Home Useful properties of fruits Most in-demand jobs. What high-paying jobs are in demand right now?

Most in-demand jobs. What high-paying jobs are in demand right now?

What professions will be in demand in a few years - this question is facing millions of high school students and their parents. Not every student at the age of 15-16 is able to independently assess the prospects for the labor market, and everyone wants to get a profession in demand. In this article, we will tell you who to go to study after school, so that in the future you will become not just another clerk, but a highly qualified and well-paid specialist.

Professions of the future

The labor market is changing very quickly, and these changes will continue. No one can say for sure what this market will look like in 10-20 years, but here are some conclusions that can be drawn based on the current situation in the world:

And now let's try to answer the question, how to survive in this market?

So, let's see how you need to act in order to become a sought-after specialist and remain so for many years.

And now let's talk more specifically about the most relevant professions and see what new specialties may appear in the very near future.

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Most labor market analysts argue that Russia currently has too many lawyers, as well as designers and psychologists, while not enough agronomists, doctors and engineers. Over 85% of graduates humanitarian universities are not able to get a job in their specialty. What awaits us in the future and what professions will be in demand in a few years?

According to Nobel laureate Christopher Pissarides, there are only a few areas in the world where robots won't be able to supplant humans anytime soon. These include:

  • education;
  • healthcare;
  • personal services;
  • real estate;
  • housekeeping.

Robotics will soon invade all areas human activity. It may seem to you that this is reminiscent of the plot of a science fiction film, but believe me - the future is already knocking at our doors.

When answering the question of what professions will be in demand in 5-10 years, one cannot fail to mention new specialties, which, according to forecasts, should appear in the very near future. These include:

  • airship designer;
  • cosmologist;
  • bioethicist;
  • IT doctor;
  • robotics engineer;
  • energy zero road architect.

And that's not all - full list includes one hundred and thirty-six such professions!

It seems incredible, but let's remember how much our world has changed over the past twenty years - then people listened to music on cassette recorders, took photos on film cameras, and PCs and Cell Phones seemed like a luxury available only to the rich. But 20 years is quite a bit, but how far progress has come in these two decades!

But let's return from heaven to sinful earth. Perhaps, in 20 years, airship designers will be in demand, but what to do now if this is not yet taught anywhere? There is only one conclusion: when choosing whom to go to study after school, you need to keep in mind the upcoming changes and choose professions in related fields in order to have the right background and, if necessary, quickly get a new promising specialty. And of course, when choosing a promising profession, you need to focus on your preferences.

What professions will die out

Predicting the "extinction" of the profession is quite difficult. For many years now, experts have been talking about the lack of demand for librarians, but they still continue to go to work. But despite this, the profession of a librarian is indeed on the list of endangered.

There will also be fewer sellers soon, although they are unlikely to disappear completely. This is due to the growth of online shopping, which we have already discussed above.

In addition, postmen, elevator operators and watchmen should soon disappear.

Journalists and reporters, as well as other "sharks of the pen", including copywriters, editors and proofreaders, will be under the threat of extinction - the work of the former will be done social networks, and the duties of the latter can be automated.

The once-popular assistant secretaries are also under attack - many businessmen today find it easier to hire a network assistant.

Doubles and stuntmen will “die out”, which will be replaced by modern web technologies. Their fate can be shared by museum workers - from ticket collectors to tour guides.

And by 2030, the professions of lawyers, economists, accountants and managers (managers) may turn out to be irrelevant! Sberbank has already announced that it intends to replace as many as 3,000 of its legal advisers with robots, and the Ministry of Finance proposed halving the number of accountants last fall.

In total, scientists identify more than 50 endangered professions, and among them there are specialties that are very popular today.

Changes in the labor market

Before deciding who to go to study after school, you need to understand what changes will occur in the labor market in a few years. We have already found out that robotics will be introduced into all areas human life, But that's not all.

  • Experts say that the principles of the work of doctors and teachers will change, and the whole paperwork for them will carry out special programs.
  • In addition to IT and eco-projects, the service sector will be actively developing.

  • The field of online education will continue to develop. All more people will receive post-graduate education.
  • At the same time, in some areas, not diplomas will be valued, but specific knowledge and skills that the applicant possesses.

It is unlikely that this is a complete list of upcoming changes, but nevertheless, this information will help you better navigate where our planet is heading.

Who to go to study after school

According to experts, in the near future, the labor market will continue to demand

  • engineers;
  • doctors;
  • technical specialists;
  • chemists;
  • biologists;
  • IT-specialists, programmers and software developers;
  • specialists in the field of tourism and hotel business;
  • ecologists;
  • nanotechnologists.

If you get one of these specialties, then you definitely won’t be left without a job!

As for the now popular marketers and PR specialists, financiers and lawyers, these professions cannot be called the most promising. It is quite possible to make money in these areas, but one must understand that the competition is very high, and only high-class professionals can achieve success.

It is impossible not to mention one more promising area - blockchain technology is being introduced into all spheres of our life, and it has already begun to be taught in some universities, including in the Russian Federation. This is a very interesting area that will be actively developed in the coming years.

If you want to know more about blockchain technology and making money from cryptocurrencies, here are 5 proven ways to make money in this area in the coming months

Whatever professions are in demand in the future, about your financial well-being need to think today. For example, you can buy an apartment not only for yourself, but also to rent it out and receive passive income. This will help you free book How to get a good mortgage.

You can go further and make money on tenement houses. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Read about secrets creation cash flow on tenement houses. You can go from zero to 150,000 rubles a month.

The question "Where to go to study?" stands before graduates sharply: often, when they enter an educational institution, they do not fully understand what kind of profession they choose. This misunderstanding may persist until graduation.

Unlike Russian schools, abroad, students are not only prepared for admission to specific universities, but also carry out serious work on career guidance, identifying their talents and inclinations. Students from foreign schools study the widest range subjects: from classical civilization and psychology to robotics and the latest business technologies. They can practice rowing or debating, play chess or attend a Shakespeare club.

To pick up for a child high school abroad, please contact IQ Consultancy. We will help you choose the educational institution that suits you, as well as prepare the child in language and subjects so that he feels comfortable from the very beginning of education.

The older the students get, the more disciplines they try. This means that the more choice - what they are interested in as future profession what they tend to do. As a result, by the age of 16, 90% of foreign students already know who they want to become.
In addition, career consultants work with students in secondary schools in Europe and America. Also, educational institutions cooperate with large companies. Schoolchildren get the opportunity to work in starting positions during the holidays and set specific career goals for themselves.

But it is not enough to enter an interesting specialty - it is important to understand how and where to apply the acquired knowledge. Often, Russian graduates with deep fundamental knowledge do not have enough practice. This leads to the fact that more than half of our graduates by the end of their studies lose interest in learning and work outside their specialty.

If you've already finished Russian university but want to change majors or get more modern education in your field, consider applying to a foreign university. You can get a bachelor's degree in a new field for yourself, continue your specialized studies in a master's program or take intensive professional courses in their specialty. Learn more from our consultants.

Foreign universities offer up-to-date knowledge and develop practical skills of students. Most higher educational institutions- it is also research centers with their own laboratories, where students work on their projects and participate in the development of large companies.

Studying at a foreign university makes it possible to stay in another country (for example, Canada has soft immigration conditions for young professionals) and build a career at the world level. For those who do not want to leave their country forever, studying at a foreign university is an excellent experience and an important advantage for employment in Russia, especially since many foreign universities teach narrow specialties, which in Russian universities not yet.

In the recent past, Russians aspired to work at one enterprise all their lives. This was considered an honor, and for conscientious work, the leadership awarded honorary distinctions and certificates. Today you rarely see one single entry in work book. Experts are looking for the most appropriate place work, characterized not only by steadily increasing wages, but also by a high level of working conditions.

The conditions for the rapid development of a market economy require employees to have such qualities as:

  • versatility. Ability to combine activities in related fields;
  • multitasking. Solution Skills various tasks simultaneously;
  • maximum high level professionalism, and its continuous improvement.

The profession is chosen not only by high school students, but also by young mothers who do not want to be separated from their children, or specialists who want to retrain. Usually they are guided by their own skills and preferences. But another important factor is the demand for the profession. The top three: economists and journalists are gradually becoming a thing of the past. In 5 years, completely different specialties will be relevant in the labor market. It is better to choose a future profession, focusing on own interests and the demands of society.

The highest paid specialties

The more time it takes to master professional skills, the more valuable the specialist. It is assumed that the salaries of engineers, programmers and financial managers will rise to the European level.

Popular specialties of the future are selected based on 2 factors:

  • at the request of the state;
  • according to experts' forecasts.

Good finance professionals will not be out of work in 2021, but will be less in demand

The most demanded specialties in 2021 are:

  1. Builders. The development of building technologies is in full swing. For competent designers, engineers, managers in the construction industry, employers are already hunting for the last courses of universities. It is expected that in 5 years the situation will worsen even more.
  2. Technicians and engineers. AT this moment job centers are flooded with applications from employers looking for valuable engineers and technicians. Young professionals who understand modern technologies should replace the elderly specialist.
  3. Marketing. Economic sphere will always need sales professionals who can increase sales without significant investment.
  4. Online store managers and online marketers. Internet commerce is predicted to explode in a frenzy, and pioneers in the field will make fortunes.

Advice. Despite the fact that universities annually graduate psychologists, family psychologist is considered a very promising profession.

Demanded specialists in the field of medicine and education

Sometimes the most demanded specialty can be the lowest paid. This is especially true for workers in the field of education and medicine. Recently there has been a trend towards rectifying the situation.

Medical professions will be vital always and everywhere. With the deterioration of the environment and the quality of nutrition, specialist doctors will be highly valued. In addition, queues will stand at the offices of the following professionals:

  1. Dentist. There is a trend towards the development of aesthetic dentistry. Increasing requirements for appearance, and a white-toothed smile combined with perfect condition teeth will be in high demand.
  2. Orthodontist. The curvature of the front teeth can be corrected if treated in a timely manner. Teeth alignment materials and devices are becoming highly technological, and orthodontist services are becoming highly paid.
  3. babysitter with higher education. It would seem that this is not a very prestigious specialty, but by 2020 they predict an increase in life expectancy. This means that people who know how to properly care for the elderly will be needed.
  4. A teacher, an educator are professions that are always relevant, and especially after 5 years, because. birth rates are projected to increase. The state raises the prestige of these specialties through financial incentives.
  5. Nanny, governess. Not every mother can afford a full-fledged parental leave. In 5 years, services in the field of children's education will be in high demand.

Working specialties relevant after 5 years

The Ministry of Education is patiently working to raise the prestige of blue-collar jobs. And already today most of applicants receive a specialty in technical schools and colleges. The state needs people who know how to build, sew, and cook with high quality.

In 2021, not only “intellectual” labor workers will be in demand, but also working specialties

  1. All construction trades. Bricklayer, welder, locksmith, carpenter, turner, etc. Professionals in this field will be highly valued.
  2. Installer. Anyone who knows how to collect and put in order equipment. As well as assemble and install furniture, doors, windows, air conditioners, etc.
  3. An electrician. With the improvement of technology, there is a need for its timely maintenance and repair. Laying and replacement of cables and electrical equipment will be relevant.
  4. operator for work with modern technology. At modern factories there are workshops in which not people work, but equipment. Specialists in setting up and working with equipment are urgently needed.

Professions related to the development of technology and globalization

Over the next 5 years, another round of development of science and improvement of technology is expected. In addition, there is a clear trend towards globalization around the world, which will also affect the labor market of the future.

List of specialists in demand in the new conditions:

  1. IT specialist of a wide profile. Programmers and system administrators with clear minds and the ability to generate ideas will receive decent wages.
  2. Web Designer. A valuable employee will be bombarded with proposals for creating and improving the efficiency of Internet portals.
  3. Nanotechnologist. it promising direction development of science received support from the state. The country that has discovered new knowledge in this narrow industry is provided with a leading position on the world stage.
  4. Linguist, translator. The need for specialists in these professions is due to globalization. Along with knowledge of European languages, knowledge of Oriental languages and culture Eastern countries. Professionals will be considered those who speak 2-3 foreign languages.
  5. Export Specialist and . Developing international economic ties will require workers who understand the peculiarities of international transport, import and export. They will have to know economics and foreign languages.

The choice of a demanded future profession is very wide. In these lists, everyone can find something that will interest him and become a valuable and sought-after employee.

How to choose a profession - video


There are more and more professions, the best ones become commonplace, and the worst ones are back in value. But what in-demand technical specialties will remain so in the future? Are there promising technical specialties and which ones are the best?

After graduating from high school, young people face a choice - where to go to study further and what profession to choose for themselves. Of course, it would not be superfluous to choose technical specialties that are in demand - those that will provide not some, but a good future.

But here it is necessary to take into account such a factor as the volatility of the labor market. If since the 90s, our country has experienced a kind of "boom" in the training of specialists in the field of economics and jurisprudence, now, many of those who have chosen these professions are forced to retrain or work outside their specialty, because, for they just don't have vacancies. Now, it is possible to call the most demanded - technical specialties. But here, too, it is important to choose the right profession that will be in demand, and therefore prestigious and well paid - not only in the coming years, but also in the longer term.

Promising technical specialties

Of course, first of all, the most rapidly developing industry, at first glance, could be called the extraction and processing of minerals. Undoubtedly, gas and oil production are a very significant sector of the economy of our country, and even despite certain difficulties, they continue to develop, which means that specialists in the exploration, production and processing of minerals will be in great demand in the labor market in the coming years.

But we should not forget about such industries as energy and construction. In addition, one of the most promising technical specialties are professions related to information technology. By its prestige, the level of wages, as well as views of further development- these specialties occupy the first place among technical professions. Fast development telecommunications technologies, the use of all possible software already in almost all areas of life - makes programmers the most in demand and promising, not only now, but also, which is not unimportant - in the foreseeable future.

What technical specialties are in demand?

Speaking about the demand for some technical specialty or profession, one should divide them according to the level of education. On the one hand, these are specialists with higher education and secondary professional. It cannot be said that the best technical specialty is exactly the one that is confirmed by a university diploma. The need for highly skilled workers puts them in fact on the same level as graduates of higher educational institutions. Especially where you have to work with very complex and expensive equipment. In addition, literacy, responsibility and a deep understanding of the work process are also important. In modern realities, the slightest mistake made, for example, in the production of high-precision equipment or complex work, can result in very large and negative consequences.

Demanded technical specialties with higher education

The most demanded and promising technical specialties are engineers. These can be engineers of various fields: builders, technologists, chemists, IT technologists, software developers, designers, etc. Moreover, high demand, will be used by specialists who will have several formations.

For example, a young man who will have an education in the field of electronics and biotechnology. In general, at present, there is a serious merging of various sciences. So here, the creation electronic circuits based, for example, on living organisms, is one of the most sought-after studies. This means that a specialist with a suitable education will always find a suitable vacancy with good conditions labor.

At the same time, one of the best technical specialties can be called a nanotechnologist. These professionals are in demand in present time, in many areas. Moreover, there is a whole targeted government program for the development and implementation of this type of activity, which in turn guarantees further demand for specialists in this area.

The best technical specialties with secondary vocational education

To date, the most popular technical specialties among graduates of secondary vocational schools include the following: gas and electric welder, turners, electricians, electromechanics, etc. We can say that these are people directly working with various, sometimes quite complex equipment. The operation of such special equipment requires special knowledge and skills.

These technical specialties were in demand before, and professions will be in demand in the near future. They are required both in production and in other places. A modern worker is not a man with a sledgehammer, but rather a narrow-profile specialist. In addition, an electric and gas welder needs knowledge in the field of metallurgy, various gas compounds, electrical conductivity properties, and much more. The development of microtechnology, however, forces the electrician to study such areas as telecommunication technologies, automation and electronics.

What specialty to choose, so that becoming the owner of a diploma does not turn out to be an unclaimed specialist, but to be able to get Good work and financial independence?

IT specialists
The most demanded are professionals in the field information technologies. The need for such personnel exceeds all conceivable limits. Companies need system administrators, programmers and web programmers. And given the constant development of this area, the demand for IT specialists will grow every year.

Design Engineers
Construction professionals are in high demand in the labor market. Taking into account the relatively low passing score for technical specialties (since most of the applicants prefer to study as managers and economists), mastering this promising profession is available to almost everyone. Architects and designers are no less in demand.

Traditionally, there is a shortage of teachers. Schools are finding it increasingly difficult to find qualified teachers. Possibly in the future with revision wages education workers, the profession will become not only in demand, but also popular.

Highly demanded in the labor market, but here it is necessary serious experience that comes with the years. This is, so to speak, work for the future. Professionals with legal education needed in almost every organization. The profession of a policeman is also gaining popularity. This is due to the increase in wages and recent reforms.

Despite the fact that in the past the profession of a doctor was not very popular, now there is a need for workers in the medical field. At the same time, specialists of a narrow profile are especially in demand: nutritionists, speech therapists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists. But there is a clear shortage of doctors, as well as teachers, and this industry will gladly welcome a specialist of any profile. Dentists remain the highest paid.

Necessary in almost any field of activity. The market, oversaturated with goods and services, requires competent marketers, who are now very few. These specialists are called upon to monitor the market and predict what products or services are currently needed.

HR Specialists
The expansion of the organization and, accordingly, the increase in the number of employees who need to be selected, tested, concluded contracts with them, and so on, leads to the demand for personnel workers.

professional workers
Here we are talking about qualified machinists, locksmiths, electricians, welders, on which last years there is constant demand.

Beauty industry professionals
Stylists, make-up artists, hairdressers are needed due to the rapid growth in the number of beauty salons.

Environmental specialists
In recent years, the profession of an ecologist has become in demand. And this is connected, first of all, with the leaving much to be desired environmental situation in Russia and in the world as a whole.

What professions will be in demand in the future?
Experts believe that in the near future, engineers, technicians and production managers will remain the most in demand. Physicians, chemists and biologists will also be required. Nano- and biotechnologies will not stand still, so specialists in these areas will also be needed.

High technologies have not only firmly entered our lives, it is difficult to imagine at least one day without them. So in the future, professional IT specialists, programmers and software developers will be required.

Every year, the tourism sector of the economy is gaining more and more development. hotel business, which means that training in these specialties in the present can bring a good income in the future.

Experts also believe that there will be a demand for quality service and service professionals will be in demand. And finally, protection issues are relevant all over the world. environment, which means environmentalists will be required.

This is the situation in Russia as a whole, but when choosing a profession, you can contact public service employment and get a list of the most in-demand professions in your area. But do not forget that real professionals in their field will always be needed, regardless of the specialty and industry.

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