Home Useful properties of fruits Documents for admission to American universities. Education in the USA: go to university. Preparatory courses in the USA

Documents for admission to American universities. Education in the USA: go to university. Preparatory courses in the USA

AT modern world more and more attention is paid to education and, of course, if it allows financial position many choose to study abroad. This is where a lot of questions arise - what exams you need to take, what documents are essential, etc. This article will focus on education in the United States. American school system, of course, is very similar to ours and does not pose such difficulties, unlike higher education. Let's start in order...

American school education consists of 12 classes ( 12 grades, not 1 2 classes, by the way, a very common mistake).

The entire school system is divided into 4 levels:

  1. elementary schoolPrimary School, also includes preschool education from 4 to 5 years ( preschool), Kindergarten from 5 to 6 years old kindergarten) and grades 1-5 ( 1st through 5th grades) children 6-11 years old.
  2. middle school- the so-called "intermediate school" or secondary school from 6th to 8th grades ( 6th through 8th grades).
  3. high school – also high school or “ old school”, but from grades 9 to 12 ( 9th through 12th grades).
    • A 9th grade student is called - freshman / frozen- Undergraduate, newbie
    • 10th grade student - sophomore (grade 10) is a sophomore this case a student in the second grade of the “high school”.
    • 11th grade student junior (grade 11) is a student of the penultimate course, a student at the third (penultimate) stage of the “high school”.
    • 12th grade student senior (grade 12) is a student of the last year, a student of the graduating class.

    In the States, students are called students ( students not pupils).

  4. At the end of grade 12, students take final exams and receive a certificate ( High School Diploma). After leaving school, they have a choice: either continue their education and go to college / university, or go to work. But in our article we will focus on the first.

  5. Higher education / Post secondary education- higher education.

This is where we start in more detail. Before entering, the applicant needs to decide which “category of students” he (a) belongs to. They are divided into:

  • New Freshman Student(beginner, applicant immediately after school).
  • Transfer Student(applicant / student who transferred to the university after preparatory program college for university applicants or a student who transferred from one educational institution to another due to a change of residence, etc.).
  • Graduate Student(applicant / student who has a bachelor's degree, but has nothing to do with graduate school, who wants to continue his studies).
  • adult & returning(an adult who for some reason interrupted his studies in the past and decided to resume it, or a student who decided to go to work after graduation and now, some time later, decided to continue his education).
  • International Student(foreign student / applicant).
  • Re-Entry Student(an applicant / student who entered a higher educational institution, who for some reason interrupted the course of study and now wants to re-enter and continue his studies).
  • Non-Degree Student(applicant who is not sure about the choice of profession and institute, registering for any general subjects).
  • Second Degree Student(a student pursuing a second degree (e.g. bachelor) in some other field ( major)).

Thus, it is very important to know which group the applicant / student belongs to, since the order of admission can vary significantly.

Consider the admission process for the most common category of applicants New Freshmen Students.

  1. When the choice of university and specialty is made, the applicant will have to submit an application and related documents ( Application Process). But nowadays, thanks to the Internet, the entire application process has been simplified, i.e. you don’t need to go anywhere - all documents can be sent over the Internet ( Apply Online). Of course, each university has its own application deadlines ( Deadlines), and you need to have time to submit documents, otherwise you will have to wait for the next set.
  2. As mentioned earlier, you can fill out an application online (submit your application online) and immediately pay for the application ( application fee), or there is a second option: you can send a personal check ( personal check) or postal remittance (money order) by mail.
  3. In addition to the application, you must send an academic transcript or a certificate ( official transcripts / High School Diploma), but the student himself does not send it, the school does it.
  4. You also need to send test results ( Test Scores) required for admission.
    This may be the standardized test for college admissions in the US ( ACTAmerican College Testing) or the School Assessment Test ( SATScholastic Assessment Test). Various educational institutions require different exams, but they are all taken by students at school.
  5. After all the documents have been sent, you need to wait for the decision on enrollment ( Admission Decision). After selection committee will receive your documents, the applicant will receive a confirmation of their receipt and information on how to check their status by mail online, each student has his own page on the site, through which he can check his status at any time.

Here is such a simple process of entering colleges / universities that American applicants go through. In fact, everything is very easy and understandable.

I would also like to talk about the process of enrolling foreign students / applicants in US colleges / universities, it is very similar to the previous one, but with some changes and additions.

  1. The first step is the same, go to the page of the college or university and fill out the application online (Apply Online).
  2. In the same way, you need to pay for the application ( Application fee).
  3. Also, the applicant must send a certificate ( High School Diploma) or academic transcript ( Academic Records) or diploma ( Diploma), depending on what stage of study he is at the university. All academic achievements must be official, copies translated into English and certified by a notary ( officially-certified copies of original academic records). Moreover, they must also be sent on behalf of the school or university where the student studied (studies).

    Basically, all educational institutions require reassessment ( evaluation) certificate, academic certificate or diploma for American system education. That is, if in Russian system educational achievement assessment ( grades) from 2 to 5, then in the American from 1 to 100, an important role is played by the number of hours taken in each subject (for an academic certificate / diploma). Some educational institutions themselves do such a reassessment, but then the application fee increases accordingly, since it includes the reassessment fee ( evaluation fee).

  4. Applicants for whom English is not native ( native language is not English), must provide proof of language proficiency ( Proof of English Proficiency) is a test for knowledge of English as a foreign language ( Test of English as a Foreign Language or International English Language Testing System(International English language testing system)).
  5. Then you need to wait for the decision on enrollment ( Admission Decision).
  6. After enrollment, applicants must obtain a visa F-1 (student visa) through the embassy, ​​and together with it, provide an adequate source of funding for accommodation and tuition fees ( proof of adequate funds to live and study full-time).

Of course, all of the steps listed may vary slightly depending on the educational institution in which the applicant enters. Changes may also vary by state, as each state has its own rules and laws. In the next article, I will also go into detail about university education, forms of study, fees and, of course, student life for American students!

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In April 2009, on my email mailbox a letter arrives, a translation and summary which looks like this:

How it happened, what kind of university it is, and why it happened, this whole post is about this in a very short version. The post is not about how to get into Harvard, the post is about how to get into a good American university, do not pay tuition and receive a scholarship.

In response to the fifth invitation, I sent a letter asking for an extension of the decision-making time for me, and received it. On the other hand, in Notre Dame, I sent a letter asking to expedite the resolution of the issue, since I already have proposals. Thus, protecting yourself from both sides.

A few days later, I receive the letter from Notre Dame, which is at the beginning of this post.

These were the most vivid, memorable and deep emotions that I have ever experienced in 21 years of my life.


Passing three TOEFL, two GRE, payment of applications, postal items and other admission costs - $3,500 and two years of time. Get off the plane to Chicago with an invitation and the opportunity to study in one of the top universities America is priceless.

Update: Due to the flow of questions and the inability to answer every letter, but the presence of a desire to help applicants, I am ready to personally communicate on a commercial basis with anyone really interested in admission.

Answers to your questions (first part):
Answers to your questions (Second part):
Answers to your questions (Third part):
Answers to your questions (Fifth part):

All entries in this blog.

Step 1: Language.

In order to study well at a US university, you need to be fluent in English. In my case, I started learning it in the 9th grade. At first, all that year I went to English language courses, but this time passed in vain. It seems to me that it is better to learn a language with a tutor, and not in a group. Perhaps you will ask a question like: "But what about communication with people, you need to develop a skill in conversation." I believe that it can be developed by talking only with a teacher.

Then I decided to study with a teacher. She explained the most basic things to me, such as tenses, indirect speech, etc.

Vocabulary development.

To remember a lot of words, it is not enough just to memorize them. Watch movies, read books, listen to songs in English. I also made cards with words, on the one hand I wrote a word in English, and on the other, a translation and divided them into three piles: words that I remembered, which I don’t remember very well, and those words that I didn’t remember at all. She also made other cards, stupidly translated words, and hung them throughout the apartment.

Step 2: Exams.

Of course, entrance exams are required. For international students, either TOEFL or IELTS is required. I took the TOEFL. It consists of reading, two essays, listening and speaking. The entire exam takes place on a computer. You also need to pass the SAT or ACT. These are some analogues of our exam. What is the difference between SAT and ACT? If you are taking the SAT, then you will most likely have to take two subject tests (tests in subjects, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry). The SAT itself consists of several sections: mathematics, reading, composition, task for vocabulary. The ACT consists of reading, English, math, science and essay sections.

You are given 35 minutes to read. You need to read 4 tests, each about 600 words and answer the questions. Each text has 10 questions. A total of 40 questions. For me, this is the most hard part test.

English - 45 minutes, 5 texts, 75 questions. It is necessary to correct errors in the proposed texts. The part is quite doable.

Mathematics - 60 questions, 60 minutes. It is not at all complicated, it covers the program of grades 9-10.

Science - 6-7 texts for any scientific topic, for each of 5-6 questions. Based on what you read, you need to answer these questions. Difficulties arose with various scientific terms.

Essay - 30 minutes, minimum 400 words. Topics are mostly about school or university. Like "some people think that computers are needed in libraries, others think that they don't. Express your opinion."

Initially, I wanted to take both the SAT and ACT. But one day I realized that the physical did not have time to prepare for five exams. So I decided to take only TOEFL and ACT.

Also was a big problem looking for a teacher who could prepare me for the exams. In my small town it is very difficult to find such a person. As a result, for some time I studied on Skype personally with an American. Then I found a teacher who was able to prepare me for the TOEFL and partly for the ACT.


I mainly bought them in the USA, but you can also find them on eBay. We had a store of foreign literature in the city, I also ordered there. But it turned out to be more expensive. On average, 2000 rubles per textbook.

To pass these exams, you need to constantly study, no matter how obvious it may sound. On average, I spent 3-5 hours a day preparing for tests for almost two years. There was enough time. because I didn't know the language very well.

Step 3: Finding a university.

So, when the exams are passed, you can look for a university. I focused on the east coast. I just went to various ratings and looked for universities. in Excel, a table was compiled in which there were many criteria - rating, location, exams, etc.

It is advisable to apply to six universities, and distribute them as follows: two universities are very good, two are normal, and the last two are not very good, which you will definitely enter.

Step 4: Submission of documents.

Here is the most painstaking part.

Scroll required documents for my universities:

  1. Curriculum in all subjects starting from the seventh grade (in Russian and in English).
  2. My marks.
  3. Class rating.
  4. Information about the school.
  5. Completing a separate questionnaire for each university.
  6. Approximately 3 essays for each university (why our university? Tell us about yourself, etc.).
  7. I also decided to make a portfolio, in which all my diplomas, medals, participation in various competitions.
  8. Letters of recommendation from three teachers.

Since I applied to six universities, I got a lot of paper. The whole apartment turned into a printing house for a few days. :)

So, in early January, I finished collecting all the documents and sent them to universities.

At the end of March, I began to receive answers. In the end, I got into everything, but last university gave the answer only at the beginning of June. Initially, they did not want to take me, since I did not send them my certificate for the 11th grade. I didn't have it back then. But in the end, they still sent an invitation letter.

Step 5: Getting a visa.

After you have been accepted, you must give an answer to the universities you want to go to. Then they will send you a document called I-20. You must go with him to the embassy. the main objective- to prove to the consul that you will return back to Russia after the training. It is necessary to prepare documents that prove that you have something left in Russia - documents for an apartment, a car, etc.

Thus, the admission process was not easy and took a long time. But it's worth it, believe me.

study at an American university.

This year I started studying at Pennsylvania State University. So, first, some information about the university itself.

Pennsylvania State university (Penn state) is one of the largest universities in America, which is part of the so-called Public ivi (ivy league state universities). It has about 90 thousand students. There are 20 campuses scattered throughout the state. The largest of them is University Park with 39,000 students. About him, in fact, will be discussed further.

The campus area is 20 square kilometers. Near the university there is a small town State college, where you can find many cafes and restaurants. Although, rather, it will be more profitable for the student to eat on campus. This will be discussed a little later.

Oddly enough, it's hard to find home improvement stores in State college. You have to drive five minutes by taxi or bus to the huge Walmart store. Here's what's missing in it. :)

The campus itself is, in fact, a huge park. Here you can easily stumble upon squirrels, ducks, hares. Students love to lie on the grass and just walk. Since there are many people studying here, in some places you can feel the crowd, but you can get used to it.


The university has all the conditions for a comfortable study. Many libraries, special rooms for classes. Our main library is one of the largest in the country, larger only at Harvard University. America has a different education system than Russia. Here you yourself choose the subjects that you will take in the semester (semester). If you do not like the class, then you can change it to another, but until a certain date. Each class has a number of so-called credits (points). On average, each class weighs 3 credits, some - 4 credits ( foreign languages and complex mathematics), there are generally 1.5 (sports classes). Each undergraduate student (our bachelor's degree) must have a minimum of 12 credits per semester.

Also, at first you can not decide on a specialty and take general subjects that everyone must pass (general education).

The teachers here are all sincere and open. Everyone has special hours when you can come and consult on any issue. Huge minus - expensive textbooks. Even if rented, a tidy sum comes out. On average one new textbook costs 150-250 dollars.


The university has many dormitory complexes. All of them, to be honest, different levels. Luckily I got best option dorms, it has a block system (two rooms plus a bathroom). In other complexes, all amenities are on the floor, which is not very convenient.

My dorm complex is the smallest in the entire university, only five buildings. The dining room is located in the main building. playroom, computer lab(each student is given 500 free printable pages per semester). In the dormitories on the first floor there is a large plasma to which you can connect a laptop, and easy chairs. It turns out a mini-cinema. There is also a laundry room, rehearsal rooms.

All freshmen are required to live in a hostel. Then you have to apply for the lottery and if you win, you can live on campus and in next year. Many students rent apartments off campus. In terms of money, it comes out cheaper than a hostel.


You can eat in any canteen you want. There is a special system called "meal plan". You choose the level that suits you (from 1 to 6), in each level different amount canteen visits. I chose level 4 for myself, 16 visits per week.

The food here is quite good, for all tastes. From salads and sandwiches to sushi.

They also make their own ice cream, which is delicious. :)

ID card.

At the beginning of the training, you are given an ID card, on which you can put not only money for food, but also for other needs. She can pay at many stores on campus and at State college. You also pay her for laundry.

Also on campus, the card acts as a kind of passport. Without it, you will not enter the hostel, you will not register for classes, etc.


There are plenty of tennis courts on campus. playgrounds, swimming pools. We also have an ice arena and a stadium that can accommodate more than 100,000 people. Our university is known for its football team, which is considered one of the best student teams in the United States.

We also have our own museum, theater.

There are many groups, circles and clubs of interest, in which they constantly offer to sign up.

Foreign students at the university.

This year, the university received approximately 100,000 applications from foreigners, but only accepted 17,000. Here, no one pays attention to accents or bad pronunciation. For everyone, this is a common thing.

There are very few Russians here. Perhaps 5 pieces for the entire first course.

Of course, at first there are difficulties with the language, but at any time you can come to the office for foreign students, where everything will be told and explained to you. People are always ready to help and support.

How to enter a US university.

13 ratings, average rating: 5 out of 5

This article will cover - On Campus Plus. The program was created to give foreign students opportunity to receive a diploma prestigious universities USA. The article will introduce Kings centers located on the basis of university campuses, which allows you to fully integrate into student life and attend classes with American students, as well as receive support from staff and a university advisor. We are always there to support you.

US College Admissions Program - On Campus Plus: Admission to the Top 100 US Universities

The On Campus Plus program is your path to a prestigious university degree. The goal of Kings Centers is not only to prepare you for your first year, but also to help you choose and enroll in the most suitable university for you, which will be a step towards achieving your dreams.

Get into one of the top 100 universities

Kings On Campus Plus programs help you achieve the best results. With the help and support of our university consultants, you will enter the university of your dreams.

Where does your path to higher education in America begin?

Start your studies at one of the Kings partner universities. After completing the first or second year, you can move on to the next course at any university in the United States. And we will help you get into the university of your dreams.

Your prospects: A diploma from one of the top 100 US universities

More than 60% of our students have received places in 100 best universities USA out of over 4,000 higher educational institutions America.

Place in the US University RankingsUniversity name
21 Emory University
23 University of Southern California
29 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
30 Boston College
32 New York University
33 University of Rochester
36 Georgia Institute of Technology
37 University of California - Santa Barbara
39 University of California - San Diego
41 Boston University
41 University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
47 Northeastern University
47 Pennsylvania State University- University Park
51 University of Miami
52 Ohio State University - Columbus
52 University of Washington
57 George Washington University
57 University of Connecticut
57 University of Maryland-College Park
61 Syracuse University
66 Fordham University
69 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
72 american university
72 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick
75 Indiana University - Bloomington
75 Michigan State University
75 University of Delaware
75 University of Massachusetts-Amherst
82 University of California-Santa Cruz
82 University of Iowa
89 Stony Brook University-SUNY
89 University of Colorado-Boulder
89 University of San Diego
89 University of Vermont
96 University of Alabama
99 Drexel University
99 University at Buffalo - SUNY

Benefits of the US Pathway Program - On Campus Plus

1. No preparation year - saving time and money

If you have enough high level English and completed school education, then you do not need to take an additional year of preparation.

2. Study with American students

You will become a full-fledged student from the very first day: you will study in the chosen direction, attend classes with other American students.

3. Large selection of courses at the university

At all universities you will have a wide choice of courses in business, computing, science and humanities, medicine, etc.

4. Kings employees on campus

While studying on the program, you can always contact the Kings center, which is located right on campus. Here you will be helped on any academic and domestic issues.

5. Continue your studies or choose a university for transfer

After completing the 1st or 2nd course, you can continue your studies or, with the support of a university consultant, choose another university to transfer to the next course.

6. Get a diploma from one of the top 100 US universities

More than 60% of our students received places in the top 100 US universities in 2015.

Overview of courses by center:

  1. Program: Admission to the bachelor's degree. Duration: 1-4 trimesters. Beginning of the program: August, January. Class size: depends on the course. English level: depends on the course.
  2. Program: Undergraduate Preparation Program. Duration: 1-7 trimesters. Beginning of the program: January, March, June, September. Class size: maximum 15. English level: from the initial (beginner).
  3. Program: High School Completion Program. Duration: 1 trimester. Beginning of the program: January, March, June, September. Class size: maximum 20. English level: TOEFL iBT 61.
  1. Program: Admission to the bachelor's degree. Duration: 1-4 trimesters. Beginning of the program: August, January. Class size: depends on the course. English level: depends on the course.
  2. Program: Undergraduate Preparation Program. Duration: 1-7 trimesters. Beginning of the program: January, March, June, September. Class size: maximum 15. English level: from the initial (beginner).
  3. Program: High School Completion Program. Duration: 1 trimester. Beginning of the program: January, March, June, September. Class size: maximum 20. English level: TOEFL iBT 61.
  4. Program: Semester in the USA: University Abroad. Duration: 1-2 trimesters. Beginning of the program: August, January. Class size: depends on the course. English level: depends on the course.
  1. Program: Admission to the bachelor's degree. Duration: 1-4 trimesters. Beginning of the program: August, January. Class size: depends on the course. English level: depends on the course.
  2. Program: Undergraduate Preparation Program. Duration: 1-7 trimesters. Beginning of the program: January, March, June, September. Class size: maximum 15. English level: from the initial (beginner).
  3. Program: Semester in the USA: University Abroad. Duration: 1-2 trimesters. Beginning of the program: August, January. Class size: depends on the course. English level: depends on the course.
  4. Program: Preparing for a Master's Degree - Graduate Preparation Program. Duration: 1-7 trimesters. Start of the program: January. Class size: maximum 15. English level: from the initial (beginner).
  1. Program: Preparing for a Master's Degree - Graduate Preparation Program. Duration: 1-7 trimesters. Start of the program: January. Class size: maximum 15. English level: from the initial (beginner).

On Campus Plus Program: Undergraduate Admissions

On the On Campus Plus program, you do not need to take a preparatory year before entering a university if you have a sufficiently high level of English and have school certificate. This means you save time and money.

Centers: Marymount California University (Kings Los Angeles), .

Entry requirements, duration, results:

  • : TOEFL iBT 80; GPA: 2.5 (3.0 natural Sciences)
  • TOEFL iBT: 74; GPA 2.5
  • : TOEFL iBT 69; GPA: 2.5
  • TOEFL iBT 61; GPA 2.5

Duration: from 1 year (1 course)

Occupations: established by the university


  • Deep knowledge in basic subjects that are studied in the first courses
  • Adaptation in the system of higher education in the United States and assistance of a specialist in choosing a specialty and university

Study with American Students

From the very first day you study under the program of the university together with other American students.

Academic credits

After completing the 1st or 2nd course, you will receive enough credits to immediately go to the next course at another university or continue your studies at the chosen university.

Demanded specializations in US universities

Depending on the chosen university and the direction of study, you will be offered a wide range of subjects to study. The list of specialties offered at universities is below:

Marymount California University (Kings Los Angeles)
Architecture (Architecture) Yes
Business and Management (Business and Management)
Computer Science (Computer Science)
Digital Media (Digital Media)
Yes YesYes
Economics and Finance (Economics and Finance)
Engineering (Engineering)
Fine Arts (Fine Arts)
Health Sciences and Nursing (Health and Nursing Sciences)
Liberal Arts, Humanities (Liberal and Humanities)
Mathematics (Mathematics)
Music / Performing Arts (Music and Performing Arts)
Natural Sciences (Natural Sciences)
Pre-Law (Preparation for Law)
Pre-Medicine (Preparation for Medicine)
Social Sciences (Social Sciences)

Study Options at US Universities

After completing the 1st or 2nd year, you can choose whether to continue your studies at the chosen university or transfer to any other university in the United States.

Undergraduate Preparation - Preparation for undergraduate studies in the USA

If your level of English is not high enough to enter a university, then there is an undergraduate preparation program in the United States especially for you - Undergraduate Preparation, which is held on the university campus before starting university studies and is aimed at developing all the necessary language skills.

Centers: Los Angeles (Marymount), and

English level: from elementary Beginner

Duration: 1 - 7 trimesters

Lessons: average 25 hours per week (plus 12-15 hours of self-study)


  • Improving English to the level required for admission to a university
  • Learning and practicing the key academic skills required for university studies

Main modules

  • English for academic purposes
  • General Academic Skills
  • Preparation for TOEFL

High Intensity Curriculum

  • Small group training
  • Individual sessions with a teacher
  • Frequent testing
  • Regular progress reports


On average, a student improves the level of English by 10 - 15 points on the TOEFL iBT scale within one trimester. More capable students can achieve results in more short term. In case your progress is slower, you can change the duration of the course.

Here you will find detailed description self-admission process American universities.

To get comprehensive information from the universities you are interested in, ask questions to their representatives directly on the pages of US universities.

The sequence of actions for admission to a US university

STEP 1: Choose the right universities

Need help - order the service of individual selection of the university and program.

STEP 2: Choose a specialization

If you know exactly what profession you will study, great! See the US university program finder to select programs of interest.

Not sure which specialization to choose - see the list of subjects taught in American universities and the video below about professions that will be in demand in Russia and the world in the next 5-20 years.

STEP 4: Register on the university website

Often full list Admission requirements and exact questions for motivational and recommendation letters can only be found on the university application form. Therefore, it makes sense to register in the online system for submitting an application to the university in order to familiarize yourself with the exact entry requirements before you start working on its preparation.

In America, automated online systems applications to universities, through which you can send the same application to several universities. The most popular are Common Application and Universal College Application. Be careful: some universities can only send documents through them, while others do not accept applications through these systems. You can only use one of these systems, so before registering, determine the list of desired universities and prioritize.

Unlike undergraduate studies, applications for admission to master's programs are submitted to universities directly - as a rule, through the online form on the website. Need help? Order the service of checking the application and documents.

STEP 5: Prepare documents for the application for admission

Requirements for foreign students entering colleges in America vary depending on the subject area, program, position of the university in the rankings, competition for a place. Regardless of the competition, most US universities will require you to provide a motivation letter, references, proof of English proficiency and a document on previous education.

Motivation letter

In this essay, the applicant talks about his career goals and how the program he is going to will help him achieve them. This is perhaps the most important document for admission to most American universities. In our materials for self-preparation of a motivation letter, you can read how to get started and how to plan an essay, as well as examples of successful motivation letters.

Need help? Our editors who have studied at Oxford and LSE universities will be happy to assist in the preparation of a motivation letter.

Recommendation or characteristic to a student given by his teacher or employer - binding document upon admission to all programs of study at any level. Often, applicants themselves have to compose the main text of the letter in order to provide it to the recommender for verification and signature. Materials on writing a letter of recommendation to a foreign university will help to cope with this task.

Need help? Order the recommendation preparation service.


Upon admission to foreign university Master's and some Bachelor's programs will require a resume or CV. This is an opportunity to talk about the merits and achievements of the applicant, not shown in other documents of the application for admission.

Try to fit your resume on one A4 page and write not only about the place and time of your work, but also about the results.

Document confirming previous education

Without a document confirming the previous education, it is not possible to enroll an applicant. If a certificate of complete secondary education is not received or a bachelor's degree is not received at the time of application, then the applicant sends an extract with grades and its translation to the university.

STEP 6: Take IELTS or TOEFL - a test confirming knowledge of English

If the previous education was not received at English language, then you need to pass a test confirming the level of English proficiency.

And be patient. Terms of consideration of applications vary depending on the university and specialization. Perhaps the university will ask you to provide additional documents, for example, proof of solvency. As soon as admission is confirmed, the college will notify you of admission, deadlines, and tuition fees.

If you need to get a decision faster, write a request to representatives of American universities, and do not forget to indicate your application number.

Good luck! Break a leg!

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