Home Grape cook job description, cook job description, cook job description sample. Five Mistakes Every Bad Chef Makes

cook job description, cook job description, cook job description sample. Five Mistakes Every Bad Chef Makes

1. General Provisions

1.1. The cook belongs to the category of production workers.

1.2. Hired as a chef individual, which has an initial or average professional education and at least 2 years of work experience.

1.3. The chef must know:
- rules for the primary culinary processing of raw materials and products and the requirements for the quality of semi-finished products from them;
- rules for slicing bread;
- terms and conditions of storage of peeled vegetables;
- device, rules for adjustment and operation of bread-cutting machines of different brands;
- safe working methods for manual and machine cutting of bread;
- rules for the operation of weight, measuring and cash registers.

1.4. Appointment to the position of a cook and dismissal from the position are made by order of the general director on the proposal of the head of production.

1.5. The chef reports to the chef.

1.6. During the absence of the cook (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. The chef acts in the interests of the enterprise.

2.2. The chef comes to work strictly according to the schedule.

2.3. The cook must:
- to ensure the preparation of the workplace for the beginning of the working day;
- prepare the main products included in the menu and prepare meals for staff, strictly observing technological process and according to established recipes;
- observe the rules of product neighborhood and rotation of products, control the timing of the sale of products;
- let off ready meals strictly on checks;
- in advance (in the evening of the previous day) to make preparations for products from the menu and lunches for the current day;
- maintain cleanliness and order in the kitchen and at their workplace in accordance with the requirements of the SES;
- timely inform the administration about the lack of products, about malfunctions of inventory, plumbing;
- participate in planned general cleaning;
- carry out one-time instructions of the administration related to production processes;
- comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection and labor safety, sanitary requirements and rules of personal hygiene, industrial and labor discipline, internal labor regulations;
- be able to use production equipment and monitor its safety;
- be extremely polite in dealing with guests and colleagues;
- in case of emergency, notify the administration in a timely manner;
- pass on time medical examinations, to take tests, according to the requirements of the SES.

2.4. The cook is prohibited:
- leave workplace without the permission of the immediate supervisor;
- smoking in unauthorized places and drinking alcohol throughout the enterprise;
- in the workplace: eat, chew chewing gum, read, stand with arms crossed on chest;
use profanity or slang, contemptuous intonation, be rude, remain indifferent to the requests of visitors or employees;
- connect any heating devices, boilers or other devices without the consent of the administration.

3. Rights

The chef has the right:

3.1. Request and receive from structural divisions information, reference and other materials necessary for the performance of the duties stipulated by this Job Description.

3.2. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

3.3. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Instruction.

3.4. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure the organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

The chef is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this Job Description, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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The book will be useful to a wide range of readers, personnel officers, heads of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership.

The author explains in detail what the labor inspectorate is and what are the limits of its powers, how labor law compliance checks are carried out and how they can end, which violations can lead to a fine, and which ones will lead to the disqualification of the head of the organization. The book contains practical recommendations for employers-organizations and individual entrepreneurs, which will help to avoid the claims of labor inspectors. In preparing the book, all last changes legislation.
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The collection includes job descriptions compiled in accordance with the qualification characteristics contained in the Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37, as well as in accordance with other regulations according to tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements).
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Professionals are not born, they are made. So the chef, whose work is marked with a Michelin star, also started somewhere. We offer professional secrets that will make you feel like a confident cook in the kitchen.

How to cut an onion

The main ingredient in many dishes is onion, and it is necessary to cut it correctly and quickly. To avoid tears, when chopping onions, you just need to take a little water in your mouth.

Mastery of the knife

Confidently wrap your hand around the handle of the knife, curling your fingers and using the inside of your hand as a knife control mechanism.
- Start slicing the product by placing it on the flat side of it so that it does not slip out of your hands from under the knife. If you are cutting round-shaped vegetables, such as carrots, cut off the round parts to get a stable base.
- To cut the product into strips, first divide it into equal parts along the length, then cut each part into thin or large slices, and only then cut into strips.
- Straws make great cubes.

How to boil an egg

It sounds simple, but not everyone gets a perfectly boiled egg. The main problem is time. The duration of cooking depends on the consistency of the yolk. If you need liquid, bring the water to a boil, carefully lower the egg into the pan with a spoon and cook for 3-5 minutes. For hard boiled eggs 7-10, the longer we cook, the harder the yolk and greener. We immediately transfer the boiled egg to a bowl with cold water to stop the cooking process.

How to cook pasta

From the school bench, or even kindergarten, everyone remembers plates full of boiled and sticky pasta. It's time to learn how to cook them properly on your own. In Italy, pasta is always served al dente, which means “by the tooth”. The pasta does not boil soft, it remains quite firm, although not raw.
Pour twice as much water as pasta into a saucepan, add salt and bring to a boil. Gently lower the pasta into the boiling water and cook for 10-12 minutes, stirring it for the first two minutes so that it does not stick together. We must not forget that each type of pasta has its own perfect time cooking.

How to boil a poached egg

For these purposes, you do not need a special saucepan, just lower a raw egg into boiling water with wine vinegar and use a slotted spoon to remove the cooked.
- Make sure the eggs are fresh.
- Add some vinegar to boiling water.
- Crack an egg in a separate bowl.
- Using a spoon, create a whirlpool effect in a saucepan with water, with the help of which the whole yolk is easily covered with protein.
- Gently lower the egg into the water and let it boil for three minutes.
-Using a slotted spoon, remove the egg, give the egg round shape, cut off all excess with a spoon.
- Dry the egg on a paper towel, no one likes water on toast or in a salad.

How to melt chocolate

It is very easy to melt chocolate in a water bath, and it will not be spoiled, as it will never burn.
- Break the chocolate bar into pieces and send them to a non-stick saucepan.
- Place the container of chocolate in a saucepan in which water is boiling to create conditions for a water bath.
- After the chocolate has melted, you can start creating chocolate curls by spreading the melted chocolate in a thin layer on parchment paper.
- Let the chocolate harden a bit.
- Holding the knife at a 45 degree angle to the surface, start scraping off the chocolate, forming swirls.

How to cook an omelet

Can be cooked for dinner or lunch delicious omelette. Break the eggs in a separate bowl, beat them and send them to a preheated pan, but to make the omelet lush, you need to know some secrets.
- Beat the eggs thoroughly.
- Put some butter in a hot frying pan and let it melt. Pour the eggs into the skillet.
- When the eggs begin to cook, use a fork to move from the edges to the center so that the raw mass penetrates through the damaged bottom of the omelet onto the surface of the pan, and the omelet is fried evenly.
- When the omelette is well seized, you can turn it over to the other side, but so that it does not tear.
- Using a wooden spatula, fold the omelette in half and transfer to a plate.

How to bake potatoes

Jacket potatoes are a fairly simple, simple dish, but they can be turned into something special and delicious. For example, grate the skin of a potato sunflower oil and salt for a crispy crust.
Ingredients (8 servings):
2 tablespoons sunflower oil
8 large potatoes
300 ml sour cream
Cooking steps:
Preheat oven to 100 degrees. Rub potatoes with sunflower oil and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 80 degrees and cook for another 45-60 minutes until done. Transfer cooked potatoes to a platter. Each potato must be cut crosswise and pour sour cream on top.

How to stuff and bake chicken

For many baked stuffed chicken is a festive or Sunday dish. To make the meat ruddy and juicy, you need to know a few secrets, especially everything related to stuffing.
- Stuff the chicken in the neck with minced meat, and fix the edges of the skin with toothpicks.
- Gently separate the skin from the meat in the brisket area with your fingers, so that you get a pocket for stuffing. Fill it up softened butter with the addition of various aromatic herbs. Spread the oil evenly under the skin over the entire surface of the brisket.
- In the middle of the chicken, you can stuff something fragrant, for example, lemon halves, rosemary and thyme.
- Use string to tie the legs together so the chicken will hold its shape while it cooks.

Preparing the gravy

Most delicious sauce obtained during the roasting of meat in the oven, it is much better than that that is made from flour. To learn how to cook gentle sauce you need to know a few secrets.
- After baking, transfer the meat from the baking sheet to a dish.
- Fry chopped carrots, onions, celery in a pan until golden brown.
- Add flour and fry until browned.
- Add some wine and boil it down.
- Slowly add the broth to make a thick sauce. It must be stirred all the time. For 1 tablespoon of flour you will need 0.5 liters of broth.
- Let the sauce cook a little, add a little soy sauce or balsamic vinegar for color and flavor. Also add fragrant thyme and bay leaf.
- Strain the sauce and pour it into a saucepan.

Basic rules for working as a chef

The profession of a cook implies adherence to basic rules and hygiene standards.

When working at home or in a private office, it is mandatory to undergo an annual medical examination and monitor your health. It is necessary to contact a medical specialist if you feel worse.

Hygiene in the work of a cook is of paramount importance. Lack of hygiene can cause food poisoning and the spread of contagious and viral diseases. The basic principles of hygiene are laid down in the requirements for cleanliness of special clothing, cleanliness of hands and face, cleanliness of the body.

Cleanliness is the key to health! The first reinforced concrete requirement is to keep the body clean. Take a shower every day before preparing food. Hands are the main tool of the cook. They should be given special meaning and keep them clean. After all, during cooking, hands are constantly in contact with food. After contact with foreign objects or visiting the restroom, as well as dirty vegetables or fruits, you must wash your hands with soap and water. It is strongly recommended to cook food in disposable, latex, special gloves.

Nails should always be trimmed and clean. It is forbidden to apply varnish or apply artificial nails, microbes always live under them. and involves regular trimming of nails. The skin of the hands should be smooth, without changes. This must be followed very strictly.

If an injury occurs? If a burn, injury to the hands or cuts occurs, it is necessary to immediately disinfect the place of injury, tie a bandage or stick it with a plaster, and put it on top rubber gloves for cooking food. Rash, itching and ulcers are unacceptable on the hands of a cook. With this, you no longer have to go to the workplace, but to the doctor in a skin dispensary.

Clean clothes! Special cook form - protects products from contamination, which get microbes from the human body. It is recommended to wash and iron these clothes daily. Uniform requirements are simple - clothing should be the size of the cook and not restrict movement.. Do not use bright colours and patterns on overalls, as well as cutouts and necklines. For men and women, it is recommended to choose overalls with trouser sets, as they are more versatile and do not hinder movement.

An apron is not funny, it is necessary! You must wear an apron! There are many inexpensive disposable aprons now.

The hair on the head must be taken under the cap. It is not allowed to work without a headgear.

Shoes must be selected without heels. Since the chef is almost everything work time stands on his feet, then the comfort and size of the shoes are very important conditions. For work, you need to select leather shoes. The requirements of the cook for shoes should be, first of all, convenience: orthopedic shoes important. If disinfectant know-how is used inside the shoes, such shoes are ideal for working as a cook. And of course, shoes should have a classic aesthetic look. Feet must be clean. 100% cotton or other natural fibre.

Jewelry, bracelets, chains and other items, as well as bijouterie, are not allowed. If the chef is wearing a watch, it must be removed. mobile phone no place in the kitchen. It is forbidden!

The cook at work should look aesthetically pleasing and harmonious. A person absent-minded and inattentive at work, the same in life. The esthete pays a lot of time to her appearance both at home and at work. In the work of a cook, a well-dressed and aesthetic cook evokes respectful attitude employer and respect for the profession and for the individual. A cook is a skillful creator not only delicious meals, but also a great mood.


What should a chef know and be able to do? Well, what a profession, cooking is so easy, we all cook, one way or another, and we are all a bit of a cook. On the one hand, yes.

But, nevertheless, a cook is a real profession and achieving mastery and recognition in it is sometimes as difficult as in any other profession. Yes, and it only seems at first glance that the cook should only be able to serve dinner to the table on time. In fact, the chef must be able to cook tasty, fast and, at the same time, economically. This is not possible for everyone. A good cook is a valuable asset and is well-deservedly popular with superiors and customers.

What should a chef do?

First of all, he must love his job. For not everyone who can cook a dish in strict accordance with a recipe book can be called a good cook. It seems that everyone has the same reference book, but one cooks so that you lick your fingers, and the other ate and forgot. Success in this work depends, among other things, on the chef's attitude to his profession. No matter how trite it may sound, but the chef must be able to put his soul into his work and then everything will turn out perfectly and tasty.

This profession can be called creative, because chefs are not limited to existing recipes, but can create new ones, look for nuances in famous dishes, discover new things in familiar products. A good chef is an artist of taste, he creates by inspiration and makes unique things. Therefore, the question - what should a cook be able to do - although it can be decomposed into simple steps(and we'll talk about them below) is not limited to them, but implies something more - the ability to create.

What should a chef know?

A versatile cook at catering establishments prepares dishes, washes and cuts food, fries, boils and bakes them. He prepares soups, broths, sauces, salads, cold appetizers. The chef knows the rules of food storage, knows how to arrange dishes, combine tastes, make a menu. Also, the chef must be aware of the wishes of customers to the taste and quality of dishes and service. This is not the only thing a chef should be able to do. He also instructs waiters, controls the state of the kitchen, quality sanitization all rooms, cleanliness appearance their employees, as well as the compliance of the premises and clothing of employees with the rules of sanitary safety. A chef should not only know and feel how to combine products, but also be aware of fashion trends and trends in their field.

What should a chef also know? The content of the this moment collections of recipes, technological instructions, properties, types and culinary applications of the products and semi-finished products used. He must know and be able to apply organoleptic methods for determining their good quality. Know the rules for preparing raw materials for heat treatment, the sequence of operations. The cook must be able to apply spices to improve or change palatability prepared meals. Must be able to use the products in a practical way, without waste. Also, a trained chef knows what requirements are imposed on the quality of products and semi-finished products, knows the rules for dividing dishes into portions and how to prepare them, as well as the conditions and terms of their storage in ready-made. The cook must know how to keep records and reports, so he must know the rules for their compilation and maintenance. He knows how to use everything necessary equipment and equipment, knows its regulations, operation and safety rules. Also, one cannot avoid knowledge about such prosaic things as labor regulations, labor protection standards, SanPiN, rules for the rational organization of one's work.

What else should a chef know? He must be able to draw up the necessary applications for the receipt and purchase of products, receive them from storage places, and prepare his tools for the production process. Of course, the main thing that he must be able to do is cook. how simple meals, and dishes of medium complexity - salads from fresh, fried, boiled or stewed vegetables, with fish or meat, vinaigrettes, fish dishes, jelly, soups and broths, main courses of meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, seafood, sauces, sweet dishes, pastries and dough products (dumplings, dumplings, pies, dumplings, pies, noodles, etc.).

He must also be able to cook complex dishes that require more complex processing - jellied fish, meat, soups from fish and meat, game, including dietary ones, pickles, dishes from fish, meat, poultry with various sauces, as well as stuffed, omelettes, puff pastries and shortcrust pastry etc. The chef determines the required portion and knows how to prepare the dish for serving.

There are many things that a cook should know, be able to do and do. But the main thing that he should be able to do is to do his job tasty and beautiful. After all, the profession of a cook is designed to satisfy one of the most basic human needs. And it depends on the art of the cook whether this is done excellently and the person leaves the restaurant in high spirits or whether he gets indigestion or a spoiled evening.

Division: Production

Position: Chef

Job description of a cook

I. General provisions

1. The cook belongs to the category of employees of the production unit, is accepted and dismissed CEO on the basis of orders, an employment contract.

2. The main tasks of the cook is the preparation of dishes and culinary products that require culinary processing of a certain complexity.

3. The cook is directly subordinate to the shift supervisor.

4. In his work, the cook is guided by:

Normative acts of the Russian Federation;

Collective agreement _______.

Orders (instructions) of the management;

Regulatory and technological maps of cooking;

This job description.

5. Persons with special professional education and work experience of at least 3 years in catering establishments are appointed to the position of a cook.

6. The cook takes part in solving issues related to:

With the development of production activities;

With the use and operation of thermal and refrigeration equipment;

With safety and labor protection.

II. Functions of a cook

Labor functions of the cook.

The following functions are assigned to the production chef:

1. Preparation of dishes and culinary products to be cooked.

2. Portioning and registration of custom-made and signature dishes.

3. Compliance with the norms of laying products and the output of dishes in accordance with regulatory and technological maps.

III. Job Responsibilities of a Cook.

The production chef must:

1. Perform work on the continuous production of dishes and culinary products.

2. Perform auxiliary work in the manufacture of dishes and culinary products.

3. To make cooking, baking, frying, wiping, filtering, grinding, kneading, stuffing, molding products.

4. Cook dishes from vegetables, fish and seafood, meat, meat products, poultry, boiled, stewed, fried and baked rabbit, sauces, various sautés, hot and cold drinks.

5. When accepting a shift, monitor the compliance of the received products and semi-finished products with freshness, menu, condition, standards of taste, consistency, cut shape, cleanliness of containers.

Clean up your workspace after each operation.

7. When handing over a shift, indicate the availability of the workpiece, make an application for the receipt of products, and clean the workplace.

IV. Cook's rights.

The chef has the right:

1. Request from relevant services necessary documentation for the production process.

2. Take part in the inventory, removal of residues, checking the technical and operational condition of equipment and inventory.

3. Submit proposals for consideration by the management on improving the production process, expanding the range of dishes, and improving the quality of cooked food.

4. Make decisions on operational issues within your position.

V. Responsibility of the cook.

The chef is responsible for:

1. The quality of prepared dishes, compliance with food output standards.

2. Sequence of preparation.

3. Compliance of the prepared dish with the standards of taste and design.

4. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, safety precautions.

5. Safety of equipment and inventory, documentation, products.

6. Untimely and dishonest performance of official duties.

Head of Human Resources: Full name.

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