Home Natural farming What is needed to open an educational center. Qualified professionals should be found. Licensing of educational activities

What is needed to open an educational center. Qualified professionals should be found. Licensing of educational activities

Computer courses are a service in the form of consulting or training in the field information technologies... Any computer clubs can provide consultations in the form of seminars or trainings. Training can be carried out only after obtaining a license, which is certified by the municipal department of education. Entrepreneurs with a license can participate in state tenders, and, if they win, the local labor exchange will send groups of applicants for training.

Novice entrepreneurs are advised to first open simple courses, without a license, and then, upon approval of the company on the market, apply for licensing. In 80% of cases, computer courses are partially licensed. Example: The educational center"Leader" offers its clients licensed courses for a computer operator, an assistant secretary with knowledge of 1C. And as general information it offers seminars: "Installation and Windows setup"," Programming for Beginners "," Internet Security ".

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, computer courses can be conducted with or without a license. It's just that when consulting services, an entrepreneur must rely on the rules that if a lecture or training is one-time and no certificate is issued after it, then this type of activity can be carried out without first obtaining a license.

Advantages and disadvantages

Opening courses with or without a license has general pluses and cons:

  • It is more profitable to obtain a license and provide educational services, since you can earn from 3 million a year, but it is difficult to obtain a document.
  • To organize courses for beginners, it is necessary to choose a room that should correspond to the fire safety and meet the requirements of SanPiN.
  • It is necessary to constantly monitor the news and development of information technology in order to offer customers the knowledge they demanded.
  • Difficult to start learning activities in a small municipal center, as this area the market is already occupied by state educational institutions.
  • If you do not get a license and provide services in the form of a computer circle, then you will not need serious investments.

Idea concept

When organizing computer courses without obtaining a training license, the main thing is to choose a concept. As an idea of ​​where to start a small business, it is proposed to choose one of the following areas:

  • Courses for working with the 1C program for accountants.
  • Teaching children animated programs, developing games on a computer.
  • Courses for people over 50. Training and assistance in working with social media providing basic knowledge.
  • Computer design training.

You can take several niches at once: for example, twice a week to organize classes for retirees, twice a week - for accountants and designers. Once you have chosen the direction of your business, it will be easier to stick to the concept. The room is decorated in the appropriate style, staff is selected.

A big mistake for beginners is to take several courses at once. It is recommended that a beginner study the competitors' market and analyze whether it is profitable to occupy a particular niche. The focus of the courses is low-competitive, but in demand in your region.

We register services

For unlicensed courses, it is enough to register the activity as an individual entrepreneur. But if planned further development and licensing of at least several types of courses, it is recommended to immediately choose an LLC. In the future, on the basis of an LLC, it will be possible to organize a NOU (non-state educational institution).

To register an LLC, the following documents must be prepared:

  • Company charter.
  • Documents confirming the legal address.
  • Receipt for payment of the state fee.
  • Bank account statement on the availability of authorized capital.
  • Photocopies of passports and TIN of each founder.
  • Application for registration of LLC.

When filling out the application, one main type of activity and two additional ones are indicated. For computer courses, the following OKVED codes are suitable:

  • 62.02 "Consulting and work in the field of computer technology."
  • 62.02.3 "Training users for certain software".

To obtain a license and go to legal form LEU must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Have an equipped computer room in a rented or own premises.
  • The equipment and equipment of the premises must comply with fire safety standards: an alarm is installed, a fire corner with fire extinguishers is equipped, an emergency exit plan is available.
  • Courses are scheduled according to programs for the coming year.
  • The staff is qualified and vocational training on working with trainees.
  • The class has methodical literature for each course.

An application for a license is submitted to the Department of Education. In the classroom, checks will be carried out for compliance with the standards, and within 6 months the commission will decide on the issuance of a license.

Equipment and accommodation

A room for a computer class is suitable for a small size, from 20 sq. m. The most important thing is to choose the right location for the company. If the courses are aimed at children, then it is better to rent an office in children's center or right at school. If this is not possible, then the center of the sleeping area is chosen. It should be convenient for parents and children to get to you at any time of the day or evening.

The main equipment of the computer class:

  • Computers (5 pcs.).
  • Tables (5 pcs.).
  • Chairs (5 pcs.).
  • Waiting benches (3 pcs.).

Equipment and rental of premises require at least 250 thousand rubles. The down payment depends on the computer models and their number. The business idea of ​​licensed training will require investments of 1.5 million rubles.

The staff is recruited for permanent basis and part-time. 3-4 teachers are enough to replace each other. To organize the work, a clear plan is made so that each teacher comes to the right time... Payment is offered by piece or salary. The cost of the courses will depend on the competitors' price list.

Detailed step-by-step instruction and the estimate for the equipment are indicated in the business plan, which will help to open a computer class on your own. The profitability of the project depends entirely on the flow of clients. If you choose the wrong niche, then the project will quickly go into negative territory.

Instead of a conclusion

To organize small consulting computer courses, you will need an initial capital of 250 thousand rubles. To organize a large training center, you will need a license and impressive investments, as well as (from experience) acquaintances in the department of education. When registering, it is recommended to immediately choose an LLC, since in the future this will allow you to switch to the LEU form.

It has become profitable to open new training centers in connection with the increasing demand of the population for obtaining additional certificates for short-term educational courses.

Capital investments in a training center, the area of ​​which will be up to 200 square meters, and which is designed for 100 to 150 students, will be from 13,000 to 15,000 conventional units. The training center will pay off within 6 to 10 months. The profitability level is about 30%.

The monthly turnover is from 10,000 to 15,000 conventional units.

About 200 training centers have been opened in St. Petersburg. These training centers provide services short courses. The main competitors of the training center are:

  • Higher educational institution(University);
  • Secondary specialized educational institution (technical school);
  • College;

Also, often all educational institutions create auxiliary educational disciplines on their basis.

High demand in last years electives are used, the duration of which is 20-60 lessons. One course, lasting 40 academic hours, costs from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles.

You can engage in student engagement through the discovery and implementation of additional original courses and programs. Examples include exclusive courses in advertising, for marketing. Teachers are involved in the development of courses. About the most popular and new training courses Training centers receive information from employers.

The main criterion for a successful business is a competent and qualified staff (teachers).

It is possible to organize a training complex on the basis of a certain company, as an additional unit. In addition, by opening an educational institution, there is a good opportunity for savings. financial resources, concluding a lease agreement for the premises for a certain period of time, and not for the whole day.

Therefore, by opening a new training center there is an opportunity to bypass the main costs of rent and equipment for premises. Capital investments in the business will range from 2,000 conventional units.

Stage 1. Concept and registration

The formation and profitability of the company will depend on the idea and idea. First of all, it is necessary that these ideas differ from other training centers.

There are the following ideas and concepts of training centers:

  • Training centers with standard courses: accounting, taxes and taxation, design courses, courses personal computers other;
  • Automated training centers (office applications; 1C: Configurator, Accounting, Enterprise);
  • Training educational center;
  • Training center with teaching of individual and specific directions (female security guard and other original courses);

Registration of a legal entity is carried out as registration of a non-state educational institution... When registering, you must indicate the main activity. In accordance with The Civil Code Russian Federation, the main activity of a non-state educational institution, the receipt of net income cannot be, the profit received must go to the improvement and growth of the training center.

The assistance of a legal adviser and a lawyer will cost the training center 200 conventional units.

When providing services, it is best to choose a simplified tax system. In this case, payments will be 6 percent of the profit.

The profitability of a training center depends on the concept.

Stage 2. Personnel and wages

Staff for the educational institution and their remuneration

The staff consists of 7 to 11 people.

Stage 3. Premises

To organize a training center for training from 100 to 150 students throughout the whole day (4-shift schedule; morning shift, 2 shifts in the afternoon and one shift in the evening), you need to select a room from 200 square meters:

  • Classrooms (2 pcs.) Of 50 square meters each (in a room of 50 square meters, training is allowed for groups of up to 10 students);
  • Study room equipped with computer technology (60 square meters). Up to 10 students can also be trained;
  • The remaining 40 square meters are reserved for the reception area and the executive's office;

Result: rent for 200 square meters, taking into account the cost of one square meter from 30 conventional units - 6.000 conventional units per month. However, in practice, educational institutions have the opportunity to rent premises from the management committee. state property... In this case, the training center has the opportunity to rent premises at a lower price - from 15 conventional units per 1 square meter.

To organize a training center, a room of about 200 square meters is required. The rent will be 6.000 conventional units per month.

Stage 4. Equipment and equipment

Equipment for the training center and its cost

The total is from 6.500 conventional units.

For the purchase of a complete set of equipment and the necessary equipment of the training center, about 6,500 conventional units will be required.

Stage 5. Licensing

To obtain a license to implement educational activities you must provide the following set of documents:

  • Application indicating the developed educational programs that clients will be trained in;
  • Information about the staff, the number of staff and the qualifications of the staff, as well as information about the expected attendance of the institution;
  • Information about audiences, classes and seating;
  • Information on the supply of courses with the necessary material and technical base and the necessary literature (extracts from balance sheets are provided, as well as a list of references for each curriculum and discipline);
  • Information about teachers (information is provided on each discipline with a teacher);
  • Additional information (founding information and data, registration certificate, etc.);

The decision to grant a license and consideration of all documentation takes about 4 weeks.

To obtain a license, you need to submit a package of documents to the appropriate authority and wait for a decision within 1 month.

Stage 6. Students

A profitable class should have about 10 students.

Every month, the training center should recruit from 10 different classes in different directions.

The main way to attract students is through advertising.

The main method of attracting students is through advertising.

Now it has become very popular to receive additional education, both in the field of their profession, and additional self-education for adults and children. Demand gives rise to offers, so the opening of a training center for continuing education is a good opportunity to earn money. Let's consider all the steps, how to open a training center?

How to open a training center - choosing a niche!

Decide in what format you want to teach and who?

Usually, additional education can be found in the form of courses, trainings, seminars, lectures, master classes, educational marathons.

They are conventionally classified:

  1. By training time.

The duration of the events depends on the declared program, which can last from several hours to several years.
Such a long-term format of training includes courses in a foreign language, design and other disciplines. The program is divided into several levels of training, the duration of which is on average from 3 months to 2 years. Long-term training is good because long time income from students will come in the form of monthly contributions.

Short-term training can be from several hours, like a master class, to 2 months, like an educational marathon or training.

  1. On the subject of the courses, which happens:

Professional is an increase in the level professional knowledge, or mastering new professions such as an accountant, designer, florist, manicurist, hairdresser, bartender, etc.

General education - when they develop certain skills, for example, foreign languages, or pump personal qualities, the so-called popular personal growth trainings now.

Creative courses, when they teach to draw, sew, knit, make dolls, bead weaving, embroidery, woodcarving and others, in a hobby format.

  1. Classification by audience age.
    They are divided into children, teenagers, adults.

Having decided on the training program and the audience, we move on to the next step.

How to form a staff?

To ensure the life of the training center, you will need an administrator, accountant, teachers, and a cleaner.

Educators can be either full-time employees or invited from outside.

A specialized training center that teaches the same courses all the time requires a permanent full-time teaching staff.

There are training centers that only serve as a platform for educational programs. Now this format is popular when for rent lease areas from hours to several days, equipped with everything necessary for educational events. In this case, the teaching staff is not needed, just an administrator, a cleaning lady. The accountant is also freelance on autoserving.

How to choose a room?

Basically, educational institutions are located in the central regions, which is very convenient for people in all areas of the city. How to open a training center cost-effectively? Better choose a central location!

An exception may be sleeping areas, which are convenient for children's educational centers.

The room must comply with sanitary standards.
Its size and layout depends on the chosen concept of the training center.

These can be large rooms or small classrooms. A prerequisite is a bathroom, a room-kitchen, where employees can relax at lunchtime or have a snack for students during the educational process.

What equipment is required?

The main equipment is tables, chairs, a whiteboard or flipchart, a projector, office supplies.

From the topic of the training center, you may also need a training methodological material, computers, for children - toys and carpet on the floor.

How to formalize?

There may be questions: how to open a training center, you need a license. To conduct educational activities in the course format, a license is not required. Just should be compulsory registration in the tax authorities.

The following package of documents is also required:

List of training programs of the center;
- documents for the presence of a highly qualified teaching staff;
- documents for a room that meets all sanitary standards;
- documents to ensure the learning process with everything necessary;
- information about the registration of a non-state educational institution.

What are the costs?

It is difficult to say a definite figure, because the cost of rent and wages to employees differ significantly from regions.

In order not to lose sight of anything, let us give an estimate of what they consist of:

  1. Renting a room may require additional repairs;
  2. Equipment purchase;
  3. Staff salaries;
  4. Advertising costs;

Part of the costs can be cut on salaries. For example, pay salaries based on the number of students.

Advertising costs may vary. Depends on the methods of promotion. One working method is online advertising. It is not necessary to immediately create your site, it is enough to make an advertisement in social. networks, place an ad on forums, which is much cheaper at the initial stage than investing in a website.

How should you promote your training center?

The marketing development strategy is based on the chosen concept.

If you teach professions, then it is worth getting support from employment centers, which will be able to refer you to you for retraining. Post announcements on city forums.

For children's centers, advertisements should be posted on forums, magazines for mothers. In children entertainment centers... He can even walk through neighboring houses and post an ad at the entrance.

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Professional education employees of organizations for up to 72 hours, carried out by specialists and highly qualified workers of these organizations in order to deepen and maintain the level of qualifications of employees of the organization, their regular certification, adaptation of newly hired workers to the specifics of production, working conditions, traditions labor collective, with the reflection of information about the passage of training in the qualification characteristic without issuing certificates of education or qualifications it is not subject to licensing for the right to conduct educational activities.

This activity does not fall under the scope of the Law "On Education", but Labor Code, and specifically chapters 32 of the TC "Apprenticeship Agreement". During the apprenticeship, it is not the employee who pays the employer for his training, but the employer pays the employee for the specified training, paying a stipend of at least the minimum wage (now 5205 rubles)

This is not training in pure form, but rather vocational training.

An apprenticeship agreement may contain a condition on the need to work for this employer certain time... Wherein

Article 207. Rights and obligations of apprentices upon completion of apprenticeship
Persons who have successfully completed the apprenticeship, upon concluding an employment contract with the employer, under the contract with which they were trained, probation is not installed.

In the event that the student at the end of the apprenticeship without good reason does not fulfill his obligations under the contract, including does not start work, at the request of the employer, he returns to him the scholarship received during the apprenticeship, as well as reimburses other expenses incurred by the employer in connection with the apprenticeship.

Moreover, according to

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2009 N 277
(as revised on 24.09.2010)
"On approval of the Regulations on the licensing of educational activities"

2. Not subject to licensing:

a) educational activities in the form of one-time lectures, internships, seminars and other types of training, not accompanied by final certification and the issuance of documents on education and (or) qualifications;

b) individual labor pedagogical activity, including in the field of vocational training.

Thus, you can either conclude with these persons labor contract with the conclusion of an apprenticeship agreement, and then you can carry out both entity(of course, first you will have to register this legal entity, for example, in the form of an LLC) vocational training of its employees, providing them with all the guarantees provided for by the Labor Code.

Or how individual entrepreneur, you can carry out one-time lectures, internships, seminars that are not accompanied by final certification and the issuance of educational documents (note that they are one-time, not systematic), or carry out individual labor pedagogical activities in the field of prof. preparation.

Individual labor pedagogical activity is carried out in accordance with

Article 48 of the Education Law

Individual labor pedagogical activity

1. Individual labor pedagogical activity, accompanied by the receipt of income, is considered as entrepreneurial and is subject to registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Individual labor pedagogical activity is not licensed. Federal law dated 08.12.2003 N 169-FZ) (see the text in the previous edition)

3. Unregistered individual labor pedagogical activity is not allowed. Individuals engaged in such activities in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. All revenues received from such activities are subject to collection in the income of the relevant local budget in accordance with the established procedure.

Not so long ago, in Soviet time, the educational level of a person did not play a global role in his destiny. There was no such tough competition in the labor market as it is now, and even without the skills, everyone had the opportunity to get a job and receive stable income. wages... Moreover, they could be trained in many professions right at the place of their employment. They also paid for it!

At that time, the majority could not even think that there would come a time when it would be necessary to have more than one specialty, but even two or three, and that in the conditions of a gradual transformation of the economy, some professionals would simply be out of work. Previously, no one wondered how to open a training center, and did not realize that a very profitable business could be built on training.

V modern times everything has changed dramatically. Now the employer prefers to take ready-made personnel into his state, and even more so, rarely will anyone agree to pay for training. Understanding the situation, today people are ready to invest good money in knowledge, and not necessarily in the education of children, many want to improve their level or, to acquire short term new profession. Not everyone has the opportunity to spend many years on expensive education in universities, therefore, a business based on short-term training is now considered highly profitable and relevant (if there is a correctly drawn up business plan), which is this moment interests many investors and entrepreneurs.

It is important to note that if a person has a plan to open any non-state educational institution (NEU), then you should know that such a business is subject to compulsory licensing in the educational supervision authorities at the level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Licensing must be included in the business plan, since without this procedure, such activities will be considered illegal, and the entrepreneur will inevitably face large penalties.

This process includes the provision of required documents to the licensing authority. They are considered, as a rule, within a month, and if the applicant meets certain requirements, then a decision is made to issue a license. It is profitable to pay tax in in this case according to a simplified system.

List of required documents for the licensed body

  • A statement in which it will be necessary to indicate which educational programs will be provided at the training center.
  • All information regarding the teaching staff, which must correspond to its category and have supporting documents. The staffing level must correspond to the declared number of prospective students.
  • Documents confirming the availability of an appropriate training facility and its plan.
  • Information about what you need is in stock technical equipment premises and the corresponding educational and methodological literature for each declared training program.
  • Information about the registration of the training center as a non-state educational institution with a list of the entire constituent staff.

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What start-up capital is needed, and what the profitability will depend on

As can be seen from the above, the training center must be equipped with special equipment, and therefore, after selecting a suitable room (it must be at least 200 sq. M), the entrepreneur's plan should include the costs of purchasing the necessary furniture, equipment, and so on. For example, if it is planned to open computer courses, then for this it will be necessary to buy items such as modern computers, tables and chairs for them, copiers, faxes and so on.

If there is a plan based on training future hairdressers, then completely different attributes should be present in the center: mirrors, special chairs, professional hair dryers, and so on. In this case, it will be necessary to purchase consumables (shampoos, varnishes, combs, scissors), which will be needed to train exactly the profession of a hairdresser.

In other words, which one will be needed start-up capital, v to a greater extent depends on the focus of the training center and its volume. Before starting its activities, the business plan is worked out strictly on an individual basis by each entrepreneur or investor, and exact numbers necessary initial capital it is impossible to name.

You can start such a business with an amount of about 300 thousand rubles or more. The training center will be up-to-date as in big cities, and in the villages, where now there is a sorely lack of training personnel. The business plan is calculated on the basis that renting a suitable premises will cost on average from 1-2 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m.

LEU can be opened in several areas of study. For example, it may include accounting, computer and language classes... Today, such areas as teaching the 1C program, design and layout of sites, studying feng shui and many others are popular. In fact, the choice of the focus of courses in this area is unlimited, and you can add Additional services for individual training even during the work of the center. Such additions can also change from fashion trends.

If the fashion for hand-made has gone, then you can open, for example, courses on making dolls. It is imperative to monitor the saturation of the labor market different professions... In case of an overabundance of any specialty on it, it will be necessary to refuse to study for it in your center and offer the population a more popular option.

It should be taken into account that the more an educational institution provides services, the more significant the profit will be and, accordingly, the faster it will pay off. Depending on the invested funds, the cost of renting the premises, on what is available marketing plan, and other factors, such a business will approximately pay for itself in one to two years. Its profitability, as a rule, is about 30% of the invested funds.

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