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Garland for a pirate party. Party in a marine style: decor ideas and DIY decoration. Rum Bottle Pirate Party Invitations or Favors

If your child is entering first grade, then September 1 is a special holiday for you. This day will completely change your life and the life of your baby. He will have new worries, new mode, new friends, lessons and homework. The child will become more responsible and reasonable.

The first call is very an important event in the baby's life, he notifies about the onset of new level growing up.

In general, September 1 is a holiday for both the first-grader and his parents, and it should be celebrated with dignity, with gifts and positive emotions.

But what to give a first-grader on September 1?

After all, you really want the gift to be memorable, necessary, useful and interesting.

Usually, by the first of September, many school supplies are purchased, but they are difficult to classify as desired gifts, since they remind kids of the need to attend school. But a gift is still something special; it should bring joy to the baby and evoke positive emotions.

But if you still decide to give your child something from, then it is better to choose something bright and original. For example, a large set of pencils, markers, paints, an original organizer. Also, additional accessories such as beautiful bag a girl for “going out”, and a boy - a backpack for training.

How about a children's picture encyclopedia and globe? I think that your little one will definitely like such gifts.

Pick up useful gift, guided by the child’s hobbies. If your child likes to look at the stars for a long time, give him a telescope; if he is passionate about adventure, travel and exploration, give him a map of the world depicting the inhabitants of the oceans and continents.

Give your child a young botanist kit or a microscope. Such gifts will spur a thirst for knowledge, and perhaps develop into hobbies for life.

An expensive significant gift can be a computer, laptop, mobile phone, tablet.

New interior

If your baby or toddler is a homebody and loves coziness and comfort, then as a gift you can renovate the children’s room and equip it in a new way.

The beginning of school life changes the interests of the child, it brings new acquaintances and new friends. Children visit each other, play together, study. And the child is so interested in showing his new friend his room and all its accessories.

You can arrange it as a gift. Happy new beginning school year he just needs a new multifunctional table, a comfortable chair, a wardrobe and bookshelves.

Games and toys

Although the child has already become a schoolchild, he still plays with his favorite toys, because childhood continues.

Throughout the primary school years, your child’s love for games and toys will never go away. Therefore, the new toy will either be for him a good gift.

Children aged six to seven years are interested in educational toys and story-based toys. role-playing games. Therefore, you can safely give a girl beautiful doll with a set of outfits and a toy house, and the boy - a construction set, a ball, and a railroad.

Read about how to choose a gift for your child according to his zodiac sign.

Continuing the search for answers to the question “what to give a first-grader on September 1,” let’s add to the list of useful and interesting gifts such: an original alarm clock or just Wall Clock, set for creativity.


If your baby is already old enough to care for a pet on his own, you can think about purchasing one.

Children usually like cats, dogs, birds, fish, and hamsters. Such a gift will help instill in the student the concept of responsibility and duty, and will also give positive emotions from communicating with him.

Holiday as a gift

The baby will definitely remember and enjoy the holiday at home, in a cafe or entertainment center. There can be many options:
- going to the cinema, theater;
- rides in the amusement park;
- circus;
- McDonald's.

If you organize the holiday yourself, you can invite animators and organize competitions with small surprise gifts. And definitely - sweets: cake, pastries, sweets, ice cream, fruit.

Now let's talk about what you shouldn't give:

1. Clothes. It is unlikely that a child at this age will be pleased with any of the clothes.
2. A gift for growing up, this includes things, devices, books that are not interesting at the age of 6-7 years.
3. Dishes, bed linen, even if it is a very interesting children's set.
4. Things are out of season. For example, on September 1st, give skates and skis.
5. Expensive jewelry that the child will not be able to wear yet.
6. Only sweets. Dessert should be an addition to the gift, and not the gift itself, since sweets are quickly eaten and nothing remains as a keepsake.

Remember that your baby has the first serious important event in his life and you need to celebrate it with dignity.

First call - special event in the life of a first-grader, signifying the transition to a new life stage. It will help to add solemnity to the moment memorable gift for a new schoolchild, which will not only be a pleasant surprise, but will also give the child a feeling of a real holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. But in order for a gift to cause delight and a sea of ​​positive emotions, it is important to know what to give a first-grader on September 1st.

Gift ideas for first graders

When choosing a gift, you should clearly understand: everything that is needed for school has nothing to do with gifts. Of course, you can present a fashionable bright backpack, a huge set of pencils or a folder for notebooks with the image of your favorite cartoon character, but the child will not perceive this as a surprise. A gift for September 1 should be a pleasant bonus beyond what you need for your studies.


It is books, as you know - best gift. Including for first-graders! But on one condition: they must correspond to the child’s age, and not gather dust on a shelf until the 11th grade. Today, the assortment of bookstores allows you to choose a wide variety of publications to suit every taste. Various encyclopedias and atlases are perfect for first-graders. If a child is interested in a particular topic, you can choose books taking into account his hobbies (about astronomy, plants, animals, dinosaurs, technology, etc.).

Books, as you know, are the best gifts.

For a first-grader to absolutely like a book, it must be:

  • adapted for his age (a seven-year-old should understand the material presented in it);
  • high-quality (thick binding, thick paper, large and clear font);
  • colorful (lots of bright and clear illustrations, pictures or photographs).

You can give the first volume of one of the book series as a gift, promising the child to time the purchase of the next edition after achieving success in school. At the same time, it is important to clarify that “success” is not considered grades, but the development of new skills (learned to write all the letters, finished reading the primer, etc.). This approach will be an excellent incentive for first-graders to study.

Games and toys

Despite proud title schoolboy, a first-grader is still a child who is crazy about toys. That is why you can safely consider them as a gift for September 1st.

Despite the proud title of a schoolchild, a first-grader is still a child

An excellent option would be something that a child has long dreamed of: a racing track, a Barbie doll, a construction set a large number of elements, various board games. If a boy is interested in sports, you can give him a soccer ball or tennis rackets. For a handicraft girl, various creative kits are suitable (making figurines from plaster, soap, felt bags and plush toys). The main thing is that the gift must correspond to the interests of the child and be desired. Having received just such a gift, the first-grader will be sincerely happy and will understand that childhood does not end with entering school!

Party or going somewhere

A cultural program dedicated to this event will make September 1 a truly bright and memorable event for a first-grader.

A cultural program dedicated to this event will make September 1 a truly bright and memorable event for a first-grader.

Depending on the child’s financial capabilities and preferences, we can organize:

  • going to a children's cafe;
  • visiting a circus, theater, entertainment center;
  • home holiday.

It’s great if the child has the opportunity to choose the place where he would like to go with his family, or invite friends with him. If planned home party, you should take care of all its attributes in advance:

You can invite animators, having discussed the theme of the holiday with them in advance, or you can prepare several fun competitions with small gifts yourself. “The highlight of the program” will be an original cake dedicated to September 1, with which you can take a photo and then enjoy tasting it.


A phone, tablet, laptop or computer is classified as useful and valuable gifts, having received which a first-grader will be incredibly happy and feel like a truly adult. With their help, the child will be able to constantly stay in touch, watch educational cartoons and films, and master educational programs.

A phone, tablet, laptop or computer belongs to the category of useful and valuable gifts

But so that gadgets only bring benefits, without distracting the child from his studies and without absorbing everything free time, it is important to immediately discuss with the student the rules for their use:

  • take your phone out of your briefcase only during breaks and after school (at the same time, parents should not buy super-expensive smartphone models. In the end, the child may lose it, not to mention the fact that cases of theft are not uncommon);
  • use a tablet, laptop or computer only after lessons have been learned and no longer than a certain time (usually 20 minutes without a break and two hours a day in total, including watching TV).

Of course, in addition to educational programs, you should allow your child to watch his favorite cartoons and play games. But it is very important that these activities do not become the main ones, but are only a pleasant addition to other various activities. Only in this case will gadgets become assistants in the student’s study and development, and not harmful “time wasters.”

DIY gift

As is known, the most nice gift- one that is made with your own hands. For a first-grader, this could be an original bag sewn by grandma for replacement shoes, or hairpins and bows made by mom.

As you know, the most pleasant gift is the one made with your own hands.

A win-win option would be a box in the form of a pencil or book with various contents. These can be sweets, bright school supplies (pens, pencils, erasers) or small toys. The main thing is the element of surprise and anticipation of what is inside.

What should you not give?

There is a list of gifts that are good in themselves, but are in no way suitable for September 1:

  1. Cloth. Especially school ones. Her child definitely won’t appreciate it, taking the wardrobe update for granted.
  2. A gift for growing up. This category includes everything that cannot be used “here and now”: skates and skis (in autumn), books for teenagers, expensive gold jewelry, etc.
  3. Bed linen and dishes. Just “off topic”. It’s better to save all this for your birthday or New Year’s holidays.
  4. Sweets as the main gift. They will be eaten, and there will be nothing left as a memory. A cake must be present, but as an addition to a tangible present.
  5. Trip dedicated to September 1st. If a gift cannot be touched with your hands, the child will not perceive it as such.

A gift for a first-grader on September 1 should be unexpected, but welcome and memorable. One that will evoke a sea of ​​positive emotions, fun and joy. One that you can hold in your hands, hide, and then take out and remember the day when yesterday’s baby first crossed the threshold of school.

Such important period In the life of their child, parents should not be left to chance. But help should be provided not only when learning the alphabet, but also when organizing leisure time. In addition, it would not hurt to congratulate the baby on acquiring a new status. What do they usually give to a first-grader on September 1?... Many schoolchildren are looking forward to this day. Someone with regret that carefree summer days behind and ahead are tedious lessons. Some are impatient because they miss their friends terribly. And I want to show off my new achievements/things/skills/trips as soon as possible. And only first-graders wait for September 1 as if it were a miracle. They were prepared, told about school (perhaps even frightened by it), bought a large beautiful briefcase, a lot of notebooks, pens and paint. appeared in the closet new form, a real tie for boys and chic bows for girls.

In contact with

The verse has been memorized, the child is mentally and financially prepared, and the parents cannot contain their emotions. This is a feeling of pride and... pity, or something. Their little one has grown up so quickly and is becoming independent. And sometimes you want to hold on to this moment. After all, it is clear that in small eyes one can sometimes see fear of the new and unknown. How can you support a schoolchild without five minutes? Maybe give something to a first-grader child on September 1? But even here my thoughts get confused:

  • Give something that a child has long dreamed of and, at least for a few moments, return him to that happy, carefree childhood?
  • Or something that will be useful for adaptation in the near future?
  • Should it be a material gift?
  • Or focus on unforgettable emotions?

But what exactly can be given to a boy or girl (first-graders) on September 1st depends only on the child himself and the intuition of his parents...

Who said that childhood ends at the threshold of school? No, it moves to a new stage there, but at home it can remain just as carefree and cheerful.

After all, you can’t suddenly become indifferent to your favorite toys and puzzles? And you probably want something new.

Something other than a pencil case and a set of pencils...

The best gift is a book

Yes this is true. But what book to give to a first-grader on September 1 is not an easy question. Even if your new schoolchild does not like to read and your home library, selected with such love, continues to gather dust. But now books will become an indispensable attribute in his life and it’s better for you to start this friendship, with the help, for example:

Welcome, future!

The child becomes independent. And if before parents protected him from negative influence modern gadgets, now is the time to provide him with them.

No, we're talking about not about new IT technologies, but about ordinary means of communication. This way, the child will be able to tell you that the lesson has been postponed or cancelled, or that he is not feeling well.

That he forgot something and needed to be brought urgently. After all, these are still small children and we need to have constant contact with them.

We involve you in the educational process

Even that very pencil case, or rather the process of choosing it, can cause indescribable delight in a first-grader. That's why a great gift can be:

We give unforgettable emotions

Very soon your baby will be busy. He is so busy that when organizing leisure time, he will have to adapt not only to his work weekends, but also to his school ones. Lessons, after-school activities, clubs and excursions. But he/she misses spending time together just like you.

Sweet gift

What could be sweeter for a sweet tooth than a cake, cupcakes or sweets? So why not focus on this? No, do not buy the entire store and, at your own peril and risk, give it to the baby. Meaning.

All children look forward to entering first grade, the event that marks the beginning adult life, important changes and new opportunities. And this is a real holiday that cannot do without congratulations. Parents, as always, have to rack their brains over what to give a first-grader on September 1, because they want the gift to be not only useful and liked by the child, but also to become memorable for him on this solemn and joyful day.

Before choosing a gift for a son or daughter, adults should think about the coming day - a truly important period of life is coming for a child, when he will have to grow up and understand what responsibility and school duties are, which cannot be neglected. In its own way, this is another baby’s birthday, which confirms his formation as a new member social society. Therefore, adults need to make an effort so that he can remember the joyful atmosphere of September 1 for the rest of his life.

Since many mothers and fathers had to go through this important incident, their experience in choosing a gift can be used by all other parents:

  1. It's no secret that every child needs a special approach, and, of course, this applies to choosing a present. It is always worth evaluating a thing, taking into account children's preferences.
  2. On September 1, you cannot give your baby things that someone else in the family can use. The surprise should be made specifically for him and no one else.
  3. It’s good if the right emphasis is placed, emphasizing that the child is no longer just a kid, but a real schoolboy.
  4. Too much expensive thing It is not necessary to give it as a gift on this day, because your son and daughter will want to show it to their friends, and control over its use, in this case, will be inappropriate.

The whole family should decide what to give to the baby in connection with the start of education. If he has a sister or brother of a different age, it is advisable that they congratulate him separately, and these can be the simplest, maybe even homemade gifts. There can be one gift from adults, dad and mom.

One of the most important points is the presentation of a gift - it should not be given to the child in a hurry. Be sure to set the table, gather the whole family and solemnly congratulate him, accompanying your speech with wishes for success.

Gifts given on Knowledge Day can fall into different categories:

  1. Any equipment is suitable for this - a smartphone, a computer console, a small tablet, a player with a headset.
  2. The child will be pleased if the gift is a globe, a lamp original design on the desk, a new chair.
  3. It could also be a memorable gift - an engraved wristwatch, a high-quality pen, beautiful cufflinks for a school suit.
  4. You can also give a beautiful soft toy, but it should be presented as a talisman for successful studies. But interesting board games, sets for experiments, and construction kits are more suitable for this purpose, as they will become a useful aid in learning, comprehensively developing a first-grader.
  5. If clothes are given, they should not be ordinary; give the child something unusual - fashionable t-shirt or sneakers, a beautiful swimsuit or an elegant dress for a girl. The main thing is that the thing should not be perceived as ordinary, everyday.

No less desirable and pleasantly surprising can be gifts made by family members with their own hands - bright knitted hats, scarves and gloves, photo frames, photo albums.

Useful gifts for learning and development

Presents related to school themes are the most popular, but pencils, pencil cases and felt-tip pens are unlikely to cause great delight in a child. If you are going to give such items as a gift, they should differ from ordinary stationery in their bright colors. appearance and originality.

The best gifts could be:

  • zoogeographical globe with light effects, physical and geographical, relief model;
  • bright table top with images of cartoon characters;
  • stylish computer bracelet;
  • unusual round organizer for pencils, rulers, staplers, notebooks;
  • a convenient book stand that makes reading more comfortable for the student;
  • desk set with quality writing utensils, scissors, paper clip and swivel stand;
  • multicolor pen in the form of an animal figurine;
  • stained glass paints;
  • a large encyclopedia on history, geography with drawings, pictures and photographs;
  • educational “Write-Erase” board with three magnets, a special marker and an erasing sponge - suitable for drawing and studying;
  • smart notebook with tasks - an educational game for training logic, memory and attention;
  • a set for a young physicist, botanist or chemist for experiments.

If you give a set of paints, pencils or markers, then be sure to have a large one. A brother or sister can give a first-grader a package of colorful, magnetic bookmarks - this simple but pleasant gift will help the child quickly find the necessary pages of the textbook.

If your child is interested in drawing, you can give him a large album or special edition for aspiring artists to develop their talent.

On September 1, any board games for skill will be suitable as a gift, quick response, word games; related quizzes space theme, studying foreign language; strategy games, as well as dominoes, lotto, checkers, backgammon and chess (read about how to quickly teach a child to play chess).

It is good to purchase electronic educational aids in the form of posters with a talking pen - such a thing will interest the child, will help him quickly absorb various information, the subject of such devices can be very different - animal, plant and undersea world, English language, ancient history and much more.

When deciding what to give to a first-grader on September 1, you should not forget about what type of creativity or handicraft your son or daughter is involved in - gifts of this kind are extremely useful for children. Depending on the child’s inclinations and abilities, you can give any kits and tools that will help the child improve in the chosen area (drawing, sculpting, pottery, bead weaving, etc.).

Gifts for September 1st for boys and girls

Father and mother know their children best, but they also have to think before choosing one or another gift, because sons and daughters are very different in their behavior, inclinations, and attitude towards many things.

What to give to a first grader on September 1st: a girl

Girls, by their nature, are softer, dreamier and more emotional; of course, they can also be given an interactive geographical map or board game, but, perhaps, even on such a day, it would be wiser to give your daughter a surprise in the form of a toy or some of the pleasant “feminine” little things that she loves so much.

The child still plays with dolls, although at the same time he is already interested in his mother’s jewelry and cosmetics, therefore, when thinking about what to give a first-grader girl on September 1, the following gifts are quite suitable:

  • a beautiful doll with a set of clothes for her, a dollhouse with toy furniture, curtains, kitchen utensils;
  • a soft toy, a large bear cub, a tiger cub or a cat - such a gift can be considered universal, since it can please the fair sex of any age;
  • for a girl, inexpensive but high-quality jewelry is suitable - new earrings or
  • a pendant on a chain with a zodiac sign, even if your daughter already has these things, new ones will not be superfluous;
  • a jewelry box, if it is made in an original style and beautifully decorated, the daughter will be able to put her earrings, rings, hairpins and elastic bands into it.

Concerning school theme, a good gift could be a Barbie schoolgirl set, which includes beautifully designed notebooks, a sketchbook, paints, a pencil case, and writing utensils.

Read also:

What to give a first-grader boy on September 1

When thinking about what to give a first-grader boy on September 1, you can opt for things directly related to education, as well as other gifts that are no less interesting for him.

To do this, you need to clearly understand what preferences he has in this regard:

  • my son will definitely like the new, complicated construction set, maybe magnetic, however, any prefabricated models of air and ground transport, for example, a model of a snowspeeder from the Star Wars series;
  • useful games can be a set of illusionist, developing intelligence and Creative skills child
  • a boy can happily respond to a gift such as a microscope or binoculars; for him these are unfamiliar, but interesting things that may be useful to the child in the future;
  • if your son likes to move a lot, it makes sense to buy sports gifts - a good ball, a punching bag with boxing gloves, a bicycle.

Some gifts are relevant for both boys and girls, and are always popular with children, these are:

  • Lego calendar designer;
  • original lunch boxes - small bright containers for breakfast;
  • convenient colorful backpack;
  • children's watch with GPS tracker;
  • dance mat connected to a computer or TV;
  • piggy banks in the form of a safe, soccer ball, interactive options with talking animals, “Vortex Funnel” piggy bank;
  • flash drive in the shape of a favorite cartoon character;
  • "growing" pencils;
  • glowing globe starry sky or projector;
  • home planetarium;
  • alarm clock-projector;
  • pen with 3D display;
  • aquafarm - a container with fish and potted plants placed on the top panel.

You don’t have to limit yourself to things when choosing a present, because it could be a trip to the zoo, dolphinarium, circus, or water park.

You can take your baby and his friends to McDonald's and celebrate September 1st there. Other options are watching cartoons in a cinema, visiting an amusement park. Even an ordinary picnic fresh air with family can make a holiday unforgettable for a child.

Of course great solution in addition to the gift will be well organized festive table with cake, sweets and a ceremonial presentation of a gift.

What to give to a schoolchild on September 1: video

What gifts should you not give to a first grader?

There are also unwanted gifts that may disappoint a child or will simply not be appropriate in this case:

  • any books, things, complex devices that are not suitable for the child’s age - they may not be interesting or understandable to a first-grader;
  • regular school supplies that all kids have;
  • You should not hand over expensive things, such as watches, chains and other items from precious metal– it is unlikely that a daughter or son will be able to wear them in the near future;
  • bed linen, dishes, even if they are very beautiful;
  • ordinary items of clothing, other than original ones;
  • sports equipment and devices that are intended specifically for summer or winter;
  • a gift cannot be a cake or a box of pastries - this is too little for congratulations on such a day; sweets can only be an addition to the main gift.

When choosing a mobile phone for congratulations, you cannot choose the most expensive one, as it will certainly arouse envy among the children in the class. A cheap device is also undesirable, since the child may develop a complex when compared with similar equipment in other children.

Animals (kittens and puppies) are not given to children on this day for an obvious reason - caring for and playing with a living creature can take a lot of time from a schoolchild, while his main occupation will be learning. An exception may be aquarium fish, which will not require as much attention.

Beautiful hairstyles for September 1 for girls: video

When deciding what to give to a first-grader on September 1, you need to remember that main value the present consists of attention to the needs and desires of the son and daughter, in parental love and the sincerity that this thing expresses, therefore its cost, by and large, is not of decisive importance.

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