Home Trees and shrubs The most stylish T-shirts. Fashionable women's T-shirts in the photo. Plain and printed T-shirts

The most stylish T-shirts. Fashionable women's T-shirts in the photo. Plain and printed T-shirts

Janmashtami: Lord Krishna's Birthday

At the end of August or beginning of September, residents of India, as well as Hindus living outside of it, celebrate one of the brightest and largest holidays, Krishna Janmashthami, also known as Dahi Handi, Janmashtami, or the birthday (appearance) of the god Krishna. Considering that Indians tend to turn all national holidays into colorful festivals, tourists tend to visit India at this time to see how it all happens with their own eyes.

Krishna is the god of song and dance, which formed the basis of the holiday, which is celebrated with national festivities and dances depicting the dances of the youngest Krishna with shepherdesses at moonlight. It is a widespread custom to dress children in Krishna costumes, which symbolize the newborn deity. Also, in connection with this holiday, the custom of “dahi-handi”, which dramatizes the pranks of little Krishna, is popular in Maharashtra (in the central and at the same time western part of India). Clay pots of yoghurt (dahi-handi) are hung high from the ceiling on ropes, and to the joyful chanting of “Govinda, Govinda” (Krishna’s name meaning “who brings joy to the cows”), the kids build a “pyramid” under the pots to make it easier to reach the yoghurt. That’s how little Krishna loves to steal it.

The Janmashtami festival is a blessed time for Hindus who love colorful outfits and decorations. On this day, both adults and children dress up in colorful clothes and paint their faces to resemble the image of Lord Krishna and his beloved Radha.

Blue faces with ornate patterns, crowns and voluminous hairstyles, an abundance of bracelets, necklaces and earrings in the ears and nose are common for this holiday. Since Janmashtami is a national holiday, it is celebrated by everyone in India, regardless of religion.

And who would refuse the pleasure of walking through the streets of the city, beautifully decorated for the holiday, seeing traditional entertainment and fun, or even taking part in traditional pranks that are arranged specifically to please Krishna?

Krishna is one of the incarnations of the Hindu god Vishnu and combines carefree mischief and omnipotence.

According to Vedic knowledge, Krishna, although the source of material creation, never comes into contact with matter and appears in his original spiritual body, consisting of eternity, knowledge and bliss.

Every year, celebrations take place in the districts of Mathura and Vrindavan, where, according to legend, Krishna was born and raised.

It is believed that Krishna was born five thousand years ago on Ashtami (8th lunar day), when the Moon was waning. Therefore, the holiday is planned for different days month.

According to the Vedas, when the time of Krishna's appearance arrived, all the planets were in the most favorable position. At this moment, a favorable atmosphere of peace and prosperity was established everywhere, and auspicious signs were visible in the sky, and happiness reigned in the land of people.

Krishna was born at midnight, so preparations for the holiday usually begin the day before, since on this day it is customary for women to spend as little time as possible in the kitchen and spend more time with children.

In fact, Krishna is the god of song and dance, which formed the basis of the holiday. It is celebrated with national festivities and dances depicting the dances of the youngest Krishna with the cowherd boys in the moonlight. Children paint their faces on Krishna's birthday. Blue colour and dress like Krishna.

Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated by everyone in India - Hindus, Muslims, and even atheists. And therefore, naturally, there are many different traditions holding this holiday.

In South India, Janmashtami is for the most part family celebration, for which all relatives gather, which is like Christmas in Western countries.

From early morning, the murti (Deity, sculptural image) of Krishna is washed, placed in a cradle and a ceremony of worship is performed to Him.

In the north of Hindustan, the appearance of Krishna is celebrated somewhat differently: here Janmashtami is a noisy, colorful event, reminiscent of a carnival.

The fun can last for several days. Songs and poems glorifying Krishna are heard everywhere, theatrical performances about the pastimes of Krishna and His eternal associate Srimati Radharani.

The head of the main temple of Udupi, the Krishna Matha, observes a complete fast on this day, and at night, when the moon rises, he takes a bath and performs a special puja for Sri Krishna, during which various sweets are offered to the Lord.

The next day, after a special morning puja, refreshments are distributed to the assembled guests. And at noon, a procession is held - the clay murti of Lord Krishna is placed on a golden chariot in golden ornaments and driven along a luxuriously decorated for the occasion central square Udupi.

Numerous arches are erected on the square, and clay pots with colored water, sweets and yogurt are brought there and broken.

The actors perform pantomimes, dress up in carnival costumes and masks and make the audience laugh.

After the carnival, local Brahmins organize a feast for themselves. They organize various competitions, pour colored water on each other, and then swim.

At the end of the festival, a clay murti (image) of Krishna is lowered into Lake Madhva, and laddoo, a delicacy made from pea flour and sugar, is distributed to all those present.

At this time, fun reigns on the street - women in colorful saris, men in their best clothes walk around the temple and sing in chorus.

A luxurious parade of chariots, elephants, camels and... jeeps parades past. The masters of ceremonies carry candelabra on their heads, and the orchestras play bravura marches.

Based on materials

On the occasion of the wonderful celebration of Sri Janmashtami, the appearance of Krishna in this world, I will read from the Vishnu Sahasra-nama, which describes the qualities, activities, glories, attributes by which Vishnu is known as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. After all, we celebrate Krsna's birthday because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

There are millions, billions of different living beings who are born every moment, die every moment. So why celebrate Krishna's appearance day? Especially from the point of view of our very limited time, it was a long, long time ago. Although from the point of view of eternal time there is no such thing as a long time ago. So why celebrate it? Well, because He is God. What makes Him God? Everyone can say: “I am God.” And in fact there are many people who go around saying that they are God and letting others say that they are God. But they do not have the qualities that make them the Supreme Lord.

These qualities are summarized in a verse often quoted by Srila Prabhupada, which defines Bhagavan:

aisvaryasya samagrasya viryasya yashasa shriya
jnana-vairagyayos caiva shannabhagaitingana
(Bhagavata-sandarbha 46.10)

One who possesses all the opulences of wealth, power, fame, knowledge, beauty and renunciation is called Bhagavan. Srila Prabhupada used this term - the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He has infinite qualities. And some of them are mentioned in the names given here in Sri Vishnu Sahasra-nama.

So we celebrate Krishna's birthday because He is God. Isn't that right? But in Vrindavan they are celebrating because He is the son of Nanda Maharaj. Nanda Maharaja had a son later for a long time. He didn't think He was God, and they never thought He was God. Even when it was obvious, when there was all the evidence that He was God. This is another proof that He is the Supreme Lord. It is that He shows it to those who want to see Him as the Supreme Lord and He hides it. He hides the fact that He is the Supreme Lord from those who do not want to see it - this applies to the worst rascals and ordinary rascals. He hides it from them. And also He hides this from the greatest devotees. From our point of view, we should accept Him as the Supreme Lord and then we can progress further.

As Krishna Himself says in Bhagavad-gita (10.8):

aham sarvasya prabhavo
mattah sarvam pravartate
iti matva bhajante mam
budha bhava-samanvitah

"Everything comes from Me." And then He says again, so as not to leave any doubt: “iti matva” - “understanding this, recognizing this, they worship Me.” Who are they? Reasonable people, bhava-samanvitah, budha bhava-samanvitah, overwhelmed by feelings towards Krsna.

So, I will continue to comment on Vishnu sahasra-nama, the 365th name is Viksharah. "Kshara" means "end", in the Sanskrit alphabet this word begins with "a" and ends with "ksha". The sound "ksha" is called "kshara". So “akshara”, “vikshara” means “there is no end”, that is, He never fades, never ends. So, Krishna never fades, does not decrease, does not decrease, as they usually say about the Moon. It is gradually waning, now the Moon is just in the middle of this waning stage.

Krishna appeared just in the dark half of the month, waning. He appeared on the waning moon, He appeared in the dynasty of the Moon, and the Moon was happy, it shone in all its glory. He never fades, He never diminishes, He never grows old. There are many powerful people, in this world people are very interested in power, power, domination over others. They basically think that God is very powerful. Although this is also the understanding of Krsna, among the Gaudiya Vaishnavas His power, His power is not emphasized. Among Gaudiya Vaishnavas and also among others, followers of Pushti Marga (a movement in Hinduism founded by Acharya Vallabha, one of the branches of bhakti - ed.), it is the sweetness of Krishna that is emphasized.

So, we emphasize more sweetness, beauty, charm, games. Those who are more interested in power, power, see Him as powerful, the greatest. But their power is limited by both space and time. The most powerful man of the 20th century seems to have been Adolf Hitler, but his power was not complete, he did not conquer all the places, he did not even completely control Germany. There were plots to kill him, and, of course, he later died.

But Krsna is always in full control of everything, and His power never diminishes, and besides this, His beauty never diminishes. One who is very beautiful should know that somehow his beauty is only limited to the skin and that will not last long. This is the tragedy of youth: a beautiful woman is destined to see how her beauty fades, how she slowly leaves. This is such a heartbreaking process, first she notices a wrinkle on her face, it grows, then more wrinkles appear. No matter how much cream, powder and vitamin A she applies, gradually these wrinkles appear and the beauty goes away.

But this never happens with Krishna, He never ages, although Michelangelo depicted God in the Sistine Chapel as very old, because He is the oldest. This simply shows that although Michelangelo and those around him were considered geniuses, great minds who shaped Western civilization, they shaped it based on various misconceptions. For example: “God is old, which means He should look old, He should have a long beard.” But Krsna advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam adyam purana-purusam nava-yavanam ca (Brahma-samhita 33).

Krsna is the only person, infallible, anadi, and He has no source. He appears in all kinds of endless forms. He is the source, He is the beginning, He is the most ancient person, and yet He always looks like a youth, because He is not under the control of time, His beauty never fades, His glory, His greatness never fades, He is always Supreme.

Even if He presents Himself as less than the Supreme, becoming the dear child of mother Yashoda, He is always the Supreme, He has no competitors, there is no danger of being thrown out of His position. Unlike vile rulers, He is never afraid that His subordinates will unite against Him, take His position, eliminate Him. It's out of the question. His sweetness never fades; in fact, not only does it not diminish, it always increases. As the moon waxes, the glory of Krishna increases. His glory, beauty, power, knowledge, sweetness, pastimes, His companions and everything else are endless. His mercy, His kindness also always increases.

Bhakti Vikasha Swami, fragment of the lecture “Viksharah, Rohitah, Margah, Hetuh, Damodarah, Sahah”


We celebrate Krishna's birthday because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead – Articles – Bhakti Vikasa

The approaching spring and summer warm days make you think about changing your wardrobe to a lighter version. Stylish women's T-shirts in demand during the cold season, for example, for fitness classes. However, in summer they become almost the central figure of the entire clothing composition.

Some stylists even advise building a summer wardrobe capsule based on T-shirts and T-shirts. Those. Available in several styles and models different colors and styles. And skirts, shorts, trousers, sundresses and everything else are already matched to them. Thus, it is enough to correctly collect several tops and build the entire capsule for summer 2018 around them. Look at the fashionable women's T-shirts in the photo: the new items will allow you to form your own opinion about what you can buy for the upcoming summer season.

The application is different: from beach looks to business formal looks, it is natural that in the first option you can use various bright and multi-colored models, and in the second - exclusively monochromatic or with strict large prints in the form of graphic elements. As a rule, when creating an office look, a T-shirt plays the role of an internal element. It is customary to wear a jacket, blazer, cardigan or jacket over the top. Even in hot weather it is necessary to business style wear a vest over the top of a T-shirt or top. Fashionable women's T-shirts 2018 come in a variety of styles, such as "wrestler" and "alcoholic" shorts, bodysuits and tops, T-shirts and polo shirts. In a wide variety of shows of new collections, designers offer multi-tiered elongated models made of chiffon, silk, satin, satin and other light flowing materials. Look at the new items in the photo and continue our review of fashion trends in relation to this element women's wardrobe:

The most fashionable T-shirts for girls this summer: photos of models made of knitwear, silk and chiffon

The offered assortment includes classic models with different strap widths. If your figure and age allow it, you can expose your shoulder line as much as possible by choosing a model with narrow straps. Here it is worth paying attention to the trend of the increasingly popular lingerie style. The most fashionable T-shirts of this summer are in linen style. They are distinguished by thin straps, trimmed with guipure ribbon and made from silk or chiffon fabrics. The models drape beautifully and easily emphasize the fragility of a girl’s figure. However, they are not taboo for older ladies either. If you are over 40, you can safely choose a lingerie-style T-shirt, but give preference to a model with wide straps. This way you can create the impression of youth, freshness and charming shyness. It is the young and daring who are allowed to expose their body as much as possible, while the wiser women are characterized by characteristic playfulness and shyness.

Unusual fashionable T-shirts for summer 2018 can be seen in many designer collections. These are fashion houses such as Chanel and Valentino, Zara and Vera moda. Sports models are traditionally offered by Adidas and Nike. Vasya's fashionable T-shirts for girls are distinguished by a rather loose cut and deep cutouts at the armholes. Multi-layering is coming into fashion: an elastic bandeau is worn underneath instead of a bra, and on top is a rather spacious elongated T-shirt made of thick knitwear. Fresh notes are brought in by bright and rich tones, unusual cuts and a variety of decor. There are quite a few shows on the catwalks every year. simple models and styles that differ only in prints and colors. This timeless classic and she has the right to be present in every woman's wardrobe.

Even the most fashionable T-shirts of this summer, made from Chinese silk, are just a replica of the types that were in fashion several decades ago. Roughly speaking, one can even say that a T-shirt or tank top are those elements of a wardrobe capsule that are absolutely not influenced by fashion trends and trends. However, this is not the case. Looking at fashionable women's T-shirts in the photo and in the collections offered in the store, you immediately see that there is a difference from last season. It’s hard to catch, but it’s there. Let's try to figure out what the distinctive features are and how to choose a truly stylish and relevant item, either from chiffon or cotton.

Look at photos of models made from various materials:

Stylish and fashionable women's summer T-shirts and T-shirts (with photos of new products)

Current styles for the summer of 2019 include classic and sporty, short and long models, shirts with sleeves and T-shirts, tops and bandeaus. Stylish women's T-shirts are amazingly combined with all types of wardrobe items, be it a business suit or simple leather leggings, a beach skirt or affordable denim shorts. The only exception is evening wear. It’s impossible to find a place for a T-shirt here. But in this regard, designers are successfully carrying out work. Chiffon and silk models of T-shirts appear on the catwalks, which are essentially part of an evening outfit, complemented by a skirt or trousers.

Fashionable summer T-shirts for a business look are usually plain and have a certain set of shades. These are pastel colors, white, nude, serenity, peach and powdery tones. It is characterized by a round or oval neckline with an average neckline depth. Fitted models made from thick cotton jersey hug the body lines and emphasize slimness. Therefore, for corpulent ladies, you should choose a looser cut and decorate the exposed parts of the neck and décolleté with jewelry or accessories. Fashionable T-shirts, distinguished by the presence of a small sleeve, would also be appropriate here. It perfectly decorates the shoulder line, hiding all cosmetic defects.

You should not choose polo shirts for work, as they require the right choice bottom of the bow. This could be tartan, shorts or wide trousers made of a plain material. Everything else in combination with a polo collar will look extremely ridiculous. But the decoration with buttons with an imitation of the smell is not only relevant, but will also allow you to exquisitely hide all the imperfections of the figure, focusing attention on the chest line and neckline.

The following photos of new products will help you understand the rich assortment of models and types of this option for women's summer clothing:

Popular and fashionable colors for women's T-shirts

All fashionable women's tank tops differ in several aspects. The first is the cut. He should be moderately free in 2019. The second is the attitude towards underwear style. This may be indicated by small buttons, thin flowing and well-draped material, or trim with lace and guipure. Third is the color palette.

The most popular colors for T-shirts at all times are white and beige, black and blue. Everyone else can appear and disappear at the whim of a capricious fashion lady. Look at the photos of fashionable T-shirts in different color solutions and let's continue the review:

The undisputed favorites of any season are monochromatic models, which can be successfully used both in a business casual look and when creating a walking or beach look. A peach or powdery tone will be fashionable here, which will deepen the perception of tanned skin and create the impression of freshness and summer lightness. Ideal for creating a light romantic look for a date on a summer evening.

Chiffon has its own fashionable palette: lavender and turquoise, delicate blue of the sky and light serenity. All this can be embodied in thin chiffon and multi-tiered cut. The perfect combination there will be a shade of steel or wet asphalt.

For traditional summer nautical style characterized by an exquisite blue stripe on a white canvas (vest), white, blue and red monochromatic colors. Such T-shirts can be decorated with embroidered anchors and sails, gold chain stripes, etc. Marine motifs are suitable for a resort wardrobe and an urban everyday look. In the first option, you will need to carefully select shorts and skirts for the beach and walks around the seaside city. And for business casual style You may need classic trousers, preferably white in the palazzo style, and a formal pencil skirt. The summer dress code allows the use of blue and red flowers in the bow. Therefore, a red or blue formal skirt and vest can be combined with a white T-shirt. It will be quite stylish and presentable.

Clear cut lines are in perfect harmony with blue colors: first-rate, light blue, rich blue, etc. In combination with the metallic shiny surfaces of the fabrics used, these tones will create a unique evening look and complement any business look in a discreet style.

In the summer of 2017, you should pay attention to all shades of green. Rich grass color will dominate the line, but emerald and light green will also be an excellent background for complementing white shorts or wide palazzo trousers made of thick linen fabric.

Stylish T-shirts for modern youth: for girls and not only

Chiffon and silk successfully coexist with guipure, lace and openwork patterns hand knitted. The variety of these aesthetically pleasing materials allows you to feel all the charm and luxury of spring and summer days. After all, you can afford to wear not only a heavy coat and a massive fur coat, but also completely weightless chiffon blouses, silk blouses that gently hug your figure and openwork tunics with exquisite patterns. Stylish T-shirts for girls in 2019 are presented in a wide variety of materials used for their manufacture. They are suitable not only for young nymphs, but also for women more mature age. Choosing suitable models will be easier than it seems, because the designers have provided great amount details. All of them influence the comfort of use and the formation of visual perception. Multi-layering and linen style allow you to successfully hide the accumulated long winter fat and form an attractive silhouette.

For today's youth, the textile industry produces a wide range of sports models. This season they are made not only from the usual elastane, but also from other types of materials. A chiffon sports model will only slightly hide the outline of the silhouette. It should be combined with a bodysuit. A silk sports T-shirt will create excellent conditions for a morning jog.

A more traditional cut for chiffon and silk is in the form of a trapezoid flared to the bottom with an asymmetrical hem and trim with various edgings and lace. Typically, these T-shirts have wide shoulder straps and an oval neckline of moderate depth. Only guipure and lace are used as decoration. Satin ribbons, shiny sequins and rhinestones are not yet relevant.

Guipure and circle T-shirts are preferred for special occasions. In all other situations, they will look pretentious and impractical, and in the summer heat they will not be entirely comfortable, since the materials do not absorb or remove excess moisture from the body. In terms of these properties, few materials can compare with natural silk. Alternatives include linen, cotton and viscose.

Impeccable in a casual way could be a combination of a knitted openwork T-shirt white or a shade of nude, and classic blue jeans. As an addition, you can choose a fitted blazer in red or pink.

Prints, patterns and stamps

The prints on modern T-shirts often give away their belonging to a particular era. But there is one subtlety. Designers use the technique of bringing back famous cliches these days in order to emphasize that a thing belongs to retro style. Thus, images of Marilyn Monroe or the Olympic bear of the 1980 Olympics are win-win options for creating retro-style bows.

However, in most cases, patterns and prints on women's fashionable T-shirts do not obligate anything like that. It can be geometric patterns, African or folklore motifs, images of animals or things. Stamps in the form of inscriptions also have their place, but the fashion for them is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

When choosing a print for a T-shirt for 2019, you should give preference to bright and extraordinary designs that will highlight the individuality and uniqueness of the style. The contrast pattern should be combined with the color palette of the remaining elements of the assembled everyday look.

Abstraction and arthouse are embodied in the women's wardrobe. Such things can be combined with business suits and everyday democratic things. Floral patterns can only be present in a romantic style bow. As a rule, T-shirts with floral prints are complemented with lace or guipure trim. This is a kind of trend for spring-summer 2019. The exception is colored satin stitch embroidery. It is important to know that red poppies and exquisite pink peonies, white lilies of the valley and blue roses will look stylish and relevant if they are embroidered on a black or dark blue T-shirt with a thigh length.

Narrow and wide vertical, horizontal or diagonal stripes always remain at the peak of popularity, as they can help visually correct the perception of a female figure.

Subtleties of cut and difficulty of choice

The subtleties of the cut usually create enormous difficulties in choosing the appropriate style. To begin with, you should know that there are several types of women's T-shirts and each of them has its own “secrets”. So, for an “alcoholic” it is better to choose a traditional stylish color and 3 sizes larger than what is actually needed. This creates the impression of the fragility of the female figure at any original size. You can wear it with jeans and classic trousers, over light sundresses and in combination with shorts. There is no place for such a thing in a business look.

"Wrestlers" are popular models of women's T-shirts among sports lovers and physical activity. This model allows you to create a dynamic image of a lover of an active lifestyle. Worn exclusively with a bandeau. Has wide and deep sleeve openings.

Classic elongated and shortened models are simple in trapezoidal cut with a slight opening towards the hip line. Pay attention to this cut element. If the T-shirt is absolutely flat and has a strict rectangular shape, then it will never “fit” a girl’s figure. These are the so-called brutal options and for now they should be placed at the disposal of the stronger sex. But cropped T-shirts for the summer of 2018 can, on the contrary, be absolutely straight cut and wide in width. These are the so-called crop tops, suitable for business and casual style. Not suitable for going to an evening restaurant.

Silk T-shirts with a peplum will help to emphasize femininity - they are fitted and perfectly emphasize the grace of the waist line, increasing the visual perception of the hip line. With their help you can visually recreate the famous figure hourglass. Multi-tiered chiffon T-shirts with a complex asymmetrical cut belong to the category of weekend wear. They can be rich shades or classic tones. Variety of prints and decor is not welcome here. It is better to give preference to plain models that will go well with other elements of the wardrobe capsule.

The deep neckline and wide armhole are typical of sporty styles. The exception is strict and discreet polo-style T-shirts. They have a small turn-down collar, small button closure and short sleeves. Suitable for all ages without exception.

What to wear with fashionable women's T-shirts in 2019?

The correct combination of things with this wardrobe element has already been discussed in the article. However, let’s try to analyze specific bows so that using their example it will be clear what mistakes can be made and how to avoid them in practice.

What to wear with T-shirts - every fashionista thinks about this, because traditionally this detail belongs to the sports style of clothing. But times are changing and today fashionable women's T-shirts can easily be combined not only with denim shorts, but also with pencil skirts and business suits. In 2019, grunge style bows will be in demand in spring and summer. Therefore, for a street look, it is better to choose jeans and a cropped leather jacket for spring, light white linen shorts and a knit blazer for summer.

Any T-shirt will be a win-win combination with shorts: shortened or long, sporty or with a peplum, made of silk, velvet, knitwear or chiffon. All this is not important, as is the presence of a print, pattern or color combination. Any combinations will be win-win, regardless of their purpose. The perfect look for a walk or shopping trip would be a combination of a white “alcoholic” T-shirt and classic blue denim shorts.

But with a skirt everything is not so simple. If a tight-fitting skirt model is taken as a basis, then the T-shirt should also be of a fairly fitted cut. With a business style, only monotony is possible, occasionally complemented by discreet stamps and prints in the form of classic inscriptions. But to combine with a flared beach skirt, a lighthouse can be a match for it - colorful, decorated with ruffles and peplum, etc.

A high waistline perfectly hides a protruding tummy, lengthens the silhouette and disguises short legs.

The versatility and practicality of a T-shirt, an indispensable attribute of any women's wardrobe, has been proven by time itself. Few fashionistas limit themselves to just one model, because the possibilities of choosing such clothes are truly amazing.

We are already accustomed to the fact that every year world masters present us with new surprises. Their imagination is inexhaustible. Thanks to the efforts of the couturier, creative collections appear on the catwalks, embodying the most unusual ideas. Many wonderful finds were presented this year. Women will get the most incredible designs and styles.

What T-shirts will be considered the “trick” of the spring and summer season?

Our review will help you understand this issue.

Please note that the following values ​​remain unchanged in the trend:

  • adherence to excellent taste;
  • the predominance of a creative approach in style, choice of color, coloring, cut;
  • individual approach;
  • reflection of the summer sunny mood.

Choosing your T-shirt based on the above qualities is not so easy. A woman must have a certain flair, have a concept of harmony and be well versed in fashion trends. You will read about them below.

Stylistics and rules for selecting T-shirts in 2017

Beautiful and at the same time extremely practical models will be in demand this spring-summer season. This applies to any style and image. A large number of bright collections in different styles and colors are proof of this.

For fashionistas from all over the world, there is a happy opportunity to choose any model:

  • concise;
  • sports;
  • everyday;
  • classical;
  • glamorous;
  • evening.

2017 T-shirt is a favorite

This season, the T-shirt will be at the peak of popularity.

Versatile T-shirts will delight the eye on the streets, parks, parties and beaches. Women are offered complete freedom to choose their own personal style from a variety of styles and designs.


2017 is characterized by following trends maximum length models. Modern versions have a number of their own features.

The predominant fashion is:

  • volume;
  • freedom of silhouette;
  • length - no longer than the bottom line of the hips.

Try to guess your style. It is important that the T-shirt looks appropriate on your figure in every way. Remember that a good bright model can successfully replace a short dress. Please pay attention close attention For those styles that enhance femininity and sophistication, do not be afraid to actively use a wide variety of decor. This year it is more than appropriate.

Prints and decor

IN Lately the organic combination of the original style and the so-called portrait print has literally become a fad. This is not surprising, because a black and white photo looks so good on a stylish T-shirt. Decor in the form of colored, abstract or realistic designs is also considered fashionable. Models of this type are perfectly complemented by jeans or skinny women's trousers. Of course, a miniskirt or very short shorts will suit you.

Adjacent silhouette

The relevance of this style will increase significantly in 2017. Even in winter, designers proposed a wide variety of collar formations in fashionable models.

You have the opportunity to choose for yourself:

  • elegant V-shaped;
  • oval;
  • a draped top view of a t-shirt.

Various gate design variations

This is the main feature of the season. At the same time, the length of the models, according to the couturier, remains static. We're talking about T-shirts that fit well female figure and definitely covering the waist.

Color palette - everything is allowed!

Don't hold back your color imagination!

This year, a riot of palettes and shades is a manifestation of a true understanding of fashion. Give preference to bright and active colors. A summer T-shirt should attract the attention of everyone around you.

  • palette of spring greenery;
  • shades of citrus fruits;
  • sea ​​colors.

Of course, this does not mean that you are prohibited from using color scheme, based on your understanding of taste.

Check out the color choices in the 2017 fashion styles below.

Summer women's T-shirts in 2017. The prerogative of fresh ideas

Male elements

It has long been noticed how original they look on free women Men's shirts.

What about T-shirts?

No doubt they do too. Borrowing from the men's wardrobe this year is becoming the highlight of the spring and summer season.


Shaped ones will be considered fashionable male models"polo". We are talking about modern elegant and at the same time very sexy version sports T-shirt. The theme of tenderness, style and the union of male and female harmony is unobtrusively exploited. Choose a casual or formal evening ensemble for yourself.

The desired effect is achieved thanks to the use of thin silky and viscose fabric by world designers in their collections. A modern women's T-shirt is becoming a worthy competitor to a blouse or shirt. It is quite possible to achieve increased respectability by combining a special office model with elegant trousers or a pencil skirt.

Raglan - green light!

There is another opportunity to take advantage of the “masculine” element of the cut. Women should get ready to actively use raglan sleeves in creative models this spring and summer. Choose the right color contrast, non-standard one-piece cut, stylish designs, convenience and practicality of the material. The “highlight” of the late seventies of the last century should appeal to many girls. A successfully designed vintage will once again “rule” the world.

Fabric selection

In fashion natural material bright colors. In fact, this is the main trend of the season. The T-shirt reveals this trend with maximum strength. Laconic, made of high-quality knitwear (cotton), the model will help you stay on the crest of the wave until the end of the year.

Do you want to achieve special chic and gloss?

Use precious metals, gold, silver, bronze jewelry. Their expressiveness will be enhanced with the help of fashionable large prints.

You will definitely like:

  • floral or abstract designs;
  • combinations of patterns;
  • ethnic ornaments;
  • drawings in oriental style;
  • 3D effects;
  • classic simplicity of the image.

Decorating T-shirts in 2017

The feminine romantic theme should not be pushed into the background. Take advantage of soft pastel palettes of primary colors. In fashion are blue, pink (pale) shades, lavender, mint. It's the perfect backdrop for a well-chosen print. This season you should completely abandon the dark color theme. Give preference to purely light tones.

The theme and decoration of the material should not go beyond a certain irony and naivety. This could be an animation drawing or a portrait of a Western hero. Seascapes this season amaze with the childishness and freshness of the spring rainbow. The motto is vests with stripes of any color!

Which addition to T-shirts is in fashion in spring and summer?

A bright T-shirt is the central element of the created image. We will help you choose the rest of the clothes to match, based on fashion trends.

Use contrasts

For an elongated and complex model with an interesting pattern, regular, undecorated jeans or plain trousers are well suited.

Pleated skirt

Wear figure-hugging, colorful T-shirts with long skirt pleated. This style will help you avoid the look of a casual look. Try to give ordinary outfits more brightness and festivity. It would be wrong to assume that the everyday practical image of a woman does not require commitment to a sophisticated game. For example, following the Casual traditions presupposes the mandatory use of all internal potential with an emphasis on strong individuality.

The choice of your original style should also be based on a specific type of appearance. Skin color plays an important role here.

Please note that a large print in the neckline area automatically increases the size of the bust. This effect is also inherent in metallic finishes.

If you want to draw attention to the neckline, choose an unusual collar.


The most fashionable trends for T-shirts in 2017 are considered to be originality, expressiveness, brightness and emphasized femininity. Based on your understanding of beauty and harmony, take care of replenishing your wardrobe with a couple of unique models.

Have a nice summer!

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