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Irish universities. Secondary and higher education in Ireland. Preschool and Primary Education in Ireland

Ireland ranks first in the world in terms of educational institutions per capita. At the same time, the cost of education in it is 20-30% lower than in other English-speaking countries.

Duration of Irish university programs

As in many other European countries, Irish universities are divided into universities and colleges of vocational education. Moreover, in some specialties (business, design), college graduates are more in demand on the market than university graduates. Public universities are primarily scientific centers. And private, as a rule, are more focused on practice and market needs. In universities in Ireland you can get professional education in 2 years, a bachelor's degree in 3-4 years, a master's degree in 1-2 years, a graduate student in 3 years.

Education in Ireland in English

The official language of Ireland is English, so education in all Irish universities is in English.

Admission to Irish Universities

For admission to Irish universities, a Russian school certificate and a certificate of knowledge are sufficient of English language. At the same time, it is desirable to have good grades in major subjects, and even better - a medal. If you are not sure that you can immediately master the first-year program in a non-native language, then you will be helped preparatory programs Foundation, which exist in many universities. The advantage of this one-year program is that after it you can be automatically enrolled in a university not only in Ireland, but also in the UK or the USA.

Acceptance of documents for the programs of the first higher education in all Irish universities is carried out centrally through the Central Application Office (Central Application Office) and lasts until February 1. Applications for graduate and postgraduate programs should be submitted directly to the universities within the deadlines set by them for specific programs.

Cost and Scholarships to Study in Ireland

Citizens of the European Union study for free at the bachelor's degree (provided that this is the first education) and for 4-10 thousand euros per year in the magistracy and postgraduate studies. The remaining international students of all levels pay 10-20 thousand euros per year. Engineering and medical specialties are traditionally more expensive: up to 50 thousand euros. Living expenses are 700 euros per month.

For foreign students There are many ways to cover your costs with scholarships, but most of them are offered at the post-baccalaureate level. It is allowed to earn extra money up to 20 hours a week while studying and up to 40 hours during the holidays. CIS graduates can stay in Ireland for up to 16 months without additional permits, which should be enough to find a job.

The Republic of Ireland is one of the most safe countries Europe with a rapidly developing economy. They are tolerant towards foreigners, especially students. Studying in Ireland is interesting, its quality is highly appreciated, and prospects in the labor market open up for graduates. Also in early middle ages this green Island called the land of "the righteous and scientists." So the education system here has ancient traditions. It is similar to the British, although it has some features. The country's government does not spare investments and financial investments in education, seeking to attract students from all over the world to Irish universities. Economics, natural sciences, computer technology and banking - this is still an incomplete list of the most popular disciplines for which Irish universities prepare students.

The education system in Ireland: national features

Like any European country, Ireland has three levels of education - primary, secondary and higher. The beginning and end of the school year also coincide with the usual dates for us. Children go to school in September and go on summer holidays in June. Universities often start the academic year in August and end in June. Since the 1960s, the education system in the country has gone through a period of major reforms. Compulsory education applies to children aged 5 (or 6) to 15 (or 16) years old. Education in Ireland is free, including at colleges and universities, but only for citizens and students from EU countries. The duration of primary and secondary education is about 13 years.

Language Policy

Pupils in publicly funded schools must master Irish. But some of them - those who are going to go abroad or have difficulties in learning - are exempted from this subject. In most regions of Ireland, teaching is conducted in English, with the exception of some types of Irish-medium schools (Gaelscoileanna).

Preschool and Primary Education in Ireland

preschool education

Pre-school education in this country is possible for toddlers from the age of three, although most children go to primary school since four or five years. There are two types of early childhood education in Ireland:

  • Montessori School. This is a nursery with a special pedagogical approach. Here children are taken at 2.5–3 years old and prepared for elementary school. In "Montessori School" kids are taught up to 6 years;
  • junior and senior groups of elementary school (Primary School, Bunscoil). This is a kind of analogue of our kindergarten. Here, too, children are prepared for study, but according to other programs. Children are accepted into elementary school groups at the age of 4-5 and are taught up to six years.

Compulsory Primary Education

Then comes the second stage - primary (school) education, which is compulsory. Education lasts from five (six) to twelve years and includes six classes of the primary school proper. There are about 3 thousand free primary schools in Ireland, but there are also paid private boarding schools that operate according to the British system.

What and how is taught in Irish elementary school?

Children study three main subjects: mathematics and two languages ​​(English and Irish). They also get acquainted with the basics of the arts and sciences, but in education at this stage, mainly game methods are used. The obligatory subject is “Society and environment". During such lessons, children are taught to socialize and take care of nature. Music and sports are also practiced here. After graduating from elementary school, children take a general development test.

Secondary schools in Ireland

From the age of 12 children without fail enter secondary school (Secondary School, Meánscoil). In total, there are about 800 secondary schools in Ireland and all of them have standard program recommended by the Department of Education. Most of these schools are owned by individuals or religious communities. However, the state also provides significant subsidies to such educational institutions. Therefore, for the children of Irish citizens, education, even in private schools, is often free.

Video: studying in private schools in Ireland

Stages of secondary education

Studying in secondary school is divided into two periods:

  • three-year junior cycle from 12 to 15 years (Junior Cycle, Timthriall Sóisearach),
  • two-year senior cycle from 16 to 18 years old (Senior Cycle, Timthriall Sinsearach).

Many schools between the junior and senior cycle provide another transition year (Transition Year, Idirbhliain). The academic year in schools is divided into trimesters of 13 weeks each.

Junior secondary education

Except compulsory subjects into the program high school of the younger cycle, additional ones are introduced, at the choice of the child. it French, history, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, economics, business organization, and so on. The choice of items is very large. It helps students to specialize already in adolescence and find out what they would like to study in the senior cycle. After the end of the junior cycle, students take state exams. Then they receive a certificate of completion of the junior educational cycle (Junior Certificate, Teastas Sóisearach). With such a document, you can already go to work. At this stage, compulsory education ends.

Transition Year and Senior Secondary Education

During the transition year, students prepare for the last cycle of secondary education and finally decide on their profile. In the senior cycle, students study in depth 6–8 subjects. The workload for students at this stage doubles. Young people are also being prepared for the Leaving Certificate (Ardteistiméireacht) exams. We can say that these same exams are entrance exams to universities. They are taken in June in six subjects and last for three weeks.

What are high school diplomas?

The certificate of complete secondary education obtained at the end of the senior cycle is similar English level A level. But this diploma can be of several types. In order to be recognized in all European countries, as well as in the United States, Australia and New Zealand, you need to get the International Baccalaureate (international baccalaureate). For admission to an Irish university or college, a certificate of upper secondary education is required. When accepting applicants in universities, points are taken into account, received at least two profile subjects.

My daughter studied for six years in Ireland, a year at the Primary School and five years at the Secondary School… ordinary, free schools. Last year, she quietly entered law school at Trinity College. We are extremely satisfied with our education.

Fata Morgana

Education in Irish schools for foreign children

Children of foreigners are admitted to secondary schools, but they have to pay for education. True, the secondary education received in the Irish private school, is cheaper than in the British. The annual tuition fee in private schools is 8,000 pounds, but there are institutions where you need to pay 10 and even 16 thousand pounds. Most often, foreigners enter schools for the transition year or immediately for the senior cycle (that is, at 15-16 years old). Irish law requires that every foreign child under the age of 16 who attends a local school more than three months, had an Irish guardian. Therefore, parents pay extra money for guardianship. Education of a foreign child in an Irish school (including food, accommodation, guardianship fees, transport costs and textbooks) costs 13-18 thousand dollars a year.

Catholic schools and boarding houses

Many Irish private schools are called Catholic. But this does not mean that everyone who enters there must belong to this Christian denomination. It's just that in such schools there is very strict discipline and violation of the rules can lead to expulsion. There are also boarding schools in the country (about 80), where foreign students are accepted and accommodated. They live in large bedrooms for 25 people (dormitories). But as they grow older, the students are moved to rooms with one or more neighbors.

The school is Catholic. The day begins and ends with prayer, plus prayer before meals. Children regularly visit the church of St. Michael. But if you are against it, no one will be forced to. The child will simply be left at school with other such children and one of the teachers will deal with them. Our daughter just stays, says that with her there are 3-4 more children from other classes. According to last year's data, 30% of foreign children study at our school.

white cat


Higher education in Ireland

Higher education in Ireland belongs to the third stage (Third Level education). It lasts three to four years, and most graduates who graduate from the university receive a bachelor's degree. Higher and specialized education is provided by 7 state universities, 13 institutes of technology and 8 teacher training colleges. There are also private colleges and business schools. Depending on the university, the academic year for students is divided into two or three semesters. Full course education is for four years. The main method of teaching is the work of the student with the supervisor (tutorials).

Video: Trinity College in Ireland

The most famous Irish universities

Irish universities are reputed to be the oldest in the world. After all, the first higher schools at the monasteries appeared here at the dawn of the Middle Ages, in the sixth century. And now Irish educational institutions are no worse than advertised Oxford or Cambridge. Universities in this country position themselves as research centers. Therefore, first of all, young people who want to make a scientific career come here. There are seven public universities in Ireland. The most famous of these is Holy Trinity College Dublin (or "Trinity College"). It was founded at the end of the sixteenth century by Queen Elizabeth. This university, according to the Times, is annually included in the TOP-50 of the best educational institutions in the world. Its alumni included Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde. The National University of Ireland is no less popular. It consists of three colleges: Dublin, Cork and Galway. Each of these university colleges has full autonomy and self-government.

Photo gallery: the most famous universities and colleges in Ireland

College in Cork, like universities in Dublin and Galway, is completely self-governing Griffith College - one of the largest private universities in Ireland Dublin Institute of Technology is considered the best university providing special education The University of Galway is part of the National University of Ireland Trinity College Dublin was founded by Queen Elizabeth

Institutes and colleges

Of the universities that provide higher education, the Dublin Institute of Technology is famous, where 22,000 students study. Computer science, marketing, hotel business, and service are excellently taught here. The National College of Art and Design has an excellent reputation, as well as 11 professional colleges that are part of the system of regional technical colleges. Of the private institutions, the most famous is Griffith College (more than 20 thousand students). College programs often include internships in firms and enterprises, which allows graduates to gain practical skills for further work.

Specialization of Irish universities

Public universities provide traditional academic education. All of them have faculties of technical, natural (including biological), humanitarian, economic, social and medical sciences. Teachers' colleges are famous for their excellent English language programs, which is why they often run language schools. Private colleges are more focused on applied programs related to marketing, new IT technologies and business. Therefore, graduates of these colleges are very popular with employers. It is these private higher schools that mainly attract investment in education.

New "market" directions and student feedback

Due to high competition state universities Ireland also began to prepare students for applied "market" programs in the form of postgraduate courses, trainings for specialists, and so on. New subjects in demand on the market are being introduced into traditional university courses. In addition, many Irish universities have short-term (designed for 1-2 years of study) training programs for specialists in the areas of hotel management, tourism, computer technology, design.

At lectures, only the general features of the course are given, and the rest has to be studied independently from textbooks. By the way, textbooks are given in the library in very limited quantities and only for a week, so there is a constant “hunt” for them. verification work we didn’t have, in the middle of the semester there was an attestation, at the end there was an exam. Knowledge control is carried out unusually seriously: in separate building all at once with the participation of a sufficient number of "overseers" and the presence of mirrors on the walls. All the tests contained questions solely for understanding, no one required cramming. At the same time, the Irish demand that they write everything they know, which sometimes led to a stupor.

Sumbaev Igor


Irish Degrees in Higher Education

Graduates of Irish Universities, Colleges and higher schools can get different diplomas. It all depends on the type of university and the program of study:

Education in Ireland for Russians: what are the prospects?

In total, about 200 thousand students study in Ireland, of which 11 thousand are foreigners. Many students from other countries choose to study in Ireland, because education in this country is not inferior to English in quality, and living and studying here is not as expensive as in the UK. Non-EU students must pay tuition fees (up to £3,000 in 2015). This is a registration fee, as well as reimbursement for exams, maintenance, insurance, and so on. For Russian students Irish universities are interesting because many of them recognize Russian diplomas and accept applicants from the Russian Federation from the age of 17.

Preparation for admission

In order to enter an Irish university, you need to start preparing at least a year in advance. First of all, you should choose which university or college you want to study at. Usually, future students proceed from the criteria of the cost of education, the prestige of the institution, the comfort of living and the demand on the labor market for the specialties offered by the university. Information about the requirements and deadlines for admission can be found on the websites of these educational institutions. There are also contacts of special departments for working with foreign applicants. These services help students from other countries with advice on admission.

English level

To meet the requirements of the country's universities, you should know the proper level of English, and also have top scores in specialized subjects. In addition, Irish universities accept Russian applicants only from the first year. Transfer from Russian universities to Irish ones is not possible. Documents to all universities are accepted until February 1 through a special centralized institution - the Central Application Office. Those wishing to enroll in Irish colleges or additional programs(for example, for a master's degree) apply directly to universities.

Training courses

The easiest way to prepare for admission is after graduating from high school to study at a special department of the Foundation program at a selected Irish university or at language schools at colleges. These courses usually last about a year. The Foundation program is also interesting because its students not only learn the language at the level necessary for learning, they also learn the basics of computer literacy and business. Graduates of this program can enter not only Irish, but English and American universities.

Language schools for Russians and not only

Among the language schools in Ireland, the most qualified and academic are those that are members of the Language Course Associations: MEI (Marketing English in Ireland) and RELSA (Recognized English Schools Assosiasion). They have a diverse methodology and an integrated approach to learning. Their goal is to teach future students to listen, write, perceive and understand English speech. A lot of time during such courses is devoted to language practice. different schools offer many varieties of courses - from basic to examination (preparation for passing tests required for admission to a university), academic (advanced) and special (for business, management, etc.).

Russian language programs

Some Irish colleges and universities offer partially Russian-language bachelor's programs. They are usually focused on business and commerce. In particular, there are such programs at Trinity College.

Required documents

Irish universities require the following package of required documents from applicants:

  • certificate of passing international language exams (TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC and others). Such a document demonstrates the ability of the future student to receive education in English;
  • a certificate (diploma) indicating grades and the number of hours listened to in each discipline. It must be translated into English and certified;
  • letters of recommendation,
  • motivation letter. This document must be well-written in order to convince the selection committee of serious attitude for future studies. It should contain arguments about why the applicant wants to study in Ireland, what knowledge the right items he already has, and what he wants to learn;
  • confirmation of the availability of funds to live and study in Ireland.

Often, Irish universities additionally require graduates Russian schools study for a year preparatory courses Foundation or even two years in an Irish high school (to get a Leaving Certificate). Additional conditions usually vary depending on the universities, and they should be clarified with each university or college directly.

How to get a student visa

A necessary condition for the admission of a Russian applicant to any Irish university is to obtain a student visa. To do this, fill out an online questionnaire in English on the website of the embassy. After filling out the questionnaire, the application is assigned a number, and the document itself and the declaration attached to it are printed. To them is added the necessary package of documents for opening a visa. All this in specified time provided in the Consular Section Embassy of the Republic of Ireland in the Russian Federation. This is done at least two months before the intended departure, because some papers are sent to Ireland, and waiting for a response may delay the procedure. The package of required documents includes the following:

  • passport for traveling abroad and a photocopy of all pages of the internal passport,
  • 2 photographs 35x45 mm,
  • bank confirmation of payment for studies,
  • extract from bank account on the availability of funds for living (or a document on a grant, scholarship),
  • documents for real estate and property in Russia,
  • copy insurance policy(with a coverage amount of at least 30 thousand euros).

At the interview, students also have to prove that they were really enrolled for study, they speak the language in sufficient level, and after graduating from higher education intend to return to Russia.

How much does it cost to study and live in Ireland

The cost of studying and living for international students in Ireland depends on which majors they have chosen. Education in humanitarian programs and business will cost 5-6 thousand pounds a year, natural sciences - 6-7 thousand. The most expensive tuition medical colleges. There, a foreign student will have to pay about 13 thousand pounds a year. And on average, the cost of accommodation and meals is approximately 5 thousand pounds per year.

Student Accommodation

As a rule, foreign students live in dormitories on campuses in Irish universities. The hostels are very comfortable and well equipped, and the Irish campuses can be considered the best in Europe. Some students rent private houses and apartments. Sometimes foreign students are placed in families. Homes for living are very carefully selected. Most often, these are families of teachers who also have children. It happens that students for the first time of study (two or three months) live in families, and then they themselves choose whether to stay there further or look for housing on their own.

Information about the possibility of living in a hostel room, in a family or renting a house is received in international department specific university. These departments also facilitate the resettlement of foreign students.

I live in a residence (student hostel), I get to the university by tram. This takes me half an hour. With me in the section (the house is divided into several sections) live 2 Americans, a Canadian, an Englishman and an Irishman. The kitchen is shared, large and equipped with appliances. I live in a separate room, I was satisfied with the room. It is small, but comfortable and cozy. The residence is really very good, it is monitored by special staff, so everything is clean and tidy everywhere. According to a five-point school, I would give the residence "four plus". I like the neighbors, everything has its time: both study and fun, but after 11 pm everything subsides.

Alexander Kuzmin


Video: life of students in host families

Grants and scholarships for studying foreigners

The Irish government offers grants and scholarships to study students from other countries. Mostly such scholarships are allocated by local authorities, depending on the student's region of residence. They fully pay for the education of a foreigner, and in many cases a grant for living is also provided in parallel (from 900 to 7000 euros per year). Interestingly, organs local government Allocate this money not on the basis of a competition, but if a foreign student meets the following criteria:

  • full-time study (master's two-year or bachelor's four-year course),
  • residence in the given area (or in the EU country) from the moment no later than October 1 of the year preceding the academic year,
  • citizenship of the EU countries or the presence of permission to stay in Ireland (refugee status, residence permit, status of a spouse (wife) or child of specialists officially working in the country),
  • annual income is less than 39 thousand euros.

Irish universities themselves often provide scholarships to international students and postgraduates from outside the EU. Such scholarships are issued every year for certain programs during the entire period of study. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ireland provides special educational grants for students from Russia - for short-term studies (one year), summer schools and postgraduate studies. There are also government scholarships for students from all over the world to scientific research at accredited Irish universities.

Possibility of part-time work and subsequent employment

If international students in Ireland study more than a year, they can earn extra money, but not more than 20 hours a week. Information about where to find a part-time job is often posted by the university itself. It is also provided by job centers. Average earnings students is 200-250 dollars a week. Graduates of Irish universities have the opportunity to find a job not only in this country, but also in the UK and the USA. The greatest prospects for specialists in the field of programming. Some universities have their own services that help students earn extra money, and graduates get jobs. For example, the University of Limerick holds job fairs where employers come from all over the world. Thanks to such events, about 2 thousand graduates of this university annually find work. The most famous institution of higher education in Ireland - Trinity College - employs its graduates with the help of student clubs and organizations.

Final table: the pros and cons of education in Ireland

Advantages of an Irish Education

Disadvantages of an Irish Education

Education in Ireland resembles English and is not inferior to it in quality

Very high requirements for incoming foreigners and high tuition costs

Specialization and preparation for a possible admission to universities begins already at school

The existence of a transitional year relaxes schoolchildren and knocks them out of the academic rut

Studying in Ireland is cheaper than in the US or UK

Education in Ireland is paid for Russian students

Education is conducted in English, there are partially Russian-language programs

To enter an Irish university, you need to have a certificate of passing international language exams

Students can live in host families where meals are included in the fee

Living and eating in Ireland is expensive for the average student

To enter an Irish university, it is enough to know English at a certain level and have good scores in specialized subjects in the Russian certificate

Students cannot transfer from Russian university in Irish, study starts from the first year

There are many scholarships and grants for studying and living in Ireland

Most scholarships and grants are for EU citizens or foreigners legally residing in Ireland

Students can work while they study, and many colleges and universities have graduate employment programs

To study in some popular specialties, you need to withstand a big competition or pay a lot of money

Every year studying in Ireland becomes more popular. Average and higher education in the country where you studied Nobel laureates, makes it possible to obtain diplomas that are recognized in Ireland itself and in other English-speaking countries. You can get a job after an Irish university in almost any corner the globe, but for this you need to think through everything and carefully prepare: choose a university or college, submit documents correctly, draw up a package of papers for a student visa, pass required test for knowledge of English. If this is not possible at home, any Irish college offers language courses. Do not forget about everyday issues - finances for accommodation, food, textbooks. Ireland is a promising state for foreigners, with beautiful landscapes and an amazing history, but excursions and communication should not distract from the process of mastering knowledge. After all, it is serious people who give most time to master the chosen subject, become sought-after specialists and arouse the interest of Irish employers.

Diplomas from local universities are valued by employers around the world, while the prices for living and studying in the homeland of the Celts are much lower. Getting a higher education in Ireland, you acquire an invaluable store of knowledge, get acquainted with the amazing ancient culture and make useful contacts among the future European business elite. These investments will undoubtedly pay off in the future building a career.

5 Reasons to Study in Ireland

  1. The country has created favorable conditions for foreign students. More than 130,000 young people and girls from different countries come annually to study at universities in Ireland.
  2. Among foreign students there are many residents of such countries as the USA, China, France, Germany, Great Britain.
  3. Irish education system based on the British model. The quality of education is very high, while the cost is almost two times lower than in universities in England.
  4. Students after receiving a diploma do not experience problems with employment. Graduates from Ireland are in demand in the labor market and can count on the best vacancies.
  5. The country is one of the three safest in Europe.

Depending on the specifics and direction of the chosen specialty, you can study at universities in Ireland or colleges in the country.

The former are focused on scientific activity, students here, as a rule, study a large number of general items.

Vocational colleges in Ireland provide students with higher education in highly specialized areas using practical skills.

Educational institutions are well equipped, as their activities are based on the financial support of the state.

Every year more and more Russian students receive education on the Emerald Isle. The attractiveness of studying at universities in Ireland is due to a number of advantages:

  • Russian students can enter here without any special training;
  • educational institutions provide excellent training in scientific disciplines, including innovative ones;
  • the cost of studying in universities in Ireland is lower compared to the US and the UK;
  • students live in comfortable modern hostels;
  • there are many foreigners among the students, they are treated very hospitably.

How to apply to universities in Ireland?

Irish universities are not as popular as English ones, but the level local education the quality is not lower than that of British institutions. Many foreigners will also be pleased with the cost of education, which is two times lower than in the UK. Ireland ranks 6th in terms of education, behind Germany and Norway.

Admission to universities does not involve entrance exams. Enrollment takes place on a competitive basis. The basis for admission is the Leaving Certificate - the National Graduation Certificate, which students receive at the end of the 12th grade after the final exams (similar to the Unified State Examination). Exam results are evaluated as a percentage. After passing school exams, applicants send applications to universities through computer form CAO (Central Application Office).

You can simultaneously submit up to 6 applications to different universities. If the number of points scored corresponds to the passing one, the applicant is considered enrolled.

In the Republic of Ireland, higher education is provided by 9 universities, technological institutes and professional colleges. Universities offer training programs to school graduates in different areas Keywords: marketing, law, journalism, pedagogy, exact sciences, etc.

Duration of study in institutions:

  • Technological education - 2 years;
  • Undergraduate - 3-4 years;
  • Master's degree - 1-2 years;
  • Postgraduate studies - 3 years.

The academic year begins in September, is divided into two or three semesters and lasts until mid-June. The educational process consists of lectures, practical work, seminars. Each student is assigned a tutor, with whom he can consult and study individually.

Education programs

The training system has a three-stage structure according to the Bologna scheme.


Colleges, institutes of technology and universities in Ireland can issue a bachelor's degree. Terms of study:

  • Standard diploma - 3 years;
  • Honorary Bachelor - 4 years.

The most common destinations:

  • Art;
  • Humanitarian sciences;
  • Engineering;
  • Business and law;
  • Pedagogy;
  • Natural Sciences;
  • The medicine.

The training lasts 1-2 years. The program includes theoretical and research activities. Graduates of the master's program apply for high positions in their chosen field and can teach at the university.


The term of study is 3 years. The training program consists of teaching and research activities with the defense of a dissertation. The first year is given to the postgraduate student to attend seminars, lectures and laboratory work. The second year of study involves the defense of a dissertation, as well as the teaching of disciplines for junior students.

Universities and colleges

As in all of Europe, universities in Ireland are divided into:

  • Colleges of Technology;
  • Institutes of Vocational Education;
  • Universities.

Graduates of some specialties in colleges are in demand in the labor market more than students who graduated from prestigious universities. Colleges can be both autonomous professional institutions and a separate part of universities.

The state widely practices the introduction of colleges and universities in single system. An example is the Irish National University, which is an association of four universities and six colleges.

Conditions for admission

There are no entrance tests to universities in the country, however, first of all, all universities in Ireland require knowledge of English and the highest scores in specialized subjects. Upon admission, some universities conduct additional exams to test the qualifications of the applicant.

Language requirement

Foreign applicants must provide test results according to international systems upon admission: TOEFL not less than 550 points or IELTS at the level of 6 points and above. If the applicant is not sure of his level, then it is recommended to pass language classes in specialized schools.

How Russians can enter an Irish university

Most Irish universities count the Russian certificate, so you can apply for a bachelor's degree immediately after graduation. High grades are taken into account, but it will be necessary to additionally prove your knowledge in the chosen profile. Some universities may ask you to take an internal test.

Master's and PhD programs must be entered with a basic education of at least a bachelor's degree.

Translation from Russian university in Irish is not possible, studies begin from the first year.

List of documents

Citizens of Russia to enroll in undergraduate studies in educational institutions in Ireland must have:

  • Certificate of secondary school education in English;
  • Motivation letter;
  • Recommendations of teachers, certificates of participation in olympiads, international competitions and other evidence of good academic performance;
  • Confirmation of the level of English ( TOEFL or IELTS certificates);
  • A document indicating financial wealth.

The entire list of required documents for admission must be sent to SAO until February 1st.

student visa

If the applicant goes to courses for up to three months, then a degree visa is issued "FROM". For longer periods, the student receives a category visa "D".

For an entry permit, a package of documents is required:

  • Confirmation of admission to an Irish university.
  • Confirmation of financial viability.
  • Confirmation of language proficiency (international certificates).
  • International passport.
  • Documents about the existing education.
  • Insurance.
  • Certificate of no criminal record.
  • Statement.

Visa processing time is 8 weeks.

Cost of education

Higher education is funded by the state. Education in Ireland for its own citizens and residents of the countries of the European Union for a bachelor's degree is free. Upon admission to the magistracy and postgraduate studies - 5-10 thousand euros per year.

Students from other countries pay the full cost. It depends on the chosen specialization and is much cheaper than in other European countries. Average price for all foreign citizens(including citizens of the Russian Federation and the CIS) is 15 thousand euros per year.

Approximate prices:

Is it possible to get education for free

Students who came to study from outside the country EU, are not entitled to free education in Ireland. But many universities offer scholarships and grants for outstanding students. Right to free education have refugees with official status.

Scholarships and grants for students

The conditions for receiving scholarships for foreign citizens are set by universities and colleges depending on the academic performance and level of knowledge of each student. The amount of the scholarship is specified directly in the international department of the higher educational institution.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ireland annually allocates grants for talented foreign students.

Exists special program, designed to strengthen ties in the educational field between Ireland and Russia. The government allocates grants for 1 year of study, summer schools, master's or postgraduate studies. Yes, Trinity College Dublin accepts Russian students with an incentive scholarship.

Internship and exchange studies

Many travel companies and companies offer a wide range of internship programs in Ireland. Short-term internship lasts 2-4 weeks. Documents are submitted to the company three months before the trip. Suitable housing is provided to the student, taking into account his wishes.

Studying under the exchange program takes place with living in an Irish family. It is the responsibility of the student to have a conscientious attitude to study and compliance with the rules of residence. The host family does everything to make the foreign guest feel at home.

The exchange fee includes:

  • Transfer from the airport to the place of residence;
  • Administrative expenses;
  • 3 meals a day;
  • Homestay, etc.

Accommodation and meals

Students can choose different kinds residence:

  • Student campus;
  • Host family;
  • Removable housing.

Irish university campuses are considered the most equipped and comfortable hostels in all of Europe. Permission on the possibility of settling on the campus is specified in the international department of the higher educational institution.

Host families are carefully checked for compliance with the living conditions. Each university has its own list of families with which it cooperates annually.

You can rent an apartment for two or three, this is a convenient option if the applicant is not coming alone.

The cost of meals on campuses or in inexpensive catering places is approximately 50-70 euros per week. There are no free meals for students.

Top Universities in Ireland

  • Trinity CollegeDublin. The university has worldwide recognition and is considered the best on the island. This is one of the oldest and most prestigious educational institutions, founded in 1592. Graduates are valued all over the world and find decent jobs in their specialty. Official site -
  • universityCollegeDublin. Ranked second on the list best universities countries. The institution is considered the best in terms of the quality of education and is included in the rating of "200 universities with quality system learning". The most prestigious faculty is veterinary medicine. Official site -
  • universityCollegeCork. The university began its activity in 1845. Leading specializations are pharmaceutics and pharmacology. Graduates are in great demand in the labor market. Website -
  • National University of Ireland Galway. Released many politicians including the president of the country. Ranked among the Top 5 Universities in Ireland. Official site -
  • Dublincityuniversity. This is a young university, founded in 1975. Located in Dublin, it consists of urban campuses. It ranks 5th in the ranking of the best universities in the Republic of Ireland and is in great demand among foreign applicants. The main direction is research in the field of IT. Official site -

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