Home Beneficial properties of fruits Celtic patterns sketches. Meaning of Celtic tattoos. Common patterns for girls

Celtic patterns sketches. Meaning of Celtic tattoos. Common patterns for girls

Once upon a time, body painting was the lot of sailors who missed earthly flowers and beauties, soldiers who burned their blood type on their wrists, and prisoners who put a hierarchical meaning into the drawings. Now tattooing has become a separate form of art that has won the hearts of millions of such different, and at the same time, somehow similar people. With the help of drawings on the body, you can express yourself, emphasize the main character traits, hint to others about what your soul is screaming about, indicate your motto in life, or tell the whole world about huge and all-consuming love. That's why, find out the meaning of tattoos, before making them - be sure!

Each tattoo is individual, even despite the fact that the same seemingly same design can be found on two different personalities. In one case, a rose, for example, will mean love for a beautiful lady, and in another - for oneself. Small touches, the style in which it is executed, color, shape, thickness of the outline - everything will have its meaning.

However, the images still have a common symbolism. For example, the meaning of the tattoo (black and white, bright or slightly marked, with an open mouth, calm, in full height or just the muzzle) in any of the options will represent power, strength, greatness. always carry some divine meaning and are interpreted as a “messenger”, “broadcaster of God’s will”. The image of a wolf is a sign of a loner, a cat - the meaning of freedom of thought, a shark - fearlessness, a diamond - fortitude, a butterfly - beauty.

Almost every object whose image can be applied to the skin has its own established meaning, which is why it is so difficult for beginners in the art of tattooing to decide on their first choice. However, there is also room for creativity here - you can draw not just one image, but a whole picture, where several speaking symbols will be used at once, each of which will mean something different.

For those who do not want to give hints, but are used to speaking directly and to the point, there are options for inscription tattoos. All of them have a whole set of standard phrases and accept the writing of completely original verbal structures. For this you can use Asian hieroglyphs, Celtic patterns, Latin, English or native Russian letters - it all depends on the goals pursued and personal taste. The place where the tattoo will be applied will also have its own meaning: you can openly demonstrate your body design or carefully hide it from unnecessary attention.

To summarize, on our website we will try to collect all possible meanings of tattoos with descriptions, photographs and sketches. If you have already decided, then you can safely contact the specialists presented on our website. It is on our resource that only the most are collected!

Once upon a time, body painting was the lot of sailors who missed earthly flowers and beauties, soldiers who burned their blood type on their wrists, and prisoners who put a hierarchical meaning into the drawings. Now tattooing has become a separate form of art that has won the hearts of millions of such different, and at the same time, somehow similar people. With the help of drawings on the body, you can express yourself, emphasize the main character traits, hint to others about what your soul is screaming about, indicate your motto in life, or tell the whole world about huge and all-consuming love. That's why, find out the meaning of tattoos, before making them - be sure!

Each tattoo is individual, even despite the fact that the same seemingly same design can be found on two different personalities. In one case, a rose, for example, will mean love for a beautiful lady, and in another - for oneself. Small strokes, the style in which the sketch is executed, color, shape, thickness of the outline - everything will have its meaning.

However, the images still have a common symbolism. For example, the meaning of a tiger tattoo (black and white, bright or slightly marked, with an open mouth, calm, full-length or just the face) in any of the options will represent power, strength, greatness. Angel wings always carry a certain divine meaning and are interpreted as a “messenger”, “broadcaster of God’s will”. The image of a wolf is a sign of a loner, a cat - the meaning of freedom of thought, a shark - fearlessness, a diamond - fortitude, a butterfly - beauty.

Almost every object whose image can be applied to the skin has its own established meaning, which is why it is so difficult for beginners in the art of tattooing to decide on their first choice. However, there is also room for creativity here - you can draw not just one image, but a whole picture, where several speaking symbols will be used at once, each of which will mean something different.

For those who do not want to give hints, but are used to speaking directly and to the point, there are options for inscription tattoos. All the most popular and beautiful tattoo styles have a whole set of standard phrases and accept the inscription of completely original verbal structures. For this you can use Asian hieroglyphs, Celtic patterns, Latin, English or native Russian letters - it all depends on the goals pursued and personal taste. The place where the tattoo will be applied will also have its own meaning: you can openly demonstrate your body design or carefully hide it from unnecessary attention.

To summarize, on our website we will try to collect all possible meanings of tattoos with descriptions, photographs and sketches. If you have already decided which tattoo to choose, then you can safely contact the specialists presented on our website. It is on our resource that only the most

A precious stone that brings good luck. Sometimes agate is associated with the Moon, sometimes with Mercury; it personifies perseverance, luck and love victories, protection from weapons.

A symbol of longevity and immortality, the devotion of children, purity and resurrection.

Symbol of immortality. Red and white acacia flowers symbolize the unity of life and death.

Love of freedom, sophisticated cunning and cruelty, determination.


Strength, endurance, the soul of dead sailors, a good sign.

A symbol of infatuation, romance, love - especially when combined with a bow and a heart.

A symbol of divine will, mediators between the material and spiritual levels. The fallen angels, led by Satan, symbolize the sin of pride.
Angels often represent a lost loved one. The stereotypical angel is innocence; guardian angel - protection from failure; avenging angel - retribution and revenge. Lucifer is a fallen angel, a representative of true evil. An angel is a symbol of devotion, faith, closeness to the spiritual world, a symbol of connection with God, often applied as a talisman. A crucified angel is a symbol of memory and hope.


Grace, speed, visual acuity, a spiritual ideal, her beautiful eyes symbolize the contemplative life.


Love memories and heartfelt longing.


Fertility, splendor, love. Orange blossoms are an ancient symbol of abundance, used in brides' wreaths. The orange color of oranges is associated with fire and luxury, except in Buddhist countries, where the orange robes of monks symbolize humility. In art, the Christ Child sometimes holds an orange as a symbol of atonement for sins, as it was believed that the orange could be the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is customary to eat oranges on the second day of Chinese New Year as a guarantee of wealth and success.


Archangel Michael - warrior-defender of virtue and arbiter of Justice, holds a sword or scales in his hands; Archangel Raphael, the protector of children, travelers and pilgrims, holds a staff in his hands.

Nowadays I am trying to attribute to it the meaning of frivolity, but the butterfly In ancient times was a symbol of immortality, its life cycle became an excellent example of this: life (bright caterpillar), death (dark chrysalis), rebirth (free flight of the soul). Christ holding a butterfly in his palm symbolizes the resurrection. Butterflies were considered symbols of the souls of fallen warriors among the Aztecs; they were sacrificed to some Mexican deities. Their fluttering wings also symbolized the heat of the sun. In China, the butterfly is an emblem of entertainment and a sign of lovers and beauty in old age. A pair of butterflies symbolizes marital happiness.

One of the three trees that bloom in winter - eastern symbol perseverance, longevity, happiness and spiritual truth, symbol of Buddha.

Solar energy, ardent passion, courage, impulsiveness, stubbornness are a symbol of fire, an element both creative and devouring and requiring sacrifice. A snake with a ram's head, a symbolic combination of courage and renewal. As the first sign of the Zodiac - Aries, the ram symbolizes the cyclical fertility of nature and the warmth of the sun during the March equinox.

In Japan, he is a clever cunning man with an evil character, an egoist who cares only about his own belly.

A symbol of skill and hard work, asceticism.

The radiance of the sun, immutability, integrity, symbolize incorruptibility, sincerity and fidelity - this is their meaning in wedding rings. Superstitions attributed healing and protective properties to them due to the fact that Satan avoided their light.

Can symbolize many things, but they all have the meaning "sharp" (pointed, cutting, irritated, irritable, unrestrained).

Buffalo (Bison)

A symbol of terrifying but peaceful strength, prosperity, and male fertility. The buffalo heart is a symbol of death in Tibet.

Power, authority, male fertility is a multi-valued symbol of divinity, royalty, elemental forces of nature, changing its meaning in different eras in different cultures Oh. In iconographic rituals, the bull represented both the moon and the sun, both the earth and the sky, both rain and drought, the power that protected women and male potency, matriarchy and patriarchy, death and rebirth.
The horns of the bull are a sign of the incomplete moon, its huge body is the support of the world in the Islamic and Vedic traditions; his abundant seed is signed by the moon in Iranian mythology; its mooing, stamping of feet and shaking of horns were widely associated with thunder and earthquakes, especially in Crete, home of the terrible man-bull Minotaur. As the most dangerous of all domestic animals, the ox has been the object of both worship and rivalry since ancient times. However, the symbolism connecting the bull with death and rebirth, having originated in the cult of Mithra, spread very widely in late ancient times and relegated sexual symbolism to the background; this is very noticeable in Egyptian culture, as well as in Northern Asia, where death rides a black bull.


Initially in Egypt it was considered a crowned poisonous snake (possibly a cobra); in the Middle Ages, this image acquired the body and wings of a rooster, the basilisk became a terrifying personification of sins such as lust or lust, and a carrier of diseases such as syphilis. According to folklore, the basilisk emerged from a snake egg laid by an old rooster in a dung heap, which was hatched by a toad. Unlike the dragon, which represents evil in a generalized form, the basilisk threatens careless sinners in everyday life.

Temperance, restrained respect. “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” (Gospel of Mark 10:25). The camel often serves as an allegory for Asia.

Thirst, desire, and abundance. The dark, vibrant red of cherry is a highly desirable color for women's lips. A ripe red cherry symbolizes feminine abundance. Cherry on the branches is a symbol of purity and virginity. In China, the cherry tree is a symbol of good luck, spring (due to its early flowering) and virginity; The vulva is called the “spring cherry.” In Christian iconography, a cherry is sometimes depicted instead of an apple as a fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil; sometimes Christ is depicted with cherries in his hand.

Combat tattoos are tattoos applied to the body before a fight or battle, as amulets against various threats and only after that they become decoration. At that time, only warriors wore tattoos; it was believed that tattooing was the result of the subconscious fear of wars before death. Every battle is a risk of being killed or maimed, and tattoos helped to identify the killed.

Strength, patience, hard work; everywhere – a positive symbol. The ox is a Christian symbol of the self-sacrifice of Christ, as well as the emblem of St. Luke and the clergy in general. Nowadays the ox is identified with blunt force; The ox is more of a lunar symbol, as opposed to the solar bull.

Ferocity, deceit, greed, cruelty, evil, but also courage, victory, concern for food. The huge, dire wolf was both a symbol of gluttony and sexuality.

A lively and fertile bird, which in China was associated with the penis (sparrows were sometimes eaten as they were believed to maintain potency). The main meaning of a sparrow tattoo is sexuality.

A bird associated with death, loss and war, but also highly revered. Symbolizes reason and memory. Raven's symbolism Jewish tradition also has a dual character. In both China and Japan, the raven is an emblem of family love. In Europe, crow vultures were an emblem of war, death, abandonment, evil and misfortune. Raven is a travel assistant or fortune teller.

Lunar symbol, also associated with fertility and religious rites. A symbol of seduction and high sexual activity.

Peace, purity, love, serenity, hope. Christian emblem of the Holy Spirit and chastity. A pair of doves is a symbol of sexual harmony. In China and Japan, the dove is one of many symbols of longevity.


Purity and chastity are virtues that the ermine symbolizes. In addition to snow-white fur, he was associated with the concept of cleanliness by the belief that stoats die if their white winter coat gets dirty. Trimming the clothing or hats of nobles, judges, and masters with ermine fur symbolized moral or intellectual purity.

A solar hybrid creature combining the head, wings and claws of an eagle with the body of a lion. These animals symbolize power over air and earth and together constitute a double emblem of solar power, symbols of courageous vigilance, wisdom, revenge, and retribution.

Vigilance, talkativeness, love, happiness in marriage, fidelity; solar symbol, especially in Egypt. A sign of freedom, enlightenment and, thanks to seasonal flights, a symbol of autumn and spring. The solar and beneficent symbolism of the wild goose shares many of the same symbolism with the swan, and the two are essentially interchangeable, especially in the Celtic tradition.

Danaë (goddess)

Danaë is a symbol of chastity, as well as the personification of the conception of a virgin solely due to divine intervention.

Rescue, transformation, speed, power of the sea, love. Emblem of Christ the Savior. The symbolism of the dolphin comes directly from the natural friendliness, playfulness and intelligence of this marine mammal. Dionysus (Bacchus) turned drunken and wicked sailors into dolphins and turned himself into a dolphin to take Cretan pilgrims to his sanctuary at Delphi. Intertwined with the anchor, the dolphin is a symbol of caution (speed limit).

A reptile that embodies primordial power. Since dragons are generally benign symbols in the Far East and malevolent in the West, their symbolism is not as direct as it could be. In myths and legends, dragon and snake were often synonymous, for example in China, and also in Greece, where large snakes were called draconates, a word apparently meaning keen vision (from dercomai, "sharp perception"). Association of the dragon with vigilance in fairy tales, where the dragon appears as a guardian the afterlife and the oracle. Dragons, which were defeated by many Christian saints, symbolize disorder and unbelief, as well as moral evil and primitive licentiousness.

The enemy of perfection, symbolizes darkness, deception and evil, especially within the moral norms of Christianity and Judaism. Since ancient times, evil and failure have been symbolized by monsters or goblins, as well as deities with contradictory characters who, along with positive ones, also had capricious, cruel, destructive and other demonic traits.


Chastity, purity, strength, an exquisite symbol of sublime aspiration and a Christian symbol of the second component of the Trinity - Jesus Christ. In China, it is a symbol of “yin-yang”, wisdom, meekness and happiness. His horn or horns (there can be up to five) symbolize intelligence.

Hedgehog (Porcupine)

The gift of fire and agriculture. Rolled into a prickly ball symbolizes the sun's rays. A symbol of gluttony, belligerence and touch.

A companion of witches, reminiscent of the death and torment of sinners. In China they were considered symbols of the moon, moisture, messengers of rain and therefore associated with wealth, longevity and good luck; within the framework of the “yin-yang” philosophical system, toads were associated with the “yin” sign. The toad is also associated with the symbolism of birth and rebirth (which is based on the transformation of an egg into a tadpole and then into a toad).


A symbol of both light and femininity. Its pale radiance is associated with the full moon, its aquatic origin with fertility, and its hidden development inside the shell with the miracle of birth or rebirth. Deep under the sea, encased in the shell of a mollusk, the luminous purity made the pearl a symbol of spiritual wisdom and esoteric knowledge. Pearls are an emblem of both fertility and virginity and perfection.

Vigilance, longevity, wisdom, devotion, honor, endurance, beauty, a symbol of communication with the gods - the symbolic meanings that cranes are endowed with in China and Japan. Opposite symbolism is inherent in this bird in India, where the crane is a symbol of betrayal, and in some Celtic regions, where this bird is considered a harbinger of misfortune.

Hare rabbit)

A symbol of fertility, desire, procreation, cyclical rebirth, agility, speed, vigilance and magical power. In China, the hare was a symbol of yin and a harbinger of good luck (in China it also symbolized homosexuality).

They symbolize dreams, hopes, freedom and high ambitions.

There are a huge number of stars that differ from each other; they are distinctive signs in the criminal world. They are most often applied to the collarbones and knees.

They were once symbols of fertility and rain. Then sexuality was added to this. The snake was primarily a magical religious symbol of the forces that gave birth to life, sometimes it depicted the Creator God himself.
The snake is the mistress of life force, also the goddess of darkness. Symbol of wisdom and strength (Japan). Snake with a lion's head - agility, strength, luck (South America).
A snake swallowing its tail is an ancient symbol of the sun (Africa).
A snake wrapped around a person's neck is the personification of evil.

Wisdom. She was mummified and placed in royal tombs so that she could explain the secrets of the afterlife to the dead.

Playing cards

Playing cards became the personification of the sin of idleness that so frightened the Puritans.

Each hieroglyph has its own meaning, but a small mistake can change the meaning of the hieroglyph; so that you don’t look like a fool, make tattoos according to clear sketches. Also remember that Japanese and Chinese characters are different.

Rejuvenation and fertility. Among the Aztecs and other peoples, this stone was associated with the moon, rain, water and the East. He is a Christian symbol of immortality, faith and hope; also considered the Pope's stone. It was believed that the emerald was a stone from the underworld that fell from the crown of Lucifer. Hence its reputation as the most powerful amulet against many diseases (especially epilepsy and dysentery). It was believed that it helped with difficult childbirth and poor eyesight - perhaps because with its help sorcerers tried to see the future.

Boar (Boar)

A primitive symbol of strength, brazen aggression, selfless courage in almost all of Northern Europe and in the Celtic tradition, where the boar was a generally accepted symbol of warriors. The boar became a Jewish and Christian symbol of tyranny and lust.

Dwarf (gnome)

Symbol of guardianship, protection, patronage. In India, dwarfs sometimes appear as demonic forces, supporting the idea that there is a connection between short stature and human ignorance or blind instinct. Dwarfs are often used in conjunction with fool symbols. Dwarfs are usually jealous misers who keep treasures or secret knowledge, and are great fans of asking riddles and creating mystery. Dwarfs are symbols of suspicion and cunning, but they are very easy to deceive. Dwarves are considered good-natured creatures who possess the magical secrets of the earth.

A symbol of masculinity, male sexual energy in China, in Japan - samurai fortitude, perhaps due to the contrast between his vigorous leaps in the water and the calmness at the moment when he is caught and dies. His longevity was also admired in the East; carp was also a symbol of good luck.

A symbol of infinity and sharp turns of fate.

A symbol of a man captured by his primal instincts, especially lust, violence and drunkenness, and enormous physical strength. In early Greek art, the centaur was depicted as a man with the legs of a horse, and later as a horse with a human torso and head.

In the West, it is a mystical symbol of death and mourning. In Asia, cypress is an emblem of longevity and immortality. In Greece, it was a symbol of the gloomy god of the underworld Hades and the more cheerful gods Zeus, Apollo, Aphrodite and Hermes. This inconsistency may explain why it became a symbol of rebirth and life after death in mourning ceremonies.

Clover is stuffed as an amulet, so that throughout a person’s life good luck and happiness will accompany them (the stars “pave the way” through the four-leaf clover).

The deepest and dark meaning given to fools in ancient times. They were the opposite of kings and rulers, and were used as substitutes during sacrificial rituals. More generally, clowns and fools represent human failure, how dignity and seriousness can instantly turn into farce, or how wisdom turns into idiocy (patience and the ability to be different gives this symbol a real power that others do not understand).

The cobra rising above the ground and spreading its hood had especially sacred significance in religious art India and Egypt. She was also depicted on the walls of temples as an emblem of power, capable of either taking or preserving life. In Buddhism, the cobra is a symbol of instinct. In Cambodia, the wonderful seven-headed Naga is a symbol of the rainbow, the connection between earth and sky.

An ancient symbol of the nurse, mother's milk and (like the bull) the cosmic forces that created the world. Her milk falls in the form of fruitful rain. The black cow is involved in funeral rituals in India, and the white cow is a symbol of enlightenment. In both the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, the calm, balanced character of the cow coincided so completely with ideas about a pious life that it became the most revered and sacred animal. Her behavior was an example of happiness and serenity.

Cunning, the ability to transform, clairvoyance, intelligence, attentiveness, sensual beauty, female anger, freedom. In iconography, the cat was depicted as an assistant to the sun, tearing off the head of the afterlife snake. The cat was also associated with other lunar goddesses, such as the Greek Artemis, the Roman Diana, and the Norse Freya (who rode a chariot drawn by cats). The Celts attributed evil cunning to black cats, in the Islamic tradition they were considered one of the incarnations of genies, in Japan cats were considered harbingers of bad luck, Japanese fairy tales describe that cats could inhabit women's bodies. The most negative image appears in the extensive folklore about witches, where cats appear as close associates of Satan, are associated with satanic orgies, and are considered lustful and cruel incarnations of the devil himself.

The cross is one of the most famous symbols in the world due to its connection with deep religious beliefs. The cross often represents the loss of a loved one. The cross is not only an emblem of the Christian faith, but also an older universal symbol of the Cosmos, reduced to its simplest form - two intersecting lines symbolizing the four cardinal directions. The cross can mean the winds that carry rain (for example, in pre-Columbian America, where the cross was often used as a symbol of fertility, life and natural elements), and the four phases of the moon (in Babylon), and the gods of the four main elements of the universe (in Syria). The number of ends of the cross could reach six (as in Chaldea and Israel) or even eight. In China, a cross inside a square is a sign of earth and stability. In India, the cross was the emblem of the fiery clubs of the fire god Agni; a cross inside a circle is the Buddhist wheel of life; a cross with ends extending beyond the circle is divine energy. The swastika, an ancient emblem of cosmic energy, is also essentially a cross, the “broken” ends of which convey rotational movement
inherent in this substance. The cross was also a sign symbolizing the Tree of Life, in this sense it was later often included in images of the crucifixion of Christ. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the cross is an image of the unity of the lower and higher spheres of existence - the vertical crossbar means ascension to heaven, and the horizontal crossbar means. In China, the cross is considered a ladder to heaven; the cross also represents the number 10 (a symbol of universality) in Chinese hieroglyphic writing. Another symbol of universality is a standing man with his arms spread to the side - an image of a microcosm, a reflection of the vast Universe contained in every individual. In a more general sense, the cross is associated with duality and union, union. Psychoanalysts and followers of Carl Jung consider him a symbol of the energy of good. The widespread veneration of the cross by peoples who until recently knew nothing of Christianity puzzled the early missionaries, especially in North and Central America. In Mexico, the cross was an attribute of the gods of wind and rain, Quetzalcoatl and Tlaloc. Aztec images of sacrificial crucifixion of people are quite common. In Africa, the sign of the cross can symbolize patronage, protection, cosmic unity, fate and, inscribed in a circle, supreme power. In Scandinavia, runic crosses marked the boundaries of possessions or the graves of leaders, and could symbolize the fruitful power of the hammer of the god Thor. The form of the Celtic cross (a cross on which a smaller circle is superimposed) goes back to the synthesis of Christian and pagan symbolism. The ancient Egyptian ankh, a symbol of immortality, was adopted by Christians Coptic Church as its emblem.
In Roman, Persian, and Jewish traditions, crucifixion was a cruel and humiliating method of punishment and execution for such segments of the population as slaves, pirates, rebels, criminals and other “non-citizens.” Thus, in the time of Christ it hardly looked like a symbol, capable of attracting new believers. Fear of ridicule, as well as persecution by the authorities, may have become the reason for the appearance among early Christians of various variants of the “cross-crucifixion”, or even just figures that only superficially resembled a cross (anchor, staff, swastika, trident), as secret emblems of the cross. Even after the baptism of the Roman Emperor Constantine, the cross remained a secondary symbol compared to the Christogram. After Christianity had spread sufficiently, it began to dominate, at the same time incorporating pre-Christian meanings into its symbolism and thereby deepening the new tradition: the cross as a symbol of redemption through the self-sacrifice of Christ. The schematic depiction of the impassive Christ on the cross, inherent in early Christian art, gradually gave way to the full of feelings image of the agonizing Son of God. This trend reached its peak in the altarpiece at Grunewald (1515): the ordinary cross became a grand, consoling symbol of human suffering.


Destructive gluttony is the executor of God's punishment; lord of water and earth, life and death. In Egyptian religious art, death is often depicted as a crocodile; the city of Crocodopolis was named after the crocodile-shaped god of fertility Sebek. The symbolism of rebirth associated with the crocodile is also present in Liberian ( West Africa) initiation ritual - scars after circumcision are considered to be the marks of the jaws of a crocodile swallowing young men, after which they appear as men. Image of a crocodile on a platter (Benin, West Africa, 17th century) In the East, the crocodile sometimes acts as a huge sea monster, as one of the images of chaos, or as a dragon that personifies evil. It is in this meaning that it is depicted in Western art, in paintings where St. Theodore defeats the monster. In Asian countries, it personifies the conflict between water and land.

Speed, mobility, rise, exaltation, strong desire, superiority, freedom, intelligence, inspiration.

Destruction, greed, foresight, fertility.


In China, an emblem of good luck associated with fertility. In countries where the natural balance is very fragile, it is a symbol of cosmic disorder. In the Bible, a plague of locusts symbolizes the wrath of God.

This is a symbol of a parasite, a slacker, hence English word"cuckold" (fooled husband); a bird associated in Europe with envy and adventurism. More common is the positive symbolism of the cuckoo - a harbinger of spring, summer or wealth.

In Africa - a guide to the afterlife; used as a sacrifice to summon spirits. In Europe it is a symbol of fussiness and maternal care. A hen with chicks was an image of God's Providence in Christianity. Much less often does it represent the meaning of mercy.

A traditional herald of spring, as well as a symbol of resurrection in many cultural traditions. Emblem of childbirth. In China, where the arrival of swallows coincided with spring fertility rituals on the days of the March equinox, it was believed that in the house they chose for nesting there would soon be a wedding and many children.

A romantic, controversial symbol of light, death, transformation, poetry, beauty and melancholic passion. The solar and masculine sign, the emblem of light, is used as an emblem of feminine tenderness, beauty and grace.

Divine, solar energy, royalty, strength, courage, wisdom, justice, protection, protection, but also cruelty, all-consuming ferocity and death. The lion is the image of all the great and terrifying forces of nature, the main figure for personifying the sun itself.

A water monster symbolizing the forces of nature, which only superhuman effort can bring into being. calm state and control. Leviathan is one of the names of a whale; in Hebrew, the word “liviatan” meant any monster of the watery depths. A frightening symbol seeking to subdue someone.

Fury, relentless strength, courage, pride, speed. The leopard is considered a symbol of courage in European heraldry, as well as in China, where it is combined with lunar symbolism.

The enemy of light is therefore an animal symbolizing fears and superstition; often associated with death, the night, and in Jewish and Christian traditions with idolatry and Satanism. The bat can also represent madness. In Central American and Brazilian mythology, the bat is a powerful deity of the underworld, sometimes depicted grinning, devouring light or even the Sun itself. IN Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome bat mistakenly attributed to acute vision, it symbolized vigilance and insight. Homer's dead souls had bat wings. In Europe, they were nailed to doors to ward off demons. In a completely opposite form, the symbolism of the bat is presented in China, where “fu” (bat) is a homonym for wishing good luck, and two bats on greeting cards mean wishes for fertility, prosperity, health, longevity and a dignified death.

Identified with Christian religiosity, purity, innocence, but also, in old traditions, associated with fertility and erotic love because of its phallus-like pistil and specific aroma. White lilies are associations with the Virgin Mary (the lily was also an attribute of her betrothed Joseph and many saints). Lilies were associated with fertility not only in Greece, but also in Egypt and throughout the Middle East. Lilies symbolized prosperity and royal power in Byzantium. White lilies can sometimes symbolize death as well as purity, and are often depicted as a sign of imminent death. Water lily (lotus) is a completely different plant with a wider symbolic range.
Kala lily - modesty of a girl, daylily - coquetry, tiger lily - carries the meaning “I take risks for you”, white lily - sweetness and purity, yellow lilies - flirting and coquetry.

A symbol of cunning and intelligence combined with anger, hypocrisy, vice, deception.

A flower symbolizing fertility, especially in the culture of Ancient Egypt, India, China and Japan. The lotus became a symbol of birth and rebirth, the source of cosmic life and the creator gods of the world or sun gods. The lotus can symbolize a person's spiritual growth and the soul's ability to achieve divine perfection. The lotus also symbolizes the realization of a person’s inner capabilities or, in the tantric tradition and yoga, the ability to use the streams of energy flowing through the chakras (often depicted in the form of lotuses) and bursting out, like the lotus of enlightenment with a thousand petals, from the crown. The lotus is the emblem of the Buddha himself and a sublime image of the flowering of spiritual knowledge that can lead to the state of nirvana. The sexual imagery of the lotus, most prominent in Tantric Buddhism, sometimes combines the stem (masculine) and flower (feminine) as a symbol of spiritual unity and harmony. Chinese Buddhism, in which the lotus is one of the Eight Good Signs, attributes to it broader associations - honesty, firmness, determination, family harmony and prosperity and, especially, the blessing of many children (boy with lotus).

The horse signifies intellect, wisdom, intelligence, reason, nobility, light, dynamic strength, agility, quickness of thought and the passage of time.

The poppy is a symbol of sleep and dreams, the red poppy is the emblem of Christ's self-sacrifice and the "deadly sleep".

Malinovka (Zaryanka)

Sometimes it replaces the goldfinch in the legendary story of the bird that tore a thorn from the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ and was stained with his blood. This may have led to European superstitions that the robin foreshadowed death and that whoever killed it would suffer misfortune.

Brutal, primitive force; sign of warriors in Northern Europe and Asia. The bear is a symbol of strength North American Indians. In China, a bear is a sign of male courage, and the appearance of bears in dreams was a sign of the birth of sons. The bear is a symbol of maternal strength, care, warmth. The bear is also a symbol of the moon and resurrection, perhaps due to its winter hibernation. Shamans use a bear mask to make contact with forest spirits. Among Christians and in the Islamic tradition, he appears as a dark force, cruel, lustful, vindictive and greedy. In Western art, the bear represents the sin of gluttony.


A fantastic monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man, living, according to myth, on the island of Crete. Symbolizes tyranny and, in psychology, hidden destructiveness and suppressed desires. A bull's head on a human body symbolizes the complete predominance of animal instincts.


Symbol of the vulva, sexuality and fertility, hope of resurrection.

The goddesses are the patrons of epic poetry (Calliope), lyric poetry (Erato), history (Clio), music (Euterpe), tragedy (Melpomene), pantomime (Polyhymnia), comedy (Thalia), dance (Terpsichore) and astronomy (Urania). Their symbolism was based on the association of inspiration and source.

Diligence, patience, modesty, foresight. In China, the ant symbolized order and tireless service. In Hindu and Buddhist beliefs; thus, he has become a symbol of the bustling, continuous activity of those who are not aware of the transience of human life.

Since ancient times it symbolizes timidity. In Judaism they are a symbol of hypocrisy, and in Christianity they are a symbol of evil, destructive activity. In popular belief, mice are the souls that fly out of the mouths of the dead (red if the deceased were virtuous, black if they were sinful), like the doves that were said to fly out of the mouths of saints when their souls left their dead bodies. In Africa, mice are used for predictions, as they are believed to know the secrets of the afterlife.

Flower of spring, symbol of death in youth, sleep and rebirth. In Persia, the smell of narcissus was called the scent of youth. Its straight and strong stem has made it an emblem of devotion and faith in Islam. Since the daffodil blooms on Chinese New Year, it has become a symbol of joy, good luck and a happy marriage. The white daffodil is often used in China as an analogue of the lily, and in Christian art as an attribute of the Virgin Mary.

A ritual instrument of sacrifice, circumcision and martyrdom, the knife is usually a symbol of destruction, especially in the hands of Hindu deities, but in Buddhism it can signify severing ties to the material world. Sigmund Freud, in his interpretation of dreams, associated the knife with the phallus.

In China, an emblem of good luck, strangely associated with learning. According to superstition, rhinoceros horn ground into powder increases male potency.


She was revered in ancient Egypt, Africa, India and China, but the Christian tradition views her with great suspicion, identifying her with vice, passions, idolatry and diabolical heresies. In Egyptian iconography, the baboon is a symbol of wisdom. The Indian monkey god Hanuman represents courage, resilience and self-sacrifice. The monkey is small, with a tail, like the large tailless monkey, and has a higher symbolic status in the East than in the West. Her ability to imitate and the variety of forms of behavior make her symbolism generally contradictory and allow her to personify both positive and negative sides human behavior.
Hanuman, indian god monkeys are a symbol of fertility, as well as healing, a warrior and a faithful companion of the god Rama. In Chinese art, the gibbon symbolizes maternal care. In Japan, toy monkeys are considered talismans that protect children. The famous symbolic figure "kochin" - three monkeys who see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil (a carved wooden sculpture is located in the temple of the first Tokugawa runner in Nikko) - surprisingly, symbolizes wise caution, although in the Western tradition monkeys are the opposite , are considered the personification of curiosity and talkativeness. These carvings were considered in the East as a talisman that protected against slander. Criminal intent, lust and greed are qualities symbolized by monkeys in Christian art; they also often caricature the minor flaws of human nature or are an allegory of imitative art.


The emblem of the Passion of Christ - the symbolism is probably related to the bitterness of its leaves. In Israel and some other countries they are used for food.

A universal auspicious symbol associated with the East, sunrise, light, purity, renewal, creation and spirituality. An adult male deer is a solar emblem of abundance; its branched antlers symbolize the tree of Life, the sun's rays, longevity and rebirth among the American Indians and some other peoples (antlers change periodically). Deer is also associated with courage and passion, and in China with wealth and good fortune, the word “deer” there is a homonym for the word “abundance.”

The most characteristic features of a deer are swiftness, grace and beauty. For this reason, perhaps, the deer is associated with poetry and music. As a result of observations of its habits, the symbolism of loneliness associated with the deer arose, both in the European and Japanese traditions. The Celts believed that reindeer were the primary animal in the magical herds of the gods (this may have led to the tradition that Santa Claus travels in a reindeer sleigh); some Celtic gods themselves had deer antlers. Deer were also credited with healing powers, especially the ability to seek out medicinal herbs.

IN fine arts a deer wounded by an arrow and holding a bunch of medicinal herbs in its mouth is a symbol of love’s longing. Deer also symbolizes caution and keen hearing. In Christian iconography, a deer trampling a snake is an emblem of the destruction of evil, and in the Bible there is an analogy between a deer thirsting for water and human soul thirsting for God - these comparisons are the reason why the male deer often symbolizes piety. It is with this meaning that the deer is depicted on baptismal fonts, as well as in religious paintings - drinking at the foot of the cross. The female deer is found less frequently as a symbol, usually as a companion to lunar goddesses of the hunt, such as the ancient Greek Artemis (in Roman mythology Diana).

It can also symbolize the feminine principle in initiation rites. The deer was often a tribal figure (totem) among peoples Central Asia– hence the legend that Genghis Khan’s ancestors were a wolf and a deer.

The most important symbol, the emblem of the all-seeing gods of the sky and sun, rulers, as well as warriors. Associated with greatness, power, dominance, victory, courage, inspiration, spiritual uplift. The eagle, the ruler of the air, is one of the most unambiguous and universal symbols, embodying power, speed and other signs of the animal world in all its grandeur. He is not only the companion of all the great gods, but often their direct personification.

The eagle is depicted not only on fonts, but also on church pulpits - as the emblem of St. Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, bearing the Word of Christ. In medieval Christian iconography, the eagle is associated with the ascension of Christ, with prayers sent to heaven, with the descent of God's mercy and victory over evil (in the case where the eagle is depicted as a snake in its beak). The connection between the eagle and the gods of the sky has an ancient and strong tradition in ancient Egyptian, West Asian, Indian and Eastern cultures.

An eagle with human hands is an ancient Syrian emblem of sun worshipers. The eagle was often a symbol of both the storm or thunderstorm and the sun - that is, it was associated with both light and fertility. Garuda, the bird-man on which the Vedic god Vishnu flew, is often depicted fighting snakes, the personification of evil. On the other hand, the combination of the symbols of an eagle and a snake represents the unity of air and earth (sometimes the snake is replaced by a lion, as, for example, in alchemy, where the crowned eagle and lion are considered a symbolic representation of the dual unity of the principles of variability and immutability).

In the mythology of the Indians of North America, the eagle appears as a symbol of the sky and the sun. The unity and opposition of heaven and earth were symbolized in Central America by the eagle and the jaguar. Among nomads, especially in Northern Asia, the eagle was a shamanic symbol of the Father, its feathers used in initiation rites and rituals in which the shaman “communicated” with spirits.

Symbolizes femininity, good taste and serenity.

Usually associated with a sarcastic personality. According to some African traditions, the wasp symbolizes the development and control of other life forms. In Mali, stone bees were an emblem of the shamanic elite.

A symbol of the abyss and the underworld, associated with the spiral, whirlpool, spider and sea serpent. The octopus was depicted on Mycenaean medallions with spirally twisted tentacles and may have served sailors as an amulet against dangerous depths and the evil eye. The octopus strikingly resembles the ancient Greek mythological Medusa: her face was turned in all directions at once, she had snakes instead of hair, and her gaze turned to stone (the modern name of the jellyfish comes from this analogy). The negative, frightening symbolism associated with the octopus may also be related to the ink cloud that the frightened octopus releases. Zodiac sign Cancer, associated with the moon, water and the June solstice, is sometimes represented by an octopus (more often than a crab).

Radiant glory, immortality, greatness, incorruptibility, pride. The sparkling splendor of the male peacock's tail is the reason for his comparison with the immortal gods, and therefore with immortality. Peacocks sometimes appear in Christian art in Nativity scenes or drinking from a goblet - in both cases as a symbol of eternal life. On the other hand, the Christian doctrine of a humble life led to the fact that the sins of pride, luxury and vanity began to be identified with the image of the peacock.

Lunar and feminine sign; symbol associated with "thread" human destiny" In India, the web is a symbol of “maya” (“illusion”), associated with the fragility and fatality of human existence. In other cultures, spiders are often represented as companions of moon goddesses or even as creators of the universe. They can symbolize deceit (for example, the devil, as in the Christian tradition) or protection from storms (as among some Indian tribes in North America). Associations of the spider with luck, wealth or rain are widespread; the spider descending from above on the web is an emblem of divine gifts.

Sacrificial love. The symbolism is based on the legend that pelicans rip pieces out of their chests to feed their chicks (they are now known to retrieve food supplies from their beak pouch). Early Christian writers compared the pelican, feeding its offspring with its flesh, with Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his blood for the salvation of mankind. That is why the pelican is sometimes depicted in scenes of the crucifixion of Christ. It is also a symbol of mercy, represents the human nature of Christ and is the mate of the Phoenix bird.

Pentagram, pentacle

This symbol is also called the seal of Solomon, the star of Bethlehem, the star of the three wise men, the star of the sorcerers, the star of Logra, the devil's sign, the witch's cross, the goblin's foot or (in Germany) Druderfuss, "druid's foot."

The Pentagram is associated with magic, pagan beliefs, Satanism and Christian mysticism in equal measure.

In ancient times, the pentacle meant “life” or “health.”

In the Middle Ages, witches and pagans used the pentacle to perform sign of the cross. Hence its name - witch's cross. The pentacle was considered a powerful protective sign, so people used it to cross themselves even more often than the four-pointed cross. The blessing with the pentacle was performed with the right hand like this; they touched the left chest, the forehead, the right chest, the left shoulder, the right shoulder and finally the left chest again to close the line of the pentacle.

The pentacle, intertwined with five rings, was considered an extremely mystical combination: peaks and circles, male and female, the unity of an eternal combination, as in a frieze of ovals and arrows.


Kindness, passion and courage. The quail was an emblem of military valor in both China and Rome. The Chinese associated quail with the south, fire, fire, and summer. In Europe, the quail's night flight was associated with witchcraft, but in general it had a positive reputation, especially among the Israelites, for whom it served as food in the desert during the Exodus.

Ring, rings

There are a huge number of rings that differ from each other; they are distinctive signs in the criminal world.

Vigilance, courage, courage, foresight, reliability; the messenger of dawn is a symbol of the sun and spiritual rebirth. These qualities of his are much more widespread than pride, arrogance, and lust, which are also inherent in him. The rooster is associated with dawn, sun, light everywhere, excluding the Celtic regions and northern Europe. In China, where its red comb is associated with sunset and autumn, the word “rooster” is a homonym for “good fortune”; a red rooster keeps fire away from the house, and a white rooster keeps ghosts away; Roosters may be sacrificed, but out of respect they are not eaten. The rooster is a symbol of the five Chinese virtues: dignity in war, nobility in peacetime, courage, reliability and generosity (the latter - from the rooster's noted habit of offering the food he finds first to the chickens and only then eating it himself). A live rooster or its image is used in funeral ceremonies as a talisman to ward off evil. The rooster is a sacred animal in Japan. In Buddhism, the rooster represents sensual desires and is one of the three emblematic animals (along with the pig and the snake) that accompany man in the circle of birth and death.
In Western art the rooster can signify lust, but in the Christian tradition the symbolism of the rooster is generally positive. It is a symbol of light and rebirth, confrontation with the darkness of spiritual ignorance. Weathervanes on churches in the shape of a rooster are an emblem of vigilance against evil. According to popular belief, night ghosts disappear with the first cry of the rooster. He controlled souls, called the dead to battle, and warned the gods of danger. Some African peoples consider him a soothsayer and possessor of secret knowledge and therefore associate him with sorcerers.


Sometimes they are stuffed as a sign that there was an attempt on a person’s life, they tried to kill him. Sometimes a sign that he is capable of killing. Some are applied with the meaning of sexual drive and strength, some are applied for beauty, to show off.

A common amulet against witches, fairies, the devil, evil spirits, an amulet for good luck, but can also be a guarantee of good luck and scare away the devil. In order for a horseshoe to protect against witchcraft, sorcery and demons, it should be stuffed with the sharp ends down. As an amulet for good luck, the ends of the horseshoe should be at the top, so that the happiness that comes will not spill out.

A messenger, a mediator between the human and other worlds - symbolism that clearly comes from the ability of this bird to imitate human speech. For the same reason, parrots were associated with prophecy; in India and Central America they were considered capable of causing rain. In Chinese folk tales, parrots inform husbands about their wives' infidelities. Like an idle chatterbox, "parrot" is a Chinese slang term for bar girls.

The embodiment of both the human and cosmic spirit is a symbolism defined by their ease and speed of movement, free floating and supposed ability to reach the heavens. In Egypt, the soul of every person was depicted as a hawk with a human head, leaving the body after death. They are the incarnate deities of prophecy, immortality and joy. In Melanesia, birds were believed to carry messages between the earth and the heavens. In some cultures, birds are considered harbingers of disease - usually crows or vultures. However, a more common belief is that birds are an auspicious sign, for example, in Hinduism they symbolize the love of the gods who sent the elixir of immortality (“soma”) to humanity. In many myths, birds play important role in the creation of the world or control natural forces, such as the petrel among the Indians of North America or the lightning bird in South Africa. The bird-snake Quetzalcoatl in Central American mythology combines heavenly and earthly powers, often separated in other myths, where the fight of birds with snakes depicts the fundamental conflict between light and darkness, spirit and flesh.

An unusually rich symbol, especially as an example of ethical purity and morality, developed in the works of writers and preachers. Among the qualities attributed to the bee are diligence, organizational and technical ability, sociability, cleanliness in all senses, modesty, spirituality, wisdom, courage, moderation, restraint, creativity, selflessness, eloquence ("honey speeches") and enlightenment (the latter association was born by analogy with the wax candles under which scientists worked in earlier times). Bee honey and sting are symbols of the grace and suffering of Christ. As a symbol of reincarnation, the bee is an attribute of the Hindu religion. The blue bee on the forehead is a sign of Krishna; on the lotus - Vishnu; above the triangle - Shiva. The bee is a symbol of resurrection if depicted on a gravestone, perhaps because its hibernation was misinterpreted as temporary death. Another error regarding the bee is related to the Virgin Mary: it was read that the bee creates offspring in the same immaculate manner as the flowers on which it feeds, which became the basis for its recognition as an emblem of the Virgin Mary. The Chinese associated the bee with the fickleness of “choosy” brides.

An impeccable, exemplary flower, a symbol of the heart, the center of the universe, the cosmic wheel, as well as divine, romantic and sensual love. White Rose- an emblem of chastity, purity and virginity, red symbolizes passion and desire, sensual beauty. The rose is also a symbol of perfection, and the shape of its half-blooming bud has become the image of a cup with the elixir of eternal life. For Christians, the blood-red rose and its thorns are a symbol of the Passion of Christ.

A positive symbol associated with fertility, sexual harmony; phallic sign. Depicted on the soles of the Buddha, they symbolized liberation from the burden of worldly desires. The sexual symbolism of fish is present in many cultures, due to their abundance of eggs, water as an emblem of fertility, and the comparison of fish to a penis. They are associated with the goddesses of the moon and motherhood and childbirth. In China, fish is an emblem of abundance and good luck. Three intertwined fish represent the Trinity.

Vigilance thanks to keen vision. Superstitions attribute to the lynx the ability to see through obstacles and avoid traps. In art, the lynx symbolizes the gift of sight.


A legendary lizard that can live in fire. It is an emblem of fire itself. The salamander was also the Christian symbol of the blameless believer resisting the fires of temptation; sometimes - a symbol of chastity, it symbolized the patronage of the good and the destruction of the bad. In heraldry, the salamander usually signifies courage.

They are stuffed as a sign of respect for the morals and rules of the samurai, as a sign of recognition of them as great warriors. Perhaps a person observes and honors their laws.

The forest goat man is a symbol of male lust and a life devoted to sensual pleasures. They have fun with nymphs and naiads, are constantly drunk, play pipes and splash out their unbridled energy in ecstatic dances. The attributes of satyrs include ivy wreaths, grapes, fruits, a cornucopia and snakes - a reminder of the legend according to which the Faun turned into a snake in order to rape his own daughter. Medieval Christians treated satyrs very harshly, associating them not with the Golden Age, but with evil. Satyrs became favorite characters in erotic art and were usually depicted as half-human with a goat's beard, hairy legs and hooves, and sometimes a horse's tail.

An emblem of happiness and good fortune, especially in China, where in homes the chirping cricket was often kept in boxes or cages. The cricket symbolizes summer, courage (there were even fights between crickets), and also rebirth (perhaps because it emerges from a chrysalis).

Gluttony, selfishness, lust, stubbornness, ignorance, but also motherhood, fertility, prosperity and luck.

  • Unity and love
  • Heart, pierced by a dagger, with a knife or sword - betrayal, also courage in times of failure.
  • Heart with wings- a symbol of a joyful, optimistic nature.
  • Heart and rose- romantic love.
  • Two dolphin, arranged in the shape of a heart - love for dolphins and the ocean.
  • Heart angel or heart with a halo- purity of spirit.
  • Broken or bleeding heart, or half a heart, are a symbol of lost love, unrequited love.
  • Heart tattoos are also symbols of warmth, spring or summer, and the power of light. The heart is the center of life and the world.
  • Heart, pierced by an arrow. The arrow is a symbol of direct energy, flow and penetration. Combined with the heart (and piercing it) it is a symbol of Cupid's pleasant defeat.
  • Stars and the heart is a symbol of happiness and good luck.
  • Flag in the shape of a heart - a symbol of love for the homeland.
  • Heart in hand- a symbol of maternal or parental love.
  • Golden heart. Often associated with self-control, or God being in control of a person's life. Symbolizes that a person is in unity with everything.
  • Black Heart. A symbol of grief or sorrow, or “mental suffering.”
  • In 1999, the symbol of all nurses became white heart, so if you can reflect your profession in a tattoo, that would be great.


Solar, masculine emblem of the origin of life, rebirth and all-conquering vitality. Chinese sages believed that the scarab is a clear example of the spontaneous generation of life.

Death, punishment, retribution, vindictiveness, betrayal. Like the snake, the scorpio is sometimes a protective talisman. In the Bible, a scorpion is a demonic creature, in medieval art it is a sign of mortal betrayal, sometimes envy or hatred.

In general, it is tattooed by creative people associated with music, that is, a treble clef tattoo is a symbol of music. However, there is a completely different attitude towards such a tattoo on the zone, since it is a sign of a passive homosexual.

Strength, insight, longevity, prosperity, happiness; symbol royal power in India, China and Africa. The elephant symbolized not only the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, intelligence, prudence, but also peace, abundant harvests, fruitful showers, that is, everything good and positive that was in the life of Hindus. For Buddhists, the elephant is a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability. Medieval beliefs that the elephant abstained from sex during the long period of its mate's pregnancy made it a symbol of chastity, devotion and love in Europe.

Loyalty, protection, vigilance. Once upon a time, the dog was associated with the afterlife - as its guardian and as a guide delivering the souls of the dead there. Dogs are symbols of mercy for the Celts, companions of many goddesses - patroness of healing, as well as hunters and warriors. Dogs are a symbol of protection in Japan, as well as in China, although there they may have a reputation as demonic creatures, especially in the cosmic symbolism of eclipses and other frightening natural phenomena; they can be a symbol of both the sun and the wind. An obedient dog is a symbol of loyalty to the law, although Buddha said that those who live like a dog will turn into a dog after death. In Hinduism, dogs are considered companions of the god of death, Yama, which again brings us back to the connection between the dog and the afterlife.

A symbol of insight and bookish erudition, the owl has long had ominous, even terrifying symbolism in some ancient cultures, especially China. Silent night flight, glowing eyes and eerie screams influenced the fact that the owl was associated with death and occult powers. She was credited with the gift of prophecy, possibly due to her ability to see in the dark.

It was considered the bird of death in Ancient Egypt, India, Central America, North America, China, and Japan, and in some traditions the owl was revered as the patron of the night and the messenger of the underworld, called upon to accompany souls to the kingdom of the dead, for example, in India. Among the plains Indians of North America, owl feathers in their headdress had a protective symbolic meaning for the same reason. In China, young owls were credited with the habit of pecking out the eyes of their mothers.

The owl also belonged to the “yang” symbol, which had a rather negative, destructive connotation; the owl was associated with thunder and the June solstice. As a creature that is nocturnal and generally very mysterious, the owl has become in Christianity a symbol of evil spirits and witchcraft; its images in the Christian tradition are a symbol of the blindness of unbelief. The owl can also be found as an attribute of the allegorical figures of Night and Sleep.

Falcon (Hawk)

Excellence, strong desire, spirit, light and freedom. Like the eagle, the solar symbol of victory. The falcon is very similar to the hawk, but with longer wings and high flight, so in iconography they are almost indistinguishable and for this reason are considered in this article simultaneously. In Ancient Egypt he was revered as the king of birds. According to Western tradition, the falcon is an emblem of the hunt, associated with the Germanic sky god Wodan and his wife Friga and with the Scandinavian cunning god Loki. A falcon with a cap on its head is a symbol of hope for freedom. The falcon as a symbol of aggression is much less common. Currently, the hawk is a symbol of militaristic sentiments.

  • The sun represents the central power (or will) that gives strength, supports, and gives purpose to human existence.
  • The sun symbolizes the source of individuality.
  • The sun symbolizes the creative energy necessary to create the world around us.
  • It is a sign vital energy, strength, leadership and dignity.
  • On the tombstone, the sun is a symbol of the soul ascending to heaven.
  • In more in a broad sense the sun signifies eternal rebirth and the outstanding power of truth and light.

The agony and ecstasy of love. The symbolism is based on the beauty of the nightingale's song during the mating season in the spring. Usually the song of a nightingale is considered a good omen; Different peoples define the reason for virtuoso singing differently - love, loss of a loved one, longing for paradise or, in Japan, prophecies of holy spirits. According to superstition, whoever eats a nightingale acquires a beautiful voice or eloquence.

Joy, happy marriage, sexual success is a lucky sign in China, where the cry of a magpie foreshadowed a meeting with friends; however, in the Western tradition, the magpie is a bird associated with acquisitiveness, malicious talkativeness and witchcraft. Magpie's love for collecting shiny objects, it seems, was the reason why a tradition arose in China, according to which separated spouses broke a mirror and kept its halves. If one of them cheated on the other, then his piece of the mirror turned into a magpie and hurried to tell the deceived spouse this news. A sign of the yang principle and the sacred bird of Manchus, the magpie often appears on Chinese greeting cards.

Strength, ferocity, cruelty, anger, beauty and speed. A bestial and divine symbol of both aggression and protection, especially in the cultures of Asia and India, where the tiger often replaces the lion as the primary emblem of majesty and savagery. Like the lion, the tiger can symbolize both life and death, both evil and the victory of good. The protective power of the tiger can be seen in China in symbolic stone images on graves and doors, as well as in the ancient tradition of placing tiger hats on children.

Symbol of autumn and Halloween. It can also be packed with Smashing Pumpkins fans.

Currently only a metaphor for slowness, but in ancient cultures - especially in Africa and Central America - a symbol of the moon and fertility. Its crescent-like horns, which periodically disappear and reappear, and its spiral-shaped shell influenced the fact that the snail became a symbol of cyclical processes, such as rebirth and resurrection, and, in Aztec iconography, fertility. The shell and moving body also combine male and female sexual symbolism.

Marriage, happiness and devotion. The duck can also be a symbol of mediation between sky and water, as, for example, in the folklore of the Indians of North America, but the more common symbolic figures in this case are the swan and the goose.

Little people with magical powers are the personification of human desires. They are found in many folk traditions under various names and symbolize the forces of nature. Usually they are quite happy with life and mind their own affairs, but sometimes they interfere in human life. As their name, derived from the Latin "fata" - "fate", suggests, in essence, they are designed to justify the twists of fate, its unpredictable gifts and disappointments.

The symbol of resurrection is a bird that is reborn again and again in fire. Originally considered a symbol of the cyclical nature of sunrise and sunset, the Phoenix soon became an emblem of rebirth human spirit in an eternal struggle with the difficulties of the material world. In medieval painting, it personified the divine nature of Jesus Christ if depicted next to a pelican (a symbol of his human nature). The Phoenix can also be found as an attribute of allegorical images of Mercy. Jewish legends explained the longevity of this bird by the fact that it refused to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.


Nowadays, it’s just a metaphor for variability, but in the past, this tree lizard, due to its remarkable qualities (it climbs perfectly on branches, its eyes rotate independently of each other, it has a long, lightning-fast tongue that catches prey) had sacred significance in many regions of Africa. She was associated with thunder, lightning, rain, the sun, with mediation between heavenly gods and people; in pygmy folklore, the chameleon is an assistant to the gods in the creation of man. In Western art it usually appears as a symbol of Air.


This is a sign that is a combination of a heart and a fragment of a pentagram. Its meaning is interpreted as the unity of opposites.

Second order of angels. Their wings formed the throne of Jehovah God in the Jewish Temple, which was built according to the covenant of Moses (Exodus 37). Cherubim are the protectors of human souls (in the well-known expression “guardian angel” they are meant). This tradition comes from earlier Persian and Mesopotamian guardian spirits, whose statues were placed near temples. In art, cherubs are usually depicted as heads with blue wings; sometimes in the form of a figure with a book, symbolizing the highest divine knowledge that they possess due to their closeness to God. In some images they support him in flight.

In Greek myths, a monster so famous that its name has become a generally accepted term for any fantasy, as well as animal hybrids. The chimera had the mane and fire-breathing head of a lion, the body of a goat (the chimera is often depicted with a goat's head), and a serrated tail with a snake's head at the end. The victory of the ancient Greek mythical hero Bellerophon over the Chimera is an example of a vivid narrative about the confrontation between a hero and a monster personifying evil. In medieval art, the chimera represents satanic forces. Psychoanalysts use the image of a chimera to indicate deformations of the human psyche. Some researchers consider the triune form of the chimera to be the embodiment of various natural forces, such as a volcanic eruption accompanied by an earthquake and outbreaks of natural gas.

Imperial sunny flower in Japan, where it is associated with longevity and joy. In China, chrysanthemums are a symbol of Taoist perfection, autumn tranquility and abundance. Perhaps because chrysanthemum continues to bloom in winter.

These tattoos are very suitable for all women. Symbolizes endless beauty, romance, passion, beauty and youth, the sunflower symbolizes brilliance and charm, the daisy represents beauty and innocence, the lily symbolizes virginal modesty, beauty and sweetness, while the lotus represents longing, emptiness and estrangement Love.

Dependence, unity in friendship, communication or joint efforts. Both negative and positive symbolism. Like shackles, chains are an emblem of slavery, and in Christian art - vice (chained by vain passions). Broken chains are a sign of freedom and salvation. Elected officials wear the chain as an emblem of dependence on society, thereby also emphasizing their high social status. Chains can be a symbol of social harmony, family union, as well as the union of heavenly and earthly forces.

Symbol of truth, destruction and death, victory of death, forgiveness, hatred. The skull, separated from the rest of the body, is seen as a symbol of black magic. A skull tattoo is sometimes considered a sign of masculinity.


Strength, patience, endurance, constancy, slowness, fertility, longevity. The Chinese identified the turtle with the north, water and winter. The turtle was believed to protect against fire and war. The sea turtle is the emblem of the god of sailors. In India, the turtle's inherent symbolism of stability was especially emphasized, which was expressed in the idea that the elephant holds the world, standing on a huge cosmic turtle. Although the turtle is generally considered a feminine, lunar and water sign, it has often been associated with male fertility, as in some regions of Africa, where it was identified with the penis. In Africa, turtles are also considered a protective talisman due to the fact that they are very common as pets.

Hope, salvation, safety, strength, devotion and caution. The Christian symbolism of the anchor comes from both its form and its function. Top part the anchor resembled a cross - the secret meaning of the carvings in the catacombs. Popular during the Renaissance, the motif combined an anchor (restraint) and a dolphin (speed) with the Augustan motto "Festina lente" ("Hasten slowly"). As the emblem of St. Nicholas, the patron saint of sailors, the anchor signified safety. It also appears in Egyptian art as an image of the universe - its form combines a boat (feminine) and a phallus (masculine), entwined with a snake.

Divine wisdom and luck.

The fashion for decorating one's body through tattoos has now spread to all levels of society, while previously it was the advantage of people in the criminal world or the world of prisoners. This article will cover the topic "Prison tattoos and their meaning."

A little history

It is worth saying a few words about the world of prisoners and their foundations. So, in Russia this is actually the second government, which, naturally, is an anti-system, an opponent of the current managers of the country. It may be interesting that such a situation exists only in two other countries - Papua New Guinea and South Africa. As for Russia, this dates back to the 18th century, when a criminal hierarchy was formed in response to the restoration of the Prussian bureaucratic system. So, in order to be different and have their own designations, the thieves and criminal world came up with their own language, which they borrowed partly from small traders - the Ofens, and partly from the Jews, who at that time were also an oppressed people. And, naturally, the place in the criminal hierarchy of any prisoner is determined by his tattoo.

Types of Tattoos

Studying prison tattoos and their meaning, it is worth saying that they are all divided into three main types. First: official drawings that allow you to distinguish a person at higher levels of the prison hierarchy. It is worth saying that not everyone can get tattoos on the zone. Such an honor must be earned, or it will be a forced drawing. The second type is porticoes. These are drawings that were made by prisoners on their own using various improvised means, by self-taught people and not by specialized craftsmen. And the third type of tattoo: impudent ones, which were tattooed as a certain shameful sign to the prisoner solely under duress. These are prisoners of the lowest hierarchy who were convicted under certain laws or did not comply with the principles of the prison world.


So, let’s consider the topic “prison tattoos and their meaning” further. First of all, I would like to say that the prisoners could write any type of inscription on themselves. But mostly these are not full phrases, but their shortened version, understandable only to the criminal world, which was deciphered by the main letters. As an example, on the body of those who served time you can see the words “BURN”, which is deciphered by the first letters of what is written: the state condemned them to slavery forever, “BELL” - know the thieves, they will teach you very cool, “CAT” - the original inhabitant of the prison, or “BREAD” “I will keep my love forever. There are many such inscriptions, some of them may disappear due to their irrelevance (for example, inscriptions about Soviet power), but new ones appear from time to time.


Prisoners can write all over their bodies. Thus, prison tattoos are often placed on the legs. The first drawing, which seems very important to many prisoners, is that they are also commonly called “stars of lawlessness.” There are different variations, but the meaning is always the same: “I will never kneel in front of someone.” This is a freedom-loving tattoo that tells convicts that they are rebellious and independent no matter what. However, not everyone will be able to complete this drawing; such an honor must be earned." correct behavior"from the point of view of prisoners in places of deprivation of liberty. If a person has such a tattoo, but he has given in, it can simply be cut off with the skin from the knees of the guilty criminal. Also, prisoners were very fond of melting various chains and shackles on their feet, which meant that even if they were free, they still considered themselves prisoners. The image on the leg of a policeman's shoulder strap, pierced with a dagger, meant “the urine of the cops,” but did not identify the prisoner according to his place in the hierarchical structure.

and shoulders

It is also worth considering the meaning of prison ones. So, the first of them is the epaulette, which is placed on the shoulders. They were worn by people who distinguished themselves well; this is a sign for certain services to the community. It is very difficult to earn such a tattoo, but it raised the prisoner to a certain level in the criminal hierarchy. The subclavian stars, which were deciphered in two meanings, were also important: they could denote both a thief in law and a “denier,” a person who opposes the prison order. Pickpockets painted drawings in the form of beetles on the hands. You could also write the word “BUG”, which meant “I wish you successful thefts.” Next, it is worth considering the meaning of prison tattoos “spider”, “cat with a key”, “bat”. The spider also denoted a person from the world of thieves (sometimes a drug addict). If a spider crawls upward along its web, this means that the person will continue to steal, but if it crawls downwards, he has “given up with theft.” Burglars drew cats with keys on their hands. Well, another symbol of the thief was Lenin, or rather his profile, which could be drawn on the shoulder or on the chest. Everything comes from the decoding of the word: “THIEF” - Leader October revolution. Night thieves painted bats on their bodies.


It is also important to consider the meaning of prison tattoos on the fingers, because these are special designs by which one can determine the status of a person who was in prison. So, the most important designs on the fingers are rings. There are a huge number of them, but some may seem very similar to an unknowing person, but in fact they distinguish people from completely different criminal castes. The drawings on the index finger of the right hand distinguish a train thief who commits thefts on the road; special additional drawings can tell how cruel he is and what methods he uses. For example, a black triangle indicates that a person is particularly cruel. Thieves in law, special criminals, repeat offenders apply designs on their middle fingers. People are respected in a criminal environment, leaders draw tattoos on their thumbs, this can also distinguish a specialist in a certain field or an expert. Rhombus squared on ring finger distinguishes a criminal of the lower stratum, who is considered low for certain actions and can be forced to commit sodomy, that is, “omitted.” If a person is corrected, the diamond may be shaded, which will indicate that the person was punished according to criminal laws. The letter "C" on middle finger They are forcibly inflicted on those persons who are commonly called “those who are tied up,” that is, those who cooperate with law enforcement agencies. You can be punished for such a tattoo severe punishment not only in the zone, but also in the wild. In special schools, boys can get tattoos in the shape of a rhombus, with a dot in the upper corner and a cross at the bottom. This denotes authority among teenagers, one of the highest in the teenage hierarchy. This is not a complete list of finger tattoos; there are a huge number of them for every member of the criminal and prison environment.


Considering prison tattoos and their meaning, it is worth saying that very often prisoners apply drawings with religious meaning. So what do they mean? mother of God, applied mainly to the back or chest, can mean a talisman against any evil, or that a person took the path of a criminal too early, at a young age. The stuffed church on the body of the criminal is of great importance. So, the number of domes means the number of prisoners per zone or the number of years spent in prison. They applied crucifixes of various sizes to their bodies; this distinguished a prisoner of the highest criminal hierarchy, and it was a great honor to earn such a tattoo. Prisoners could also ring their own bells. This meant that the person served his entire sentence in the zone, that is, “from bell to bell.” They could also draw monks who write. This meant a scribbling thief who could scribble any letter without any problems, or it meant a person who mastered working with sharp objects such as a razor or knife.


Prison tattoos could also be extremely simple. Thus, the dots stamped on the prisoner’s body are of great importance. What could they mean? The five-point tattoo is very popular; four points on the edges represent the prison walls, and the fifth, in the center, represents the prisoner himself. It was stuffed mainly between the index and middle fingers, which meant that the person had been in the zone. Just three full dots can mean a person who enjoys leading a life of crime and perceives himself as a bandit. If the person who got such a tattoo is religious, it can mean the Holy Trinity.

A tear

Considering further the meaning of prison tattoos, one cannot fail to mention the tear applied to the area around the eye (however, this design is mainly of European and American prisoners). It has several meanings. So, first: the person received a sentence for violating the law, that is, he simply ended up in prison. Second: the tear symbolizes the murderer. If it is not painted over, this may mean an attempted murder or that the prisoner’s friend has died and retribution will follow.

About love

Many people will find the prison meaning of the “rose” tattoo interesting. So, this is the ruined youth of the person sitting. And since this is a flower of love, it is not difficult to guess what else a rose can mean. So, if it is drawn next to a dagger, it means blood for treason. Shaggy thieves, that is, those who are imprisoned for rape, can simply fill their hearts. The one who swore to avenge the insult to his heart, pierced by one or two daggers.

Animals and birds

The prison meaning of a wolf tattoo is very interesting. The abbreviation alone can tell you what it means. "WOLF" - a thief's shortness of breath, a cop's cap. Distinguishes people who hate law enforcement officers and are ready to deal with them at any time. If a prisoner tattoos a tiger on his body, it means that he is angry with everyone, especially with the authorities. This can also distinguish a person who is quite cruel and evil. A drawn cat is a symbol of thieves. If he also has a bow, this means that the person has sold himself to the cops, for which he can be punished from time to time by the inhabitants of the world of prisoners. The profile of a bull denotes a person who is a fighter and can act on behalf of the main authority in various fights. Also, this drawing distinguishes a cruel person who quickly becomes angry. What does a scorpion tattoo mean? The meaning of prison has several different options. So, it can simply indicate a zodiac sign, but this is its most harmless meaning. Such a tattoo can identify a former special forces soldier. If the scorpion’s claws are open, it means that the person was a participant in hostilities (which is welcomed in the zone). Scorpio is also stuffed by those who were in solitary confinement. If the scorpion is drawn at gunpoint, this means a person who participated in the fighting in Chechnya.

Other drawings

Masks stuffed on the body of a prisoner indicate the mood of the person himself before and during his imprisonment (joy and sadness). Pirates are filled by people who are imprisoned for robbery. Jokers or cards are drawn on the body by gambling people who ended up in the zone for the same reason. A knife in the neck will tell others that a person has cut someone off, while swastikas or Nazi symbols are tattooed by those who do not agree with the modern government.

Useful tips

A tattoo is only ideally a symbol of the fact that the person who decided to get it wants to say something special with this. In fact, not all people have a clear idea of ​​what exactly their body pattern means.

The problem of choosing tattoos is similar to the problem of choosing clothes. You can choose absolutely anything original and unique, which has a sacred meaning exclusively for the one who makes this choice.

And you can choose tattoos, so to speak, "serial production"; they may differ in style and manner of execution, but are, nevertheless, the most popular among tattoo lovers.

This popularity is also due to the fact that such tattoos have very specific values. Each picture may have several of these meanings, but they all have a certain background.

Most often, people choose tattoos with patterns, animals, plants and certain objects (body parts, some objects).

Such tattoos have confirmed their popularity, having passed the test of time. We present to your attention a list most common tattoos of plants and various objects.

Tattoos with flowers

Rose tattoo meanings

Did you know that the rose tattoo is one of the most popular tattoos not only among tattoos with plants, but also among all other body designs? Moreover, interest in her is maintained by representatives of both sexes, despite the seemingly “feminine” nature of this popular sign.

The rose is the most famous symbol of love among tattoos.

You can study the meanings of all the tattoos in the world, but you are unlikely to find another such symbol, which would embody as many positive meanings at once as a rose has.

The most famous among them is, of course, a symbol of love. Moreover, if you follow the testament of the ancient Egyptians, platonic love. Thus, if this feeling is not alien to you, a rose is your symbol for a tattoo.

Considering the wide popularity of the rose tattoo, we can safely say that many people get this design solely because of its beauty. In essence this sign should symbolize purity, holiness and youth tattoo bearer. On the other hand, many stuff a rose as a symbol of prosperity, taking the precepts of Chinese culture as a basis.

The rose symbolizes the transience of life

For lovers of deep philosophical ideas a rose is suitable as a body design, as a symbol of the inevitability of death, after which, nevertheless, resurrection will follow. This sign is also suitable for meek people who are not alien to mercy and the ability to forgive. In this context, a rose tattoo is suitable for those who are merciful even to their enemies.

People seeking fame can choose this design as a symbol of fame, which is symbolized by rose petals. But melancholic people should put emphasis on such a tattoo on thorns, since they are a symbol of sadness, torment(usually love ones). The tattoo is also suitable for cheerful people: in this case, the emphasis should be on leaves, which are a symbol of joy.

Despite all the versatility of the meanings of the rose symbol, they are all united by a positive connotation. And even those who choose this drawing out of a desire to emphasize their beauty and inaccessibility (typical of women primarily), they do not always know that this interpretation is secondary - rather, the rose is a symbol of purity and spirituality.

Meaning of lotus tattoo

There are many similarities between a rose and a lotus in terms of the interpretation of the symbolism of these signs. However, the lotus, unlike the rose, is more often chosen by the female gender as a tattoo. For this we have to say "thank you" Hindu culture, although it is customary for us to consider the lotus exclusively as a symbol of the East.

Rose is a symbol of motherhood, femininity and seductiveness

Without such concepts as femininity and seductiveness, it would be impossible to imagine motherhood (fertility) as such. A lotus tattoo is perfect deep and comprehensively developed female representatives who perfectly understand the philosophical meaning of this trinity.

In other words, this flower in the form of a body design is not inherently intended for those who simply prioritize skill and desire to seduce men(in this case, love is included in the list of lotus meanings). By the way, about men: the stronger sex, along with the weaker, can choose this design as a symbol of divinity or the desire for spiritual perfection and immortality.

Lotus symbolizes peace and happiness

Lotus flower in the form tattoos are suitable also to those individuals who strive to find peace and tranquility in our hectic lives; from this point of view, lotus - perfect tattoo for all ages. In some cases, such a body design may signal that the wearer of such a tattoo has found his happiness through struggle, or is ready to do so.

Another popular meaning that makes many tattoo lovers choose the lotus design is due to the fact that it symbolizes harmony. If you strive to achieve this state in all areas of your life, then the lotus flower is your tattoo.

Purity of morals and intentions is another known value lotus, which makes this tattoo quite suitable for both males and females. Finally, a lotus tattoo is perfect a wise man who understands the value of life and is constantly searching for truth, which, as we know, is most precious.

Peony tattoo meaning

Peony tattoos are often recommended for those wishing to get a tattoo. It may seem to ignorant people that since we are talking about a flower (and even as lush and beautiful as a peony), a tattoo with this plant is suitable exclusively for females. In fact, initially everything was completely different, since the peony was traditionally considered a male symbol.

Peony is a symbol of masculinity

Just as the rose and lotus are symbols of femininity, the peony symbolizes masculinity. This happened in the East back in ancient times, when the peony acquired almost the same sacred meaning in the form of a symbol as the rose, lotus, sakura and chrysanthemum.

Over time, the significance of some flowers has been preserved and become a global heritage, while others (the same chrysanthemum) have become faded into the background. And the popularity of the peony as a symbol can also be explained by the fact that it was applied to the body and clothing as a talisman.

If you believe in signs that can help you achieve financial well-being and improving life in principle, then the peony tattoo is for you. Besides, peony tattoo as a talisman It will be useful for those who often travel and spend long periods of time outside the home, as it protects and brings good luck.

Peony is a symbol of narcissism and arrogance

Peony is usually a positive sign, but Hindus associated this flower with people who have an inflated sense of self-importance. If you already admit such sins as pride and excessive complacency, then a peony tattoo has every right to appear on your body.

You can also use this sign as a kind of “scarer” of bad thoughts, helping to control your emotional behavior. Finally, if you follow the precepts of the ancient Greeks, a peony tattoo can be used as a symbol promising a healthy and long life.

By having a peony tattoo on the body, a person can also demonstrate his good-natured and easy-going attitude towards life. This tattoo is suitable calm and balanced people. Another reason to make a similar tattoo, which is more suitable for men, is a strong character and the ability to look danger in the face without fear.

Tattoo with flowers

Meaning of clover tattoo

The image of clover as a tattoo began to be regularly used relatively recently, although the sign itself has ancient roots. Perhaps the growing popularity of this symbol was influenced by the fact that all other tattoos, despite all its prevalence, they have simply become boring. Agree, I want something new and original. And with deep meaning too!

Clover symbolizes the divine trinity

This interpretation of the clover symbol refers to Christianity. It is clear that we are talking about a three-leaf flower. This symbol was also popular at least among the ancient Egyptians and in the culture of the Celts. Therefore, a tattoo in the form of a clover may well indicate that the wearer of such a tattoo sympathizes with the principles of Christian beliefs.

A four-leaf clover is also chosen as a tattoo. In this case, the symbol could mean unity of flesh and spirit(this interpretation is borrowed from the Buddhists), or personify the four sides of color (as was the case among the Hindus).

In Chinese culture, clover symbolized the arrival of summer. It is quite possible that the association of clover with this time of year, which usually evokes positive emotions, became the basis for considering this flower symbol of joy. In addition, the four-leaf clover, as a rare occurrence, is considered a symbol that brings good luck.

Clover is a symbol of faith, hope and love

As a symbol of faith, hope and love, people stuff three-leaf clovers. So in one small tattoo the most important and positive concepts in our life. This design is suitable for both sexes, although it is more common to see such a beautiful, delicate and graceful tattoo on a woman’s body.

By the way, such a tattoo is suitable not only for lovers, but also for mourners - clover was often planted on the graves of the dead. As you can see, an ordinary clover flower can have a deep philosophical and religious meaning. There is also a share of mysticism in it, so such a body design may well become an adornment for the body of some extraordinary person who is sensitive to everything mysterious and symbolic.

Lily tattoo meaning

It just so happens that tattoos in the form of flowers are most often chosen by female representatives. This is quite logical, given the fact that flowers in different cultures are often symbolizes the feminine principle. The same applies to lilies. However, this purely feminine sign, distinguished by its variety of meanings, demonstrates a very contradictory semantic load.

Lily - a symbol of humility and purity

Considering the fact that the lily flower in Christianity was strongly associated with the images of the Virgin Mary and the Archangel Gabriel, such a sign as a tattoo can be offered to a truly modest female person, distinguished by a meek disposition and an easygoing character.

If meekness and humility are not your thing, then the lily can become an adornment for your body as a symbol of the desire for harmony, a sign of your calm character. Lily is a noble sign. If you consider yourself such a person, then a lily tattoo will suit your image. In addition, such a tattoo can decorate the body of a famous person or someone striving for fame.

Lily symbolizes fertility

All of the above applied to the female gender. By the way, this sign is perfect for the youngest girls who decided to get a tattoo. The fact is that the lily can symbolize the desire of such a girl to become a mother of many children in the future (a symbol of fertility).

On the other hand, the lily can symbolize inaccessibility, pride and even some arrogance. In addition, the meanings of lilies of different colors are very different from each other a: for example, if lily white may symbolize innocence, then the dark shades of the flower mean a passionate and loving nature.

By the way, think carefully before getting a lily on your body! Because now you will find out (if you didn’t know before) about one more thing popular meaning of this symbol: the fact is that at one time the sign of the lily was branded with women who were engaged in prostitution (remember Milady Winter from the famous “The Three Musketeers”).

Sakura tattoo meanings

If the symbolism of the vast majority of plants used as tattoos consisted of legends and beliefs different cultures and religions, then Japan is “to blame” for the symbolism of sakura. It was from there that this plant came to the cultures of various countries, the image of which was subsequently often tattooed on the body.

Sakura is a symbol of the transience and frailty of life

We all understand that our stay in this world is finite, so it would seem there is no point once again remind you of this. On the other hand, a clear awareness of this fact allows knowledgeable people don't waste time using every minute of your life for its intended purpose. If you are such a person, then we can recommend sakura as your tattoo.

Sakura tattoos are worn by both sexes, although women choose this tattoo much more often. This is not surprising, given the fact that such a tattoo seems to emphasize beauty and youth its carrier. Only in this case is it necessary to depict sakura in bloom, since sakura that blooms hints at unhappy love and unfulfilled hope.

Sakura symbolizes purity and moral purity

Purity of thoughts, an honest lifestyle, a willingness to avoid temptations that are considered vicious - this is a real reason to put a sakura tattoo on your body. Considering the fact that this way of thinking some come having experienced some kind of grief, a cherry blossom tattoo can also indicate the presence of a similar sorrowful life experience.

Despite the fact that sakura as a symbol does not have many meanings, its popularity in the form of tattoos is due to their depth and understandable simplicity. For example, if you are a person who appreciates peace and solitude, this can be stated if you tattoo a lone cherry branch on your body. If your preferences change, in memory of this period life will remain a beautiful graceful tattoo.

What do tattoos mean?

Tree tattoo meanings

Let’s complete our review of plant tattoos by considering the meanings of the tree. In fact, sakura could also be included here, but this traditional and ancient symbol Japan has too many meanings, so it is necessary to consider the symbolism of sakura as a separate item.

It doesn’t make much sense to delve into the meaning of certain types of trees, images of which people impale on their bodies, since the symbolism of tattoos of different trees is approximately the same. Moreover, this similarity is visible among representatives of various cultures, which is not surprising - trees grow everywhere.

The tree symbolizes constant growth and development

The presence of a permanent body design in the form of a tree may indicate that the wearer of such a tattoo has found its lasting identity in this world. life position which allows him do not lose the achieved heights.

Such a person makes constant, serious efforts, which allows him to achieve a lot in life. Perhaps he has reached great heights in power or in another field of activity.

By the way, about the similarity of meanings: if we are talking about which tree to choose for a tattoo for men or women, the difference can be found. Eg, female body will fit better symbolizing the feminine(coupled with tenderness, purity and innocence) willow or birch. For men, powerful oak is more suitable, which, in fact, is associated with strength and power.

A tree is a symbol of the connection between heaven and earth

A tree tattoo can be recommended to a person who, being a reliable support for his family, is able to give thoughtful and helpful advice, always support and come to the rescue.

Such people stand firmly on their feet throughout life (they have put down strong roots in the ground), demonstrate fortitude and are often in good health. The presence of a tree-shaped pattern on the body is tribute to life itself, as well as the power that gives this life (that is, the Creator or God).

There is a certain religious connotation to this tattoo, which is essentially true, since the tree as a symbol is present in many religions. You can also select this picture as symbol of constant renewal of life and its finitude; a symbol of humanity or a symbol of home; or a symbol of temptation and sinfulness (apple tree, for example).

Meaning of cross tattoo

Crosses, which carry a deep sacred meaning, are an integral part of many religions. Therefore, the meanings of the vast majority of cross tattoos that are used very popular among tattoo lovers, are quite obvious. At the same time, of course, not everyone who chooses such a tattoo are adherents of one religion or another.

The cross is a symbol of fate and ordeal

The concept of “carrying your cross through life” is familiar to many. It's simple and at the same time deep meaning, which is why many choose a cross tattoo. However, not everyone understands that this interpretation does not apply to all types of cross, of which there are a great many.

In fact, for such a tattoo it is advisable to choose Orthodox cross, on which Christ accepted his martyrdom. Or, for example, the cross of Golgotha ​​(Archangel cross).

In fact, what kind of crosses do people choose for tattoos - Maltese, Celtic, Teutonic and so on. Almost every one of these crosses has its own separate meaning. Therefore, before choosing such a tattoo, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the images and symbolism of all crosses, so as not to be mistaken with the appearance of the design.

The latter applies more to tattoo lovers who want to see a specific cross on their body, the design of which is quite intricate. However, for tattoos you can choose crosses that according to its graphic type do not oblige us to study the deep ins and outs of this symbol. Such crosses have several common semantic meanings.

The cross symbolizes the development of the spirit and improvement

Many clients of tattoo parlors choose two simple intersecting lines in the form of a cross, since for them the main thing is not the appearance of this symbol, but the meaning that they choose for themselves. For such people, the cross most often symbolizes spiritual development and the path of self-improvement.

In principle, this is the same symbol of fate that they choose for themselves. They also get a cross tattoo as a symbol of life and death, a symbol of immortality, energy, power, courage, honor, the search for the meaning of life and much more. In other words, everyone can choose the cross and the meaning that is sacred to them.

The meaning of the skull tattoo

Among all the classic popular tattoos, the skull tattoo is most often associated with negative concepts. To be fair, it must be said that there are no special reasons for such an attitude, except for one: the skull just looks scary, since its essence is death. And people who get such a tattoo are often treated with caution, or even caution.

The skull symbolizes death and the transience of life

There is a certain shocking element in a person’s desire to get a skull tattoo, since the reaction of those around them is generally quite predictable. On the other hand, the skull, symbolizing death and the transience of our lives, in essence, is no different from the same rose or sakura, which can also sometimes symbolize the same concepts.

It’s another matter when one gets such a tattoo in order to emphasize one’s negative attitude towards the world, towards people - the tattoo has a skull and such a meaning. This drawing is also suitable for those whose life is at risk, with constant danger. However, this is just another formulation of that very harsh truth about the transience of our existence.

The skull is a symbol of eternal life and wisdom

As often happens, the same signs, used, among other things, as tattoos, combine completely opposite concepts. With the same skull stuffed on the body, a person can emphasize the fact of the immortality of human knowledge, which the wise old generation passes on to the young.

In other words, such a tattoo has the right to end up on the body of some professor - why not? A skull tattoo is also suitable for gambling people. It was no coincidence, by the way, that she was stuffed scammers and other criminals. In this case, the skull was considered a symbol of good luck, but for others, such a drawing could speak of the danger posed by a person with such a tattoo.

Considering all of the above about skull tattoos, we can give a brief psychological portrait of a person who would be suitable for such a design. (regardless of gender). Such a person must take everything from life; not be afraid of death (treat it philosophically); do not shy away from risky activities that promise profit and adventure; be wise enough.

Decoding the tattoo

Feather tattoo meaning

The feather tattoo, which is very common among tattoo lovers of both sexes, has many meanings. Despite the obvious blurriness of some of them, practically all values ​​are clearly positive. This could well be the reason for the popularity of this body pattern.

The feather is a symbol of freedom and creativity

If you are a creative person whose worldview is alien to barriers in art, a feather tattoo perfectly expresses your view of life. This tattoo is also very suitable for easy-going and pleasant people who have no difficulty in gaining the trust of others.

It is noteworthy that the feather tattoo, like many other tattoos, embodies completely opposite meanings. Thanks to such a unique game of contrasts, such a tattoo can be worn by strong and courageous people, since the feather in this case will symbolize their strong will and fearlessness.

In this context, a feather tattoo is suitable for males. As for lovers of tattoos of both sexes, they can choose this tattoo as a sign symbolizing moral purity, a vulnerable soul and strong moral feelings, daydreaming.

As you can see, a feather tattoo is not at all the prerogative of women, as it might seem at first glance, although they choose this symbol as a tattoo more often than men. The reasons are quite clear - the drawing itself looks very feminine.

Feather - a symbol of life rebirth

Another popular meaning of a feather tattoo, because of which it is often chosen, is immortality. For this meaning we should be grateful to the American Indians who counted the pen symbol of life's rebirth. From them we came to another meaning of the feather, symbolizing the connection with the ancestors.

In some cultures, a feather has a magical meaning, and therefore such a tattoo can be recommended to an extraordinary, mysterious person. By the way, no one forbids you to give such a tattoo a certain sacred meaning yourself by choosing a feather from a particular bird. To do this, it makes sense to study the meanings of bird tattoos.

Meaning of wings tattoo

A wing tattoo is a beautiful sight to behold. Especially if it is stuffed all over the back. Such large-scale drawings arouse keen interest among many tattoo lovers, however not everyone decides to choose this pattern, since this will require covering a large area of ​​skin (unless, of course, you choose small wings somewhere on another part of the body).

Wings symbolize spirituality and protection of higher powers

A similar tattoo can be obtained by people who either believe that they are under the protection of a guardian angel, or are seeking this protection. As a rule, the drawing should be appropriate - typical angel wings. Such a drawing can also speak of the deep, highly spiritual inner world of the wearer of the wings tattoo.

Well, if you have a chance to gain wings, it would be in the form of a tattoo. The above interpretation of a tattoo can also mean purity, purity of soul. More often girls get tattoos with this meaning, although this is also common for men.

Often, a tattoo of wings for a person symbolizes an eternal feeling of love, his desire for freedom, cleansing from sin, or desire to rise above others or above the mundane (this largely depends on what kind of wings were pinned).

Wings are a symbol of danger, malice and sinfulness

A similar interpretation of a wings tattoo also has the right to life, however, in this case, certain wings are chosen (for example, black or bat wings) or depict them accordingly. In the latter case, it may be singed or clipped angel wings.

Sometimes tattoo lovers choose wings tattoos, based on the meaning of the birds themselves, whose wings they are going to apply to the body. The same applies to the wings of all kinds of mythical creatures (the wings of a phoenix bird, the wings of a gargoyle, a pegasus, and so on).

This is usually characteristic of mystical natures who believe in magic signs, or strong natures (dragon wings, for example). By the way, with wings in the form of a tattoo, a person sometimes wants to show how fast, dexterous and strong (and even smart!) he is.

Crown tattoo meaning

The crown is a deeply symbolic sign that is very convenient to choose for tattoos. Leaving aside some special interpretations of crown tattoos, characteristic of the underworld, then in general this symbol has a lot of positive meanings. It is also convenient that a crown-shaped tattoo is quite suitable for both sexes.

The symbol of a crown in the form of a tattoo on a person’s body can indicate that he belongs to a certain caste. This drawing will suit opinion leader, person in power, simply possessing a high authority of the individual.

Essentially, this sign, demonstrating superiority of its bearer, imposes a certain responsibility on a person - one has to, as they say, keep the mark, constantly maintaining the appropriate status.

Variations of the design from different cultures are very popular, when the crown is depicted in combination with other symbols. In this case, a crown tattoo can be tattooed as a sign love, loyalty and strong friendship(Celtic symbol - hands holding a crown with a heart).

You can use a crown tattoo as symbol of longevity, a calm and measured life, if you depict a body pattern in the form of a turtle wearing a crown (Korean symbol).

The crown is a symbol of faith, hope and love

If you are not from that group of people who get a tattoo in the form of a crown because they want a special treatment for their person, then you can recommend this symbol as sign of faith, hope and love. But for such a context, only those images of the crown are suitable, where there are three pointed teeth, which, in fact, symbolize these three concepts.

A crown tattoo can also serve as a symbol of good luck and attract good luck. However, to do this, it should be stuffed on a certain area of ​​the body - above the heart. If you look all meanings of crown tattoo, we can conclude that such a tattoo should be worn by a strong-willed, ambitious and purposeful person who has a certain weight in society or occupies a privileged position.

Women's tattoos

Meaning of eye tattoo

A tattoo in the form of an eye is a multi-valued body design, which owes its number of meanings to its connection with numerous religions and beliefs(including paganism). In this sense, an eye tattoo can be compared with a cross tattoo, the symbolism of which we have already learned about.

The eye symbolizes the celestial body and the moon

This meaning came to our culture from Ancient Egypt, where it was believed that one eye of the god Horus symbolized the Sun, and the second eye symbolized the Moon. This tattoo can be inked as amulets against evil forces and misfortunes, or as a symbol of eternity, perseverance and rebirth. Both celestial bodies bestow joy, light, peace, symbolizing divine power (like the eye of the god Ra from the same culture).

An eye tattoo is a very polysemantic symbol. The eye, as an organ expressing various human emotions, can be tattooed on the body in order to express those feelings that are most important for you personally in life (repentance, joy, hatred, and so on). As an amulet, the eye sign was used as protection against evil spirits, misfortunes, the evil eye, and other evil spirits.

The eye represents the all-seeing eye of the Creator

In recent decades, a tattoo in the form of the eye of Sauron from the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy has become popular. However, similar symbolism has always been characteristic of this sign, expressing the fact that The Creator is constantly watching over us. Such a tattoo is suitable for those who respect the laws of morality, being a highly moral person who is aware that they will have to answer for their actions.

Depending on the culture, the symbol of the eye could mean a special gift to see more than other people, to see the truth; it could also be a symbol that protected warriors and hunters from dangers, as if giving them the opportunity to see more around them.

There is a lot of vague symbolism in eye tattoos, which will allow every tattoo lover to find their own sacred meaning in this drawing. Sometimes these tattoos look pretty naturalistic and scary. By the way, the place where such a tattoo is filled is important. For example, an eye on the wrist is a symbol of ladies of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Meaning of clock tattoo

A clock tattoo is a fairly common body sign among tattoo lovers. Despite the fact that mechanical watches cannot be named an ancient and particularly original symbol, its philosophical meaning was appreciated, loved and now regularly used not only in its “pure form”, but also in combination with various other signs, symbols and images.

Clocks symbolize important moments in our lives.

We have all had events in our lives that are personally important to each of us. Therefore, a watch tattoo will definitely suit the overwhelming most tattoo lovers.

It is no coincidence that people who choose a tattoo in the form of a watch get it with a specific time on the dial (if we are not talking about hourglass), in order to leave yourself a reminder of such an important event in your life.

The beauty of a tattoo in the form of a clock also lies in the fact that such a design allows each client to put their own sacred meaning into their favorite tattoo. It opens wide scope for creativity tattoo artists. For example, if you want to say that life is empty and meaningless, you can do this by tattooing a clock without hands on your body.

A watch is a symbol of eternity and inevitability

A clock tattoo on your body can symbolize diametrically opposed concepts: eternity and finitude of our existence, the need for constant movement forward and at the same time the meaninglessness of vanity.

Clock tattoos are universal. This drawing is suitable for those who have radically changed their lives by realizing the inevitability of passing time; and for those who have yet to do so, thanks to a constant reminder of the time that is often wasted.

At the same time, no one will judge if for you personally a watch tattoo becomes a kind of symbol of the fact that, with such a short life, it would be a sin to miss all its opportunities(you have to take everything from life). And what is more in it - reminders of eternity or transience of life - everyone decides for himself.

By the way, it is proposed interesting option tattoos for people who consider themselves original, existing outside the system, breaking down barriers. Such people should consider getting a clock tattoo, for example, with two hour or two minute hands.

Men's tattoos

Meaning of anchor tattoo

The anchor tattoo is a fairly old and once very popular design. Its popularity is due to the fact that at a time when tattoos were art is not for everyone, we treated people who often went to sea with reverence. Many of them had tattoos (including one in the form of an anchor).

The anchor symbolizes the ability to withstand difficulties

Just a few decades ago, when people met someone with an anchor tattoo, they had a feeling mixed feelings, which can be described as a mixture of curiosity with a bit of fear.

And there is a reason for this, since such a tattoo was worn by people who knew how to face danger face to face; people who knew how actively confront difficulties. Even if these difficulties were limited to bad weather at sea.

It is this symbolism that is now most suitable for those who have decided to get an anchor tattoo. You can consider it a kind of amulet, symbol of reliability, protection from external threats.

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