Home Useful Tips What smell the rats leave. What mice are afraid of: folk remedies and recipes for controlling rodents in residential and non-residential premises.

What smell the rats leave. What mice are afraid of: folk remedies and recipes for controlling rodents in residential and non-residential premises.

Neighborhood with rodents on garden plot, and even more so in a country house is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. They are carriers of a number of diseases that are dangerous to humans and domestic animals.
Rodents can destroy crops stored underground. Eating bulbs of a number of flowering is not excluded ornamental plants... Rodents like peas, beans and beans; their planting may suffer even before emergence.
In the review "How to Get Rid of Mice in the Countryside", an attempt was made to tell about the species of rodents that settle in summer cottages and in houses. Methods of dealing with them in both cases are considered.

Rodents are the most numerous order of mammals. It includes many animals ranging from beavers, muskrats and squirrels different types to a fairly diverse murine rodent. The latter include the species of mice and rats that harass gardeners and gardeners. middle lane Russia:

The common house mouse inhabits not only human dwellings. Nests and pantries of these rodents are found in cities, villages and the surrounding nature.
Their back is dark gray or gray - brown, gray abdomen.
Like all mice, it has a sharp muzzle, large eyes and ears; long tail.

The field mouse is distinguished by a dark stripe on the back and a white belly. Their ears and eyes are smaller and their tail is shorter. Does not stock food for the winter.

Wood mouse, red Ural mouse - Brown color, also with a white belly.
The yellow-chested mouse is similar to the forest mouse, but larger. Sometimes it lives in the hollows of trees, on the trunks of which it climbs well.

Gray and black rats are named for their predominant fur color. Almost omnivorous.

Such animals can show up on summer cottage... At certain conditions many of them are able to populate cellars, and then settle throughout the garden house.
All of the listed murine rodents lead a crepuscular lifestyle. These animals feed on grains and vegetable crops; some use tops, others - underground parts (roots and roots). Harvested by gardeners at open storage will become easy prey for rodents.

The insectivorous shrew differs from rodents. This useful animal has very small eyes and an elongated muzzle. The food of the shrew is worms and slugs, spiders and insect caterpillars. Beetles and wood lice will also please her. It is impossible to destroy shrews, these are orderlies of the garden plot.

Mouse control

Protection against entry of mice into the house

Rodents can settle in a garden house, as a rule, through holes for ventilation of the underground - air vents. Ventilation basements is a prerequisite for their use, it is impossible to shut off the vents tightly.
It is convenient to block the access of mice to the underground by installing grates. You can look for suitable products in stores. Residential lattices made of plastic are not suitable here, they are quite tough for rodents. We definitely need metal ones.

It is not difficult to make tin grates yourself. You can use tinplate or canning; black will not work - it will rust. The work is as follows:

  1. A metal grill or mesh is purchased. It needs to be cut into rectangles, several more sizes ducts.
  2. The tin is cut into strips and bent lengthwise; the resulting details are framed by a piece of the lattice.
  3. The lattice is fastened in a sheet metal cage by tapping with a hammer.
  4. The resulting grilles are attached with dowels and screws.

Having excluded access to the underground, it is necessary to free the house from rodents that have already settled there. To do this, you can use traps, poisonous substances or different ways scaring away.

Mouse traps

There are traps:

Mechanical - mouse traps of trap designs (pressing action, that is, lethal for mice) or cages (the animal is locked and can be released, for example, into the forest).
For bait, it is better to use not traditional cheese, but bread moistened with any vegetable oil- this attracts mice more.

Glue - plywood or cardboard with a glue layer, in the center there is a bait. Several rodents can adhere at once.

Mouse control chemicals

Chemical poisons for rodents are produced in a large assortment, for example, "Storm", "Rat Death". You need to use them according to the attached instructions. It is preferable to apply the poison before the period of absence of people in the country. Tansy

Finally, don't forget about domestic cats. Even the presence of a cat who has forgotten how to catch mice significantly reduces their number in the garden. Rodents disappear completely from the house.

Rodents on the site - means of repelling mice

Mice, especially voles and forest mice, can cause significant damage to the vegetable garden. And bulbous flowers can suffer from them.

  • You can, of course, place mousetraps on the site; but they can get birds and useful shrews. Placement of mousetraps in pipe sections, large cans will help to avoid damage to birds.
  • Scattering poisoned baits around the garden is not very attractive. They can attract birds and pets and damage their health.

Yet the best option the fight against rodents in the garden area must be recognized as a deterrent method. There are two convenient ways to force pests to leave the territory:

  1. Ultrasonic scarers are already available for use under open air... The modest dimensions of most garden plots require the installation of only one such device (with the correct shape) - they are able to secure an area of ​​up to 10 acres.
    The devices do not require the installation of external sockets, the designs are supplied with energy from batteries. There are even scarers on solar powered but they are ineffective in cloudy weather.
  2. A second workable option is to use plants that scare off rodents with their smell. This may be the already mentioned mint. The smell of garlic scares off mice well; both of these plants are also useful in cooking. Cilantro (coriander), planted among peonies or gladioli, will protect the roots and bulbs from rodents.

Elderberry and medicinal blackroot scare away uninvited guests. The latter should be used with caution - all parts of it are poisonous.


The types of country rodents and methods of dealing with them are described. How the readers got rid of mice at their dachas, we learn from their responses.

Mice and rats are common, but undesirable, inhabitants of private houses and city apartments. Therefore, the owners have an acute question - how to get rid of rats and mice? Moreover, many prefer to do this in a humane way, without resorting to pesticides for help. Today we will tell you what smells and sounds do not like small mice and larger rats.

The struggle of humanity against the habitation of mice and other rodents, spoiling things and products, making disgusting sounds, in own home has been going on for many years. Invented a lot modern methods- chemicals, traps, devices, the sound of which cannot be tolerated by mice, as well as rats. But almost all of them can, under certain conditions, harm the health of humans and pets. How to be? The smells of aromatic herbs come to the rescue, which our grandmothers used to scare away mice and rats in the house.

Which of them rodents do not tolerate the most? The primacy is rightfully given to the smell of wormwood. It is widely used against mice, both in the home and in the apartment. Fumigation of the room with smoldering wormwood has an excellent ratikidal effect. In the old days, it was said that even evil spirits were afraid of her.

The appearance of mice and rats in the house is not the most pleasant event. Knowing what mice and other rodents are afraid of is necessary in order to quickly drive them out of the house without contacting a special service.

Like other animals, mice and rats do not like it when in their shelter suddenly begins to smell unpleasant or frightening sounds appear. So, it is quite possible to use it to scare away pests from the house, while you can do without crippling mousetraps and poisons.

In a garage or shed, some owners prefer to store and foodstuffs, for example, any preparations for the winter, vegetables or the harvest of potatoes. Therefore, the appearance of rats and mice in such non-residential premises is a matter of time. To drive them out of there, you can use proven folk remedies... First you need to figure out what smell mice do not like. Rodents are unlikely to like these scents:

  • naphthalene;
  • kerosene;
  • the smell of burnt wool;
  • colognes and Eau de Toilette(cheap, but persistent, for example "Krasnaya Moskva" or "Triple cologne");
  • the smell of burnt rubber.

To achieve the effect is quite simple: you need to place deterrent agents in the room and close it. It is important not to go there for a while. Mice and rats very soon will not withstand such a smell and will leave for a more favorable place.

However, not only people, but also nature itself took care of protecting the premises from rodents. Herbs such as elderberry and wild rosemary have been used since ancient times for just such a purpose. The most effective remedy is the black root plant. It is popularly called the "rat-racer" because rodents run away in panic as soon as they smell it. The plant is very poisonous, and its seeds adhere well to the skin of the animal. It is enough to spread the grass slightly moistened in warm water in the room and you can not be afraid of rodents. But in order not to become a victim of the rat runner yourself, it is better to work with gloves.

For removing rodents from a residential building or apartment, this method is categorically inappropriate, even if it is autumn in the yard and a local epidemic reigns in the house. colds... Of course, a stuffy nose will not smell, but harmful substances from burnt rubber will in any case enter the body, and from persistent perfume and kerosene, your head may hurt. Therefore, it is worth choosing another, more gentle way of removing rodents.

How to remove rodents (video)

What plants are unpleasant for rodents?

There are also a lot of completely safe plants that can scare off mice. These include:

  • peppermint;
  • chamomile;
  • sagebrush;
  • tansy;
  • pyrethrum.

They are completely safe for people, and their smell is quite pleasant and brings back memories of summer and meadow. But mice do not tolerate such an aroma and rush to leave the room.

Plants can be spread around the apartment in the corners or next to the mink. As soon as the twigs are dry, they will need to be replaced with fresh ones, or even better - planted in pots and placed in the rooms.

On the other hand, in the middle of winter, finding fresh fragrant herbs and repellent plants can be very problematic, especially in urban environments. Then you need to look for what smell the mice are afraid of, except for those listed above.

Essential oils, which can be purchased at a regular pharmacy, are a convenient solution. It is worth choosing mint oil or any other oil that has a strong smell. In addition to the oil itself, you will also need cotton swabs or napkins. On them you need to apply a few drops of essential oil and spread them closer to the minks of rodents.

There is a very environmentally friendly and safe product for humans, which has been successfully used since time immemorial. It saved from rodents even in Ancient egypt and Ancient Greece... Of course, it comes about cats. Moreover, it is not only about their hunting skills. The feline smell, which inevitably remains in the apartment, is very disliked by the house mouse, which means that any animal lover can make a furry friend for himself, as there is a need for it.

Scarecrow sounds

Modern apartment owners are concerned not only with the effectiveness, but also with the safety of anti-rodent products. For this reason, conventional mousetraps are becoming less popular, since there is a high probability of getting into this mechanism yourself. The poison option is eliminated due to the high danger, especially for families with small children.

Therefore, it is worth remembering what, in addition to smell, rodents are afraid of. These are unpleasant sounds. The most effective tool today is considered to be an ultrasonic device that scares away mice. It emits ultrasound, which is not perceived by the human ear, and therefore does not cause any harm to the legitimate tenants of the apartment. But rodents hear him too well and therefore cannot withstand such a neighborhood.

In order to have an effect from the use of the device, you must first select it correctly. It is better to choose a repeller that would work silently or very quietly. Ideally, it should have a function for changing the frequency, since rodents very quickly get used to one sound.

Nevertheless, despite the effectiveness, this method of removing rodents is relatively rarely used due to the high cost of the device. Therefore, scaring away with the help of the smell of a plant is still popular.

How to destroy rats and mice (video)

What do mice love?

When choosing a remedy for rodents, it is worth using not only repelling plants, sources loud sounds or strong-smelling products. You can act on the contrary and, to eliminate rodents, choose what the rats love, and not what scares them away.

For some unknown reason, mice are very fond of the smell of beer, which should not be overlooked when choosing a way to drive them out of the apartment. If the mice are so bold that they can easily walk around the apartment, you can make simple and eco-friendly "mousetraps" out of plastic beer bottles.

Making such a trap will not take long. To do this, the bottle (always unwashed!) Must be placed so that the neck is slightly higher than the bottom. You need to make a small "step" to the neck so that the mouse can quickly climb along it. The trap is ready! It remains to place a few of these in the house. Most likely, the next morning, a mouse will be found in several of these traps.

Rarely does a smell attract mice in the same way as beer, so they easily come running and crawl into the bottle. They will no longer be able to get out of there, as they will simply slide down the smooth walls.

In addition to beer, you can use regular sunflower oil. It needs to be poured into a glass bottle. The container is tilted. You can put some deliciously smelling bait inside, which rodents are not afraid of (a piece of cheese, sausage or bacon).

Those who have tried such a means of catching mice no longer buy ordinary mouse traps. Bottles do not pop in the middle of the night and, unlike poisons, do not harm health and take care of nervous system a person from stress at the sight of dead mice.

Breeding rats

If mice can't boast exceptional mental abilities then rats are a completely different matter. They are very smart, cunning and careful. Not every homeowner can immediately understand what rats are afraid of, as many have the feeling that it is impossible to scare them with something and get them out of the house for good.

To control these rodents, you can use the same tools as for mice. These are, first of all, plants: chamomile, peppermint, feverfew. You can spread bunches of tansy in the house, but this plant is not the safest, you need to be careful with it.

A cat can also catch rats, but there are nuances here. Modern cats have become very spoiled creatures. They have an abundance of food, so there is no need for them to hunt rats. If it is decided to use this particular method, then it is better to connect an ordinary yard cat to work, or better - a cat, since, due to the need to feed the kittens, their hunting instinct is more developed.

The use of ultrasonic scarers against mice - effective method, but in the case of rats, it does not always work.

In rural areas, very inhumane, but effective methods are often used against rats. It is believed that The best way take out the rodents - take one of the "trophies" of the neighbor's cat-rat-catcher (the half-eaten rat carcass), place it on a metal shovel, fill it with something alcohol-containing and set it on fire. With such a burden, you need to go around all the places where there are especially a lot of rats. Such a remedy is very effective: rodents leave the territory and do not appear there for at least a year.

Plants that repel rodents - rats and mice

Plants that repel rodents - rats and mice

Nature wisely regulates the number of all living things on earth, if a person does not interfere with her sacraments. Buying land plot, we often do not suspect that its legal owners are not we, but representatives of the wild world of fauna - most often birds, rodents, insects ... tactical techniques in the colonial "war".

Today we are at war with the tribe of "Mice", those who undermine the welfare fruit crops, damaging stockpiles, frightening defenseless women. We choose one of the most peaceful methods of struggle - with the help of plants. Some of them (raticides) are used to prepare poisoned baits, the smell of others (repellents) frightens house and forest mice, voles and rats, while others value their weapon - thorns. Fans of decorative mice know that rodents do not like ground mass of beans, potatoes, tomatoes, rhubarb leaves and onions.

Rodent baits

Many poisonous plants are used to prepare poisoned baits for murine rodents. Rhizomes of plants are especially often used. The four-leafed raven eye is distinguished by a blue berry and rhizomes, the smell of which is caused headache... The bait contains crushed rhizomes (5 g) and sunflower seeds (100 g).

Aconite is known for its strong anti-mouse action. Their underground parts, especially the rhizome, have a toxic effect (50 g of powder from aconite tubers is added to 1 kg of food bait).

Infusion of fresh rhizomes of hellebore Lobel is also recommended for fighting mice and rats (100 g of rhizomes are kept in 0.2 l warm water within 4-5 days, adding a few drops to it of hydrochloric acid). Grain is poured into this infusion and left in it until it swells. Rhizomes are also ground into powder and added with water to lime (clay), which is coated with tree trunks in autumn. Bait is also prepared from plant seeds. They include crushed castor bean seeds, which are mixed with unrefined vegetable oil.

Crushed seeds of thermopsis lanceolate are mixed with bread. The plant has an unpleasant mouse smell, is highly poisonous, especially with the aerial part and seeds. The infusion of thermopsis herb is watered with sawdust, which is laid in the grooves around the tree trunks dug up in the fall. When making baits and infusions, you should remember about precautions and safety, since these plants are poisonous to humans.

Some bulbous and corms will help scare mice away from the garden and flower beds. In the middle of summer, the planting of potatoes, beets and carrots is protected by dug out daffodil bulbs, which, together with coriander stalks, are distributed over the area of ​​the ridge, covering the top with mulch. In autumn, daffodil bulbs of low species are planted around tulip plantings as a living barrier. In the imperial hazel grouse, the bulbs, which are replaced annually, emit a sharply garlic smell, which small rodents allegedly do not tolerate. Whether the hazel grouse protects other plants from mice is a big question, but vole mice really do not eat its bulbs, although they do not disdain young shoots.

But what you can be firmly sure of is in the autumn crocus, in which all parts are very poisonous. To prepare a bait for rodents, add 20 g of crocus seeds to 1 kg of cereal or flour, thoroughly mixing the mixture. It is laid out in places where mice are found. They work with the plant in gloves, since the juice can cause burns on the hands. Colchicum trees protect plantings on the southern side, where this plant can grow.

Fragrant plants that mice are afraid of

Repellents - fragrant plants - will help to win the "mouse war". Among the repellent shrubs, the marsh rosemary is most often used. The plant is considered poisonous due to the high content of essential oil, which has a damaging effect already at a distance. Driving out the mice, they lay out wild rosemary branches with leaves at the entrances to the burrow or plugging the holes with them. Mice leave such a dwelling and never return.

Black elderberry, herbaceous elderberry, red elderberry have a deterrent effect against mice and rats, because they cannot stand it bad smell... The roots of black elderberry secrete hydrocyanic acid. The plant is moderately toxic to mammals, therefore, where the elderberry grows, small rodents will not settle. This is especially important for storage facilities and compost piles, which is why elderberries are planted next to them. Protecting the planting of bulbous and perennials from winter damage, branches of black elderberry are laid under the covering material. They also tie the trunks of trees. Domestic mice do not like the essential smell of chamomile.

Chamomile heads are scattered on the floor in the house, bunches are kept in outbuildings where food is stored. Mice are afraid of the essential-resinous smell of the ground parts of maiden feverfew, reminiscent of the aroma of chamomile or chrysanthemum, so for the winter they tie the trunks of young trees with its stems. They are also frightened off by the sharp, slightly sweet smell of common tansy. Strong pleasant bitter-tart aroma of common wormwood, wormwood, planted along the perimeter of the garden, protects it from many pests. Shoots are tied to tree trunks for the winter. When covering the pruned vine, wormwood is laid down so that the grapes do not touch the soil, covering it from above with grass, slate and again with grass. Because of the wormwood, mice will not go into such a shelter. Before spreading the shoots in the house and on the site, scaring away rodents, wormwood is scalded with boiling water. Bunches of wormwood grass are covered with storage facilities (pantries, cellars).

Garden plants against mice

Some garden plants... Coriander seed (cilantro), rich essential oil, in May they are planted on the site in those places where the presence of mice is undesirable, for example, in plantings of peonies, which are often damaged by rodents. So that in winter there are no unwanted guests in outbuildings, in the fall, gardeners brave them with the help of coriander seed stalks, laying out their dry stems or seeds here.

Young plantings of fruit trees are tied with dry bunches. Tomato tops, containing toxic substances, are finely cut or chopped in autumn, laid out under young plantings of woody-shrub plants, since mice do not like its specific smell. In the spring it is covered with earth, getting good compost. A special place in the fight against mice is played by the biennial - medicinal black root, which possesses antimicrobial and insecticidal properties. All parts of the plant smell disgusting, the mice cannot withstand such a smell and run away. By the smell of grass, black root has a popular nickname - "mouse spirit", "mouse-eater". All parts of the plant, fresh and dry, collected in the second year of its life, are used against mice and rats.

Rodent deterrent method

To fight the enemy, you should study his weaknesses. Mice are incredibly clean, so the clinging organs of plants are one of the methods of intimidation. A thunderstorm of mice is the same black root, or dog tongue, so named for the rough but tenacious surface of the seeds, completely covered with thorns.

Clinging to thorns, mice leave the dangerous place. Mice do not like the rough seeds of the sow thistle, from which about 6500 pieces can be collected, and the tripartite succession, in which the outer edges of the achene and awn are covered with thorns. Inflorescences of burdock (burdock) have outer leaves of the envelope, which end in a small hook. In storage facilities, thorny seeds and baskets of these plants are scattered around tall boxes, discouraging mice from climbing higher or jumping. The trunks of trees are also tied with shoots of common raspberries, since they have thin thorns in the lower part.

According to the degree of toxicity, poisonous plants are divided into poisonous (elderberry, anemone oak, lily of the valley, buttercup, etc.), very poisonous (nightshade, foxglove, broom, etc.) and deadly poisonous (aconite, castor oil plant, colchicum, dope common, henbane etc. The following plants cause significant harm to mice: hydrangea, yew, wolfberry, all types of rhododendrons, including marsh wild rosemary; bracken fern, marsh marigold, raven eye, lily of the valley, wrestler, white hellebore, autumn crocus, meadow lumbago, celandine, belladonna ; foxglove purple and red, henbane, spotted hemlock with an unpleasant mouse odor, common cockleaf, dog parsley with a strong odor; samoseyka poppy, dope, black nightshade.

About dope: be careful and careful

Datura ordinary - a common annual weed - attracts gardeners with its powerful fast-growing bushes, reaching 120 cm in height. Its large oblong funnel-shaped flowers of white or light purple color, which adorn the plant from June to September, also look beautiful.

After the dope has faded, fruits the size of Walnut in the form of ovoid, densely set with numerous thorns, capsules that contain hundreds of black seeds. In gardens, Datura is most often grown as a solo plant or in group plantings in flower beds.

But few gardeners know that all parts of this weed are very poisonous. In case of poisoning, a person begins to feel nausea, dizziness, fever, delirium, therefore, when caring for the plant, you need to take precautions (wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after work). Watch out for grandchildren - in youth environment there are stories that he has a narcotic effect (dope seeds), there have been cases of eating and poisoning.

Herbs and other folk remedies for controlling rodents (rats and mice) - reader's advice

On weekends, when there is little snow, I get ready and go to the dacha. There, armed with a shovel, I collect snow from paths and other free places and pour it onto the strawberry beds. Since autumn, next to the berry plantings, boards have been placed, branches laid out in small heaps - all this helps to retain snow. I throw snow on flower beds and under rose bushes. Loose snow is the best insulation. In addition, in winter, I use snow to fight mice.

How do I do it? It's very simple. Everyone knows that when the ground freezes, mice move under the snow. In order to disrupt the paths of mice, I trample snow in the aisles between flower beds and beds, as well as in tree-trunk circles. The method is very effective.

Checked. I. Zaitseva.

Rodents can cause us a lot of inconvenience. Let's look at how to deal with them using folk remedies.

Deadly bait

Scatter the dust off the ash on the floor of the barn or cellar - the mice will run over the ash, and it will stick to its paws. The mouse will sit down to lick ash from its paws, and the alkali located there will irritate the mouth, throat and stomach.

Finely chop the corks (not synthetic), mix with bread crumbs and fry with lard, add a couple of drops of unrefined sunflower oil, spread over the places where the rodents appear - they will eat, and the cork, once in a wet stomach, will swell and clog the intestines and stomach.

You can make a dry bait with equal parts flour and gypsum, adding a little sugar for flavor and a couple of drops of aromatic sunflower oil. Place where rodents can hang out and water. The mice will eat the bait, drink the water, and the filler will harden in the stomach, stopping it from working.

Dampen a rag or sponge with turpentine and push into the mouse hole. Add turpentine every couple of days.

Deterrent herbs

Now let's move on to large group methods of control based on the use of plants.

Blackroot, or rat runner. We lay out bunches of fresh or dried grass where we do not want to see rodents. The smell, imperceptible to humans, will scare them away. You can use tenacious blackroot seeds: they stick to the skin of rodents and scare them. To protect the site from pests, blackroot plantings can be placed on it.

Elder. The smell of this plant also repels rodents. Both fresh and dried branches are laid out in barns, sheds and attics. They are used to layer beets and potatoes in the cellar. In the old days, people, noticing the property of elderberry to scare off pests, planted it near houses and outbuildings.

Sagebrush. Rodents cannot stand the bitter-tart aroma of wormwood, which, in addition to them, scares away other pests. To fight mice, it is necessary to hang and spread dry bunches of wormwood in the house, basement, sheds and attics. You can make the strongest infusion of wormwood and then spray the places of the intended visit of the animals.

Mint. This plant is good because it smells good and scares away many pests, including rodents. Bunches of fresh and dried mint are put both in the supplies themselves and wherever we do not want to see mice. If you have mint plantations around the site and buildings, then you can well protect yourself from the penetration of pests there.

Tansy. Mice, like many pests, do not like the smell of tansy, so spread out bundles of 4-5 stems of a dried plant as often as possible.

Chamomile. To scare off rodents, dried plants are used, which are scattered on the floor.

Colchicum autumn. All parts of the plant are poisonous, but use better seeds... It is necessary to add 20 g of dried seeds per 1 kg of bait, mix thoroughly and spread out in places where mice appear.

Ledum. If the branches are spread out in the corners, then the rodents will try to bypass these premises. You can push grass into mouse holes and passages.

As you can see, the arsenal of methods of struggle among our ancestors was wide and abundant and, despite the development modern ways struggle, I think that you should not write off old recipes... Moreover, many of them are completely harmless and do not cost a dime.

Dmitry Ilyich Dyakonov , Gomel region, a / g. Ulukovye

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