Home Vegetables Medical education in the UK. Studying medicine in the UK - how to proceed? Pre-university training programs in medicine

Medical education in the UK. Studying medicine in the UK - how to proceed? Pre-university training programs in medicine

Studying in England is a dream for many young people who are thinking about higher education. Universities in England are so prestigious that high tuition fees do not bother students and their parents from all over the world. Now in higher educational institutions in England, about 65 thousand foreign students .

The result of studying in English higher education institutions is an international qualification and serious knowledge in numerous subjects. Structure English education is such that one university can unite several colleges and departments (for example, observatories, laboratories, business schools).

Laboratory classes, lectures, exams in each institution are organized centrally, i.e. common to all, and individual sessions and seminars are held in colleges.

To get a bachelor's degree, you have to study in English universities three years, and in Scottish universities - four. For architectural, medical and other specialties, longer training is implied. After receiving a bachelor's degree, you can continue your studies and get a master's degree in 1-2 years.

Oxford students

The government of England is interested in qualified personnel from other countries, therefore, it develops work experience programs, when a graduate can take up to 2 years in his specialty. A program has also been developed to provide work permits to those students who, after studying, decide to stay.

Societies are created for the efficiency of work and cooperation between educational institutions, for example, the Russell group unites 24 of the best higher educational institutions in England.

The term "red brick universities" refers to 6 prestigious institutions of large industrial cities, which were originally created as colleges of engineering and applied disciplines, but then received royal university charters.

It is worth taking a closer look at the universities included in the list of the most famous universities, both in England and in the world.

Oxford University

Most old university England and the second in the list of the oldest higher educational institutions in Europe is located in. exact date scientists have not established the foundation, but it is known that in the 11th century they already taught there.

Only in the three universities described above did all the prime ministers of Great Britain study.

The work with the employment of graduates is excellent here. Assistance with documents and work permits is also provided for those foreign students who, after receiving a diploma, wish to remain working in Scotland.

The university, which united several educational institutions of Manchester, is in third place in terms of the number of Nobel laureates(25) after Oxford and Cambridge. Competition for a place at the University of Manchester is the highest in England.

The structure of the Manchester educational institution includes: the Manchester Museum, which houses more than 4 million exhibits from around the world; Whitworth Art Gallery, which exhibits historical engravings, sculptures, paintings, prints; Theater Contact, designed mainly for a youth audience.

The main alternative to Oxbridge is the public research university in Nottingham.

Durham University is the third oldest in England, and the building of Durham Castle, in which it is located, is the oldest university building in the world.

Aston University ranks first in England in terms of teaching medical disciplines.

Buckingham University is interesting - the only private institution among universities; has extensive ties with colleagues in other countries.

Westminster educational institution, which was formerly called Polytechnic Institute central London, the first to introduce new science- a photograph. The first photography studio in Europe was opened here.

Cranfield University is a joint French-British institution that is part of the postgraduate education system. This educational institution is the only one that has its own airport and aircraft for teaching and researching aerospace technologies.

The Open University of Great Britain, thanks to the widespread use of distance methods, has become the largest in terms of the number of students.

Also known are Southampton, Leeds, Bristol, Liverpool and many other higher educational establishments. In total, there are more than 120 universities in England. English higher education institutions are considered to be among the best in the world.

An interesting video about Cambridge University:


british system medicine has been known to the world for many centuries. According to statistics, the country ranks 18th in the world in terms of the level and professionalism of medical care.

The UK is in the top 10 in terms of achievements in the medical field, in the field of scientific technology, as well as the introduction and development of innovations in the country.

Medical, as in many other countries, is prestigious and extremely in demand.
Every year, the number of students flocking from all over the world to Foggy Albion, in order to get medical education is growing. This is not surprising - a prestigious diploma of higher medical education received in Great Britain, opens up the possibility of building successful career in the international market and ensure a stable and high level of income for many years. Although medical services for citizens are free and financed from the country's budget, doctors receive very good salaries even holding the ordinary position of a district therapist (General Practitioner or, for short, GP).

There are some nuances that you need to know if you decide to enter the medical faculty in England. Having just finished Russian school, the medical faculty is extremely difficult. Below are a few options for how preparatory work can be carried out to start studying in the specialty "Medicine":

  • study for at least two years high school England;
  • complete a one-year preparatory program for admission to the medical faculty. These courses are organized by many universities. For example, the training program at St. George's University of London, or foundation program at the University of Central Lancashire, UCLan;
  • there is a variant of the summer short-term program. These courses provide an opportunity to practical experience in medicine at the country's leading medical university. You will listen to a course of lectures and seminars by leading experts in this field, get real medical practice in laboratories, get an introduction to radiography, surgery, physiotherapy, clinical practice, get acquainted with the features of passing the UKCAT test.

Unlike universities aimed at other specializations, the requirements for entering a medical university are much more serious. For admission, you must provide a certificate of completion. A-level programs(biology, chemistry, physics are obligatory for study, attention is paid to the points in these subjects in the first place), a certificate of passing the test for the level of knowledge of English language(IELTS or TOEFL) and must pass the BMAT (Biomedical Admission Test - testing in biochemical sciences).
We remind you that among the citizens of the country, medical education is in great demand, so the quota of places for foreign students is small, which makes it difficult to get a place at the university. Therefore, preparation for admission to the coveted university should be given utmost attention.

In total receiving medical education will have to devote 7-8 years. The first steps in professional development are Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, they are absolutely equivalent. At this stage, a wide range of academic sciences is being studied.

The next stage, the internship, is devoted to active practice and internships, the main and priority ones are selected from the studied disciplines in these years. After receiving a bachelor's degree, going on an internship, the student is free to make his own decision - to continue his studies in the chosen one, or to switch to an adjacent specialty.

The internship (Foundation) is divided into two stages - F1 and F2.

  • F1 - several specialties are being studied (3-4). The General Medical Council establishes a mandatory set of knowledge that the applicant must receive after each trimester.
  • F2- most of study time is devoted to practice. Students master the skills of diagnosing and preventing diseases, come to an understanding of how to work harmoniously in a team, learn to manage personnel, acquire knowledge about time management and IT in medicine, the ability to allocate time and sort tasks.

Upon graduation, students receive MB diplomas (or ChB for the direction of "Surgery"). To practice freely in the UK, an applicant must obtain a Foundation Doctor degree. This is a mandatory requirement for all practicing and qualified physicians.

An intern is a specialist who has already received a medical education, but does not yet have a license for independent practice, in England is called the Foundation House Officer. These specialists practice here exclusively under the guidance of a doctor with a license based on an accredited clinic.

Naturally, getting medical pleasure is not cheap, but all expenses are more than paid off by the prospects that open up for the holder of a British diploma of higher medical education. Graduates of medical schools in England work in prestigious private clinics, work as family doctors, and participate in scientific research. Therefore, if you decide to connect your life with medicine, then best country to get an education in this profile and it is difficult to imagine!

Great Britain has long gained fame as a standard of educational traditions, since a great many prestigious universities are concentrated in this country, which are a good ticket to life. Education in England is complex, large quantity programs, a wide choice of profiles and directly higher educational institutions.

Medical education. Specifics of programs in the UK

One of the most demanded profiles is medicine and medical training in the country. In the UK, there are universities that specialize in the production of medical experts and in the medical profile exclusively. However, in addition to this, students are given the opportunity to receive medical education in Great Britain and in general universities.

Medical education in the country is specific. Special training in higher institutions is divided here into two categories, which involve basic specialization and professional. Specialized medical training invites doctors to participate in various scientific programs, research, and seminars. Such participation increases the understanding of medical methodology for scientific research. In the course of training, special diplomas or certificates may be issued.

Medical education in the country vocational training implies the development of qualifications and skills in order to increase medical knowledge and professionalism, as the UK seeks to achieve a correspondence between the constant discoveries of science and direct practice.

Entering a medical profile is only half the battle, a diploma from a university requires registration. There are four main registration programs in the country that may be suitable for foreign doctors:

  • Special;
  • Limited - issued to foreign doctors;
  • Complete - for those doctors who aspire to practice in family medicine;
  • Conditional - for those doctors who studied in Britain.

Medical education in the best universities in the UK

Of course, there are a lot of reference higher education institutions in the UK. However, among them it is worth highlighting one prestigious university, giving an excellent medical education in the UK. It's about about St. George's University. University graduates medical workers different profiles: radiologists, physiotherapists, obstetricians, doctors, nurses.

St. George's offers advantageous programs for international students, which may be of interest to Russian-speaking students seeking to study medicine in England. For such foreign students are specially offered preparatory programs and the opportunity to study in the form of a bachelor's or master's degree. Master's degrees are especially appreciated by Russian-speaking compatriots, since here you can get a degree in just one academic year.

In the UK, there is a training program - Foundation. It involves a year of study before entering a medical university or school in the country. Obtaining a bachelor's degree in medicine involves studying for a period of 3 years, then all students are given the opportunity to move to the 4th year to obtain a degree in medicine. Studying the master's program, although it provides for a small academic medical course, however, involves a 2nd clinical practice with a trip to the USA.

Get medical education with the help of experts in the UK

From the choice of an educational institution and a program in the country, the real opportunity and prospect of studying in the UK will depend. Our agency has been providing assistance in admission and education in Britain for many years, during which it has managed to acquire a wide client base represented mainly by the Russian-speaking population.

Our clients seeking medical education in the UK will receive full information about the types of institutions that are ready to provide it, about possible loyalty programs prepared for foreigners. Our experts will help you collect complete list required documents for admission, advise on passing scores and provide a range of suitable UK universities for selection. With multiple options to choose from, each client can choose the best educational institution based on their program requirements, desired degrees, financial capabilities, and free time they are willing to spend on studying. Providing information about several universities at once makes the chances of admission more guaranteed.

Getting a British Diploma in Medicine with the help of our agency is now easy!

The profession of a dentist is one of the most popular specialties in the field of medicine. Every year, the number of students wishing to study dentistry around the world is increasing. That is why it can be difficult to enroll in dental training programs, and getting a quality higher education becomes especially important for successful employment.

In our article, you will learn about where is the best place to get a dental education abroad, and what is the study of dentistry.

Study of dentistry

Abroad, dentistry can be studied at colleges, dental schools and universities. At the same time, your future specialization depends on the quality of education that you receive. The three main specialties in the field of dentistry are the dental assistant, the aesthetic dentist and the dentist.

Dental assistant is a low-level specialist in the profession. You can usually get a diploma or an associate's degree in this specialization in 1-2 years. To perform such work, secondary specialized education is sufficient, which can be obtained at a college, technical school or dental school.

For the specialty, students study subjects such as the concept of clinical practice, dental assistance, medical ethics and principles, oral radiography, infection control, and dental materials.

To get started as aesthetic dentist you must have at least an associate degree. Obtaining such a qualification takes 2-3 years. However, for career growth, development and getting a good salary, such education is usually not enough.

Most students receive a bachelor's or master's degree in aesthetic dentistry, after which they receive the right to engage in not only medical, but also teaching and research activities.

Bachelor's programs last 4 years, Master's programs - 2 years. Academic Program includes the study of subjects such as clinical practice, dental anatomy, clinical hygiene, periodontics, dental radiology, oral pathology, etc.

Specialty training dentist is the most serious and longest in the field of dentistry. Acquiring an academic qualification usually takes 4 years, after which most young dentists go on a work practice, which lasts from 2 to 6 years. Over the entire period of study, students master both the theory and practice of working with patients.

In this specialty, there are two most common academic qualifications - Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) and Dentist (DMD). The qualification requires the study of disciplines such as clinical practice and medical ethics, immunology, infection control, dental surgery, oral periodontics and radiology, orthodontics, anesthesiology, etc.

Since there are a lot of students who want to study dentistry, in order to enter the course, it is usually necessary to pass an additional entrance exam, such as the Dental Admission Test (DAT). After graduation and work experience, you also need to pass the test and obtain a license, which is required to start professional activity. So, for example, in the USA you need to pass the National Board Dental Examination.

Best Dental Schools

For successful employment, it is important for a young dentist not only to have a specialized education, but also to obtain a qualification in a prestigious educational institution. In conditions of high professional competition, having a diploma from a sought-after university automatically increases the chances of a specialist to build a serious career.

Which dental schools in the world are recognized as the best?

School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina, USA

The school is world famous for its high level teaching and research activities. Students are given the opportunity to study all aspects of dental theory, as well as undergo a comprehensive practice in the treatment of real patients. Training is carried out under the supervision of renowned scientists and practicing dentists.

Kings College, UK

College education is a great start for any young dentist. The college is located in London and is considered one of the best educational institutions of its kind in the UK. Here students are trained by the best teachers, get access to unique academic materials and opportunities for practice. At Kings College, you can get a bachelor's and master's degree, as well as complete a full-fledged work practice.

School of Dentistry, University of Queensland, Australia

The academic programs of the school are focused on the practical component, which makes them especially useful for students. Students receive a high-quality education, as well as extensive practical experience working with patients. The school is equipped with advanced medical devices and technologies, and is also famous for its research in the field of diagnosis and prevention. various diseases oral cavity and teeth.

Our article is based on a report by Penny Dowell, member admission committee University of Bristol, and Professor Kim Piper, Head of Admissions Queen Mary University of London. The conversation in it will be about what is necessary for admission to medical UK universities. Dentistry in terms of training is clearly separated from other medical specialties. Therefore, it will be discussed separately. I will make a reservation right away, in different universities Great Britain Candidate requirements may vary. The higher the level of an educational institution, the more people want to get into it and, accordingly, the requirements for candidates are stricter.

So, in order to enter the British medical Great Britain Great Britain , applicants from British schools must provide a high school diploma from one of the study programs. As for those who arrived in the UK later, having previously graduated from school in their home country, they first need to complete a one-year International Foundation Program (Foundationn UK) in the relevant specialty.

As mentioned earlier, different universities have different requirements for applicants. For example, in order to enter the University of Bristol, you must provide grades AAA - AAB, and at Plymouth University for the same specialty - A * AA-AAA plus pass the UKCAT entrance test. In the first university, entrance tests are not required, but it is necessary to provide proof of practical skills and work in the field of medicine. In the second, experience is not required, and the introductory essay has little effect on the decision of the commission. In the first, in addition to practice, you need to pay great attention essay, as the final decision will be made on its basis.

I gave an example of only two educational institutions. In the UK there are 10 higher medical schools and 8 higher schools dentistry, and the requirements for candidates are different for everyone. Therefore, in order to choose the right medical university, which is suitable for you, or rather, which you are suitable for, preparation for admission must begin in advance.

To get started, choose curriculum, because, despite the fact that there is only one diploma after graduation, it can differ significantly in different universities. After that, carefully study the requirements for candidates and choose only those universities that suit you. Write down the dates for submitting documents, passing entrance tests, interviews in the calendar and start preparing.

Specific dates are determined by each university separately. Let me give you an example of a general calendar of introductory events.

  • May 1 - opening of registration for the UKCAT exam;
  • July 1 - the beginning of the UKCAT exams;
  • September 1 - opening of registration for the BMAT exam;
  • September 12 - start of submission of applications (registration) to UCAS;
  • September 19 - UKCAT registration closes;
  • October 3 - end of the UKCAT exam;
  • October 15 - closing of registration for BMAT;
  • October 15 - closing of UCAS registration (for medical universities);
  • November 5 - the end of the BMAT exam;
  • October-April - call for interviews;
  • April - Universities announce their decisions;
  • August - Clearing opens.

You can learn more about the UKCAT and BMAT exams in our previous article " Entry exams". In the event that an applicant has any difficulties with passing a particular test, it makes sense to play it safe and choose those universities in which passing the test is not required.

About which documents you need to provide when applying, it is also written in detail in our previous article "University admission". In addition to the general list of documents in some medical universities practical skills are required, as well as confirmation of employment in a hospital, dental office, free medical consultations. All skills and practical knowledge acquired outside the walls of the previous educational institution should be described in detail in the introductory essay (personal statement). Let me remind you once again that you should not rewrite what was included in the curriculum, you can find out about this from the academic record. It should talk about the experience and knowledge gained outside the classroom, during practice in the hospital, providing emergency care, laboratory experiments and other activities related to the chosen profession. As mentioned above, not all universities require practical skills. Therefore, you should find out everything in advance and, if possible, prepare. If this is not possible, it is better to choose another educational institution.

Special attention should be paid to preparing for the interview. In general, you can read about it in a separate article " Entrance interview". Here we will talk about its features in medical schools. Again, in different universities, the format of the interview and the topics are different, so you should clarify everything in advance. In some educational institutions, the candidate receives a list of topics on which he may be asked, in others - a short video (for example, about the work of a doctor) that will be discussed.In some universities, the interview is 1-on-1, in others the student communicates with several teachers.The conversation lasts no longer than 30 minutes. the main objective, as in other faculties, firstly, to make sure that what is written in the essay, testimonial and academic record is true, and, secondly, to see if the candidate loves his future profession. Yes, he loves it! After all, only a person with special abilities can become a real doctor. inner qualities who is sincerely interested in his future profession.

As Professor Kim Piper said: “It is impossible to become a doctor in the UK by accident. Make sure your desire comes from within and is not dictated by the desire to receive wages. Work hard, try hard, and you will succeed."

In conclusion, I will add from myself. In the UK, as, probably, in most countries of the world, it is to medical applicants that the most requirements are put forward. It is in medical schools that traditionally the highest competition. Please don't put everything off until the last day. And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We are always happy to help!

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