Home Useful tips The software is Russian. The Rosa operating system is Russian and good. OS development taking into account trends in future hardware development

The software is Russian. The Rosa operating system is Russian and good. OS development taking into account trends in future hardware development

2018: Importers of computer equipment will be required to install Russian antiviruses

On August 20, 2018, it became known about the proposal of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to introduce mandatory pre-installation of domestic anti-virus software on computers imported to Russia. Market participants see this initiative as a danger to the market.

According to cybersecurity expert Kirill Kerzenbaum, forced installation of Russian products is unlikely to help ensure national security, and the lack of competition will affect the quality of antiviruses.

The head of antivirus manufacturer ESET in Russia and the CIS, Denis Mateev, called “not very healthy” the situation when a person is not allowed to choose a product to meet his needs. According to him, the requirement to install Russian antiviruses on imported computers could lead to a decrease in the quality of antiviruses and the level of user security.

On January 1, 2016, the work of the Register of Domestic Software was approved, which should be used by government agencies and state corporations of Russia when choosing software that can replace foreign solutions.


Rules for creating a register of domestic software have been approved

Government Decree No. 1236 of November 16, 2015 approved the rules for creating a register of domestic software.

The Ministry of Finance refuses the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to create an organization to finance software

The Duma commission admits that as of July 30, 2014, there was a single normative act, where all these definitions could be included does not exist, but it is quite obvious that they will be required if we legislatively try to support domestic companies and create preferences for them in government procurement. Therefore, in the context of the state’s declared import substitution policy, all this work seems very relevant.

July 23, 2014: Definition of the Ministry of Industry and Trade

On July 23, 2014, a meeting was held at the presidential administration to discuss the criteria for determining domestic software developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Several people who participated in the meeting or were close to Russian developers told Vedomosti about this. Vedomosti has obtained a draft proposal from the ministry with a definition of “software of Russian origin”, which almost completely coincides with the recommendations of several associations of Russian software companies - the Association of Software Product Developers, Russoft, the Russian Free Software Association and the Association of Manufacturers of Electronic Equipment and Devices .

At the beginning of June 2014, the presidential administration recommended the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to develop a definition of domestic software. The departments had until July 10 to fulfill this order: firstly, to prepare definitions of domestic software and its manufacturer, and secondly, to develop amendments to the legislation that would stimulate authorities state power and state corporations to primarily acquire software of Russian origin.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade proposes to consider as domestic that software product, the rights to which belong to a Russian legal entity, at least 51% of the authorized capital of which belongs to Russian residents - individuals or companies, state-owned companies and state-owned corporations, unitary enterprises or subjects of the Federation. It's about O final beneficiaries, and not about formal owners, follows from the proposals developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

State support for domestic software developers will help the development of the industry and will help strengthen the position of Russian companies in the domestic and international markets, according to a document studied by Vedomosti. True, its authors warn, imposing domestic software on state buyers is fraught with a decrease in competition: the domestic developer will obviously be confident in state support, and he will not have the motivation to develop the software product. Participants at yesterday’s meeting agreed that when discussing import substitution, it is necessary to separate the economic aspect (support for the Russian IT industry) from the technological aspect (IT security), says Kirill Varlamov, director of the Internet Initiatives Development Fund, who was present at the meeting.

Experts from the Ministry of Industry and Trade see the creation and maintenance of a register of domestic software as the main instrument for regulating the industry. The department proposes to assign Russian status to software products according to the same scheme that applies to telecommunications equipment (Russian status is assigned to equipment depending on what share of its cost falls on Russia).

Several people close to the meeting participants know that this is the essence of the ministry’s proposals. And on July 21, 2014, a meeting of the temporary commission under the Federation Council was held on the issue of import substitution of software, and the representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications who were present agreed with the definition of Russian software as a product, the rights to which belong to a person at least 51% controlled by Russian residents, says a member upper house Ruslan Gattarov.

This position coincides with the proposals of Russian software developer associations, but differs from the proposal expressed on July 3, 2014 by members of the commission under the State Duma Committee on Science and High Technologies. They suggested that a Russian IT company worthy of priority access to government orders be considered an enterprise in which the share of foreign capital does not exceed 25% minus 1 share, in which more than 75% of revenue is generated in Russia, which is a Russian tax and legal resident, and whose share Foreigners among its employees do not exceed 25%. This idea belonged to the National Association of Innovation and Development information technologies(NAIRIT) led by Olga Uskova, president of the Russian developer Cognitive Technologies and member of the commission under the Duma committee. Yesterday, a NAIRIT representative told Vedomosti that this association has already agreed on its position with other IT associations. And the executive secretary of the commission under the Duma committee, Andrei Chernogorov, admitted that its previous position was tough - it will be softened, he knows.

The option that linked the Russian origin of the software with Russia’s contribution to the revenue of its developer left no chance for either Kaspersky Lab or, for example, Parallels (Parallels Software) to become a “domestic manufacturer”: both most of income is generated outside of Russia. The new criteria, which were supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, “have been agreed upon with market participants and are much more balanced and suitable for determining domestic software,” says the managing director of Kaspersky Lab in Russia, the countries of Transcaucasia and Central Asia Sergey Zemkov. The criterion of intellectual property belonging to a Russian legal entity makes sense, but it is important that the development be in Russia, warns Nikolai Dobrovolsky, vice president for virtualization of personal computers at Parallels. Otherwise, a foreign company will be able to transfer the rights to a foreign product to a Russian legal entity that is not related to its development, but is affiliated with it, while it is also impossible to quickly transfer the development to the desired country, he argues.

An employee of the press service of the presidential administration limited himself to confirming the fact of yesterday's meeting. And the representative of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications only said that the department, executing the instructions of the president, is carrying out “ comprehensive work on the development of Russian software”: in particular, on July 18, a meeting was held with representatives of the largest Russian IT companies, where “the feasibility and practical benefits of introducing and defining criteria for domestic software” and specific support measures were discussed in detail.

July 15, 2014: Definition of “Domestic Software” from industry associations

On July 15, 2014, specialized IT associations ARPP "Domestic Software", Russoft, RASPO, APEAP agreed on a unified definition of domestic software. The main factor is the exclusive rights to software products belong to Russia. The copyright holder may be Russian entity, control in which is carried out by Russian citizens or the state. The criteria are published on the website of the Association of Software Product Developers “Domestic Software”.

Approval of the definition of domestic software is the first step in supporting Russian software products. It is also proposed to create a register of domestic software and set priority for the register's software products in government procurement. At the same time, in the absence of the necessary Russian solution, government customers should still be able to purchase foreign analogues.

“We have been working on formulating the criteria for quite a long time. Russian software developers, lawyers, and independent experts took part in this work. The rights to a software product determine its control by Russia, and also form a profit center in our country. Thus, this criterion is important both for ensuring technological independence and for economic development countries,” says Evgenia Vasilenko, executive director of the Domestic Software Association.

According to her, it is now very important to create favorable conditions in the country for the development of Russian software. First of all, this is due to stimulating demand for national products, which is a common global practice.

“The adoption of the definition of domestic software was a response to sanctions against Russia, which unexpectedly sharply increased the risks of using foreign software. Related measures to support domestic manufacturers are limited to the purposes of software procurement by government agencies and enterprises with state participation, and do not apply to the open market. We continue to believe that the main measures of state support for Russian manufacturers should be investments in education and R&D, reduction of administrative barriers, as well as export support,” commented the President of NP RUSSOFT

Export supplies of Russian companies in the field of information technology, as it is not surprising, occupy in total foreign trade Russia has an honorable 3rd place. This applies, first of all, to comprehensive services for the prevention and prevention of cybercrime, information security and mobile application development, as well as navigation, geographic information systems and document management systems, which are currently in great demand and competitive in the Western market.

Russian software

Software takes 3rd place in Russian exports. There is only oil and weapons ahead. Moreover, the growth in this area domestic economy stable and dynamic. For example, in 2014 this figure compared to the previous year was 11%. The volume of services, accordingly, was within $6.0 billion. In 2015, growth continued - by 16% from 2014 - and the market was already fixed at $7 billion.

This positive trend, regardless of the problems in Russian economy, has been going on for several years. Western corporate and private consumers are happy to purchase Russian software and sanctions are not a hindrance to them. Experts do not rule out that Russia, like China, can make an active leap in promoting IT technologies to the world market.

Currently, software exports rank second in Russia. In numbers, this is 1.5% of the total share of Russian foreign trade. According to experts, software development services account for 50%, licensed software - 40%, and orders from foreign structures - 10%.

The IT industry in Russia employs approximately 140.0 thousand people. There are over 2,000 specialized companies operating in the information technology market. According to information from Cognitive Technologies, 2.5% of the global software market is accounted for by Russian software structures. Thus, in the field of offshore programming, the leaders are such companies as MERA, Luxoft and EPAM.

Export activity of Russian companies

Active in the field of software export are: Transas Technologies, a company specializing in navigation and control systems for ship traffic, as well as software for the synthesis of three-dimensional images, Paragon - utilities for data on hard drives, Abbyy - recognition system and electronic dictionaries, CBOSS - billing automation, Spirit - software (built-in) for video, voice and data transmission, Promt - automatic translation software, Parallels Acronics - security data recovery, backup and others.

As a rule, all these structures were born in the 90s. At their origins are competent and persistent software engineers who created their own unique product and managed to promote it to foreign markets.

The export activity of Russian companies in the field of information technology stimulated investment accordingly. Venture capital funds have become willing to finance such projects. These include Insight Venture Partners Intel Capital and Bessemer Venture Partners.

No matter how strange it may seem, the impetus for the development of the domestic IT industry was big problems in the country's economy. They led to sharp decline demand for software development, and the weak ruble even more actively pushed Russian IT specialists to develop the Western market.

But all these “export” successes do not mean that Russia is the leading country in the world in the field of information technology. This market is highly competitive, especially from offshore programming centers located in Southeast Asia, China, India and Latin America. The number of Russian IT companies operating, for example, in the North American market is two orders of magnitude less than in India. But, on the other hand, when quality services in the field of information technology are needed, Western partners are happy to turn to Russian programmers.

Main markets

System specifics public procurement in Russia and the number of electronic tenders, involuntarily raised the procurement automation system to an unprecedentedly high technological level. And this is not surprising, since 5 million such auctions are held annually on the territory of the Russian Federation. For example, in the UK there are only a few thousand procurement procedures per year. The level of development of online trading in Russia is really high, and all this is thanks to the highest burden from the state on domestic IT companies. We are the first in the electronicization of government procurement. So countries that need to conduct government tenders at home know that the best software in this area can only be found in Russia.

The main market for Russian software developers is the USA. Unlike its main competitors, for example, India, companies from Russia are showing very high growth rates in entering the North American market. Moreover, according to experts, software products created in Russia are, from a long-term point of view, more in-depth and effective. They are focused on the completeness of high-tech solutions, and not on simple types works with cheap labor force. The first approach is more fundamental and, ultimately, with the right political and economic policy, much more effective in numbers, that is, in money.

September 2, 2014 at 10:08 am

Domestic software - the key to the development of intellectual production in Russia?

It is known that in Russia non-resource production is rather poorly developed. Manufacturers of smart products for a long time had to endure high level piracy, industrial espionage, illegal borrowing of developments. The share of foreign software used in Russia is 67%, and in hardware it reaches 90%. Considering all these factors, the average person perceives with great skepticism statements that import substitution in the IT industry will have at least some success. It is said that this will be a “replacement on paper”, without significant actual results. Let's figure out whether this is true and whether it is possible to reduce the use of foreign software to a minimum.

The first thing you can pay attention to is the new legislative acts, protecting the rights of copyright holders. Pirate sites are blocked, prices, due to the increased number of licensed users, have become quite affordable for the average consumer, and many Russian home users have already decided to use only licensed software on their computers. Those. the movement comes from two sides - from the state and from the copyright holders. This is the only way to break the mentality of Russian users, who are accustomed to using products “that cannot be touched” for free.

The Russian software industry has made significant leaps over the past few years and is one of the fastest growing industrial sectors in Russia. In particular, in 2010 and 2011, the growth rate of Russian IT exports was 20%, in 2012 – 17%, and in 2013 – 15%, amounting to $5.2 billion. IT exports exceed 0. 9% of all Russian exports, and the share of Russian software companies in the global software market is about 2.5%. The volumes of this industry are already being compared with the volumes of products produced by the military-industrial complex of our country.
If we talk about the corporate software market, most enterprises now use licensed software due to control by law enforcement agencies.

Software increasingly contains a cloud component, i.e. Some of the functionality is provided directly on the manufacturers' servers. Products without a cloud component lose in their capabilities.

Anti-virus programs and traffic control solutions are now the first thing businesses buy. These classes of software are tied to the need to receive constant updates to malicious code databases, and last years cannot function normally without connecting to cloud detection databases that are updated in real time.

The consumer understands: in order for the software to perform its functions properly, it is better to purchase it. It is better to buy an operating system in order to be able to receive new functionality and install updates related to information security. Video games are worth buying in order to install patches on time and have access to official technical support, and enjoy the games, and not sit on forums trying to solve yet another problem.

Those. It is clear that the Russian software market is growing. But who will benefit from the new federal policy aimed at import substitution?
It is clear that the first type of beneficiaries are domestic software manufacturers. But what is beneficial to our software producers is beneficial to our country as a whole. Taxes remain in our country, and this affects the quality of life of people through existing government social programs.

Russian program developers respond faster to changes in our local reality. There is no need to adapt the programs to our standards and production processes, our office work. The chain from manufacturer to consumer is shorter, which means that domestic software products easily compete with foreign ones in price. This means that the second beneficiary is domestic users. Again, domestic programmers initially focus on the Russian-speaking audience, instructions are developed in Russian, and Russian-language technical support is available.

The third party that benefits is our state. There are known cases where foreign software often contained bookmarks that allowed intelligence services of other states to gain unauthorized access to information located on user computers. At the same time, procedures for analyzing program code for the presence of bookmarks currently exist, but they are quite complex to implement and unreliable. In these conditions, the use of domestic software is one of the echelons of protection against potential and real external enemies.

The domestic software market has a great future, because... it is actually already formed, it is mature and ready for scaling. Of course, it will be difficult to replace foreign operating systems such as OS X or Windows, although if the process is properly organized, you can apply existing developments and use the opportunities offered by free software. With proper targeted funding, such complex problems can be solved. It is worth noting that there has already been progress in creating a Russian operating system. You can recall the MSWS OS, which has been used in the Ministry of Defense since 2002. Among the free projects supported by enthusiasts, one can note ReactOS, the development of which is largely concentrated in Russia at present. The developers received government grants and are looking with hope at the new Russian policy in the field of import substitution.

In hardware, such growth is much more difficult to achieve, but nothing is impossible here, if you look at the experience of China, where individual hardware manufacturers have already taken first place in terms of the volume of their respective markets in the world. In particular, we recall the achievements of the Chinese (originally) Lenovo company, which managed to take fourth place among the five largest world manufacturers of personal computers.

But we cannot fail to mention Russia’s successes in this field. In particular, Russian company MCST has been developing processors of the Elbrus family since 1992. Initially, these processors were produced in Taiwan, but currently production is being transferred to Russia. Computers and servers based on these processors are being adopted by Russian government agencies. Omsk hosting service provider - the Promobit company - in August 2014 introduced the Bitblaze Rus data storage server, running the Elbrus 2C+ processor.

Developments are also underway in the field of mobile hardware. The Ministry of Defense currently uses special Cell phones M-633C “Bumblebee”, allowing you to work in GSM networks both in open mode and in encrypted voice communication mode. In 2013, the Arsenal plant of Roscosmos also began using similar devices due to the increase in leaks of classified information. Uses similar phones and federal Service execution of punishments.
In general, we can conclude that intellectual production in Russia can and should be developed; this can and should be done not only out of necessity, in response to sanctions from other states, but also without such sad incentives and reasons. Of course, this will require significant efforts, for example, in monitoring the targeted expenditure of funds. Of course, the replacement will not be 100%, and, in general, it is not necessary. But it is necessary to use the factor of the state’s increased interest in the transition from foreign high-tech products to domestic ones; this factor will have a positive impact on the growth of the Russian IT industry, and therefore on the economy of our country as a whole.

The article was prepared by the developers of the Traffic Inspector software solution.

Not so long ago, a simply sensational statement appeared in the press. It turns out that on all computers government agencies our country will soon no longer have a “traditional” Windows OS! Prominent figures promise that a Russian operating system will take its place. The idea is that by the end of this year this same “OS” should begin testing in government institutions.

Optimistic start

Most famous project, which theoretically can claim such a significant role is “Synergy”. This system uses Linux kernel, the decision to develop it was made quite recently, on August 13, 2014. This was decided by a joint commission (at a meeting of the companies OJSC Russian Railways, Rosatom) and the Russian Federal Nuclear Center from the city of Sarov.

By the way, it is at the Synergy enterprise that it should now be intensively tested. From "Russian railways“It will require active “bringing to mind” of the OS, provided that it is used in user database management systems. Russian Railways has enough of these!

By the way, this whole idea was initiated by Rosatom specialists, since the share of imported software is extremely large, and it was time to move away from such a bad practice long ago. Everyone involved in the development promises that the Russian one will be protected from hacking no worse than the best foreign analogues.

Last straw

Such a quick decision was largely due to the fact that just in August 2014 the next update package for Windows 7 was released. The irony is that it was these updates that led to the failure of thousands of computers around the world, since it contained critical errors. The problem was also aggravated by the situation with malfunctions of Windows RT, Windows 8 and 8.1 systems.

Why is all this needed?

In general, in Lately Only lazy people do not discuss the Russian operating system. However, the discussion is carried out in an ironic manner. Users should not be blamed for their lack of patriotism. Practice shows that in most cases, domestic projects in this area can only offer “not boring wallpaper” and a new design theme for the same Ubuntu.

It is important to understand exactly what requirements a truly promising Russian operating system must meet, and what principles should be embedded in it. Let's try to fantasize and imagine the directions in which its development should go.

"Childhood diseases"

In general, it’s always worth starting with previous experience, even if it’s negative. As we have already said, our country has one. Starting with the ancient “Spectrums”, on which a slightly rethought DOS was installed, ending with relatively recent times, when some computer clubs installed the “fundamentally new” BedOS 2 “Tanya”. This epic creation was nothing more than Windows 98 redesigned almost beyond recognition.

All of them were united by one thing: despite the new interface, all of these OSs were simply slightly redesigned products of world-famous software manufacturers.

What challenges do domestic developers face?

In principle, there is nothing new to talk about in this case. If a truly new Russian operating system for PCs is now being developed, then its creators face a huge number of tasks. We list just the main ones:

  • Release of an OS that will perform all its tasks and work on Russian-made servers and workstations.
  • Creation of working and functional virtualization tools for it.
  • The same development of a database management tool, the debugging of which is now assigned to Russian Railways.
  • Creation, development and support of the domestic application development environment.
  • Release of tools that could be used to automate testing.
  • Creation of a domestic “application store”. You give a worthy answer to every AppStore!
  • Release of an OS that can work not only on desktop computers and laptops, but also on mobile devices (smartphones, tablets). This Russian mobile operating system should become a competitor to Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile.
  • Development of design tools that will make it easier to write new applications.
  • Analysis of the business sector of the economy, creation of a specialized cluster of programs specifically for it.
  • Finally, the development of a Russian operating system should include the creation of its own desktop environment (DE).
  • Creation of new tools for installing, deploying and debugging written programs.
  • Availability of the ability to painlessly migrate business and home users from older versions of the OS.
  • Formation training courses, which will tell users about what a Russian operating system for a PC is, its capabilities and prospects.

About users of the new OS

It's no secret that the modern segment of home computers is largely focused on games. In addition, the PC market is distinguished by an incredible variety of computer hardware, as well as the unconditional dominance of the same Windows OS. Since all the concepts and habits of users in this niche are distinguished by deep-rooted conservatism, it is unlikely that they will be changed in any way.

Thus, the new Russian operating system will certainly be focused on government bodies, corporate segments of the economy, the military-industrial complex.

What requirements must the new OS meet?

  1. Relatively low cost of both the system itself and the hardware that is necessary for its normal functioning.
  2. Availability of “cloud” work on documents. Simply put, in new system Some kind of environment for joint development must be oriented, which is especially in demand in an enterprise or government organization.
  3. The system must be scalable. It would be desirable that as the enterprise grows, it could be “tailored” specifically to the needs of a large organization (sort of analogues of the Business and Professional versions).
  4. The speed of processing arrays of information should be as high as possible.
  5. Maximum reliability and security (including against viruses).
  6. The development and development of the OS should be carried out taking into account latest trends in the hardware market.
  7. Protection from malicious actions. In principle, the Russian operating system Rosa is well protected from this, but it is actually another Linux distribution.
  8. At least a theoretical possibility of use on a home user’s computer (to gradually attract a new audience).
  9. Full compatibility with at least the most common computer hardware and peripherals.

OS development taking into account trends in future hardware development

Recently, processors have crossed the 14 nm threshold, domestic 65 nm Elbruses have appeared, and the imminent release of a new type of capacious memory, ReRam, is reported, which will leave far behind all modern SSDs (NAND) in speed. Simply put, one of the priorities facing manufacturers should be the development of a system that will work on both existing and future hardware. This is a complex matter, and therefore there are quite natural doubts about its success.

Now we will talk about real progress in this area.

About "Chameleons" and other things

In general, modern domestic operating systems have exactly two realistic development paths. And in the first place is the justified interest of the military, for whom secure domestic software is extremely important. The second direction can be described as “patriotic development”. Sometimes projects appear on the Internet, the authors of which regularly announce a Russian-made operating system.

In the latter case, we can call Xameleon OS. If we talk about the technological side of the issue, it is very similar to Mac OS X, since both systems are based on the use of a microkernel. Chameleon uses L4 development, and Mac OS X includes the Mach microkernel. Alas, the domestic “answer” does not yet have even a banal GUI, that is, a graphical interface.

Other candidates

There is also a Russian operating system called Patriot OS. For quite some time now, a fundraiser for its creation has been announced on Boomstarter. The declared amount is 38,500,000 rubles, which in itself causes widespread ridicule on the Internet. The fact is that domestic crowdfunding projects have never reached more than 12 million. Also, if you read the requirements for the new system...

Simply put, the stated amount is clearly not enough. If the Russian operating system “Patriot OS” claims at least 1-2% of the software market in this area, then we need to collect ten times more. However, this money should be enough for at least a preliminary beta version, from which it will be possible to judge the prospects of the project as a whole. But the adequacy of some of the declared characteristics raises deep doubts.

A moment of humor

Thus, the author of the project says that he would like to create a new “Patrionet” Network, an analogue of the World Internet, which will be available only to those users on whose computers the Russian operating system “Patriot” will be installed. It is stated that it will be based on “incredibly fast dynamic technologies.” The fact is that even 38 million dollars will not be enough to implement something like this, let alone the domestic currency...

Phantom Perspectives

There is also a Russian operating system called Phantom. Theoretically, it is a development of the Digital Zone company (in fact, it is “homemade” by Dmitry Zavalishin). The latter passionately proves the advantages of its “brainchild” every year at the HighLoad exhibition and other similar events.

In principle, this time the Russian Phantom operating system does not contain anything truly revolutionary or new. The developers really are not lying when they claim that their OS is not a clone of Windows/Unix.

But for some reason they “forget” to tell that “Phantom” is an almost exact copy of the KeyKOS/EROS system. Moreover, this topic was started in the distant 80s of the last century, when the general principles KeyKOS development.

Recently, Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree that from January 1, 2016, state and municipal authorities will be required to purchase only Russian software from a special register. An exception can be made if software with the required characteristics is not available in Russia. The head of the Competence Center for the domestic operating system “Astra Linux” spoke about what kind of software Russians make. Roman Mylitsyn.

- What software is being developed in Russia and how competitive is it?

Our country produces most of the software needed for government needs. We have a strong position in many areas; our programs meet global requirements. These are Kaspersky anti-virus, the Linter database management system, the Astra Linux operating system, the Consultant Plus legal reference system, business and educational programs"1C" electronic cards“GIS Panorama”... There is our analogue of Skype - the Mind video conferencing system, this is a world record for the number of simultaneous user connections via video communication - several tens of thousands. In the field of application software (office, graphic and 3D editors, design and modeling systems) the situation is a little worse, but also not hopeless. For example, we have a 3D modeling system “Compass”, which is used by many Russian designers in the field of mechanical engineering. This software is fully compatible with all GOSTs Russian Federation, which is very important - there is no need to further configure or redo anything. There are many Russian developments, they are simply less popular than Western ones. Their quality is no worse, but they are losing in marketing; the market has already been conquered by Western manufacturers who consider ours as their main clients large enterprises and work specifically for them. Although, of course, there are gaps in Russian software. For example, we have absolutely no competitive analogues to foreign programs for processing graphic data - Photoshop, Corel Draw and Adobe Illustrator.

The Linux system was developed by programmers from different countries. Its source code is publicly available; anyone can take it as a basis and modify it to suit their requirements. The question is how responsibly companies approach this. There are those who re-glue stickers - they take someone else’s product, change the cover, name and present it as their own. Only representatives of the professional community can check how deeply a particular solution has been revised. But there are also those who modify almost every component that is included in the system. For example, the Astra Linux system contains dozens of programs and key components written from scratch by Russian specialists.


Vladimir Letun, senior Researcher Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, developer of the software and hardware complex “Multifunctional mathematical model of a thermal power plant”:

During the time of Chubais, software for the Russian energy system was purchased from the United States. After a while, it became clear that this is a completely ineffective system; it does not reduce, but on the contrary, increases the costs of generating electricity and fuel costs. In addition, this a large number of burning fuel harms the environment. Russia has its own programs that are not inferior to foreign ones and even surpass them. They allow you to distribute the load efficiently and save about 10-12 million conventional tons of fuel per year. The biggest problem is that energy workers are still using unprofitable American developments, and for six years now we have not been able to reach those who make decisions. The idea of ​​mandatory use of domestic software is good, but how it will be implemented is unknown. The Russian bureaucracy makes the transition to new programs much more difficult.

Ilya Krupin, Deputy General Director of NPO Sapphire, author of the work “Creation of a comprehensive information and analytical system for managing state and municipal programs in the Sverdlovsk region”:

Russian software is very competitive, which is evidenced by the fact that we sell a large number of programs on the world market: in 2013, exports amounted to $5.2 billion. In Germany, for example, they actively use the 1C: Enterprise system, and all over the world they use our antiviruses. There are other, not so popular, but promising developments. However, 95-97 percent of our enterprises run on foreign operating systems and office applications. Many people use foreign programs simply because it is fashionable, although there are cheaper and no less high-quality ones Russian developments. It will take time and money to transfer users to domestic software. To implement the program, first of all, it is necessary to clearly describe the rules for getting Russian software into the national register, build clear inspection schemes and prescribe opportunities for participation in tenders and competitions.

- What threats does foreign software pose?

Firstly, this is an information leak. Microsoft Company collects a large array of personal data of Russians in the process of using the operating room Windows systems. Moreover, she does this absolutely legally - this clause is spelled out in the user agreement. Secondly, there are always risks of refusal of technical support and delivery of products, as happened in Crimea. In difficult conditions political situation becoming attached to the technologies of a foreign developer is frivolous and sometimes even dangerous. There is also the possibility of sabotage. We can never be sure of the purity of the intentions of foreign programmers. For example, we still haven't seen the original Windows code, this system has not undergone the certification procedure for undeclared capabilities. For us it is a black box with unknown contents. And when using foreign software in enterprises, no one can be protected from the fact that some machine suddenly breaks down. Well, besides, prices for foreign programs are usually higher than for ours.

- Will it be difficult to work within the framework of the new resolution?

It's pretty loyal. The text of the resolution contains a clause that if domestic software does not meet the customer’s requirements, then foreign software can be purchased. No strict framework for these requirements has yet been established, so the need for foreign software can be justified. In addition, the software can be considered Russian if no more than 30 percent of the revenue goes to payments to foreign companies. Companies can try to get around this regulation by making installments and paying the amount in installments. In order to stop such fraud, an expert council will be created, which will include developers and specialists from government agencies. Those structures that have taken care in advance about the possibility of migrating to domestic resources will be able to do this without problems. For example, the Rosatom corporation began the transition to Russian software several years ago and uses it on most nuclear power plants. The rest will have to spend money on retraining staff and reconfiguring the entire work system. In general, businesses that want to protect themselves should not take this ruling as additional requirement or punishment, but as help.

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