Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill What to say when we give the sketch to the buyer. What should be the communication with the client on the phone. Information about companies

What to say when we give the sketch to the buyer. What should be the communication with the client on the phone. Information about companies


So, buyers are, in the very first approximation, divided into men and women. It has long been known, and not without reason, that lovely ladies love with their ears. In our case, this rule is as true as possible. It is very important to find the right approach to the fair sex buyer. For my employees, I recommend starting a conversation with a neutral compliment or a distracted topic. For example, you can clarify where she managed to find such a beautiful handbag, but the main thing is not to go too far. The compliment should sound sincere, if you have nothing to "catch on", it is better to start with a duty phrase. Girls love to tell stories. By asking the series the right questions, you can easily deduce her needs. The technique is appropriate here. active listening... And then, try to tell “tasty” about your product, focusing on the needs of the buyer, do not skimp on poetic comparisons and inspirational epithets, remember, girls love to listen. A woman can come for a raincoat, and leave with a skirt, blouse and a new strap. Be patient and you will be rewarded.

With men, on the contrary, there are fewer words, more action. Try to ask clear, meaningful questions. Usually, the man is walking to the store when you need something specific. It plays into your hands. Find out with open and alternative questions about its purpose and go! Appeal in numbers, compare two similar products. Your presentation should be structured and logical. A man will trust you and, as a result, may agree to an additional product if he sees in your face an expert in the product that you offer.

Work with children should be noted separately. Based on my experience, children over 4-5 years old are already ready to communicate directly. Ask about their expectations, you can ask them about the opinion of the parents in the third person. This is, perhaps, the only case when the buyer should be addressed as "you"? Do not try to offer your child an overly expensive product, this can cause negativity in the parents. The most optimal would be parallel communication with both the parent and the child. If you sell toys, just give the kid the opportunity to try the product in practice, believe me, if they like it, a rare parent will resist the child's request. Within reason, of course. Attracting buyers through children is business card Mc'Donalds. Remember how kids love these restaurants. Precisely because toys in sets with food are waiting for him here, as well as free "enticements" in the form of coloring pages or bright erasers. Spend weekends in your store, for example, giving out free balloons and children will be happy to bring their parents to you.

If we consider buyers as a whole, then it should be borne in mind that not everyone is ready and open to communication. Our market is still under development in the service sector. But can we instruct the seller to choose on their own: who should be approached, and who will certainly look at everything better? Trust me, in this case, employees will stop approaching customers altogether. Therefore, we should establish a standard by which we greet each customer and approach each one. It is important to follow a few rules here. Firstly, in order for each customer to be greeted, it is better to organize a "watch" in the entrance area of ​​the store. After the buyer has been greeted, give them a look around the sales area. Train employees to recognize signs that indicate a customer's willingness to connect. He can stop and look at a certain group of products or take some product from the shelf. The buyer can look around and look for staff or even beckon with a gesture. If this does not happen, take a pause for 2-3 minutes and start establishing contact. There are 5 main ways to establish contact:

1). The seller can greet the buyer and introduce himself, inform about his intention to be at the buyer's service.

2). Start a conversation with information about the product that the buyer picked up, for example, tell about its characteristics. It is possible to inform the buyer about the promotions taking place in the store or about the updated assortment.

3). Offer the buyer to get a hard-to-reach item on the top shelf or in a closed display case. Offer to choose the required size and so on.

4). Start a conversation about the weather or the trends of the current season (remember how we started a conversation with a girl). The only caveat is that this method is "for advanced users."

5). Ask the buyer a question.

I will dwell in a little more detail on the last method of establishing contact. Try to create a taboo for your salespeople on the two forbidden questions: "Can I help you with something?" and "can I suggest something to you?" In our country, these questions can only cause negative. This is the fault of our negligent colleagues, who, due to an addiction to an aggressive way of selling, have destroyed the very opportunity to ask these questions. I think by remembering your experience as a shopper, you will be answering the question of which stores helped kill those phrases.

Questions to the buyer can be divided into three types: closed, open or alternative. Each of them can work great.

Closed (this question can be answered "Yes" or "No"):

Is this your first time in our store?

Are you looking for something specific?

Open (the answer will be different from "Yes" or "No"):

Which brand do you prefer?

Which glasses model are you interested in?

Alternative question:

Do you choose for yourself or as a gift?

Are you interested in decorative or selective cosmetics?

Allow sellers to come up with questions, create a "brainstorm" on this topic. Let each of them choose the question that will be to their liking and will not cause a feeling of obsession.

Buyers can feel uncomfortable if employees gather in groups and actively discuss what is happening in theaters, for example. If employees allow themselves evaluative scanning glances. If the seller answers the buyer's question "with a favor." Believe me, now buyers have the opportunity to choose where to spend their time. High level service is perhaps one of the key competitive advantages.

You should also not use a lot of specific definitions during the presentation of the product, do not put the buyer in an uncomfortable position with his ignorance. You don't have to offer an expensive product right away, start with the mid-priced option. The price is usually the most common reason Buyer's doubts or objections regarding the completion of the transaction. But not all buyers are ready to admit that it is expensive for them. If the buyer asks to see something else, most often this means that he is confused by the price. Offer something similar but at a lower cost. Check if he likes this model? What confuses him? Determine the reason for the doubt, perhaps it just needs a different set of functions. Do not ask the buyer head-on how much he is willing to spend. The only exception is if he is picking up a gift.

But now the buyer is already moving to the checkout. It would seem that the seller did his job and then it was the turn of the cashier. It was not so. Teach your salespeople how to work after sales. I don't even mean calling a customer a couple of weeks later asking how they like the new thing. I mean a rudimentary compliment when the deal is closed. It is at this moment that the buyer can exclude possible bias and the goal to sell in any case. Compliment his choice, his taste, but not the product. The buyer needs confirmation of the correctness of his choice. Give him this opportunity.

Stages of work with the buyer are, perhaps, the most basic and most responsible task of the seller. Remember that this process, the process of training employees, must be constant, in this case it will bring the expected results. Remember to review the service situations with the guys every day in the morning meeting.

I am sure that you will succeed!

Tells clinical pharmacologist, candidate medical sciences Olga Mubarakshina.

A distinctive feature of pharmacy sales is the huge responsibility for the recommendation medicinal product... At the same time, it is very important that pharmacists or pharmacists maximize a short time, in 3-4 minutes, could give qualified advice on the use of the medication and its possible effects... It is also important to be able to competently answer the objections of buyers.

Success Secret # 1. Greetings and a Smile

Visitor greetings are essential for all stages of the sale. Great importance have a smile and the intonation of your voice. There should be a benevolent attitude in your actions and phrases.

When greeting a visitor in the hall, the employee must stand up and turn his whole body towards him. This is a sign of respect and attention on your part, which does not interfere with using it in everyday communication.

From the first seconds of the meeting, the visitor to the pharmacy should feel a sense of comfort and feel your friendliness and attention. Use a smile. It is a universal means of establishing contact, a silent invitation to chat. You need to smile not tensely, but from the heart, and with any, including telephone contact... This gives the voice a certain intonation and is felt by the interlocutor. But remember, a smile is only appropriate in the moment of greeting. When a person starts sharing their concerns and talking about their health problems, you should have an expression of kindness and concern on your face.

Success Secret # 2. Distance and Correctness

Any contact should be avoided when communicating with visitors to the pharmacy. Do not get closer to the client than at arm's length - do not invade his personal space. However, if the client himself is closing the distance, the employee should not move away or try to increase the distance between himself and the buyer in other ways. His actions may be dictated by low vision or hearing.

Remember that many consumers are shy or unwilling to publicly discuss some of their problems, for example, bowel movements, critical days, problems with potency, etc. Try to discuss intimate issues so that your conversation is not heard by other visitors. However, do not ask the client too persistently. Asking very intimate questions can achieve the opposite effect of the desired one: instead of trusting, the client begins to feel embarrassed. This can lead to difficulties in perception and, as a consequence, the rejection of the proposed product.

Success Secret # 3. Voice and Gestures

When communicating with visitors, try to speak clearly and distinctly. Your answer should be heard from where the question was asked. If the client is hard of hearing, speak louder, but do not scream and monitor the tone of the conversation. Communication with a client in a raised voice is unacceptable even in the case of conflict situation provoked by the client.

Gestures should not be small, harsh, excessively frequent. Open flowing gestures that show palms are recommended.

Success Secret # 4. Situation Contact

When you establish contact with a client, you must proceed from the peculiarities of his behavior and movement in the hall. If the visitor moves to the shop window with a firm step and his behavior can be characterized as confident, it is necessary to choose a passive type of contact. Most likely, the buyer came for a specific drug. Give initiative to a potential buyer. If he is in the hall, give him the opportunity to look around, while keeping him in sight in order to immediately respond to his appeal or help in any difficulty.

If a visitor looks around, freezes in uncertainty next to a pharmacy employee, or moves around the room, looking first into one showcase, then another, it is necessary to choose an active type of contact and kindly turn to him with the words: "How can I help you?"

Success Secret # 5. Identifying Customer Needs

Some visitors come to the pharmacy with a clear idea of ​​which product they came for. However, many people look at the pharmacy for a solution to their problem, assuming that the specialist knows best what to do. In the latter case, the employee must first identify the problem, and then form the visitor's desire to solve it with the help of a certain product from the pharmacy's assortment.

When identifying a need, use open-ended questions that maximize information. It is they who dispose the client to continue the conversation. When proposing a solution to the problem, use alternative questions(for example, which drug is right for you: A or B?). Customers love being offered different variants and the choice.

When figuring out a customer's problem and offering a product, don't talk too much or too quickly. But don't take long pauses either. Listen carefully to the client. Notice his verbal and non-verbal signals: facial expressions, gestures, words that indicate interest or displease and disagree.

When recommending a particular product, give it to the client. When a potential buyer holds a product in his hands, not only hearing organs are involved, but also visual, tactile, olfactory receptors. To better understand the visitor and offer the tool that he really needs, put yourself in the client's shoes and do not forget: your main task is not to sell, but to help.

Remember, negative and threatening buy calls have been proven to be ineffective, for example, "Buy this drug while you can still get to the pharmacy."

It is desirable that the appeal reflects the motives of personal gain. For example: "Why pay more?" Try to indicate the time when the therapeutic effect should come. For example, "You take a pill in the evening, and the full effect comes in the morning." And, of course, the recommendations of the chief patient must be accompanied by a reminder: "Consult with your doctor."

1. I don't know
Buyers don't expect the seller to know everything, but when it comes to product questions, buyers expect the seller to be skilled enough to find the answer.
Better:"Good question. Now I will try to find out the answer."

2. This is the final sale
Your store policy may prohibit returns for sale items. And it's okay to let the buyer know about this, but the retailer must be flexible and make decisions on the spot and, if necessary, take the goods back.
Better:"Let me know if the product does not suit you, and we will think about what we can do."

3. Take it easy
This phrase is simply rage. This is one of the main taboos in retail and any customer service. If the customer's emotions have reached a boiling point, the best thing you can do is to remain silent and listen to the end. Let the client talk. After the buyer has said everything he or she has to say, he or she will be more receptive to the solution being offered to you.
Better:"I'm sorry"

4. Didn't you find it?
If a customer asks you about a specific product, then most likely he has already searched for this product and has not found it. This may mean that you no longer have this particular product or it is not in the hall, but it is in stock or it simply did not find it. The best thing in this situation is to take the buyer to the product, or to bring it.
Better:"Yes, I'll bring it to you now, if it's in stock."

5. We are closed
The last thing a store employee wants to do is let the customer in after the store closes. Before you send it back home, remember that the customer may not know the opening hours of the store or, which is also possible, he may not know what time it is. None of these reasons should be overlooked.
Better:"We close at ... .. o'clock, and now .... We open at ... o'clock. Is there anything I can help you with?"

6. Is that all?
There are not many buyers who see something negative in this matter, but, however, in this way you are missing out on the opportunity to offer to buy something else.
Better:"Have you seen that the item ____ is included in the set? Or" Have you also looked at ____? "

7. It's over there
We've all heard this line from either a busy salesperson or a disinterested salesperson. Sometimes they just wave in one direction, sometimes they don't even look up to you to look at you. Inform every salesperson that such an answer is prohibited.
Better:"Let me take you. This item is here."

8. I cannot do this
This is another negative phrase that should be banned in stores. Either let the employee make a decision, or train the salespeople how to deal with such cases, for example, instruct them to invite a store manager.
Better:"What can I do is _____"

9. This is not my department
This may be true, but no buyer wants to hear such an answer. Retailers must educate store staff about everything they sell. At a minimum, they should know who to contact if the buyer has asked a question that the seller has no answer to.
Better:"I will be happy to help you. I will take you to know more about products in this category."

10. We have run out of this product
It's unavoidable. The goods are running out and customers are aware of this. What you can do in such a situation is to inform when the next delivery will be, otherwise they will buy the product they want from another store. Be proactive. Offer to call the customer when the item arrives at the store.
Better:"This item is temporarily unavailable, but it will be delivered ____. If you want, I can call you when it appears."

11. This is not in accordance with the store's policy
In today's competitive environment, retailers cannot afford to be flexible. It's important to have in-store policies, but it's even more important to get a satisfied customer. Use this phrase only when you think the buyer is deliberately trying to break the rules.
Better:"We have the following rules, but we want to do our best to make you happy. Here's what I can offer."

12. I'm new here
For some reason, the new staff thinks that by saying this phrase, the buyer will be satisfied with this and will go look for another seller. The buyer does not care whether you are new or old. He would only like to deal with someone who knows the product and can answer the question.
Better:"Please wait a second, I'll try to help you."

13. Wait
This is rather rude and does not give the client an idea of ​​when you will be free to help him. There are much more soft words to say that right now you cannot pay attention to the buyer.
Better:"Can you wait a minute?"

14. I'm in this moment busy
Have you ever said or heard the following: “Without buyers, there is no retail. Or, without buyers, I would not have a job. "
Better:"I will be glad to help you"

15. You are wrong
Of course, buyers are not always right, but a salesperson should never tell buyers that they are wrong. In such cases, you always have to take the blame on yourself.
Better:"I think there was a misunderstanding."

1. Smile

It's free and it makes your life longer. And, perhaps, it works the most efficiently. If you are on different sides computer, you can still smile at the client: in a benevolent tone in a letter, website, social networks. Politeness is the key to anyone, even a cement mixer buyer! :)

Imagine you are checking out a shopping cart in your online store. In one case, the site says to the buyer “Thank you! We have received your order, today we will collect it and prepare it for shipment. Our courier will call you in advance to agree on the delivery time ”, and in the second“ Order No. 123 sent ”. What text do you think was written with a smile?

2. Ask

Just do not try to ask the question "Can you suggest anything?" Emotional person may think to himself, “Am I blind? I can see everything anyway! " Of course, he will not say it out loud, but he may have the impression that he was looked down on in this store. The same is with other phrases: "Can I help you?" - "Am I really weak?", "What interests you?" - "If I knew, I would buy right away", "Have you already chosen the right product?" - "If you are in a hurry to sell me something, then I will go to another store, where they will not press me." Of course, we exaggerate a little, but main idea did you understand. This also applies to online sales: intrusive pop-ups and direct messages repel, not push you to buy. Better ask who he buys the product for, specify the details of the order, packaging, delivery. Ask the customer questions that he or she will be happy to answer.

3. Be hospitable

This is more difficult than it sounds, although you can tell: my sales people or myself are always friendly, what else do you need? But shoppers always feel the feigned politeness "for show", and distinguish it from true hospitality. Imagine that each of your clients is an old acquaintance of yours, whom you have not seen for a long time. You will immediately feel for him friendly attitude, but it is difficult to hide.

4. Ask for feedback

The client will be happy to give you a couple of minutes to talk about what he likes about the product and what he would like to improve. The same with social networks: users are more willing to repost and answer questions under photos and videos, if you directly ask them about it. This way you can more effectively collect information about products and improve them.

5. Be proactive

Immediately inform everything about the order: terms, price, special delivery conditions, lack of specific model in a warehouse. Most of the orders in the store go along the beaten path: a person finds out the price, delivery and payment methods, and then makes a decision to buy or postpones it. Don't make him pry every detail from you.

6. Respect the visitor's decisions

It is inconvenient for the client to communicate with you by phone at work time and is it much easier to reply to messages in the messenger? Fine! Do not miss regular client just because you are not used to communicating with clients, for example, in Telegram.

7. Take away Special attention to the one who doubts

The most common reason is price. A person thinks: “Is this product worth the money that is asked for it?”, But not everyone dares to openly say that it is dear to him. Offer him a similar product, but cheaper, ask what the customer's expectations are from the purchase. Remember that the final decision is always up to the buyer, so give him a choice.

8. Don't rate the buyer

Especially on outward appearance- he can be very deceiving. The worst thing is when the attitude of the seller to the buyer, his politeness and willingness to help directly depends on this. Be caring and attentive to any customer - this will help reinforce in him the desire to make a purchase from you.


Show attention to the buyer. It is not at all necessary to immediately approach him with questions and suggestions. The main thing is to make it clear to the client that they are seen and are ready to help at any time.

Greet your visitor. This can be done immediately upon entering, or when he makes it clear that he is interested in consulting. How talk with by the buyer, depends on specific situation... The greeting should be very warm and friendly. Be sure to smile when establishing contact. The speed of establishing contact depends on the first. Try to show your gut and figure out how to start. talk with this or that by the buyer.

Study buyers. You must that there are at least 4 types: decisive, indecisive, conflicting and advanced. The first will establish contact on his own, the second expects this from you, the third must be able to deprive them of reasons for disputes, and the fourth should be agreed in all his arguments.
Of course, these are general guidelines. Each salesperson learns to understand what kind of person has entered.

Start in a way that makes the customer want to continue. The main rule for this is never to ask a question that you can “no”. It is better to greet the client and say that you are always there and will gladly help you in choosing. Another way is to ask a "tie-in question". It represents any statement and directly "ties". A good example serves such a phrase: "This modification is original, right?". This question is one of better ways begin talk with by the buyer.

Remember that the first phrase sets the tone for the entire conversation. Learn to recognize the nature of customers and conduct a dialogue in accordance with it.

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  • buyer's greeting

Gender roles have changed so much that today it is not shameful for women not only to work, drive a car and engage in "male" professions, but also to get acquainted with representatives of the opposite sex. However, only the most wise women know to exercise their right of first step very carefully.


Rate the pose and gestures of the man you like. If a person is inclined to chat with, he keeps his palms open, crosses his legs, pointing his knees in her direction. A man who is ready for communication does not hide his eyes and is ready. It's great if you see a man straighten his hair or tug at his clothes when he sees your gaze. In sign language, this means an erotic interest in you.

Make eye contact. Hold your gaze on the one you are interested in and avert your eyes as soon as he looks at you. After a while, repeat the famous formula "to the corner, to the nose, to the object." Just don’t run your eyes, don’t fuss and don’t look stealthily. You just look at the person you like, smiling embarrassedly at the moment when he catches your eye with his.

When you are near your object of interest, drop a small note. There can be three topics: environment, he and you. The first option is the most preferable, because it is not as annoying as the second, and not boring like the third. Ask which cocktail in this bar is worth choosing, who is playing in the upcoming performance, how to cook asparagus - in short, ask any question that is relevant to the circumstances of your meeting and suggests a complex answer.

Don't start a conversation with a negative statement like, "This party is so noisy!" Exclamations about the weather may be an exception. Avoid the obvious clichés like "I think we've met before" or "What time is it?" - especially in situations where the uselessness of the answer is obvious.

Use the context of the situation. At lunch or at reading room making contact is easy: ask the person you like to sit down at the table. Even if you are refused, most likely, there will be good arguments for this (being busy, waiting for another companion). On a run, say in a friendly way, "Let's go for a race?" (after all, after unsuccessful attempt you can quickly get to know each other). V gym, store or ask for advice.

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The success of an attempt to get to know each other very often depends on the first phrase spoken to a nice representative of the opposite sex. An originally started conversation is practically a guarantee that you will interest the person you like.

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