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Types and number of instructions in production. Functional and job responsibilities: difference

Manufacturing instruction must be understandable, accurate and contain algorithms for actions in different situations to ensure maximum safety at work. This article will explain how to prepare such a document.

From the article you will learn:

What is production instruction


Manufacturing instruction (hereinafter PI) - This is a document regulating the performance of official duties by the maintenance personnel of the HIF. Strict adherence to the instructions allows you not to deviate from the technological process, to obtain the desired result and ensure maximum level industrial safety.

The main difference between PI and equipment operation manual is that it is developed at the enterprise taking into account the specifics and specific risk factors. PI is not a reference for a product or a technological process, but a direct algorithm of actions, including in case of accidents or breakdowns.

Rostechnadzor requires production instructions to be present at all workplaces related to:

  • with construction, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation,;
  • with transportation hazardous substances;
  • with electric power facilities;
  • with objects where electrical, heating installations and networks are operated;
  • with hydraulic structures;
  • with production, installation, adjustment, maintenance, repair technical devices applied at the facilities (clause 26 of the Regulations on the organization of training and knowledge testing of working organizations supervised Federal Service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision, approved. ).

Also, requirements for the development of PIs are contained in industry regulations. For example, for gas workers it is FNP “Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption networks”.

Rostechnadzor Model Manufacturing Instructions

Typical industry and interindustry can serve as the basis for local PI, but they should be used taking into account the specifics of the production process at specific enterprise, and qualification requirements or professional standards.

For example, a PI for an employee responsible for maintaining pipe-laying cranes in good working order is developed on the basis of a pipe-laying crane driver - RD 10-276-99, a slinger - etc.

How to develop a PI

The law does not in any way regulate the procedure for drawing up a PI, leaving it to the discretion of the management of enterprises with a PBO. This procedure is determined by the employer himself, fixing the rules for the development of production instructions, as well as the requirements for their structure in local regulations.

Who develops PI at the enterprise

Complexity of compilation of this document is that only competent employees can do this, and this is almost always a collective process. Leaders are involved in the development structural units, technologists, engineers, leading specialists of production workshops, sections, chief engineer service, production and technical department, etc.

If, during the validity of the PI, federal rules, norms and other documents regulating work in the industry have changed, it is necessary to make the appropriate amendments. After that, the document is brought back to the staff, and the fact is recorded in writing. This confirms that the workers are aware of the effect of the new instruction.

Content of production instructions

When developing a UI, remember that it should be not only useful for employees, but also easy to use. Hence, pay Special attention to ensure that the structure is logical and divided into sections, the language must be simple, understandable, without ambiguous wording. If necessary, use tables, diagrams, figures with explanations.

When compiling a PI, be guided by:

  • Professional standards.
  • Rostekhnadzor model production instructions.
  • Departmental normative and technical documents.
  • Passports, instructions for equipment and other documentation from the manufacturer.

1. Title page. The name of the instruction, the branch of production is written on it. In addition, the names of the authors, developer, controller, approver, and the release date must be indicated.

2. Introductory part. This is a short section that describes the purpose of the instruction, the target audience(in the form of a list of positions) are listed regulations, which became the basis of PI.

  • Information about the OPO. Production cycle diagram. Information about the technological schemes, the norms of the technological regime. Types and types of equipment, its main characteristics, purpose.
  • Requirements for production personnel, including.
  • Description of the workplace.
  • Responsibilities of personnel on duty to monitor and control the operation of the technological line.
  • The procedure for checking the serviceability of the serviced technological lines and maintaining the equipment related to them in working order.
  • Procedure, terms, methods of checking fittings, safety devices, automatic protection and signaling devices.
  • The procedure for starting up and stopping (stopping) the equipment.
  • Safety measures when working with equipment
  • Cases requiring an immediate shutdown of the equipment, provided for by federal rules and regulations of industrial safety, as well as other equipment due to the specifics of the operation. The procedure for an emergency stop, reducing the pressure to atmospheric, or, for example, gas contamination to an acceptable level, is established depending on specific scheme inclusion of equipment and technological process.
  • ... Order. Escape routes.
  • Procedure for maintaining changeable magazine(registration of acceptance / delivery of duty, check of the record by a person responsible for good condition and safe operation equipment).

4. The procedure for making changes and additions to the production instructions.

All component names are indicated as the manufacturer calls them. The characteristics of the products obtained as a result of the production process are described. In addition, the instructions must necessarily contain a clause on the responsibility of personnel while working on the equipment.

Manufacturing instructions for blue-collar trades (samples)

As an example, we give here the Manufacturing instruction for crane operators (drivers) on the safe operation of tower cranes.

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Find the sample OSH document you need in the OSH Help System. Experts have already compiled 2506 templates!

Who approves the PI

After drawing up, the PI must be approved. This should be done by either the head of the organization or the technical manager. If any amendments are made to the instruction, most often it is put into effect as a new document. At the same time, the old will have to be canceled by a special order for the organization.

Testing the knowledge of production instructions for personnel serving HIF

The knowledge of PI is checked by the personnel at least once every 12 months. Unscheduled inspections must be organized if changes are made in federal rules and regulations, if an employee moves to another organization, an appropriate order is issued from supervisory authorities, poor knowledge of PI is noticed, or there was a break in work in the specialty more than a year(in the latter case, another internship will be required).

Manufacturing instructions are posted at the workplace, with a spare version stored on a stand in the production area. The issuance of PI occurs as an instruction: a personal signature of the employee in a special journal is required.

All work at production facilities must be carried out in compliance with industrial safety rules. At the enterprises, special documents are developed, which describe the procedure for carrying out technological processes and the duties of the personnel performing them.

This document is manufacturing instructions, the content of which is established by Federal Norms and Rules (FNR).

For which objects the development of production instructions is required

Production instructions are developed at enterprises engaged in construction (this means both the construction of an object and its reconstruction, conservation, technical re-equipment, operation or liquidation) of such objects as:

  1. OPO (hazardous production facilities).
  2. Electric power industry.
  3. Operating electrical, heating installations or networks, as well as hydraulic structures.
  4. Manufacturing or repairing (including installation, commissioning, maintenance):
  5. technological equipment used at hazardous facilities;
  6. machines transporting hazardous substances.

When developing production instructions, take into account:

  • qualification requirements (sources - reference books, standards, etc.);
  • features of technological production processes.

Instructions for workers are intended, stored in enterprises at workplaces and can be issued to an employee against signature.

For personnel, knowledge of production instructions is a must!

Testing knowledge of manufacturing instructions

Certification of employees, during which knowledge of:

  • general industrial safety requirements;
  • special issues that relate to the competence of the employee;
  • energy security requirements;
  • safety requirements of hydraulic structures -

held before the admission of employees to independent work on the object.

Content of production instructions

The text of the production instruction may differ at each specific enterprise, depending on its specifics, type of work, technological processes, etc.

  1. General information.
  2. Passage of briefing, knowledge testing.
  3. Communication with other jobs.
  4. Obligations of the employee, as well as his rights and responsibilities.
  5. Notes on the acceptance and delivery of the shift.
  6. Description of a specific workplace, installed equipment, materials used.
  7. Technological scheme of the technological process.
  8. Equipment startup and shutdown records.
  9. Possible deviations from the normal course of the technological process, methods for solving problems.
  10. Equipment emergency stop marks.
  11. Safe work rules.

The textual part of the instruction may be accompanied by diagrams and drawings, for example, technological diagrams, etc.

The document is approved by the head of the enterprise or organization responsible for the operation of the facility.

17.1. The production must have:

a) job descriptions for all employees, specialists, engineers and managers;

b) instructions on specialties for employees of all professions of the enterprise;

c) instructions for the types of work performed.

17.2 Instruction on labor protection is a regulatory act that establishes labor protection requirements when performing work in production premises, on the territory of the enterprise, on construction sites and in other places where these works are performed or official duties are performed.

Labor protection instructions can be typical for employees of enterprises, sites and a specific workplace.

17.3. OSH instructions can be developed both for workers individual professions and on certain types works.

17.4. Instructions for workers engaged in blasting operations, maintenance of electrical installations and devices, hoisting machines, boiler plants, pressure vessels, and for other workers whose occupational safety requirements are established in intersectoral labor protection regulations approved by supervisory and controlling bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are developed on the basis of these acts and are approved in the manner established by these bodies.

17.5. The requirements of regulatory enactments on labor protection included in the instructions should be set out in relation to a specific workplace and real conditions employee labor.

17.6. For new productions being put into operation, it is allowed to develop temporary instructions for employees. Temporary instructions must ensure the safe conduct of technological processes (work) and the safe operation of equipment. The requirements for the development of temporary instructions are the same as for the development of permanent instructions for workers. Temporary instructions are developed both by profession and by type of work for a period until the acceptance of the specified industries in operation by the state acceptance committee.

17.7. Instructions for employees are approved by the head of the enterprise after preliminary consultations with the labor protection service, and, if necessary, with other interested services and officials at the discretion of the labor protection service.

17.8 Each instruction should be assigned a name and number. The name should briefly indicate for which profession or type of work it is intended.

17.9. Checking instructions for workers by profession or by type of work for their compliance with the requirements of the current state standards, safety rules, sanitary norms and rules, hygienic standards should be carried out at least once every 5 years, and for professions and types of work associated with increased danger - at least once every 3 years. If necessary, proposals for their updating are developed.

Prior to the expiration of the specified periods, instructions are revised when legislative acts, state standards and other regulatory documents on labor safety are changed.

Development of Manufacturing Instructions! Full Layout!

As directed by higher authorities; when introducing new technology and technology; based on the results of investigation of industrial injuries, accidents, disasters; when changing a typical instruction; when the technological process or working conditions change, as well as when using new types of equipment, materials, apparatus, fixtures and tools.

The responsibility for the timely verification and revision of the instructions lies with the heads of the development departments.

If during the above period the working conditions of workers at the enterprise have not changed, then by order (order) for the enterprise, the validity of the instruction for workers is extended for the next period, about which an entry is made on the first page of the instruction (the stamp "Revised" is put, the date and signature of the person, responsible for revising the instructions).

Heads of enterprises provide instructions to all employees and heads of interested departments (services) of the enterprise.

17.10. The issuance of instructions to the heads of subdivisions (services) should be carried out by the labor protection service with registration in the log of issuing instructions.

17.11. The head of a subdivision (service) of an enterprise must permanently keep a set of instructions in force in a subdivision (service) for workers of all professions and for all types of work of a given subdivision (service), as well as a list of these instructions approved by the head of the enterprise.

17.12. Each site manager, foreman, etc. there must be a set of valid instructions for workers employed in this area, for all professions and types of work.

17.13 Instructions to employees can be issued by hand, signed in the instruction log for study during the initial briefing, or posted at workplaces or areas, or stored in another place accessible to employees.

Date of publication: 2015-10-09; Read: 2521 | Page copyright infringement

I consider my most valuable quality to be the ability to inspire enthusiasm in people and develop what is best in a person through recognition of his merits and encouragement. (Charles Schweb, American manager)

ISO 9000, Work instructions

Askarov E.S. Associate Professor KazNTU named after K. Satpayeva

Work instructions represent the third (lower) level of quality system documents. These instructions describe step by step how a specific simple operation production, assembly, installation of equipment, maintenance of it in working order, etc.

Also, work instructions establish how product quality can be controlled, what means can be used, what measuring equipment can be applied, etc.

Organizational standards (proprietary standards) are mainly used as work instructions. It should be noted here that according to the law "On technical regulation", which entered into force in Kazakhstan in 2005, the implementation of the standards becomes voluntary, the state will exercise control over the safety of products for the health of consumers through technical regulations. Enterprises have the opportunity to regulate their own economic activity guided by the interests of your business, for this you need to be able to draw up your own regulatory documents, your own standards, the number of which will increase significantly. When drawing up standards, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of the ST RK 1.5 - 2004 standard. " General requirements to the construction, presentation, design and content of standards ".

Basic standards of organizations:

1. Production of design products

The organization shall establish, plan and maintain processes life cycle design products:

- marketing,

- analysis of contracts,

- development of a project for the production of design products,

- purchases related to the production of design products,

- production of design products,

- sales of products.

2. Production of engineering services (installation, design work)

3. Standards for the regulation of the implementation of the auxiliary processes of the QMS

3.1. Resource management

It is used in the process of managing the resources required in the main production. Resources are:

- people (staff),

- infrastructure (buildings, working space, communication),

- suppliers and partners,

Natural resources, raw materials,

- equipment, tools, means of production, etc.

3.2. Metrics for evaluating processes and products

It is used to evaluate products, their production processes and auxiliary processes in the QMS. Metrics are documents with information about the state of an object in the present and a forecast for the future.

Types of metrics:

A) Marketing metrics,

B) Design metrics: c related to organizational policies, financial metrics, labor and time metrics, product defect metrics in the manufacturing process,

C) Metrics of the final product: p design products, engineering services, software products,

D) Metrics of quality management processes: o General metrics of quality management processes, metrics of customer satisfaction.

Indicators in metrics are assessed on the basis of a point, absolute or relative system:

- absolute units (for example, hours, tenge, kW, etc.)

- relative units - for example, in percent, etc.

The choice of a tool for visualizing product and process characteristics depends on creative approach in the organization, it should be best of all computerized documents in EXCEL format.

The simplest metric is a summary of indicators by some criteria that determine the efficiency of work for a certain period of time - a year, a quarter, a month.

Example. The enterprise produces wallpaper, to determine the efficiency of the work, a metric of product quality indicators is drawn up, three types of products are taken - wallpaper "Parus", "Shugla" and "Arman". Data are taken for the year by quarters.

In table 1 we give data on sales for the year (thousand tenge), in table 2 the data are given in percent. The figure shows a graph of annual indicators, it is clearly seen that the best dynamics of the products of "Shugla", the level of sales is constantly growing and occupies most annual balance.

4. Organization standards detailing the implementation of life cycle processes

The organization has the right to independently determine the depth and detail of the description of the processes. If necessary, more detailed description any life cycle process, a separate standard for this process can be developed


    Contract analysis,

    Procurement management,

    Calculation of the reliability of designed facilities,

    Process control, etc.

5. Regulations on divisions and job descriptions

Subdivision regulations should be structured as follows:

    General Provisions

- the purpose of the unit

- what documents is guided by

- who approves the organizational structure

- who appoints employees

- to whom the employees are subordinate

2. The main tasks of the unit

3. Functions of the unit

4. Unit structure and work organization

5. Rights and general obligations of employees

6. Responsibility of employees

7. Interaction with other departments and external organizations.

Job descriptions have the following approximate structure:

    General Provisions

- who is appointed and dismissed from the post

- who is appointed (educational level, experience, qualifications)

- who obeys

- who is under the leadership

- who replaces in the absence

- what should I know

- what documents to be guided by

2. Purpose of the position

3. Job responsibilities

4. Rights and powers

5. Indicators of performance and effectiveness.

Head of Information Support and Technical Policy Department.

    General Provisions

1.1. The head of the department of information support and technical policy is directly subordinate to Technical Director Open Joint Stock Company "Kazzheldortekhnika" (hereinafter - the Company).

    It is guided in its activities by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the Company, the Regulations on the Department of Information Support and Technical Policy, other local and acts of the Company and this job description.

    A person who has a higher technical education and work experience in the field related to the activities of the department for at least 3 years.

    The head of the department of information support and technical policy must know the provisions of the Charter of the enterprise, the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On technical regulation", "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements", "On labor protection", "On labor", other legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Temporary Charter railways Of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other guidelines in the field railway transport and this job description.


2.1 Development of quarterly and annual plans, generalization of measures for the comprehensive development of the Company and control over their implementation.

2.2. Ensuring the development and reconstruction of existing production facilities.

2.3. Monitoring the timely installation and commissioning of new equipment.

2.4. Control over observance of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On labor protection", Rules and instructions on labor protection and safety measures for railway workers.

2.5. Control over the introduction of new equipment, progressive technology, preparation of the farm for work in winter conditions.

2.6. Compliance with the secrecy regime and implementation necessary activities to protect classified information from disclosure.

2.7. Methodological, regulatory and informational support of the Company's branches.

2.8. Provision and organization of work on the implementation of a container transport automation system and container fleet accounting by numbers.

2.9. Preparation of proposals for adjusting the existing accounting and reporting forms.

Manufacturing instruction ???

2.10. Bringing operating costs in line with the actual scope of work.

2.11. Development and control of uniform reporting forms for all indicators.

2.12. Participation in the development of draft agreements on issues related to the scope of the department, development of draft orders, orders and other acts of the Company.

2.13. Consideration of appeals government agencies, letters, statements from legal entities.

2.14. Organization of control over the state of labor and performance discipline by the employees of the Department.

2.15. Making suggestions for optimization organizational structure Society.

2.16. Ensures the implementation and implementation of the quality management system requirements in the department.

3.1. The Head of the Department has the right to give instructions to the branches of the Company on issues within the competence of the department.

3.2. Demand from the employees involved in the branches reference information and reporting on matters falling within the purview of the department.

3.3. Sign internal documents with the consent of the Company's management.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The Head of the Department is responsible for:

- improper performance of their duties;

- quality of work performance in accordance with job responsibilities;

- the correctness and completeness of the use of the rights presented;

- enforcement planned targets assigned to him and his subordinates;

- failure to comply with obligations in the field of quality and quality system requirements;

- low performing discipline;

- failure to comply with internal regulations;

- fulfillment of tasks stipulated by this regulation, current legislation, orders, instructions;

- observance of the confidentiality of information that is not subject to disclosure.

    for damage caused to the Company in the event of damage to material assets in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Labor in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

- is responsible for the quality of work in accordance with the Regulations on the department, job description, compliance with obligations in the field of quality and QMS requirements.

5. Procedure for appointment, release and replacement

5.1. The Head of the Department is appointed (dismissed) by the order of the President of the Society.

5.2. In case of temporary absence (business trip, vacation, due to illness), he is replaced by a chief specialist.

I have read the instructions and received 1 copy.

Also on the site:
ISO 9000 Quality Manual
How to describe and optimize business processes

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In general, there is no generally accepted definition of the term Production Instruction. Everyone defines it to the extent of their depravity or awareness.

Rather, it is a collective image.

So I came to the conclusion that every engineer or other high-ranking person from H&S himself comes up with the rules for maintaining documentation. We have, in principle, the OSH and OS standard, but it is also not correctly defined in terms of the specific content and number of instructions. There is, as it were, a list recommended OT journals by divisions. It also exists too recommended list concerning technical documentation- there is nothing concrete in it either. Based on all this, for some reason, OT considers that from the quantity recommended should be at least twice more instructions and magazines: 80:. I agree that it is necessary to prescribe EVERYTHING, to acquaint with signature: shok:. So that later it was possible to say, but we warned you ... we told you about it .... and you: fool: - and we are relieved of responsibility == FULL STUFF == Such amount of information is simply not possible for a person to "absorb" is not realistic !

I think the instructions should be reasonable. short - generalized and concerning only narrow specific activities worker. Foremen, mechanics should carry out repeated - short briefings directly on the type of daily activity and the main duties of their personnel of the brigade or service. But all sorts of classes, meetings - an hour of safety, conversations on the lessons learned from incidents, additional training on civil defense and emergency situations and everything that indirectly concerns workers and for full compliance they must be familiarized - health and safety specialists must be engaged.

At the direction of OT, we have already made a list of instructions, the instructions themselves, indicated the points of instructions when conducting briefings (it looks so competently !!!) ................ The "auditor" came and asked foreman: How many people do you have in the unit ??? ... how long does it take to give each one a briefing ??? === and when are you in production ??? ...... !!! : unknw: .......... The authorities change new lists in a different way, we write down a bunch of paper again .... "Senior auditor" comes along = everything changes again - this should be excluded ..., here add ........ is enter ..... and here it is ....... bring Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! It turns out to be infinity!

Per indication ofOST 64-02-003-2002 thanks! but he according to the approval of technological regulations of production medicines and their semi-products ... and we are more like a machine-building and oil industry... If you refer to him, they can say that this is not about us .................. Maybe something is (from the OST) more specifically !?








    a common part

1.1. Admission to the maintenance and repair of gas pipelines and gas equipment of the boiler house is held by managers, specialists and workers trained in the technology of carrying out gas hazardous work, the rules for the use of funds individual protection(gas masks and life belts), methods of providing first (first aid) aid, certified and tested knowledge in the field of industrial safety in the scope of the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" of Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation.

1.2. Before being allowed to independently perform gas hazardous work (after testing knowledge), everyone must undergo an internship during the first ten work shifts under the supervision of an experienced worker. Internship and admission to the independent performance of gas hazardous work are formalized by a decision on the enterprise.

1.3. Persons entitled to issue work permits to perform gas hazardous work are appointed by order of the enterprise, from among managers and specialists certified in accordance with the requirements of the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" of Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation.

1.4. All work on the maintenance and repair of gas pipelines and gas equipment of the boiler room must be carried out in accordance with this instruction, "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" of Rostekhnadzor of Russia within the time frames stipulated by the schedules approved by the technical manager of the enterprise.

1.5. The enterprise must have (if necessary) contracts with organizations performing work on maintenance and repair of gas pipelines and gas equipment of the boiler house, in which the scope of maintenance and repair work must be determined, obligations in ensuring conditions for safe and reliable operation are regulated. Maintenance and repair schedules (plans) are approved by the technical manager of the owner organization and agreed with the executing organization when concluding a service contract

    Operation of gas pipelines and gas equipment of the boiler room

Gas pipelines and gas equipment boiler room, taken into operation, must have:

Technical data sheet, which presents the main specifications, as well as data on the ongoing repair work. The number of the certificate and permission of Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation is also entered in the passport of technical devices.

When operating gas pipelines and gas equipment of the boiler room, the following types of work must be performed:



Emergency recovery work;

Major overhaul;

Disconnection of inoperative equipment.

2.1. The operating mode of gasified units must comply with the cards approved by the technical manager of the enterprise. Mode cards must be posted at the units and brought to the attention of the operating personnel. Regime charts must be corrected once every three years, as well as after equipment repair.


2.2. Maintenance is carried out according to the schedule approved by the technical manager of the enterprise. In this case, the following work is carried out:

Inspection of the technical condition (bypass) of the internal gas pipelines of the boiler room and boilers (at least once a month);

Checking the operation of safety and safety-locking devices and devices for automatic regulation and safety (check should be carried out at least once a month);

Checking the tightness of flanged, threaded and welded joints gas pipelines, stuffing box fittings using devices or soap emulsion (at least once every six months);

Monitoring the gas content of the air in the boiler room (at least once a shift), checking the operability of the automatic gas signaling alarms in the boiler room (at least once a month with a control mixture);

Re-packing (tightening) of the valve glands, cleaning if necessary (at least once every six months);

Purge of impulse lines of measuring instruments (at least once every six months).

Maintenance should be carried out by two workers and recorded in a special log, indicating the start and end times of work. Organizations licensed to perform these works may be involved in the maintenance.


2.3. The current repair of gas pipelines and gas equipment of the boiler house is carried out according to the schedule approved by the technical manager of the enterprise. In this case, the following work is performed:

Elimination of deflection, replacement and restoration of fasteners (at least once a year);

Repair of disconnecting devices ( shut-off valves) - at least once a year:

Cleaning of fittings, acceleration of the worm and its lubrication, stuffing box;

Dismantling of shut-off valves that do not ensure tightness of closure with lapping of sealing surfaces;

Checking the tightening (fasteners) of flange connections, changing worn and damaged bolts and gaskets;

Control pressure testing of gas equipment (control pressure testing of the internal gas pipelines of the boiler room should be performed with a pressure of 0.01 MPa (1000 mm of water column), the pressure drop should not exceed 60 daPa (60 mm of water column) in one hour);

Painting of gas pipelines and fittings (at least once every five years);

Checking the tightness of the joints and eliminating defects revealed during the inspection of the technical condition (at least once a year);

After completion of work, gas pipelines must be tested for tightness. The tests should be carried out by the personnel of the organization performing the repair. The test results are entered into the gas pipeline passport. All work performed during the repair of gas equipment is recorded in the journal.

Emergency recovery work

2.4. Emergency shutdown of gas pipelines and gas equipment should be carried out in cases of rupture of welded joints, corrosion and mechanical damage to the gas pipeline and fittings with a gas outlet, as well as in an explosion, fire, directly threatening gas pipelines and gas equipment. Emergency recovery works are unplanned. These works must be carried out immediately. If gas contamination is detected, work should be suspended, measures should be taken to identify the cause and eliminate the gas leak and take measures in accordance with the Localization and Elimination Plan emergency situations and, if necessary, the Plan of interaction of services of various departments. Persons not involved in emergency recovery work must be removed from the hazardous area. After the emergency work is completed, the gas supply to the gas-using equipment is resumed in compliance with the rules established for starting gas with the issuance of a permit for gas hazardous work.

Major overhaul

2.5. The standard service life of gas equipment is established in accordance with the passports of the manufacturers; for domestic gas pipelines, this period is 30 years. After the expiration of the standard service life, diagnostics of the technical condition of gas pipelines and equipment should be carried out in order to determine the residual resource with the development of measures to ensure safe operation for the entire life cycle extension, or to justify the need for replacement.

Overhaul of gas pipelines and gas equipment is assigned based on the results of technical diagnostics. For gas pipelines subject to overhaul (replacement), design documentation must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements for new construction. Overhaul of internal gas pipelines and gas equipment should be combined. Information about major repairs must be entered in the passport of the gas pipeline.

2.6. Before putting gas-using installations into operation, including seasonal operation, the following must be ensured:

Testing the knowledge of the instructions by the operating personnel in accordance with the requirements of the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" of Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation;

Maintenance of gas equipment and automation systems;

Carrying out preventive maintenance of gasified installations and auxiliary equipment;

Checking the health of industrial ventilation and smoke exhaust systems;

Compliance with the requirements of regulatory technical documents for the construction and safe operation of boilers, approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

Removal of the plug and start-up of gas is allowed if there are documents confirming the performance of the specified work.

    Safe work methods and techniques

3.1. Industrial premises in which gas pipelines are laid and gas-using installations and fittings are installed must be accessible for maintenance and repair, as well as comply with the project.

3.2. Inspection of the technical condition of industrial smoke exhaust devices (gas ducts and chimneys) should be carried out after their repair, as well as before the start-up of seasonal installations and in case of a draft failure.

3.3. When starting gas, gas pipelines to gas-using installations must be purged with gas until all air is displaced, for at least 10 minutes. The end of the purge is determined by analyzing the oxygen content in the gas pipelines. If the oxygen content is more than 1% by volume, the ignition of the burners is not allowed. Gas pipelines should have a system of purge gas pipelines with shut-off devices and nozzles for sampling in places determined by the project. It is not allowed to blow gas pipelines through safety pipelines and gas burners.

3.4. Furnaces and gas ducts must be ventilated before starting gas-using installations.

3.5. If, during the ignition of the burner or during the regulation process, a break-off, breakthrough or extinction of the flame occurs, the gas supply to the burner and the safety-ignition device must be stopped immediately. It is allowed to start re-ignition after eliminating the cause of the malfunction, ventilation of the furnace and gas ducts for at least 10 minutes, as well as checking the tightness of the shut-off valve in front of the burner.

3.6. Shut-off valves on safety gas pipelines after shutdown of the installation must be in the open position.

3.7. Before repairing gas equipment, inspecting and repairing furnaces or gas ducts, as well as when decommissioning seasonal installations, gas equipment and ignition pipelines must be disconnected from gas pipelines with the installation of plugs after shut-off valves. Gas ducts of gas-using units taken out for repair must be disconnected from the common hog using gates or blind partitions. Gas pipelines must be purged of gas by purging with inert gas or compressed air.

3.8. Rooms with gas-using equipment installed in it must be equipped with an air control system for the content of carbon monoxide and methane in it.

3.9. During repair work in a gas-polluted environment, tools made of non-ferrous metal should be used, excluding the possibility of sparking. The working part of ferrous metal tools should be abundantly lubricated with grease or other grease. Workers and specialists performing gas hazardous work must wear shoes without steel horseshoes and nails.

3.10. Do not leave tools or other metal objects on the equipment to avoid dropping them and generating sparks.

3.11. Checking the tightness of gas pipelines, fittings by fire is prohibited.

3.12. When searching for gas leaks, the use of open flames is strictly prohibited. Posters "No smoking", "No fires" should be displayed.

3.13. In the event of gas ignition when leaking from the gas pipeline, extinguishing the flame, depending on the nature of the hearth, should be done in one of the following ways.


Reflect occupational safety requirements in the main body of the document, before the job description. Here you can provide links to existing instructions for, sanitary norms and rules, or draw up the text of specific requirements. Here, indicate the personal protective equipment used, safety requirements for component parts, assembly units, etc.

Describe the technological sequence of actions, operations. Describe the processes with simple phrases indicating action on the object, accompanied by the indication of parameters (if necessary). Write down the information about the required process mode, i.e. parameters of temperature, pressure, power, etc., required during the operation.

Indicate what equipment is involved in technological process... Indicate the names of devices, tools and measuring instruments in accordance with the technological documentation for them. Attributing to tools and fixtures letter code, you can shorten the text of the description of operations.

Make a description of the operation of the equipment in the form of a list or sequence of actions of the personnel serving it. There may be points about the responsibilities of personnel during the preparation of the equipment for work, during its operation, breakdowns and emergencies, as well as upon completion of work on the equipment. In addition, the responsibility of personnel when servicing mechanisms and working on them is necessarily prescribed.

Divide large text into sections and subsections. Number paragraphs and subparagraphs. Provide tables or graphical illustrations as needed.

On the first sheet of the instruction, indicate its name (above), the industry to which the production belongs. Below, on the right, there should be a signature on the approval of the instruction, the position and date of the approver. Next, arrange the main text of the instruction, which, if necessary, transfer to subsequent pages. On the right and below, in a separate field, indicate the composition of its performers and the last name, the name of the developer and controller.


Each product group must have instruction on exploitation, which contains key points and specifications. For the consumer, such an instruction will serve as a hint for correct handling, which is the key to long-term work with the preservation of all the qualities of the product.

If before starting exploitation the device must be assembled, indicate the diagram in the figures. Each detail of the drawing should be numbered. If the device or item is completely collapsible, then the assembly diagram must be described in a separate brochure.

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