Home Berries Sugar-free cupcake with raisins recipes are simple. Sugar-free, butter-free, egg-free apple pie. For a lean apple cake, we need

Sugar-free cupcake with raisins recipes are simple. Sugar-free, butter-free, egg-free apple pie. For a lean apple cake, we need

Wound up a truly amazing apple cake. What could be special about cupcakes? - you ask.

Firstly, this copy is baked from whole grain flour without the use of eggs, butter and sugar - well, just an exemplary example of healthy food.

And secondly, our apple cake is a natural transformer! Yes, yes, if desired, some of its components are replaced with others with a slight movement of the hand and various variations of super-healthy baking are obtained.

I propose to get acquainted with the unusual cupcake closer ...

For a lean apple cake, we need:

  • 2 cups whole grain flour;
  • 1 and 1/4 cups of water or vegan milk
  • 2 cups finely chopped dates;
  • 1 cup applesauce;
  • 1/3 cup apple juice;
  • 1 cup chopped nuts;
  • 1 tsp ground allspice;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 1/4 tsp salt.

Along the way, I will tell you what can be changed for what in the composition without compromising the taste of the future cake. Experimenting! So, first, as always, mix flour with soda, salt and baking powder and leave aside for a while.

In a separate saucepan, combine water (soy, rice, almond or regular milk), allspice and dates (one glass of dates can be replaced with the same amount of raisins). Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for about five minutes over low heat.

Adding to the pot applesauce(instead of it, you can take carrots grated on a fine grater), mix everything and wait for it to cool completely.

Pour apple (carrot or orange) juice into the cooled apple-date mass and pour nuts (in their place there may be finely chopped sunflower seeds).

Thoroughly mix the contents of the saucepan. And, finally, we mix everything with flour, which has long stood aside and is waiting in the wings. We heat the oven to 190 ° C, grease the cake pan (or the multicooker bowl) vegetable oil and spread the resulting rather thick beige dough there.

40-45 minutes in the oven (50-75 minutes in a slow cooker) and our apple cake (or maybe carrot) is ready! To be sure, pierce the very middle with a toothpick, it should be dry.

It remains only to wait a couple of hours for the cake to cool and easily pop out of the mold. Here you can cut off a piece for yourself, try it and praise the recipe with an enthusiastic exclamation of “wow”. For delicious cupcakes without sugar, butter and eggs is not so much in the world. And we have this miracle ... Bon appetit!

Do not assume that the diet of a diabetic is devoid of a variety of pastries. You can cook it yourself, but you should follow a few important rules, the main of which is glycemic index(GI) products.

On this basis, products for the preparation of desserts are selected. Muffins are considered popular pastries among diabetics - these are small cupcakes that can have fruit or cottage cheese filling inside.

Below, products for making muffins will be selected, according to the GI, delicious and most importantly healthy recipes that will not affect the patient's blood sugar levels. And also a recipe for an unusual citrus tea which goes great with muffins.

Products for muffins and their GI

The glycemic index is the effect of a food product after eating it on the level of glucose in the blood, the lower it is, the safer the food for the patient.

Also, the GI can change due to the consistency of the dish - this directly applies to fruits. If they are brought to a state of puree, then the indicator will increase.

All this is due to the fact that with such a consistency, fiber is “lost”, which plays the role of a blocker. quick entry into blood glucose. That is why any fruit juices prohibited for diabetics, but tomato juice let's say in the amount of 200 ml per day.

When choosing products, you need to know the divisions of the GI, which looks like this:

  • Up to 50 units - products are completely safe for a diabetic;
  • Up to 70 units - rarely present on the patient's table;
  • From 70 units and above - under complete ban may cause hyperglycemia.

Products with GI up to 50 units that can be used to make muffins:

  1. Rye flour;
  2. Oat flour;
  3. Eggs;
  4. Fat-free cottage cheese;
  5. Vanillin;
  6. Cinnamon;
  7. Baking powder.

Fruit fillings for muffins are allowed from many fruits - apples, pears, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.


Sugar level

It is worth noting that sugar-free muffins are prepared using the same technology and the same ingredients as muffins, only the baking dish is taken large, the cooking time increases by an average of fifteen minutes.

Banana cake is quite popular, but with diabetes, such a fruit can adversely affect the patient's condition. So the filling should be replaced with another fruit with Gi up to 50 units.

To give baked goods a sweet taste, you can use a sweetener, such as stevia, or use honey in small amounts. Allowed for diabetes the following types- acacia, linden and chestnut.

For ten servings of muffins you will need:

  • Oatmeal - 220 grams;
  • Baking powder - 5 grams;
  • One egg;
  • Vanillin - 0.5 sachets;
  • One sweet apple;
  • Sweetener - to taste;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 50 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 teaspoons.

Beat the egg and sweetener until fluffy foam is formed, using a mixer or blender. In a separate bowl, mix the sifted flour, baking powder and vanilla, add the egg mixture. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Peel the apple and core and cut into small cubes. Next, combine all the remaining ingredients and knead the dough. Fill the muffin cups only half way, as the muffins will rise during cooking. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 C for 25-30 minutes.

If you want to cook muffins with filling, then the technology does not change. It is only necessary to bring the selected fruit to a puree state and place it in the middle of the muffin.

These are not the only ones allowed for diabetes. The diet of the patient can be diversified with marmalade, jelly, cakes and even honey cake.

The main thing is to use oatmeal or rye flour in cooking and do not add sugar.

What else to treat a diabetic

Sugar-free muffins can be washed down not only with the usual tea or coffee, but also with tangerine broth, made by yourself. Such a drink is not only tasty, but also healthy. So

Who needs festive and exclusively natural baking? I have this! As usual, all my suffering about “how to bake something on the topic” ended with the fact that I composed the cupcake myself, because I could not choose from the many I wanted.

Cupcake quick(not counting the soaking of dried fruit), simple but just as tasty, sweet and aromatic as its more traditional variations.

At first I baked and didn’t think to tell and show, but it was very successful, so I’m sharing it.

How to make super cupcake

    A large handful of raisins, dried apricots and prunes (I didn’t weigh it, I took it that way, in handfuls). Rum.

    8 tbsp with a slide of flour (50/50 whole-ground oatmeal and corn).

    1 large orange (zest and pulp)

    4 tbsp with a pile of sunflower seeds.

    1/2 tsp soda.

1/2 tsp gingerbread spices(I have ready mix, it contains cinnamon, orange peel, coriander, lemon peel, anise, fennel, crushed and ground nutmeg, cloves, cardamom).

Dried fruits can be cut in advance, or soaked whole in rum. I poured rum over my eye so that it almost covered the dried fruit. I kept it for almost three days, it happened, periodically stirring. You can not use alcohol, but soak them in aromatic tea or orange juice.

Grind the pulp of an orange, or you can take only the juice and zest. The pulp gives a slight bitterness, but this will not happen if it is carefully cut so that there is no white layer left.

Mix all the ingredients and bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes. Baking time may vary, check with a toothpick, it should come out dry. I baked in rectangular shape for a 20×10 cm cake, you can bake in any other, for example, round.

I used seeds, I just wanted to, but in general you can take any nuts you want, add whole or chop.

I store the cake in the refrigerator, I think it can lie there for quite a long time, only you need to wrap it tightly in foil or cling film so as not to dry out. published

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