Home Trees and shrubs How to cook rice for a side dish: recommendations, methods, recipes and reviews. How to cook rice so that it is crumbly

How to cook rice for a side dish: recommendations, methods, recipes and reviews. How to cook rice so that it is crumbly

Rice is an extremely versatile cereal: you can serve it as sweet as Japanese desserts, mix it with spicy sauces, or almost without spices. It can be both a main course and a side dish for meat. It often happens that the hostess's rice comes out too viscous, boiled and soft, no matter how hard she tries. In this article, you will learn several methods on how to avoid such cooking of rice, as well as secrets proper cooking this cereal.

How to cook fluffy rice

If you want to get a grain-to-grain side dish, then long-grain and round varieties of rice should be chosen. Such rice absorbs too much water, gradually becoming soft. You do not need any special ingredients, everything is extremely simple:

  • Take a glass of rice.
  • Two glasses of clean water.
  • The pan should be with thick walls, like a cauldron.
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Put the water to boil, only then start rinsing the rice. Such an algorithm is due to the fact that the contact of cereals with water should occur almost before cooking itself, otherwise the rice will have time to absorb excess water, which will lead to boiling.

It is necessary to rinse the cereal at least 8-10 times until the water becomes completely transparent. You can use a colander for this if its holes do not let grains through.

As soon as the water boils, salt it. Add other loose spices if desired. You need to send rice to the pan strictly in hot boiling water so that the cooking process starts immediately. The cooking temperature must be changed, namely:

  • As soon as you put the rice in the pot, the fire should be high so that the water boils again as soon as possible.
  • Turn the heat down to low when the water is bubbling.

Cover the pot and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Just forget about her. When you open the lid. you will see crumbly cooked rice. Leave it for another 15 minutes to stand under a closed lid with the fire turned off so that the remaining moisture is absorbed into the cereal.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker

Usually for cooking good rice in a slow cooker, a slightly smaller amount of water is taken. Take one and a half glasses of water for a glass of cereal. Be sure to rinse the rice well.

  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl.
  • Pour in the washed and squeezed rice.
  • Add spices.

Please note that the cereal must be evenly distributed along the bottom of the bowl, otherwise some grains will not boil well.

Now close the lid and set the program to “Rice” or “Pilaf”. Some multicookers differ in a set of options. The cooking time will be 15 minutes.

If you have the “Keep warm” function, then put the rice for another 20 minutes to bask with open lid multicookers. So all the moisture will go into the grains, leaving them crumbly.

Do not forget about the thoroughness of washing the cereals, as there are rice flour, formed in the process of friction of grains in a bag. If this dust is not properly removed, the rice will begin to stick together on early stages cooking.

If you are cooking rice for dishes such as sushi, mochi or onigiri, then the very concept right rice stands upside down. For Japanese cuisine The rice should be sticky but not overcooked. This is difficult to achieve, so ideally, a special Asian vinegar is used, which can be found on store shelves in the sushi section. Add a few tablespoons of this vinegar when cooking rice and you get a sticky side dish. From it you can sculpt onigiri and twist rolls.

When rice is cooked for desserts, vanilla extract and other flavorings should be added directly to the water during the cooking process. Do not forget that such cereals in desserts should have only a light aroma.

Do not add to rice:

  • Lemon.
  • Butter.
  • Ordinary table vinegar.

These are all culinary myths that will only ruin your side dish. Loose grains begin to turn out with experience, when you accept for yourself perfect time preparation and the exact amount of water.

To enjoy the cereal for a long time, transfer it from the pan to a wooden container or plastic container. This will keep it crispy for longer, even when refrigerated.

Hello everyone, very often I meet with such questions that people write in in social networks, and what is the recipe for delicious friable rice as a side dish for meat?

Dear readers, I will now tell you one recipe with which you can cook delicious, crumbly rice, without any problem, a short time. I promise, if you try to cook it this way at least once, you will never even try it differently.

The recipe is so simple that we need the very minimum of ingredients, we read about them below.


1. Rice - 1 cup

2. Vegetable oil for frying

3. Salt to taste

4. Pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. First of all, we wash the rice under cold running water. It is important to get rid of dust and dirt that could get into the packaging during packaging. We also need to wash off excess starch, this will save it from excess stickiness.

2. Heat the pan to optimal temperature, pour vegetable oil. Use oil only best quality, otherwise rice can get a bunch of unnecessary odors into its composition. And this, as we know, will spoil the taste of the main dish.

3. Fry the indicated amount of rice in a pan for 3-4 minutes. Thanks to this action, we will finally get rid of excess starch and fix the crumbly properties of the finished rice.

5. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes. This is the standard amount of seasonings, you don’t need to add anything else, otherwise you will get a different dish, and not boiled friable rice.

6. Check if there is water in the pan. If there is, wait until it boils completely. We do the test without opening the lid. If you don't have a glass lid, you'll have to open it.

7. Our rice is completely ready, it turned out crumbly and very tasty. These properties were achieved by pre-roasting the beans, as I mentioned above.

For many housewives, the secret to making crumbly and delicious rice remains unsolved. boiled rice is part of many dishes, it can be used as a side dish for meat or fish. How to cook it correctly in order to get not boiled porridge, but perfectly steamed rice grains?

Why can't you cook rice properly?

The culprit of the fact that instead of a crumbly dish a whole tortilla is obtained is the starch that is contained in the cereal. The more it is, the higher the probability of getting slurry porridge instead of a delicious lunch.

Culinary secrets:

To make rice crumbly and tasty, you should use the proven advice of famous chefs.

1. Choice of capacity. Rice groats should not be cooked in an enameled pan.
2. The ratio of liquid and rice should be 1:1. This best option: during the allotted cooking time, the cereal will have time to absorb all the water and not boil.
3. Rinse the ingredient at least 3 times until the water is clear and clean.
4. It is strictly forbidden to interfere with the dish during cooking.

Types of rice are classified:

1. by type of grain: oblong, medium-grained and round;
2. according to the method of grain processing: polished, steamed and unpolished;
3. by color.

Rice Cooking Methods

Each variety of rice is rich in important human body trace elements. Its health benefits have been proven even by scientists.

Method one: classic

To cook rice classic recipe, necessary:

1. Rinse the cereal with running water at least 3 times to wash out the gluten and starch;
2. Pour rice into a saucepan and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:1;
3. Add salt to taste and a teaspoon of vegetable oil;
4. Close the lid and simmer until tender.

Delicious rice goes well with any meal. This dietary product, which can be used by everyone who follows their figure.

Method two: pilaf in a pan

Cooking pilaf in a pan does not take much time. The result will be tasty dish, which can be served even at the festive table.

A recipe with a photo will allow you to repeat all the manipulations with the utmost accuracy. And now let's see what is included in this pilaf, and how we will use the ingredients for cooking.


1. Any meat - 500 grams;
2. Rice round - 2 cups;
3. Onion - 1 head;
4. Medium carrot - 1 piece;
5. Water - 3 glasses;
6. Garlic - 1-2 cloves;
7. Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
8. Spices


1. Rinse the meat thoroughly, dry with a towel and cut into medium-sized cubes.

2. Rinse rice groats 3-7 times. Let the liquid drain.

3. Onion and peel. Onion finely chop, chop the carrot into strips (it is not recommended to grate).

4. Pour vegetable oil into a large frying pan with a lid. Add meat and fry over high heat until golden brown.

5. Attach the onion and fry, uncovered, for 10-15 minutes over medium heat. Season to taste.

6. Bringing the meat and vegetables to half-cooked, add rice to them. Distribute it evenly across the bowl.

7. Pour the prepared water in a thin stream. Add whole garlic cloves.

8. Cover the semi-finished product with a lid. You can not open it until the end of cooking.

9. For the first 10 minutes, cook pilaf over high heat, then stifle the fire for 10 minutes. Turn off the stove and wait another 10 minutes until the rice "reaches".

A delicious dish of simple ingredients is ready. It is incredibly tasty and flavorful.

Method Three: Cooking Rice for Sushi

There is nothing difficult in making sushi and rolls at home. The main thing is to choose the right rice and bring it to readiness. Let's find out step by step how to do it without complications.

1. Before you start cooking, you should measure correctly right amount cereals. A kilogram of rice makes 15-17 servings. This number needs to be taken into account.

2. Rice for sushi should be washed in plenty of water. To do this, it is poured into a container, poured cold water, mix and grind by hand. After muddy water drain, remove the pop-up rice and repeat the procedure. Then the peeled grains are thrown into a colander and soaked for 15 minutes in clean water.

3. To cook rice groats for Japanese food, take a thick-walled pan, put the ingredient into it, pour water, close the lid and place on low heat.

4. When the water boils, for 2 minutes, increase the heating power to the maximum mark. Turn off the heat and cover the container with a clean towel. Leave for 15 minutes and start preparing the obligatory dressing for rice.

5. 120 ml rice vinegar mix with 6 tablespoons of sugar and 1.5 tablespoons of salt. Dilute with a little water and bring to a boil. Pour the sauce over the cooked rice and combine the ingredients with a wooden flat spoon.

Method four: a miracle from a multicooker

For those who have a slow cooker in the house, cooking rice will not be the slightest difficulty. Included with the device is a special measuring cup, so that the housewives have the opportunity to accurately calculate the number of components.

1. Rice is poured into the bowl of the device at the rate of 1 measured capacity of cereal for 3 measured capacities of liquid. Salt is added to them and, if necessary, vegetable oil.

2. Each manufacturer indicates a specific mode in which rice is cooked the best way, regardless of variety. The components are closed with a lid and cooked at the specified temperature for the specified time.

3. The product cooked in a multicooker does not lose its nutritional and medicinal properties, it turns out crumbly and appetizing, as in the photo from culinary magazines.

That's all for me, thank you for your attention, we are waiting for your recommendations, suggestions, and wishes.

Cooking rice for some, especially beginners, cooks is a real torment. Either it burns, although raw, or instead of friable rice, a viscous sticky mass is obtained ... Especially for those for whom cooking rice causes stress, we will reveal a few secrets of its proper cooking. By the way, we note that long-grain rice is friable, but for some dishes, rice is more boiled and sticky. In such cases, it is better to take round rice.

The easiest way to get fluffy rice

The most elementary way is to buy rice in special perforated plastic bags. It is enough to put such a bag in salted cold water and put the pan on the stove, turning on medium heat. After 15-20 minutes after the water boils, the bag is removed, hung over the sink (so that the water is glass) - and the friable rice is ready. The secret of rice bags is that the rice there is not ordinary, but steamed before polishing with hot steam under pressure. In such rice, they say, useful material and vitamins. As for vitamins - maybe, but what is absolutely certain - such rice never sticks together during cooking. It is not necessary to buy steamed rice in portion bags, but there are practically no differences in its preparation: it is taken twice for a glass of rice more water, the cooking time remains the same, and the rice should not be stirred during the cooking process.

We cook rice in a slow cooker, microwave and double boiler

Multicookers were originally invented as devices with which it is convenient to cook rice. So you don’t have to worry that rice in a slow cooker will not work. The main thing is to correctly observe the proportions indicated in the recipe. And they are, in general, standard: for one measure of rice, one and a half to two measures of water are taken, salt, oil are added, and the “rice” or “pilaf” mode is turned on. After 20-30 minutes, your rice will be ready, about which the slow cooker will notify you with a squeak.

Cooking rice in a double boiler is also not difficult. The required amount of rice is washed, and at this time, water is brought to a boil in the steamer. Washed rice is placed in a double boiler and cooked for 30-40 minutes.

Concerning microwave oven, then save on the time of cooking rice with it will not work. But some people love microwaves so much that they cook everything only in them. So, you will need to take a large bowl, pour rice into it, add water (proportions are approximately as follows: for 450 g of rice - 600 ml of water). Cover the bowl with a lid and place in the oven. Turn on the microwave for 5 minutes at full power, then reduce the power by half and cook the rice for another 15 minutes. Then turn off the stove, but do not open it and leave the rice to rise for another 10 minutes. You do not need to stir the rice with this method of cooking.

Rice in a cauldron, in a pot and in a frying pan

You can cook rice in a regular pot, in a cauldron, and even in a frying pan. Before cooking, rice is washed in seven waters (do not flatter yourself, rice is not produced in sterile laboratory conditions). Then the rice is poured with salted water and boiled under the lid until cooked for about twenty minutes. If you want fluffy rice, fill it with cold water. If you need glutinous rice for sushi or minced meat, pour boiling water over it. If rice is supposed to be cooked in a frying pan, it is better to take a saucepan, and fry the rice in oil a little before cooking. Connoisseurs say that rice in a frying pan is the most delicious. And here is the secret of good rice for pilaf. Before you start cooking pilaf, soak the rice in cold water and fry meat, onions and carrots - in general, act according to the recipe. When everything is ready and only rice remains to be added to the pilaf, drain the water, pour the rice into the cauldron and add water on top so that it covers the rice by two fingers. That is, the thickness of the water above the rice should be approximately 3-4 cm. The lid should be closed only when all the water has been absorbed into the rice.

brown rice

Brown rice is cooked in the same way as white rice, only longer - about 45 minutes. Therefore, after the rice is washed and covered with water, it is covered with a lid, brought to a boil and the heat is reduced to a minimum. The lid must be closed during the entire cooking time. Do not be afraid - rice will not burn on low heat. Once the rice is cooked, turn off the stove, but do not touch the lid - let the rice stand for another 10 minutes. Thereafter brown rice completely ready. Wild rice is prepared in much the same way and the same amount, only you can take more water: for a cup of rice - three cups of water.

Milk porridges and soups with rice are also prepared in an elementary way: either rice is boiled in water until almost ready, and only then milk, salt, sugar and butter are added to it, or rice is immediately poured with milk and boiled in it. Since rice in porridge or milk soup there are no special requirements for friability; it is allowed to stir it during cooking.

In spite of great amount recipes and manuals, the only way to learn how to cook perfect rice is by practical exercises. Do not be afraid, experiment, and sooner or later your rice will turn out great.

How to cook friable rice so that it looks like steamed?

How to cook friable rice: instructions

To cook fluffy rice, you will need:

  • thick-walled saucepan with a capacity of about 2 liters

A thick-walled pan retains heat better, the rice practically does not burn in it

Cooking friable rice in bags

  • More

First of all, you need to choose the right kind of rice. You need long grain rice. Connoisseurs recommend varieties of jasmine or basmati. You can take parboiled rice, the grains of which are less brittle when cooked. It is not recommended to use round-grain varieties, which have a higher carbohydrate content and, most importantly, are too soft.

Measure out the required amount of rice. To prepare a side dish for 4 servings, 1 cup will be enough. Rinse the cereal thoroughly, changing the water up to 10 times. Ideally, rinse the rice to clean water.

After washing the rice, transfer it to a saucepan and pour hot water. Fluffy rice should not be cooked in cold water, as during the cooking process it will absorb excess water and become very soft. Measure the exact amount of water so that you do not have to add liquid when cooking, this can greatly spoil the dish. The amount of water should be 2 times more than the amount of dry rice. For example, for 1 cup of rice, take 2 cups of water. Then salt the water to taste.

For a standard serving for 4 people, one incomplete teaspoon of salt will be enough

So, a pot of rice, filled with hot water, is on the stove. Turn the fire up to the max. The water in the pot should boil quickly. Cook the rice for 7 minutes over high heat. Then turn down the fire to minimum value, close the pan tightly with a lid and simmer the rice over low heat for 15 minutes. At the same time, do not stir the rice and lift the lid.

When the cooking time is over, turn off the heat. Put 1.5 tbsp on top of the cooked rice. ghee or butter. After closing the lid, leave the rice to infuse for 20 minutes. During this time, it will completely absorb the remaining small amount of water, while the grains will be covered with melted butter, which will give the rice additional aroma and a milder taste.

After 20 minutes, open the pan and you will see white fluffy rice, completely dry, grain by grain. It will not be superfluous to note that it is by no means recommended to wash such rice. It is completely ready to eat as a side dish for second courses. If you want to add rice to a salad, let it cool first.

Fried rice in a pan

  • More

To prevent rice from sticking together during cooking, follow these rules:

  • pour in 2 times more water than you plan to cook rice
  • put rice only in hot or boiling water
  • before cooking, rinse it under running water several times until the water is completely clear
  • do not add seasonings to rice water
  • while the rice is cooking, cover the pan with a transparent lid so that you can check the cooking process
  • cook rice over low heat
  • do not open the lid of the pot during the cooking period to prevent steam from escaping
  • after cooking, open the lid and salt, pepper the rice, add oil or fillers

How to cook rice in the microwave

Fluffy rice can also be cooked in the microwave. First, rinse the rice thoroughly. Next, put it in a microwave-safe dish and add the right amount of water and salt. Close the bowl with a lid and place it in the microwave. Cook at full power for about 17-18 minutes. During this time, the rice must be mixed twice. After cooking, let the rice stand for a while (5-10 minutes) under the lid, then stir. Rice does not need to be washed, it will turn out crumbly, beautiful and tasty.

How to cook friable rice in a bag

For novice housewives, cooking friable rice can be quite difficult. It seems that everything is done strictly according to the instructions, and they are washed several times, and water is added in the right proportion, and the rice is not stirred during the cooking process, and as a result it sticks together into porridge. In this case, the recipe for cooking friable rice in a bag may come in handy, because this is the easiest way to prepare this dish. He does not demand special attention. The main thing is to add enough water and remember to keep track of the time.

Rice is a versatile product for preparing a variety of dishes. This is an excellent component of pilaf, useful supplement in salads or desserts, as well as a delicious side dish.

It is used to make sushi and mixed with mushrooms. In addition, rice indispensable component balanced diet.

However, not everyone manages to cook rice crumbly the first time, and even so as to preserve its beneficial properties.

It requires some skill and knowledge of small tricks. A few rules below will help you learn how to cook rice deliciously.

Choose the right variety

It is very important to choose good grade rice. Therefore, leave cereals of dubious producers on the shelves.

Choose trusted brands. For example, if you want to cook white fluffy rice, choose long-grain basmati. It is more expensive than others, but it does not stick together during cooking and it turns out very tasty. This rice is perfect as a side dish for meat or fish.

Round-grain rice is chosen for making cereals, pilaf, sushi and puddings. This variety, on the contrary, will stick together during cooking. Finally, medium-grain rice is often chosen for soups.

The volume of water for cooking rice

It should be remembered that when cooking, the volume of rice increases by 2 times, so you need to take 2 times more water, that is, 2 glasses of water for 1 glass of cereal. Otherwise, the water will have to be drained, and this spoils taste qualities rice. Instead of water, you can take the broth.

What is the best pot to cook rice in?

A deep frying pan with a tight lid is considered an ideal cooking utensil. However, in the absence of such, you can use the pan.

Just need to choose a pan so that the rice does not burn to the bottom and does not stick to the walls.

How to prevent rice from sticking together?

Washing the rice thoroughly under cold water after the rice is cooked will help prevent sticking.

Washing will also remove excess starch and improve the palatability of the finished dish.

Secrets of cooking delicious rice

At the very beginning of cooking, you need to boil water (soft boil), add spices, salt, and dry herbs (optional). For every 150g of rice, 1 tsp is taken. salt. If you want to weld perfectly White rice, then you can add a drop to the water citric acid or apple cider vinegar.

Add the washed rice to a pot of boiled water and mix thoroughly. Close the lid tightly and cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes (it should absorb all the water).

Constantly stirring the rice or opening the lid during the cooking period is not recommended.

After 20 minutes, turn off the heat and leave the rice to simmer for another 10 minutes. After that, you can try the cereal for “readiness”.

Fluff the rice with a fork and add butter if desired.

Tip: If you add 1 teaspoon of turmeric to water, the rice will turn out to be a beautiful yellow hue.

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