Home Vegetables How to open a children's development center from scratch? What do you need to open a children's development center? All the best for children, or How to open a children's development center

How to open a children's development center from scratch? What do you need to open a children's development center? All the best for children, or How to open a children's development center

Business in Russia. Guidelines for starting a business in the regions.
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600 000 ₽

Minimum start-up capital

2 000 ₽

Monthly subscription cost

40-50 sq. m.

Min. square



Today, goods and services for children are gaining more and more popularity. One of the first places is preschool development centers. Due to the catastrophic shortage of places in public institutions developing centers for toddlers is a great idea.

Modern parents are increasingly using the services of children's development centers. According to surveys conducted in major cities among parents of children from 8 months to 7-8 years old, more than half of the mothers already take or are going to take their children to developmental classes. At the same time, if earlier visiting commercial centers was expensive, now it is preschool education and development is accessible even to middle-income people.

More and more new moms are thinking about opening their own kids club and turning it into a permanent source of income. Despite high competition, business in this area remains attractive and profitable, as the number of children increases every year, and there are still not enough good childcare facilities for preschoolers.

Classification of children's centers

There are children's centers various kinds. The owner of such a center himself determines the areas of work he is interested in, the level and list of services provided. Regardless of whether you plan to take funds to start your own business or are going to make do with your savings, before starting work, experts advise you to draw up a detailed business plan. Such a plan for a preschool institution, which aims to develop the intellectual and creative skills of children aged 1 (less often younger) to 8 years, includes several sections: an overview with a description of the specifics of the industry, a description of the enterprise itself, a list and description of the services that you plan to provide, analysis modern market, production plan.

If you do not have the funds to consult specialists, conduct your own marketing research similar organizations in your city and in the area where you are going to open a center. Interview potential clients - parents of children (respondents can be found at playgrounds, children's clinics or kindergartens). Ask them questions about the location of the club, where they would like to take their children, about the program and teachers they are interested in. Find out what they look for in the first place when choosing a children's center for their little ones.

First of all, in order to organize your own children's center, you need to find the optimal premises. Most entrepreneurs do not aim at large areas, preferring rent a small establishment with an area of ​​​​about 40-50 square meters. meters. The main selection criteria: convenience of location (in the city center or at least in a large residential area, in a place with high traffic), the minimum need for repair work (although, most likely, you can’t do without it), the availability of a separate bathroom and space, where parents will wait for the end of classes.

Let's return to the question of choosing the area where your center is located. It does not depend on your preferences and conveniences, but on target audience which you are targeting. Assess your financial capabilities. A children's center that claims to be in the high price segment, with excellent repairs, the most qualified teachers, professional administrator and demanding customers, will be very expensive. Such an institution should be located in the city center, where the rent will cost a pretty penny.

For a simple kids club with a low cost of classes, even the first floor of a multi-storey building in a residential area is suitable. Decide in advance on those areas that do not suit you uniquely in terms of remoteness (you will also have to travel to work every day) and / or according to the contingent and solvency of the population, competition and other factors. The area of ​​your premises also depends on the goals and objectives. The study room (if there is one) should be at least 30 sq. meters. Some kids clubs open in office buildings or in shopping malls. Ideally, they should be located ground floor so that little ones don't have to climb stairs or lifts. In this case, there may be several study rooms, but most likely they will be small in size.

In any case, your center should have a waiting room. Often, the heads of the centers try to save on rent and do without it. However, many parents will wait for their children while they study. If they have to stand all this time on the street, they are unlikely to go to your center for a long time, no matter how good it is.

Taking into account the study rooms, the waiting room (or hall) and the bathroom, the area of ​​​​the children's club should be about 50 square meters. meters. If you don't have money to rent large area, and you can only afford one study room, of course, and such an institution can be profitable, but you severely limit the choice of courses you offer. With all the desire to “score” the whole day with classes, it will not work. Kids come to practice in the morning - before lunch and daytime sleep.

Older children attend classes after 17-18 hours (when they are picked up from kindergartens). The period from 13 to 17 hours (in fact, half a day) simply falls out of the schedule, as older children spend this time in the kindergarten, and the kids sleep.

As an option, you can offer discounts for classes during this time, but this is unlikely to completely solve the problem. On the other hand, the main rule of the rented premises is that each meter of it should bring you profit. So rent or buy large area, which you simply have nothing to do, is also not worth it. The list of classes in your center and the schedule of lessons in each of the rooms must be drawn up at the stage of choosing a room.

When searching for premises, it is necessary to take into account the norms of the SES and the Fire Supervision authorities. For example, a children's center cannot be located in the basement, semi-basement or basement. The premises should be well ventilated, have a separate entrance and a separate bathroom. Great importance has both a convenient access to your center and the availability of a place to park a car (this is especially true for the city center, where it is very problematic to find a free place during rush hour).

One of the main conditions for the success of your institution is its staff. Moreover, it includes not only the teachers themselves, but also administrators. True, it will be easier to find a good administrator than a teacher who loves and understands children, knows how to find an approach to them and captivate them with any activity. For the position of administrators who will respond to phone calls, receive visitors, schedule classes and solve other organizational issues, you can take students or recent graduates. Administrators usually work in shifts. At first, you can take on their duties, unless, of course, you yourself are going to conduct classes.

It is much more difficult to find good teachers. Qualified teachers with extensive experience in kindergartens or even schools will cost a lot, but worst of all, having a diploma of special higher education, certificates, diplomas and other documents does not at all guarantee that your teacher will be able to find mutual language with children, and not discourage them from all desire to learn. It also happens that recent graduates of pedagogical faculties turn out to be better teachers who are liked by both children and their parents.

Conduct face-to-face interviews with potential employees of your children's center. Pay attention to them appearance, manner of communication, evaluate their enthusiasm for their work, initiative and innovation. Sometimes even mothers of kids who do not have a special education, but who are very passionate about teaching, apply for the place of teachers. various methods development of children, constantly attend various courses and seminars, are interested in new phenomena in the field of preschool education and, most importantly, they understand what exactly their children need. On the other hand, the presence of a diploma of pedagogical education for your employees, of course, will be useful, but still this cannot be the only criterion for choosing an employee.

Do not forget also that the services of your center must be advertised. Your target audience, first of all, is mothers of children preschool age. It is they who, as a rule, choose clubs for their children. Undoubtedly, the best advertisement- this is your favorable reputation, thanks to which parents themselves will recommend your center to their friends and acquaintances. However, the reputation still needs to be earned. To attract customers at the first stage of work, you can use standard advertising methods: posting ads, distributing leaflets, advertising on the Internet on forums and websites dedicated to the topic of raising children.

Consider the possibility of a free visit (or at a substantial discount) to the first trial lesson where mom and baby can decide if your center is right for them or not. As a rule, the centers offer two options for paying for visits - a one-time visit at higher prices and a monthly subscription. In the latter case, the cost of the lesson is 15-20 percent lower.

Let's say a few words about the legal side of the issue. Until recently, many children's centers that provided services in the field of preschool education tried to avoid explicit mention of this in their names and documentation. This was explained by the fact that obtaining a license to carry out educational activities is a rather complicated and costly business. Therefore, most of the small centers and courses for preschoolers were opened as individual entrepreneurs (IEs), and not non-state educational institution(NOU) and did not license their activities. They positioned themselves as leisure centers, clubs, private tutors, etc. However, now the situation has changed.

According to the new federal law"On Education", an individual entrepreneur has the right to officially conduct educational activities with the involvement of others teaching staff, but for this he needs to obtain the appropriate license before January 1, 2014.

In the near future, by-laws are expected to be released that will clarify the procedure for obtaining a license for an individual entrepreneur and the conditions that such a preschool educational institution and its employees must comply with.

Calculate the cost of opening a children's center. This includes the rental of premises (depending on the location and area), repairs if necessary (from 150 thousand rubles and more), purchase necessary equipment and materials (about 200 thousand rubles), purchase of furniture (minimum 80 thousand rubles), wages for teachers, administrators, cleaner, advertising and promotion (minimum 25 thousand rubles per month). The cost of one subscription for 8 visits is from 2000 rubles (depending on the city, target audience, program). The payback period for such a project is one year.

Profitability calculator for this business

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How to open a kids club - business relevance + 7 steps to opening it + description of the Umnichka franchise.

Capital investment: from 1,000,000 rubles
Payback period: from year

Currently, many parents pay a lot of attention to education and. But, unfortunately, only a kindergarten and a school can not do in this matter.

For this, various institutions are being created where children can acquire the knowledge and skills they need.

Despite the ever-increasing competition in this area, the question of whether how to open a kids club, is quite relevant. Therefore, if you are looking for an idea for a business that will bring not only income, but also pleasure, then this business is definitely for you.

Why is it important to open a kids club?

Most likely, many of you have noticed the bright signs of children's clubs and development centers.

At first glance, it may seem that there are a lot of clubs and centers, and this niche is already completely occupied. However, the demand for such services is constantly growing. Why?

This happens for several reasons:

  1. Unlike state kindergartens, which work according to uniform standards, in children's clubs, parents get the opportunity to choose what is right for their child - learn foreign languages, just get ready for school, or attend only developmental classes.
  2. Today, parents understand that they need to invest in quality education, and that they will find highly qualified teachers in the children's center.
  3. Not every mother, even devoting all her time to a child, is able to independently give him the necessary knowledge.

    Many people prefer to trust professionals, and this is the right choice.

    Children's clubs are not just a place where children gain new knowledge and skills.

    Here they meet and communicate, being in an environment that stimulates them to new achievements.

Opening a children's club from scratch: advice from experts from the business school for children's clubs "Umnichka"

Opening any business begins with writing.

It has two parts: descriptive (contains information about the activities of the enterprise, defining its mission and concept, developing a plan for starting a business) and financial (calculating investments, forecasting income and profits).

Step 1. Analysis of the field of activity.

To analyze the scope of activity, it is necessary:

    Define the mission of the kids club

    The course of your actions and the principles of the work of the children's club depend on the correct statement of the mission.

    For example, in some centers child development emphasize the study of foreign languages, in others they prepare for school, and thirdly, they reveal Creative skills and talents of children.

    Thus, there are several main types of activities in children's clubs:

    • preparation for school - reading, writing, counting;
    • developmental programs for children of different ages;
    • learning foreign languages;
    • various circles: dancing, sports, drawing, modeling and more.

    And already based on the chosen direction of classes, you can imagine how your future children's club will look like: how many rooms it will have, how they will be designed, what programs you need to draw up, what kind of teachers you have to look for.

    Define target audience

    The size of the initial investment and the development of the price policy of the children's club will depend on this item. And for this you need to decide on the age and number of children, as well as social status their parents.

    For example, you can open a premium children's center and, therefore, your services will be focused on children of wealthy parents.

    In this case, you should take care of a location in the city center or an elite area, a chic renovation of the premises, and the search for highly qualified teachers. And the price tag for the classes will be appropriate.

    But you can also open a more affordable kids club, where the children of middle-income parents will attend. Consequently, they will be much less, the same applies to the cost of classes.

    Evaluate competitors

    To do this, you need to make a list of private development centers that are already open in your city, study their location, services, cost of visits, ways to advertise them. As a result, you will be able to analyze the situation on the market and understand what is in demand.

    Imagine that in your area there are three children's centers aimed at preparing for school, but there is no club with the study foreign language or various educational circles.

    Open another kids club with preparatory classes would be less appropriate than providing services that are not available in existing child development institutions.

Step 2. Development of the concept of a children's club.

The conclusion to the descriptive part of the business plan for opening a children's club is to combine all the information collected and analyzed. And as a result, you will be able to decide on the legal form of the institution, describe the stages of starting a business, develop training programs for classes and draw up a work schedule.

The choice of legal form will depend on the following points:

  • how ready you are to bear financial responsibility (unlike an individual entrepreneur, an LLC is liable only for the invested funds);
  • whether you plan to expand your business in the future (the opportunity to implement a network of children's clubs is provided only for LLCs);
  • do you have a partner or will you act independently (an LLC can be opened by several co-founders, with an individual entrepreneur you will own the business alone).

Step 4. Choosing a room.

Also, before registering, you need to take care of renting a suitable room. But first you need to decide on the place where your kids club will be located:

    AT big cities it is more expedient to consider sleeping areas.

    And here everything will depend on what kind of children's development center you will open - premium or more affordable.

    In the first case, you need to look for premises in the elite areas of the city, where your target audience will live.

    AT small towns Definitely worth choosing the center.

    If there is already a similar institution here, then offer potential clients services that are not available in other children's developing clubs.

Basic requirements for rented premises:

  • the presence of a separate entrance;
  • availability of parking and convenient access for cars;
  • optimal area - 45 - 300 sq.m. The room should provide for the possibility of equipping a game and training room, a locker room and a hall, a bathroom;
  • compliance with SES and fire safety standards.

Step 5. Selection of teachers.

The most important thing in opening a children's club is the search for qualified teachers. They will be in contact with children, conduct classes and create a pleasant atmosphere.

On how the teacher organizes exciting and effective classes, and will also inspire confidence in children and their parents, the success and reputation of your kids club depends.

Therefore, at the interview it is worth paying attention not only to education, qualifications and work experience, but also to personal qualities applicant: neat appearance, friendliness, optimism and a desire to develop.

Also, it does not hurt to listen to your inner instinct. If a person repels you with something, then you should not torture yourself, do not hire him. Remember that you will have to constantly work with teachers, and it is best that there are no employees in the team who cause you personal dislike.

Step 6. Attracting customers.

To do this, you can use the following marketing tools:

  • bright sign at the entrance;
  • distribution of leaflets in busy places of the city and at playgrounds;
  • posting ads;
  • banners and streamers;
  • advertising in the city's social networks and on thematic children's websites;
  • publication in local media.

If you open a kids club in big city, then it’s a good idea to connect advertising on radio and television.

You can also create your own website where parents can find information about classes, schedules, and fees.

Step 7. How much does it cost to open a kids club?

The main question that worries a novice entrepreneur is: how much money should you invest in your business? future business? Let's calculate the costs of opening a children's club.

Item of expensesAmount, rub.
Total:RUB 1,230,000
Business registration (+ authorized capital)50 000
Renovation of the premises (decoration of walls, floors, new bathroom)300 000
Room equipment (furniture, signboard, appliances, telephone, internet)300 000
Toys, literature100 000
Site creation40 000
Cash machine20 000
First and last month rent200 000
Realtor services100 000
Advertising100 000
Additional expenses20 000

Approximate monthly expenses:

About business profitability:

To reach the break-even point, you need to earn about 540,000 - 560,000 rubles per month (including taxes), that is, daily revenue should be about 20,000 rubles.

Let's assume that the cost of one lesson is 1,000 rubles. That is, you need to conduct classes for 20 children per day, these are 3 groups of 6-7 people.

At first, these are quite real indicators, thanks to which the business will pay off in a year of stable work. If you can attract more customers, then the profitability of the club will increase, and the business will pay off even earlier.

It's Easy to Start a Kids Club Franchise

If you decide to open a kids club, then you have three paths that you can follow to implement this idea:

  1. do everything on your own - bit by bit collect the necessary information and study the intricacies of drawing up a business plan;
  2. take advantage of expert advice and purchase finished materials for full-fledged activities kids club;
  3. acquire a franchise, that is, the right to open a children's club under the franchisor's brand under certain conditions.

The first way is the most difficult, since you will have to do everything yourself - look for a suitable room, think over repairs in it, search for teachers and develop a schedule.

As for the second method, on the website of the Business School for Children's Clubs "Umnichka" http://tvoyklub.ru and in S. Timofeeva's manuals "Children's Club. From Idea to Profit” and “Profitable Kids Club” you can find a lot of information about opening and operating a kids club.

Also on the site you can buy ready-made teaching aids and get individual advice on starting and running a business.

The third option with the purchase of a franchise is the easiest, since you get the right to use trademark, style and methods of a certain children's club.

In order to become a franchisee partner, you need to make a lump-sum (initial) fee. You will then pay royalties on a monthly basis - a fee for the franchisor to ensure that you comply with all the standards and principles of the children's club.

If you want to join the network of children's eco-clubs "Umnichka", you will receive:

  • a complete guide to opening a children's center;
  • consultations at all stages of the business;
  • club owner training;
  • assistance in finding staff;
  • lawyer consulting;
  • your site;
  • PR support.

In addition, you will have the opportunity for self-realization. If you are complete creative ideas who can really help business development, then you will be gladly supported.

In order to join the Umnichka network of children's eco-clubs, leave an application on the website, and you will be contacted.

As for the conditions for acquiring a franchise for the Umnichka children's eco-club, investments in starting a business start at 1,500,000 rubles, and the size of the lump-sum fee depends on the area of ​​​​the premises for the future children's club.

With more detailed information can be found at the link: http://fr.tvoyklub.ru

A short tour of the children's eco-club "Umnichka":

Making our kids club better

If you are already the owner of a kids club, then you probably want to stand out from your competitors. To do this, you need to constantly strive to improve your business and move forward.

Let's look at a few methods that will help in improving the efficiency of the children's club:

    Motivate teachers for professional development and personal development.

    This will help various courses, seminars and master classes.

    By the way, you, as a business owner, must keep up with the times and never stop learning.

    Look for new ways to generate income and expand the range of services.

    To do this, you can organize children's holidays (birthdays, New Year), to open a mini-garden on the basis of their children's club.

    Showcase the results of your students.

    All parents want to know what progress their child has made during the time spent in kids club.

    Therefore, create something like a board or an album of achievements that should always be in sight.

    Don't forget quality service.

    Keep in touch with clients, ask why the child was not in class, give gifts to your pupils for the holidays.

    Also organize a bonus and preferential system.

    Arrange trial sessions.

    Give children and their parents the opportunity to feel the atmosphere of your kids club.

    And if they like you, they will definitely become your customers.

Of course, in one article it is difficult to cover all the information related to the opening of a children's club and increasing the efficiency of its work...

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There are three topics in which almost every resident of our country considers himself an expert - these are politics, medicine and parenting. In order to become a politician, you need money, and a lot of it, healing requires an extensive knowledge base and a diploma, but teaching and raising children is within the power of anyone who is interested in it and who is ready to spend time and effort on minimal preparation.

My story began with the fact that I went to “early development” for a year with my eldest daughter (and we didn’t like everything there), then I gave birth to the youngest and worked with the children at home ... And after half a year, tired of being on maternity leave and thinking, how to fix all the shortcomings of such activities, I decided that it was time to open my own business!

I already had an education, however, non-core, a master's degree in "applied mathematics", but basic course we listened to pedagogy. For those who don't have higher education or it is completely “off topic”, you will have to finish at least the courses. Then I designed an IP, came up with a name and ordered a logo. And I started looking for a place where it would be possible to conduct classes. Since I didn’t have any initial capital, and for the first time there weren’t many clients expected for months, I immediately dismissed offers with monthly rent. I managed to negotiate with a family coffee shop that opened 3 months ago that I would rent tables from them for 30% of my revenue. By the way, the offer turned out to be successful both for me (many of my clients once just dropped in for coffee and saw my classes in action), and for the coffee shop (the parents, waiting for the kids, ordered tea, coffee, cakes, and the children, having worked out, asked to satisfy hunger and thirst right here and now)!

I set the prices for my first classes just ridiculous, just to cover the cost of expendable materials, but after half a year I raised them twice, then another one and a half - and was surprised to find that there were no fewer children coming - it means that both they and their parents like what I do!

Mandatory costs

For about $100, I bought educational toys and cards, as well as pencils, paints, plasticine, colored and white paper and cardboard. Another $50 was spent on creating the logo and business card. And then for half a year I collected all the proceeds that I had left after paying the rent, and bought benefits and supplies.

Getting ready for classes

I immediately wrote a general approximate lesson plan, based on which I then prepared for each specific lesson. For example, overall plan for junior group(1.5-2 years) looked like this:

  • finger games and speech therapy gymnastics;
  • outdoor games;
  • creative task;
  • learning (colors, plants, animals, home, etc.);
  • development fine motor skills;
  • card games.

Then I built each specific lesson according to this scheme, constantly alternating activities. It is advisable to think over the option when the kids may not like something, they will simply refuse to do what you have prepared for them today and have at least one or two games or “training books” in reserve. For each age group the scheme was about the same, only the training was already different, and instead of developing fine motor skills, starting from the age of 3, we draw prescriptions.

Are large recruit groups?

Practice has shown that when 5-6 people per teacher come to classes, this optimal amount children for fruitful work. When there are fewer of them, they are not very interested in working, and when there are more, there is no way to pay attention to everyone and maintain discipline.

Where to get materials?

Today, you can find everything on the net - from coloring books and copybooks to detailed notes of classes. Yes, and there are plenty of literature and didactic aids these days. I took my first lessons from the Internet, and today I have plans for groups for several months ahead - I just follow the preschool development program, and alternate the games I have.

What can you save on?
  • It is quite possible to get a logo for free, by ordering it from web design course graduates who need an object for their thesis or graduation work. Unfortunately, I myself thought of this much later, but I gave the idea to a colleague, who thus saved quite a lot.
  • At first, you can do without business cards, anyway, most customers will come to you thanks to word of mouth
  • Do not buy a lot of games and "consumables" at once, replenishing stocks gradually, with each profit
What is absolutely impossible to save on?
  • On the quality of purchased materials. When buying, pay attention not only to the fact that they are safe, but also comfortable for kids. A paper-tearing pencil or paint-staining cards can greatly frighten a baby and for a long time discourage the hunt for “developers”.
  • On the education received - 90% of the success of the children's club depends on this!
Is there an opportunity for growth?

Opportunities to move forward are always there, you just need to want to see them. You can limit yourself to only early development, or you can add preparation for school, music classes, early English, children's creativity… My club in two years has grown from “maternity entertainment” into full source income, and, in addition to early development, there are lessons in mathematics for preschoolers and English for children from 3 to 9 years old. And we are seriously thinking about music and rhythm lessons, you just need to buy an instrument!

What can't be done without? Does a children's development club need a license?

Without the desire to constantly grow and develop, to do your job better and better, to find new interesting methods and implement all ideas. And also - without a huge, unconditional and boundless love for children. Everything else, as practice has shown, will come with time!

The most important and important licensing. A license is not needed if the club is positioned as a place of recreation and entertainment for children. That is, if the club will mainly provide care and supervision services, without purposeful additional preschool education. It is enough to obtain approval and permission to open from a number of inspection bodies. However, if you still want to conduct a series of educational courses, for example, a pre-school course, then you already need a license to operate. Since it will be carried out targeted learning. But if your teacher is individual entrepreneur conducting tutoring activities, then he has the right to conduct educational sessions without license. And the parents of your wards have the right to conclude a tutoring agreement with him. With you, the teacher will conclude an agreement on the lease of premises for carrying out his activities, or a one-time agreement on the provision of services. But, no need to conclude with him labor contract. Also, you do not need to take into account and fix the hours of classes with this teacher.

Now, educational license can get both IP and LLC. Requirements that such a license can only be obtained by non-profit organizations, outdated.

Also, according to the new sanitary standards that came into force in 2014, the opening of a children's club is allowed in a residential building and apartment, and the conditions of detention are also simplified in it:

  • Children can be in such a center (club) up to 4 hours a day;
  • A shared bathroom for children and adults is allowed;
  • One child needs 2 square meters in the playroom (so, for example, if playroom 14 "meters" - up to 7 children can be in it at the same time);
  • It is allowed to install three-level beds. They can be placed directly in the game room;

Sooner or later, a person moving forward wants to start his own business in order to live on a convenient schedule and implement his ideas without tight control from management. Stands up main question: "How and what is profitable to open a business, and with minimal losses and decent profitability?"

Service market

There are a million options, here it is important to determine personal interests, initial capital and ultimate goals. The presence of special education can become the foundation for the foundation of entrepreneurial activity.

Women with teacher education often attracted by the organization of a children's club that promotes early development abilities and creative talents.

The population of the country is growing, and therefore the problem with kindergartens is the main one in the family circle. Child's device preschool from the state is problematic and usually goes beyond the prescribed time frame, which creates inconvenience for mommy to return to work. To solve such nuances, the market offers the new kind services - children's clubs, which for children of all ages offer courses in drawing, reading, writing, acting, needlework, etc.

Choice of option

Aspiring entrepreneurs ask themselves: "How to open a children's club, what investments are needed, are there possible risks?" In order for a business to be successful, you will first need to decide what goal you are pursuing by founding an educational club, what specialized classes will be based on, and determine the age range of the target audience.

There are many options, such as:

Preschool preparation of children with the study of classical sciences;

Creative development of children and their self-realization through natural talents;

Courses with a linguistic bias, mathematical.

And this is not the limit.

Interior organization

When the orientation of the institution is chosen, it is necessary to be puzzled by the creation of a characteristic interior in the room, plan the zoning: where will the classroom be, and where will the playroom be, in which part should the reception be located for waiting for parents, choose colorful decorations and furniture attributes that are acceptable in terms of theme.

You can take a place for a mini-buffet for the sale of juices, sweets, oxygen cocktails, sweet buns and only environmentally friendly products.


Having outlined the direction of your institution, feel free to sit down for a business plan for a children's club. The main thing here is to provide important components.

Depending on the direction of the club, you need to create a list of tasks. If it is, for example, theatrical art, then it will be something like this:

Draw up a lesson plan, highlight the relevant disciplines: acting skills, speech development, stage exercises, creation artistic image and others;

Select qualified personnel, in particular, experienced teachers with pedagogical education;

Come up with a "chip" that distinguishes your club from other similar ones, for example, offer parents a set of classes at a loyal price and with a bonus - a free lunch for a child with each visit;

Purchasing professional literature teaching aids, board games, thematic costumes for the implementation of staged scenarios, musical instruments etc.

Business intricacies

Don't know how to open a kids club? If you are full of positivity, self-confidence and have a high capacity for work, do not worry. Sociability also does not hurt, as you have to communicate with clients (parents), kids, and working staff. Here you will need to adapt somewhere, be condescending to claims (if any), smiling and friendly, regardless of your own mood.

Important Points

And now, when the idea is painted in detail, you can begin to thoroughly draw up a business plan for a children's club with details. The calculations will include several items: rent of premises, communal payments, special equipment, wages employees, advertising promotion, unforeseen expenses (they also need to be paid attention to). Next, we will present the stages of drawing up a business plan and talk about what you need to pay attention to in the first place.

District selection

The decisive aspect in choosing the premises is the budget of the entrepreneur: either it will be a middle-class children's club, or for wealthy families. In principle, both options will be beneficial, if it is reasonable to approach the matter and rent a room in a suitable area.

The elite area is suitable for a prestigious club. But the cost of rent, related repairs and decent wages will increase significantly. Although in the ratio of expenses / income, profitability will be tangible.

For an economy class club, an ordinary area is suitable, but with good traffic. If highly qualified employees are taken as teachers, then people from all parts of the city will take their offspring for additional training.

Although the best option considered the central region. "Fruitful" places are also fresh streets next to new buildings, where there are practically no offers for services of this kind.

Requirements for the premises

The total area of ​​the premises should be at best 70 squares, but not less than 50. Since at least one room is allocated for classes, it is necessary that there be three or more of them. It is also mandatory to have a bathroom equipped according to SES standards.

By the way, the regulatory authorities require the location of an institution of such a plan on the ground floor or higher (in no case in the basement or in the basement). streams of daylight and Fresh air must be brought into the room where the children are.

It is desirable that at the entrance to the club was Free access, there were parking spaces nearby for the convenience of visitors.

Recruitment of qualified personnel

The most important rule in the selection of staff to work with children is experienced teachers with appropriate education.

Know in in general terms how to open your own kids club is half the battle. Farther great attention should be given to staffing. The well-known phrase “cadres decide everything” was not invented in vain, a productive business is built on them in the future. It is the teacher who is able to interest the kids cognitive activities, involve in the subject being studied and thus keep in the kids club, inclining to constant visits. In a word - to inspire the trust of children and their parents.

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