Home Vegetables New year drinking contests on pieces of paper. Board games for the New Year: fun and non-trivial. Competitions for adults for the new year: "hit the target!"

New year drinking contests on pieces of paper. Board games for the New Year: fun and non-trivial. Competitions for adults for the new year: "hit the target!"

New Year we are always looking forward to it, because this is a favorite holiday for both adults and children. Each family carefully prepares for it: they develop a menu, plan guests, buy outfits, think over the course of the event so that it does not turn into a simple overeating. New Year's table games for adults are the most the best option for those who have invited guests and want to have fun. If you yourself are embarrassed to act as a presenter, you can define him at the table. Therefore, boldly and without hesitation, we appoint the most active of the guests as responsible for games for adults. Well, preparing them will not pose any problems.

New Year's games for a small company

Drinking funny contests on New Year's celebration it's easy to find, the main thing is to be able to adapt them to your company. If it is small, then the entertainment should be selected accordingly.


You will need two RC cars. Two contestants prepare cars and a "track" to any point in the room, put a shot of vodka on their cars. Then, carefully, without splashing, they try to roll it to the destination, where they can drink. The game can be continued with a snack. You can also make it in the form of a relay, for this you have to split into teams, the first one must bring to the point and back, pass the baton to another neighbor, the last player drinks a glass or what is left in it.

Cheerful artist

The presenter thinks of something to the first player, he gets into a pose that characterizes what was asked, without voicing it. For example: a person is screwing in a lamp. In turn, each participant must adjust to the previous one so that a picture emerges. The latter stands up as an artist with a brush and easel for painting. He also tries to tell what exactly he "depicted". Then, each one talks about his own pose.

"I never" (or "I never")

This is a comic confession. Each of the guests invited to the corporate party begins to confess with the phrase: "I never ...". For example: "I have never drunk tequila." But the answers must be progressive. That is, the one who has already confessed to the little things must continue to talk about something deeper. Drinking confessions can be very funny, the main thing is not to get carried away, otherwise you can betray the most intimate secrets.

Board games for a large fun company of adults

If a large get-together is going to the New Year, it is best to hold group, team ones.

let's drink

The company is divided into two groups and stands in a row against each other. Each is holding a disposable glass of wine (champagne and strong alcohol it is better not to take it, as you can choke). Place the glasses for everyone in right hand... On command, they must drink the neighbor in turn: first the last person gives water to the penultimate one, the next one, and so on. As soon as the first one has received his dose, he runs to the last one and treats him. Whoever finishes first will be the winners.


A merry New Year's holiday is necessarily a lot of decorations. The company is divided into two halves, they are given boxes of the same size. Also, each team receives a certain number of different things: Christmas tree decorations, candy wrappers, sweets, napkins, souvenirs, etc. It is necessary to put everything in the boxes for a while and neatly, so that they close exactly without bulges. After a certain amount of alcohol, this is not so easy to do.

Which team will put things neat and faster, that will be the winner. The quality should not suffer, if so, you should organize a vote from people not participating in the competition.


Guests at the New Year's table are divided equally and sit on chairs opposite each other. An apple is placed on the first player's lap; they must, without hands, roll the apple over the lap from the first player to the last. If the fruit falls, the group has lost, but it can rehabilitate itself if it picks it up without hands and returns it to the very beginning.


It will be a relay race. We install two stools, on the stools there are plastic cups with alcoholic beverage... There should be as many of them as there are players. We divide the guests in half, according to gender, and put them behind each other, opposite each stool at some distance from it. Everyone's hands are behind their backs. Place a trash bin next to them. One at a time, they run up to the stool, drink any of the glasses without hands, then run back, throwing the empty containers into the trash and return to the back of the line. Only then can the next person run.

Games at the table for a New Year's corporate party

The entertainment program can be of a table type. This scenario is tailored for a more shy group of people.

Funny singers

For this game, you should prepare cards in advance with any words related to the holiday, alcohol, New Year's heroes, etc. For example: Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, snow, vodka, wine, sparks, candles, frost, Santa Claus, gifts. Then a presenter is selected, who will appoint a player, pull out a card and voice the word itself. The selected person must sing a verse or chorus with that word in the song. No more than 10 seconds are given for reflection. This game can be played and divided into teams, the result will be large quantity songs performed.


All guests at the table stand in a circle. The leader has cards with the words "uh", "ah", "eh" and "oh". The player draws a card, and the others make a wish for him. For example, he draws out "oh". The command says, "Hug three" or "Kiss three" or "Catch three." Here's an example of several wishes:

"Walk on your hands";
"Stand on your hands";
"Share the news";
"Dance with guests";
"Sing in front of guests";

“Compliment everyone out loud”;
“Shout that you are a burdock”;
"Kiss of two at once";
"Crawl between two legs";
"Tell your wishes out loud";
“Find out with your eyes closed two”;

"Make everyone laugh";
"Hug everyone";
"Give everyone a drink";
"Feed everyone."

You can come up with funny answers ad infinitum, the main thing is that the rhyme is observed.

Tell me about the hostess (s)

Everything is very simple here. Questions should be prepared for guests in advance, such as:

If it is a pair, then:

  • "Where did these people meet?"
  • "How many years have they been living together."
  • "Favorite vacation spot."


The first participant is given a pen and a piece of paper. He writes briefly his great desire: "I want to …". The rest enter only adjectives such as: let it be fluffy, it must be iron, or simply - smelly, meaningless, and so on.

Completely adult, funny and cool entertainment

Adult games at the New Year's table are not suitable for every company - this should be taken into account. But after a certain amount of time, you can try to offer them something from the repertoire below and further navigate the situation. The answers can be serious or funny.

Christmas tree

For the competition you need to stock up Christmas decorations(preferably one that does not break) and with clothespins. First, attach all the toys to the clothespins by strings. Several pairs of the opposite sex are called, men are blindfolded, for a certain period of time they must hook as many toys as possible on women's clothing... The game can be "diluted" by changing pairs and removing clothespins from other women. You can also change their roles - women will dress up men. And do not forget to rate each Christmas tree, because the one who has the most elegant will win, and only then, to the stormy applause of the company, remove the toys.

Fairy tale

Any short tale, All participants in the New Year's table stand in a circle, leaving the center free. An author is appointed who reads a fairy tale, for example "Three Little Pigs", it is not very short, but easily reduced to a page. Then each in a circle, chooses a role for himself. And not only animated heroes, but also natural phenomenon or items. The tree, grass, even the phrase "lived - were" can be beaten.

The story begins: Once upon a time - were (gone or gone “lived - were”) three pigs (went pigs). The sun was shining in the sky (the sky is shining, holding the sun in its hands). The pigs were lying on the grass ("grass" lay, or preferably three grasses, the piglets were piled on it), etc. If there are few people, the freed heroes in the form of grass can take the following roles to continue the game.

You can play not only a fairy tale, but also a song or a poem, or you can come up with your own funny stories.

Sweet tooth

Several pairs of the opposite sex are selected for the game. Men are blindfolded, women are laid on tables or chairs (sports mats) prepared in advance. Napkins are placed on their bodies, on which they leave chocolates without wrappers. Then a man is brought up to them, and he must find all the sweets without hands (respectively, without eyes). It is not necessary to eat them. To avoid embarrassment, it is best to call spouses or a real couple. But adults, especially at the New Year's table, with a good sense of humor, seasoned with a glass of champagne, usually have no problems.

Eat a banana

Multiple pairs are called. Men sit on chairs, squeeze a banana between their knees, women come up to their couples and, hiding their hands behind their backs, must peel and eat it. For the procedure, adults are given a certain amount of time. You can also use cucumbers instead of bananas.


New Year's games for fun company should be prepared in advance. Especially if there are a lot of guests and among them there will be unfamiliar people about whom you need to learn as much as possible. Entertainment contests at the New Year's table for adults are diluted with dancing or singing karaoke for a change.

Board games 2020 can be held both for fun and for incentive prizes. If you choose team adult games, then the vote count is done for each group. If the competitors are competing alone, reward them with chips, and then the prize goes to the winner by counting the chips. The rest at the adults' New Year's table will be content with consoling gifts.

While the guests are sitting at the table, the toastmaster tells that in every country there is a character that is very similar to our Santa Claus. He probably has different clothes, his own character and, of course, a name. The toastmaster calls the name of the New Year's character, and the guests try to guess which country he lives in.

  • Austria - Sylvester
  • Albania - Babadimpi
  • Altai Territory - Sook-Taadak
  • Azerbaijan - Baba Mine
  • Belarus - Zyuzya or Ded Moroz and Snegurochka
  • Bulgaria - Dyado Koleda
  • Bosnia - Deda Mraz
  • Great Britain - Phaser Christmas
  • Hungary - Mikulas or Telapo
  • Germany - Weinachtsmann or Nikolaus
  • Greece - Agis Vasilis
  • Denmark - Uletomte, Ulemanden, Saint Nicholas
  • Spain - Papa Noel
  • Italy - Babbo Natale
  • Indonesia - Sinterclas
  • Iran - Baba Noel
  • Kazakhstan - Ayaz-ata
  • Catalonia - Sinterklaas
  • Canada - Santa Claus
  • Quebec - Père Noel
  • Kalmykia - Zul
  • Cambodia - Ded Heat
  • Karelia - Pakkainen
  • China - Sho Hing, Sheng Dan Laoren
  • Colombia - Pope Pascual
  • Mongolia - Uvlin Uvgun
  • Netherlands - Sanderklaas
  • Norway - Julebukk or Julenissen
  • Poland - Sveti Mikolaj
  • Portugal - Pai Natal
  • Russia - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
  • Romania - Mosh Jerilă
  • Serbia - Deda Mraz
  • Slovakia - Hedgehogs
  • USA - Santa Claus
  • China - Che Dong Lao Ren
  • Tatarstan - Kysh Babay
  • Turkey - Noel Baba
  • Ukraine - Saints Mikolaj or Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
  • Uzbekistan - Kerbobo
  • Finland - Joulupukki
  • France - Père Noel
  • Friesland - Sinteklaas
  • Montenegro - Deda Mraz
  • Czech Republic - Ded Mikulas
  • Chile - Viejo Pascuero
  • Sweden - Yultomten
  • Japan - Oji-san

New Year's questions

The toastmaster walks across the tables and hands out pieces of paper from two bags (one bag contains questions, the other contains answers). Guests, pulling out pieces of paper, first read the question, and then the answer.

Examples of questions:

  1. Is it true they say that on New Years you flirt with Santa Claus (Snow Maiden)?
  2. Is it true that you are afraid of the chimes?
  3. Is it true that you love to get drunk on New Years?
  4. Is it true they say that you constantly think about sex on New Year's Eve?
  5. Is it true they say that you don’t give gifts for the New Year?
  6. Is it true that you meet the New Year drunk under the table?
  7. Is it true they say that you spend a lot of money on New Year's sales?
  8. And the truth is they say that you do not leave the table until you have eaten everything that is there?
  9. Is it true that you dream of becoming Santa Claus (Snow Maiden)?
  10. Is it true they say that you invite the whole district to your place on New Year's Eve?
  11. And the truth is they say that on New Year's table do you only have beer and chips?
  12. Is it true they say that you record the president's congratulations on videotape every year?
  13. Is it true they say that you decorate the Christmas tree with photographs from the Play boy magazine?
  14. And the truth is they say that you can give a million rubles for the New Year to the first person you meet?
  15. Is it true they say that you have fights on New Years?
  1. Of course, I do it every two days.
  2. I'll tell you about it face to face.
  3. I do this every 15 minutes.
  4. Don't even ask - I won't tell the truth!
  5. This is a secret with seven seals!
  6. Yes, Yes, Yes, otherwise it would be boring.
  7. They beat me for this, but I do it over and over again.
  8. Of course, all the time!
  9. Only when I drink a bowl of vodka.
  10. Unfortunately it is!
  11. Only when nobody sees.
  12. It's a secret.
  13. Not without it.
  14. I can’t help myself.
  15. only when I really want to eat.
  16. Yes, just don't tell anyone about it.
  17. Yes, and I'm proud of it.
  18. Quite often, and I really love this occupation.
  19. Yes, I do it often.
  20. What can you do, we are all human.
  21. Yes, and I advise everyone to do so.
  22. Yes, and I like that.

Symbol of the year

All guests sit at the table and they are given a soft toy in the form of a symbol of the year. You need to kiss her in some place and say, for example: "I kiss the symbol of the year on the cheek, so that they would always be pink" and pass it on to the next player. You cannot repeat yourself and guests need to show imagination.

After the symbol of the year has passed in a circle, the most interesting begins. The toastmaster announces a new task: it is necessary to kiss the neighbor (to whom the symbol of the year was transferred) in the same place as the symbol of the year. The player who refuses to repeat the kiss on his neighbor will be fined and he will need to perform some number (read a New Year's verse, sing a New Year's song, dance to a New Year's melody).

What is on our tree?

This competition is held by Santa Claus. “I came here for a holiday and I want to admire how you decorated the Christmas tree. Tell me now what you have decorated the spruce. Do not break the long thread, repeat all the names quickly. I call toy number one. This is, of course, SERPANTINE. "

Everyone plays, the next player calls the serpentine and one more word, the third player calls the first, second and third words, etc. The one who breaks the chain is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who was the last to name the entire chain correctly. Santa Claus or toastmaster must write down all the words on a piece of paper and monitor the correctness of the chain.

Fabulous things

Toastmaster brings out a bag with objects that symbolize this or that fairytale hero... The toastmaster takes out these items in turn, and the guests have to guess who this item belongs to. For each correct answer - a small souvenir (for example, chupa-chups).

Examples of items:

  • Peacock feather - firebird
  • Empty bottle - gin
  • Red Hat - Little Red Riding Hood
  • Blue Riding Hood - Snow Maiden
  • Mirror - the evil witch from Snow White
  • Beautiful bag - Santa Claus

New Year planning

While the guests are sitting at the table, the toastmaster puts a sheet of A4 paper (or, if there are many guests, several glued sheets) and a pen across the table. Each odd guest writes on a piece of paper what he would like to accomplish in the coming year and wraps the piece of paper, hiding what he has written.

Each even guest writes what needs to be done in order to make the envisioned come true and also wraps the sheet. After this sheet has passed all the guests, the toastmaster unfolds it and reads everything that is written on it.

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • On the motive "Flowers are good in the garden in the spring." We are like snow-white flowers All year round
  • Characters Winter. Santa Claus. Hedgehogs. Sylvester. Baba Yaga. Snowflake. Snow Maiden. Father Frost. New…

New Year is coming soon and many housewives are already starting to look to prepare it for the New Year's festive table. But it should be remembered that it is not worth eating and drinking all New Year's Eve; therefore, you also need to think over your leisure time in advance. We will tell you a few table games and contests that you can play in the New Year.

The most anticipated and beloved holiday by all, we start planning where and with whom we will celebrate it in early December, and maybe even earlier. On New Year's Eve, our minds are preoccupied with recipes, cooking and cleaning. And when the holiday is already on the doorstep, we sit down at the table, open champagne and eat all the salads and dumplings and realize that we did not have time to prepare for the most important part - the entertainment. Searching frantically for contests on the Internet, we understand that the holiday can be overshadowed. To prevent this from happening to you, we will analyze what kind of entertainment for the new year for the company table games and contests will be the best for celebrating the holiday.

"I am planning..."

"New Year's lottery"

Gathering with a group of friends, we will definitely prepare a gift for each of them, taking into account his individuality. And what if you collect all the gifts in one bag, and friends take turns taking out a present from there and guessing who it was meant for. If they guess, the gift goes to the rightful owner, if not, they keep it for themselves.

"New Year's alphabet"

The host announces the start of the competition and my own example explains what to do. Since he is the first, he says a toast starting with the letter "A", then we go through the alphabetical list and in a circle. The most interesting thing will begin when the letter E, YU, E, Y falls out.

"Book Prediction"

We all know such entertainment as fortune telling from a book. Someone thinks of a page and a line, opens a book and reads. In order not to overshadow the holiday with sudden pessimistic predictions, choose funny, maybe even children's and kind books.

"Secret confession"

Another competition for book intellectuals. Those seated at the table take turns calling and confessing to " terrible crime"- what book of the world classical literature they didn't read.
"Musical pause"
This competition will require a little preparation. Select a few in advance popular songs who are loved in your company. Take the original part of the song, which is not easy to recognize, make a selection of fifteen or twenty tunes. Who was the first to answer correctly, he guessed. Member who typed the largest number points (one guessed song - one point) becomes the winner and a prize is awarded to him.

"Clear speech"

Make small pieces. Print a few tongue twisters on each card, hand out to the participants, and ask them to read. It will be especially fun to play the game when more than one bottle of sparkling wine is drunk.

"I never..."

Another confession. The participants share with each other what they have never done, but would very much like. The winner is chosen by general vote.
"Noun and adjective"
The presenter thinks of a word (noun) and tells the participant just what kind it is. Participants come up with an adjective for it and write it down on a card. Then the presenter voices the hidden noun, and the participants take turns reading what they have written. The game takes place at a fast pace.

"Remember all"

Participants take turns recalling a positive event that happened to the company in the past year. If the participant fails his memory, then he is eliminated from the game. The last one remaining in the game and remembering the largest number of funny and pleasant events gets a prize.

"Out of place"

The presenter writes any question on a piece of paper, for example: "Why is the grass green", folds it in such a way that the word why can be seen and passes it on to the next player, when the leaf passes the whole circle and returns to the host, the answers are read out loud.

"No money auction"

The presenter announces the lot and says that the one who will be the last to name something about it (this can be a description of the item, its qualities and characteristics) will become its owner. After each description (in one word), the facilitator asks the question "Who is more". If nothing else is said, the prize goes to the last speaker.

"Try to parody"

Prepare cards with famous, shocking, funny people everyone knows. Distribute them to the participants and ask them to sing a song in the spirit of, for example, Maxim Galkin or Yevgeny Petrosyan. The one who did it most successfully and funny gets a prize.


Participants grab the nose with their left hand, and the ear with their right hand; by clapping, change the position vice versa. The game acquires a special laugh and interest when the pauses are shortened more and more. The winner is the participant who is least confused in the process of the game.

"Corn and Peas"

Each private trader is given a plate containing green pea or corn and chopsticks. At the command of the presenter, the countdown begins - it is necessary to eat everything that is on the plate the fastest, while at the same time you can take no more than one pea or corn. The winner receives a prize, such as personalized Chinese sticks.

"Amazing creatures"

The participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given a leaflet. A beginner draws someone's head, such as a human, reptile, bird, or any other animal. The drawing is folded so that it is not visible and is passed on to the next team member who draws the torso. The third participant finishes the legs. The paper then unfolds completely and the facilitator asks a representative from each team to describe or tell the story of the creature's origin and name it. The one whose story is more fun wins.

Spend the New Year in a fun, noisy and joyful way. Do not focus only on festive table, take some time to prepare and your guests will definitely appreciate your efforts. If you think in advance of entertainment for the New Year for the company: table games and contests, then your New Year will become super fun.

Happy New Year! Have a nice day and Bon Appetit))

The number of participants in these competition games is from two or more people. They are able to create excitement for both players and spectators. They can also be used at home on any festive event whether it's a birthday, or just a get-together, and at a picnic, and even at work during lunchtime.

These games (Bottle, checkers, roulette and many others and different) are for very adults. They are sure to amuse your friends and add variety to friendly gatherings.

"Flight of the Map". Skill game

What you need to play:

  • cards
  • wastepaper basket (shoebox, but at least a hat).

At a distance of 2-3 meters from the line (where you want to throw the cards), place a shoebox or hat, or wastepaper basket. The presenter hands each player 5 cards and writes down their names. Becoming behind the line (over the threshold) and NOT CROSSING the borders, each player tries to throw his cards into the box one by one.

To begin with, a training round is held. If someone bends over so that they lose their balance and cross the line (threshold), their throw is NOT PROTECTED. The winner, of course, is the one who manages to throw more cards.

Jam jars

Also a game of skill, but in practice patience.

What you need to play:

  • 6 jam jars
  • 6 tennis balls.

A pair of players are competing. 6 cans are placed close to the floor. Each player receives 3 tennis balls and tries to throw them into the cans, standing on a pre-marked line (approximately 2-3 meters). It turns out to be not so easy. These balls are very bouncy!

Playing with umbrellas

A duel between two players.

What you need to play:

  • 2 sticks
  • 2 glasses
  • Scotch

To the end of the stick (use the twist-off holder of a mop, brush), attach a glass with good scotch tape and pour it full of water (for fun, they are called "umbrellas").

2 people stand opposite each other and hold these umbrellas behind their backs at the very end. One of them asks a question, the other answers and takes 3 steps forward and 3 steps back, trying not to spill water. Then the second one asks the first one. After 3 pairs of questions - answers, the game ends and the result is summed up: who has more water- 3 points, witty questions and worthy answers are also evaluated by points.

Collect the article

What you need to play:

  • photocopies of a funny article by the number of participants
  • and the same number of envelopes.

The facilitator makes several photocopies of the same article and cuts each photocopy line by line and folds each article into a separate envelope. Envelopes are handed out to all players and they must assemble an article from the lines. Whoever copes faster is the winner.

Cheerful handkerchief

What is needed for the game: a handkerchief.

The presenter tosses a handkerchief. While he flies, everyone should laugh, as soon as he falls, everyone should be silent. Whoever laughs is eliminated.


All players say "me". To anyone who laughs, the presenter adds something funny, stupid, funny word... And this player is already saying two words. In the end, the players' remarks may be like this: "I am a watermelon clunker jumping under a bridge ..." In short, any gibberish.

Blind lunch

What you need to play:

  • blindfolds according to the number of guests.

Everyone sits down at a fully set table, only forks are missing. Everyone is blindfolded. Now they have to eat and feed each other themselves.

Eat a chocolate bar

This game is suitable for friendly gatherings of bosom friends or for pajama party... The main thing is to wrap the chocolate in many layers of newspaper or wrapping paper, and each of them must be wrapped with threads without tying. On the table, on a cutting board, lies a chocolate bar, wrapped in several layers of paper and tied with thread (each layer). Nearby are a fork and a knife, and on a chair a hat, a scarf and gloves. The players roll the die and who rolls “six”, puts on a hat, scarf and gloves and tries to get to the chocolate bar with a knife and fork and eat it. In the meantime, the rest of the players continue to roll the dice and who also rolls a "six" takes the first player's scarf, hat and gloves and continues what he started. The game continues until the chocolate bar is eaten (players eat it in small pieces).

Tell a rhyme

What you need to play:

  • walnuts or large round candy.

Before starting the game, you need to remember a well-known rhyme to everyone. After that, you need to take turns reading these verses with nuts (sweets) behind both cheeks. The phrases of the poem are pretty funny. If the audience guesses the poem, the participant wins.

Comic concert

The players pretend to be the musicians of the orchestra, each playing some kind of "instrument", including the driver. Suddenly the driver throws his "instrument" and begins to play on the "instrument" of any player, he must quickly begin to "play" the driver's "instrument". Who hesitated pays fant

Piggy bank

What you need to play:

  • trifle
  • capacity.

Each is given a handful of small change (the more, the better). At a distance of about 4-5 meters from the players, a container is placed (for example, a three-liter glass jar). Players are invited to transfer coins to the bank, holding them between their legs and overcoming the distance separating them from the cherished "piggy bank". The winner is the one who transfers all the little things and scatters less on the floor.

Surprise box

What you need to play:

  • box
  • any thing.

The game is very funny and unpredictable, which makes it funny for both players and spectators. To the music, the guests pass a box with a surprise to each other. When the music stops, the person who has the box in his hands takes out of the box (DO NOT LOOK at) the first thing that comes across and puts it on (and must not take it off, for example, until the end of the game or 1 hour, or until the end of the evening).

It can be a bib, a bonnet (cap, cap), huge panties or a bra, nightgown etc. The competition is usually very fun, because everyone is trying to get rid of the box as soon as possible, and any thing taken out of it makes the others very happy.

Blow Me Out Race

A pair of players are competing.

What you need to play:

  • 2 pipettes
  • 2 feathers
  • 2 tissue paper circles (diameter 2.5 cm)
  • rolled into cones.

Each receives a pipette and a feather The player's task is to drive his feather from one edge of the smooth table to the other, using for this purpose the air coming out of the pipette when pressed. You cannot touch the feather with the pipette. The winner is the one who is the first to drive his feather across the table.

What's behind your back?

Duel of 2 players.

What you need to play:

  • 2 pictures
  • 2 numbers drawn on paper.

Attach clear pictures (for example, a drawing of a hare, an airplane, a duck) and numbers (from 10 to 10) drawn on the circles on the backs of the players. Now each of them, standing on one leg, holds the other bent at the knee with his hand.

At the signal, starting in this position to jump on one leg, both try to make out the picture and the number on the back of the other. Whoever manages to do it first wins. You can't stand on the other leg!

Agility on the feet

Another duel for two.

What you need to play:

  • chalk to draw circles
  • 2 ropes to mark these circles.

Two stand in drawn circles (the diameter of the circle is 36-40 cm, so that 2 feet fit), located half a meter from one another. Each player stands on his left foot in his circle. A right foot each is trying to move their opponent from their place. The loser is the one who either touched the ground with his right foot, or jumped out of the circle, or fell and touched another player with his hand.

Letter on the go

Competition for several participants from 2 or more.

What you need to play:

  • A sheet of paper, a pen (pencil) for each participant.

All players line up. Each receives a sheet of paper and a pen. Who will come to the finish line faster and at the same time write a certain phrase legibly on the go?

Two minute walk

All participants line up. The presenter marks the time and gives a signal to move. Everyone moves to the opposite wall (or a previously marked line), trying to touch it exactly 2 minutes after the start of the movement. The host will track and record the arrival time of each player. The one whose time is closer to two minutes wins.

Hidden objects

The game requires care.

What you need to play:

  • 15-20 various items
  • list of these items.

Participants in the game receive lists, which indicate 15-20 objects hidden throughout the house, and the presenter arranges these objects in advance so that they can be seen without shifting or rearranging other things. Players walk around the house and, having found an object, they write its location on the list and move on without touching the hidden object. The winner is the one who is the first to hand over the lists with the correct location of the items to the leader.

Bell ringer

The game is suitable for both children and adults, can be played both indoors and at a picnic and at any family celebration.

What you need to play: a bell.

A bell or several bells are hung around his neck and his hands are tied behind him so that he cannot hold the bells. All the others blindfold themselves and try to catch the "bell ringer" who is trying to move carefully between them, so that the bell does not ring. Everyone is very amused when they catch, but not that one.


The game is suitable for any company, for any occasion.

What you need to play:

  • newspaper
  • a set of "treasures" or prizes.

The driver is blindfolded on the floor. In front of him, he laid out "treasures" (brooches, beads, bracelets ...) or small prizes. He is holding a rolled-up newspaper. Players are located around the driver at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. In turn, they try to steal "treasures" from him, and the driver listens and tries to shower the approaching player with a newspaper. If he succeeds, the "thief" returns to the place empty-handed. The one of the participants in the game who takes more "treasures" wins.

Free your friend

The age of the players is from 12 years old.

What you need to play:

  • rope
  • blindfold.

A “friend” sits on one chair with his hands and feet tied, and a guard with a blindfold is sitting next to him. At some distance, the rest of the players sit on the chairs around. The players are trying to free the "friend". The guard LISTEN and tries to prevent this, if he touches any player, he leaves the game. Whoever manages to free the prisoner becomes a guard next time.

Musical falls

Everyone moves to the music, as soon as it stops, the players must sit on the floor (Before starting the game, it is necessary to agree that you need to sit on the floor completely so that the buttocks touch the floor).

Family holiday or at work in honor of the New Year.

Funny contests for the new year can be held in small company friends or relatives.

For most of us, celebrating the New Year is often limited to a not-so-great variety of actions and events in an apartment or house. It's mostly booze tasty food and snacks, dancing, karaoke. But there are many great fun games and contests. Let's consider some of them, it is quite possible that you will take note of some of them and embody in this upcoming New Year's Eve in his small company.

"Black box"... A gift is placed in a black box, which must be guessed. You can ask suggestive questions, to which you can answer either “yes” or “no”. Ask questions one at a time. The one who guessed it gets a gift.

"Rhymes"... The participants are given cards with words. For example: Moscow, Prince, Monkey, New Year. Each has its own set of words. Players need to come up with a toast-congratulation within a minute. Can be held 10 minutes before the President's congratulations.

"Alarm"... When the guests just enter your house, give them something like an assignment on a piece of paper or a note that, they say, at such and such a time you must complete such and such a task. It will be funny when, right after the chimes, someone suddenly begins to crow or dance private dance rubbing himself on the front door jamb.

"Decorate the Christmas tree"... A blindfolded player with a toy in his hands spins around his axis and is left alone. He must hang the toy on his own - but what will be in front of him, or who is a Christmas tree or one of the guests, this is where the fun begins. The toy must be hung in any case.

"Lottery"... Notes with numbers are put in a rag bag. Separately, on a piece of paper, they are written under numbers, whether they are wishes or congratulations, requests or tasks. The person who pulled out a piece of paper with a number is checked against the piece of paper and does everything that is set there. To complicate the competition, you can introduce the concept of time allotted for the task.

"Understand me"... It is necessary without a voice, with the help of gestures, to try to explain intelligibly the word or action that is conceived for the contestant. Moreover, all words should have the theme of the New Year. You can introduce the concept of time for specific word... Whoever guesses the first word or action has the right to choose the next contestant and guess the word.

"Five clothespins"... There are two contestants in this fun competition. They pinch five clothespins for each, blindfold them, all the guests should see this, and at the start signal, the contestants should quickly find them and take them off, who is faster. To some, this task will seem too easy, then we call him or their place is taken by the competitor, but first we blindfold them, and then we hang clothespins on them - but not five, but four. And then let them look for health. The competition will look even more fun if the guests themselves cheer up these contestants.

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