released before the time zone changes were made, and the current zone is not in the list, which is what we see in the figure above. In this case, you should select the zone that was before the clock change and, after installing and updating the system, use the recommendations from our article:

After setting the time, we move on to the most important stage - setting up the disk. The system offers several options, including automatic marking. In most cases, we choose this item. If we talk about a single disk, then we see no point in splitting it into partitions, with the exception of desktop systems, where it is worth putting it on a separate partition /home.

In loaded systems, it makes sense to remove sections with data, for example, /var/www or /opt/zimbra, to separate disk arrays. If you want to install the system on software RAID, then refer to the article:. In other cases, feel free to choose automatic partitioning without LVM, in this case a swap partition will be created on the disk ( swap) in GB units and the root partition on the remaining space.

Another important question- installation of updates. On the one hand, updates allow you to timely close vulnerabilities and keep the system in good working order. current state, on the other hand, an uncontrolled update is quite capable of leading to serious failures. What to do is up to you. We prefer to install updates manually on critical systems, after testing them on a specially dedicated system, but if you are setting up a router, then updates can be enabled.

After installing the system base, the installer will prompt you to select software sets for installation. You can select the necessary roles at this stage and get a system ready for configuration. Is this bad, especially for a novice administrator? Badly! And here's why: with this approach, the system remains a “black box” for the administrator; there is no idea about the purpose of individual packages, their role and impact on the system as a whole. Therefore, we recommend that you reject the suggested options and install the required packages manually. This will help you gain a deeper understanding of the system and the interactions between its components. And when you begin to feel like a fish in water in the Linux environment, you will decide for yourself whether you need to install the software automatically.

Therefore, we do not select anything and (by clicking Tab) go to point Continue.

While the system is being installed, you can quickly run and pour yourself a cup of coffee; even on not very powerful systems, this operation does not take much time.

At the end of this process, the installer will prompt you to install the bootloader; you should agree with this proposal, unless you are planning a system with some kind of “tricky” boot system:

After which you will be asked to reboot the system, the installation will be completed and you will have a full-fledged server operating system at your disposal.

So, the first login to the system, we would not have written about it if not for the reader response, which showed that many had difficulties at this point. So, on Linux systems, the process of entering a password is not visually displayed in any way; you just need to type the desired combination of characters and press Enter, although outwardly the system behaves as if nothing is happening. This behavior is inherited from UNIX systems and serves security purposes so that an attacker cannot find out the length of your password.

Once you've logged in, the first thing to do is set up your network. As you remember, we did not make any settings at the installation stage, so we do not have the opportunity to install additional packages and should get out of the situation with what is available. By default, the system has a text editor nano, it is not as convenient as the built-in editor mc, but you need to know how to use it, just in case of such situations.

First of all, let’s elevate our rights to superuser:

And open the configuration file with network settings in the editor:

Nano /etc/network/interfaces

And let's bring its contents to the following form:

Auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

First section auto lo specifies settings for the loopback interface and is already present in the file. The second section specifies the settings of the external network interface eth0 for working with a static address. The options are clear and do not require separate explanations; the addresses, of course, are taken solely as an example. If your server has several network adapters, then you should register a section for each of them.

Let's say we want to receive the settings of the second network adapter eth1 via DHCP, for this we will add a section:

Auto eth1
allow-hotplug eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

Let's talk a little about the options auto And auto-hotplug. The first specifies to initiate a connection at boot, and the second triggers the mechanism to monitor hot reconnection and initiate the acquisition of an address when this event occurs.

When you have finished editing the file, you should exit the editor by Ctrl+X, affirmative ( Y) by responding to the offer to write the file.

Then restart your computer:

If everything is done correctly, the system will have access to the network and the Internet. You can check this with the ping command:

Ping ya.ru

The execution of the command should be interrupted with the combination Ctrl + C, remember this combination, it will come in handy more than once.

You can view the settings of network interfaces with the command


Using the same command, you can find out which network cards the system sees and under what names; to do this, use the parameter HWaddr, which represents the MAC address of the network card.

Before proceeding with further configuration, the system should be updated; to do this, we will again raise the rights to superuser and update the list of packages with the command:

Apt-get update

Then update the system with the command:

Apt-get upgrade

We carefully study the output of the command, as we see, for some reason three packages are not updated, in in this case these are kernel packages. Therefore, we will try to update them manually. To do this, run the command:

Apt-get install linux-generic

Which will install a new kernel and dependency packages for it. After updating, it is also recommended to reboot the system.

After the reboot, install the administration tools: package ssh for remote access to the server and file manager mc, which greatly simplifies working with the system.

Apt-get install ssh mc

To start mc use a simple command:

if you want to run it with superuser rights.

Working with it is quite simple; those who have worked in DOS with Norton Commander or Volkov Commander managers should not experience any difficulties at all.

Navigation is carried out using arrows, switching between panels with a key Tab, and selecting with the key Insert. The main actions are indicated below, the numbers next to them indicate the number of the function key responsible for this action, for example, F4 - Edit, F8 - Delete, F10 - Exit. You can always collapse and then expand mc with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+O and access the console.

In the window that opens, use the arrows to navigate to the option Built-in editor and select it using the key Space. To confirm the settings and exit, press Further.

This will allow you to immediately use the built-in editor for editing configuration files, which is more convenient than nano.

In conclusion, we will check the possibility of remote connection; for this we will use a popular utility PuTTY(download). In the latest version, you just need to specify the IP address or domain name of the server:

However, just in case, check Window - Translation

The Linux operating system is most often used for servers. Linux was designed from the ground up for this, it has a secure architecture and is also freely licensed, which can save you a lot of money.

But there is great amount Linux distributions and you need to choose which one is best suited for your project. Each Linux distribution has its own characteristics and advantages, as well as disadvantages. In this article, we will look at the best Linux distributions for server.

You may already know some of them, but you will hear about others for the first time. The review took into account features such as ease of installation and use, price, availability of commercial support, reliability, and so on. Now let's move on to the list of the 10 best Linux distributions for the server.

First on our list is Ubuntu. This is a very popular Linux distribution based on Debian and developed by Canonical. In addition to the desktop version, there is a server version.

Ubuntu has a straightforward installer, is easy to use and configure, and has world-class commercial support from Canonical.

The latest release of Ubuntu 16.04, which took place in April 2016, has become even better. Now it supports OpenStack Mitaka support, and LXD container virtualization, as well as the unified Snappy package delivery system. In addition to servers, Ubuntu is designed to work with new technologies such as containers, mobile devices and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Nowadays, Ubuntu is most often used to run web servers among all other distributions. The latest release of Ubuntu is marked LTS, which means it has a long support period. This operating system will receive updates for five years.

2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux

The history of Red Hat began as a small company to create a commercial distribution. Now it is a powerful server operating system that plays a significant role in the development of open source software, even more so than Canonical.

Developers from Red Hat are actively involved in the development of open source software, they even have their own infrastructure for creating web applications based on Red Hat Linux - OpenShift.

The Red Hat Linux distribution is used by large companies around the world, contains the latest, but already quite proven technologies, and provides support and updates for versions of its distributions for ten years.

Red Hat Entrprice Linux is based on the Fedora distribution, developed by the community and sponsored by Red Hat. Fedora is updated more frequently than RHEL and serves as a testing ground for new features and technologies that will later be included in Red Hat. But there is no such stability and commercial support as in Red Hat.

At the moment, the latest version of Red Hat Enterprice Linux 7, which has been developed since 2010 and was released in June 2014. The main improvements are scalability for enterprises, new file system, which can scale up to 500 terabytes, as well as support for Docker virtualization technology. The last corrective release of Red Hat Enterprse Linux 7.2 took place in November 2015.

3. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) is developed by Novell. It is a stable, fast and easy-to-use Linux distribution, with fast 24/7 technical support.

Just as Red Hat Enterprise is based on Fedora, SUSE Linux is based on the free OpenSUSE distribution. The developers focus on stability, technical support over time, and distribution support for the latest technologies. If you have enough money to pay for support, this is best linux for the server.

The last major release of SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 (SLES 12) was released at the end of October 2014. These appeared here interesting opportunities, such as support for the Docker framework, a full-fledged version rollback system, hot kernel updates on the fly, as well as other software modules to improve the smooth operation and efficiency of the system. SLES 12 SP1, which was released in December 2015, added support for network configuration and JeOS.

4. CentOS

If you have a website hosted on any web hosting service, there are many chances that your web server is running on CentOS. It is a free system based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and it is not a completely commercial system, but you can count on commercial support.

Community Enterprise Operating System or CentOS is developed and maintained by the community. The code is based on Red Hat, but all trademarks of this system have been removed. We can say that this is the best Linux for a server.

In 2014, there were statements that CentOS would work with Red Hat to reduce the gap between the innovation-oriented Fedora distribution and the commercial CentOS distribution.

But CentOS will continue to provide the system for free to users. At the same time, this system remains supported by the community, and not by Red Hat. The latest version of CentOS 7.2 was released in December 2015 and is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2.

5. Debian

Debian is a free operating system and there is no commercial support. But you can use support certified centers Debian, which are available all over the world. The Debian project began in 1993 and is now based on a large number of distributions, the most famous of which are Ubuntu and Linux Mint.

Debian remains an excellent option for those who value stability in exchange for the latest technology. The last major stable release was Debian 8 Jessie, released in April 2015, which will continue to receive updates for five years.

With this version Debian switched to new system Systemd initialization, instead of the old SysV init, the kernel and software have also been updated - Apache, LibreOffice, Perl, Python, Xen Hypervisor, GNU Compiler Collection, GNOME desktop environment and Xfce. Last update Debian was in July 2016, version 8.5.

6. Oracle Linux

If you didn't know, Oracle releases its own Linux distribution - Oracle Linux. It is based on Red Hat and contains various improvements from Oracle.

Oracle Linux is a fairly strong competitor to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, since Oracle support is half the price of Red Hat support.

The distribution is optimized primarily for databases, so if you need databases, it is better to use this distribution.

The latest version of Oracle Linux 7.2 was released in November 2015 and is based on Red Hat Enterprise 7.2.


Mageia is an open source fork of the Mandriva Linux project, which was closed in 2011. Mageia 5 was released in 2015, and Mageia 6 is expected to be released in August-September 2016.

This distribution was developed in France and is popular in Europe and South America. The name Mandriva and the code base itself are taken from the Mandrake and Connectiva Linux distributions.

Mageia retains the strengths of Mandriva and continues to evolve with new features and capabilities. Mageia updates are released every 9 months and each release is supported for two cycles, 18 months.

8. ClearOS

ClearOS is an open source distribution based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS, developed by Intel. It can be used as a server, a network gateway, or an application platform.

Formerly known as ClarkConnect, ClearOS has become a great option for implementing a Linux server for small businesses. There is an excellent web interface for managing the system, as well as a lot of documentation. Therefore, this distribution will be an excellent option for beginners.

In addition to the commercial version, there is ClearOS Community Edition, as well as an inexpensive professional version, which has technical support and a whole series additional functions. The distribution is supported by the Clear Foundation, and there is also a store of applications, both paid and free, that can be used to expand the capabilities of the OS.

The latest major release of ClearOS became available for download in March 2015. The latest update to ClearOS 7.2 received home and business editions, improved virtualization support (including Microsoft HyperV), XFS and Btrfs support, a new dynamic dashboard, LVM caching support and IPv6 support .

9. Arch Linux

A simple, lightweight Arch Linux distribution designed for more experienced Linux users. There is no support and installation is not at all easy, unlike what other top linux server distros offer. But this does not mean that Arch Linux cannot be used as a server.

Like Gentoo, it uses a rolling release model, which means that the system will always be updated to the latest new version, no releases.

The Pacman package manager ensures software updates to latest versions, with dependency resolution. True, this method of updating can sometimes cause problems if not handled carefully.

10. Slackware

Although Slackware is not a commercial distribution, the developers maintain relationships with several companies that provide paid support.

This is one of the earliest Linux distributions. It was released in 1993 and has a lot of fans. Developers regularly release new versions; the latest Slackware 14.2 was released in July 2016.


Our review has come to an end, now you know which Linux distribution to choose for the server..04. It's possible that not all of the best distributions are listed here. Which linux is better servers in your opinion? Which one do you use? Write in the comments?

The Unix operating system (as the progenitor of Linux) was designed primarily for server tasks, so most GNU utilities are console-based (that is, they work only in the command line of a Linux terminal), because there is no need for a graphical shell on the server. However, over time, the functionality of server services in Linux has grown so much that constantly editing configuration files from command line has become difficult and therefore there are currently a huge number of graphical administration tools (usually implemented in the form of a WEB interface) that greatly simplify the life of system administrators.

A huge number of commercial solutions and products run on Linux server services and utilities. A Linux server can perform almost any server role. Briefly, I will try to talk about the main roles of Linux:

Linux File Server

Linux can quite easily act as a file server for both Windows and Linux users. The main service for this is the Samba package, which allows you to access network drives and printers using the protocol used in Windows networks. It has client and server parts. Is free software, released under the GPL license. Using Samba, it is possible to organize full file exchange between users with a clear distinction of access rights.

For more experienced system administrators I can say that the current version of the Samba server can act as a domain controller and Active Directory service (centralized management of computers and users running on the operating Windows system), is capable of serving all Microsoft-supported versions of Windows clients, including Windows 10. Previously, this was only possible with the expensive Microsoft Windows Server.

Database server

Almost all systems of any complexity and purpose cannot do without a database. It is no secret that almost all sites located on the Internet operate using a database that runs on the Linux platform (usually MySQL). Systems accounting(for example 1C), CRM, design systems and others all use databases. However, most previously written desktop applications (running on user computers) developed for Windows work using databases under this operating system. However, currently in Linux their number is simply huge, and the functionality is often not inferior to the most powerful competitors from Microsoft or Oracle. Majority known bases data in Linux have their own versions for Windows. Currently, even the Russian developer company 1C is actively developing and supporting versions of its products running under Linux. The most popular are the following databases:

MySQL - a free relational database management system that is a solution for small and medium-sized applications.

PostgreSQL- a free object-relational database management system. With the help of this database, big data processing systems are built, and often it is PostgreSQL that competes with Oracle DB.

Server Email

Like any other Linux server, it is very suitable for creating your own email server. Most of the free email services Google, Mail.ru, Yandex and others operate on Linux. Unlike the Windows platform (in which most functional servers are paid), Linux has a large number of different packages for running your own corporate or personal email service and they are provided for free. However, the popularity of Linux leads to the fact that most free solutions are modified, added to and sold for money. But this has its advantages - official support, constant updates, user-friendly interface administration and control (not everyone likes to work in the console).

Internet Server

This is a server that provides access to computers local network to the Internet. Such servers are often called (proxy servers) and they perform the following tasks:

  • Data caching: if there are frequent calls to the same external resources, then you can keep a copy of them on a proxy server and issue it upon request, thereby reducing the load on the channel to the external network and speeding up the receipt of the requested information.
  • Protecting your local network from external access: for example, you can configure a proxy server so that local computers will access external resources only through it, and external computers will not be able to access local ones at all (they “see” only the proxy server).
  • Restricting access from the local network to the external one: for example, you can deny access to certain websites, limit Internet use to some local users, set traffic or bandwidth quotas, filter ads and viruses.

Such servers are also very often deployed on Linux. The most common functional one is the Squid package. It is completely free, and its functionality when used in conjunction with Linux network services has a huge effect.

Telephone exchange (IP PBX - IP-PBX)

Communication and communications between employees are an integral part of almost any organization and, of course, communication is impossible without telephone communication. However, with the growth of technological solutions, the functionality and requirements for telephone communications have increased significantly. But afford expensive ones, functional systems Not everyone can afford it. It was the desire to get such a system that prompted the creators of the world's most popular telephone solution (Asterisk) to develop free analogue such a system in Linux.

Asterisk in combination with the necessary equipment, it has all the capabilities of a classic PBX, supports many VoIP protocols and provides rich call management functions, including:
Voice mail
Conference call
IVR (Interactive Voice Menu)
Call processing center (queuing calls and distributing them among subscribers using various algorithms)
Call Detail Record (detailed call record) and many other functions.

Thanks to the free license, Asterisk is actively developed and supported by thousands of people from all over the planet. Almost all “boxed” IP-PBXs run on Linux and Asterisk. This PBX works great on any low-budget systems, for example BananaPi :)

Asterisk on Banana Pi

Of course it's very small part How Linux can be a server, the possibilities are endless. Linux can be as simple as file server and as a node in a powerful computing cluster in some research center. Linux server is mostly a constructor for specialists and geeks, but its possibilities are almost limitless.

Linux is a server

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