Home Beneficial properties of fruits Server OS Linux. The best Linux distributions for the server. Installing programs on Linux Server

Server OS Linux. The best Linux distributions for the server. Installing programs on Linux Server

Clients often contact us with questions about choosing an OS for a server. That's why we decided to tell you about each popular OS separately to make your choice easier.

To begin with, it is worth noting that it is probably better to choose the OS with which you have already worked and are well versed in its settings. But there are still exceptions; sometimes you have to choose something new to improve your work and choose an OS that will match necessary requirements. So, let's begin…

FreeBSD– one of the oldest operating systems with a rich history. But every year the number of users of this system is decreasing, although it is considered one of the most reliable and safe operating systems. There are several reasons for the decline in popularity of this OS, the main one is one team of developers and not a large number of commercial software for FreeBSD. If you have a problem with FreeBSD, it will most likely remain unresolved.

On this moment version 10 of FreeBSD has been released, which successfully works on a variety of processor architectures and, in the hands of a master, makes it possible to fine tuning kernels. The advantages of FreeBSD include excellent implementation of working with memory, networking and I/O systems. Are you interested in the main differences between Linux and BSD? Read more in the article.

Windows Server (using the example of Windows Server 2008 R2) – the system is practical and has large stock productivity. The best solution for a file server or terminal, has a backup tool, which significantly increases reliability.

The main disadvantage is the demanding hardware. Windows Server 2008 R2 no longer supports 32-bit architecture, and in general it requires significantly more resources to operate than its counterparts. Important Feature, OS requires license purchase. It is worth not forgetting that a huge number of existing virus programs are targeted specifically at Windows.

In most cases, this product is used for “home” site testing, for connecting a remote desktop, or when using IIS and ASP.

HyperHost offers VDS. including free license for 180 days (trial period). For example, you can order a VDS server with Windows OS 2008, 2012, 2016. More details about these versions and their main differences in the article ““. We also offer detailed installation instructions. operating system from his iso image in VMmanager using Windows 10 as an example.

CentOSfree analogue Red Hat, which is quite popular. The number of users of this OS is huge, which allows you to quickly solve all problems and bugs that arise. The advantage is the presence of many forums where they can help you with questions about CentOS. Significant advantages of Centos also include the very convenient and fast package manager yum, but the disadvantage is the presence of not the latest versions of related software in standard package repositories (repositories) for Centos.

This OS supports almost all hosting control panels. About the pros and cons of this operating system in the article ““. If you work with this system, then you will definitely find our instructions for And .

Debianis a Linux distribution that has many fans and is actively developing. This OS is universal and is used on servers and ordinary work machines. Debian perfect solution for a server that must operate stably and uninterruptedly. Excessive conservatism of the OS - main drawback, since developers rarely delight with new releases.

About features and functionality Debian 9 in the article.

Users of the new Debian 7 “Wheezy” (desktop environments) get KDE 4.8.4 and GNOME 3.4 at their disposal. The new release contains a more modern LibreOffice 3.5.4. The standard assembly contains codecs MP3, MPEG-4, AAC, etc. The clean and licensed open source OS is winning new Debian fans. All the benefits of Debian are described in more detail.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux– one of the most popular and in demand OS. The system is mainly intended for corporate use, and is particularly reliable and secure. Proof of this is that this OS will be used to deploy important applications on world exchanges, in financial institutions, leading telecommunications companies, animation studios, etc. The main disadvantage is that the OS is paid. main feature– there is commercial support for the distribution. The frequency of release of new versions is 3 years.

– widely used by many users, since the OS lightweight and easy to set up. There is an opinion that with installing Ubuntu Even a schoolboy can cope. If your budget is limited, you don’t expect large loads on the server and you don’t have time to read documentation in search of information, then feel free to choose this OS. Ubuntu – OS description: current versions, pros, cons. More details in the next one.

Ubuntu is often chosen by those who need new and latest versions kernel and applications, but it is worth noting that the newest does not always work without problems or better. However, the distribution is very similar to Debian, due to the fact that it was originally and still is based on and uses a large amount of Debian OS code and utilities. ?

What should you choose? Many developers advise choosing Ubuntu. After all, there are the most manuals, forums, blogs, etc. on it. A significant advantage: it is most often used on desktops. All this simplifies working with the server: it is easier to find material if necessary and configure everything yourself. In principle, Debian is very similar to Ubuntu. CentOS is considered a more outdated option, but is also in good demand. But in terms of performance, they are all at the same level: this is the Linux family.

Choosing between Windows and Linux? Read more about all the differences between these operating systems.

There is no universal and best OS. It's all about practice if you have already worked with a certain OS, then continue to work with it. At the same time, technical support Hyper Host™ can work with any operating systems and distributions. You can rest assured that we will always help you if necessary and will set up the OS completely free of charge. When ordering from HyperHost, free administration is included as a gift, so you don’t have to worry about the uninterrupted operation of your virtual dedicated server.

To easily work with servers, special control panels are used; read more about the types and advantages of each panel.

In addition to the operating systems described above, there are many more types of them. For example, Linux-based distributions have been developed that are also popular, but less in demand. Read more about these distributions.

Hyper Host™ wishes you a pleasant work!

39551 times 7 Viewed times today

November 29, 2010


I'll try to be brief. Linux- free, accessible, reliable operating system. Linux They are used for many purposes, from mobile phones to servers. Since at the moment I am touching on the topic Linux server, I’ll explain why Linux deserves our attention, using real working examples!!!

Linux Windows

Linux Windows ? No need to rack your brains! All is decided! Linux server - will save money, nerves and time.

And to convince you of this, I’ll give you a couple of facts:

  • The cost of a Windows server will cost, to put it mildly, a pretty penny, and if you are not strong in servers, then God himself ordered you to install Linux server, and with the money saved from buying Windows you can easily hire a professional. Without going into the cost, I will say this: one Windows server without installation will cost you the cost of calling from 6 to 11 adjusters.
  • There is no need to look for a Linux server distribution in stores; you can simply download it on the Internet on official websites.
  • WITH Linux server you will forget about reboots without being distracted from important matters.
  • If you want to set up your Linux yourself, I advise you to go to www..

Well, the phrase Linux Windows is still spinning in my head. Then here's something else for you:

  • Linux is not so demanding on hardware characteristics. Whatever you say, the graphical interface will take its toll.
  • Linux usually comes with its own set of drivers and is suitable for almost any hardware configuration.
  • Additional Linux software packages are either already installed on your system or will be automatically downloaded from the Internet.
  • You will install additional programs as free as Linux itself.
  • For those who like to install without a license, especially in organizations. Don’t be surprised by a fine of 500 thousand rubles for just one Windows server. ( fine amount current as of 2010.11.29)

I hope that the Linux Windows issue has already disappeared for you, then let's move on.

Linux Server

A Linux server is fundamentally no different from any other server with the same type of function. I’ll get straight to the point and tell you which servers can be easily implemented:

File server is a server for storing files, simple and clear how additional features This is management of downloads to the server, access, load, as well as users. Set this up Linux server You can, for example, according to the article Installing FreeNAS in Russian.

Linux for server

There is a lot of debate about which Linux distribution to choose. Actually the answer is the same. The one in which it is easier for you to work. And if you have not yet had time to get acquainted with Linux, then choose one that has a description, or better yet, a clear one instructions from installation to launch .

  • If you understand and difficulty is your middle name, your choice is FreeBSD
  • If you are one of those who have been spinning a thought in your head Linux Windows , You will like CentOS, Fedora more, and someone, even for the sake of experiment, will want to leave the graphical interface, your right :)))
  • If you think that a graphical solution is unnecessary for the server. Ubuntu server is not only understandable, but also very popular, you will find not only a user manual and an article on how to create it Ideal server - Ubuntu 10.10

Oh Lord, I have sinned. FreeBSD is not Linux, but those who have already worked with FreeBSD will understand me :)))

Linux server download

Having decided on the Linux operating system, all we have to do is download Linux server using all the methods known to us for this. First, let's visit the official website of this operating system, from where we will not just download it, but also find out exactly the latest version.

You can download the Linux server on the official website, but if your speed allows you to download faster than the website allows, I advise you to contact rutracker.org. You are not only download Linux server faster, but you will also help others by remaining on the distribution :)))

Installation Linux servers

If you have reached this point, then you must assume that you yourself want install Linux server , or you have prepared the system for further remote system configuration. No matter how it was. I won’t make a fuss of writing and will answer directly. Linux Server Installation in most cases, an individual approach, and depends on his role. During the installation process, you will usually be asked to select the main components (programs) to continue with the installation.

Linux Server Installation not a complicated process comparable to installing Windows. The only difference from simply installing a personal computer is that when installing a Linux server, the main thing is setting up the network, so before disconnecting the monitor from our server, let’s make sure that the server is accessible from the network at one unchanging address, it is advisable to use a static IP address.

Are you having difficulty with Linux installation, a search on the Internet will reveal hundreds of pages for your request, and it’s better not even to read, but to watch, You Tube our savior :)))

Setting up a Linux server

And now it’s the finish line! As mentioned above, it is better to call a specialist than to waste precious time, but I don’t think that by starting server on your own in your home, you will want to hire a professional. You just have to be patient and scour the entire Internet or visit the website what is the server for?, so that in a couple of minutes we can find the material we need and get to work setting up a Linux server .

Setting up a Linux server It’s better to do it while sitting at a personal computer connected by a network to our server. The SSH protocol is used for communication. It is mainly used for remote control, but not everyone knows that with its help you can manage files not only on the server itself, but also transfer files from a connected computer directly to the server. To begin with, the control program itself from under Windows:

PuTTY- a simple, small program, but with truly powerful capabilities for setting up a Linux server, it will become your only friend, at least for the first installation of the system :)))

All about choosing a hosting. discussion of hosting and servers, as well as their choice, reviews of hosters, discussion of hosting tariffs.

Updated: September 16, 2014 Views: 35759

As is clear from the name itself, it is the main shell for the connecting link between the central software or hardware-software part of a local or global network and child client terminals. The understanding of this term has a broader interpretation, so it is worth dwelling on some theoretical and practical issues. By at least, you need to find out the purpose of the server operating system, as well as some aspects of its installation and use in practice. Users who believe that this question belongs exclusively to the prerogative system administrators, it’s worth giving a little advice right away: don’t be alarmed, you can install and configure it yourself. These processes are not as complicated as they might seem at first glance. But first, you should take into account some theoretical information.

Server operating system: what is it?

Let's start with the very essence of this software. Actually, operating systems of this type are used exclusively in local or virtual networks, when there is a certain number of child terminals there.

The server room can be installed in two ways, but it has one functional purpose - to ensure operation common applications in the network and interaction of connected terminals with each other. Respectively, we're talking about about user groups that have access rights to a particular tool, resource or document.

Features of building server operating systems

In terms of installing a server-type OS, you should take into account the scheme of connecting computers into a single network. This is the so-called network topology.

The optimal option is the “star” scheme and derivatives based on it. Here, thick technology can be used and when the installation of the server operating system will be carried out exclusively on the central computer, which ensures the operation of all other machines and the corresponding software when loading the OS over the network, or there is a partial installation of child OS components on network terminals. That's not the point.

The main and most basic purpose of the server operating system is precisely to ensure maximum performance of all machines on the network and installed software, plus full control in terms of administering local terminals and the entire network as a whole.

Even using modern online games requires installing the OS on a central server. Many may disagree with this statement, believing that you can go to the game website from your home terminal and use all the features. This is wrong. The fact is that the home computer is still connected to the game server, and the load in terms of using the computing capabilities of the local computer falls only partially on it (the main operations are still performed on the central server, and game client may be partially loaded on the machine from which the access attempt is made).

Conditional rating

The ratings of server operating systems below should not be considered absolutely accurate. The problem is that some operating systems are already outdated and are used very infrequently, others are difficult to configure. In general, there are a huge number of criteria according to which the priorities in the list can easily be changed

However, among all existing operating systems the most popular are the following:

  • Free BSD.
  • Windows Server (NT-based families of Windows server operating systems, 2003, 2008 R2, 2012 and higher).
  • CentOS.
  • Debian.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  • Ubuntu Server.
  • Gentoo.
  • Fedora.
  • OS X Server.
  • OpebBSD.
  • Solaris.
  • HP-UX;.
  • AIX (IBM).
  • Netware (Novel).

It goes without saying that the first and last places are not established here, but only a list of the most popular server systems is given. Below, some of them will be discussed in a brief description of their capabilities, advantages and disadvantages.

Free BSD

Although this OS is a fairly popular system, it is nevertheless hopelessly outdated and losing global ratings in terms of use and performance.

The most the main problem is that too little has been developed for this OS software products in the form of commercial applications that could operate on its platform. But an undoubted advantage is the ability to fine-tune the kernel and the availability of fairly powerful tools for working with memory, not to mention the input/output system.


This server operating system is almost a complete analogue of Red Hat, but has expanded capabilities in terms of support.

Its advantage is that the system has a fairly fast package manager, as well as almost all hosting control panels.


This system is one of the branches of Linux. It is this OS that has become very widespread due to its versatility.

She is considered to be the most stable of all existing systems and in the installation package, along with KDE and GNOME, it also contains the office distribution kit LibreOffice. In addition, when installing this OS, you do not need to worry about installing additional audio and video codecs and decoders, since they are included in the package itself.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

You can't deny the popularity of this system. It can be used as a reliable corporate OS with all the ensuing consequences.

It is not surprising that even the majority of the world's exchanges use this particular system to organize the work of their applications. Here we can also mention financial structures, telecommunications companies, and animation studios. The only negative with all the advantages is the fairly high cost.


Another variety of Linux (or rather, UNIX-like systems), which has firmly established itself in the ranking.

Although its use is mostly associated with home computers, it is believed that this OS is best suited for installing a home server (if the user has limited financial resources). In principle, this system is very similar to Debian, however, unlike its ancestor, in this system the source code has been slightly reworked.


Before us is another modification of Linux. This platform is interesting because it is based on the GNU license.

There are no problems with stability. But, as noted by many experts, the system suffers a little in terms of security. Even if LAMP is used, security holes are found in the system.


Solaris is considered to be one of the most powerful server operating systems ever developed.

What can I say? One has only to look at its capabilities. This OS supports about 576 GB of physical RAM, about 4 billion network connections, can support one million simultaneously running services and processes, and also has an open network environment. And that's not all...


This system, according to most experts, is the most secure. Perhaps its operating speed is not as high as that of other modifications of Linux or UNIX, but if you learn how to use it, many will find it a very interesting solution, even in comparison with the most popular Windows systems.

Installation looks a little complicated, use and configuration too. But provided that the user is at least somewhat familiar with operating systems of this type, using the command line should not be particularly difficult.

Windows Server (2008 R2)

Finally, let's look at Windows server operating systems. Oddly enough, despite the popularity of desktop versions, these solutions are not particularly widespread in the world. The most basic problem is that Windows server operating systems, starting with the NT modification, do not have the necessary security features.

And this is recognized by all specialists in the field of administering systems of this type. For example, an antivirus for the Windows 7 server operating system must be installed. In connection with the latest hacker attacks, which were aimed mainly at computers using the seventh Windows version(not to mention how long it took to install various kinds of updates that were supposed to prevent the virus from acting), the same built-in Defender service (or Microsoft Essentials) simply cannot cope with its responsibilities.

Administration of Windows server operating systems is, of course, terribly simplified. For example, you don't need to be an all-knowing system administrator to reassign IP, change or Proxy, establish a connection to a child terminal based on network download or by monitoring activity through an RDP client. Sometimes it is enough to even launch the built-in network connection diagnostic tool, after which a notification about a problem or error will be issued, if there are any in the system.

As for the rest, regarding troubleshooting tools, for example, on the server itself, you can use the command console with clearing the DNS cache or resetting the general IP configuration parameters.

For example, commands entered into the console might look like this:

  • ipconfig/flushdns,
  • ipconfig/registerdns,
  • ipconfig /renew
  • ipconfig/release.

Please note: command line With commands of this type, it fixes problems equally well on child user PCs and on servers.

What's the result?

As a main conclusion, we can only note that, alas, Windows systems and most of the developments created by Microsoft, in comparison with UNIX systems and the Linux variations that are based on them, are clearly inferior. The same FreeBSD OS is much more flexible in installation and configuration, not to mention the fact that it is most fully protected in the form of an open source modification that anyone can change or modify. Actually, the question itself arises: “What to prefer?” I don’t want to give any advice, but it’s important for the organization local networks When using a central server, it is better to give preference to a UNIX-based OS (Linux) rather than Windows. It’s cheaper, easier, and safer. True, to users who are accustomed to the interface, this shell may seem, to put it mildly, not entirely clear. Nevertheless, understanding the interface will not be difficult. But you’ll have to tinker a little with the settings (what could we do without it?).

In turn, it should be noted that not all modern operating systems meet the requirements of today, although they have quite good potential for development and modernization. This primarily concerns FreeBSD, which, unfortunately, is not destined to develop, despite all the advantages. The developers simply put an end to it. But other systems are not lagging behind. So, in the near future we can even expect an updated version of Windows 10, which already combines the functionality of both the desktop and server models (after standard installation, the server can be configured quite simply). You don't even have to install additional clients. It is enough to use one of the components in the OS itself and in the BIOS settings (the same Hyper-V module for creating virtual machine). With it, in terms of resource distribution between connected terminals, the server OS simply “flies”.

Report on the topic
"Server operating
Creation of IT infrastructure for any modern company
usually starts with choosing infrastructure software
software, in particular server operating systems. IN
In this report we will focus on the most famous server
operating systems and tell you about the areas of their application.

Purpose of server
operating systems
The purpose of a server operating system is to manage
applications serving all users of the corporate network, and
often external users as well. Such applications include
modern database management systems, management tools
networks and network event analysis, directory services, exchange tools
messaging and group work, Web servers, mail servers,
corporate firewalls, application servers of a wide variety of
destinations, server parts of business applications. Requirements to
performance and reliability of these operating systems are very
high; often this includes support for clusters (a set of a number of similar
computers performing the same task and sharing
load), and the possibility of duplication and redundancy, and reconfiguration
software and hardware without rebooting the operating system
Selecting a server operating system and hardware platform for it in
primarily determined by which applications are under its control
must be running (at a minimum, the selected applications must
exist in a version for a given platform) and what are the requirements
requirements for its performance, reliability and availability

Windows Server 2003
The main features of this family of operating systems are the presence in their composition
Microsoft .NET Framework platform, as well as support for XML Web services (up to availability in
part of the UDDI server operating system).
Windows Server 2003 comes in four editions:
Windows Server 2003 Web Edition - operating system for deployment and maintenance
Web applications and Web services, including ASP .NET applications;
Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition - a network operating system for running server
parts of business solutions and designed for use in small companies and divisions.
Features resource sharing and centralized deployment capabilities
applications for desktop computers, and also supports up to 4 GB of RAM
memory and symmetric multiprocessing using two processors;
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition is an OS that is primarily intended for mid-range and
large companies. It supports servers based on 64-bit processors (up to eight) and
volume random access memory up to 64 GB and is available in versions for 32- and 64-bit platforms;
Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition is an operating system that is used to create
critical technical solutions with high scalability requirements and
availability. Such solutions include applications for processing transactions in the mode
real time, as well as solutions based on the integration of several server products. IN
This OS supports symmetric multiprocessing using
up to 32 processors, and there are also load balancing services and cluster creation services, consisting of
of eight nodes. This OS is available for 32-bit and 64-bit platforms.

Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2008 R2 - more advanced, in
in terms of new technologies, operating system
Microsoft. This system is
leader in many performance tests
server operating systems. For example,
file server best to lift
this OS. In addition, in this operating room
system: improved virtualization support,
new version of the Active Directory directory service,
support for up to 256 processors, unlike
Windows Server 2003 is also better here
a “terminal server” has been implemented. Plus
of this platform is that it is like
for high-quality performance of almost all
tasks, and the downside is that it requires more
resources unlike their relatives.

The UNIX operating system is a long-lived operating system.
server operating systems market - it was created in
late 60s at Bell Laboratories of AT&T.
A distinctive feature of this OS that determined it
"survivability" and popularity was that the core of the operating
systems written in assembly language were small, then
like the rest of the operating system was
written in C. This approach made it easily portable
on a wide variety of hardware platforms and
operating system and applications created for it.
An important advantage of UNIX was its openness,
allowed to simultaneously exist as commercial,
and non-commercial versions of UNIX.
Features common to all versions of UNIX are
multiplayer mode with security features
data from unauthorized access, implementation
multiprogram processing in split mode
time, the use of virtual memory mechanisms and
swapping, unification of input-output operations,
hierarchical file system, various means
interaction of processes, including internetworking.

Ubuntu Server 10.10
Ubuntu Server 10.10 uses Linux kernel, and what’s nice is that
the software product is much cheaper than many others,
listed in this report
Many novice system administrators experience fear and
horror when it comes to interfaceless unix-like operating systems
systems, explaining this by saying that “it’s complicated and not clear.” However
setting up these operating systems is much easier than setting up the same
Windows Server 2008 R2 itself, where there is an infinite number of different
options and settings. And in Unix systems, all configuration comes down to editing
configuration files. Also, as noted above, the data
systems require significantly fewer resources than analogues with
graphical interface.
Ubuntu Server 10.10 is easy to install and maintain,
provides high reliability and performance, and also has
high level safety and great for almost everyone

Gentoo Linux
Gentoo is a Linux distribution, popular because it is extremely flexible in
setting and correct setting you will benefit as a result
in productivity.
Gentoo Linux is called a meta-distribution because it is based on
you can create a system suitable for any task: be it desktop,
workstation, server, diskless terminal or router. Such
flexibility is achieved through the portage mechanism, which is somewhat similar
to the BSD port system. With USE flags you are not dependent on
maintainers and put together packages with the options you need.
It is also known for the fact that this distribution is used only by
professionals in their field, since this very setting requires
certain knowledge. Gentoo has a number of its advantages such as
fast speed and great user community.

FreeBSD is a Unix-like operating system, very popular among
Internet companies, since this operating system is perfect for
all kinds of web servers.
FreeBSD great option for a web server because it is a powerful TCP/IP stack with support for industry standards such as SLIP, PPP, NFS, DHCP and
NIS. And therefore FreeBSD can easily interact with other systems, and
also work as a server large enterprise, providing vital
features such as NFS ( remote access to files) and services Email,
or represent your organization online by providing such services
like: WWW, FTP, routing and firewall functions.
FreeBSD runs some of the largest and busiest sites on the Internet
(e.g. Yahoo!) and a large share of all other sites
But FreeBSD can be used not only as a platform for an Internet server, but also as a regular server that performs all those tasks
that run other server operating systems and limit
FreeBSD features are not needed. FreeBSD is highly secure and
productivity. In addition, this operating system is completely
is free and, among other things, FreeBSD is developed and supported
large team of developers.

Solaris (Sun
The Sun Solaris operating system is one of the most famous today
commercial versions of UNIX. This OS has advanced support tools
networking and represents one of the most popular
platforms for developing corporate solutions - there are about 12 for it
thousands of different applications, including application servers and DBMS from almost
all leading manufacturers.
Solaris meets many industry standards and features
high scalability. For the vast majority of applications this
the operating system provides almost linear growth
performance when increasing the number of processors due to symmetric
multiprocessor computing. Solaris currently supports
SPARC and Intel x86 processors.
Among the features of Solaris 9, it is worth noting support for up to 1 million simultaneously
running processes, up to 128 processors in one system and up to 848 processors
in a cluster, up to 576 GB of physical RAM, file support
systems up to 252 TB in size, configuration management tools and
changes, built-in compatibility with Linux.
The Solaris 9 operating system is the foundation of an open network
Sun Open Net Environment (Sun ONE). Solaris 9 ships with
key Sun ONE applications: Application Server, Directory Server, Integration
Server, Message Queue, Portal Server, Web Server.


HP-UX (Hewlett-Packard)
HP-UX operating system, developed by Hewlett-Packard,
is a descendant of AT&T System V. Its latest version, HP-UX 11i, is available for
two hardware platforms - PA_RISC and Itanium - and is focused primarily
image to servers manufactured by Hewlett-Packard.
Among the features of HP-UX 11i it is necessary to mention the means of integration with Windows and
Linux, including porting tools for Java applications developed for these
platforms, as well as tools for improving the performance of Java applications.
In addition, HP-UX 11i supports Linux API, which ensures portability
applications between HP-UX and Linux. Note that applications for HP-UX 11i
can be transferred between the two hardware platforms it supports without
changes and recompilation.
Speaking about the performance and scalability of HP-UX 11i, we should
note that one copy of the operating system supports up to 256
processors; Clusters up to 128 nodes are also supported. Besides
this platform supports connecting and disconnecting additional
processors, hardware replacement, dynamic configuration and
updating the operating system without the need to reboot, backup
on-line copying and disk defragmentation without turning off the system.
The choice of software for this operating system is very
wide - these include application servers from leading manufacturers, Web and WAP servers, search servers, caching tools, and directory services.


AIX is a clone of IBM's UNIX designed for
execution on IBM @server pSeries and RS/6000 servers. Like HP-UX, this
The operating system is compatible with Linux.
AIX 5L features include fully 64-bit kernels,
device drivers and application runtime (there is also
32-bit kernel, as well as support for 32-bit applications),
support 256 GB RAM, support files up to
1 TB, convenient administration tools, support for clusters (up to
32 computers), developed network support tools.
AIX provides self-tuning capabilities for the system using the following:
functions such as increasing power as needed and unloading
processors, and also has self-healing capabilities,
self-optimization and self-defense, including technology
logging of all system errors and a proactive system
fault analysis.


NetWare (Novell)
In the early and mid-90s, Novell NetWare was dominant
network operating system. Although the share has now decreased
servers managed by NetWare, as well as the number of servers created for it
applications and infrastructure software, this operating system remains popular due to its reliability, scalability and
ability to manage big amount workstations.
Main Features latest version this operating room
systems, Novell NetWare 6.5, are able to create
geographically distributed clusters, availability of support tools
mobile and remote users, management tools
remote network resources, as well as synchronization tools
information about users and harmonization with each other
directories in mixed environments. Data Protection in Novell NetWare 6.5
carried out using NDS eDirectory directory services.
Novell NetWare 6.5 includes well-known OpenSource products, and
namely: Apache Web server, MySQL DBMS, Apache application server
Tomcat. Additionally, NetWare 6.5 includes certified
Compliance with J2EE 1.3 specification application server and environment
Novell exteNd developments and the so-called virtual office,
allowing access to business resources via a Web interface
user, including files, email, tools
calendar planning.
This operating system is usually used as a network and
file server, print server and group work.


Mac OS X (Apple)
Mac OS X operating system created by Apple together
with a number of university scientists, based on BSD UNIX. In 1999 version
Mac OS X Server was released as an Open Source product, which
allowed developers to adapt Mac OS X for specific
customers, as well as to involve them in the further development of this
operating system.
Mac OS X is characterized by the presence of a virtual memory manager,
the ability to completely isolate applications from each other, support
multitasking, comparable to similar support in Windows.
Mac OS X has an emulator of previous Mac versions OS, tools
graphic editing, built-in support
OpenGL mail client, password management tools for accessing
Web resources.

Server Operating Systems (OS)

Server operating system -- designed to manage software, which in turn serves all network users, both internal and external. Why can’t you use a regular, user OS as a server OS? You ask, because the server OS provides specialized management functionality, so to speak, more convenient, efficient, designed specifically for specific administration and management purposes, and such functionality simply does not exist in user operating systems, which, by the way, act as clients of these server operating systems. And, of course, we can conclude that if we have specialized functionality and the cost of this functionality will be completely different, there are, of course, exceptions.

Selecting a server operating system. First of all, it is necessary to clearly define for what purposes this server and, accordingly, its operating system will be used. And already, based on the specific task, select the operating system and the necessary hardware configuration for this operating system.

Let's look at the most popular and widespread server operating systems.

Microsoft Company. : The two operating systems are: Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

Figure 13 OS Windows Server2003 logo

Windows Server 2003 is an operating system of the Windows NT family from Microsoft, designed to work on servers. It was released on April 24, 2003. Windows Server 2003 is development of Windows 2000 Server and the server version of the Windows XP operating system. The main features of these operating systems are the presence of the Microsoft .NET Framework platform, as well as support for XML Web services (up to the presence of a UDDI server in the operating system). It supports servers based on up to eight 64-bit processors and up to 64 GB of RAM and is available in versions for 32- and 64-bit platforms;

This product can be used for almost all purposes that arise for administrators, but do not forget about quality, since all desktop options (i.e. have a graphical shell) require many more resources than non-interface operating systems, therefore, if you are going to use an OS with a graphical shell, you need to take this into account when choosing hardware for the server. Windows Server 2003 is great for novice system administrators. This platform is suitable for domain controllers if you use the Active Directory directory service, also if you plan to use remote connection users, then on this OS you can easily implement

"Terminal Server".

133 MHz or faster processor for x86-based PCs; 733 MHz for PCs with Itanium processors; Supports up to 8 processors, 32-bit or 64-bit.

RAM Minimum 128 MB RAM required; maximum 32 GB for PCs with 32-bit x86 processors, or 64 GB for PCs with 64-bit Itanium processors.

Hard Drive 1.5 GB of available hard drive space for PCs with x86 processors; 2 GB for PCs with Itanium processors; Network installation requires additional hard drive space.

Drive Drive for CDs or DVDs.

Screen Requires VGA or hardware that supports console redirection.

Miscellaneous Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, 64-bit edition is compatible with 64-bit Intel Itanium systems and cannot be installed on 32-bit systems.

Figure 14 Os Windows Server 2008 R2 logo.

Windows Server 2008 R2 is already a leader in many performance tests of server operating systems. For example, it is best to run a file server on this OS. In addition, this operating system has: improved support for virtualization, a new version of the Active Directory directory service, support for up to 256 processors, unlike Windows Server 2003, and a “terminal server” is also better implemented here. The advantage of this platform is that it is suitable for high-quality performance of almost all tasks, but the disadvantage is that it requires more resources, unlike its relatives.

Optimal: 3 GHz or more

Optimal: 2 GB RAM (full installation) or 1 GB (server core installation) or more

Maximum (32-bit systems): 4 GB (Standard edition) or 64 GB (Enterprise and Datacenter editions)

Maximum (64-bit systems): 32 GB (Standard edition) or 2 TB (Enterprise, Datacenter, and Itanium-based editions)

Free disk space Minimum: 8 GB

Optimal: 80 GB (full installation) or 40 GB (server core installation) or more. Note. Computers with more than 16 GB of RAM require more disk space for page files, hibernation, and memory dump

Ubuntu Server 10.10. which uses the Linux kernel. There are already newer releases of this distribution, such as Ubuntu Server 11.04 and Ubuntu Server 11.10

Figure 15 Os Ubuntu server logo

Ubuntu Server 10.10 is easy to install and maintain, provides high reliability and performance, and also has a high level of security and is great for almost all tasks.

Processor: 300 MHz x86128MB

Random access memory (RAM): 1GB available hard drive space

Video card and monitor: compatible for 640x480 pixel resolution

Optical drive: for reading CD/DVD discs or USB port(or both devices)

Internet presence (optional)

FreeBSD 8.2 is a Unix-like operating system, very popular among Internet companies, since this operating system is perfect for all kinds of web servers.

Figure 16 OS FreeBSD logo

FreeBSD is a great option for a web server because it is a powerful TCP/IP stack with support for industry standards such as SLIP, PPP, NFS, DHCP and NIS. And therefore FreeBSD can easily interact with other systems, as well as work as a server for a large enterprise, providing vital important functions, such as NFS (remote file access) and email services, or represent your organization on the Internet, providing services such as WWW, FTP, routing and firewall functions.

FreeBSD runs some of the largest and busiest sites on the Internet (like Yahoo!), and a large percentage of all other sites also run on FreeBSD.

But FreeBSD can be used not only as a platform for an Internet server, but also as a regular server that performs all the tasks that other server operating systems perform and there is no need to limit the capabilities of FreeBSD. FreeBSD is highly secure and performant. In addition, this operating system will cost you free and, among other things, FreeBSD is developed and supported by a large team of developers.

System requirement:

Hard Disk Space: Minimum 150 MB of free disk space for the bare minimum installation.

Video Card: Most AGP, PCI, PCIe and PCI-X video cards work in X.Org.

Sound card: any.

X86 (including Pentium® and Athlon™),

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