Home Vegetables What are the hobbies. What hobbies are most typical for different ages of the fair sex. Upgrade in modding

What are the hobbies. What hobbies are most typical for different ages of the fair sex. Upgrade in modding

Julia Friday

The most unusual hobbies. Choosing a new hobby

Unfortunately, not everyone can call their work their favorite. In this case, a hobby comes to the rescue - an occupation during which you can take your soul away and relax after a hard day at work.

Most people prefer standard hobbies like reading books, knitting, or cycling. What do you know about unusual hobbies?


The need for new activities appeared when people began to understand that they could not choose a hobby for themselves from those that they already knew. Some active unusual hobbies have emerged from mixing different activities some out of pure curiosity.

One thing is clear - dyulfers are fond of conquering high-rise buildings with their hands and feet without any insurance. The hobby can also appeal to fans of parkour - extreme overcoming city obstacles (fences, high steps and fences, distances between buildings, sheer walls).


If you are a fan of surfing or windsurfing, be sure to try a new kind of water sport - kiting. This hobby rightfully fits into an unusual hobby as a mixed style of study.

Kiting is the ability to fly a light board on the water with a huge kite. The difficulty lies in lifting the kite into the air and standing on its feet in the gusts of strong winds, while balancing on the waves. Learning to kite is difficult. But those who master it, forever forget about other unusual hobbies.

Types of creativity

Unusual hobbies include quiet hobbies such as creating sculptures and paintings. But what materials are used for this!


Microminiature is a kind of volumetric visual arts, which is based on the creation of sculptures and compositions of tiny sizes. The trend was formed at the end of the twentieth century, as denoting miniature works in all branches of art. The process uses magnifying glasses, microscopes and loupes.

For example, craftsmen carve unusual pictures on grains of rice and poppy seeds, prepare horseshoes for fleas and dress flies.

Despite the complexity of execution, everyone can learn how to make small figures. Start with larger blanks - for example, try creating clothes and household items for dried grasshoppers and May beetles... Be patient - the work will be long and painstaking, but the result is worth it.

An interesting kind of miniature work is the pencil rod carving. Craftsmen carve intertwining patterns and unusual chains in mini format from the body and the pencil shaft, striking in their precision and accuracy.

Alternatively, miniature figures are cut at the top of the pencil.

To learn this skill, start with a simple carving through the body of your pencil, going deeper and deeper into the shaft.

Paintings from nails

From the name it is clear that nails are the main material for working in this hobby. Boards can act as a basis different sizes and shapes, walls of furniture and even apartments.

Just draw a sketch with a washable pencil and start hammering in nails around the perimeter. Where the thickness of the lines is wider, drive in several nails side by side, creating light and shadow effects.

One of the varieties of this hobby is threading nails.

Just drive them around the perimeter of the image onto short distance from each other, thus preparing the base. Now cover their legs with thread, moving from one nail to another, or in a chaotic manner, depending on your creative idea.

Paper creativity

An easy way to keep yourself busy free time... First, a sketch of the work is created on a sheet of paper. With the help of scissors, cutters, needles, knives and tweezers, details of a complex image are cut out and attached to each other on a suspended base sheet, creating a three-dimensional figure.

The top of the art is considered to be unusual figures that were cut and designed, but at the same time they were not separated from the base sheet.

A three-dimensional painting acquires a unique charm if you put the lighting next to it at the right angle. Try to create paper sculptures only white- they will seem light and airy.

Scotch paintings

An unusual hobby is complemented by such an art form as creating paintings from scotch tape. This hobby is very economical - you just need to have a white translucent glass rectangular and colored adhesive tape.

The work on the drawing is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • measure the adhesive tape to the required length;
  • glue it to the picture at the right angle and in the right place;
  • trim or tear off excess tape.

This technique makes it easier to create paintings that depict objects. close-up or portraits of people. Despite the fact that many of the works are made with scotch tape of the same color, each time you get an original, unique mood of the characters.

Tire sculptures

This hobby can rightfully fit into an unusual hobby. Using tires as working material, experienced craftsmen create realistic figures of animals, plants and fairy-tale characters.

The Korean sculptor Yong Ho Ji was very successful in this art. He prepares the wire frame future figure and then wraps it up with solid or cut tires. The complexity of his work lies in the fact that the master must create the most realistic sculpture: lay out the facial features, outline the hairs of the fur, the curves of the paws.

This lesson is a bit like working in the carving technique: the tire can be cut in such a way to get a flower, a star, a snowflake out of it. Or you can cut several strips, triangles or squares from it, and then connect them in the desired order.

First, try creating simple figures from old tires. They can be used to decorate a flowerbed in the yard or country cottage area... Gradually, you will hone your skills to the point where you can form complex, realistic sculptures.


An interesting art that appeared relatively recently - with the introduction of professional cameras. Literal translation words - drawing with light.

Take a camera with a shutter speed function and a marker light - it can be any luminous object. Place the camera on a tripod and set it up for shooting in the dark for a while. Stand a short distance in front of the lens and start drawing an image in the air with a marker. The camera will capture it in the form of a ready-made bright pattern on a dark, slightly blurred background.

This kind of creativity is very useful - preparing for the workflow helps a person learn how to take pictures, because to shoot in the dark, you need to be able to choose the right mode.

A list of unusual hobbies will help you decide what you love to do. It is possible that in the future such a hobby may develop into your main occupation.

Take it for yourself, tell your friends!

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It is important for each client to find interest in life during consultations. Indeed, due to neuroses, panic attacks, depression and other problems, interest in life and cognitive activity decrease. Therefore, during consultations, we devote some time to finding interesting hobbies for a person.

After all, a hobby is an internal interest, inner child, creativity, knowledge, pleasure, happiness ... all in one! We are ready to do hobbies for the sake of

pleasure as long as you like, not noticing the time, not thinking about money and not even paying attention to someone's opinion. A hobby contains the true happiness of life, which is important to discover and which is important to have.

In general, in the end, I still decided to sit down and write an article with a gigantic list of hobbies in order not only to analyze, but also to give a quality list in the form of a link. I think that if you are also at the stage of choosing a hobby, it will be interesting for you to find something for yourself in this list. And even if for 20-30 minutes a day, but take a break from adulthood... And not as often happens: wait a month (or even a year), go on vacation for a day or two and then live a month again in anticipation of this day ...

How can you share your hobbies

What we do:

Head (we write poetry, do crosswords, learn languages, ... in short, we think)

With our hands (we sculpt, play musical instruments, throw up a ball, gnaw seeds :), ... in general, fingers, fine motor skills, arms, shoulders sometimes without the participation of the brain)

Body (we go to the bathhouse, for a massage, do sports, ... turn on the body)

Combinations are possible, for example, computer games where the head and hands are involved. For complete happiness, it is more convenient to have one hobby or a set of them that include all these components.

This is the main division. It can also be divided into expensive / cheap, at home / not at home, alone / with someone, male / female, creative / non-creative, etc. But in most cases these will be very conditional boundaries.

Find a hobby quickly

Who you wanted to work, but never started

What we enjoyed doing as a child

The opposite of work (for example, sedentary - choosing an active hobby)

Another moment, before viewing the list of hobbies

And before you go through the entire list diagonally and close the tab, think about this moment:

You will consider hobbies based on your knowledge. The level of your knowledge does not allow you to judge everything, since you only know superficially about most hobbies and perceive them superficially as "childish", "shallow", "unworthy", etc. These labels will get in the way of real choice.

Take for example board games... At best, most people know about the existence of monopoly, checkers, chess, backgammon, cards, .. and, in general, everything. At the same time, the game industry has gone far ahead over the past 30-40 years. Now I have about a dozen great games at home, which we (in our 30s) play with pleasure!

But in order to understand this pleasure, it was necessary to get into the atmosphere of an anti-cafe (cafes in which there are many board games and payment is made only for minutes of stay), play there with the company, understand that there are many games and they are very diverse ... In general, figure it out and get pleasure.

  1. Learn more about a hobby (for example, on YouTube). Find out the possible subsections of the hobby. For example, some time ago I was at a massage night, and only there I learned 7-8 types of massage, and there are much more of them
  2. Try and try to enjoy the hobby
  3. Only after that do you draw conclusions

Otherwise, the list simply won't work.

Huge list of hobbies

  1. Cars
  2. Aromatherapy
  3. Astronomy
  4. Aerobics
  5. Airbrushing
  6. Badminton
  7. Batik
  8. Trampoline
  9. Billiards
  10. Blogging
  11. Bodypainting
  12. Martial arts (wrestling, boxing, hand-to-hand combat, Thai boxing,…)
  13. Bonsai
  14. Bowling
  15. Bike
  16. Video editing
  17. Growing crystals
  18. Growing plants and flowers
  19. Knitting
  20. Herbarium
  21. Puzzle
  22. Golf
  23. Skiing
  24. Graffiti
  25. Diving
  26. Darts
  27. Decoupage
  28. Wood (burning and carving)
  29. Diggerism
  30. Interior Design
  31. Clothing design
  32. Animals (breeding and care)
  33. Juggling
  34. Zentangle
  35. Playing on musical instruments(piano, guitar, trumpet, ...)
  36. Toys and dolls
  37. Games on computers and consoles
  38. Metal products and blacksmithing
  39. Learning new computer programs
  40. Ikebana
  41. Foreign languages
  42. Historical reconstructions
  43. Kiting
  44. Calligraphy
  45. Carving
  46. Karting and ATVs
  47. Quest rooms
  48. Treasure hunt and archeology
  49. Club vacation
  50. Collecting
  51. Computer graphics (design, 3D, flash, special effects, etc.)
  52. Concerts (attendance)
  53. Skates and rollers
  54. Cosplay
  55. Crosswords (composing and solving)
  56. Cooking
  57. Laser tag
  58. Molding
  59. Horses (riding, grooming)
  60. Massage
  61. Modeling (planes, ships, kites, matches, wood, ...)
  62. Museums and exhibitions
  63. Music (writing, remixes)
  64. Soap making
  65. Board games
  66. Origami
  67. Postcards (DIY making, exchange (postcrossing))
  68. Hunting
  69. Jigsaw puzzles
  70. Parachuting
  71. Parkour
  72. Paintball
  73. Singing and karaoke
  74. Correspondence by regular mail
  75. Petanque
  76. Pickup
  77. Pilates
  78. Writing and journalism
  79. Swimming
  80. Weaving (beads, baskets, boxes, lace, macrame ...)
  81. Obtaining scientific titles and degrees
  82. Entrepreneurship
  83. Programming
  84. Psychology and trainings
  85. Travel (other countries, mountaineering, hiking)
  86. Beekeeping
  87. Broadcasting (podcasts, internet radio stations, radio transmitters)
  88. Website development
  89. Drawing (watercolor, canvas, paper, pencils, glass, gouache, etc.)
  90. Drawing by numbers
  91. Robotics
  92. Leather handicrafts (clothing, accessories)
  93. Fishing
  94. Self-made (handmade) things: clothes, shoes, accessories
  95. Surfing
  96. Power training
  97. Skateboard
  98. Scrapbooking (DIY photo albums)
  99. Snowboard
  100. Picking up mushrooms and berries
  101. Sports fan
  102. Glass (production of jewelry and interior items)
  103. Airsoft
  104. Shooting
  105. Dance and ballet
  106. Tattoo & Piercing
  107. Theater (theater group)
  108. Tennis
  109. Fire show
  110. Fireworks
  111. Magic tricks
  112. Photography and photobooks
  113. Football
  114. Sewing and embroidery

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In melted puddles, you can take swimming standards, the thermometer outside the window is stressful from temperature changes, and therefore you don't want to get out into the street at all ... However, you won't get bored at home either. There are many new and well-forgotten old hobbies that can be enjoyed in warmth and comfort.

site presents 33 sites with fun activities for those who want to ride out the winter with its capricious weather.

Making soft dolls

This recognizable rag doll design was first conceived by Norwegian artist Tony Finnanger in 1999. In a similar style, not only dolls, but also animals and even interior items can be made. Among the prerequisites is the use natural materials, pastel colors and soft lines. The faces of the toys are designated very conventionally, so these cute dolls have a cute and somewhat naive look.

To learn more:

    Mir Tilda - Lots of detailed patterns, as well as tips for beginner craftsmen. And for professionals, there is a special calculator that allows you to calculate the cost of each toy.

    Tildamaster - here are collected patterns of various dolls, including in the form of master classes with step-by-step instructions.

    Tilda-mania - the site has a forum for lovers of rag toys, as well as a selection of dolls made by visitors to the resource.

The art of beautiful fonts

The ability to craft stylish lettering on your own is incredibly popular. Each letter is drawn separately, thus the inscription acquires unique view other than the typographic font. Despite the fact that possession of a brush and a steady hand are important for this type of skill, everyone can master the lesson.

To learn more:

Growing plants without soil

Seedlings on the windowsill in jars of mayonnaise are a thing of the past. In a city apartment, it is much more comfortable to grow plants using a soilless method. For this system, no soil is required at all, the sprouts receive the necessary substances from special solution with frequent watering. Almost all plants are suitable for growing in this way.

To learn more:

    Gidroponika.com - a lot detailed information about growing plants using a soilless method, including online broadcasts from greenhouses.

    Hydroponics - the site contains detailed theoretical information on growing certain types plants, lighting and greenhouse placement.

    Hydroponics in practice - this resource, in addition to theoretical information, has a forum, as well as a special calculator that allows you to calculate the nutrient solution for plants.

Amateur radio electronics

Despite the fact that the practical value of amateur radios is a thing of the past, the amateur radio community is more enthusiastic than ever. This is an opportunity not only to test your knowledge of radio in practice, but also to communicate with people around the world. For a start, you can try to put together a walkie-talkie to talk to a friend, and then tackle a more difficult project.

To learn more:

    Soldering iron website - here you will find a large number of electronic circuits, articles for beginners, programs, on-line calculators, reviews and addresses of radio parts stores, you will be able to communicate on the forum, and much more.

    Go Radio - This site is perfect for beginners who want to discover the world of radio electronics.

    Electronics and Electrical Engineering - the site contains a lot of theoretical information explaining the flow physical processes, and there is also a forum for communication with like-minded people.

Looking for a fun and inexpensive hobby? It helps to fill life with meaning and to have fun in your free time. Sometimes hobby can be quite expensive, but there are many cheap options that are just as informative and rewarding. Here is a list of fifty hobbies.

DIY alterations

You can find something that needs renovation for a long time right at home, sew clothes or learn how to make gifts with your own hands. Learn new skills while improving your home! Plus, there are tons of rework ideas on the internet.

Thematic list

Make a list of things you would like to see in hometown and go for a walk. Or maybe you have a list of films that you have wanted to watch for a long time? Making and completing items on a list can be quite fun.


You can find many interesting and free documentaries on the Internet or watch them on TV. Just pick a topic that interests you.

Learning something new

Education is not boring at all! What interests you the most? It doesn't matter what exactly it will be, from science to horror films, just develop knowledge in the field that appeals to you.


Working in the garden is not only a pleasure, but also a benefit - such an activity has a therapeutic effect. You can just buy a pot of soil and a package of seeds.

Camping with a tent

Try hiking with your friends. All you need is a tent, food and drink. If there is no forest nearby, you can pitch a tent right in the yard - it's fun!

Board games

Make an evening of board games with friends or family. It is an affordable hobby that allows you to have a great time.

New music

Search for new songs, discover unfamiliar genres, and you may come across a band that you love.

Preserving memories

Compilation of thematic albums helps to remember all the most pleasant moments your life and realize your creative ideas.


A cheap and interesting hobby will help you have a great time - you can knit gifts for everyone you know! You will never be bored on the road again, because you will knit.


Being able to cook is a useful skill that allows you to have a good time. You can cook delicious dishes even from the simplest ingredients.


Try expressing yourself with pencils or paints.

Hike to a free event

There are probably some festivals or concerts held near you with free admission, you just need to find out information about them.


You make a profit by investing, so if you are good at finance, you can consider investing as a hobby.



If you have free time, becoming a volunteer is a great decision for you.

Yoga classes

If you study at home, it will be a completely free hobby. Yoga is good for the mind and body.


You can start an electronic diary or even start writing your own book.

Card games

Get a deck of cards and invite friends to visit. There are hundreds of games.


This is a cheap hobby that will positive impact on your figure.


This is a great way to develop your intelligence. Pick a book of your favorite genre and take your mind off your worries.

Foreign language

There are many ways to learn foreign language, so start educating yourself.

Hometown exploration

Walk the streets, walk all the bridges. You probably don't know everything you could about your city.

Recent events

Keep track of what is happening in the world. Try to find out about the state of affairs in neighboring countries from the news.

Magic tricks

Learn a few tricks and amaze friends and family with a magic show.

Internet games

There are many sites on the net where you can have fun with a variety of games.

Origami art

This is a wonderful art that is available to everyone. In addition, you can transform your interior with it.


Most likely, you already use the Internet, but there is always something new to discover online. Viewing articles, videos, time on the forum by interests - choose what you like.

Song writing

If you're a creative person, try composing a song.

World record

If you have interesting or unusual skills, try setting a world record.


Maybe there are museums somewhere in the area that have free admission days.


These puzzles are free to play and very fun and entertaining.


If you have a pair of sneakers, you just need to get out of the house. Jogging is good for both body and mind.


If you have enough patience, try meditating for inner harmony.


Start an electronic diary to express yourself and find like-minded people.


These are audio stories that can cover a wide variety of topics.

The photo

If you enjoy taking pictures, try making photography a hobby.


The bike will help you keep fit, you can enjoy nature views or socializing with friends while walking.

Wood carving

This is an unusual hobby that requires only wood and a knife. You can create amazing items with your own hands.

Playing on a sports team

If you love sports, you can join the amateur team of players.


If you are an expert in any field, you can have a great time sharing your knowledge with others.

Admiring the starry sky

All you need is a simple telescope and a place where electric lighting the city remains far enough away.


Weather permitting, you can make a kite and go for a walk.


You can learn to create computer programs in the Internet. This is not only an interesting, but also a very useful skill, it may even turn into your professional career.

Pet training

If you have a pet, you can have a great time teaching it with any simple tricks... If you have already learned the simple commands, do something more unusual and complex.

Interest club

If you and your friends share a hobby, you can open a hobby club together, where other people will also come for discussions. It is not as difficult as it sounds and it is very exciting.


You will need paper and a special pen. Everything, you are ready to start this amazing hobby! Calligraphy lessons can be found on the internet.


Collecting is a lot of fun and inexpensive if you choose something that you can collect. Anything will do - coins, clothes, comics.

Observing people

If you enjoy watching crowds on the street, make it your hobby. Just sit on a bench and watch strangers pass by.


If you search for places by their exact coordinates, you can have an interesting time. All you need is a GPS-enabled device and some energy for active walks.

The world of hobbies is as wide and diverse as human world... Where does a person have such a desire to find their own world of hobbies: from the desire to express themselves? or find yourself in something? or assert? or show your individuality? The answer to the question will most likely be all taken together. The world of hobbies - that's why it is a world to be immense, inexplicable and unsolved to the end.
For millennia, literature has been looking for an answer to the question: how to live in this world? - and the exact answer has not yet been found. And it may not be found. Probably, every person, somewhere on a subconscious level, is trying to answer for himself on the vital important question: how to live in this world? And one of the attempts to find the answer is his own world of hobbies, created by him and for himself.
“And from my attempts to unravel life there will be only one trace: a scratch on the glass, smeared with mercury”, - with such humble sadness IA Bunin finishes his story “At the Source of Days”.

The hero of this story, a five-year-old boy, once drew attention to the mirror for the first time: “I looked into that light, shiny one that hung slightly between the toilet columns, saw another room there, exactly the same as the one I was in, but only more alluring, more beautiful, I saw myself - and for the first time in my life I was amazed and fascinated. "
The mirror struck the child, he wanted to unravel his secret by all means: “But how? Oh, there were many guile and tricks! These tricks always ended in failure. And, having survived the failure, I, of course, forgot about the mirror. But here I was again alone with him - and again tested his power over myself ... And it was sweet again and again to indulge myself with the unrealizable idea of ​​being, to live in this reflected room! Only does it exist even when you do not look at it? "
The secret of the mirror - glass smeared with mercury ... If everything is so simple, then why is the mirror covered with a black cloth when someone dies? No, behind this lies something huge, unsolved! The boy's bewilderment was great when he became convinced that the mirror was really just glass smeared with mercury: “And one day, when everyone in the house was asleep, I pushed the mirror away from the wall, dying with fear of being caught - and kitchen knife lifted one of the boards ... Yes, I was not deceived! There was nothing under the board except glass, smeared with reddish-brown paint. But maybe there is something between this paint and glass? No, and there is nothing there: I slightly scratched the end of the knife in the corner of the mirror - and I saw ... glass! " But the mystery still remained: the unknown and incomprehensible accompany us all our lives, beckoning us into the abyss of knowledge and discoveries, although "from my attempts to unravel life there will be one trace left: a scratch on the glass smeared with mercury."
The world of hobbies is one of the attempts to learn about life in a game, a favorite pastime. It's still the same mirror ... Dreams and mirrors ...
According to sociologists, there are about 150 types of activities that people fill their leisure time. And among them one of the most popular is the world of hobbies, created by ourselves:
Time is extensible -
It depends on
What kind of content
You fill it up.

It's good when a person has a passion. There may be several of them. The more versatile a person is, the more her world of hobbies is, the more interesting it is.
Let's see, what is the world of hobbies we have?

“Listening to music, feeling its rhythm, performing movements that can paint a picture indescribable in words - this makes me delighted. I have been dancing for 4 years already. "
Sysoeva Christina.
“Dancing is everything for me. On this moment I don't go to dances. Not because I don't want to, but because there is no opportunity because of the school. School and lessons are an obstacle. I remember how once we were doing pure ballet at the dances, walking on pointe shoes. It is a pity that my legs get tired quickly. My favorite dances are waltzes and Cha-cha-cha. There is a lot more I can tell you, but that's enough. "
Reunova Maria.

“My hobby is singing. I enrolled in an amateur club in our Palace of Culture. In my opinion, being able to sing beautifully in our times is very prestigious. Now on TV there are a lot of programs about how ordinary people become celebrities. And they all say that they were able to achieve success only thanks to their work and perseverance. They make a lot of money, they are very popular, they have a lot of friends and fans. But singing isn't just to become famous. It is useful and interesting for yourself as well.
In the classroom in the club, I was taught how to properly and beautifully behave on stage, what gestures are appropriate when singing songs. Now I am not ashamed to sing on the school stage, I can artistically perform my song repertoire. I even became a "celebrity" in school.
Of course, I would like to become a real singer, but I understand that it is not so easy. I hope I can do it. "
Katerina Marukha


“My hobby is sports, to be more exact, exercises on the horizontal bar. Every day, my friends and I go to the horizontal bar, where we pull ourselves up, learn new tricks: "two way out" or "coup lifting". My dad, having learned about my hobby, built a horizontal bar for me in the house. Now every day at home I do pull-ups and improve my results.
Passion for sports is not only interesting, but also useful. Physically healthy person has a balanced psyche and is socially useful for society.
The world of hobbies is diverse, each person chooses a hobby to their liking. The main thing in a hobby is that it is useful and does not interfere with others. "
Vladimir Zabrodkin


“I've been playing football for a long time, playing for Titan as a goalkeeper. We go to different competitions, and at the moment we are playing in the city.
I have a favorite team - Shakhtar. Recently, “Shakhtar played in the Champions League. I was at that match, and Shakhtar won 1-0 over Partizan. This decisive goal was scored by Dario Erna with a very beautiful free-kick. I will go to the next match, in which Shakhtar will host Tavriya from Simferopol. I go to all Shakhtar matches. I have a season pass. Football is my life. "

Alexander Shaikhutdinov

“I consider tennis as my hobby. In my opinion, tennis is not just my hobby, it is my whole life. Thanks to this sport, I made new friends, discovered a lot of new and interesting things, was able to visit many cities of Ukraine, expanded my geographical knowledge and gained life experience.
Tennis is a very stressful game that requires not only physical but also mental preparation. In my life, I have been convinced more than once that the one with more restrained nerves wins. Many people think that tennis is not complex view sports and does not require special efforts, but I completely disagree with this opinion. Tennis is not just a game in which you have to run a racket for a certain amount of time. During a match, players often experience tremors, worries, fears. I have often seen situations when two opponents are fighting on the court before last minute, but in the game the score is equal. It costs one person to win one ball - and he is the winner. And it is precisely this moment that becomes the most intense, no one wants to give in and give the victory to the wrong hands.
In my experience there have been victories and defeats, and joy, and tears, but I still love tennis, no matter what. And I do not regret that I chose this particular sport.
Earlier sports for me was just a hobby, now it is a way of life. I can't live a day without him, all the time I want to try to achieve better results... In the future I plan to become a professional tennis player. "
Irina Yatsenko

“I am fond of beading. This is a very painstaking task, but the beaded crafts look great. To make them look like this, you need to apply a lot of patience and desire, painstakingly string each bead on a wire. The smallest beads are only about 1 millimeter in diameter. In general, beads are very different: in color, in shape, in size. Basically it is round, but there is also a felling and bugles. Glass beads began to be made in Venice as early as the tenth century. And glassmaking originated six thousand years ago in Phenicia.
In our time there is great amount beads and the ability to choose any that suits you and you like. To get started, you need to purchase beads, fishing line, wire. Many different things can be made from beads: flowers, butterflies, vegetables, fruits, animals, trees. And also bracelets, earrings, beads and necklaces. And this is an incomplete list of beaded products. To make them, you need diagrams. It is possible to work without schemes, but it is more difficult. When working, it is better not to be distracted in order to avoid mistakes. Diligent patience and diligence will lead to the creation of an amazingly beautiful piece. The main plus of crafts is that a person leaves a piece of his warmth in him. When you spend your free time on creativity, you are wasting it for good reason. "
Irina Podroyko

SMILE! An excerpt from the discussion about sports: “Go in for sports and take care of your health! Anyone who does not protect health pays for it with BLOOD! "

I started playing the piano at the age of 9, I entered music school... There I not only play the piano, but also sing in the choir, perform on stage. Music lessons develop my hearing and voice. Now I can easily perform works by Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and other composers. Playing the piano develops left hemisphere brain. And some say that music can even heal.
I would have played the piano day and night if the neighbors hadn't fought. My hobby seems to me the best! Music is inspiration for me!
Nina Germanova.

This sport includes not only the ability to fight, but also teaches endurance and calmness. In addition to good physical fitness, this brings tremendous moral satisfaction. I am proud to be an athlete. It is always fashionable to be a healthy, physically fit person.
Samokhin Danil

A real hobby entered my life when a few foreign coins fell into my hands. These coins were brought by my sister from abroad. I did not attach great importance to this event and postponed them without interest. But very soon the number of coins began to increase. From another trip, my sister brought me only two coins. They were wonderful, each of them surprised with its history. I had no idea that the stories of coins would interest me so much. From that day on, I really got carried away. I started to meet interesting people who are engaged in numismatics. Numismatics translated from Latin means "coin". This is the science of collecting coins and dates back to the fourteenth century. Coins can tell about distant history, about the culture of the past.
Dmitry Osipov.

I like to play table tennis... For the first time I tried to play when I was in the Golden Lily pioneer camp in Svyatogorsk. In our free time, my friends and I played table tennis. And when the camp shift ended and we left for different cities, I started going to the schoolchild's room at home. It has a tennis table. Every day after school, my friends and I rush there to play tennis. You can say that I am a "fan" of this game. This is not only interesting and exciting, but also useful, because this game develops accuracy and coordination of movements.
Probably, with age, I will have other hobbies, because there are many interesting things around, but for now I play tennis.
Efremenko Maxim.


I have a lot of hobbies: sports, music, outdoor games, computer. I'm swimming in sports school Stream, I visit the Jiu-Jitsu section, I like listening to rock music, playing football, playing computer games.
But this year, having visited the Transcarpathian region in the village of Voevodyno, where we went on horseback riding for several days, I "fell ill" with another hobby. I liked looking after the horses, feeding them, walking them. These are such smart animals! Sometimes it seemed that they were just reading your thoughts, only they could not tell. I especially liked the horse Brown color Gunther breed. The horse's nickname is Fedya. I made friends with him, often rode him, although of the entire stable he is the most playful and unsafe for novice riders.
I wanted to have my own horse, but my parents are still against it. I brought a fridge magnet with a horse. When I look at him, I remember our horseback riding with Fedya.
Kuzmichev Vlad

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