Home Trees and shrubs Punctuation marks in a complex sentence. At night, a forest was brought to the river (1) and (2) when white fog covered the banks (3) all eight companies laid boards (4) on the wreckage of bridges

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence. At night, a forest was brought to the river (1) and (2) when white fog covered the banks (3) all eight companies laid boards (4) on the wreckage of bridges

At night, timber was brought to the river (1) and (2) when white fog wrapped up the banks (3) all eight companies laid boards (4) on the wreckage of bridges. 1, 3, 4 1, 4 2, 3 1, 2, 3 26. In which sentence is the clause complex sentence cannot be replaced stand-alone definition expressed participle? The Idiot is a novel in which Dostoevsky's creative principles are fully embodied, and his amazing mastery of the plot reaches its true peak. Much owed to the participation of Kramskoy, Shishkin called him an artist who influenced him beneficial influence... The ambiguity of Salvador Dali's works excited the imagination of viewers who are accustomed to the world of tranquil landscapes and portraits. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony served as a model for artists of the Romantic era, who were fascinated by the utopia of synthetic art. 27. Read the text. If you look at the map, you will see that Siberia is two-fifths of Asia. But Siberia surprises us not only with its size, but also with the fact that it is the world's largest treasury in terms of oil, gas, coal reserves, energy resources, and vast forests. That is why the plans economic development Russia is paid to Siberia great attention.

The language of poetry (1) as it is known (2) cannot be ordinary, since the way of expressing itself in iambics, chorea is unusual. Therefore, poetry is (3) one can say (4) the miracle of transforming an ordinary word into a poetic word. 1, 2 1, 3 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 22. Specify a sentence in which you need to put one comma. (Punctuation marks are not placed.) The personality of the writer is manifested in the preference for one color epithet or another. The forest rustled now lullingly and melodiously, then impetuously and alarmingly. A. Green could describe in detail both the bend of the river and the location of houses, both centuries-old forests and cozy seaside towns. Almost each of the French sculptors worked simultaneously in the historical-mythological and in the portrait and landscape genres. 23. How do you explain the use of the colon in this sentence?

All other information (sounds, images) for processing on a computer must be converted into numerical form. (3) Similarly, the computer processes and text information: when typed into a computer, each letter is encoded a certain number, and when translated to external devices, the corresponding images of letters are built using these numbers. (4) This correspondence between a set of letters and numbers is called character encoding. (5) All numbers in the computer are represented using zeros and ones, and not ten digits, as is customary for people. (6) ... computers usually operate in a binary system.

All other information (sounds, images) for processing on a computer must be converted into numerical form. (3) Text information is processed in a similar way on a computer: when entered into a computer, each letter is encoded with a certain number, and when translated to external devices, corresponding images of letters are built using these numbers. (4) This correspondence between a set of letters and numbers is called character encoding. (5) All numbers in the computer are represented using zeros and ones, and not ten digits, as is customary for people. (6) ... computers usually operate in a binary system.

All other information (sounds, images) for processing on a computer must be converted into numerical form. (3) Text information is processed in a similar way on a computer: when entered into a computer, each letter is encoded with a certain number, and when translated to external devices, corresponding images of letters are built using these numbers. (4) This correspondence between a set of letters and numbers is called character encoding. (5) All numbers in the computer are represented using zeros and ones, and not ten digits, as is customary for people. (6) ... computers usually operate in a binary system.

All other information (sounds, images) for processing on a computer must be converted into numerical form. (3) Text information is processed in a similar way on a computer: when entered into a computer, each letter is encoded with a certain number, and when translated to external devices, corresponding images of letters are built using these numbers. (4) This correspondence between a set of letters and numbers is called character encoding. (5) All numbers in the computer are represented using zeros and ones, and not ten digits, as is customary for people. (6) ... computers usually operate in a binary system.

All other information (sounds, images) for processing on a computer must be converted into numerical form. (3) Text information is processed in a similar way on a computer: when entered into a computer, each letter is encoded with a certain number, and when translated to external devices, corresponding images of letters are built using these numbers. (4) This correspondence between a set of letters and numbers is called character encoding. (5) All numbers in the computer are represented using zeros and ones, and not ten digits, as is customary for people. (6) ... computers usually operate in a binary system.

Test system materials

Fearing that the fashion for dueling would spread among the Russian nobility, they were strictly prohibited by Peter I. By the decree of Peter I, not only fights, but also public insults were prohibited. issued a decree of Peter I banning fights. Peter I banned fights by a special decree. 5 . Specify an offer with grammatical error(in violation of the syntactic norm). Ch. Aitmatov once noticed that there are days when everything goes well and life is beautiful. Passengers using suburban transport and having documents for the right of free travel pay the cost of carriage for each piece of baggage on a general basis. Everyone who studied the works of G.O. Vinokura, know about his research in the field of linguopoetics. Thanks to the talent of the conductor, it was possible to feel the originality of P.I. Tchaikovsky. 6. Then there will be several tasks with the same text. Read the text:

Which of the following sentences should be the first in this text? Personal computers- this is universal devices for information processing. A computer can only process information presented in numerical form. All information intended for long-term use is stored in files. Information in a computer is stored in memory or on various media, such as floppy and hard disks. 7. Read the text:

Which of the following words (word combinations) should be in place of the gap in the sixth sentence? First of all, However, In addition, In other words, eight . Read the text:

What words are grammatical basis in the second (2) sentence of the text? information to be processed information must information must be converted information converted nine . Read the text:

Indicate the correct characterization of the third (3) sentence of the text. complex with non-union and allied creative communication compound complex non-union complex with union-free and union subordinate connection ten . Read the text:

Indicate the correct morphological characteristics words are TRANSFORMED from the second (2) sentence of the text. valid participle passive participle short adjective adjective perfect kind eleven . Read the text:

What is the meaning of the word ENCODED in sentence 3. reproduced in a specific sequence constantly repeated recorded in the form of text translated from one system of signs to another 12 . In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which one letter H is written?

In the first pictures of I.N. Nikitin has some simpler (1) feature: the figures are taken out of the darkness of indefinite (3) space by a beam of bright light and exist outside of connection with the environment. 1 2 1.2 1.2.3 13 . In which row is the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root missing in all words? call out .. pour, emerge .. growing, representative owner .. stelein, cover .. play, proclaim .. sham .. yelling, z..rya, ukr..titel down..tnyaya (concrete), to..such, to..manyon fourteen . In which row in all in three words is the same letter missing? pr..increase, pr..to overcome, pr..grada be..grandno, be..party, ra..encrypt about..remote, on..cracked, on..sawed from..mother, disin .. information, from..fight 15 . In which row in both words is the letter I written in place of the pass? catching up .. you, puzzled .. you woke up .. you, washing .. my worry .. you are, shooting .. a whisper .. you are, cleared .. 16 . Which answer option contains all the words where the letter E is missing?

A. endure B. picky..out C. aluminum..out G. calm down ... A, B, D A, B, C C, D A, C 17. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which is written AND?

The more badly in temperament someone is, the more he shouts and grumbles at people: he (1) sees the good, where he will turn, and the first himself (3) with whom he (4) will get along. 1, 2 2 2, 3 3, 4 eighteen . In which sentence are both selected words written together? Ranevskaya comes from Paris, THAT (WOULD) repent of her sins, and SO (SAME) find peace in her own estate. The first few years he lived in Vienna were for Beethoven (BY) the happiest time of his life, BECAUSE (THAT) it was here that he gained real fame. Bashkirtseva's passion for reading was insatiable, her ability to work was enormous, (WITH) THAT food for her mind was (AS) all objects. (APPARENTLY) Botticelli was a student of the famous painter Philippe Lippi, and (SAME) the Florentine painter and sculptor Andrea Verrocchio

19 . Indicate the correct explanation for the setting of the comma or its absence in the sentence: For the method of Dutch artists, the experience of direct contemplation () and its implementation in an artistic image is of decisive importance. Simple sentence with homogeneous members, there is a comma before the union Inuzhna. Compound sentence, before the union And you need a comma. A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And the comma is not needed. Compound sentence, before the union And the comma is not needed. twenty . In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

Era (1) that began (2) after the discoveries Galileo Galilei(3) and ended with the works of Isaac Newton (4) designated new stage in the development of science and technology. 1 2, 4 1, 3 1, 4 21. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which commas should be in the sentences?

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky excites the audience: the composer, with the skill of a psychologist, penetrates deeply into the complex and contradictory inner world a person and by means of his art reveals the spiritual and emotional life of people. The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the condition for the accomplishment of what is said in the second part. The first part of the non-union complex sentence is contrasted in the content of the second part. The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part. The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the time of the accomplishment of what is said in the second part. 24. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

In Kiev on high mountain on the banks of the Dnieper there is a monument (1) to Prince Vladimir (2) during the reign (3) of which (4) the baptism of Rus took place. 1, 2 2 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 25. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? Siberia, which occupies two-fifths of Asia, is given a great deal of attention in Russia's economic development plans. Siberia surprises us not only with its size, but also with the fact that it is the world's largest treasury in terms of mineral resources. In the plans for the economic development of Russia, Siberia is given great attention because huge natural resources are concentrated here. Much attention is paid to the development of the world economy in Siberia, since this region occupies two-fifths of Asia and huge natural resources are concentrated here. 28. The next three tasks you will need to work with the same text. Read the text and complete the assignment. (1) Sitting on the bank of the Moksha River an old man in a naval uniform. (2) The last pre-autumn dragonflies fluttered over him, some sat on shabby epaulettes, rested and fluttered when the person occasionally moved. (3) He felt stuffy, he relaxed the collar that had been unbuttoned for a long time with his hand and froze, peering with watery eyes into the palms of small waves patting the river. (4) What did he see now in this shallow water? (5) What was he thinking? (6) Until recently, he still knew that he had won great victories, that he had managed to escape from the captivity of old theories and discovered new laws sea ​​battle, that created more than one invincible squadron, brought up many glorious commanders and crews of warships. (7) But hardly ten years have passed since his resignation, and they tried to forget about him in the imperial palace, and in the Admiralty, and in the headquarters of the fleets and naval schools. (8) So Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov, a disgraced Russian naval commander, who was forgotten by the authorities and naval commanders here, in the center of Russia, in the Tambov region, ended his life. (9) He spent forty campaigns, in no battle was he defeated. (10) The brilliant victories of the Russian fleet under his command made the name of Fyodor Ushakov legendary. (11) But few people remembered this then in Russia ... (12) Contemporaries often do not notice the talent, genius, prophet in their environment. (13) They cannot, and if we recall history, they do not want to highlight the outstanding, superior abilities of their neighbors. (14) They speak with irritation of such a person, elevating him, at best, to the category of eccentrics and lucky people ... (15) The sounds of that day mixed in him, swam one over the other, forcing him to shudder and look around. (16) He recalled long campaigns and battles. (17) His eyes were open, but his gaze wandered somewhere out there, along the distant roadsteads, bays and harbors, stumbled upon the fortress walls and coastal reefs. (18) The wind came, trying to wrap up, swaddle the lonely admiral, and he pushed him aside with his hand, trying to delay the vision of the past. (According to V. Ganichev)

Which statement matches the content of the text? Russian Admiral Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov served in the Admiralty. Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov was born in the center of Russia, in the Tambov region. Russian Admiral Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov created one unique invincible squadron. On the banks of the Moksha River, the disgraced Russian naval commander recalled past battles and hiking. 29. Read the text and complete the assignment. (1) On the bank of the Moksha River sat an old man in a naval uniform. (2) The last pre-autumn dragonflies fluttered over him, some sat on shabby epaulettes, rested and fluttered when the person occasionally moved. (3) He felt stuffy, he relaxed the collar that had been unbuttoned for a long time with his hand and froze, peering with watery eyes into the palms of small waves patting the river. (4) What did he see now in this shallow water? (5) What was he thinking? (6) Until recently, he still knew that he had won great victories, that he had managed to escape from the captivity of old theories and discovered new laws of naval combat, that he had created more than one invincible squadron, had brought up many glorious commanders and crews of warships. (7) But hardly ten years have passed since his resignation, and they tried to forget about him in the imperial palace, and in the Admiralty, and in the headquarters of the fleets and naval schools. (8) So Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov, a disgraced Russian naval commander, who was forgotten by the authorities and naval commanders here, in the center of Russia, in the Tambov region, ended his life. (9) He spent forty campaigns, in no battle was he defeated. (10) The brilliant victories of the Russian fleet under his command made the name of Fyodor Ushakov legendary. (11) But few people remembered this then in Russia ... (12) Contemporaries often do not notice the talent, genius, prophet in their environment. (13) They cannot, and if we recall history, they do not want to highlight the outstanding, superior abilities of their neighbors. (14) They speak with irritation of such a person, elevating him, at best, to the category of eccentrics and lucky people ... (15) The sounds of that day mixed in him, swam one over the other, forcing him to shudder and look around. (16) He recalled long campaigns and battles. (17) His eyes were open, but his gaze wandered somewhere out there, along the distant roadsteads, bays and harbors, stumbled upon the fortress walls and coastal reefs. (18) The wind came, trying to wrap up, swaddle the lonely admiral, and he pushed him aside with his hand, trying to delay the vision of the past. (According to V. Ganichev)

What type (s) of speech (s) are represented in sentences 12 - 14? reasoning description narration narration and description 30. Read the text and complete the assignment. (1) On the bank of the Moksha River sat an old man in a naval uniform. (2) The last pre-autumn dragonflies fluttered over him, some sat on shabby epaulettes, rested and fluttered when the person occasionally moved. (3) He felt stuffy, he relaxed the collar that had been unbuttoned for a long time with his hand and froze, peering with watery eyes into the palms of small waves patting the river. (4) What did he see now in this shallow water? (5) What was he thinking? (6) Until recently, he still knew that he had won great victories, that he had managed to escape from the captivity of old theories and discovered new laws of naval combat, that he had created more than one invincible squadron, had brought up many glorious commanders and crews of warships. (7) But hardly ten years have passed since his resignation, and they tried to forget about him in the imperial palace, and in the Admiralty, and in the headquarters of the fleets and naval schools. (8) So Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov, a disgraced Russian naval commander, who was forgotten by the authorities and naval commanders here, in the center of Russia, in the Tambov region, ended his life. (9) He spent forty campaigns, in no battle was he defeated. (10) The brilliant victories of the Russian fleet under his command made the name of Fyodor Ushakov legendary. (11) But few people remembered this then in Russia ... (12) Contemporaries often do not notice the talent, genius, prophet in their environment. (13) They cannot, and if we recall history, they do not want to highlight the outstanding, superior abilities of their neighbors. (14) They speak with irritation of such a person, elevating him, at best, to the category of eccentrics and lucky people ... (15) The sounds of that day mixed in him, swam one over the other, forcing him to shudder and look around. (16) He recalled long campaigns and battles. (17) His eyes were open, but his gaze wandered somewhere out there, along the distant roadsteads, bays and harbors, stumbled upon the fortress walls and coastal reefs. (18) The wind came, trying to wrap up, swaddle the lonely admiral, and he pushed him aside with his hand, trying to delay the vision of the past. (According to V. Ganichev)

Indicate the word that is used in the text in a figurative sense. shabby (offer 2) stuffy (offer 3) shiny (offer 10) harbors (offer 17)

1 . In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted? KILOMETER STORAGE SELECTED WITHOUT INSTRUCTION 2. In which sentence, instead of the word DIPLOMAT, should you use DIPLOMANT?

Leonid Ivanovich was considered a real DIPLOMAT in communication with people around him. Success foreign policy the state largely depends on the experience and talent of DIPLOMATS. You sound like a DIPLOMAT, but things are not going well. DIPLOMATS of the Moscow Ballet Competition took part in the final concert.

3. Give an example of a misspelled word form. more than five hundred people engineers the most difficult name day 4 . Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

The forest was brought to the river at night (1) and (2) when white fog covered the banks (3) all eight companies laid boards (4) on the wreckage of bridges. 1) 1, 3, 4 2) 1, 4 3) 2, 3 4) 1, 2, 3. Answer: 4. A25. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

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Complex sentence

"SPP with clauses" - What? Which? Types of subordination in NGN with several subordinate clauses. It was thought that the sky would collapse, that a tornado would come from somewhere. SPP with two subordinate clauses 1) time 2) reasons With parallel subordinate relationship. Sequential Parallel Homogeneous. The main thing. SPP with several clauses. Success in your studies!

"Subordinate connection" - - Approval - adjacency - adjacency - coordination - control - adjacency - coordination. From the relationship between the main and dependent word. Types subordination in a phrase: coordination, management, adjoining. Coordination. Write down the subordinate phrase with the CONTROL relationship.

"SPP" - The house on the outskirts of the village seemed uninhabited. Allied Words Who - I wanted to know who entered. If - I like it if the essay is obtained immediately. Thank you, thank God ... - Thank you for stopping by. Unions and union words with an explanatory meaning. I go over the places in my memory that I saw. That is P that is P - That is easy, what is interesting.

"Types of subordination" - Complex sentences with different kinds communication. Punctuation. Consistent submission. Complex sentences with different types of connection are divided into two or more parts. Uniform subordination. Types of subordination. Parallel subordination. Let's analyze the sentence syntactically. The forest was brought to the river at night. With sequential subordination, one subordinate clause may be inside another.

"Complex sentences" - Refers to the entire main sentence. What do you know about relative clauses? How do they answer the questions? Getting ready for EG E. D.Z. to choose from the works of art. literature and write down five joint venture sentences with comparative clauses. We carry out exercises from the textbook. The place in the offer is free. Mode of action Conditions Mode of action Reasons Defining Purposes Comparative.

In Kiev, on a high mountain on the banks of the Dnieper, a monument was erected (1) to Prince Vladimir (2) during the reign (3) of which (4) the baptism of Rus took place.

Specify a sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks are placed.)

The era (1), which began (2) after the discoveries of Galileo Galilei (3) and ended with the works of Isaac Newton (4), marked a new stage in the development of science and technology.

For the method of Dutch artists, the experience of direct contemplation () and its implementation in an artistic image is of decisive importance.

A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union Inuzhna a comma.
Compound sentence, before the union And you need a comma.
A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And the comma is not needed.
Compound sentence, before the union And the comma is not needed.

twenty . In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

2, 4
1, 3
1, 4

21. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which commas should be in the sentences?

The language of poetry (1) as it is known (2) cannot be ordinary, since the way of expressing itself in iambics, chorea is unusual. Therefore, poetry is (3) one can say (4) the miracle of transforming an ordinary word into a poetic word.

1, 2
1, 3
3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4

The individuality of the writer is manifested in the preference for this or that color epithet.
The forest rustled now lullingly and melodiously, then impetuously and alarmingly.
A. Green could describe in detail both the bend of the river and the location of houses, both centuries-old forests and cozy seaside towns.
Almost each of the French sculptors worked simultaneously in the historical-mythological and in the portrait and landscape genres.

23. How do you explain the use of the colon in this sentence?

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky excites listeners: the composer, with the skill of a psychologist, penetrates deeply into the complex and contradictory inner world of a person and reveals the spiritual and emotional life of people by means of his art.

The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the condition for the accomplishment of what is said in the second part.
The first part of the non-union complex sentence is contrasted in the content of the second part.
The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.
The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the time of the accomplishment of what is said in the second part.

24. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

1, 2
3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4

25. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

1, 3, 4
1, 4
2, 3
1, 2, 3

26. In which sentence cannot the subordinate clause of a complex sentence be replaced with a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

The Idiot is a novel in which Dostoevsky's creative principles are fully embodied, and his amazing mastery of the plot reaches its true peak.
Much owed to the participation of Kramskoy, Shishkin called him an artist who had a beneficial influence on him.
The ambiguity of Salvador Dali's works excited the imagination of viewers who are accustomed to the world of tranquil landscapes and portraits.
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony served as a model for artists of the Romantic era, who were fascinated by the utopia of synthetic art.

Arrange all punctuation marks: specify the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

At night, a forest was brought to the river (1) and (2) when white fog covered the banks (3) all eight companies laid boards (4) on the wreckage of bridges.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here's the correct spelling.

At night a forest was brought up to the river, and when the white fog covered the banks, all eight companies laid boards on the wreckage of the bridges.

Comma 1 is the border of the first prime in the SSP.

Commas 2 and 3 show the boundaries of the subordinate clause "when the white fog enveloped the banks."

The comma under the number 4 is not needed, since there is no need to separate the addition of the BOARD from the circumstance ON DECK.

The commas should be in places 1, 2, 3.

Answer: 123

Rule: Punctuation marks in a sentence with different types of connection. 20 exam


In activity 20, students should be able to use punctuation marks in complex sentence consisting of 3-5 simple ones.

it hardest task tests the graduate's ability to apply the following knowledge in practice:

1) at the level of a simple sentence:

Understanding that there are no sentences without a foundation;

Knowledge of the features of the basis one-piece sentences(impersonal, etc.)

Understanding what's in simple sentence may be homogeneous predicates and subjects, punctuation marks between which are placed according to the rules of homogeneous members.

2) at the level of a complex sentence:

Ability to determine the main and subordinate clause in the composition of the SPP on the issue;

Ability to see conjunctions (union words) in a subordinate clause;

Ability to see directional words in the main

The ability to see homogeneous subordinate clauses, in which punctuation marks are placed in the same way as homogeneous members.

3) at the level of a complex sentence:

Ability to see parts of the MTP and separate them with a comma. Of the general minor member in this task does not happen.

4) at the level of the entire proposal as a whole:

The ability to see those places in a sentence in which two unions met: there may be two subordinate unions nearby or a compositional and subordinate one.

We will collect all the basic punctuation rules that are important when completing a task and number them for convenience.

BP 6

If in a complex sentence there were a compositional and subordinate conjunctions next to it (AND and AT LEAST, AND and HOW, AND and IF, BUT and WHEN, AND and WHAT, etc.), then you need to find out whether after the subordinate part of the correlative words THEN, SO or one more creative union (A, BUT, HOWEVER, etc.). A comma is put only when these words after the subordinate clause are absent. For example:

[Curtain rose], and, (as soon as the audience saw their favorite), [the theater shook with applause and enthusiastic shouts]


[Curtain rose], and (as soon as the audience saw their favorite), So the theater trembled with applause and enthusiastic shouts].

and, (although her words were familiar to Saburov) [their heart suddenly sank from them].

[The woman kept talking and talking about her misfortunes], and (although her words were familiar to Saburov), but[their heart suddenly sank from them].

As you can see, rules 5 and 6 are very similar: we choose either to write TO (BUT ...), or to put a comma.

Consider the proposals from the RESHUEEGE database and the algorithm for working on the proposal.

[Claim] (1) what? ( what Brazilian carnivals delight and fascinate) (2) and(3) (when(4) when? then Have you convinced yourself (5) of what? ( how much eyewitnesses were right).

1. Highlight the basics.

1- Affirm (one-part, predicate)

2- carnivals delight and fascinate

3- we saw

4- convinced yourself

5- eyewitnesses are right

2. We select conjunctions and correlative words. We draw your attention to the fact that there are AND and WHEN and that there is THAT.

3. Mark clauses: all sentences containing subordinate unions are placed in parentheses.

(what Brazilian carnivals delight and fascinate)

(when we first saw its unique bright beauty)

(how much eyewitnesses were right).

4. Establish which main clauses relate to. To do this, we pose questions from the main to the alleged clauses.

[Claims] what? ( what Brazilian carnivals delight and fascinate). 1 component found. The comma 1 is set according to the rule 4 [=], (what- = and =).

There were two subordinate clauses and one without a subordinate union. We check whether it is possible to ask questions from him.

[then you saw for yourself] when? ( when we first saw its unique bright beauty)

[convinced yourself] of what? ( how much eyewitnesses were right). The second component was found. Commas 4 and 5 are used according to rule 4.

(when - =), [to- =], (how much - =) Two different subordinate clauses to one main, the subordinate tense very often stands BEFORE the main one.

1 and 2 components are connected creative union And in one compound sentence. This is comma 2.

Scheme: | [=], (what- = and =) |, and | (when - =), [to- =], (how much - =) |

It remains to find out whether a comma is needed 3. Between AND and WHEN, according to rule 6, a comma is not needed, since after the subordinate clause there is a TO.

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