Home Vegetables Business for a linguist: how to open a school of foreign languages. How to open a private English school

Business for a linguist: how to open a school of foreign languages. How to open a private English school

  • registration
  • License
  • Premises and equipment
  • Staff
  • Advertising
  • Costs and profits

The ability to speak a foreign language has always been highly valued in society and is a great asset for getting a good job. That is why people who want to achieve success in life and career strive to gain new knowledge in this area. For those women who decide to start a business on training, there will be relevant advice how to open a school foreign languages from scratch. We invite you to familiarize yourself with step by step guide to implement this idea.


Where to begin starting a business? In order to properly open a school for the study of foreign languages, you need to legally formalize your activities. The easiest way is to register an individual entrepreneur. You will be able to teach and hire teachers, but the company will not have the right to issue special certificates about taking courses in English or other languages. Experts advise opening a LEU (Non-State educational institution). This is a rather laborious process, but it will still be easier to "promote" your establishment and earn money. The company will have a more advantageous position than if an individual entrepreneur was issued. Agree that students will be more happy to go to study at a specialized institution than to a private businessman. The same goes for teachers. The process of registration in tax authorities will last up to 1 month.


Many women are interested in whether it is possible to open their own foreign language school without a license? Unfortunately, for the provision of educational services and the issuance of certificates, licensing is a mandatory item (you do not need to register it only for private tutoring). You can get it at the city's Department of Education, for which it will be necessary to collect a certain package of documents. Its list includes:

  • application for a license;
  • notarized copies of constituent documents;
  • notarized copies of permits for premises from SES and State Fire Supervision;
  • curriculum and certificate confirming the availability of the necessary methodological and special literature;
  • personnel information;
  • certificate of payment of state duty;
  • an inventory of all attached documents.

The exact list of documentation that is needed in order to obtain a license and open an educational institution from scratch, check with the territorial authority. Please note that it may change.

One of the popular ideas for earning a girl on the Internet at home is teaching English or other foreign language online, via Skype. This option is suitable if you have the appropriate education and at least a little work experience.

Premises and equipment

Where is the best place to start your school of English or other foreign languages ​​from scratch? Experts recommend renting or purchasing premises near educational institutions, shopping centers and other places with high traffic. It is much more profitable to open an institution in the central districts of the city, since it is unlikely that you will be able to attract many clients in the bedrooms. Be sure to thoroughly assess your competition. If a similar establishment is already open nearby, find another place to start your business.

The next step for the opening of the school will be renovation, purchase of equipment and furniture. These are perhaps the largest costs and must be taken seriously. The educational institution should be modern, with stylish furniture and equipment. Take care of your purchase first good tables, chairs, cabinets and boards. Of course, the school cannot do without educational and methodological literature... It will also be very great if you buy several computers and run the Internet for the opening. As for the design, it all depends on your taste and financial capabilities, but we advise you to make the room beautiful and cozy. Hang themed paintings and posters on the walls, and place funny symbolic figurines on the shelves. Eiffel tower or Big Ben. People need to feel comfortable to want to come again and again. Moreover, if you want to open a school for the study of foreign languages ​​for children.


To open a successful foreign language school from scratch, you need to find highly qualified teachers. Unfortunately, this is not as easy as it sounds. Experienced employees can only be lured to a new place of work by high wages. You will have to try to find a worthy teacher, especially if the institution teaches not only English, but also, for example, Spanish, Chinese, Italian or German. Big role the age of your students also plays. For adult clients, it is best to find a foreign teacher who can teach the nuances business speech... Teachers in regular schools may well teach children, including preschoolers. In any case, it is very important question that need to be dealt with long before the opening of the institution. Your educational institution should have only experienced, literate and qualified teachers with impeccable reputation, since it depends on most of success. From the staff, you will also need a cleaner and a visiting accountant.

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

635 800 ₽

Minimum start-up capital



7 months



The goal of the project is to open a language school for the implementation of a range of available services in the field of foreign language learning and translation in a city with a population of over 1 million people. The main source of income for the institution is payment for teaching a foreign language.

The language schools provide a range of services for the study of various foreign languages ​​for different levels of students' training.

Every year the popularity of language schools is increasing - people realize the benefits of knowing a foreign language and strive to learn it. Therefore, the linguistic school is prestigious, in demand and profitable view business.

The main advantages of the business:

    relatively small amount of capital investment;

    promising direction, the annual growth in demand for this type of service;

    fast payback.

Premises are rented for the implementation of the project with total area 100 m2 located in one of the sleeping areas. In the linguistic school, it is planned to teach seven foreign languages ​​in various programs.

The target audience is the city's population aged 16 to 45, families with an average income.

The initial investment is 635,800 rubles. Investment costs are aimed at arranging the office and purchasing material to ensure educational process, creation of a working capital fund. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

The financial calculations cover the five-year period of the project. According to the calculations, the total net profit for the first year will amount to 1,290,000 rubles, and the return on sales will be 17.5%. Upon reaching the planned targets, the initial investment will pay off after 7 months of work.


V modern world the role of foreign languages ​​is growing rapidly. This tendency is especially noticeable during the crisis, when the interest in learning foreign languages ​​is sharply increasing. Analysts attribute this phenomenon to the desire of people to acquire competitive advantages that will increase their value as specialists. However, the motives for learning a foreign language can be very diverse: someone needs it for work, someone learns the language in order to communicate freely while traveling abroad, someone is preparing to go abroad or for the Unified State Exam, and for someone it is becomes a hobby.

Over the past ten years, the attitude towards the study of foreign languages ​​in Russia has changed markedly. First, the demand for this type of service has increased. Secondly, educational opportunities have expanded - today the market offers different ways learning foreign languages, and everyone can find the form of study that suits him. Language schools and courses, tutors, online training, tutoring via Skype, trips abroad, and so on.

People are beginning to realize the benefits of knowing foreign languages, as evidenced by the results of sociological research:

    97% of respondents said that traveling knowing foreign languages ​​is much easier;

    98% of respondents said that a second foreign language will help them in their careers;

    95% believe that learning a second foreign language will improve mental performance;

    1/3 of enterprises want to hire a person with knowledge of a foreign language in a particular field;

    people with knowledge of a foreign language can expect a salary increase of 20%.

In terms of the growth rate of foreign language learning, Russia ranks 10th. China, Romania, Ukraine and Malaysia are on the list of leaders. At the same time, the EF2013 Index, developed by the international educational center, characterizes Russia as a country with low level knowledge of foreign languages. Bind given fact so that the standard school program and the tertiary education curriculum is inconsistent, outdated and rather fragmented. Therefore, people, faced with the need to use a foreign language, are forced to resort to the services of language schools, courses or tutors.

The goals for learning the language are varied: 26% consider a foreign language as a factor of career growth, 23% study the language for professional development, 20% do not set a specific goal and learn the language for self-development, 12% learn the language, planning to emigrate, 8% - to take exams at a school or university, and 7% - for passing the international TOEFL, IELTS exam. 4% learn the language to communicate fluently while traveling.

Ready-made ideas for your business

On Russian market 76% of students choose English, German - 10%, and French - 7%. The remaining 7% are in Japanese, Chinese and other languages. It should be noted that the study of Asian languages ​​in recent times gain popularity.

When answering the question, what foreign language they would like to learn, the respondents indicated: 25% - English, 7% - French, German - 5%, Spanish - 4%, Chinese - 3%, Italian - 3%, Japanese - 1% ...

57% of the respondents believe that it is impossible to do without knowledge of a foreign language in the modern world - and, in particular, because it is needed to travel to other countries and this is a requirement of the time.

At the same time, 46% of the respondents who do not speak foreign languages ​​would like to receive this knowledge.

Thus, teaching foreign languages ​​is in great demand, and the popularity of this type of service is growing every year.

Today, in the largest cities of Russia, the practice of studying foreign languages ​​in language schools and courses that are able to create the necessary conditions... Table 1 shows the approximate number of language schools and courses in different cities Russia as of early 2017.

Table 1. Number of language schools and courses in largest cities Russia according to 2GIS

Online training is also gaining popularity: over the past two years, at least 15 online resources have been created. However, consumers have a preference for language schools.

The cost of educational services in the segment of studying foreign languages ​​is different, depending on the form of study - in a group, individually for one academic hour, or the purchase of all training course... In addition, the cost of classes varies depending on the language - for example, studying of English language due to its popularity it will be much cheaper than learning Japanese. Therefore, when creating a language school, it is necessary to clearly understand which languages ​​to include in the program.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Thus, the dynamic development of the market for paid educational services in the segment of foreign languages ​​allows us to talk about investment attractiveness of this business.


The main activity of the language school is the provision of educational services in the field of teaching foreign languages.

Before opening linguistic school it is necessary to determine which languages ​​will be available for study, as well as which audience of the courses is supposed to be - children up to school age, high school students, students or adult working people. Development depends on it educational programs, the range of services provided, the planned sales volumes, the organization of the educational process.

The most requested language is English, followed by German and French. This set of foreign languages ​​is considered mandatory for the linguistic school. It is recommended to organize courses for more rare languages: Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese. This can become your competitive advantage and attract customers, since the competition in the field of teaching foreign languages ​​is quite high.

You should also provide for a range of different courses so that each student can choose the form and direction of study suitable for him in your school:

The list of services and areas of study is open and is determined individually for each linguistic school, based on its goals, financial capabilities, staff, etc.

This project involves the opening of a language school offering the following types educational services:

    General curriculum for teaching English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese. Classes in small groups of 4-6 people and large groups of 12-20 people. The course program includes colloquial and grammatical base. For the English language, the choice of the program is assumed depending on the level of knowledge - initial, basic, advanced;

    The intensive (accelerated) English language training program includes three levels - beginner, basic, advanced;

    Preparation for the exam, exam, TOEFL, IELTS and so on. The course includes preparation for various international tests in a foreign language, as well as preparing schoolchildren for passing the exam and the exam. It is assumed that there are group and individual courses;

    Conversational English. Expansion oriented course vocabulary and live communication practice;

    Business English. The course includes the study of grammar, vocabulary expansion, the study of specific business terminology;

    English for children: programs for children 3-5 years old and 6-7 years old. Learning is built on alternation learning activities and various games, which allows students to effectively assimilate the material.

    Translation services - written translation of texts from Russian into English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese languages and vice versa. Translation in progress different types documentation, advertising and other texts.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In accordance with the specified list of services, the required office space is determined, a staff is formed, a training schedule is drawn up and a marketing strategy is planned.


The target audience of the language school, taking into account the course programs, is the city's population aged 16 to 45, families with an average income.

A corporate identity, a memorable name and logo are of great importance for a language school, therefore, before launching a project, it is recommended to carry out work on naming and creating an image. The help of naming specialists will cost an average of 6,000 rubles - the price includes the development of a brand, logo, name.

The location of the language school also plays important role- it is necessary for students to get to school conveniently. It is advisable to choose an office in a walkable place, on a crowded street. Locating the school in a residential area will become a competitive advantage, since the proximity of the school to home for some consumers is a determining criterion when choosing.

A sign must be placed near the school indicating the location of the language school. Coordination, production and installation of an advertising sign will cost about 24,000 rubles.

In the first months of opening, it is necessary to conduct an advertising campaign. For this, it is envisaged: distribution of promotional leaflets, posting of advertisements in the elevator. The budget for this type of advertising will be about 10,000 rubles. To shape your customer base and attract visitors, it is recommended to conduct various promotions and bonuses: the first lesson is free, a discount for a repost in a social network, a “bring a friend - get a discount” promotion, etc.

You must also create a group or profile in popular social networks... The content of a group or profile should be diverse, including not only organizational issues and advertise the school's services, but also contain useful information- it can be fascinating videos in a foreign language, Interesting Facts about the languages ​​of the world, useful infographics, etc. Marketers note that providing a company with useful and, most importantly, free information increases the level of loyalty of potential customers. It is convenient to carry out various promotions and bonus programs, which was mentioned above.

It is also recommended to create your own website - this will not only increase the reputation of the school, but also simplify the process of informing about the services. On the site, users will be able to read the description of each course, see the class schedule, get acquainted with the prices, take tests to determine the level of training, find out the contacts and location of the school, get acquainted with the teaching staff. Creation and promotion of the site will be approximately 50,000 rubles.

It is necessary to comprehensively use promotion tools - then advertising will give the fastest and most effective result. However, it should be understood that for a language school, as for any service sector, the most effective way advertising is word of mouth. That's why best advertisement for your language school - qualified staff and a pleasant atmosphere.


Opening a language school includes the following stages:
  • Registration in government bodies... In accordance with Art. 91 FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", additional education subject to licensing. The state fee for a license is 6,000 rubles. You should also decide whether you will issue students a document confirming the passage of a particular language course. To issue a document state standard on completion of training, you must obtain a license from the local department of the Ministry of Education. Most simple option is the organization of a language school with individual teaching activities - license in in this case will not be required, but there will be no right to issue documentation confirming the qualifications of graduates. To implement the project, it is planned to create a language school without the right to issue a state-recognized document. To maintain commercial activities an individual entrepreneur is registered with a simplified taxation system (“income” at a rate of 6%). Activities according to OKVED-2:
  • Other additional education for children and adults, not included in other groups
  • Translation and interpretation activities.
  • Location and choice of office. A good location implies proximity to educational institutions, shopping centers, crowded streets. Presence is desirable free parking and convenient transport interchange. Also, when choosing a room, you need to pay attention to lighting, sanitary condition, the presence of a bathroom and other technical characteristics... The optimal size of the premises for a language school is from 100 m2 - this area is enough for two classes and a reception with a reception. If you intend to provide individual training services, then it is recommended to provide a small office for this.

For implementation of this project it is proposed to rent an office with an area of ​​100 m2 located in one of the sleeping areas. The cost of renting such a renovated premises will be on average 70,000 rubles for a city with a population of about 1 million inhabitants. It is planned to accommodate 2 classrooms and a hall with a reception. One classroom will be dedicated to English classes, where classes will be held daily. The second auditorium will be used for classes in other languages. This division will allow you to correctly arrange the space and facilitate the scheduling of classes.

  • Recruitment. For a language school, the availability of qualified personnel is one of the main parameters, therefore, you should carefully approach the selection of personnel. Search for employees can be carried out as follows: on specialized sites; collecting information through friends; monitoring of teachers of general education and private schools with the subsequent offer of employment.

The composition of the teachers also determines the schedule of the language school. It is assumed that the work schedule will be from 10:00 to 20:00 seven days a week, since the presence of weekend groups will allow serving a larger number of clients.

The average duration of a foreign language course is 4-8 months, or 72-144 academic hours. At the end of the course, students take a test that assesses the level of knowledge gained during training. Enrollment in groups is carried out 2 times a month in English and 1-2 times in other languages. The main stream of students falls on evening groups (from 17:00 to 20:00). Small study groups consist of 4-6 people, and large ones - 8-16 people. An even number of students in the group is recommended, since in the learning process it is often necessary to divide the group into pairs to complete tasks, which increases the effectiveness of such training.

Table 2 shows the sales plan and the calculation of revenue for the first year of the language school's operation. The implementation plan is drawn up taking into account the mode of operation, the number of courses offered and their duration. For example, an intensive English course takes 72 academic hours, and a general course - 144 hours.

Table 2. Implementation plan for the first year of the language school

Foreign language name

Number of courses completed

price, rub.

Revenue, rub.








Translation services

250 rubles / 1000 characters




For the functioning of a language school, it is necessary to form a staff of the following employees: teachers, administrators, accountant, cleaner. The main staff are teachers, since the atmosphere of the educational process, the level of knowledge of students and the impression of the school as a whole depend on their professionalism and communication skills. Based on the drawn up implementation plan, the language school needs to hire 2 English teachers and 1 teacher for each of the other foreign languages. Thus, the teaching staff will be composed of 8 specialists.

When choosing teachers, the following requirements must be met: availability higher education(preferably linguistic), excellent knowledge of spoken and written language, work experience of at least two years, the presence of a proven and integrated methodology learning.

The administrator position assumes 2 through 2 shifts, so you will need to hire two employees. Administrator requirements are limited high level discipline, responsibility, communication skills. Their responsibilities include receiving calls and letters, registering clients for classes, forming groups, scheduling classes, maintaining groups on social networks, and providing the school with the necessary equipment. Part-time employment is assumed for a cleaner and an accountant.

You also need a head of the school who will perform the functions of a manager. All personnel are subordinate to him, he makes a decision on hiring employees, builds a marketing policy, interacts with a counterparty.

General fund salary will amount to 274,000 rubles, and taking into account insurance payments - 356,200 rubles per month.

Table 3. Staff of the language school

General payroll


The number of employees

Salary for 1 employee (rub.)

Total salary (rub.)




Cleaning lady (part-time)

Accountant (part-time)

General fund salary



The financial plan takes into account all the income and expenses of the project, the planning horizon is 5 years. To launch a project, you need to calculate the amount of initial investment. To do this, you need to decide on the cost of furniture, technical equipment office and purchase of educational material. About 54% of the initial investment is in office furniture and technical equipment; 26% of investments are spent on educational material, and 20% on advertising and registration.

Table 4. Investment costs



Cost of 1 piece, rub.

total amount, rub.

Furniture and appliances:

Table (training)

Table (for the teacher)

Magnetic whiteboard

Educational material

A computer

Wi-fi router





Registration of individual entrepreneurs

Making a seal, opening an account

State duty for a license

Website creation and promotion

Working capital:



Fixed monthly costs are shown in Table 5. Of these, almost 70% of costs are accounted for wages employees. Depreciation is charged on a straight-line basis over 5 years. V monthly costs also need to foresee the cost of upgrading methodological material as it is an important element of the educational process.

Table 5. Monthly expenses

Thus, fixed monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 519,153 rubles. The planned revenue is 660,416 rubles per month. Exit on target indicator planned for the fourth month of the school.


The payback period of the project with an initial investment of 635,800 rubles is 7 months. Net monthly profit when the project reaches the planned sales volume, it will amount to about 140,000 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume in the fourth month of work. The return on sales in the first year is 17.5%.


To assess the risk component of the project, it is necessary to analyze the external and internal factors. External factors include threats associated with economic situation in the country, sales markets. Internal - the effectiveness of the organization's management.

Opening a linguistic school is associated with the following external risks:

    high competition in the current market of paid educational services. Price monitoring, a well-thought-out pricing and advertising policy, determination and implementation of your competitive advantages will help to reduce this risk;

    increase in the cost of rent, which will entail an increase fixed costs and may affect financial condition... It is possible to reduce the likelihood of risk by concluding a long-term lease agreement and choosing a bona fide lessor;

    risks under contracts with suppliers teaching materials... It is possible to reduce this risk by observing the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts when concluding contracts, choosing reliable suppliers, determining the amount and procedure for compensating the supplier for damage caused;

    the seasonality of the business, which reduces the demand for educational services in the summer months. It is possible to mitigate the risk when developing marketing strategy, an effective advertising policy, which includes promotions and bonuses.

Internal risks include:

    non-fulfillment of the planned sales volume. It is possible to reduce this risk with effective advertising campaign and literate marketing policy, involving various promotions and bonuses;

    lack of qualified specialists. This risk will be mitigated by monitoring employees of other schools and offering them the opportunity to combine work, as well as careful selection of employees for interviews, cooperation with universities that train translators and teachers of a foreign language;

    decline in the reputation of the establishment in the circle target audience in case of errors in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk with constant monitoring of the quality of services, receiving feedback from clients of the institution and taking corrective measures.


Calculations are relevant for 2019

MS Word Volume: 45 pages

Business plan

Feedback (162)

Need a business plan for a foreign language school? You can study this document on our website. Language school - popular destination modern entrepreneurship, because speaking English is an imperative, not just prestige. Career advancement often depends on knowledge of the language, with fluency in English you can freely communicate on tourist and business trips abroad.

Having studied the business plan of the language center, you are guaranteed to acquire a unique opportunity to develop activities in the linguistic direction. Language courses can help preschoolers, primary school children, high school students, students and already held people, professionals who wish to learn English, German, Spanish from scratch or simply to improve the level of their knowledge of a foreign language to the desired level.

Proven business plan for the organization language courses English and other foreign languages ​​will definitely allow you to move in the chosen direction with the least loss. A modern language center is not only the work of competent teachers, but also training according to modern textbooks, the use of video communications, the study of material with native speakers using sound courses, lessons, modeling of standard and non-standard situations. Knowledge of a foreign language opens up new horizons, therefore, with the correct formulation of this entrepreneurial business, permanent success is guaranteed.

Knowledge of at least one foreign language significantly increases the chances of those who want to find Good work... But, since not everyone studied diligently at school or institute, only special courses will allow filling the gaps in knowledge. If you decide to open foreign language courses, you can be sure that you will always find clients. Of course, if you can attract them.

As the experience of opening language courses shows, first of all, it is necessary to take care of the level of teaching. Graduates linguistic universities- the option is not suitable. For such work, teachers who have experience working with people, or specialists who have received education abroad, are suitable.

In order to open a school of foreign languages, an entrepreneur must obtain a special license for educational activities... They are issued by the territorial education committees. You must first prepare a fairly solid package of documents confirming that you will be able to provide a high quality education in your school or courses. And remember: if you plan to open a full-fledged school of foreign languages, with the issuance of government-issued documents, registration as an individual entrepreneur will not be enough for you.

The main problem for a businessman who decides to open a business such as a foreign language school will undoubtedly be high competition. Moreover, in the number potential competitors not only the owners of similar schools and language courses get there, but also ordinary tutors who visit their students at home. Therefore, the first step of an entrepreneur should be a competent assessment of competition in your region. Study the rates at which tutors work, find out how much they charge for similar services in other schools.

Judging by the experience of opening a school of foreign languages, the level of prices in it should be slightly lower than that of tutors. Many clients find it much more convenient to invite a tutor to their home than to go to classes themselves. As for the owners of competing schools or courses, in this case, you need to take no more than low prices for services and quality. It is important to find an opportunity to stand out from your competitors or to occupy a narrower niche.

Try to open an English school for children or open a foreign language course for adults who need knowledge colloquial speech for traveling abroad. A business like teaching the Turkish language also has a right to exist, but in this case, an entrepreneur will have to seriously think about an advertising campaign in order to find his client.

A professional example of a business plan for opening a language school in English and other foreign languages ​​with ready-made calculations will help you start with the least loss. Do you want to know what is the difference between school and foreign language courses? After studying this document, you can easily understand the difference and determine what attracts you.

Knowledge of a foreign language in a globalized world is considered mandatory for an educated person. It is good practice to know at least one foreign language - English. In this regard, many schools and courses of foreign languages ​​appear in cities, inviting both schoolchildren and students, as well as adults and even preschoolers as pupils.

So foreign languages? The answer is in this article!

English, it is necessary to analyze the market. The future director should think about the following questions:

  • what will be the format of the school: individual training or group;
  • who will be trained for: kids, schoolchildren, applicants, adults, etc., for each social group you will need to develop your own methodology and purchase separate teaching materials;
  • school goal: just teach the language, provide preparation for the exam, prepare for life abroad, help with job placement, etc., possibly opening teacher retraining courses with the issuance of certificates;
  • how many languages will be studied.

At the first stage, it does not interfere with checking the potential demand: assessing the number of English language schools in the city, their occupancy, the level of teaching, location, etc. Usually, all the advantages and disadvantages of an educational institution become immediately clear.

Important to formulate special offer, which will interest the widest audience, as well as protect yourself from mistakes made by competitors.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a foreign language school

  1. Niche analysis, competitor monitoring, USP development,
  2. Receiving initial capital (for example, a loan).
  3. Obtaining a license to conduct educational activities.
  4. Search for suitable premises, rent or ransom.
  5. Carrying out repair work, ordering a sign.
  6. Obtaining permission from the SES and the Ministry of Emergencies.
  7. Formation of the teaching staff.
  8. Development of educational programs.
  9. Purchase necessary equipment, furniture, teaching aids.
  10. Active advertising, conclusion of contracts for training, group formation.
  11. From September 1 - the beginning of classes.

School registration

To open a school you will need:

  • or . If the school is organized by several people, then it is easier to organize a company. If the founder plans to work alone or with the involvement of hired workers, then you can limit yourself to an individual entrepreneur. When choosing, you can use the "simplified".
  • Obtaining a license. To obtain it, you need to contact the local department of education, they will tell you where and how to get it. Usually for this you have to go to Obrnazdor and present your business project there.
  • Accreditation. At the first stage, you can do without it. This document will allow the issuance of state-recognized school graduation certificates. You can issue it after 5 years of successful work.
  • Re-certification. Every three years, the pedagogical team must undergo re-certification to check the suitability of the position.

Room selection

This is a key moment for opening a school, on which the success of the entire enterprise as a whole depends. There are two approaches:

  • rent (or redeem if funds are available) a small office, or rent a class at an educational institution;
  • purchase or rent an entire building.

At first, the first option is preferable. If a whole building is bought (for example, a former kindergarten), then it is necessary to make repairs in it in accordance with the legislation. There are no such strict requirements for offices. Of course, you will have to go through the inspection of the SES and fire supervision and obtain the appropriate permits, but this is not so difficult.

Where should you choose a building?

Experts advise to be located:

  • near existing educational institutions;
  • in busy and business districts of the city;
  • if locality small - then in the very center;
  • if the city is large, then it makes sense to open several offices in different areas to cover the greatest number residents.

The optimal size of the room is 50 square meters... It should be in mandatory daylight.

Do not forget that perhaps will have to invest in repairs.

Purchase of the necessary equipment

You will definitely need:

  • desks and chairs;
  • teaching table and department;
  • board, chalk, pointer;
  • visual aids (for example, a map in a foreign language, a table of times, a list of basic irregular verbs etc.);
  • educational kits: textbooks, notebooks, work aids;
  • magazines;
  • optional - projector, interactive whiteboard, TV, computers or laptops, etc.

The specific composition of the manuals and kits will depend on the current training programs. Each of them will need its own set of "tools". Learning programs can be developed by yourself, taken from free sources, or ordered from professional teachers.

Formation of the teaching staff

If the founder of the school plans to become a teacher, this will of course lower costs. However, for full-fledged work, the institution will need additional teachers: at least for a wider audience coverage and profit.

A teacher should be selected according to his professional qualities and presented portfolio, based on feedback and recommendations from the previous place of work. It is good if the teacher has been teaching classes using the same methodology for many years. So it will be possible to get multi-format teachers into the team and expand the range of services provided.

The recruitment of teachers is an ongoing process. It is optimal to accept new ones at the beginning school year or before the New Year, then the teacher has a greater chance of recruiting a group.

Fundamental rules

You should adhere to the rules:

  • set depending on the load, no “leveling” - this will motivate for an additional set of students;
  • one teacher - one language, one program;
  • do not forget about professional development.

Find students

The hardest part: find people willing to study. However, if the city is "hungry" for foreign schools, then there will be no problems with the influx of students. It's another matter if the niche is busy and there is quite a competitor. The following tips will help here:

The new school should offer something truly unique and interesting, there should be a chip. For example, training is conducted on computers, communication with live native speakers of a foreign language is offered, teachers of the university are intensively preparing for the Unified State Exam, there are express courses for businessmen, etc.

How to make a foreign language school popular?

  • print advertising in crowded places: at bus stops, on public boards, not far from schools and universities;
  • on thematic platforms: on city portals, in groups in social networks, etc.;
  • radio advertising;
  • TV.

Business plan of the school of foreign languages

Initial stage costs if rented office space, it is planned to recruit 10 groups of 10 students, 5 teachers (excluding the director) will work in 5 programs:

  • registration of an individual entrepreneur, obtaining a license in Obrnadzor - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • search for a suitable building, obtaining permission from the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • repair (if necessary) - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment, including furniture - from 80 thousand rubles (for 10 students);
  • purchase of books, textbooks, stationery, workbooks, etc. - from 30 thousand rubles (for 10 students in 1 program), in total: from 150 thousand rubles.

Initial capital: 305 thousand rubles.

Monthly costs

  • rent - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • utilities - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • - from 20 thousand rubles per person, in total: from 140 thousand rubles (including taxes);
  • (minimum: a cleaner and an accountant) - from 30 thousand rubles.

Total costs: 250 thousand rubles.

FSBEI HPE "Altai State Technical University

them. I.I. Polzunova "

Business project Language school "salut"

Project developers:

Timofeeva I.

Meshcheryakova D.

Barnaul - 2013

Introduction …………………………………………………………………… .. …… ......... 3

Summary …………………………………………………………. ………………… ......... 5

1 Market analysis ………………………………………………………………… ............ 7

2 Product Description ……………………………………………… ... …………… ............ 8

3 Marketing plan ……………………………………………. …………………… ........ 11

4 Organizational plan ……………………………………………………… .......... 12

6 Risk plan …………………………………………. ……………………… .......... 13

7 Financial plan ………………………………………… .. …………………… ......... 13

Conclusion ………………………………………………………. ………………… ....... 18


In the context of the constantly changing financial market conditions, the most responsible part of a company's management is planning, in the process of which its policy is developed, starting with the appearance of a fundamental idea and up to its implementation in specific action plans and quantitative (digital) indicators.

Planning the activities of any enterprise involves the study of the financial and economic results of activities, the identification of factors, trends and proportions of business processes, the main directions of development.

Planning allows you to foresee the prospects for the development of the enterprise for the future, more efficiently use all resources, avoid possible risks as a result of financial and economic activities, timely introduce new types of products, works and services, improve their quality of provision in accordance with market conditions, ensure profitability and consistent capital build-up.

In other words, planning provides an understanding of the goal, the invariance of the ways to achieve it, depending on certain parameters that determine the external environment. Planning makes it possible to interconnect all aspects of the bank's activities through summary indicators, to link the results with the interests of the team through a system of material and other types of labor incentives.

In each organization, the practice of developing and making decisions has its own characteristics, determined by the nature and specifics of its activities, organizational structure, and the existing communication system. However, there are common characteristics the process of planning activities, wherever it is carried out. This is the single core that forms the technology for developing and adopting a plan used by any credit institution.

Business plan  a document that defines the goals of activities in the field of business and management and outlines the ways and means of achieving the set goals based on the analysis of all the problems that arise. The development of a business plan largely allows to determine the potential of the bank, set new goals and objectives, develop the most rational management decisions, coordinate the actions of divisions, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the staff and the entire credit institution. The business plan reflects the results of research in the field of finance, management and marketing.

All of the above confirms the relevance of the topic of our work.

The purpose of this work is the development of a business plan for a new enterprise - a language school. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Reveal the content of a business idea;

To plan the activities of the created enterprise;

Calculate the main economic indicators for the newly opened enterprise;

Justify the economic efficiency of creating an enterprise.


Within the framework of the presented business plan, it is planned to create an enterprise - the language school "Salut!" Organizational and legal form of ownership - Limited Liability Company.

Full name of the enterprise: Limited Liability Company "Salut!"

Abbreviated name: LLC "Salut!"

The main activity of this society is to provide the population of the city of Barnaul with educational services in terms of teaching foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Czech, Chinese, Japanese, Korean).

Problem lies in the fact that the current generation needs to learn foreign languages, since now the situation in the world requires knowledge of at least one foreign language, since many organizations require additional knowledge, which, as a result, are paid higher.

Children are taught the language from the first grade, but so that the language is not forgotten, it must be actively practiced. In addition, many want to study abroad but lack either knowledge or information about opportunities.

Also, the need to learn foreign languages ​​arises when a person goes to a country without any knowledge at all. But in many countries there are no guides even in Russian.

Hence from all of the above, relevance is to obtain sufficient knowledge of the language for study, work, travel, as well as obtaining information for those wishing to study abroad, for practice, internship.

Educational services will be provided in the premises of the Prospekt business center. For this, it is proposed (from 09:00 to 21:00 daily) to rent 2 offices. Classes at the school will be held daily in two classrooms. One auditorium will be dedicated to the study of English, where classes will be held daily. The second auditorium will host classes on other different languages by days of the week.

The cost of implementing the project is 191,760 rubles. rubles. These funds are supposed to be borrowed in commercial bank for a year at 14% per annum.

The payback period of the project will be 10 days.

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