Home Beneficial properties of fruits Horoscope for the end of September October

Horoscope for the end of September October

Waxing Moon: October 2 - October 16

These days you can safely plan to resolve the most important matters and pressing issues. Every day the energy will only increase, and life will throw up new ones. interesting opportunities. The time is favorable for meetings, communication, searching and getting a job, major purchases, financial investments and signing important documents.

New Moon and Full Moon: October 1, October 17

The likelihood increases stressful situations, conflicts and misunderstandings, the risk of injury increases. Avoid excessive exercise and give up alcoholic beverages.

Waning Moon: October 17 - October 29

Take care of finishing things started in the first half of the month. Try to devote most of your time to everyday routine, which does not require excessive activity. The period is favorable for making inquiries, visiting a doctor, or planning repairs.


Stars recommend: You should moderate your enthusiasm and avoid making hasty decisions. Be careful and prudent, carefully analyze the situation before boarding fate. and don't forget the old one folk wisdom: "Seven times measure cut once".


Stars recommend: There may be financial difficulties that will have to be overcome by gathering all your will into a fist. Do not give in to life’s circumstances, and then Fortune will again turn its favorable gaze on you. Physical exercise endurance and cardio training will help you maintain a positive attitude in life and take your mind off temporary difficulties.


Stars recommend:“Turn on” your natural charm and show maximum patience and perseverance in order to stay afloat and have time to cope with the endless list of pressing matters. And for those who are not sure that they can completely rely on their own memory, we recommend starting a diary so as not to miss important meeting or an interesting event.


Stars recommend: Most time, you will be required to be focused and assertive in solving everyday issues, and only in short moments of rest will you be able to allow yourself to relax and pay attention to your loved ones, showing your characteristic care and attentiveness.

a lion

Stars recommend: Be careful: a month and possible damage to your reputation in matters related to finances and career. Be alert and do not allow yourself to be drawn into a stormy showdown and a meaningless search for answers to eternal questions"Who is guilty?" and “What should I do?”


Stars recommend:“Water wears away stones” - follow this simple truth, and you will certainly achieve your goals. Expectation quick results will inevitably lead to disappointment, but patience and gradual progress towards success will ensure your victory. Remember that it is from difficulties that miracles grow.


Stars recommend: Autumn weekdays are a great opportunity to take time for your own needs and reconsider plans for the future. Leisurely walks, evenings with family and relaxing leisure time with your favorite book will bring you greatest feeling joy and inner satisfaction.


Stars recommend: Expect news and business offers that will force you to take the initiative and... There may be hassles associated with paperwork and visiting government agencies. Special attention you will have to devote to children and loved ones whose problems will require your direct participation.


Stars recommend: Thanks to your natural wit and charm, you will be able to bypass numerous sharp corners and reach a compromise even in the most confusing situations. Use this advantage: it will allow you not only to achieve what you want, but also to significantly expand your already impressive circle of friends “for all occasions.”


Stars recommend: Be economical so as not to end up broke without calculating your financial capabilities. Make a rough budget and try to stick to it, avoiding unplanned expenses, otherwise you risk “failure” at the end of the month.


Stars recommend: The main focus should be on health. Overwork and the first autumn cold are the main sources of threat to your well-being. Excessive tension and feigned carelessness can put you in bed for a long time. Don't forget to rest and give yourself nice gift, adding a new fluffy scarf and warm gloves to your wardrobe.


Stars recommend: Don't be afraid to make important decisions based on life experience and common sense. Not only will you not make a mistake, but you will also be able to turn the situation in the direction you want. Don’t hesitate or doubt: all your efforts will pay off in spades!

October is the brightest month of the golden autumn. Forests and parks are covered with a carpet of colorful leaves. And although the air becomes colder every day, the Sun still gives us its warmth. In the sky you can hear the screeching sounds of birds flying away. warmer climes. It rains more and more often. But when they are gone, the days are clear and the air is clear. This is a wonderful time - a real “charm from the eyes”! October will fully make up for all the opportunities that were lost due to the eclipse corridor in the difficult and difficult September. The planets will give us a powerful surge of energy, intense passions, a desire to work, act, and bring positive changes to life. This will be a month of love, increasing sexual needs and emotional relationships.

The White Moon in Gemini will bring a lot interesting information, will help students in their studies, resolve important matters. It is in October that we will have the opportunity to improve relationships with relatives, meet friends more often and find mutual language with neighbors. October is a good month for passing exams, starting studies, interesting trips, meeting new people, as well as for business and financial transactions. The month will pass under the strong influence of the Sun, Chiron and Jupiter, which creates a favorable and promising environment for carrying out responsible tasks and making independent decisions. These planets increase mental energy, ambition, determination, vain aspirations, help to achieve our goals, and achieve the implementation of our plans. For the most ambitious among us, this will be a time of career growth, a desire to lead people, increased responsibility, great entrepreneurship and the ability to earn money. Thanks to the Nodes in Virgo and Pisces, our feelings will become sharper and stronger, deeper and more intense. The desire for independence and originality in actions also increases. Take this into account and try to ensure that all your actions are consistent with common sense and do not bring obstacles and difficulties. Feel free to make profitable deals, negotiate, make presentations, send your resumes and get interviews.

But even if you have to make mistakes and go through small trials, you can still reach your goal, strengthen your authority, and achieve well-being. If in your personal horoscope There are no strong contraindications; you can expect a promotion and good luck in business. Particular success awaits people of art and science, journalists, writers and intellectuals, whose perseverance and hard work will be rewarded handsomely. Once you catch your luck, try not to let it slip out of your hands! Use yours best qualities- will, determination, intelligence, assertiveness, initiative, enthusiasm, tact, diplomacy, endurance, inexhaustible optimism - and you will definitely make your way, reach your intended goal, strengthen your authority and achieve prosperity.

Try to spend October not only in business and work. It will be very auspicious month for personal relationships, friendly meetings, relaxation and entertainment. Jupiter in Libra brings success in social, family and community matters. In October, we will strive to maintain calm, balance, harmony and peace, to seek compromises and understanding even in relationships that have long since reached a dead end. Favorable Venus will enhance intuition and imagination, and will encourage creativity and romance. This is a good month for engagements and weddings. But don't forget that the exact date weddings must be determined only with the help individual horoscope. Thanks to the favorable placement of the planets, October will be much more active than September and rich in positive events. Mars in Capricorn will charge us with a huge supply of energy, increase responsibility and determination, ambition and ambition. Our actions will become more effective. Even the most indecisive among us will take the initiative and will be able to move confidently towards our goal, showing willpower and a desire for self-improvement. We will all be committed to communication and cooperation in all areas of life.

This month, those who maintain self-control and know how to behave tactfully and diplomatically will be successful and happy. It will not be easy for those who show aggression and discontent to express their negative feelings, sharpen the corners and show impatience. The most sensible thing in the month of Libra is to smooth out contradictions and mitigate conflicts, to strive for peace. Despite the fact that October will be extremely favorable, during this month there will be emotionally difficult and even dangerous periods. One of them - October 1-7, when the Black Moon briefly meets Venus and is in conjunction with Proserpina in Scorpio. This can primarily affect love relationships.

These days you can expect scandals and intense passions due to increased sensitivity and vulnerability. Long-term relationships can be abruptly ended due to a careless word. Be careful, don't pick on to a loved one on little things. Take care of your feelings, do not give in to action negative emotions. The end of this negative period will coincide with an interesting celestial phenomenon - a shower of stars called the Draconids, which will illuminate the night sky from 7 to 12 October. We will be able to observe the fall of debris from comet Giacobini-Zinner, which was discovered in 1900.

At the same time, there will be a conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter in Libra. This is the best time to discuss any problem, reconciliation, to try to find a common language and understanding among loved ones, friends and colleagues. The placement of the planets indicates successful business trips and interesting trips. October 15 Uranus will be in opposition to the Sun, which will increase the risk of poor health and accidents. This is not a good day for flying and various kinds active actions. There is a danger of fractures and various injuries, as well as troubles associated with personal and social life. Friends may not behave as we expected. There may be sudden changes and unpredictable situations when you don’t know what decision to make.

October 16 we will experience an unusual full moon and will be able to observe a huge moon hanging in the sky like a colossal disk. The night star will be visible larger and brighter than usual. This phenomenon is called a supermoon in astronomy. It happens when the Moon approaches the Earth as close as possible, and at the same time the phase of the Moon corresponds to the full moon. Don't miss the opportunity to see this unique a natural phenomenon, which only happens once a year!

The period immediately following the supermoon from 18 to 21 October will be the most dangerous for all of us in October. At this time, Mars will approach conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn, which will introduce disharmonious notes into a harmonious month. The influence of planets can be expressed in ill-considered actions, unwanted changes and instability. On state level this could be a time of terrorist attacks, tension in relationships different countries and their rulers, explosions, accidents involving large quantity of people. At this time, manifestations of aggression, long-distance flights and travel, active business and sport life. Evil Mars activates risk-taking, arouses desires, increases impulsiveness and haste. States of incontinent emotions can be replaced by attacks bad mood or even depression. Be as careful as possible. This is especially true for Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, Libra and Capricorn.

The Orionid star shower that will begin 21st and ends around October 27th, will help remove all the consequences of the influence of Mars. Simultaneously with the beautiful night fireworks, Mercury will move from Libra to Scorpio and Venus will connect with Saturn. This will radically change the situation in better side. Venus, Saturn and Mercury will bring optimism and inspiration, joy of life and a desire to strengthen relationships. At this time, even the most reserved people will be inclined to communicate and search for friends and like-minded people. We will all need support, understanding and empathy, and will most likely find an echo of our feelings. Many will feel truly happy thanks to the love and understanding from loved ones, family and friends.

What is the forecast for October for each zodiac sign?

ARIES. For most of the month, you will be concerned about problems of business cooperation and relationships with loved ones. Avoid conflicts at work and in your family. You may have new, interesting partners both in business and in love. In general, the month is stable financially, just don’t get carried away gambling. Small problems may arise in the family, but you can overcome the crisis if you can step over your own ambitions and pride. Many Aries may be concerned about real estate issues. At work, their knowledge and experience become increasingly important, and their lives begin to change significantly for the better.

CALF. You will be busy mainly with arranging your personal life. Children may make you nervous. At the end of the month, something will change in your relationship with your partner. One of the first places will be solving financial problems; you can think about how best to spend or where to invest the accumulated money. It is not recommended to save money and buy cheap and short-lived items. The work will bring you satisfaction; you can easily cope with all the problems and accumulated tasks. In October, Taurus continues to have a time of creativity and love; they can act decisively and succeed, show off their talents.

TWINS. October will be busy for Gemini. It is not advisable to become overtired. This month - favorable time to change jobs. Dedicate the first half of October to your loved one, family and home affairs, and the second half to your work and health. Good luck awaits you at the beginning of the month. In mid-October, problems in your personal life and financial difficulties are possible. At the end of the month, beware of deception, do not make hasty decisions. In October you may have a good win, good luck - both in love and in money. You can make drastic career decisions.

CANCER. Family problems will be your main concern in the first half of the month. You will be able to cope with any difficulties. October is favorable for Cancers in financially. But at the same time, it is associated with increased fatigue and nervousness, which can lead to breakdowns and quarrels even with loved ones. At the beginning of the month, you should avoid mental overload and not plan important tasks and meetings; it is better to postpone them to the second half of the month. Eat only light and fresh foods, otherwise you may experience stomach problems.

A LION. The beginning of the month will be the most successful for you. First of all, this applies to your creative activities, sports trips, business. October is favorable for searching new job, establishing new business connections and contacts, as well as for any important and responsible trip or business trip. Some financial difficulties are likely. In order to resolve your financial problems, you will have to travel a lot, write, and conduct intense negotiations.

VIRGO. Fortune in October turns its face to the hardworking and scrupulous Virgos. There may be career successes, the addition of a family, an expansion of the worldview, long-distance travel. Your nervousness can knock the ground out from under you and you can lose your balance. The only way out for you from this situation - to take the criticism directed at you more calmly, in no case quarreling with anyone. Take care of your health - avoid nervous overload, eat fruit and vegetable diet, get plenty of rest, don’t succumb to colds. In October, you can expect a very interesting acquaintance.

SCALES. At the beginning of October, your success in some areas of activity will be combined with failures in others. At the end of the month everything will turn out well. October can get the ball rolling on solving many of your long-standing problems. Soberly and prudently draw up an action plan to grow your career and improve your financial situation. Meeting with good friend will increase your energy. Throughout the month, try to take time to rest and avoid overwork. In October, luck will certainly smile on you.

SCORPION. In October, the pace of events accelerates for Scorpios. The beginning of the month will be accompanied by successes, especially at work. Avoid heavy loads in the second half of the month. There are hidden enemies in your environment, but they are unlikely to cause you significant harm. Your business is flourishing, despite all their machinations, and this will give you strength. Watch your health, as during this period the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases increases. By the end of the month, Scorpios will be successful in business, but they should adhere to a sense of proportion; This also applies to heart problems.

SAGITTARIUS. In October, Sagittarius should be especially attentive and careful when signing contracts and in paperwork. You have hope for a big win. At the beginning of the month you will have a meeting, after which it will seem to you that you have finally found the one you have been looking for all your life. But you have a very high risk of making mistakes and being deceived. There may be some disruption in health. In October, Jupiter will give Sagittarius career achievements.

CAPRICORN. At the beginning of the month, the stars patronize your professional activity. The middle of the month is associated with various adversities and conflicts. The end of the month is suitable for implementing new projects. Secret patrons will help you in your business. October - good time for new things and new ideas. Your unprecedented performance will be highly appreciated, which will contribute to the growth of both your authority and salary. From the very beginning of the month, pay attention to your health.

AQUARIUS. The beginning of the month is a good time for travel and mental work. The end of the month is associated with positive changes in your personal life. An influential partner or foreigner will help you make the almost impossible real. When paying attention to future promising projects, do not make your plans public. The main thing for you is to realistically assess your strengths. It is undesirable during this period to get involved in gambling and get involved in adventurous stories.

FISH. At the beginning of October, you will work effectively, but you should not forget about your hobbies. Everything is fine in your personal life. You will most likely spend the end of the month away from home. Perhaps a fleeting but pleasant acquaintance. Lean on friends, seek the support of an influential person and do not be afraid of difficulties. Unexpected profits are likely in October. You have a chance to succeed in financial matters, you can even try your luck in the lottery, just don’t get too carried away. Be careful while driving. It is possible that a prestigious acquaintance will help you advance your career. At the end of the month, Pisces will want variety and new experiences.

September 30, 2016

Horoscope for October 2016

Mercury in Libra is a favorable time for concluding deals, contracts, communication, communication. During this period, any negotiations, interviews, or new collaborations are successful.

In the love sphere, Mercury in Libra is a good period for confessions of love, for dating and starting a relationship. Sometimes this position of Mercury inclines towards frivolity and love adventures.

Mercury in Libra gives the ability to see both sides of the coin, reach a compromise, and hold different opinions and points of view. Tactfulness and prudence, diplomatic abilities - will become good helpers in accepting important decisions and new beginnings.

Venus in Sagittarius gives a desire for self-improvement; some may discover the ability to make predictions and esoteric practices. However, there is another side to the coin of the position of Venus in Sagittarius - this is the desire for pleasure, love affairs, betrayal, and deception. Therefore, this is a difficult situation for a love relationship.

In business, financial and business sphere- Venus in Sagittarius gives excessive optimism, self-confidence, and a tendency to rash spending. This is the time when you shouldn't take risks.

Monthly horoscopes for all zodiac signs


October 2016 is a period of activity and achievement for Aries. This month Aries can earn good authority, achieve recognition and success in work, business or career. The greatest success awaits those Aries who are engaged in social activities and take an active social position. However, Aries should be prepared for the fact that in October they will have to take on additional responsibility or perform an additional amount of work. The main thing here is not to spoil the relationship with your superiors, otherwise the consequences will have to be dealt with for a very long time.


October 2016 - difficult period for Taurus. This month, Taurus tends to take their responsibilities lightly, which can lead to difficulties and misunderstandings in relationships with others. In October, Taurus should also be careful when handling money - you can become a victim of scammers, but Taurus himself should not try to deceive someone or make money in a dishonest way. As a result, you can suffer big losses.


October 2016 is a period of creativity and inspiration for Gemini. This month, representatives of the Gemini sign have new ideas, the implementation of which they are ready to immediately begin. Success will accompany almost all endeavors, but especially in creativity and intellectual work.


October 2016 is a favorable period for representatives of the Cancer sign. At this time, the psycho-emotional sphere of Cancer is most stable and balanced, which promotes acceptance right decisions at any life sphere. Cancers will be able to solve many problems without special troubles. The main thing for Cancer this month is to enjoy life more and not bother your head with unnecessary trifles.

a lion

October 2016 is a good period for representatives of the Leo sign. This month, Leos are full of energy and strength to achieve their goals. Many Leos will have the opportunity to take a leadership position, express themselves, and show their abilities and talents. The main thing for Leo this month is not to miss out on their luck.


October 2016 - important period in the life of Virgo; at this time, representatives of this sign can discover new abilities in themselves, for example, to study foreign languages. This time is generally favorable for study and any intellectual activity. Don't be upset if you don't have enough communication with friends this month - later you can catch up. This month will also be marked by pleasant events in the house and new purchases.


October 2016 - important time for representatives of the sign Libra. There will be luck in everything. In addition, the cherished dream of the representatives of this sign will finally come true. Libra needs to use the favorable opportunities of October as effectively as possible, take the initiative, take responsibility for their actions and stop doubting the correctness of the decisions made.


October 2016 could be a busy month for Scorpios. This month, Scorpios tend to solve any problems through disputes and conflicts, regardless of the opinions and interests of others. During this period, many Scorpios tend to waste their energy on trifles and misallocate their time. This has a particularly strong impact on the business and financial sectors.


In October 2016, Sagittarius is prone to laziness and does not want to take advantage of the favorable opportunities that may open up this month. There is a high probability that this period will not be remembered for anything outstanding. Everything will go as usual, without much emotional unrest.


October 2016 is a time when Capricorns are not inclined to take decisive action or make plans for the future, since their self-esteem during this period is significantly underestimated. However, do not despair - this period will last only one month. During this period, you can finish previously started tasks or perform everyday work that does not require making important and responsible decisions.


October 2016 is one of the most favorable periods of the year. This month, representatives of the Aquarius sign can achieve success in work, career, professional activities, and gain respect and recognition from others. Aquarius brings the greatest success this month social activity, and friends, like-minded people, business and love partners will provide help and support during this period. This is a month of achievements, gifts, fulfillment of desires, but this period can turn out to be quite boring for Aquarius if he does not make every effort to achieve his goals.


In October 2016, representatives of the Pisces sign will have the opportunity to put their affairs in order. This period is especially favorable for long-term planning. Professional achievements are possible during this period, but you should not expect instant results - your business this month is slowly but surely gaining momentum and will bring well-deserved success in the future.

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The horoscope for October 2017 predicts many major life changes that will occur in the most important areas of human existence. What exactly and to what extent you try to change, of course, depends only on you and on the situation that has developed in your life during this period. However, it cannot be ruled out that by succumbing to reformist sentiments, you will change your usual way of life so much that it will be turned upside down. Many may mistake these changes for another of your eccentricities, but now, in mid-autumn, you will be more confident than ever that all the bold October reforms are vital to you.

In the first ten days of October, such important aspect like financial affairs and career. If you have been an employee of a company for several years now and are obediently waiting for the higher management to finally consider it necessary to increase the payment for your services, in October 2017 you will decide to clarify this issue without delay. What response you will receive from your management cannot be predicted. However, if you hear “no”, you will resolutely and categorically quit this unpromising job and begin to look for a business that brings higher profits. Everyone involved in entrepreneurship will be no less determined to take their business to new heights in October. Moreover, you will eliminate any obstacles on the path to this dream harshly and rather cynically. As a result, you will achieve new victories, and at the same time you will prove to everyone that it is better not to mess with you.

The second decade of October will make the majority of the inhabitants of planet Earth remember the existence of love, passionate feelings and family ties(more precisely, all the listed aspects themselves will brazenly remind us of themselves). So, if you are a family man, the quarrel that will occur between you and your chosen one in October will expose all the sharp corners, all the unresolved issues that you both have diligently hushed up for many years. If after this conflict you suddenly decide that your marriage is completely over, no one will judge you (and all because your family quarrel will be one of those without a solution to which there can be no question of any happy marriage).

In the third decade of October 2017, people will understand that everyday life, numerous financial problems and other material things have completely absorbed them, leaving neither strength nor free time for romance. Everyone who is lonely, right now, will want to quickly get rid of the emptiness in their hearts (fortunately, looking for love there will be many ways to achieve this goal). Those who have only recently “freed themselves” from an unhappy love affair will also look around very carefully. For such “applicants,” a romance that began at the end of October will not turn into a long-term relationship, but it will be an excellent way for them to forget about their unsuccessful marriage. At the end of October, for many of us, another important task will begin to look for ways to strengthen your immunity. Some will solve this issue using proven “grandmother’s” methods, while others, after consulting the Internet, will buy themselves a whole mountain of advanced pharmaceutical drugs. Both methods are quite effective, as they will help you gain confidence that neither the debilitating October winds nor the downpours will make you a victim of a cold.

October 2016 will be rich in positive events. During this period, people will be inclined to communicate and cooperate in any area of ​​life. The month will pass under the auspices of Mars, which will be in the constellation Capricorn from the end of September to November 9. For many signs, their personal lives will come to the fore with the search for compromises and mutual understanding. Horoscope for October 2016 portends significant amount engagements and weddings. The second half of the month will be practically devoid conflict situations. This is a good month for the business sector - there is an opportunity to conclude profitable deals, conduct negotiations, and make a presentation. Matters will be decided depending on the location of the planets that influence the life of a particular zodiac sign.

The first ten days of October 2016 will pass under the auspices of Mercury, which is moving into the Zodiac sign Libra. If there are no contraindications in the personal horoscope, then a person may well strive and hope for a promotion. Persistent and hardworking people will be able to achieve heights and realize their career dreams. Some are promised government positions, while others will get a real chance to start their own business. If someone decides to change their profession and place of work, this is a favorable time to gain authority among new colleagues. However, it is better not to demonstrate your ambitions, so as not to receive unnecessary attention from your superiors. At work there will be excitement, participation in conferences and social work. Particular success awaits people of art and science, journalists and intellectuals.

In the second ten days of October 2016, Venus moves into the constellation Sagittarius - to the lungs love relationship there is no need to count. This is a time of scandals and intense passions, although towards the end of the decade people will become more sensitive and vulnerable. Sensuality and desire for intimacy will increase significantly, but any careless word can seriously hurt your loved one. You should be careful, because even long-term and deep relationships can be unexpectedly broken. Powerful partners will want to control the situation to the smallest detail, but prohibitions will be ignored. In the middle of the month, there is a possibility of adultery, so it is better to monitor your significant other more closely.

In the third decade of October 2016, due to the unfavorable configuration of Venus and Neptune, there is a high risk of deterioration in health and accidents. There is a possibility of fractures and various injuries, so better yourself once again take care. There may also be a risk of organ problems this month. genitourinary system. For all zodiac signs, a period of creativity and self-education begins. It is possible that a hobby will develop into a semi-professional hobby that can generate income. It doesn’t hurt to find an interesting vacation for yourself - it’s better to spend less time on the street, giving preference to a home environment.

Month October 2016, monthly horoscope

Read zodiac horoscope for the month of October 2016 for each zodiac sign published on the Kaleidoscope of Horoscopes website.

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