Home natural farming How to buy last minute tickets. Don't forget the general principles. When is the best time to book a trip to Turkey?

How to buy last minute tickets. Don't forget the general principles. When is the best time to book a trip to Turkey?

The phrase, which without fail present on the website of any travel agency. A kind of password-lure for a tourist who “googles” and “Yandexizes” the expanses of the domestic net in search of a cheap trip to the south. You can work with this or that direction or not, but last-minute tours are an obligatory must-have, without which business is not business, but so-so, a frivolous occupation for your own pleasure.

What's there to hide, that's the way it is human consciousness that when identifying an opportunity to save, it immediately gives a signal: stop! You can pay less and still get what others paid big money for. Arguments of logic about possible low-quality goods and the reminders of the mind that the miser pays twice, alas, often recede into the background - and we skipping rush to give our hard-earned money for all sorts of "only today" and "don't miss it."

Well, then, as a rule, the hour of retribution for greed comes: products and services turn out to be second-rate, and what we so willingly took for profit turns out to be only brilliant tinsel on the filthy essence of the object.

So with last-minute tours, everything does not always turn out as beautifully as advertising slogans promise. And the location on the spot will turn out to be far from ideal, and half a kilometer to go to the beach in the heat, and the beach itself will not differ too much in cleanliness from the shore of the capital's reservoir ... However, we will not deny if your goal is inexpensive vacation without any special requirements for the hotel and other amenities, and in addition, you are ready to take off overnight and rush to the "foreign countries", last-minute trips - this is what you need. In a word, as in any enterprise, there are pluses and minuses, undercurrents and sharp stones, strategy and tactics of behavior. But first things first.

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What it is

Generally speaking, a last-minute tour is a tourist trip, which, due to approaching departure dates, runs the risk of remaining unsold and thereby causing a loss to the tour operator. Like most market goods, tour packages have their own “best before ...” index, and they are good only before the start date of the trip. Accordingly, by reducing the price as much as possible in anticipation of the "burnout", you can attract customers who are looking for opportunities to save money, and thus not lose the funds invested in the tour (buying out a hotel room, chairs on a charter, etc.)

In this case, it is hardly necessary to talk about profit, but according to at least It is quite possible to “recapture” the costs or, in extreme cases, go into a small minus.

As you know, the main price components of a tour package are the cost of living plus the cost of the flight. Little things, such as the cost of transfer and wages of accompanying personnel, will not be considered here. Therefore, one of two things is almost guaranteed to fall under the "burning" factor: either there are a lot of unsold seats on the charter, or there are not sold seats in the hotel. The first can happen if the forecasts for the tourist flow in this direction were too optimistic, there were too many charters, after which the harsh reality put everything in its place. “Well, they don’t love you, they don’t believe you,” as the classic wrote. As a result, Boeings and Airbuses fly empty, while, as we understand it, consuming the same amount of fuel - and therefore costing the flight consolidator at the same price - be at least 300, at least 80 people on board.

The second also falls into the realm of unfulfilled dreams, consistent with unsupported optimism about charters. If the charter "Boeing" throws on southern lands half as many tourists, which means that this very half will be settled in the hotel. The rest of the rooms will be empty, or rather - bought out by the tour operator, only now they are not inhabited by "live goods".

There is only one way out of both situations: to lure a potential buyer walking on the Internet or running past the showcase of a travel agency capital letters: LAST TOUR, departure tomorrow / the day after tomorrow / Saturday, etc. As they say, give what you want, just buy.

Another reason for the "burnout" of the tour, this time depending not on the domestic clientele, but on overseas hoteliers - a large number of free places in the hotel. Since the hotel is designed not only for tourists from Russia, the degree of occupancy is subject to fluctuations in the tourist market of other countries. And here, as you know, you can’t predict anything in advance: where the next crisis will break out in Europe, and where the volcano will start spitting. In a word, the Spanish or English tourist community is sitting at home, the rooms intended for it are not filled, and hoteliers are trying to fill the empty rooms with tourists from more successful countries: they set attractive prices and “ask” to send at least someone. Usually these are mid-range hotels and hotels designed for mass tourism - luxury establishments are less hysterical in terms of occupancy, as their customers are more unsinkable in worldly storms.

When they are

Despite the fact that many raspberry-travel agencies all year round convince us of the availability of last-minute tours in almost all directions, these birds of the tourist market have their own migration season, after which everything that is offered under the “burning” tag is nothing more than the desire of the travel agent to attract a buyer who is greedy for tempting benefits. In other words, there is no need to look for a really hot tour in the high-demand segment at this time of the year. For example, at the height of the “winter heat” season, you should not count on a burning “super special offer” to Thailand or the UAE - these countries already do not know the end of tourists who want to have a good rest on an exotic beach in the middle of Russian winter. It is quite another matter - the same Emirates at the end of September: the start of the season, the summer heat has not yet completely lost its positions, hotel rooms have already been bought out, and the supply may turn out to be more than demand ...

Another example: April (and often June) Tunisia. The flight program begins at the end of March, while several airlines take off into the air at once - at least four flights a week are provided. Resort hotels are also far from full: the sea has not yet warmed up, and only lovers of Epiphany bathing and hefty men dare to go there. There are all the prerequisites for "burning" - and in April, a week-long burning vacation in Sousse or Hammamet can cost as little as 200 USD per person. In addition, many hoteliers issue special offers such as “thalassotherapy included in accommodation” or “children under 2 years old free of charge” - thus, a last-minute trip can be doubly profitable: it will cost less and Additional services no need to pay.

Another, so to speak, symmetrical, period of distribution of last-minute tours - the end of the season on this direction. The number of boards per week is not decreasing as rapidly as demand, and hotels are no longer packed to capacity due to the “whisper of the weather”: the cooling of the sea or the approach of the rainy season. The result is a reduction in prices for the next flights and a great opportunity to pay less for a vacation (unless, of course, other factors scare you).

The sea is affordable

When they never happen

In addition to high and low seasons in tourist destinations, there are periods in the year when the very concept of a last-minute tour is absurd. It's about about national holidays(of which we have a lot, but New Year's and May holidays are especially popular in terms of tourism) and the traditional holiday season in July-August. It is clear that at this time almost the entire population, if not of our vast, then its major cities accurately storms the offices of travel agencies and “puts down” the servers of Internet sites in search of trips “to the south”. In this blessed period from the point of view of the players in the tourism industry, everything is sold: both expensive “fives” with their own helipads, and penny “kopeck piece” with a view of the wasteland. The question in this case is “how to fly away?”, and not “how to fly cheaply?”. Accordingly, 99% of special offers with the “burning” tag will be another piece of cheese in a mousetrap: a tourist will either be relocated to another hotel, or under the guise of “crazy discounts”, a tour will be sold at a general market price, no lower than that of competitors, or, in the worst case , will appropriate the money for themselves in a one-day company and generally will not be sent anywhere. In isolated cases, tours can burn out in the high season, if, say, a trip is canceled - a single or an entire conference - then they will try to sell such a tour package through word of mouth - partner agencies, social networks, online stores of burning trips.


What is good about last-minute tours is clear without explanation - the opportunity to relax for less (and sometimes just ridiculous) money with the same amenities and the same range of services as compatriots living in your hotel, but who purchased a ticket in advance. The difference between the initial and "burning out" cost of the tour is from 30 to 50%, sometimes discounts reach 70%. Of course, the principle “who does not risk, he does not drink champagne” has not yet been canceled: purposefully catching a burning ticket, you can not wait for one - everything will be sorted out before you.

Another, less obvious, but for many the most “juicy” plus is the adventurism of the enterprise. Agree, there is something alluringly free and spy-pirate in this: like this, not preparing and not even having time to tell your friends, leave things in a suitcase and lie down on the beach somewhere in the banana republic tomorrow.

... and cons

The disadvantages of burning tours are a wagon and a small cart. First: lack of confidence in the success of the enterprise. If, contrary to your forecasts, tours, say, to Antalya in April will use high demand, there is a risk, waiting for price reductions, to stay “on the beans”, not to fly anywhere at all and thoroughly spoil your vacation. Secondly, there is no guarantee that you will get to the right hotel for you: if the hotel is popular among tourists, it is likely that there will be no places in it. In addition, there is a risk that you will have to check into an unknown hotel at all: the tour operator may not have time to confirm the one declared on the tour so shortly before departure, and in individual cases unscrupulous travel agencies and even more so settle in a deliberately different hotel. “And what did you want - a burning tour, and they moved you to a hotel of the same category!” - there will be a standard answer, which is legally impossible to find fault with. Another nuance is connected with last-minute tours to visa countries. It makes sense to focus on them if you have a valid visa in this country- otherwise, you may not have time to settle visa formalities before the date of departure. Finally, let's mention travel cancellation insurance, which can be issued no later than 10 days before the start of the trip. In the absence of such, and if the tour does not take place for one reason or another, the tourist may lose almost full cost travel - so in this case it is easy to get lost in the wilds of benefits and risks and outwit yourself.

Behavior strategy

Finally, a few tips for those daredevils who, defying risk and danger, want to go on vacation without fail on a last-minute trip. Firstly, if you are at all dependent on a work schedule and not every one of the 365 days of the year is ideal for starting a trip, do not wait until last day. Yes, it is possible that prices will really fall incredibly and the rest will cost mere pennies, but it is still wiser to strike a balance between the cheapness of the enterprise and the reality of its implementation.

In other words, it is better to overpay 200 USD and leave than not overpay and not leave.

Secondly, you should not scrupulously look for a tour at a mega-low price among a dozen similar offers, and even the “Cheap Vacation” offered by an unknown office - there is a high probability of fraud. They will take money from you, this is indisputable, only they will not issue documents for the trip, and during a personal visit to the office of a travel agency there is a risk of stumbling upon a “closed” sign. Thirdly, when going on vacation on a burning tour, keep your packed suitcase at the ready - it is quite possible that you will have to fly out tomorrow, and being late to the airport because of a swimsuit that did not want to be in any way is a sad ending for such an advantageous offer.

And finally, the last thing - stock up on optimism and aim at good mood, no matter what. Whether you have to enjoy the hiss of Jacuzzi bubbles in a five-star hotel room for the price of a three-ruble note or fight the air conditioning system in a more than modest hotel in a 40-degree heat - one fortune knows. And if so, then boldly look into her face, fate loves the brave! And "but pasaran"!

A huge number of people believe that traveling is expensive and put off for years in order to take the accumulated money to the office of the tour operator and overpay two prices for a ticket.
On the street, the 21st century and a last-minute tour can be bought without leaving home, and you can independently organize an ideal trip for yourself, to the country you wanted, at the price that suits you, with the set of services that suit you easier than you think. Don't believe? Today I will tell you in detail about how to buy a last-minute tour online at the best price, without overpaying a single extra penny.

Hot tour online - travel cheap!

Let's assume that you have no experience of traveling abroad on your own.
And if the organization independent travel requires great work and waste of time (find flights, dock, get a visa, book accommodation, buy insurance, transfer, etc.),
then buying a ready-made tour ticket online is as easy as shelling pears, you will only have one thing left - to relax and enjoy life.

It doesn't matter your age, the number of trips, there aren't any secret knowledge, everything is very, very simple.
In this article, I have collected our experience of online booking last-minute tours, which will help you find the best tour package at the lowest price.

It's amazing how hard it is to introduce some novelties into people's lives that make life easier and cheaper.
I'm just talking about online booking. In the minds of the majority, buying a vacation ticket is necessarily associated with a trip to the office, where an employee selects a tour for a long and dreary,
along the way trying to vtyuhat what he needs to sell in the first place.

As a result, most often you get not what you wanted, with many reservations, agreeing to a higher price, because “What to do? You need to go on vacation! Leave has already been taken."
Did you know that you no longer need to go anywhere, pay from your own pocket the rent of travel agency premises, the salaries of their employees, taxes and other expenses?
What can and should be spent 15-20 minutes of time at the computer and now, a burning tour at the best price in your pocket. Or rather, by email.

Here are some tips that will help you save a lot of money, effort, time.

Hot tour online - When to look for a hot tour

If possible, start looking for a last-minute online tour in advance. A few months before the trip is ideal.
On the online tour search site, you can see the gradation of the cost of tours, compare and select the dates when tours are the cheapest.
Did you find what you were looking for? Satisfied with the price? Book and pay, prices for last-minute tours mostly only grow, rarely fall.
Didn't find or the price doesn't fit? Then subscribe to the newsletter in your direction and wait.

Hot tour online - Seasonality of destinations

Surely you understand that there is a season and not a season for the country. But this is a conditional unit.
For example, why are trips to Thailand cheaper in summer than in winter? Why is the peak season for Thailand tours from November to February?
The explanation for this is simple, and has nothing to do with the weather. Tour operators have priority destinations, and in the summer it's definitely not Thailand. In the summer if you go to buy a tour in the office
they will try to sell you Turkey, Crimea, Cyprus, Greece, at worst resorts Krasnodar Territory. Because the prices for tours there are peak at this time.
Who benefits from selling Thailand in the summer?

The same goes for all other countries. Do you know that you can go to Turkey in autumn for a penny?!

The cost of a last-minute trip to Turkey at this time is 8,000 rubles per person (!!!), and if you choose the all-inclusive system, only from 11,500 rubles per person per week!
This price already includes direct flights, accommodation, meals and insurance. Incredible!
(Keep in mind that photo prices are current at the time of writing and may change, vary dates, search and find!)

Here is the price for online tours in October-November:

Only no one will offer you such an option in the office, moreover, they will dissuade you, talk about the weather and other inconveniences.
You know, we flew to Turkey in the fall, my mother flew to Turkey in February, and how did we rest? Excellent!

Turkey is not Crimea. It is quite comfortable there in autumn and winter. In February, in Turkey, my mother walked in a T-shirt, enjoyed the excellent all inclusive, excursions, the fact that there were minimal people in the hotel,
in general, I was very satisfied!
And we flew to Turkey for the May holidays and flew terribly. The hotel was full, we paid the maximum for tours (at that time we were not yet aware of booking and buying tours online), we were extremely disappointed and dissatisfied.

That is, do not be afraid to rest in different countries in the so-called "off season".

Why is a hot tour online cheaper?

I will say more, you can buy a last-minute tour cheaply only online!
Why? Because all tour operators post prices for last-minute trips in real time. While you are going somewhere, trying to stake something, what you need will simply be bought out.

Competition between tour operators.

Hot tour online - Saving time and effort

The advantages of buying a last minute tour online are obvious.

You save a lot of time and effort, choose what is interesting and you need. No one is standing over you and pushing outdated advertising booklets with outdated photos of hotels that
They don't even look close to what they look like in the picture.

You decide where to go. When to go. It’s hard for shy people to ask the manager 100 times to try different dates, different hotels, different cities and countries, finally, (I know for myself).
The office will offer you several options, that's all.

Online everything depends on you. You know what you want, found it, ok, then the whole design will take 5 minutes.
Do you like to think, postpone, “sleep with this thought”, weigh everything and think it over carefully? No problem, sit and study as much as you need, no one pushes or rushes.

Look carefully at reviews. remember, that bad reviews they write a hundred times more often than good ones. And very often our tourists are unfair and fastidious.

“Breakfast was meager, only one hundred and five hundred types of ham, scrambled eggs, coffee and tea, buns and 5 types of cheese” “the food was monotonous, we were hungry.”
You might think that these people have breakfast at home with at least freshly caught sturgeon and hazel grouse from the Marriott Hotel.

If the goal is to save on a ticket, then in countries where all inclusive is not represented, do not take meals other than breakfast. This applies to all of Asia.
Thailand is full of inexpensive and tasty food in District. The same is true in Vietnam.

But in Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt (if they open), other Arab-African countries, on the contrary. Half board (breakfast-dinner) or just breakfast can be a disaster, as we have in Egypt.

We bought a ticket to Hillton Sharm El Sheikh for myself and my mother. We had breakfast in Hillton, which is on the first line, with my mother in Hillton across the road and all inclusive. Our ticket cost more.
And if mama had a perfect Buffet around the clock, eat as much as you like, then we really wandered hungry, because in Sharm El Sheikh there is not a rich choice of cafes, we had to dine at Fridays, then at McDonald's, dine at local restaurants and this stupidity resulted in us minus $ 100 daily.

Hot tour online - Departure from Moscow

If you want to buy a really cheap and good last-minute ticket to any country in the world, then get ready for the fact that the flight will be from Moscow.
Yes, perhaps this is not fair, but it is from Moscow that the lion's share of flights, charters in different directions flies and, naturally, the minimum price for tours will be from here.

Travelata and Level Travel have flights from different cities, there are several dozen of them, but there is nothing to compare in terms of prices.

Even residents of St. Petersburg are cheaper to get to Moscow by train and fly away from the capital. After all, the difference of 30,000-40,000 rubles for a ticket is significant, you must agree.
Here is a photo for comparison. Departure to Pattaya from Moscow:

And a flight to Pattaya from St. Petersburg:

Hot tour online - Smart search for online tours

Even if you have never been to the site and experience online shopping you don't, don't be afraid. Everything is intuitively clear, both offices had websites made by professionals,
no questions arise.

I’ll add on my own that we use it more often, in my opinion it is a little more convenient, and I found almost all the tours at the best price there.

On the site you can use the smart search. Select hotel rating, food, type of beach (pebble or sand), proximity to the sea, options for children, flexible departure dates, from which city departure and other usefulness.


How to buy a last minute ticket at the lowest price and make your trip unforgettable? Got 7 tips:

  1. Try to look for a last minute tour in advance
  2. Do not pay attention to seasonality, it is much cheaper and better to go to Turkey during the velvet season or to Thailand in the summer
  3. When buying a tour to Asia, take meals - breakfast, to Turkey and other African-Arab countries - all inclusive
  4. Do not overpay for the name of the tour operator. Presented tour operators on and proven and all worthy
  5. Direct flight will cost more expensive than that what about connections
  6. Departure from Moscow is always cheaper, very often 2-3 times cheaper than from other cities.
  7. Buying a last-minute tour online, you save time, money, effort and get what you wanted, and not what was imposed on you.

good luck and budget travel! Comments and questions are welcome!

How to save money on a hotel or apartment on vacation?

I'm looking on the Rumguru website. It contains absolutely all discounts on hotels and apartments from 30 booking systems, including booking. Often I find very profitable options, it turns out to save from 30 to 80%

How to save on insurance?

You need insurance abroad. Any admission is very expensive and the only way not to pay out of pocket is to choose an insurance policy in advance. For many years we have been making out on the site that give the best prices It takes only a couple of minutes for insurance and selection along with registration.

Gone are the days when all information about travel packages was available only to employees of travel agencies with access to specialized booking systems. Now all information about tours can be found on the websites of tour operators, as well as on online services(new generation agencies) that aggregate all tours in one place and analyze offers from various tour operators, allowing you to find the best. Using these services, you can buy a tour online without leaving your home. While other tourists run after work to agencies, you can easily track and intercept profitable proposition at any time convenient for you.

2. Low price calendar from Travelata

Looks like a calendar from Level.travel. There are 27 destinations on the calendar, 4 of them are Russian: Crimea, Sochi, Krasnaya Polyana, Anapa. In our opinion, the Level.Travel calendar gives out more interesting options, but it happens that in the calendar from Travelata you can find an interesting cheap option. Drop by!

3. Tape of last-minute tours from Level.travel

It is a list of tours (so far only with a departure from Moscow) in the form of data cards. The feed is less visual than the calendar, it may contain the same tours, and clicking on the option will take you to the final page of the tour, skipping the stage with choosing a room and food options. If you have a specific request, then use the filters in the panel on the left. Sort by price to find the cheapest options. The advantage of the feed over the calendar is that the calendar only shows tours for a certain number of nights - 3, 7, 11 and 14, while in the feed, not a single tour will fall out of attention just because it is for 6 nights, and not the standard 7.

4. Hot tours from Travelata

Arranged on the principle of last-minute Level.Travel tours - there is a tape of tours in the selected direction (you can select up to 3 directions at the same time), there are filters by type of food, hotel star rating, etc. We set the parameters you need and go ahead. This cool feature is also in !

5. Hot tours from Onlinetours

Scroll down and under the map we find the burning tours widget. A very simple visual tool, 15 destinations, for each destination the cheapest prices for three resorts are indicated. Filters are not provided, the cheapest and nearest tours are displayed. But you can very quickly look through the options and maybe find something for yourself.

6. Advanced search

Now let's pay attention to the search form, which is on home page on all three sites Level.Travel, Travelata and Onlinetours, namely on the parameters "departure date" and "number of nights". Always set them to be more flexible, so you are more likely to find the most profitable option. Consider specific examples:

one. . You can tick the option plus / minus 2 days from the date of departure and plus / minus 2 nights from the specified number of nights.

2. . You can put plus / minus 3 days from a specific departure date and set a flexible number of nights in the run-up from 1 to 29.

3. . You can set the date of departure in the interval of 10 days and the number of nights in the interval of five.

And here's another tip for you to apply advanced search: when you find cheap tour in the calendar (see point 1 or 2), set a flexible number of nights for this date - sometimes this way you can find even more profitable options.

7. Price chart

In all three online agencies, and the price chart widget is implemented. After starting the search, you can find it: Level.travel to the right of the hotel feed, Travelata and Onlinetours above the search results. In we press a special icon with a calendar. We look at this chart and, if we see that there are other dates with lower prices, click on them and check. We noticed that these graphs do not always show the actual values, but in general they help a lot.

8. Don't Forget the General Principles

Above we have analyzed technical points search for cheap tours, but do not forget about general principles to which our article is devoted - a must-read!

9. Compare agency discounts

Everyone has long been accustomed to travel agencies may give discounts. The retail price for the tour is set by the tour operator, so in theory the prices for tours should be the same for all sellers. But travel agencies are willing to share with you their share of the percentage of the sale, so buying from an agent can be more profitable than directly from a tour operator.

Online agencies are no exception to this, and you can see these discounts both in the final price, which may be lower than that of the tour operator, and in the form of various promotional codes, bonuses for buying or inviting friends. We have an article where we painted,. If you find a tour at the same price in different online agencies, think: where in the end you will get a big discount, buy there.

So, every day, using the methods listed above, and sometimes even more sophisticated methods, we find tours at very competitive prices. We publish all our finds on the Tour Scanner page. In our searches, we always evaluate the offers of several agencies, we are independent of them, so we manage to collect in one place maximum amount the very best offers.

Finding an interesting offer is sometimes not easy, but remember that buying these tours in time is also sometimes not an easy task. Look at the prices we find and imagine how many people might want to buy a tour for this price. Of course, the modern tourist who books online has a clear advantage over the tourist who wastes time running to a regular agency after work or at lunchtime. But you are not the only one who books online, and usually there are a limited number of cheap tours or even just one (the tour operator has last places for charter). As a result, there may be a situation that you are booking, the agent makes a request to the tour operator, and by this time the places for the charter have already been bought out or the room at the selected hotel has not been confirmed. Of course, in this case, the money for the reservation is instantly returned to the card, but you still wanted to fly away on vacation. To avoid this situation with you, we have prepared a number of practical tips for you:

1. Clearly imagine where you would like to fly to rest. Start to navigate the cost in this direction: this is easy to figure out by looking at the calendar of cheap prices.

2. Choose one of the tactics: early booking or last minute tour. If you have chosen a last-minute tour, be prepared to fly out the next day. If early booking, do not delay the purchase, the price of the option you like will gradually increase.

3. If there is “Fortune” in the listing of hotels of a last-minute tour, choose it: there is a high probability that the tour will be confirmed. Also pay attention to the marks of the agencies: "instant confirmation" (after booking the tour immediately in automatic mode is confirmed, since the tour operator has a block of places under warranty in this hotel), a tour “on request” (confirmation of such a tour may take from 1 to 3 days).

5. Subscribe to the Tour Scanner newsletter in Telegram and Viber or follow the publications in in social networks to be the first to know about new cheap tours.

6. If you see a suitable offer, act quickly, without wasting a second.

Back in August, Muscovites began to "prepare sledges": book hotels on ski resorts and buy tours on exotic islands. We talked with experts and found out when it is most profitable to buy a ticket, what is cheaper: last-minute tours or early booking, and whether it is worth rushing to buy air tickets to hot countries.

When to buy tours for the New Year and winter

According to experts, it is worth thinking about a paradise holiday in a 30-degree frost until the end of October. "The decision must be made during September-October, and the tour should be bought at the end of November. Then there will be few offers, and the most popular hotels will be sold out," emphasizes CEO tour operator "Pegas Touristik" Anna Podgornaya.

Other experts believe that with a tour for the winter and New Year must be decided by the end of October.

Last minute trips or early booking

According to Podgornaya, early booking promotions are cheaper than last-minute deals. The fact is that the price of air tickets for charter flights as part of tour packages is unchanged. But the hotel can save a lot of money. "When you buy a tour with an early booking promotion, you save up to 50% on a hotel. This is significant, since the cost of living is sometimes 60-70% of the price of the tour," she explained.

Last-minute tours with a price below the average are not so often and there are few of them, the expert added. In addition, even during early booking promotions, tourists try to book the best hotels.

Alexei Zaretsky, CEO of Travelata, warns that there are practically no last-minute tours on New Year's Eve or May holidays. "At these peak dates, early booking is advisable because the most good options in terms of price and quality, they are sold out in advance. If you buy a tour at the last moment, you will have to take for a lot of money or what is left," he explained.

Last-minute tours in winter will still be: from about January 10 to 15. These days everyone returns home and the tour operators are underloaded. In January, after the holidays, Russians rarely take vacations, as this is unprofitable due to the small number of working days.

"After the holidays, it is very profitable to rest - at this time, prices fall by 30-40%," advises Zaretsky.

Where to go

According to the transport adviser, head federal agency on tourism Dmitry Gorin, the new leader in the winter season will be the United Arab Emirates. The increase in the number of flights and the abolition of visas play into the hands of tour operators.

Next in priority Russian tourists the traditional trio is "Thailand, Vietnam and Goa". Israel, Cuba and the Dominican Republic are also popular. Last of all countries Latin America is now in the greatest demand when buying winter tours. In the Dominican Republic, a lot of hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis, and more charters have begun to fly there, Gorin noted.

According to him, a hurricane in the United States on vacation in the Dominican Republic will not be affected in any way, because he actually passed by. Cuba has suffered more, and the infrastructure will be restored there for some time.

A ticket to Thailand for the winter now costs about 100 thousand rubles for two, India is in second place (about 70 thousand for a ticket). Next come the United Arab Emirates average cost tour for two 80 thousand rubles

On New Year's Eve, some Russians fly to Turkey, even though it's cold there. AT cold season our compatriots are invariably attracted by all inclusive and even more low prices- three times lower than in summer. For early booking promotions, prices for winter holidays Turkey is 20-30% lower.

According to experts, countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile are also in demand, but mainly among individual tourists.

When to buy tickets

As the flight is loaded, the price of air tickets increases and can change significantly. It is unlikely that seats will become available closer to departure, but it also happens that the flight is not loaded and the airlines arrange sales.

Do you want to relax in Turkey inexpensively, but in the most comfortable conditions? Looking for a way to save money on travel? Do not want to overpay travel agencies with such hard-earned money? Learn 7 important secrets how to find a cheap tour on your own and buy a ticket to Turkey online.

Experienced travelers know that there is always an opportunity to lower the cost of a vacation. In this article, we will share with you the secrets of how to relax inexpensively, at no extra cost, and at the same time not deny yourself anything.

So, the basic rules for buying cheap tours to Turkey:

1. Search for tours not through travel agencies, but online on the Internet.

2. Set flexible dates.

4. Buying a tour not only from Moscow or Kyiv, but also from other cities.

5. Smart search.

6. Fortune.

7. Early booking.

Watch this video. This is a special report of the Moscow 24 TV channel, which tells about buying the cheapest tour to Turkey and staying on such a package.

Now let's take a closer look at each of the points.

1. Buying tours online.

Do not contact the travel agencies in your city if you want to buy tours to Turkey. All of them exist at the expense of your money, which you overpay them for vouchers. Now on the web great amount convenient and easy-to-use Internet services, where you can buy tours at a much lower price than in the office of a travel agency. An experienced manager will very easily give you the most expensive tour, colorfully describing the benefits of staying in this particular hotel, the price of which is “just a little more expensive” than in the original option you chose. The manager can also be understood - his salary is a percentage of the cost of the tours sold, so he has a direct benefit from such an "innocent" deception.

What else can be attributed to the advantages of buying tours to Turkey online? This is a huge selection of tours, because you can view the offers of all major tour operators. Buying a tour is fast and at any time convenient for you. You won't miss out on the best deals on "hot tours" because you can redeem this ticket literally within three minutes. Purchasing tours online is absolutely safe, as this service is offered only by the most reliable tour operators with a name and status in the market. Payment is made using a secure protocol, and if you have any questions, you can always contact the 24/7 customer support service.

Documents for the tour come to your mail immediately after payment. You risk nothing big choice and get a tour at a lower price.

Take a look at the site's price calendar. Often vouchers for 7 nights are cheaper than vouchers for 3 nights:

2. Flexible dates for tours to Turkey from.

As a rule, travelers employed at work are strictly tied to specific dates. The situation is much easier for those who work for themselves or work as a freelancer. If you are so lucky that you can afford to choose your vacation time without any special restrictions, search for flexible dates in the search engine. But even if you need a tour on certain numbers months, it still makes sense to check the next dates. For example, a tour to Turkey starting on Monday can cost several thousand more than a tour starting on Wednesday. Also, try to vary the duration of the tour. Sometimes the most popular 7-night tour is the most expensive, while a 10-night package will only cost $10-$15 more. Do not limit yourself, check all the options, and then you are guaranteed to find the most profitable tour.

3. Choosing a resort.

In Turkey, as in any country in the world, there are expensive resorts (Kemer, Fethiye, Bodrum, Belek and Kusadasi) and cheap destinations (Antalya, Alanya, Konakli and Avsallar). However, it often happens that tourists have not bought up tours to expensive resorts, and the tour operator deliberately lowers prices to a minimum. Conclusion - you need to check all directions, what if you come across tours to a VIP-class hotel in Bodrum at the price of a standard five in Alanya?

4. Look for tours from different cities of the country.

Very often, the cost of tours to Turkey from the regions is lower than from the capital. The vast majority of tourists fly to Turkey from Moscow or Kyiv. But there are other airports from where charter flights also fly. Check offers, compare prices, make your choice. You can get to the point of departure by bus or train, if it is economically viable.

5. Smart search.

Be sure to use the smart search function. The websites of the leading travel services offer a selection by category: the best hotels for families with children, type of food, proximity to the beach, high rating etc. Do not refuse this option if you want to make it easier for yourself to choose a tour and not get lost in a sea of ​​offers.

Many tourists do not trust fortune stocks, and absolutely in vain! With this promotion you can buy the cheapest tour. You are offered to choose the region and the number of stars in the hotel, and the tour operator decides the rest for you. Be prepared for the fact that you will actually find yourself in the cheapest hotel in your chosen category in this region. How to guess where exactly you are going to rest? Find the cheapest hotel in your category for your dates, and with a probability of almost 100% it will be it! On Fortuna, you can save several thousand rubles if you like risk and are not upset when you meet with some inconvenience. For more information about the Fortune promotion, see

Many tourists are concerned about the question of what is more profitable - to buy a tour for the "Early Booking" promotion or to wait for "last minute trips". Both promotions provide an opportunity to reduce the cost of recreation. Hot tours are usually cheaper, but there are a lot of restrictions when buying them. You cannot choose the time of departure and arrival, find the right hotel, etc. At the height of the season, all the best hotels are sold out, so those who like buying tours at the last moment are forced to rest in second-rate hotels. The conclusion is this: if you value quality, then buy tours for the "Early Booking" promotion, and if you want to snatch the cheapest tour, then "last minute" offers are at your service.

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