Home Roses Delicious side dish rice. How to cook friable rice for a side dish in a saucepan correctly

Delicious side dish rice. How to cook friable rice for a side dish in a saucepan correctly

A versatile cereal that goes well with all vegetables, chicken and meat, crumbly and tender in structure. Contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

How to cook rice so that it is crumbly?

Groats happen different kind and shapes are different palatability and content useful substances. The method of preparing porridge depends on what type of cereal you want to cook.

Round grain

This form of cereal is most often used for pudding, casseroles and sushi. This variety is very sticky. There are several rules on how to properly boil and get crumbly rice so that it does not stick together during cooking.

  1. Rinse the required amount of cereal thoroughly in water, which must be cold. Rinse should be 5-7 times.
  2. Calculation: for 100 g of cereal - 300 ml of liquid.
  3. To boil water.
  4. Add salt and seasonings.
  5. Pour rice into a bowl. Water at this time should be brought to a boil.
  6. Pour one tbsp. a spoonful of refined oil.
  7. Switch the burner to minimum and cook for 25 minutes without opening the lid. There is no need to stir during cooking.

Long grain

How to cook rice so that it is crumbly? It is recommended to use grains that have a long, elongated shape. Steamed rice, basmati and jasmine are good.


  • long grain rice - 300 g;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 600 ml.


  1. During cooking, rice expands in volume. For a family of four, it is enough to cook 250 - 300 g of cereal.
  2. Rinse the cereal for a long time, the liquid should become transparent. You will need to change the water up to 10 times. Wash in cold water.
  3. Before starting cooking, accurately measure the water rate. For 300 g of rice add 600 ml of water. If you use more or less cereal, then the liquid should be added twice the weight of the cereal.
  4. Boil water. Pour clean rice into a bowl.
  5. Turn on the fire to the maximum so that the liquid boils quickly.
  6. Boil seven minutes.
  7. Turn on the burner to a minimum, close the lid and simmer the rice for 15 minutes. During cooking, do not stir the product and lift the lid.
  8. Across specified time, turn off the fire. Add oil. Leave to soak for 20 minutes. Rice will be dry, white, crumbly.

Rice is loved by many families for useful qualities, mild flavor and texture. Housewives prefer to cook cereals for a side dish, and this is not surprising. boiled rice goes well with fish, meat, stewed vegetables, mushrooms. Due to its versatility, the dish will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated gourmet. However, during the cooking process, difficulties may arise associated with the heat treatment of a particular rice variety.

How to cook steamed rice for a side dish

  1. A feature of this type of rice is considered to be its hard shell. First you need to rinse the grains under plenty of water. Need to exclude white coating After rinsing, the water should become clear.
  2. Then you need to soak the rice. To do this, pour the grains into a deep bowl or pan, fill with purified water. The holding time is 35-45 minutes, during which time the shell will soften.
  3. Now you can start cooking. Pour 500 ml into a saucepan. water, optionally add your favorite spices or take as a basis chicken bouillon. Salt the liquid, bring to a boil.
  4. For 0.5 l. water accounts for 200 gr. rice grains. Pour them into boiling liquid, mix immediately. Switch the burner to the minimum mark, cook the rice under the lid for 20 minutes.
  5. When the set time has elapsed, remove the dishes from the stove, add butter (optional). Close the container with a lid, let the rice brew for a quarter of an hour. Use as a garnish.

How to cook long rice for a side dish

  1. Long-grain rice is high in starch and foreign dust, so rinsing is indispensable. Put the composition in a sieve or bowl, pour water 6-7 times. When the liquid becomes clear, proceed to the next step.
  2. Prepare heat-resistant cooking utensils, it should have a thick bottom and sides. Put rice grains in a saucepan in an amount of 200 gr., Pour 450 ml. filtered water room temperature. Do not add salt at this stage.
  3. Send the container to the fire, set average power. Bring the mass to a boil under a closed lid. Now the rice can be salted to taste. Set the fire to maximum, simmer for 5 minutes, reduce to a minimum.
  4. Continue to cook rice for another 12-15 minutes under the lid. You do not need to mix the composition, otherwise the grains will stick together and form porridge. After the allotted time has passed, turn off the burner.
  5. Add a piece if you like. butter. Let the garnish stand for 15 minutes best effect place a towel over the pot. Start tasting.

  1. Cooking begins with the preparation of grains. This step cannot be skipped, as it sets the tone for the entire dish. To start manipulations, it is necessary to pour the rice into a sieve, then rinse under the tap 5-7 times.
  2. You can carry out the procedure in a colander. After all the steps, the water should become completely transparent. It is this feature that says that you can go further.
  3. Now move the grains into a deep bowl or basin, fill with filtered water and wait 20-30 minutes. During this period, the rice will soften a little, it will be easier to work with it.
  4. You can start cooking. Drain the liquid, rinse the cereal again under the tap. Take a thick-bottomed saucepan, add 2 parts water to 1 part rice.
  5. Do not throw the grains yet, salt the water. Put on the stove, wait for the first bubbles to appear. When the salt granules dissolve, add 30 ml. vegetable or olive oil.
  6. Pour the rice into the boiling liquid, immediately begin to stir. Reduce the power of the burner to medium, close the pan with a lid. Cooking time is 12-15 minutes.
  7. Throughout the heat treatment, rice should not be stirred. Otherwise, the grains will stick together, you will not be able to use the cereal for a side dish.
  8. After the specified period, turn off the fire, do not open the dishes. Put a towel on the pan, wait a third of an hour. Many housewives prefer to add butter at this stage.

How to cook black rice for a side dish

  1. Groats need to be processed in advance. Rich black rice is difficult to prepare, so stick to the basic instructions. Sort dry grains, put in a saucepan and fill with running water.
  2. Wait a certain time for the rice to settle to the bottom, and the excess dust to remain at the top. Drain the liquid, repeat the steps 4-5 more times. With each soak, intensively knead the grains. When all the dirt is removed, move on.
  3. It is advisable to soak black rice in water at room temperature, it will become softer and more pliable. To do this, pour the filtered liquid into a bowl, pour in the grains, leave overnight (at least 7 hours).
  4. Start cooking on the stove. Prepare a thick-walled pan, fill it with water so that 1 part of rice is 3 parts of filtered water. Don't add grains just yet.
  5. Bring the liquid to the appearance of the first bubbles, adhering to the maximum mark. Pour black rice into boiling water, wait for it to boil again.
  6. When this happens, reduce the power of the stove to a minimum, add salt to taste. Cover with a lid, simmer exotic cereals for about 25-30 minutes. During this time, the rice will soften and cook.
  7. Remove the dishes from the fire, put the cereal in a colander or sieve. Rinse from a pitcher of filtered water to remove excess starch. Now scald the composition with boiling water, wait a bit, serve.

  1. Cooking brown rice always starts with a pre-wash. This must be done to remove dust and starch residue. Throw the composition on a sieve, rinse under the tap. You need to bring the water to a transparent state.
  2. Now scald the grains with boiling water to seal the beneficial elements inside the shell. Put the rice in a bowl, fill with purified water, soak overnight. If you do not have a lot of time left, cut the duration to 4-5 hours.
  3. Move the soaked rice to a thick-bottomed pan, pour 20 gr. salt per 250 gr. grains. Now add 650-800 ml. purified water, send the cooking utensils to the stove. Stir, bring to a boil.
  4. Cover the container with a lid, cook at maximum heat for about 7 minutes. Next, turn down the power to a mark between medium and minimum. Stir the composition, simmer the cereal for another half hour, do not open the dishes.
  5. After the specified period, turn off the burner, add a slice of butter (optional), put a towel over the lid. Let the garnish stand for 30-45 minutes, then arrange on plates.

How to cook red rice for a side dish

  1. Red rice is an unpolished type, so the grains must be sorted out before cooking. Remove foreign debris and damaged copies. For convenience, spread the rice on the table one handful at a time.
  2. When the entire volume of grains has been sorted out, spread the rice in a thin layer on the work surface. Once again, evaluate if there are any pebbles, crushed elements, or husks in the composition. If necessary, eliminate all unnecessary.
  3. Put the red rice in a deep bowl, rinse under the tap until the water is completely clear. You will need 5-8 repetitions.
  4. If desired, rice can be soaked in water at room temperature and left for 2 hours. If you do not have time, start cooking. Pour 0.6 liters into the pan. filtered water, add 0.2 kg. rice, add 10 gr. salt.
  5. Put the container on the fire, cook at maximum power. When the water boils, remove the foam, cover the container with a lid, reduce the burner to a minimum.
  6. After 35-45 minutes, evaluate the consistency of the grains, they should be soft. If the cereal crunches on the teeth, simmer the rice for another 10 minutes. Turn off the burner, leave the side dish under the lid for a quarter of an hour.
  7. In some cases, the liquid in which the cereal is cooked acquires a brownish tint. In such situations, drain it immediately after boiling, add new water. Salt the dish 5 minutes before cooking.

  1. The difficulty of cooking wild rice is that the grains are quite hard. The shell of the bran type restrains useful enzymes, the shell does not boil well.
  2. Rice must be soaked before cooking. Due to this, the water will wash out the starch, making ready meal crumbly and useful. To soak, rinse the cereal under the tap 5-7 times, the water should not be cloudy.
  3. Next, pour the rice into a bowl, fill with filtered water, leave for 6 hours. After the specified time has passed, rinse the grains again. You can increase the soaking time up to 10 hours for healthier sprouted rice.
  4. After washing and soaking, you can start heat treatment. Pour 750 ml into a brewing dish. clean water, salt, put the container on the stove. Wait for the bubbles to appear, then add the rice and cover the pot with a lid.
  5. Boil for 10 minutes, stirring. Now reduce the heat to a minimum, cook the wild rice for another half an hour. It does not need to be stirred, otherwise you will get porridge. Readiness is determined by visual inspection, rice grains increase 3-4 times.

Regardless of the type of rice, do not neglect preliminary preparation. You need to rinse and soak the cereal, then you can start cooking. delicious side dish It is obtained from all varieties of rice grains, but the brown, black, wild, steamed and red composition is considered the most useful.

Video: how to cook friable rice

Many housewives want to cook rice for a side dish so that it is crumbly, tasty and appetizing, as they often say - “rice from rice”, but, alas, they do not always get the desired result. To boil rice in water crumbly, without mucus and without unpleasant sticky lumps, you just need to know the right proportions and how to do it correctly. Feel free to use this simple proven recipe, and the step-by-step photographs taken will help you better understand what and how it should look like. We will cook in a regular pan.


Long-grain rice (long-grain) - 300 gr;

Water - 450 gr;

Salt - 1 tsp;

Butter - 40 gr.

How to cook rice so that it is crumbly

For the preparation of friable rice, I usually use long rice of any variety, but similarly, round-grain rice is also boiled for a side dish. Most importantly, try to choose cereals High Quality, without specks and impurities of rice chaff.

In order for the rice to cook faster and turn out to be guaranteed crumbly, the groats measured for cooking should be poured into a deep bowl, pour cold water and rinse well by hand.

Then, drain the water and pour in a new one - rinse the rice again. Rinse rice, each time changing the water, you need six to seven times - until the water remains clear.

I specifically took a few photos of rice on different stages flushing.

You can see how, as you rinse, it is noticeable that the water, which is filled with rice, becomes more transparent each time. On the last photo, the water remained absolutely transparent.

So, well washed from dirt and excess starch, we shift the rice into a stainless steel pan or cauldron for cooking pilaf and pour it with cold water. Please note that the amount of water in my recipe is calculated for the preparation of friable rice, not porridge.

Put the pot on big fire bring to a boil and add salt.

After that, we reduce the flame of the burner to the minimum mark, cover the pan with a lid and cook the rice until the water has completely boiled away. It usually takes me twenty minutes.

Keep in mind that the rice turns out to be friable, you do not need to interfere with it when cooking, rice will not burn in the right pan.

Season the cooked rice generously with vegetable or butter.

You don’t need to mix, just spread the oil evenly over the entire surface of the rice and let it soak for 15-20 minutes with the lid closed. During this time, the rice grains will absorb the oil on their own and reach the desired condition.

Putting appetizing and tasty friable rice on a side dish in plates, shift it carefully so as not to damage the boiled grains with a spoon.

Rice can be cooked different ways: just cook with spices, add various vegetables and fresh herbs to it, or fry in oil in a pan. Today we will tell you how tasty and appetizing to cook rice for a side dish.

How to cook rice for a side dish?


  • rice - 520 g;
  • refined oil - 175 g;
  • filtered water - 1 l;
  • spices.


We wash the rice well, pour it into a saucepan, add various spices and pour vegetable oil. Fill with cold water, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. After that, tightly close the lid, turn off the stove and wrap the pan in a warm blanket. After an hour, the rice is ready for garnish.

How to cook delicious rice for a side dish?


  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • ground paprika and - to taste;
  • water - 2 tbsp.


Peel the onion, chop into cubes and sauté in butter until browned. Then add the washed rice cold water and boil until done. At the end of cooking, season the dish with garlic, basil and ground paprika. Cover the pan with a lid, remove from the stove and wrap with a towel.

Rice for garnish in a slow cooker with vegetables


  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • purified water - 475 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • - 1 package;
  • refined oil - 45-50 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • spices.


Peel onions and carrots, finely chop and sauté together with frozen vegetables in a slow cooker on the “Baking” mode. After 10 minutes, open the lid of the device, pour in the washed rice and pour hot water. We set the program "Pilaf" and cook the dish until the beep. And to make rice tastier, instead of water, you can pour meat broth.

Fluffy rice for garnish


  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • filtered water - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • green onion feathers - 1 bunch;
  • oil "Peasant" - 50-70 g;
  • natural soy sauce - 10 ml.


We wash the rice several times, throw it into a saucepan and fill it with water. Then put the dishes on the fire and bring to a boil. After that, close the lid, reduce the flame, and boil for about 15 minutes. Without wasting time, clean the onion, chop it finely and sauté in butter. Next, we drive in the eggs, put the cooked rice and pour over soy sauce. Mix everything thoroughly and serve as a side dish for meat and vegetable dishes.

Rice for garnish in Bulgarian style


  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • filtered water - 2 tbsp.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • spices;
  • refined oil - 75 g.


We clean the onion and finely chop it, and chop the carrots on a grater and brown the vegetables in vegetable oil. Then add the washed rice and keep on fire for a few minutes. After that, we transfer the contents to a baking dish, fill it with warm salted water, cover it tightly with a sheet of foil on top and send it to a preheated oven for 40 minutes.

Rice with vegetables for garnish



To prepare rice for a side dish, we clean the vegetables, rinse and finely chop. Then put them in a frying pan with butter and sauté until light golden brown. Garlic is processed from the husk, squeezed through a press and added to the vegetables. After 5 minutes, pour in the washed rice, pour in cold water and bring to a boil. Add salt to taste, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook under the lid for 45 minutes, adding water if necessary. After that, let the dish brew and serve it as a side dish for meat.

Good afternoon friends!

Moreover, for this you do not have to buy some special expensive rice variety, measure cereals and water with accuracy. Everything will be ridiculously simple.

Oh, and on the subject of rice...

Soon I will show you how famously I got the hang of making rolls. In the Russian adapted version)) It turned out - for little money and without special efforts you can build just even an exotic dish.

Especially for those who do not cook them themselves, they make an awesome impression))) In the meantime, I advise you not to miss the recipe. ()

Ingredients for fried rice:

- long grain rice

- salt (optional).

- water.

*** The exact proportions of rice and water are not important!

Preparing fluffy rice:

Perhaps the only requirement for rice is that it must be long grain. In such rice, there is less starch than in round grain, but more fiber and vitamins.

That is, it is both healthier and does not boil as much as round rice.

We measure the rice, how much you need it and pour it into a small bowl or saucepan. I usually take one glass of rice.

We wash it several times under running water. They poured it, shook it with their hands, poured out the water. I do this three times, the third time the water is usually clear.

We put a pot of water on the fire. It should be several times more than cereals. It turns out that for a glass of rice - about two liters of water.

When the water boils, pour the cereal into it. Stir so that the rice does not stick together, and you can add salt if necessary.

Cook for 10-15 minutes. After 10 minutes, you can catch a couple of rice grains and check if they are soft or not.

Attention! Do not strictly follow the cooking time indicated on the package.

Here on the pack that I have, it says: "cooking time 20 minutes." Out of interest, I tried to cook for so long - it turned out boiled porridge.

Now we throw the rice in a colander and let the water drain.

And that's it! Fluffy rice is ready.

And note that I didn’t have to measure anything with accuracy, use some special dishes, a special kind of rice, cook with a lid, then without a lid, and generally bother. I love these recipes!

By the way, does this method of cooking remind you of anything? Now I thought that this whole recipe could be explained in 3 words: “cook like pasta”.

Do you know what deliciousness I made with this rice? Salad! The one with crab sticks, corn and egg.

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