Home Trees and shrubs The oldest university in France. Higher education in France. Universities in France - video

The oldest university in France. Higher education in France. Universities in France - video

Today, every student can receive higher education in France. And this despite the fact that the cost of training is much lower than in other countries.

The most famous universities in France

In total, there are about eighty universities in France.
The most famous of them are listed below:

The most famous educational institution in France is the Sorbonne University in Paris.

- the most famous French educational institution providing free education. Consists of the following autonomous universities: Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne University, Paris III - New Sorbonne University, Paris IV - Paris Sorbonne University and Paris V - René Descartes University. Educational structure includes specializations in art, literature, languages, and humanities.

Pierre and Marie Curie University is the largest scientific and medical complex in France, which is located on the Jussieux campus.

The university has such faculties as: Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Medicine Pierre and Marie Curie, Faculty of Environment, Biodiversity and Earth, as well as institutes such as: Polytechnic Institute at the University , Institute for the Training of Doctors of Science, Institute of Astrophysics of Paris, Institute of Statistics of the University of Paris, Henri Poincaré Institute. At the university, subjects such as chemistry, physics, mathematics, medicine and others are studied.

The University of Strasbourg is a public higher education institution in France

It is a French public higher education institution on a free basis. The university fully covers such educational areas as:

  1. the direction of arts, languages ​​and humanities;
  2. direction of rights, economics, management, political and social sciences;
  3. direction of social and natural sciences;
  4. direction of science technology;
  5. direction of medicine.

University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (University of Paris I) is a French public university, administrative center which is located in the Latin Quarter. It consists of the following faculties: geography, international and European law, management and economics of enterprises, fine arts, history, economics, general legal sciences, political sciences, public law, management and government agencies, mathematics and computer science, philosophy, business law, social work and research, art history and archaeology.

Henri Poincaré University Nancy I located in a French town called Nancy. Approximately 18,000 students study there. There are faculties of medicine, dental surgery, science and technology, pharmacy, and sports.

University of Orleans is a public higher education institution in the city of Orleans. It is represented by the Faculty of Languages, Humanities and Literature; faculty exact sciences; Faculty of Law, Management and Economics; Faculty of Sports and Physical Education.

University Lyon 3 Jean Moulin- an educational institution located in the city of Lyon (part of the Lyon Academy). The university has a faculty of law, languages, philosophy, civilizations and philologies, as well as a school of management.

University of Limoges was formed in 1968, located in a city called Limoges. It consists of the faculty of medicine, philology and humanities, natural and scientific sciences, pharmacy, law and economic sciences.

University of Avignon and Vaucluse is a French institution of higher education located in the city of Avignon. Today it includes two institutes (the Institute of Technology and the Professional Institute) and four faculties (philological and social sciences, exact and natural sciences, applied sciences and linguistics).

University of Picardy (Jules Verne University) - State University France

University of Picardy (Jules Verne University) is a public university in France, which was founded in 1970 on the basis of several educational institutions. Represented by Arts faculties; philology; history and geography; pharmaceuticals; political science and jurisprudence; exact sciences; Economics and management; medicine; philosophy and humanities; languages ​​and foreign cultures; physical culture and sports.

University of Montpellier is the oldest university in France, which is located in the city of Montpellier and consists of three independent higher education institutions (University of Montpellier I, University of Montpellier II, University of Montpellier III). It includes the Faculty of Arts, Philosophy and Letters; Anglo-American Studies, German Studies, Slavic and Oriental Studies, Humanities and Environmental Sciences; mathematical, economic and social sciences; sciences about man and society; Romance and Mediterranean languages.

University of Aix-Marseille is a French university that was formed at the beginning of 2012. It includes:

  1. Paul Cézanne University;
  2. University of Provence;
  3. Mediterranean University.

The educational system of the university consists of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, the Faculty of Economics and Management, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, the Faculty of Sciences and others.

How to enter a university in France?

It is very easy to enter a university in France, since universities do not provide entrance exams for the first cycle of study.

On admission:

- persons who have higher education must provide:

  1. birth certificate;
  2. higher education diploma;
  3. diploma supplement with hours and grades.

— persons who are students of a higher educational institution must provide:

  1. secondary education certificate;
  2. birth certificate;
  3. an extract from the certificate of secondary education;
  4. certificate of study of French;
  5. a certified copy of the order for admission to the university;
  6. certified extract from the transcript.

- persons who have secondary education must provide:

  1. secondary education certificate;
  2. birth certificate;
  3. an extract from the certificate of secondary education;
  4. certificate of study of French;
  5. certificate of admission to the university.
Since education at French universities is almost free for both French citizens and foreigners, the entire cost of education comes down to payment annual contribution to the treasury social insurance(200 euros), as well as payment of the registration fee (250 euros).

Submitting documents can be done in two ways: through the Pastel online system or through the French embassy, ​​which is located in your country. Submission deadlines can be found on the website of the educational institution that interests you.

In the event that the country does not fall into the list of the Pastel system, everything Required documents can apply directly to a French university. Some educational institutions have their own document submission system. To do this, you need to go to the university website and fill out a pre-registration form. If there is no such questionnaire, then you need to make a request, and within a few days they will send it to you by mail.

The Pastel online system is only available to a select number of countries. Russia is one of them. The rest of the countries of the former Soviet Union cannot yet take advantage of this opportunity. The system will tell you all the steps, from taking the language test to enrolling and obtaining a visa.

After the admissions committee reviews the documents and accepts positive decision You will receive a notification about your enrollment. Based on this document, you have every right to apply for a long-term student visa to the French embassy. The procedure for obtaining a visa can be found on the official website of the embassy of your country.

Universities in France - VIDEO

University of Paris Sorbonne Paris is a French institution of higher education located in the central part of the capital. One of the oldest universities in the world, founded in the middle of the 12th century. After the events of May 1968, it was transformed in 1970 into 13 Parisian independent universities. Its center is the Sorbonne building in the Latin Quarter on the left bank of the Seine.

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The best government paid and free universities France. Features of admission and study at a university. The higher education system of this European country in 2019.
French universities occupy a special place among. Most of them boast a centuries-old history, as well as high standards of education. The prestige of French universities is beyond doubt, as they for a long time along with Oxford and Bologna universities, they taught only the upper strata of society.

The University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne is one of 13 that arose when the Sorbonne was divided. The university includes 14 faculties, 8 institutes and research centers, as well as the House of Economics.

Over time, the policy of the French Ministry of Education has changed greatly and has become more democratic towards students. One of its main directions is the desire to make education more accessible and attractive for both residents of the country and foreign students.

When considering the possibility of enrolling in universities in France, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the reasons for the popularity of this option. First of all, these include the financial accessibility of education. All institutions are funded by the state, which makes education free for both citizens of the state and foreigners.

To study at a university or higher school, you only need to pay a special registration fee, the amount of which is established by the relevant ministry. For 2019, it is no more than 200 euros per year for a bachelor’s degree and 270 for a master’s degree. If the applicant plans to obtain a doctorate, the fee will be slightly more than 400 euros.

Higher schools noticeably exceed universities in terms of fees. They can reach 1 thousand euros annually. However, all of the above prices are valid for courses taught in French. For English-language education, the fee can reach up to 6 thousand euros per semester.

Watch the video: How to get a scholarship to study in France.

Areas of study

There are a huge number of universities in France that train students in a variety of specialties. However, there are a number of areas where local universities do better than others. These include, first of all:

  • mathematics;
  • engineering;
  • medicine and related sciences.

Holders of diplomas in these and similar disciplines obtained in France significantly increase their chances of finding employment.

In addition, such a diploma opens up incredibly broad opportunities for the student to develop in a scientific environment and build an academic career.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the creative and cultural directions in the educational activities of local universities. Historically, Europe. This led to the creation of a full-fledged and independent network of art schools, studying in which allows not only to achieve recognition in the field of cinematography, photography and other arts, but also to find people who share the interests and views of the student.

Despite the many advantages and high standards education, only 11 universities in France are among the top 250 best universities. According to experts, this is not due to the quality of training indicators, but to the imperfection of the assessment algorithms used by the English agencies QS and THE.

Watch a video about studying in France.

Classification of universities in France

All higher education institutions existing in the country are divided into three main categories, depending on the type of organization, profile and other features. Among them are:

  1. Specialized schools. Training is conducted in the following areas: music, design, photography, painting and other types of arts.
  2. Universities.
  3. Higher schools.

Universities and higher schools differ fundamentally in a number of ways. The majority of applicants fall into institutions of the first category, while higher schools are extremely selective regarding people who want to enroll in them. A similar situation is observed in the quality and quantity of teaching staff.

The response to this situation is the measures taken by the government to attract gifted students to universities. They are based on scholarships and other benefit programs, as well as on research funding. However, this could not change the situation, which is why higher schools are still superior to universities.

Among other things, EUA membership says a lot about the quality of education at a particular university. Institutions included in such an association are generally recognized as the best, which significantly increases the value of the diploma and the demand for graduates from employers.

3 main types of French universities

Specifics of higher schools

If you plan to enroll in the best educational institutions in France, it is advisable to take a closer look at higher schools. Among the most prestigious institutions of this kind, four schools can be singled out - Paris, Lyon, Cachan, Rennes. At the same time, the most selective schools regarding applicants are located in Paris and Lyon.

All of them have complete autonomy, but require the possibility of passing preparatory courses in one institution and subsequent admission to another. Upon completion of training, all graduates are awarded the status of “normal”, which carries with it not only a respected title, but also a number of responsibilities.

In particular, each holder must work in the public service for at least 5 years, which in France seems, perhaps, the best of all possible. This requirement does not apply to foreigners, however, if they wish, they can take advantage of this opportunity.

French University Rankings

Among the most popular universities among foreign applicants are both private and public educational institutions in France. the vast majority of them are free, both for French citizens and foreigners.

Among them:

  • Sorbonne University in Paris.
  • University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.
  • University of Nantes.
  • Samadeva University.
  • University of Cergy-Pontoise.
  • Descartes University.

Each of them has its own unique history and a set of areas in which students are trained. Since the classes are free, the final choice should be made depending on the interests of the applicant and the specialty that is planned to be acquired.

This educational institution first opened its doors to applicants in 1289 and today appears to be one of the most prestigious in France. The university owns an urban campus for students to live in, which is especially important for foreign citizens.

The University of Montpellier is popular among students from all over the world due to its quality teaching, the prestige of its diplomas and free tuition.

Montpellier is one of the five percent of the best universities in the world, and this university is recognized as the leader in the quality of education in the country. To enroll, it is enough to pay the registration fee and present documents confirming passing the exams.

It belongs to the category of large educational institutions, accommodates more than 24 thousand students, and also has its own library. The main specialties in which students study are: medicine, sports, law, business and natural sciences.

Belongs to public educational institutions and ranks 33rd in national ranking. It belongs to the category of old universities, since the date of its foundation is considered to be 1887. The main building of the university is located in the city of Lille, while a number of branches operate in other large cities.

The admission process to this institution is similar to the previous option: you will need to provide information about successful completion exams, as well as pay a registration fee in the amount established by the ministry. This university is medium in size, and about 18 thousand students study here every year.

As in many others educational institutions France, it provides the opportunity to train foreign citizens on an equal basis with local residents.

The university has a large library on its territory, and it is one of the most prestigious European educational institutions EUA.

University of Nantes

Another popular university is the University of Nantes, which is one of the oldest educational institutions of this category. It was founded back in 1460, and the main building of the complex is located in the city of Nantes. It is one of the 30 most prestigious universities in France and boasts spacious dormitories.

Castle on the campus of the University of Nantes Since the institution actively participates in international student exchange programs, foreign students are not uncommon here. Thanks to a large dormitory, they have the opportunity to live near their place of study at affordable prices. Like most universities in France, academic year

consists of two semesters.

  • The number of students exceeds 31 thousand people, and teachers - 1500. The percentage of foreigners among applicants fluctuates around 8%. The main focus of training is natural and applied disciplines, which include:
  • mathematics;
  • medicine;
  • economics;
  • jurisprudence;


In addition, the formal part of the university is the Higher Polytechnic School, which indicates the first-class quality of education.

French higher education is recognized as one of the best not only in Europe, but throughout the world. This country is home to a huge number of universities. But in order to enter a university and become a student, you need to know some nuances.

How the higher education system works in France This system is presented in the form of technological institutes, higher schools

  • and universities. In France there are more than 80 public universities, and there are private ones. A higher education course can be divided into several courses. The latter is analogous to graduate school. The training stages are as follows:
  • Basic - training lasts 2 years.
  • Additional. Based on its results, the student receives a bachelor's degree. Requires 3-4 years.
  • Master's degree. Lasts one year.

Postgraduate studies. Lasts up to four years.

First cycle

Training can be completed in departments of higher technical education in lyceums in France (higher diploma technical education- BTS (brevet de technicien superieur); V technological institutes(university technological diploma DUT (diplome universitaire de technologie); in universities that train engineers (diploma of natural science and technical university education - Diplome d "Etudes Universitaires Scientifiques et Techniques, DEUST); in specialized schools in health and social services.

Second cycle

Designed to expand and deepen the knowledge acquired during the first two years of study at a French university and prepares for obtaining a license within one year after DEUG and maitrise (year after licence).

After 1 year - a licentiate diploma is issued, after 2 years - a master's diploma. An engineering diploma usually requires five years of training, which can be carried out according to two schemes: continuous five-year training based on secondary school or three-year (final) training based on the first cycle.

Third cycle

Assumes in-depth study chosen specialty and is accompanied by independent scientific work, the topic of which applicants holding a maitrise degree are required to formulate before entering the program. Those who successfully complete this stage are issued a Diploma of Specialized Higher Education (DESS), which is a professional diploma, or a Diploma of Advanced Education (DEA), which allows them to continue scientific research in doctoral studies and obtain a doctorate degree (Doctorat de Nouveau Regime) (corresponds to Russian candidate sciences).

It is important to note that receiving medical education passes without division into cycles. After six years of study in hospital medical centers, students undergo a competition for a specialized internship, which allows them to become a medical specialist, or receive a diploma in “general medicine” through a competition after two years of study.

The student chooses the bar for himself. Some complete their studies after receiving a basic diploma, while others choose to enroll in graduate school. Higher education in France is represented by public and private institutions. State schools provide free training not only to French citizens, but also to foreigners. However, a state fee must be paid every year: it varies from 100 to 800 euros depending on the university. If it belongs to the private category, training can be paid, and can reach several thousand euros per year.

How to enter a university in France

The applicant must decide in what language the training will take place. Programs are available in English and French. It is necessary to confirm knowledge of the language. If selected French, you need to pass the DELF/DALF exam. Which one is required is specified according to the chosen direction. Knowledge of the language must be at least level B1. To confirm your English proficiency, take an exam or. You need to score 6.0-7.0 points in IELTS or 78-95 points in TOEFL. To live in this country you need to know French.

In addition to the mentioned certificates in admissions committee a certificate or diploma is presented. The certificate is required for a bachelor's degree. The diploma is attached to general documents upon admission to the master's program. They are transferred to foreign language and certified by a notary.

The French do not take entrance exams, but people from Russia will have to pass entrance tests. They are published on the university website. Additionally, you need to undergo an interview, during which research fellows they try to find out the applicant’s plans for the future and his goals in his professional activity.

Some universities require applicants to write a motivation letter, letters of recommendation, which also briefly outlines the purposes of admission and the reasons for choosing this or that specialty. Submitted documents are reviewed until a certain date, then applicants are sent an answer whether the university accepts it or not. It is also better to choose French to write a motivation letter.

Universities in France

Studying at French universities is considered prestigious throughout the world. The most famous establishments in the country are:

  • Paris Sorbonne University(University de Paris). Founded in 1253. Offers many areas of study, ranging from tourism and social specialties, ending with economics and finance. Education is free, you need to pay a fee, which differs depending on the faculty. On average it is 300-500 euros per year.

  • Paris-Dauphine University(Université Paris-Dauphine). This is an economic university founded in 1968. Almost 10 thousand students study here. This is a non-state university, for a year of study you need to pay 10 thousand euros. It is one of the most prestigious.

  • University of Montpellier(University of Montpellier). It is state-owned; for a year of study you need to pay a fee, which is 100-300 euros. Here they teach medicine, natural sciences, humanitarian areas.

  • University of Strasbourg(Université de Strasbourg). To study, it is enough to pay only a fee of 200-400 euros. Founded in 1538. Here you can study chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy, sociology and law.

  • University of Picardy(University of Picardie). Founded in 1970. Refers to state universities, tuition is free. The fee varies depending on the chosen destination and is 300-400 euros per year.

  • University of Lyon(Université de Lyon). Is one of the largest. There are about 127 thousand students. Medicine, natural sciences, and philology are taught here. law and economics. A huge number of specialties are represented. It was founded in 1809 and is a government agency. The amount of the fee needs to be clarified, it all depends on the chosen specialty. Usually does not exceed 500-600 euros per year.

  • University of Nantes(Université de Nantes). Located in the city of the same name, founded back in 1460. Three main directions are presented: humanitarian sciences, natural, right. Programs are presented for training bachelors, masters, and graduate students. This is a state university, which means paying only a fee of 100-500 euros.

Higher education in France for Russians

The admission procedure for Russians does not differ from the admission conditions for the French. Documents required:

  • Photocopy of pages 3 and 4 of the passport.
  • Application for admission. (The application form is available on the university website).
  • Certificate of language proficiency. (TCF, TEF, DELF, TOEFL, IELTS).
  • Birth certificate. Translated into English or French upon request. (Certificat de naissance).
  • Certificate or diploma with grades. It is advisable to translate it into French. (Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires complètes, Diplôme de Bakalavre).

Documents in French:

  • Resume - CV.
  • Motivation letter - Lettre de motivation.
  • Letters of recommendation - Lettres de recommandation.
  • French language exams: TCF, TEF, DELF, DALF.

The main difference is confirmation of language knowledge. Otherwise, the procedure is similar: documents are submitted, then the applicant undergoes an interview. If the faculty provides entrance examinations, he prepares for them and passes them. Based on the results of the interview and the documents provided, the university decides whether to enroll the applicant or not. Usually, after 2-3 months, a response comes from the institution, which states whether the citizen has entered or not.

Tuition prices vary. If a private educational institute is chosen, on average a person will spend 10-15 thousand euros per year. If you select state university, studies are not paid. Only a fee of 200-800 euros per year is paid. It is different for each institution. The more prestigious the establishment, the higher the fee.

In addition to tuition fees, the student will have to pay for housing. Many establishments provide dormitories. They pay 200-300 euros per month. Some students rent housing, but this is more expensive, costing 500-700 euros per month. On average, 300-500 euros per month will be spent on food, but it all depends on the person’s preferences and the amount of food consumed. Some students actively move around the city during their studies. you will need a travel pass. Its cost is 50-100 euros per month. In large cities it is more expensive.

Second degree

Russian citizens can study in France as part of a second higher education. They are enrolled in the 2-3rd year and submit identical documents as applicants for their first higher education. The conditions are identical, the only difference is that you need to provide a full transcript of your diploma with all grades and number of hours.

This level is available to those who have a bachelor's degree. Education remains free; additional grants are provided to talented applicants. If he wins the grant, then he will be paid a monthly stipend that will cover housing costs.

How to get higher education for free

A free option for obtaining higher education in France is possible if a person has entered a state university or won a grant from a particular university. Grants are published annually on university websites with all requirements and deadlines for submitting documents. The most talented applicants receive grants. In addition to free education, they receive a scholarship that covers all expenses.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many advantages of getting an education in this country.:

  • Higher education in France is provided free of charge to foreigners.
  • Payment for hostel and food is relatively low compared to other European countries.
  • A French diploma is valued all over the world. Getting an education in this country is prestigious.
  • The package of documents is small.
  • You can study in English, not only in French. This is a nice feature of education if a person does not know French.

Despite the advantages, there are also disadvantages. These include the need to pass language exams, translation of documents into French in accordance with GOST and certain standards, and payment of state fees. No further disadvantages have been identified.

  1. French educational institutions have a very high expulsion rate. It reaches 70% in some universities. This means that students are expected to take their studies seriously.

  2. There are very few student dormitories. It is believed that only selected, most talented students live in dormitories. Foreigners should prepare themselves in advance to search for housing.

  3. Universities do not have a 5-point grading system, but a 20-point one. Passing score 10, corresponds to a three; 12-15 points - four; 16-18 points is a five. It is very rare to score above 18 points; this is an A plus. 1% of students receive it.

  4. France offers a huge discount on travel passes for students. You can buy it for a month for 10 cents for all types of transport.

  5. Exams at universities are only written, there are no oral ones.

  6. During classes, students do not respond verbally, but only listen and write down information.

  7. Higher school (Grandes Écoles), unlike the university, is more strict towards applicants. Only the most talented can enter it.

  8. France is an attractive country for foreigners. It allows you to get education for free, with a minimum package of documents.

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