Home Berries How to open a child development center. How to open a kids club? Kids Club Business Plan: Necessary Equipment and License

How to open a child development center. How to open a kids club? Kids Club Business Plan: Necessary Equipment and License

How to open a kids club: business description + registration features + room requirements + equipment + economic indicators+ 5 risks.

Capital investments: 420,000 rubles
Payback period: 4-5 months
Profitability 23%

AT modern times many parents pay much attention to the development and preschool education their children.

Some of them have long ago given up attending public kindergartens and have opted for early childhood development centers and children's clubs.

Previously, not everyone could use their services, but due to the fact that the number of such establishments began to constantly increase, they became more accessible and even more in demand.

For this reason, for many entrepreneurs is topical issue About, how to open a kids club And what you need to do.

Consider the main nuances associated with starting such a business, and they are.

The relevance of opening a children's club

To begin with, let's figure out how the children's club differs from kindergartens and other private development institutions, and also analyze the need for it.

    The most popular option among parents is the state kindergarten, where children are under constant supervision.

    They play, eat and sleep there.

    Most often, the groups are overcrowded, as a result of which the educational material is poorly absorbed.

    When registering, you must specify the correct OKVED code.

    In our case, this could be:

    • 85.11 Preschool education
    • 85.12 Primary general education
    • 85.41 Additional education for children and adults.

    Because OKVED codes change periodically, they must be selected at the time of business registration.

    If in doubt, it is better to consult with experts.

    With regard to licensing activities, the situation is as follows:

    • When opening an educational institution, after which the issuance of a certificate or certificate is provided, it is necessary to obtain a license.
    • If the name of the enterprise contains the words “training” or “educational”, a license is also required.

    Thus, if there is a desire to open a children's club, then you do not need to obtain a license.

    But then the accepted educators must be listed with him as an administrator or nanny.

    Otherwise, you will need to contact the education committee for permission.

    To obtain a license, you must submit the following documents:

    • statement;
    • certificate of registration of a legal entity (in our case, an LLC is suitable);
    • company charter;
    • a document confirming the ownership or lease of the premises;
    • fire service and SES permits;
    • information about educational and training programs;
    • information about the pedagogical composition of the club.

    As for the choice of taxation system, we recommend using the simplified one - the simplified taxation system.

    Among the main advantages of the USN are:

  • ease of maintenance accounting and reporting.

Search for premises and its arrangement

When deciding to open a children's club, the choice of premises and its design is important.

For these purposes, many use private apartments, which is a gross violation.

So, when looking for a room, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • convenient location, while it does not have to be in the city center.

    Parents are primarily looking for children's clubs close to home, so sleeping areas “free” from such a business are also suitable;

    the building itself should not be residential.

    For these purposes, stand-alone buildings or a converted ground floor with good sound insulation and a separate entrance are suitable;

  • to accommodate and work with several groups of children, an area of ​​​​at least 70 square meters will be required. m.;
  • ceiling height of at least 3 meters;
  • for safety reasons, sockets and switches must be placed at a height of 1.8 m.

As for the arrangement of the premises for a children's club, it should include:

  • rooms for learning and games;
  • reception;
  • locker room
  • bathroom;
  • staff room.

As for the design, then, of course, you need to make a quality repair - if necessary, change the windows, stick wallpaper or paint the walls, put new plumbing in the bathroom.

Kids club equipment

To equip the premises, it is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

EquipmentCost, rub.
Total:RUB 243,000
Training area
30 000
12 000
6 000
10 000
15 000
Screen and projector

40 000
Educational material and literature
20 000
5 000
3 000
Reception and dressing room
Waiting sofa
12 000
9 000
5 000
Administrator's office
Table and chairs
15 000
3 000
15 000
Staff room
Tables and chairs
15 000
Leisure sofa
7 000
Electric kettle
3 000
Plumbing installation
18 000

If the kids club will have sports and dance classes, you will need basic sports equipment.

This is an additional 35-45 thousand rubles.

Recruitment of teaching staff

Even with the most expensive equipment and the most stylish refurbishment, the effort you put into opening your own kids club won't pay off without skilled staff.

First of all, for this you need to hire teachers.

Depending on the chosen courses and classes, you need to select teachers.

These should be people with a pedagogical or psychological education.

It is better to entrust the work of hiring staff before opening a children's club to specialists from HR companies.

In addition to teachers, nannies, a manager, an accountant and a cleaner may be needed.

As for salaries, often in children's clubs teachers receive piecework payment- for example, it can be 0.5 of the cost of classes.

Therefore, they are interested in involving parents and their children.

But at first, you can pay the usual salary for many, since you can immediately calculate the expense item for the payroll.

An approximate staff of a children's club would look like this:

The duties of a manager can be taken over by the business owner himself, this will significantly save money on paying salaries to staff, and help to better control the process.

Customer acquisition

Not a single business can do without advertising, because there is no other way to find customers.

In our case, the more children attend the kids club, the faster the investment will pay off.

The following marketing tools are suitable for promotion:

    If even schoolchildren can cope with the second, then the first will have to turn to specialists.

    This should not be neglected, because the site will be the face of your institution.

    There it is necessary to place contact information, a list of courses, and also give the opportunity to sign up for trial lessons online.

    Placement of a bright sign and registration of an entrance

    Already during the preparation for the opening, this will allow others to notice that a children's club has appeared in their area.

    Distribution of leaflets

    This can be done near playgrounds and kindergartens, in.

    Another option that can be used is festive opening with a giveaway.

    As an example, you can play educational toys or even a few free activities.

How much does it cost to open a kids club?

As for capital investments for starting a business, they include the following expenses:

Item of expensesAmount, rub.
Total:420 000 rub.
Business registration10 000
Indoor repair50 000
Purchase of equipment243 000
Internet connection and security installation12 000
Site creation20 000
Advertising campaign40 000
HR company services30 000
Additional expenses15 000

In addition to the fact that you need expenses to open a kids club, you also need regular expenses:

Forecast of income and calculation of the payback period of the business

“If a person succeeds, it is not because of anyone, but in spite of everyone.”
Edgar Howe

In the question of how to open a children's club, you need to think about the profitability and payback of the business.

And for this, first of all, work is carried out on the following indicators:

  • work schedule: 12.00-18.00.
  • duration of classes - 1 hour
  • the cost of one hour of classes is 250-300 rubles.
  • number of rooms - 2
  • number of people in groups 9 people
  • predicted occupancy - 70% (5-6 people).

Thus, it is possible to receive 15,000 rubles per day, and 450,000 rubles per month.

Please note that these are average figures, perhaps in the first weeks of work after the opening of the children's club there will be "windows", and the number of children will be only 50-60% of the occupancy of the groups.

The video shows an example of arranging a children's club:

Risks that may arise when starting a business

Finally, I would like to talk about the risks and problems that may arise for those who want to open their own kids club:

    The wrong place

    To avoid this, you need to contact a realtor who can determine the patency of the place, which will further help in the attendance of the children's club, and, consequently, the profitability of the business.

    Lack of personnel

    Even at the stage of repair and decoration of the premises, it is necessary to contact specialists who can recruit staff.

    This will be clear immediately from the low attendance and low occupancy of groups.

    In this case, you need to hire a trusted PR agent or contact an advertising company that can correctly apply marketing tools.

    Changes in legislation

    It is possible that soon all such establishments, even without identifying words and phrases in the name, will be included in the list of licensed activities,

    Accidents with children

    No one is immune from the fact that in the lesson someone may become ill, or someone will fall during the games.

    Therefore, it is necessary to constantly instruct all personnel in first aid.

    And it is also worth ensuring the safest possible conditions of stay for young visitors.

Thus, in the question how to open a kids club, most important points are the selection of competent personnel, from the work with which parents will see the result, and an effective advertising campaign.

Only in this case, children will be brought to you, which will allow you to receive income from the business.

We also recommend developing your own training programs and sending teachers to advanced training courses so that they are always up to date current trends which is especially relevant now, because something new is constantly appearing.

And by the way, many advanced mothers follow this, and will be happy if their children are trained in the club using new methods.

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Now that everything large quantity parents are aware of the importance of early childhood development and education, opening a children's center can be very profitable business project. So what do you need to consider if you seriously wondered: "How to open a children's development center?"

Step one. We develop a concept

First of all, decide who and how you will develop. Set an age limit, think over a work schedule, select appropriate programs and methods. You also need to decide whether you will have groups of short-term or long-term stay of children, draw up a schedule of classes, decide on additional services.

Currently, there are many time-tested educational and developmental concepts. Each of them has its pros and cons, admirers and opponents. You can choose one program or create your own development concept, which will include individual elements and settings of different methods.

Step two. We prepare documents

Before opening a children's center, it will need to be registered and formalized. To get started you need:

  • - From the law "On Education" it follows that individual entrepreneurs have the right to engage in teaching activities on the same grounds as legal entities. You can start working from the moment of state registration.
  • Decide on, as a rule, this is 85.32 - child care and supervision, 92.51 - organization of club-type institutions, 93.05 - personal services.
  • Open a bank account.
  • Get registered with the tax authorities.
  • Choosing a taxation system is the most reasonable option for the simplified taxation system (simplified taxation system). She demands minimal cost for bookkeeping.
  • If required, enter into agreements with third parties to conduct various services: removal of solid waste, disinfection work, disposal of energy-saving and fluorescent lamps etc.

Please note that if you plan to provide educational services, you will definitely need to obtain a special license. To issue it, it is necessary to collect and submit to the department or committee of education a whole package of documents:

  • Agreement for the lease of premises or the right of ownership.
  • The conclusion of Sanepidnadzor.
  • Conclusion of the State Fire Supervision.
  • Certificate confirming tax registration.
  • Charter.
  • Educational program.
  • Availability confirmation teaching materials, methodological literature.
  • Data on teachers and educators, the number of children.

Due to the fact that the process of obtaining educational license long and difficult, at the initial stage of the business it is better to limit yourself to opening a development center.

Step three. Finding a room

There are certain requirements for the premises in which it is planned to open a children's center. First of all, it must be separated into an independent block - it can be separately standing building or apartment in high-rise building, formatted as non-residential premises. It is desirable to have two exits - main and fire. A fire alarm system must be installed, only firms with the appropriate license can install it.

When preparing the premises, it is necessary to be guided by the provisions of SanPiN and SP 13130 ​​2009 and observe the following rules:

  • The height from floor to ceiling must be at least 3 meters;
  • The room should have: a place for undressing with lockers or hangers, a room for classes and games, a toilet;
  • The walls must be smooth and withstand wet cleaning, it is recommended to use whitewash or water-based paint for finishing the ceilings, the floors must have a non-slip coating without cracks and defects;
  • Indoors, a constant temperature regime without sudden temperature fluctuations. The optimal value is 19-21 °;
  • Sockets and switches must be located at a height of at least 1.8 m.

You need to obtain permits and approvals from Rospotrebnadzor only if you will be engaged in educational activities. In all other cases, it is enough just to notify officials about the start of work.

When the room is ready, we order furniture, purchase toys, study guides, consumables for classes, sports equipment. It is better not to save on quality and purchase goods from reputable and well-established companies.

Step four. We invite specialists

Your income and the fate of the business will depend on how competent, professional and child-loving your caregivers are. Pay attention to the education of applicants, do not be too lazy to check their recommendations. Attend their classes regularly. Track the reactions of children and parents.

In addition to educators, you will also need: an administrator, supply manager, cleaner, security guard. If you are planning to provide Additional services, you will have to look for a qualified psychologist or speech therapist. Are you planning to create long-term stay groups for children? Seek medical attention immediately.

Please note that depending on OKVED, the requirements for employees to have personal medical book. But in order to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings, it is still better to play it safe and undergo regular medical examinations.

Step five. We attract clients

  • Advertising in transport.
  • Banners and streamers on the streets.
  • Distribution of flyers and business cards.
  • Own site.

Or unusual:

  • Weekly performances in the playgrounds of nearby houses.
  • Holding a lottery or competition.
  • Viral advertising.
  • Communication on local parent forums.

Before the beginning advertising campaign Be sure to set a budget. Focus primarily on the residents of the area in which you open your children's development center. If possible, arrange a bright and unusual opening.

Step six. We develop business

Think about other ways you can increase the appeal of your center and get the most out of it. You can create a club for parents or a fitness section for mothers with children on the basis of the center, open a children's Entertainment Center or a special baby cafe, hold exhibitions or organize various master classes.

In any case, at the very beginning you should imagine where you would like to move and how to develop. And it doesn't really matter if you limit yourself to one studio, open several branches or decide to completely change the concept - you should have a plan for how to do it.

Some numbers

So, let's look at the financial component of a business project to open a children's development center. Calculations are given for the following data: non-residential premises on the ground floor of an apartment building with total area 80-100 square meters. The average prices for the country were used in the calculations. They may differ in each specific region, which will affect final profitability and payback periods.

One-time expenses:

Monthly expenses:

Monthly income:

The approximate payback period for a children's development center will be 2-2.5 years.

Of course, working with children is difficult. But believe me, genuine delight, burning eyes and words of gratitude from your pupils will fully pay off all the anxieties and excitement associated with the opening of a children's development center.

A growing number of entrepreneurs are striving. It is not surprising, because thanks to state support, the birth rate in Russia has slightly increased over the past few years.

Parents do everything possible to ensure that their child is diversified, so they send him to a variety of developmental institutions. An excellent substitute for an ordinary kindergarten is a children's development center.

Is it profitable to open a children's development center?

The current study of this issue says that the inhabitants of large settlements have used or visited child development centers more than once. The age of the children attending classes is from 8 months up to 8 years.

Not so long ago, it was quite expensive to use such services. Now they have become more affordable. All this makes the business idea of ​​the development center profitable and relevant.

However, it should be borne in mind that such centers on the market educational services quite a lot, but finding a good one that would combine quality and cost is quite problematic. There are more and more babies in the country, so investing in opening a development club for children is a great profitable business option.

How much does it cost to open a children's development center from scratch?

When forming a business plan for a children's center, one must take into account the presence of systematic and one-time costs. For example, in order to quickly prepare documents, entrepreneurs often resort to the help of special firms. Their services cost about 30,000 rubles. Also, you will spend more than 300,000 rubles on the purchase of equipment. But these are not fixed costs.

Systematically, it will be necessary to spend money on food for children (2,500 rubles every day), rented premises (65,000 rubles per month), wages employees (about 100,000 rubles) and security (10,000 rubles).

Additional expenses include the purchase of stationery, dishes and other necessary household items. Money is also needed for promotion.

The payback of such an institution takes 24 months. Ideally, 1 year.

To organize a children's development club, you will need:

  1. Furniture. It is much more profitable to make it to order. This will be more economical. Ready-made furniture for children good quality And it's almost impossible to find cheap ones in stores.
  2. toys and consumable. On the contrary, it is not worth saving on this. By choosing more expensive toys, you can be sure that they will last longer.
  3. Methodical materials, textbooks. Depending on the type of classes that will be held, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate number of notebooks and textbooks.
  4. Technical equipment: copier, TV for broadcasting educational programs and programs (cartoons), printer.

Advice! The work of previous students can be hung on the wall. This will serve as a good motivation for parents who are going to bring their children to the center.

Business plan

To open any type of activity, you must first consider a business plan. It takes into account all organizational issues and business costs.

Consider a business plan for opening a children's development center from scratch:

  1. The main idea or concept of the future educational institution.
  2. Business registration.
  3. Obtaining a license to operate.
  4. Search and design of a room for classes.
  5. Personnel search.
  6. Selection of clients.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Determine the direction of the future center. it educational institution, and not a kindergarten where dads or moms can bring a child for 1 hour. Adults should have a clear idea why the child needs these classes, to whom they entrust their baby and what they give money for.

At this stage, it is worth determining:

  • duration of classes;
  • areas of study, for example, creative or physical, intellectual or comprehensive. Maybe these will be lessons with an emphasis on foreign languages;
  • children's age;
  • criteria for the formation of a group of children;
  • methods and programs of education;
  • additional services: psychological or correctional lessons, individual lessons.

It should be borne in mind that further actions will depend on which concept you choose. If the center is of the economy class, then you can use basic services, small space and few staff. Premium class centers are designed for well-to-do children, so the premises must be expensive, and the teachers must be the best.

The pedagogical stage ends with the choice of the class schedule, work schedule, type and number of lessons, as well as the composition of professional teachers.

Step 2 IP needs to be registered. Individual pedagogical activity allows you to engage in tutoring, leisure activities for children and preparatory services without a license.

IP does not make it possible to hire teachers to teach kids. Without a license, an entrepreneur who has opened a development club can only hire technical staff and administrators.

Advice! There is another option - to hire teachers who are also IP.

If you have decided to open your own club for children for the first time and do not really understand the education system, the first option will be cheaper and easier for you. In the documents, your organization will be referred to as IP Full Name. In life, you can come up with any name for your company.

What to do in stage 2:

  • submit documents to tax office for registration of IP;
  • write a statement in which indicate the type of services provided for OKVED;
  • select a taxation system;
  • open a bank account.

Step 3 Obtaining a license is an integral part if you decide to form an LLC or hire professionals for your IP.

List of documents for obtaining a license:

  • charter of LLC;
  • a lease agreement or ownership of the premises, the conclusion of the fire inspection and SES;
  • education program;
  • document confirming state registration firms;
  • information about the composition of teachers;
  • information about educational materials.

All these papers must be submitted to the education committee. Then, wait for approval.

It is more expedient to open an IP first without involving professional teachers. In this case, step 3 can be ignored.

Step 4 Finding and arranging a room is not easy. It must meet certain requirements:

  • there must be an emergency exit;
  • there must be a fire alarm;
  • the room should not be the basement and basement of the building;
  • ceilings must be at least 3 meters;
  • the building must be non-residential.

In case of repair, SanPiN also established certain rules:

  1. wall covering only with paint or wallpaper that is resistant to moisture;
  2. the room should be divided into zones: undressing, classes and games, a bathroom;
  3. floor covering must be non-slip and even;
  4. ceilings are whitened or torn with a water-based solution;
  5. switches and sockets must be at least 1.8 meters above the floor.

A kids club doesn't have to be educational in nature. In this case, you can purchase the necessary equipment, toys, furniture and start working.

Operation of the premises for the purpose of carrying out educational activities with kids implies coordination with Rospotrebnadzor.

Important! Toys, inventory for lessons must be certified and be harmless.

How to choose the right location for the children's center?

In an area with a small population, it is enough to choose a room on a site with the highest traffic. Alternatively, you can rent a place in mall, approximately 50 sq. meters in area.

AT big cities be aware of the competition and do not organize a developing club next to similar institutions. You should also remember about target audience. For example, it is more convenient for a family living in a working-class district of the city to take a child to classes near their home. And, conversely, an elite center should not be located in a residential area.

Important! The interior of the future institution should justify the concept of your children's club.

Step 5 In order to keep order and solve household issues, you will need to hire, ideally, 2 administrators and a cleaner.

The selection of teaching staff is determined by the list of services provided by the children's club. A real development center should ideally have teachers in dance, drawing, of English language as well as a psychologist. The staff can be increased gradually by introducing new directions.

Finding teachers is not easy. When studying the applicant's profile, pay attention to personal qualities, work experience and education of a person.

Necessarily! Do not neglect the opinion of your parents, control the activities of your teachers, go to classes from time to time.

Every developing Education Centre, unlike entertaining, should bring a positive result. In this regard, teachers should develop a system for evaluating the activities of their students. Otherwise, how will parents know if attending classes at your center is worth it?

And, most importantly! Toddlers should be happy to attend developmental classes. Teachers can motivate them with their attitude, support and professional skills.

  1. At the stage of preparation for the opening, you can place information about your imminent appearance.
  2. Use a bright sign.
  3. Distribute flyers at playgrounds.
  4. Create your site.
  5. Create business cards and place them in the nearest trade centers.
  6. Call customers through forums and social networks.
  7. The opening of your center should be memorable, organize a small celebration with balloons and music.

If there are funds that can be spent on advertising, there will be many more ways.


The income from the developing children's center is quite good. And, most importantly, it will not lose its relevance. The only thing you need is to do your job well. Lessons with kids is a noble cause that can bring you wealth along with spiritual satisfaction.

All kids are very energetic: some love to draw, others to dance or even perform on stage. For this reason, a complex of children's clubs and studios, united under one roof, can become a very profitable business.

You should have not only the desire to earn money, but also to spend a lot of time with the kids. Experience working with children will not be superfluous. But even if they wish, not everyone knows how to open a kids club, as there are still many nuances that need to be studied in detail.

We form training programs

School by early development children must necessarily be based on educational programs. Of course you can go the easy way and choose ready-made and proven training programs for famous teachers. But in order for your children's center to have its own characteristics and differences, it is better to use your new pedagogical methods. And with qualified teachers, classes in your center will have their own flavor. Of course, if you are new to this area, you can start with following list typical activities:

  • preschool preparatory classes;
  • drawing;
  • foreign language;
  • developing circles;
  • dance studio;
  • music class;
  • psychologist consultation;
  • speech pathologist lessons.


How to open a kids club? First you need to officially register it. For registration, it is better to choose the option non-profit organization, as this will allow you to receive significant tax benefits. Everybody knows that get a seat in municipal institution it is very difficult for your baby today, so the question of discovery becomes relevant kindergarten at home. In this case, it is necessary to obtain a license by collecting a certain package of documents.

But if you do not plan to create an enterprise for preschool education, then licensing is not a prerequisite. Then your home organization can provide developmental and educational services. It can be a sports or regular gaming club. This system is chosen by most start-up entrepreneurs. They run a kids' club without a license, sometimes disguising their babysitting businesses as a developmental center. It is a perfectly acceptable option, and in the future you will gradually be able to expand the range of services and register another legal entity.

Setting up a children's center

When decorating a room, of course, it will not do without manifestation creativity. But, turning on rational thinking, you will understand that the development center needs not only toys, books and paper with paints, but also furniture, office equipment, carpeting and much more. Simply put, you need to completely think over the interior of the premises.

Keep in mind that children's furniture is not a cheap pleasure. Yes, tables and chairs. High Quality for preschoolers are offered in very few stores, and their price is too high. good way out of the situation is to order children's furniture, which will save a lot and get an individual product.

This option is not very suitable for purchasing materials for classes, since cheap Chinese goods are harmful to children's health. It is better to pay attention to wooden toys of foreign and domestic manufacturers. Wooden products, as a rule, are always of high quality, which will allow the toys to please the little ones much longer.

When calculating the materials that will be needed for the lessons, take into account the already planned classes so as not to buy a lot and not make unnecessary expenses. Purchase only the essentials for the first time. Useful advice: Laminate all materials made of cardboard. So their service life will be increased, and the pranks of the little ones will not harm them.

We buy office equipment

In your children's center office equipment will good helper in work:

  • for printing educational material - a copier, and preferably a color printer;
  • personal computer or laptop;
  • for watching cartoons and training lessons - TV.

When decorating the interior, make sure that there is sufficient lighting and ventilation in the rooms where children stay, but there are no objects that can cause injury to the child. From sewers to electrical wiring, everything needs to be checked. A plus for the premises will be the presence of an air conditioner that controls the temperature, as children are very sensitive to temperature changes and can easily catch a cold.

To create coziness, it is not necessary to decorate the walls of the center with an ideal repair, children's drawings are well suited for this: a possible failed repair is not visible, and the children are glad that their works are presented to the public. And it’s also a good advertisement for newly coming parents who will definitely want to give to your professional hands their little ones.

Hiring teachers

At first, you can occupy the post of caretaker yourself, but everything is clear with the cleaning lady and the administrator - they are certainly needed. But finding qualified teachers and educators is a more serious task. The professional suitability of some of the candidates is often lame, which makes the search especially difficult. And remember, not all teachers strive to teach children, some come only for a salary. During the first few classes, it is better for you to personally attend them, because the whole image of the children's center depends on how everything starts.

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