Home Berries What you can take on the plane. What you can take on the plane in hand luggage. Complete ban on carriage

What you can take on the plane. What you can take on the plane in hand luggage. Complete ban on carriage

Fees and preparations for the flight involve packing the tourist's belongings. At the same time, it is important to decide what items will have to be carried in the luggage compartment, and what will be able to be carried on board. Here the traveler takes into account the maximum allowable weight for each of the items of luggage and excludes objects prohibited for transportation from the planned list. For beginners who are not familiar with these rules, let us clarify that it is forbidden to take on the liner.

In luggage, airline employees determine suitcases that weigh up to 23 kg. Moreover, the total size of the sides of such bags does not exceed 2,030 mm. For the surplus, you will have to pay additional payment according to current tariffs airlines. However, most low-cost airlines and some tariff packages from major carriers exclude free space in the hold. Therefore, let's take a closer look at the question of what can be carried in hand luggage on the plane.

This category of luggage is regulated by a separate section of the carrier's standards. Here the maximum dimensions of the bag are 55X40X20 with the aspect ratio length: width: height. The total indicator of measurements is limited to a figure of 1 meter 15 centimeters. In addition, airlines assume restrictions on the weight of such luggage. Large domestic carriers like “ Aeroflot" and " S7»Allow 10 kg bags on board, and foreign airlines- up to 15. The average maximum weight for other airlines ranges from 6-8 kilograms.

The appearance of the packaging of things does not matter for the air carrier. However, it is advisable for passengers to take into account that the mobile rollers of the suitcase will be added to the overall dimensions... Experienced tourists recommend taking backpacks on board - due to the side straps, such a bag can be slightly reduced in size. In addition, this thing is practical and easy to transport.

Considering that for economy class passengers, airlines allocate the only place for things in the cabin of the liner, it is appropriate for a traveler to take a responsible approach to packing a suitcase. After all, the pre-flight check involves a strict examination of the contents of the bag. If prohibited items are identified, the passenger will have to check in the item or refuse to travel - after all, in such situations, the carrier has the right to refuse the flight. Therefore, let us clarify that you cannot take in carry-on luggage into the plane. New airline regulations today have expanded the list of such items.

Illegal items

The answer to the question of what cannot be carried in carry-on baggage is an extensive list of items. When packing things, keep in mind that in advance you will have to abandon the idea of ​​carrying poisonous, radioactive or chemical compounds and substances that are highly flammable. It is strictly forbidden to transport explosive solid and liquid objects and oxidizable substances. In addition, sharp objects, cold and firearms or its imitation. This list even includes toys that resemble a knife or machine gun.

These categories of items will not be allowed on board or in the hold by airline staff. Exceptions in such situations are piercing and cutting objects and weapons. It is permissible to carry such things in luggage if the airline employees present the necessary permits and permits. Moreover, it will be necessary to inform about such objects long before the board's departure.

Let us clarify in more detail that you cannot take on the plane with you in your carry-on baggage, because general definition is uninformative and often misleads newbies. Therefore, we will consider the nuances of the issues of transportation of piercing-cutting objects. This category includes trivial household items - a corkscrew, manicure supplies, medical equipment. No knitting needles, crochet hooks or straight razors will be allowed for transportation in the cabin.

There are some exceptions, though. Polymer nail files with rounded edges or a razor with interchangeable hidden blades will not be subject to these restrictions. Nevertheless, it is advisable to remember that all flights, especially flights that are subject to high level the dangers, airport employees check very carefully. Therefore, do not be lazy to clarify in advance on the website or at the airline office that you cannot take on board the aircraft. Such actions will save time and money - after all, when an illegal object is detected, the passenger is forced to transfer it to the baggage or leave it at the airport. Refusal to comply with the requirements of the security officer is fraught with the exclusion of the client from the flight.

Innovations in transportation regulations

Recently, the rules for the carriage of items on liners have been updated with several categories of illegal items in flight. We have already listed these groups in general outline, now let's consider what things are at risk of getting on the prohibited list. Let's start with volatile flammables. The list includes С2Н5 compounds, gasoline, paints and varnishes, printer cartridges. The security service classifies solvents, some alcohol-containing personal hygiene products, infusions and essential oils in the same category.

All aggregate states of substances are referred to the group of explosive objects. Nitrate, nitroglycol and nitroglycerin compounds, RDX will not be allowed on the plane. Among isotopic substances, there is some medical equipment for diagnostics. Give up the idea of ​​transporting such things if the composition contains radioactive chemical elements.

In addition, mixtures that support the combustion of other substances are now illegal. This list includes hydroperoxide (hydrogen peroxide), fertilizers containing ammonium nitrate and nitrite, bleaching and detergents, stain removers.

Poisonous compounds were also included in the group of things prohibited for air transportation. Here are all the drugs that provoke poisoning of the body, penetrating through skin and organs of the respiratory system. Chlorine, formaldehyde, household chemicals, air fresheners, mercury. In addition, it is advisable for the passenger to think about the refusal to transport bacteriological hazardous substances.

A step towards clients

Given the wide range of prohibited items, many of which cover trivial household items, carriers have made exceptions to the lists of illegal substances. Today, an airline client will be able to take food vinegar on the road, provided it is packaged in accordance with the rules for the carriage of liquids. But the volume of this substance is halved and is 500 ml. In addition, it is permissible to transport alcohol with an alcohol content of no more than 70%. Here, the transport standards correspond to the requirements for the packaging of liquid substances.

Clients will bring nail polish, face cleaning aerosol up to half a liter, lighters. In addition, airlines allow you to take on board one mercury thermometer or another thermometer of your choice. However, such nuances will have to be clarified with a specific carrier. After all, airlines practice different policies safety and the lists of such positions here differ even for domestic airlines.

Restrictions for the carriage of things

In addition to the list of prohibited items, airlines practice setting restrictions on the transportation of luggage. This group includes liquids and drugs. Let's figure out if it is possible to take water and medicines necessary for the flight on the plane. With regard to medical supplies, passengers are only transporting permitted items. If the medicine is illegal on board, the airline's client provides the security officers with a document certified by the doctor's seal stating that it is vital to have a specific medicine with them.

A separate code of practice has been developed for the transport of liquids and pasty products. Passengers take water or juice on the liner within strictly limited limits. Requirements regulate the transportation by one person to a liter of liquid. Moreover, this volume will have to be packaged in several containers, the capacity of which is 100 ml each. Similar rules work for the transport of jelly-like substances.

Airlines customers legally carry drinking water, alcohol from Duty Free, soft drinks, medicinal and decorative cosmetics, which are not included in the list of products prohibited for transportation. Moreover, the employees of the carrier company monitor the passenger's compliance with the rules of transportation. Here, the nominal capacity of the container is important, which does not exceed the permissible values.

A separate category here is considered baby food- after all, such products were classified by the airline as a liquid. Packaging standards are maintained here, but the total volume increases if during the flight the child needs large quantity food. but similar rules work only with a joint flight with an infant. The absence of a child on board or traveling with a toddler over two years old cancels the described privileges.

For flights with infants under two years old, the carrier removes restrictions on the carriage of baby food

When asked why it is impossible to carry liquid onto the plane, carriers say that there are cases when, under the guise of drinks, passengers carried explosive substances onto the liner. Therefore, for safety reasons, airlines minimize the likelihood of an accidental or deliberate explosion on board during flight. Similar demands appeared after a series of terrorist attacks in the air.

The procedure for passing the check

Check-in for a flight involves a passenger going through customs inspection and security control. The contents of the bags are scrutinized at the airport. If prohibited objects are identified, the airport employee draws up an act of finding and confiscates the illegal item from the client. If the item is available for free sale, the item is left at the airport until the passenger returns.

Restrictions on the transport of liquids and bans on certain categories of substances help to improve the safety of passengers during the flight

If an illegally transported weapon or component parts are found in the luggage, a security officer documents the find and contacts law enforcement officers. Such situations are fraught with removal from the route for the client and threaten liability before the law. Therefore, follow the rules and do not try to outsmart experienced airport employees.

As you can see, adhering to the rules of the airlines, the traveler will not experience problems when checking in baggage. To minimize the likelihood of unpleasant situations, it is appropriate to familiarize yourself with the carrier's requirements in advance and clarify the points of interest to you.

Packing things for the flight needs to be carefully sorted into hand luggage and luggage
Lists of items prohibited in carry-on baggage and on the plane
Substances that cannot be carried in the cabin of the liner
Exception made for alcohol from Duty Free
Airlines allow transportation of liquid if it is packed in a suitable container and its total volume does not exceed a liter.

The requirements for transporting food are different for each airline. What is allowed and what is not allowed on the plane depends largely on the country to which the flight is carried out. Many people ask the question: is it possible to take food on the plane in hand luggage? There are no food restrictions for flights within Russia. The only thing you need to take into account is the permissible size and weight of bags or backpacks.

If you buy a ticket, for example, from Aeroflot, you can take with you into the cabin a bag weighing up to 15 kg (if you are flying in business class) and up to 10 kg (if you are flying in economy class). In this case, the sum of the length, height and width of the bag must be less than 115 cm.

It doesn't matter what kind of food you decide to take on the plane. The main thing is not to exceed the permissible weight and dimensions. Everything edible must be carefully packed. For example, liquid products have specific packaging requirements. Be sure to find out this information before putting things on a trip.

The situation is completely different with the rules for the carriage of products on international flights. In this case, carry-on baggage, in particular food, must comply with the customs requirements established in the country of arrival or in the state in which the transfer is carried out. When planning such a flight, check in advance if it is possible to carry food in hand luggage.


As a rule, it is forbidden to bring with you products without original packaging, if at the same time they belong to the category of epidemiologically dangerous. For example, if you are flying to an EU country, you will not be able to transport meat or dairy products. This prohibition is associated with the risk of spreading the infection. In America, it is forbidden to bring meat products, eggs, fish, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, some vegetables and fruits. There is also a ban on fresh caviar (there is no ban on canned caviar).

Some countries have bans on the export of certain products. For example, sturgeon caviar cannot be exported from Finland, and it is forbidden to export the sauce called "nyok-mam" from Vietnam. It is forbidden to take this sauce in Vietnam with you, even if you are flying on a domestic flight. Also, in some countries, airlines prohibit the transport of durian due to the fact that this fruit has a very unpleasant smell.

Upon returning to Russia, you can bring food on board in limited quantities. In particular, there is a restriction on meat products. It is allowed to import only up to five kilograms of meat. Moreover, an indispensable condition is the presence of the original packaging. In Russia and other countries, bans on the import of products that are regulated by quarantine periodically come into force. Therefore, before packing your bag, you should find out if time restrictions apply to certain products.

Fish and seafood

If you are planning to fly from Russia to another country, it should be borne in mind that only a limited amount of fish and seafood is allowed on board:

  • up to 5 kg of seafood, including fish, but excluding sturgeon caviar;
  • up to 250 g of sturgeon caviar.

It is important to package these foods carefully. Caviar is classified as a liquid product and must be packaged in accordance with the standards for transporting liquids on board.

You can also take liquid products on board, but the volume of the container should not exceed 100 ml.

Liquid and bulk products

Many people ask the question: is it possible to carry food in hand luggage on the plane if it is in liquid form? Yes, such food is allowed to be taken to the salon. Liquid products include the following:

  • jam, preserves, preserves;
  • fish caviar;
  • pates;
  • cottage cheese, soft cheeses, sour cream;
  • sauces;
  • oil (any);
  • soups.

If you wish to take any of these products with you, they must be packed in 100 ml containers. There can be from 1 to 10 such containers, but not more (for one person). All containers with liquid products must be placed in a transparent bag that can be zipped.

Coffee in tin cans, cookies, teas are best carried in the luggage. It is also recommended to check in the luggage in a rigid metal container. And in soft packaging you can take food on board. If the product has a specific odor, it is necessary to use a sealed package.

Duty Free

Food purchased in Duty Free shops is allowed to be taken to the salon. They can even be unpacked and eaten on board. However, it is important that such products are in the branded Duty Free package. In some countries, there is a prohibition on opening liquid goods during the flight. In particular, if a transfer is envisaged, then before boarding the second plane, you must not open alcoholic drinks purchased in Duty Free.

What food should I take with me?

If you are thinking about what is the best food to take on board the plane, use the recommendations below. As a rule, flights in which no lunch is served to passengers do not last long. Therefore, you don't have to take a lot of food with you. It is enough to limit yourself to dry rations. Take, for example, a few sandwiches (but first you need to check if there are any products that make up the sandwich are on the list of prohibited). You can take dried fruits, nuts, chocolate bars. To keep your ears from getting blocked during takeoff and landing, bring some candy with you. Chewing gum is also suitable for these purposes. Since sharp objects, such as knives, cannot be taken on board, cut the food to be taken on board in advance.

Any movement is fraught with risks, therefore, it requires compliance with specific safety standards and rules. Even carry-on baggage on an aircraft can pose a threat to the life of passengers if it contains items prohibited for carriage. Before you travel, you should assess the need for each piece of carry-on baggage on board.

Traveling with or without luggage

Going on vacation or on a long-term trip, a person will take with him many different things necessary for the trip: changeable and warm clothes, personal hygiene items and cosmetics, medicines, gadgets (phone, tablet, laptop), jewelry, and sometimes musical instruments.

If a whole family flies on a tour by an airliner, then the volume of things increases. For children, you will have to take toys, and for the smallest - strollers (cradles). Most items fit in suitcases and travel bags. When sorting things into containers, you need to take into account the volume of your luggage. It is better to check in the luggage compartment that is not needed in the cabin of the aircraft, leaving only the essentials with you.

Note! The carriage of any carry-on baggage on the plane is subject to restrictions stipulated by the rules of the airlines. They may differ slightly from each other, but the list of prohibitions for carry-on luggage is more impressive than for basic luggage.

It is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of air carriers in advance and take into account the requirements for hand luggage, so as not to throw away "unnecessary" things later. This will make it possible to immediately check them in as luggage, leaving only the necessary items that correspond to the list with you.

But what if they go on a flight light - only with hand luggage (on a short-term business trip), taking a laptop or tablet for entertainment? Here you will already have to conduct a more careful selection of the things that you will carry with you. There are restrictions on what you can take, not only by name, but also by the size of hand luggage, as well as by the number of kg.

Everyone decides what to take with them on the plane, based on their own needs. Not all hygiene products may be needed on board. Those traveling with suitcases will leave them in the checked-in baggage. A traveler with hand luggage can purchase such items at the point of final arrival.

At any airport there is a duty-free zone, which is located between the access terminal and runway... Something can be bribed there (extra liquid or food for the trip). These purchases should be taken to the salon in unopened packaging.

Important! When deciding what can be carried in hand luggage, the customs rules of the country to which the traveler is sent are also taken into account. Many states have their own idea of ​​what is allowed. Upon arrival, the passenger will also have to go through security, and it is not a fact that he will be able to carry everything that is included in the baggage (even if it was bought in Duty Free).

In order to save money, it is better to clarify all the nuances of the upcoming flight in advance so as not to take prohibited things with you. When deciding what is allowed to be carried in the cabin, the volume is also taken into account. If 2 people are traveling with 1 carry-on baggage, then the amount is calculated per bag, not the number of travelers. Therefore, it is better for a couple to take 2 small luggage, completing everything allowed.

What not to take on the plane

Going on the road, it is enough to go to the website of the airline, whose services you plan to use, and decide on a list of what you cannot carry on the plane. This will facilitate the selection of items that belong to carry-on baggage.

  • It is prohibited not only to carry a weapon in the cabin of the aircraft - it cannot be taken in the baggage, if there is no corresponding authorization document. This category includes both firearms and piercing-cutting objects;
  • If the toy (and also the lighter) is an imitation of a weapon, it is best to leave it in the aircraft's luggage. They will not be allowed on board with these things, and in the future travel it is undesirable to leave the baby without favorite toys;
  • What should not be in carry-on luggage is piercing and cutting objects - pen and kitchen knives, nail scissors, metal nail files, sets of sewing needles and knitting needles, corkscrew, medical needles, razors. Even toys with sharp edges can pose a threat to the health of passengers, so they are prohibited from being carried on the plane;
  • You cannot carry flammable liquids and solids, explosive and radioactive, oxidizing and poisonous, as well as magnetized items in your carry-on baggage (and even in the hold). This is a priori prohibited on the plane, since such baggage can cause a plane crash;
  • There is also a restriction on the carriage of medicines, both in checked and carry-on baggage. You can not transport psychotropic and narcotic substances as well as poisons;
  • It is better to carry in the luggage on the plane working power tools and carpentry equipment, sports items (bats, clubs, rackets, skates, skis and sticks for them, skates, etc.), fishing rods. Even umbrellas and walking sticks with sharp elements can pose a threat;
  • Perishable foodstuffs must not be taken in hand luggage on board the aircraft. You should familiarize yourself with the list of items that are allowed to take on board for a snack in advance.

In some cases, it is allowed to have some items from the above list with you. So, a metal nail file can be replaced with a soft version with rounded edges. If a sharp razor cannot be carried on the plane in hand luggage, then a razor with removable heads and an electric shaver are allowed. It is better to take folding umbrellas - they are more convenient, more compact and safer.

If a cane is a basic necessity, and it is difficult for a passenger to move without it, then, if there is an appropriate medical certificate, she will be allowed to be carried into the salon. The same applies to medicines, without which a person cannot do in flight (pills, liquid medicines, injections). Their need must be documented, then medicines will be allowed to be carried in hand luggage.

Important! Having dealt with the things that cannot be taken on the plane, passengers will make their journey easier. If items that are prohibited from being transported are found, they will be seized and sent to a container at the checkpoint. Either you check in all the excess in your luggage (or give it to the people accompanying you), or you are not allowed on board the plane.

Things and items of hand luggage

When deciding what to take with you on the plane, you should not act on the principle of "I carry everything with me." There should be things at hand that are difficult to do without in flight.

  • If you have to constantly carry medicines with you, which are taken regularly in certain hours, then their presence in the purse is allowed by medical indications... Rapid-aid drugs for people suffering from a number of diseases (heart disease, hypertensive patients, asthmatics, etc.) are also considered permissible items;
  • Healthy people can also bring an "emergency" first-aid kit, including commonly available antispasmodics, analgesics, antipyretics, cough and cold remedies, absorbents and drugs for motion sickness. It is allowed to carry brilliant green and iodine on board in special pencil tubes;
  • If you are flying with children, be sure to take with you wet wipes... Try to keep them without a pungent odor - allergy sufferers may be near you in the cabin;
  • It is allowed to carry liquids in hand luggage on the plane, packaged in containers of 100 ml. If you cannot find a suitable volume, you should not take a 200 ml container, half filled. The restriction does not apply to the water or drinks itself, but to the volume of the container. In this case, it should be taken into account that the category of liquids also includes creams, gels, lotions, and mascaras. Among the personal hygiene products indicate toothpaste, mouth freshener and shampoo;

  • Can I carry food on the plane if they get food during the flight? Most airlines allow you to carry food. They should not be loose, greasy, strong-smelling and perishable. They should be packed in transparent containers with a lid, which will facilitate the inspection procedure;
  • You can carry an inflatable pillow under your neck. It will provide comfort during a long trip;
  • Jewelry should not be carried in baggage, which could be accidentally lost. So it's better to put them in your hand luggage;
  • It is also better to keep a mobile phone, tablet, camera with you in order to exclude their accidental breakage;
  • Nobody sends money and documents to the luggage compartment - they are personal belongings and are always kept with you (in a men's wallet or handbag).

Before deciding what you can take with you on the plane and what cannot be carried, you should clarify this point again immediately before departure - suddenly new rules have appeared. Situations may arise that increase the restrictions on the carriage of a number of items in the cabin. As happened during the Sochi Olympics - then a taboo in Russia was imposed on all types of liquids.

What does not apply to carry-on baggage

In addition to items that fill your carry-on baggage, you are allowed to take other items on board the aircraft. They are listed as personal items and do not require freight charges. They are not included in the list of what is prohibited to take to the salon.

  • These are gadgets (tablet, camera, etc.) that are carried separately and are not checked in as baggage. So, a laptop packed in a briefcase is not hand luggage. This creates additional convenience - some of the items can be put into such a bag;
  • Personal belongings include warm clothes, which should be taken to the salon for those who do not like the coolness of air conditioners;
  • Books, magazines will always be in place, allowing you to usefully spend time on a long flight;
  • Folding umbrellas, handbags are exclusively personal items that can be taken on the plane without any problems;
  • Disabled travelers are concerned about whether it is possible to take canes, crutches, and strollers on the plane. Yes, these items are personal items and are allowed to be brought into the salon;
  • For the convenience of parents traveling with a child, you can take a carrycot with you (it is considered a personal item). So it will be more convenient for the mother, and the baby will be provided restful sleep... The stroller is checked in at the gangway;

  • On a long flight, blankets and pillows can come in handy, which are also classified as personal items and not carry-on baggage. Therefore, they can be carried into the salon without any problems;
  • Valuable and fragile items that cannot be transported in the luggage compartment (expensive musical instruments of permissible weight and size) are allowed to be taken on board the aircraft.

Note! The above list of things that can be considered personal is conditional. And although a camera, tablet, warm clothing and other items are not subject to marking, not all airlines allow them to be transported free of charge if the items are not packed in a bag. Sometimes paying for additional "baggage" can cost half the cost of the plane ticket itself.

Parameters defining the load

It is not enough to know what you can take in your carry-on baggage - some parameters should also be taken into account. Baggage allowance has allowable norms per 1 purchased ticket. Each cargo is subject not only to inspection, but also to weighing and measurements. For the luggage compartment, their own standards have been determined, for the carriage of hand luggage - their own.

Note! For each passenger in the cabin there is 1 free seat for hand luggage (in business class - 2 seats). It has a certain volume, therefore, when buying a bag for travel, you need to take this into account. During the inspection, parameters are measured on a special frame. If the carry-on baggage (together with wheels and handles) does not fit into the test volumes, it will not be possible to take it into the aircraft cabin and will have to be checked in.

This must be taken into account when buying. travel bag or a backpack. The maximum baggage allowance is determined by the airline you will be using. In different aircraft, the dimensions of the compartments for carry-on luggage may differ. This point should be checked with the airline when choosing a bag for carry-on luggage.

The weight of the luggage is also important, which determines how much you can take with you. The nominal value of kg is determined by the airlines. Overloading is subject to surcharge. Maximum possible weight for items not related to carry-on baggage and allowed for carriage in the cabin, there should not be more than 32 kg.

Important! Before leaving for the airport, weigh everything that you plan to take with you on your trip so that there will be no misunderstandings at the terminal. The weight and dimensions of the luggage should allow you to put the bag on the shelf yourself, without stress, without resorting to outside help.

It was mentioned above that vials for liquid should not exceed 100 ml. The exception is baby food bottles, which the baby will need in flight. For liquids worth purchasing special set for travel, where bottles of the required sizes are already packed in a plastic bag. The total volume recommended for carriage is 1 liter.

Office supplies sell handy files with zippers that easily fit small bottles of liquids. Having packed all the bottles in such a transparent bag, it will be easier to go through the inspection. And for the passenger himself, such compactness is very convenient - everything you need will be at hand.

Some airlines set their own restrictions and regulations, which may differ slightly from the standard ones. But one unspoken rule applies everywhere: the more expensive the ticket (respectively - the higher the class), the more cargo can be carried in hand luggage for free. But even in business class, the weight of baggage in one hand should not exceed 32 kg, and the sum of 3 dimensions should be within 158 cm. The maximum allowable number of kilograms depends on the chosen airline. Personal belongings of children are allowed in an amount not exceeding 10 kg.


Not everything can fit in your carry-on baggage, but traveling light has its advantages. Lack of main luggage will save on your budget - you will not have to pay for a place in the luggage compartment. You also don’t have to wait for the baggage to be handed over upon arrival at the destination, and worry about the condition in which he flew (and whether he got there at all). The things taken to the salon are always at hand and are guaranteed not to be lost. The main thing is to take into account all the requirements of airlines and know what is forbidden to carry on the plane in hand luggage and what is not. Those things that had to be left at home are not a problem to bribe on the spot.

During the holiday season, the question of what should not be taken in hand luggage on the plane is especially acute. To avoid problems when going through the baggage screening procedure during boarding the plane, the passenger should read in advance the new rules of 2016, which contain a list of items prohibited for carriage.

Items that should not be taken on board the aircraft as carry-on baggage

Carry-on baggage is a list of items that a passenger is allowed to take with him to the cabin during the flight. They are recognized as safe for passengers. At the same time, there is a list of items, the transportation of which is strictly prohibited. The list is constantly changing. It may differ depending on the selected airline.

Airport employees strictly enforce the rules for carrying hand luggage on board. If there is a prohibited item in a passenger's suitcases or bags, the item will be forced to leave at the airport. If the traveler refuses to do so, he will be prohibited from boarding the plane.

To prevent this from happening, things that are on the list of prohibited for transportation, but which must be taken with you, should be handed over in advance to luggage compartment.

What is prohibited in carry-on baggage on the plane? When collecting luggage for the upcoming flight, the traveler should know that he will not be allowed through control if he plans to take with him:

  • Weapons, including traumatic ones;
  • Children's toys and souvenirs that imitate weapons that can be easily confused with real ones;
  • Flammable liquids;
  • Explosives;
  • Flammable solids;
  • Radioactive substances;
  • Oxidizing substances;
  • Magnetized objects;
  • Toxic substances.

The transportation of the above items on the plane is prohibited in any form. Their presence in the baggage may raise additional questions from the airport security and raise suspicions. In order to avoid problems when passing the control, it is better to leave these items at home. Transportation of weapons can be carried out only in cases stipulated by law.

  • wine corkscrew;
  • nail file;
  • nippers;
  • knitting needles;
  • tweezers;
  • medical needles for injections without appropriate documents;
  • razor;
  • jackknife;
  • scissors.

These items are categorized as piercing and cutting. If, during inspection, they are found in a bag that the passenger is going to take on the plane, he will not be allowed into the cabin. Items should be placed in a suitcase, which will be checked in luggage, or purchased upon landing. At the same time, a file with rounded edges and a razor with replaceable attachments do not fall into the category of piercing and cutting objects. Their passenger can safely take with him on the flight.

If it is announced that the planned flight belongs to high-risk flights, the list of items that will be prohibited from carriage will be significantly expanded. Some personal items may be included in the list.

The final list must be confirmed on the company's website a few days before departure. The baggage of passengers traveling on a high-risk flight is checked especially carefully. If prohibited items are found, the passenger may be prohibited from flying.

Liquid transportation

If the traveler needs to take liquid with him, he should remember that its volume should not exceed 1 liter. Allowed for carriage:

  • water;
  • beverages;
  • shampoo;
  • creams;
  • aerosols.

Cosmetics also falls into the "liquid" category. The traveler is entitled to transport:

  • ink;
  • lip gloss;
  • cream.

The volume of the package should not exceed 100 ml. If a traveler takes a container with a capacity of 200 ml and fills it halfway during the security check, the liquid will have to be left on the ground. Otherwise, the passenger will not be allowed to fly.

Baby food is categorized as liquid. You can take it with you, you need food for feeding little child during the flight. Baby food is an exception to the rule.

If a child requires a volume of more than 1 liter during the flight, the rules allow you to take the required amount of baby food.

If 2 passengers go on a flight together with one carry-on baggage, then the volume is not added up.

The liquids that the passenger plans to take with them must be placed in transparent bags in advance. It is best to use a lockable packaging.

Where to buy a container for liquid that does not exceed a volume of 100 ml?

It is not that difficult to get the packaging that meets the requirements. There is no need to throw away the shampoo and detergent packages that are given out during your stay at the hotel. The containers exactly correspond to the requirements for passing control at the airport.

Packages required for transporting liquids can be purchased from office supplies. To pass the control, it is enough if the liquids are packed in a tight file with a fastener. It is best if the traveler purchases a ready-made travel kit. It is sold in specialized stores. The set is compiled by professionals, taking into account the requirements of the control.

Familiarization with the requirements of a specific air carrier

Having thought about what cannot be carried in hand luggage on the plane, the traveler should familiarize himself with the requirements of a particular airline. The list of prohibited items can vary significantly. For example, during the Olympic Games in Sochi, a complete ban was imposed on the transportation of liquids.

If the list of items in the carry-on baggage turns out to be prohibited, the security will not let the passenger in. You will need to leave prohibited items at the airport. Arguing with employees is useless. The passenger runs the risk of delaying the flight or not being allowed to fly. You can familiarize yourself with the requirements for the list of items for carry-on baggage in the aircraft cabin on the company's website.

The number of seats provided to a passenger in the cabin for hand luggage

The number of pieces of baggage provided to a passenger in the cabin for storage may vary depending on the class and the airline chosen. Usually there is 1 piece of carry-on baggage for 1 economy class traveler.

At the same time, 2 seats can be allocated at once for passengers flying in class 1. There are items that do not count as luggage taking up storage space. These include:

  • briefcases or handbags;
  • cameras;
  • laptops;
  • tablets.

If a person is carrying a folding stroller with them, outerwear or crutches, then these items will also not be counted as carry-on baggage that takes 1 piece. Items can be transported freely. There is no additional charge for them.

Only one piece of carry-on baggage is allowed in economy class

Allowable weight and size

Requirements for the size and weight of the items transported may vary. They depend on the distance of the upcoming flight and the class the passenger is flying. Usually the weight of a suitcase or bag carried in the cabin should not exceed 5-10 kg. Items in excess of the permitted volume must be checked into the luggage compartment in advance.

Weight is checked before boarding. So that the passenger does not have any problems, you should check the weight of the items that he plans to take into the aircraft cabin, while still at home. For the procedure, ordinary scales are suitable.

Transportation of sports equipment and musical instruments is carried out according to existing requirements. If items exceed the permissible weight, they must be checked in as checked baggage. The exception may be rare musical instruments of high value. They are allowed in the aircraft cabin if the weight of the item does not exceed 32 kg.

According to the requirements, the passenger must be able to place a suitcase or bag on the luggage rack without assistance.

The total volume of a suitcase or bag must not exceed 115 cm. A suitcase may be admitted to the cabin, maximum dimensions which are 55 x 40 x 20. Subject larger size carry-on baggage is not allowed on the plane. If the luggage exceeds the measurements, the airport employees will be forced to check in the bag or suitcase in the luggage. If the passenger refuses, he will not be allowed to board the plane.

The airline checks the baggage volume in a special frame. Bags and suitcases must pass freely through it along with handles and wheels. You will have to pay extra for the overweight and the exceeded volume. For this reason, the passenger should carefully consider the list of items that he plans to take with him on the trip. You should give preference only to things that will definitely come in handy during the trip. Everything else should be left at home.

Frame for checking the dimensions of carry-on baggage

What can you take with you on the plane?

In the cabin of the aircraft, regardless of the airline, class or country, it is allowed to take with you:

  • the documents;
  • children's toys, if they do not have sharp corners;
  • souvenirs;
  • medicines if the passenger needs them;
  • printed matter;
  • keys;
  • money;
  • jewelry.

Medicines should be taken on a trip only if their use may be required during the flight. If there is no urgent need, it is better to refuse to carry them in hand luggage. The passenger will have to prove the need medicines and their purpose. The procedure will complicate the registration process.

If the subject represents high value, in order to avoid loss or damage, it is allowed to take it with you into the aircraft cabin. The approval applies to dear ones too musical instruments... Their weight should not be higher than 32 kg. Items exceeding the allowable mark must be mandatory check it in the luggage compartment of the aircraft.

The camera, outerwear, food for children, telephone and laptop are not weighed or marked. There is no charge for their carriage.

It is strictly forbidden to take with you to the aircraft cabin:

  • Food;
  • items that can break during the flight;
  • items having sharp corners;
  • objects capable of inflicting cutting wounds on passengers.

If a children's toy has sharp corners, airport officials may consider it a piercing object and ban it from the aircraft. The passenger can take outer clothing with him, which he can later put on the luggage rack. However, he has the right to put it on the luggage rack. Clothing does not count as carry-on baggage and does not require additional space.

Most companies can carry umbrellas in the cabin. However, some firms have come to the conclusion that it can be used as a weapon to harm the health of passengers, and require the item to be checked in. To avoid misunderstandings, the umbrella must be handed over to the luggage compartment in advance.

The passenger is entitled to take any printed matter with him on board the aircraft. In most airlines, if the weight of the items does not exceed 5-10 kg, then you can carry your baggage free of charge. However, there are exceptions to the rule.

Strong pain relievers in a large number may raise questions

Passing control

During the screening procedure, the passenger must present to the airport staff:

  • notebook;
  • telephone;
  • carry-on luggage;
  • outerwear.

Inspection of objects is carried out using a scanner. It is important to remember that different airlines have different requirements for the contents of carry-on baggage that can be carried in the cabin. To avoid misunderstandings, the passenger should familiarize himself with the requirements in advance. You can find out information by visiting the airline's website.

In contact with

Perhaps not everyone knows about this, but you can take food on board the plane, and not only the one that was bought in Duty Free before boarding.

Knowledgeable tourists take with them not only chocolates and cookies, but also sandwiches and other homemade products. There are only restrictions on drinks, but they are already carried by the flight attendants, unless you are flying on a budget airline, where you will have to pay for tea or juice.

It is advisable to take with you foods rich in protein: chicken, beef, cheese, nuts. Choose products that do not have a strong odor that will not crumble or deteriorate during a few hours of flight and waiting at the airport. For a snack, a mixture of nuts and dried fruits, sandwiches or salad in a container is perfect.

Avoid strong-smelling and gas-forming foods (onions, garlic, fish, beans, broccoli, eggs) and fatty foods... You can ruin your stay on the plane, not only for yourself, but also for numerous neighbors.

Remember that liquids, including creams and gels, are prohibited for carriage.

Except when they comply with the standards:

  • The volume of containers should not exceed 100 ml.
  • All containers should be stored in one transparent, resealable plastic bag. The total capacity should not exceed 1 liter.
  • Each passenger is entitled to carry only one such package.
  • The packaging of containers containing liquids must be presented separately at the security control desk.

What products are liquids and gels? The list is not very long, it includes: yogurt, sauces (for example, for salad), cottage cheese, peanut butter, jam, jam, jelly, soup, pate.

Over 100 ml you can take baby food, provided that a child under 2 years old is flying with you and this food is only for the duration of the flight.

In your checked-in baggage, you can take any amount of liquid... There are only restrictions on the amount of alcohol.

Is it possible to take caviar in hand luggage?

Yes, you can take caviar in glass or tin factory packaging. On domestic flights they can also skip across Russia with plastic containers (if you bought caviar by weight). But pay attention to the volume, it should not exceed 100 ml, because caviar is considered liquid.

More loyal to volume on domestic flights cans of caviar, and sometimes containers with a volume of more than 100 ml are passed. But if you are flying with luggage, then better caviar pass.

A bit more complicated with overseas flights. Here it is necessary to take into account not only the restrictions on the liquid, but also the customs rules.

According to Russian legislation, it is allowed to export from the Russian Federation no more than 250 grams of caviar sturgeon fish (black caviar - beluga, sturgeon and sevruga). Before leaving, be sure to familiarize yourself with the customs regulations of the country where you are going. For example, in the EU countries and in the USA it is allowed to import no more than 125 grams of sturgeon caviar per passenger.

Red caviar is salmon caviar; you can take it out up to 5 kg. Please note that the standard factory packaging of red caviar is 140 g, which is more than the allowed 100 ml for carry-on luggage. That's why Always put caviar in your luggage.

What exactly can you take from food in your carry-on baggage?

  • baked goods, chips, dryers, gingerbread, crackers, waffles, etc.
  • bakery
  • sweets, chocolate bars and chocolates
  • fruits and vegetables - in the amount necessary for a snack on board. It is not always possible to carry a couple of kilograms of tomatoes on an international flight.
  • sandwiches and sandwiches

Products subject to the 100 ml restriction:

  • Drinking yoghurt
  • Baby food (mashed potatoes and pates) if you are flying without a child. If you are with a child under 2 years old, then you can take more than the allowed one, but on condition that this is food that the child will need during the flight, and not with a margin for the entire rest period.
  • Alcohol. It's even more difficult with him. More and more airlines are introducing prohibition. those. a ban on the sale and consumption of alcohol on board the aircraft. Allowed to transport only alcohol purchased in the Dute Free store and not unopened. The rules for drinking alcohol should be checked with the specific airline.
  • Soft cheese, it includes - brie, camembert, mozzarella, ricotta, feta, etc.
  • Canned food. Even if 99% of the content is solid. The security service will focus only on the volume of the jar, it should be up to 100 ml, if more, then check it in the luggage.
  • Jam and homemade rolls.

All products must be carefully packed in transparent bags or containers so that security personnel can see what is inside.

And one more little advice, before you spread the food you brought with you on the table, cover it with a napkin. You do not know who sat here before you and how long ago you wiped it.

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28 May 2012 Anna Lump Tags:,

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