Home Helpful Hints Questionnaire for obtaining snls child sample. For example, it may be. What you need to get SNILS for a foreign citizen

Questionnaire for obtaining snls child sample. For example, it may be. What you need to get SNILS for a foreign citizen


1. What is SNILS for?

For work and retirement. When a person gets a job, the employer needs his SNILS to make contributions to the future pension fund of his employee.

To receive public services in electronic form. Currently, the provision of state and municipal services via the Internet has become widespread. So, using the public services portal service, you can get or exchange a foreign or Russian passport without waiting in line, find out the status of your individual personal account with the Pension Fund of Russia, and much more. Registration on the public services portal and receiving services is possible only if you have SNILS.

To receive government benefits. SNILS is used to form registers of citizens entitled to state social services and benefits. For example, such as receiving free medicines, including for children.

To reduce the number of documents when receiving various services. SNILS serves as an identifier of information about a citizen in the system interagency cooperation. Thus, citizens spend less time getting certificates and documents that need to be submitted to various departments. For example, upon receipt of a certificate for maternity (family) capital.

2. How to get SNILS for adults?

When applying for a job. When concluding an employment contract or a civil law contract, the employer within two weeks sends the employee’s data and the completed one (Approved by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of 11.01.2017 N 2p) to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia. An insurance certificate with SNILS is issued within three weeks, first transferred to the employer, who issues it to the employee.

Independently in the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration (including temporary) or actual residence. Passport must be presented. In this case, issuing an insurance certificate from SNILS takes two weeks. Those who voluntarily make contributions to their future pension to the Pension Fund of Russia for themselves or for another person go through the same procedure.

3. How to get SNILS for children?

To obtain an insurance certificate from SNILS for a child under 14, a mother or father with their own passport and birth certificate can apply to the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence or actual residence. You need to go to the FIU, and no later than two weeks later you will receive an insurance certificate for your child from SNILS. Children over 14 years old can apply on their own with their passport.

4. What to do if you have lost SNILS?

If you are working, contact the Human Resources Department with an application for a duplicate. If you belong to the category of the self-employed population (individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary, etc.), contact the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of your registration as an insurer with. Non-working citizens must submit an application to the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration (including temporary) or actual residence. Within a month from the day the citizen or employer applied, a duplicate of the insurance certificate will be issued.

5. Replacing SNILS when changing a surname.

The personal data indicated on the green card must correspond to the passport data, therefore, when changing the surname, it is necessary to change the insurance certificate to a new one. To do this, it is submitted to the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration (including temporary) or actual residence (through the employer or in person). The previous insurance certificate is attached to the application. All changes are reflected in the individual personal account of the citizen, and he is issued an insurance certificate with the same SNILS, but with a changed surname.

Simple enough. Usually, documents for obtaining SNILS - it's a passport and a statement. However, in some cases, the execution of SNILS has a number of nuances, for example, when a child or a citizen of another country receives a document.

This article discusses all the points that should be considered when submitting documentation for the production of an insurance certificate.

The procedure for issuing SNILS is not the same for different categories of citizens:

  1. If you are officially employed, your direct employer or authorized employees of your organization must submit documents for the production of SNILS for you.
  2. If you are individual entrepreneur or do not work anywhere, you need to come to the branch of the Pension Fund.
  3. A foreign citizen can apply for SNILS himself if he does not work. If there is employment, the employer will take care of the insurance certificate.
  4. For a child under 14 years of age, parents or legal representatives () are involved in the design of SNILS.
  5. A child over 14 years old receives a document on his own, when applying to the Pension Fund.
  6. For persons studying in various institutions (schools, universities), employees of the administration of the institution draw up and issue SNILS.

Many documents can now be issued online, through the public services portal. But, although it is possible that in the future such an opportunity will be realized.

Required documents for registration of SNILS

To apply for and receive SNILS, you will need only two documents:

1) Identity document. Usually this is a passport; for children under the age of 14 - a birth certificate, for citizens of other countries - a residence permit.

When SNILS is drawn up by an employer for an employee, he also fills out an inventory of documents sent by him to the Pension Fund authorities, according to. For receiving a ready-made pension certificate, the employee signs at.

If errors are found in the document, a correction is filled in and sent to the Pension Fund.

Filling out the form ADV-1

You can fill out the questionnaire of the insured person either at the pension office itself or in advance. A sample can be downloaded from the website of the Pension Fund. In some regions, the electronic form is filled out by the employees of the Pension Fund themselves, using the data of the applicant's passport.

In the ADV-1 form, the following information is indicated:

  • Full name, gender;
  • Place of Birth;
  • Date of Birth;
  • citizenship;
  • details of the identity document;
  • the address where you are registered;
  • address of actual residence (if it does not match with registration);
  • contact phone number;
  • date and signature of the applicant.

For the child, the questionnaire is filled in by one of the parents or other legal representative.

Although an adult applicant must personally enter information into the ADV-1 form, in some cases it is allowed to fill out the questionnaire by the employer (if the employee who needs to issue SNILS is on a long business trip or on sick leave). This fact must be mentioned when submitting documents to the Pension Fund.

A citizen of another country can issue SNILS only on condition that he, in accordance with the Federal Law "On legal status foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” cannot be classified as highly qualified specialists.

Until 2015, an indispensable condition for issuing SNILS to a foreigner was also the conclusion of an employment contract for a period of at least six months or an indefinite contract. But now a non-working foreign citizen can also receive an insurance certificate.

When submitting documents to the Pension Fund, it is important to remember that if an identity document is drawn up in another language, it must be translated into Russian and subsequently certified by a notary.

Where and when to pick up the finished SNILS?

Please note that after your official employment, the employer must submit documents for the manufacture of your SNILS within fourteen days.

It usually takes two weeks to make SNILS. If you applied for a certificate through an employer, school or university administration, this period may increase to three weeks.

Accordingly, if you applied to the Pension Fund branch personally, then you must pick up SNILS yourself. Parents receive SNILS for a child.

If the documents for SNILS were submitted by employees of the administration of the educational institution or by the employer, you will take the finished certificate from them.

In the event that an employee quit before he received SNILS, the employer is obliged to notify him of the need to pick up the document and keep it in the employee's personal file.

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--> On the same topic

A citizen who intends to receive SNILS for the first time, or exchange it in case of a change in personal data, or receive a duplicate in case of loss, theft or mechanical damage to the document, is obliged to contact the Pension Fund, the MFC or his employer.

At the same time, the service for issuing or exchanging SNILS, regardless of the method of application, is provided in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 230n dated March 2, 2017 “On Approval ...” (hereinafter referred to as the Order), which refers to the need to provide a questionnaire among other documents.

What questionnaires are

There are three forms of documents used when issuing, replacing or issuing a duplicate of SNILS:

What it is

Definitions in regulations this concept is not given, so we will form it ourselves.

The questionnaire of the insured is a document, the obligation to fill out and provide which is assigned to the applicant, used to register citizens in the obligatory system. pension insurance, replacement or issuance of a duplicate of SNILS, the form and rules for filling out which are approved by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 2p dated January 11. 2017 “On Approval…”.

What is needed for registration

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Clauses 16 and 17 of the Order regulate that, in addition to the questionnaire in the appropriate form, the applicant will be required to:

  • passport or other document identifying the person;
  • power of attorney and passport of the representative (if not the insured person applies, but his representative);
  • a child's birth certificate, a document establishing guardianship or guardianship, a parent's or legal representative's passport - when parents apply for SNILS for a child under 14 years of age.

If the above documents are sent by mail, they will need to be notarized.

Where to get an application

You can take the questionnaire form at the place of submission of other documents, that is, in the territorial division of the PFR or the MFC.

Download other forms:

How to fill out an application for obtaining SNILS

Here are examples of filling out the questionnaire in different situations.

Samples of filling ADV-1 and ADV-2:

To kid

For children under 14 years old, the ADV-1 questionnaire is filled out by their parents (legal representatives). Please fill in capital letters only.




Is filling required?

Full name In them. case If there is no patronymic, you can not indicate
Floor The letter "M" or "Zh" is put Necessarily
Date of Birth Format: DD month YYYY, for example, JUNE 23, 1992 Necessarily
City (village, village) The name of the settlement. paragraph is written in them. case, without any abbreviations and without using the words “city, village, village” It is not necessary if the passport or other document identifying the person does not contain information about the place of birth of the person
Area The district is indicated if the applicant does not live in the capital, not in administrative center subject of the Russian Federation or not in the center of the municipality See "City"
Region (krai, republic) The name of the subject of Russia is written without abbreviations. The words “region, krai, republic” are obligatory. Example: “NOVGOROD REGION” See "City"
Country Example: “AUSTRIA”, “FRANCE”, “SPAIN” For applicants born in the former republics of the USSR, the column is not filled in
Citizenship The state of which the insured child is a citizen is registered. Example: “RUSSIA”, “ABKHAZIA”, “PUERTO RICO” Necessarily. If the child is stateless, “Stateless person” is put
Registration address For children from Russia, the order of the elements of the address is as follows: subject of the Russian Federation, district, city, population. point, street, house, building, apartment (the country is indicated only for foreigners).

Example. index: 215194 address: SVERDLOVSK REGION, LOWER SERGI G, KARLA MARKSA STR, D. 19, KV. eleven

Optional, if the document identifying the person does not contain information about the registration address
Residence address… The filling procedure is the same as for the registration address You do not need to fill in this column if the registration address is the same as the address of residence
Phones Write your home or work phone number Not necessary
View… The name of the document is written, which the applicant presents along with the questionnaire (for a child - a birth certificate). Please indicate according to the table below. Example: “BIRTH CERTIFICATE” Necessarily
Serial number Example: “4652 437629” Mandatory for all documents except those listed in the table below as “Other”. For these documents, the series and number are indicated if available
date of issue Format: DD month YYYY. Example: “JANUARY 21, 1976” Necessarily
Issued by The name of the authority that issued the identity card is rewritten, as in this identity card Necessarily
Date of completion Format: DD month YYYY Necessarily

Sample Fill:

For a foreign citizen

The nuances of filling out ADV-1 for citizens from abroad:

  • in the columns “Address of registration” and “Address of residence ...”, a foreigner must first indicate the country, as it is written in (approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation No. 5290-st of December 14, 2001 “On acceptance ...”), other elements (city, apartment, building), etc. can be specified in any order;
  • when filling in the above columns, it is recommended to use generally accepted abbreviations (their list is below).

For duplicate

A duplicate of SNILS is issued within 1 month after the submission of the ADV-3 form and related documents.

Form ADV-3 differs from ADV-1 by the presence of:

  • additional block of fields “Data, valid…”;
  • section filled in by the insured (employer).

The block of fields “Data, valid ...” is filled in only if the citizen has changed such personal data as:

  • date or place of birth.

If nothing has changed, that is, everything remains, as in the old SNILS, the block does not need to be filled out. The remaining fields are filled in the same way as for the ADV-1 form.

The employer, if the issuance of SNILS is planned through him, in a block specially designated for him:

  • prescribes fear. personal account number of your employee;
  • crosses out “Submitted” or “Will be submitted to the FIU” (depending on whether information about the earnings and length of service of the insured person was transmitted or not yet).

Sample Fill:

So, the questionnaire is necessary upon initial receipt of SNILS, when replacing it, or, if necessary, taking a duplicate.

The form of the questionnaire depends on the basis of the appeal. It should be filled in block capital letters in accordance with the rules specified in this article.

One of the mandatory personal documents is SNILS, a pension policy with a unique number for each citizen. This light green card plays important role, over the years, its value only increases. You can apply for an individual card at any age by fulfilling the necessary and mandatory conditions, but it is recommended to do this as early as possible. The insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) can be obtained for a minor. Why this is necessary and how to issue a certificate will be described in this article.

Why does a child need SNILS?

A person's personal data is entered into the database of the Pension Fund, where information is accumulated for future pensions and social benefits. In terms of significance, the insurance number is comparable to the TIN, but carries broader information. The number is assigned once and cannot be changed throughout a person's life. If the plastic card itself is lost or damaged, a duplicate can be obtained upon application. But the information will remain unchanged, and the number will be repeated on a new copy.

The document itself contains the following information:

  • unique serial number;
  • Name of the owner;
  • place and date of birth of a citizen;
  • the gender of the person;
  • date of issue.

A personal insurance card allows you to make pension contributions and receive social benefits. But in the future, SNILS will perform increasingly broad functions of accounting for and receiving social benefits, payments under various budget items.

An insurance certificate must be issued by foreign citizens, regardless of the period of residence in the Russian Federation. Until this year, when applying for a job for 6 months or more, a foreigner was required to receive SNILS. Now this is a prerequisite for any period of official work, for which the employer is responsible.

Assigning an insurance individual number to children is required for a number of important reasons.

  • 1. For a child with a disability, obtaining a number is necessary, according to which he is registered in social lists for pension benefits.
  • 2. SNILS is required for registration on the State Services portal. This is the most convenient and modern way obtaining references and documents. In the name of a citizen registered by insurance number, you can take advantage of many convenient opportunities without leaving your home.
  • 3. The number is used to identify the child in educational institution, accounting and control when changing schools or in other educational processes.
  • 4. Without a number, a teenager will not be able to get a job during the holidays and after studying for a job.
  • 5. Participation in social and educational programs requires presence. For example, for free dairy or drug coverage, school lunches, or other benefits.

Parents should take care of getting a card. Since 2012 providing medicines children under 3 years old are free of charge if SNILS is issued. If necessary, the child will be admitted to a hospital, but parents will have to quickly hurry up and issue an individual insurance number, providing it to a medical institution. In the event of the loss of a breadwinner, a pension will be assigned to the child if there is a policy; SNILS will be required to receive the funded part of the pensions of their parents, if there are such instructions.

If a teenager went to work and officially got a job, then the obligation initial clearance policy falls on the employer. The personnel officer receives SNILS at the request of the teenager, delivers him to the service, where he hands it to the owner. It is forbidden to have an employee without a formalized SNILS, the same procedure takes place in an educational institution. Policies are issued immediately to all children, the administration is engaged in the procedure. Children with Russian citizenship, foreign nationals temporarily or permanently residing in Russia can receive the card.

The government plans to give every citizen electronic card, containing all the personal information about the owner for all occasions. The transition to a modern personal identity card will be carried out using the SNILS card. In the future, you will not need to present personal documents and certificates, it is enough to have an electronic passport with all the summary information. The future replacement of SNILS will include information on TIN, pension, medical insurance, passport data and much more.

The development and implementation of a universal electronic passport has been carried out since 2012, it will be much easier for SNIL owners to get a modern personal identifier.

You cannot get SNILS through the State Services, since the information is considered confidential. The initial appeal must be made in person or through a trustee in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.

  • 1. For a child under 14 years of age, an application is written by parents, guardians or social workers.
  • 2. SNILS can be obtained by an authorized school or other educational institution.
  • 3. After the age of 14, a teenager can independently apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

On the regional level agreements are concluded between the registry office and the FIU, according to which, at birth and obtaining a certificate, information is automatically transferred to the Pension Fund, where parents come to receive a ready-made insurance card. This greatly simplifies the procedure, the child receives an insurance certificate from birth.

The procedure for obtaining SNILS for a child

The process of obtaining a personal policy is transparent and simple, you need to come to the district office and provide a parent's passport and a child's birth certificate. The form is filled out, you can ask an employee to help enter the data. The signature is put by the parent, if the teenager has a passport, then he personally signs the questionnaire. Children under 14 do not have to be taken with them to the FIU; after this age, parents simply accompany them, if possible.

By general rules a pension certificate is issued after 3 weeks, you can find out about readiness by contact numbers. Some delays in terms may be due to the influx of applicants, therefore, receipt of SNILS should not be postponed.

When registering, you must confirm the citizenship of the child. Now, when registering, the registry office issues an insert or makes a note in the children's certificate. If the mark or insert is missing, then you will need to provide a certificate from the migration service. A problem may arise if the parent's passport is expired and invalid at the time of the application. You will have to come for the certificate again when the passport is replaced.

Foreign citizens applying for an insurance number must provide a translation of their passport and accompanying documents. The translation is done in specialized notaries, where it is certified after the translation.

There are life situations when adults do not have information whether SNILS is issued to the child. Confidential information can be obtained by personally contacting the FIU department, providing a certificate confirming the right. You can immediately write an application for a duplicate, providing explanations. Employees will provide up-to-date information, whether the child is included in the unified register, whether it has an identification number.

No one can force you to get SNILS, this is a recommendatory procedure. At the same time, we must not forget that contacting a polyclinic, placement in a preschool and school institution will require the presentation or execution in an organized manner of the document. It is preferable to issue a policy in advance, so as not to wait finished document at a critical moment.

In most cases, citizens have a positive attitude towards the introduction of SNILS. The document allows you to simplify the workflow in children's, medical and social institutions. Having a policy allows you to count on social benefits and subsidies, for example, receiving subsidies for school meals and content in kindergarten. Some parents have a negative attitude towards state control and accounting, but they must understand that they are depriving their children of the opportunity to receive social assistance.

Already when the child is placed in preschool, nursery or Kindergarten, parents will be required to have a copy of his SNILS. This is due to the receipt of subsidies for food and medical insurance for the child. So that there is no conflict in the clinic, kindergarten or other public institution parents should take out an insurance policy immediately after the birth of the child.

How to get SNILS for a child

SNILS (Insurance number of an individual personal account) for a foreigner is a document that provides an opportunity to receive public services and ensures social security. In addition, it is on this document that various data about a citizen are recorded: his work experience, information about the funds transferred to his insurance account, etc. How to get SNILS foreign citizen- find out further.

Where do SNILS for foreign citizens

Obtaining procedure this document is made in the regional branch of the pension fund of Russia at the place of residence or registration. You can apply for SNILS either on your own or through your employer, i.e. the number is issued directly to the employee at the request of the boss. In the second case, the employer will have to indicate the reason why the foreigner could not appear in person.

The issue of obtaining SNILS for children of foreigners is a little more difficult to resolve. You can get a plastic card for a newborn child both at the pension fund and at the district multifunctional center. Until the age of 14, a kindergarten or school will take care of creating a green card for a child. After receiving a passport, the child will have to independently come to the PF department and receive a document. If he does not want or cannot for some reason do it on his own, then at the very first place of work he will be offered to conduct this procedure employer.

Documents for creating a plastic card

A foreign citizen applying to Pension Fund to obtain SNILS, you must have with you:
  1. Identification. If you do not have a passport with you, then you can present the following documents for identification: a passport, a birth certificate, an officer's identity card, etc.
  2. Translation of the passport translated and certified by a notary. To do this, you must first apply to a translation agency for a translation of your passport, and then to any notary office. Usually the procedure takes about a day, and its price starts from 1000 rubles.
  3. Questionnaire. The form and filling rules are issued directly to the pension fund.
  4. A document confirming the legality of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation. This may be a TRP in the passport - a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation.
  5. Child's birth certificate. If you want to apply for SNILS for a newborn child, then in addition to your identity card and a specially completed questionnaire, you will definitely need to present a birth certificate for the baby.

Filling out the application form for obtaining SNILS

The foreigner must fill out the questionnaire on his own, but in some cases this can be done by the dispatcher. It is allowed to enter data both in Russian and in foreign language. In the latter case, you will need to attach a notarized copy, literally translated into Russian, to the questionnaire.

The following fields must be filled in the form:

  • Name and gender.
  • Date and place of birth.
  • Information about the place of registration and actual residence.
  • Phone number to be contacted.
  • Basic data from the passport.
At the end, the date of filling is indicated, and the signature of the citizen is also put.

The questionnaire must be filled out without corrections, strikethroughs and other forms of correction. In this case, only printed letters. The data indicated in the questionnaire must fully coincide with the real ones.

Features of obtaining SNILS

To obtain a plastic card by a foreign citizen, the following information is useful:
  • The manufacturing process does not require financial investments. Regardless of the age or duration of residence of a foreigner in the territory of the Russian Federation, SNILS is done completely free of charge.
  • According to Law No. 115-FZ, a citizen registering in the compulsory insurance system should not be classified as highly qualified specialists.
  • A mandatory questionnaire can be found on the Internet, for example, on the website of public services or PF, download and fill out in electronic version. Then the document must be printed, signed and presented to the PF.
  • For foreign citizens who have recently arrived in the Russian Federation, in order to obtain SNILS, you will need to conclude labor contract with an employer for at least 6 months.
  • Can a pension fund refuse to issue SNILS? Only in this case, if the system already has a registered person with similar profile data.
In all other respects, obtaining SNILS for residents of Russia and foreign citizens is an absolutely equivalent process.

How long does it take to receive SNILS?

Before you get SNILS to a foreign citizen, you will need to wait certain time after submission of documents. These terms may vary depending on which method of obtaining SNILS a foreign citizen liked:
  • When ordering a document on your own in the PF department, the production period established for all is about 3 weeks.
  • If the registration of SNILS is implemented through the employer, then you will have to wait a little longer. The employer has the right to submit an application to the Pension Fund within 14 days from the date the foreigner starts working for him. After that, the plastic card is made within 3 weeks. The law then gives the employer one more week to hand over the certificate to the employee. Therefore, in this case receipt of SNILS may be delayed for another 3 weeks compared to the previous method.

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