Home Mushrooms The most delicious rice side dish. How to cook fluffy rice - the right cooking recipes

The most delicious rice side dish. How to cook fluffy rice - the right cooking recipes

Rice cereal is known and loved on all continents. It is impossible to find a cuisine that does not feature rice in one form or another.

In countries Far East This dish is so popular that, for example, in China, as a greeting they ask: “Did you eat rice today?”

In Europe, rice grains appeared relatively recently, during the late Middle Ages and the great geographical discoveries. When people began to actively explore space. Having quickly gained popularity, rice has become the national dish of almost all European countries.

Rice groats do not contain gluten - the most allergenic vegetable protein. That is why it is included in children's menu as first porridge.

In addition, rice is actively used to prepare slimy and creamy soups in various therapeutic diets.

Types of rice grains

There are incredibly many varieties of rice. In total, botanists identify 20 cultivated varieties and several hundred varieties.

By appearance grains release rice:

  • Long grain– narrow and long, up to 2 cm, these grains practically do not stick together when cooked – they are ideal for a crumbly side dish;
  • Medium grain– semi-circular, short grains of medium gluten, for example the “risotto” variety, ideal for the dish of the same name, this also includes the famous “devzira” rice for preparing pilaf;
  • Round grain– grains of rice are round and short, contain a lot of gluten, such grains make ideal puddings, casseroles, pureed and slimy soups.

According to the processing method, rice can be distinguished:

  • Polished. Grinding is the most common method of processing rice grains; the grains turn out white, practically devoid of vegetable fiber and vitamins, but this rice is very nutritious and cooks quickly;
  • Unpolished or brown. The grains undergo minimal processing, retaining a maximum of vitamins and fiber, but they take much longer to cook and the finished side dish turns out to be too “rough” in taste;
  • Steamed. Most best option rice - the grains are treated with steam before grinding, thanks to this it is quite most of useful substances from the shell enter inside.

Methods for preparing fluffy rice

Depending on the desired result, the most optimal method of preparing rice cereal is selected. You can cook:

  • In water;
  • Steamed;
  • Mixed method (Chinese).

Any type of rice absorbs water quite strongly, this must be taken into account when preparing it, but the thicker the grain, the stronger its hygroscopicity. Before cooking, it is recommended to rinse the cereal thoroughly, rubbing it with your hands, and finally rinse it under running water.

In order to receive crumbly porridge in a saucepan, wash the rice, place it on a sieve and pour boiling water over it. Then pour into boiling salt water in a ratio of one to one and reduce the heat to a minimum.

During cooking, the grain is not stirred, but pierced in several places for better steaming. If all the water has already evaporated and the cereal is not ready yet, carefully add a little boiling water. If desired, the finished rice can be washed, but only with boiled water.

Steamed rice is the easiest way to cook. It turns out invariably crumbly garnish. The grains must be washed and poured into the bowl of a double boiler, salted, and filled with water one to one. Steam until done for about half an hour.

The Chinese cook rice in a very large quantities. They cook several kilograms at once - it is the basis for many other dishes.

The cereal is boiled in a large container with a ratio of one to five to water. Having brought it to half-cookedness, they throw it onto a large sieve, and then steam it in it.

We present to you a video that shows the Asian method of cooking rice:

How to properly cook fluffy rice as a side dish in a saucepan

Round grain - this type of grain is the most difficult to cook crumbly porridge. It contains a lot of gluten and is very absorbent.

This variety must be washed only under running water, otherwise it will swell and stick together before cooking. And be sure to rinse the finished side dish.

Long grain polished rice is great for making fluffy side dishes.

The varieties “Jasmine” and “Thai” are especially different. They have a delicate, subtle taste and a pleasant creamy texture, while the finished grains do not stick together into an unpleasant lump.

Brown (brown) or brown rice is preferred by health-conscious people and devotees proper nutrition. It takes much longer to cook than polished; it must be pre-soaked.

But such a side dish will definitely be crumbly and healthy.

Parboiled rice cooks a little faster than unpolished rice. You can prepare almost any dish from it: semi-liquid risotto and fluffy Chinese rice. It is also ideal for pilaf if you couldn’t find devzira.

Regardless of what type of rice you choose, to obtain a crumbly side dish you must follow certain rules:

  • Keep an eye on the expiration date of the cereal. This is especially true for unpolished rice - it does not last long. Grains that are stored for a long time become brittle and stick together when cooked;
  • To obtain a crumbly side dish, maintain a water/cereal ratio of 1/1;
  • Rinse the rice before adding it, this way you will wash away grain dust, which also contributes to the sticking of the finished dish;
  • Choose the right utensils for cooking. A steel pan with a thick, multi-layered bottom is ideal. In them, the heat is distributed evenly and the cereal does not stick to the bottom;
  • Maintain optimal temperature regime– First we cook on high heat, then reduce it to a minimum, and be sure to let the porridge brew, without heating.

Cooking steps fluffy rice:

In the following video, you'll learn how to cook rice until it's fluffy in just 60 seconds!

The most common mistakes that cause cereals to stick together

  • Unsuitable type of grain - it is quite difficult to cook a crumbly side dish from round grain;
  • Too much heat - in this case, there is a very high probability that your side dish will burn and not cook evenly;
  • Unsuitable cooking utensils;
  • Too much water - rice, regardless of the variety, absorbs liquid too much, and as a result, it boils and sticks together.

Often rice porridge served with gravy. With these recipes, your rice will never be dry!

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Choose the type of rice depending on what kind of porridge you want - sticky or crumbly. Long grain, unpolished and parboiled rice varieties do not stick together during cooking.

Buy a thick-bottomed steel pan; it makes cooking fluffy rice porridge much easier.

Rice strongly absorbs not only water, but also sauce, so you should not mix them for further storage in the refrigerator.

Preparing a fluffy rice side dish is not difficult, you just need to practice a little and follow the rules.

Let's see a method for cooking crumbly rice cereal in a frying pan:

Rice is a tasty and healthy side dish for many dishes: meat, vegetables, poultry, fish and seafood. There are plenty of ways to cook rice as a side dish quickly and deliciously. In this article we will look at the simplest and quick way preparing aromatic and tasty rice.

In our country there is a wide variety of cooking methods. of this product dishes. The most popular dishes are those where rice is served as a second course – a side dish. Rice also goes well with both fruits and vegetables.

Rice is one of the most popular cereal crops around the world. About seven hundred million tons of rice are consumed annually.

If you are planning to cook healthy dish, rice is an ideal option; it contains a large number of various microelements, vitamins, proteins and other useful and necessary for the body substances.

How to cook rice as a side dish quickly and deliciously

Not everyone knows how to cook delicious rice as a side dish, so that it is tender, crumbly, tasty and, at the same time, retains all its useful material. Therefore, we will now learn all this.

So, we will need the following ingredients:

  • Sunflower oil;
  • Two cloves of garlic;
  • Water;
  • Salt;

1.Make two small cuts on both sides of the garlic and fry in a saucepan until golden crust. Then we remove the garlic and pour the rice into the same saucepan with oil, which we sort out in advance and remove any debris, as well as spoiled grains.

2.Then, fry the rice until it becomes transparent. After a couple of minutes, pour the rice with water in the proportion: for one glass of rice, two glasses of water. This proportion should be strictly observed.

3. So cook the rice for about fifteen to twenty minutes over medium heat. When all the water has evaporated, remove from the stove and let stand for a while under the lid. That's all. As promised, it turned out quickly, but as for the taste, you can tell us yourself.

Bon appetit!

Side dish of rice with vegetables for a large family

One of the most common ways to cook rice is a side dish of rice with vegetables. To prepare it you will need the following products:

  • 1 cup long grain rice;
  • Carrot;
  • Bulb onions;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Salt (to taste).

1. Let's move on to the preparation itself. Peel the onions and carrots, then finely chop. In a hot frying pan, fry the vegetables until golden brown. Then add finely chopped garlic to the vegetables, mix everything and fry for about a minute or two.

2. Instead of the suggested vegetables, frozen mixtures are also perfect. You can add shrimp for taste.

3.Add rice to the same frying pan, fry a little and pour in two glasses of water. Then bring to a boil over high heat.

4. Salt, pepper and reduce heat to low. Let the rice simmer until completely cooked. Add a little water as needed. Let the finished rice sit for 5-10 minutes.

You can serve it to the table! Bon appetit!

Method: Cooking Number of servings: 3 Cooking time: 26 min

Good afternoon, dear food lovers. Today we will talk about cooking rice. We all learned how to cook delicious pilaf a long time ago; we can even handle risotto. But they undeservedly forgot about the side dishes. Only properly cooked rice without additives allows you to capture all the aromas of a fish dish and its juiciness. meat cutlet. Plus, it's low in calories. This valuable product for children and dietary nutrition. Today you will learn how to cook fluffy rice as a side dish and enjoy excellent results.


Cooking process

And how delicious rice turns out in a slow cooker! In this case, the products are added according to the recipe and the “Porridge” or “Pilaf” program is installed. After the end of the program, you should also not open the lid for several minutes.

Finally, I would like to point out common mistakes when preparing this simple dish:

  • incorrect choice of grain (some varieties are suitable for side dishes, others for viscous porridge);
  • a thin bottom of the pan can lead to burning and sticking of the cereal;
  • high temperature conditions will leave the grains half-raw;
  • non-compliance with the proportions of water and grains.

Rice absorbs moisture well. When changing the amount of cereal, you should take into account the volume of water. Excess liquid will cause the grains to overcook and stick together. You can mix cereals to add variety to your meal. different color, this will make the dish more healthy and effective. By adding herbs and vegetables, the dish becomes self-sufficient.

That's all you need to make perfect rice. Try making this side dish and it will become a favorite in your home. Recommend this post to your friends and read new recipes.

Today I want to offer you several recipes on how to cook rice as a side dish. Compared to, for example, rice is lower in calories, which makes it a fairly popular side dish, especially if you are watching your weight.

I will give a recipe that I use quite often, as well as a couple of others, I also cook them, but not so often, if you like something, it will be great, add to your collection of recipes.

What I would like to say about rice, I will give a few of my observations. Of course, everyone wants their side dish rice to be fluffy and we try our best to achieve this. For example, I like it better round rice. By the way, even V.V. Pokhlebkin wrote that delicious porridges are made from round rice. I use long rice quite often, and generally don’t buy steamed rice. The steamed one, in my opinion, has no taste at all, I don’t like it!

Rice as a side dish according to V.V.’s recipe Pokhlebkina

This is my favorite recipe, I usually cook it this way as a side dish, it turns out very tasty. I’m generally a fan of Pokhlebkin, so I listen to his recommendations, he won’t give bad advice.


  • Rice – 200 gr
  • Water – 300 ml
  • Salt to taste


As in the recipe, here you need to stand exact time preparation and of course proportions, but it's worth it, believe me.

So, wash the rice, pour boiling water, cover tightly with a lid and put on fire. Pokhlebkin likes to cover all porridges and side dishes tightly with lids, this has its advantages.

Again, cook according to the time - 12 minutes! The first 3 minutes the fire is high, 7 minutes moderate, then 2 minutes low.

After the fire is turned off, do not open the lid for the same amount of time as the rice was cooked, i.e. 12 minutes. Only then can you add butter if desired and, of course, add salt.

Another delicious recipe, perfect for meat or vegetables, we will cook it with garlic.


  • Rice – 1 tbsp
  • Water – 2 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves


Take a frying pan or saucepan, pour in vegetable oil and fry the garlic cloves, do not chop them, just make a few cuts. Next, remove the garlic, add washed and dried rice and fry it until transparent.

Add water, hot! Cover with a lid and cook for low heat– 12-15 minutes. Regarding salt, add it to hot water, and then pour in the rice.


  • Rice – 1 tbsp
  • Water – 2 tbsp
  • Onion – 1 head
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp
  • Salt to taste


Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and fry in vegetable oil. Add the washed rice and simmer for about a minute or two until the rice becomes translucent.

Transfer the rice to a baking dish or small baking sheet, add warm salted water, cover tightly with foil and place in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180C.

The recipe for Bulgarian rice is somewhat similar to rice with garlic, but the taste is perfect different dishes, I recommend preparing it and seeing for yourself. By the way, in original recipe There was no Bulgarian rice with carrots, but I like it with it, you can try it either way.

Before learning how to cook fluffy rice as a side dish, I went through all the circles of culinary hell. My first experience of cooking “Saracen millet” happened at a time when the Internet was something ephemeral and not entirely clear. So I stepped on several rakes at once and spent half an hour scrubbing the burnt rice water off the stove. About the fact that fluffy rice is “friends” only with hot water, I, of course, forgot. Or I didn't know. Therefore, without a second thought, I dumped half a pack of cereal into the pan. I turned on medium heat and went with a clear conscience to prepare the salad. By the way, the salad turned out delicious. The same cannot be said about the side dish. I managed to do the almost impossible - cook rice that was half-raw and tightly stuck together into an unappetizing conglomerate. But with experience came skills. Therefore, I suggest that beginners study proven recipes for cooking this “harmful” cereal. But if experienced chefs If they find something new for themselves, I will be very pleased.

How much water does it take to cook fluffy rice?

Rules for cooking fluffy delicious rice as a side dish

The first and basic rule is that less is better than more. This applies to water. If you pour a lot of water, you won’t get fluffy rice, but a sticky, unappetizing porridge on the side. If there is not enough liquid, add a little boiling water. And bring the dish to readiness. Did you find that the rice was not cooked after turning off the stove? Just leave it to rest with the lid closed.

Second rule - no cold water! For any cooking method, you only need to pour boiling water over the rice.

And the rest of the rules and recipes should be described in more detail.

Cooking fluffy rice with pre-frying

The recipe is suitable for preparing long grain rice, basmati, jasmine.

I really love this method and often cook crumbly delicious rice for garnish directly in the pan.

  1. Before frying the “white grain”, you can chop the onion and carrot. Sauté vegetables in vegetable oil and cook the “pearl grain” directly in it. This can be done either in a frying pan or in a thick-bottomed saucepan or saucepan. Rinse the future side dish thoroughly until the water becomes clear. Drain in a colander. Then place on several layers of paper towels to absorb moisture.
  2. At this time, prepare boiling water.
  3. Pour the washed and dried cereal into the hot oil. Stir until the fat completely covers each grain of rice. Heat for a few minutes, stirring.
  4. Then pour in boiling water. I usually fill the rice with water in a ratio of 1 to 2, and so far there have been no unpleasant surprises. Add salt to taste. You can add some of your favorite seasonings. Stir. Cover with a lid. Set the heating intensity to minimum. Cook the fluffy rice until the liquid is completely absorbed.

The water has not yet been absorbed, but the grains of rice are already soft? Turn off the heat. Remove the lid and cover the rice bowl with a clean waffle towel. This will remove some of the moisture.

Cooking fluffy rice in a pan with pre-soaking

The recipe is suitable for cooking short grain rice, basmati and steamed cereals. Jasmine is not cooked this way.

Thanks to soaking, gluten comes out of the cereal, which “prevents” it from being crumbly. In this way, you can cook rice as a side dish or for preparing other dishes.

  1. Rinse the cereal. Fill in cold water. Soaking time is at least half an hour. Drain the water and rinse the cereal several more times.
  2. Prepare the required amount of boiling water depending on the variety (the correct proportions are indicated above). Place rice in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it.
  3. Add coarse salt to taste.
  4. Turn the heat to high and bring the water in the pan to a boil. Reduce the heat intensity to low and cover the pan with a lid. Cook rice for 20 minutes. Turn off the heat. Without lifting the lid, wait another quarter of an hour. During this time, the fluffy rice will reach ideal condition.

Add to taste butter and serve as a side dish.

Cook fluffy rice in plenty of water

The recipe is suitable for preparing fluffy basmati rice or round grain cereals.

It's a win-win option. A large number of liquid prevents the grains of rice from sticking together, so you are guaranteed a crumbly side dish.

  1. You will need a lot of water. To cook a glass of rice cereal, you will need a three-liter saucepan with two liters clean water. Additionally, boil a few more liters to rinse the almost finished rice.
  2. Rinse the rice thoroughly, turning the rice with your hands. Change the water until it becomes crystal clear.
  3. Pour the cereal into boiling water. Add a little salt to taste. Cook at the lowest boil for 15-20 minutes. Test for readiness. If the rice is almost ready but a little hard, turn off the stove.
  4. Drain the rice in a colander. When all the water has drained, rinse your future fluffy rice side dish with additional boiled water. This will bring it to readiness.
  5. When the liquid has completely drained, pour the rice into the pan and add butter or vegetable oil to taste. Stir.

The dish must be kept with the lid closed until served.

Recipe for cooking fluffy rice with adding vegetable oil to water

Suitable for preparing short grain rice and basmati.

Even round rice will be crumbly if you use this method to cook it. The perfect crumbly side dish, what can I say.

  1. Rinse the cereal thoroughly. At least 5 times. Then soak it for 20-40 minutes.
  2. It is advisable to use this method to cook rice. aluminum cookware. Boil the water. The ratio of liquid and cereal is 1 to 1 (by volume). Add salt until the water tastes slightly salty. Pour in a tablespoon vegetable oil without smell.
  3. Pour water from the rice. Place it on the bottom of the pan in an even layer. Over medium heat, bring the water to a boil.
  4. Reduce the fire intensity to minimum. Cover the pan with a lid. Cook until the rice has absorbed all the liquid. Ready!

Bon appetit!

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