Home Trees and shrubs Synopsis of the lesson "Migratory birds" in the second junior group. Synopsis of the lesson in the second junior group "Migratory birds

Synopsis of the lesson "Migratory birds" in the second junior group. Synopsis of the lesson in the second junior group "Migratory birds

Frolova Tatyana Sergeevna MB DOU # 19 Educator City of Balakhna. Nizhny Novgorod Region... II junior group


  1. Continue to introduce the characteristics of spring.
  2. To consolidate the knowledge of children about birds, about their life in the spring.
  3. Expand the understanding of the features of the appearance, habits of birds.
  4. Continue to teach children how birds build their nests (different kinds nests).


  1. To foster a feeling of love for native nature;
  2. To cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards feathered friends;
  3. Foster curiosity, empathy.


  1. Develop an interest in bird life;
  2. To develop auditory and visual attention, thinking and memory of children;
  3. Develop the speech of children, enrich their vocabulary;
  4. Learn to understand the figurative meaning of riddles.

Preliminary work:

  1. Bird watching while walking.
  2. Reading fiction: S. Gorodetsky "How Birds Learned to Build Nests" , A. Shevchenko "Nests" , T. Nuzhina "Sparrows" , "Martin" and etc.
  3. Listening to audio cassettes "Alone with nature" , "Sounds of the surrounding world" , "Nature, Birds and Animals" .
  4. Making riddles.
  5. Consideration didactic material, book illustrations.
  6. Didactic games "Name the bird that is gone" , "Guess what our home is" , "Guess by the description" , "Whose children" and etc.
  7. Outdoor games "Sparrows and the car" , "Who lives where" and etc.

Material for the lesson.

  1. Presentation « Migratory birds» .
  2. Sound recording of birds singing.
  3. Demo material "birds" .
  4. Di "Fold and name" (birds)
  5. slide - Hello! I'm a quick swallow! You will always recognize me by the white breast and double ponytail!
  6. slide - When a cold wind blew in the fall and the sun hid, I flew away with my flock to warm countries!
  7. slide - We lived there all winter! In warm regions, in the south, it was warm and good! There is no winter in these places, there is always a lot of sun and food for the birds!
  8. slide - But finally spring has come at our house! And it's time to come back from warm countries home! After all, we are migratory birds!
  9. slide - We gathered in a flock and flew back! And we are not alone! They returned with us ...
  10. slide - jackdaws (they are easily recognizable by their gray neck and black feathers), loves everything shiny. A very quick-witted bird, easily tamed by humans.
  11. slide - rooks, These are large, black birds with a long beak. They walk importantly, picking the ground with their long noses: they are looking for worms. Shouting: “Krak! Krak! Spring! Spring!" ... In ancient times they said: "Rook breaks the winter" .
  12. slide - finch, can live in the forest, in the garden, in the park. The bird has a melodic ringing song. He quickly gets used to people and sings with pleasure in a cage.
  13. slide - white wagtail, settles near the water. "The wagtail breaks the ice with its tail" - this is what the people say about her, because she arrives early in the spring. It moves in small steps, shaking its long tail.
  14. slide - thrush, the bird is mobile, vigorous, dexterous, intelligent. Continuously moving, jumping in large leaps. Great singer.
  15. slide - a nightingale, an inconspicuous bird. Begins to sing when leaves bloom on the trees. Sings all night, from evening to morning.
  16. the slide is a starling, it runs quickly on the ground, and when it flies, it flaps its wings noisily. When he sings his songs can imitate any sounds (meowing, barking, singing of other birds)
  17. slide - a lark, rarely sits on trees and shrubs. He sings for a short time, and then falls silent and sits on the ground to eat and rest.
  18. slide - cuckoo lays its eggs to other birds. "Kukuet" only male.
  19. slide - stork. Builds huge nests near human habitation and even on rooftops.
  20. slide - seagull. It flies perfectly, feels free on the water, although it rarely dives. It feeds on worms, food leftovers, but the most favorite delicacy is fish.
  21. slide - Other birds have also arrived. All of them were happy to return to their native lands in the spring!
  22. slide - But they have no time for fun! Birds have so much work to do in spring! We must have time to build nests!
  23. slide - Lay eggs!
  24. slide - Raise chicks!
  25. slide - discuss the picture with the child
  26. slide - In spring, the birds still don't have much food - not all the insects have time to wake up, not all the grass has grown! But the kids decided not to leave the birds in trouble! They made feeders and feed the birds with delicious seeds!
  27. slide - And some even build houses for birds - birdhouses. Thank you guys so much!
  28. slide - Now you understand why we are called migratory birds? Because in winter we fly away, and in spring, when it gets warmer, we come back. Well, that's it! I flew on business! See you on the street!

Natalia Ustyugova
Abstract of GCD in the second younger group on familiarization with the outside world "Migratory birds"

Abstract of GCD in the second junior group for familiarization with the outside world

"Migratory birds"


Expand children's understanding of migratory birds, their lifestyle and appearance.



To intensify the use of nouns, adjectives, and verbs in the speech of children.

Exercise children in orientation in space.


Develop thinking, coherent speech, auditory and visual attention.


To cultivate a kind, respectful attitude towards feathered friends, to lay the foundations of ecological education.

Preliminary work:

Talk about birds; viewing illustrations; reading stories, fairy tales, riddles about birds; finger games; outdoor games: "Birds catcher", "Birds, nests, chicks"; didactic games: "Whose nest", "Who is superfluous", "Right - left"; "Mnemonic tables".

Material for the lesson:

Letters, pictures with images of migratory birds and their nests, mnemonic tables; ball, medal "Birds' Best Friend".

Course of the lesson


those palms! Clap-clap-clap!

Hello legs! Top - top - top!

Hello cheeks! Slap - Slap - Slap!

Hello spout! Pip - pip - pip!

Hello children! Hello!

Q. Guys, we received a letter. Let's read it.

"Carr-carr! Trouble, trouble! The bird guys didn't come back from the south. An evil sorcerer has bewitched them. I decided to ask you for help. After all, better friends than you for the birds can not be found. Guys, please help to disenchant the birds! "

(Children listen, sitting on chairs, in a semicircle)

B. Guys, from whom the letter came, what do you think (From the crow)

B. Right, but as you guessed it (Crow croaks)

Q. Well, can we help disenchant the birds? (Yes, we will help.)

Migratory Birds

What is the name of the birds that fly to warmer regions for the winter (Migratory)

And the birds that stay with us (Wintering)

What time of the year are there more birds (Summer)

Why? (Because wintering ones remain, and migratory ones arrive)

What migratory birds do you know and can name?

Catch and Name Ball Game

The teacher throws the ball to the child (the child returns the ball and names the migratory bird.)

Game "Who is superfluous"

On the magnetic board, among the images of migratory birds, there are pictures of wintering birds. (Children take them away)

Q. Guys, it's time to conjure up our birds.

Working with mnemonic tables

Tell us which birds hid here.

The tables show a schematic representation (bird head; structural feature: tail, beak, legs; plumage color; what it eats; where it lives; wintering or migratory).

For example:

The rook is a large black bird with a powerful white beak. The tail is short, like a shoulder blade, and feeds on thick furry caterpillars. Builds a nest of branches high in the trees. And also about a swallow, a starling (Children compose a story from a mnemonic table about a swallow, a starling.)

Talk about birds

Guys, where do the birds live? (Birds live in nests)

And why does a bird need a nest (Birds lay eggs from which chicks will hatch)

And birds have the same nests (No.)

Take each one, a picture of a migratory bird and find its nest. (Children take a silhouette depicting a migratory bird. They come to the nest for their bird and lay it next to the nest.)

Q. Guys, have we cast a spell on the birds? Have they planted in the nests? And the singing of the birds is not heard. What to do? (Ask for help)

Q. Look at one more letter we have, let's see who is it from?

"Hello children! I heard about your problem and can help you.

I'm a professor of avian science. I bring up baby birds in bird school... Do you know what the baby birds are called? (Chicks)

When I learned that you were talking about migratory birds and that an evil sorcerer had bewitched them, then I hastened to your aid. If you complete my assignments, the birds will sing.

Q. Do we guys agree to be tested? (Agree)

With the onset of spring, the birds return to us from where? (From South.)

I have a map that shows the path along which the birds fly. Describe this path. (Children together with the teacher describe the route of the birds. At first the birds flew straight, then turned to the right, then to the left, again to the right and flew to their nests.)

Well done boys!

Now we'll play a little with you.

Game "Birds, nests, chicks".

At the command of "Birds" (They move on tiptoes to the music, waving their arms.)

At the command of "Nests" (Gather in a circle, holding hands.)

Repeat the game two times.

Q. We did it! Can you guys hear the birds sing?

Q. We have passed the test. The evil spell of the sorcerer has been removed. The birds began to sing. (Hooray)

Conversation "Birds and People"

What benefits do birds bring to humans? (birds destroy harmful insects, birds delight people with their singing)

How should you treat birds? (birds must be protected, helped, not breaking nests, not offending)

You are great! We coped with all the tasks.

Guys, the professor of avian science awards you with the medals "Best friends of birds." Let's thank him for his help and promise him that we will love and protect nature.

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1. To acquaint children with the concepts: "fly in a wedge", "chain", "flock".
2. Expand and consolidate children's ideas about migratory birds: stork, cuckoo, nightingale; about body parts of birds.
3. Exercise children:
- in the formation of complex adjectives;
- in the preparation of complex sentences.
4. Bring up children good relations to all living things in nature.


Illustrations of migratory birds, audio recording of voices and birds singing.

Preliminary work:

Bird watching while walking; reading poetry, stories about birds.

Course of the lesson:

1. The teacher reads a poem by A. Plescheev:

Boring picture!
Endless clouds
The rain is pouring down
Puddles by the porch

Stunted rowan
It gets wet under the window;
Looking at the village
A gray spot.

That you are early to visit
Autumn has come to us?
The heart still asks
Light and warmth.

Guys, tell me, please, what time of year does the poem say? / About autumn /

Please name characteristic signs autumn? / The foliage turns yellow, it rains, the birds fly away /.
- What are the names of the birds that fly away to warmer regions and which remain? / Migratory and wintering /.
- What are the migratory birds? / Swallow, woodpecker, rook, heron, crane, starling, lark /.
- Please guess the riddles:

1. This bird never
Doesn't build nests for chicks.

Please listen to the cuckoo screaming. / audio recording /. Guess the next riddle.

2. I make a nest under the roof
From lumps of clay.
For chicks, lay on the bottom
Downy feather bed.
/ Swallow / / turns on audio recording /

3. This is an old friend of ours:
He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-nosed,
Long-necked, voiceless.
He flies to hunt
for frogs to the swamp.
/ Stork / / audio recording /

You guessed right, these birds are also migratory.
The nightingale is a small bird with brown plumage, a small beak, tail and legs. Cuckoo - not big bird, but larger than a nightingale, has a variegated color, a long tail, a small beak. The cuckoo, unlike other birds, never builds nests, but lays its eggs in other people's nests, so the birds are forced to breed and raise cuckoo chicks. Stork is a big bird white, with a large beak.
- Please name the body parts of the birds. / Body, head, tail, beak /.
- All birds have the same structure, but people call them differently, how do they distinguish them? / By plumage, outward appearance, the value /
- Guys, why do birds fly away to warmer regions? / Because it gets cold here, there are no insects in winter /.
“How do they find their way south and back here?” / don't know /. It turns out that some birds fly away at night, others during the day. But before the flight, they make test flights, eat more than usual, put on fat - they have nowhere to eat during the flight. In flight, they are guided by the stars, and if the sky is covered with clouds and the stars are not visible, then they are guided by the magnetic vibrations of the Earth.
You have noticed that some birds fly away in flocks, all together; some, for example, cranes, line up in a "wedge" in the form of a triangle; others line up in a "chain", in one line. Perhaps it depends on the habits of the birds: some birds need leaders who show the way.

Physics minute "Birds"

/ fingers of both hands are bent /

Sing along, sing along
Ten birds are a flock
This bird is a sparrow
This bird is an owl
Sleepy head.
This bird is a waxwing
This bird is a corncrake
This bird is a starling bird
A gray feather.
This is a finch
This is a swift
This is a cheerful siskin.
Well, this one is an evil eagle,
Birds, birds, home.
/ hands behind the back /

Exercise "Guess and sit down"

Guys, now I will name migratory and wintering birds, if you hear the name of a wintering bird, then sit down; and if the name is migratory, then wave your hands. Crow, nightingale, woodpecker, magpie, pigeon, swallow, tit, rook, starling, bullfinch, stork, crane, sparrow, heron, etc.

Exercise "Say in one word"

Guys, please stand in a circle. I will throw the ball to you, and you will return it to me with an answer.

The stork long legs what is he? ... / long-legged /.
The stork has a long beak, it is ... / long-billed /.
The swallow has a long tail, it is ... / long-tailed /.
The swallow loves warmth, she is ... / thermophilic /.
The swallow has sharp wings, it is ... / sharp-winged /.
The nightingale has a clear voice, he is ... / voiced / and others.

Exercise "Continue the sentence, find the reason"

Birds that feed on insects are the first to fly to the south in autumn, because ... / insects are hiding and they have nothing to eat /.
A woodpecker can be called a forest doctor, because ... / he gets bugs and insects from under the bark /.
The cuckoo does not incubate its chicks, because ... / she does not build nests for herself /.
All people love to listen to the nightingale, because ... / he sings beautifully, pours out /. and etc.
In the spring, migratory birds fly back because ... / they need to hatch their chicks /.

Analysis of the lesson:

Guys, tell me, please, what did we talk about in class today?
- What new migratory birds have you learned about?
- What interesting things have we learned about the cuckoo?
- How do they find their way to warm regions and back to us?
- Guys, I liked how you worked in class: listened carefully, thought, answered full sentences... Well done!
I give prizes to the most active guys.

Targets and goals:


Didactic game

The course of the lesson.

Educator:Who did the letter come from?

Children(Crow) .





Sing along, sing along:

10 birds - flock.

This bird is a nightingale

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl

Sleepy head.

This bird is a waxwing

This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a starling bird

A gray feather.

This is a finch, this is a swift,

This is a funny siskin.

Well, this is an evil eagle.




State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 67 of the combined type of Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg "Volshebnik"

Summary of GCD on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the first junior group
Topic: "Migratory birds"

Compiled and conducted by the teacher:

Tsarkova E.K.

St. Petersburg


Formation Abstract Holistic Pictures the world on the theme "Migratory birds"

Targets and goals:

1. Give to children general idea about the variety of migratory birds.

2. Clarify the names of common migratory birds

3. Tell the children why the birds fly south.

4. Cultivate a good attitude towards birds.

5. To consolidate the ability to divide birds into migratory and wintering ones, based on the relationship between the nature of the food and the method of obtaining it;

6. To foster in children an interest in feathered inhabitants of wildlife, respect for them.

Equipment: Demonstration pictures "Migratory birds",

Didactic game"Migratory and wintering birds"

The course of the lesson.

Q: Guys, we received a letter. Please listen to him.

"Carr-carr! Trouble, trouble! The birds flew away to no one knows where. I decided to ask you for help, in the kindergarten. After all best friend than you, for the birds can not be found. Guys, please help! Help me find them, where did they go? Carrr "

Educator: Who did the letter come from?

Children (crow).

Educator. Right. And today in the lesson we will talk about birds of passage.

There is a wide variety of birds in nature.

Wherever we walk - in a city park, in a village, in a forest - everywhere we meet birds. Almost all of them can fly. Birds are animals with feathers and wings. Feathers help to keep warm and give birds their unique coloration. Birds often hunt, that is, they clean their feathers by rubbing their fat into them. They also pull out old feathers where new ones grow.

Birds live in nests. Usually they build nests from leaves, grass, twigs, but some birds live in heaps of stones. The female lays eggs, and then incubates them, warming them with her warmth, until the chicks hatch.

In the fall, birds gather in flocks and fly south to winter.

Educator ... Guys, why do you think the birds fly away in the fall?

Children. Because it gets cold, there is nothing to eat.

Educator. There are many migratory birds. Let's look together and name the birds that fly south, and look at the wintering birds that winter with us.

Use of Didactic Material.

Finger gymnastics: "Ten birds - flock"

Sing along, sing along:

10 birds - flock.

This bird is a nightingale

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl

Sleepy head.

This bird is a waxwing

This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a starling bird

A gray feather.

This is a finch, this is a swift,

This is a funny siskin.

Well, this is an evil eagle.

Birds, birds home! (I. Tokmakova)


Guys, tell me, please, what did we talk about in class today?

What new migratory birds have you learned about?

Guys, I liked the way you worked in the lesson: you listened carefully, thought and answered.

Well done Guys, we did a good job. Thank you very much!


Trouble, trouble!

The birds flew away to no one knows where. I decided to ask you for help, in the kindergarten. After all, there is no better friend than you for the birds. Guys, please help! Help me find them, where did they go? Carr

Finger gymnastics: "Ten birds - flock"

Sing along, sing along:

10 birds - flock.

This bird is a nightingale

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl

Sleepy head.

This bird is a waxwing

This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a starling bird

A gray feather.

This is a finch, this is a swift,

This is a funny siskin.

Well, this is an evil eagle.

Birds, birds home! (I. Tokmakova)

Summary of the lesson on familiarization with others on the topic:

" Spring. Migratory birds". (1 younger group)

Goals:- develop the ability to listen and understand the adult's story about spring;

Concentrate when looking at the picture;

Answer questions about the content of the picture;

Listen to a small poem without distraction;

Expand and consolidate children's ideas about migratory birds: starling, rook, swallow; about body parts of birds;

Enrich vocabulary children;

To foster a friendly attitude towards birds in children.

Material: plot pictures about spring, birds (starlings, rooks, swallows), object pictures of birds; mask-cap "cat".

The course of the lesson.

Children sit on high chairs.

Guys tell me what time of year is it?

Look at the picture. Who can tell me what is depicted on it?

(The sun shines brighter, warms up, the snow melts, streams run; the first flowers appear - snowdrops; birds arrive).

In the spring, birds from warm countries come to us. They are called migratory, because in the spring they fly to us, and in the fall they again fly to warmer climes.

Today we will get acquainted with such migratory birds as - starling, rook, swallow.


A starling across the sea lived in winter,

Now he has returned home.

And early in the morning in silence

I sang about the sun and spring.

Starlings arrive in flocks in spring. At the starling black plumage with a metallic sheen. His tail is short. The beak is sharp. The legs of the starling are thin.

A starling is smaller than a crow

But a little more sparrow -

He's from a birdhouse, like from a balcony

Sings no worse than a nightingale.

Starlings make their nests in birdhouses. Who makes birdhouses? People take care of starlings and make houses for them. Let's show you how.

Finger game"Birdhouse".

Knock - knock, hammer

We'll build a house for the birds.

(knock on each other with their fists alternately, imitating a hammer)

Knock - knock, hammer

Settle in, birds, in it.

(raise your arms above your head, depicting a roof)

Well done! We built houses for birds.

In the nesting boxes of starlings, chicks appear. They take care of their chicks, feed them.

Take a look at this picture. What is depicted on it?

(daddy-starling brought a worm to the chicks)

The starling daddy has four chicks,

Two chicks of meek plus two tomboy.

Daddy starling doesn't eat or drink

If he finds a worm, he will carry it to the children.

(E. Malenkina)

This is how the starlings take care of the chicks and feed them. Over the summer, the chicks will grow up, learn to fly, and in the fall, together with their dad and mom, they will fly away to warmer regions. And in the spring they will fly to us again.


Black rook is blacker than night

Tired like a worker:

He walked for the plow during the day,

He caught worms with his beak.

(G. Kodinenko)

Rooks are coming in early spring in flocks. They are as tall as a crow, and have black plumage. Rooks feed on worms and insect larvae, which they find digging in the ground with their strong beak. Rooks make their nests in the trees. They build them from small twigs.

Take a look at this picture. Who can tell me what is shown in this picture?

(spring, a stream, birds on the thawed patches, a boy and a girl look at the birds ...)

These birds are rooks. Listen to the poem.


Let the thawed patches darken

The sun has hidden rays.

Ah, you saw today

Rooks have come to us!

Amazing birds

They have arrived, they are making nests,

Like hats in the trees

Rook houses are growing.

Fascinated guys

They look at the guests of spring

Nature wakes up

We are glad to change!

(O. Kostina)

Physical education "Swans".

Swans fly, flap their wings,

They bent over the water, shake their heads.

They know how to hold themselves straight and proudly,

Quietly, noiselessly they sit on the water.

(children perform movements that mimic the movements of a bird)


I am agile, light winged,

The tail is bifurcated like a pitchfork.

If I fly low -

So the rain is somewhere close.

A swallow has arrived - it means spring has come. Swallows arrive in flocks. Its plumage is dark blue above, white below, breast is reddish. Her tail is long and has a deep cut. The beak is small and sharp. Nests under the roofs of wooden buildings in rural areas and on stone buildings.

Look at this picture and listen to the poem.


Under the roof of the house all day

flickers of a fast bird's shadow.

Family of merry swallows

The house is building for itself.

With a lump of clay, on the fly,

Complex construction is underway.

Behind the first row - the second row,

The house grows as if it were alive.

He looks like a basket

And what a miracle he is so good!


Swallows, as well as starlings, and rooks incubate chicks and take care of them until the chicks grow up. Over the summer, the chicks will learn to fly and feed on their own. Guys, all birds feed on flies, mosquitoes, May beetles, butterflies, dragonflies, worms. Swallows will fly away to warm regions in the fall, together with other birds.

Guys, let's remember what we talked about today in class?

What migratory birds were we talking about?

Where does each bird live?

starling - in birdhouses;

rook - in the trees in the nests;

swallow - in a nest under the roof of the house.

What do they eat?

(flies, beetles, dragonflies, worms)

Now we will play a game with you "Cat and Birds".

You will be birds, and I will be a cat. The cat will catch birds, and the birds will hide in their houses (chairs).

"Left - right turn and turn into birds", the game is played 2-3 times.

Well done, nimble birds, the cat did not catch anyone.

"To the left - to the right turn and turn into children"

We played, our legs were so tired, we will quietly go and have a little rest.

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