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What metals are used in art. Artistic forging - works of art in your home. Types of work on chasing

Today Russia celebrates the Day of Cultural Workers. We congratulate everyone who is involved in this holiday and invite you to remember and visit the best cultural places of the capital in the future: museums, theaters, cinemas, libraries and art spaces.

1. "Moscow Drama Theater "ApARTe"
Address: Tverskoy boulevard, 8, building 1.
2. "State Academic Theater named after Mossovet"
Address: Bolshaya Sadovaya st., 16.
3. "Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya"
Address: Malaya Bronnaya st., 4, building 2.
4. "Moscow Academic Theater of Satire"
Address: Triumphalnaya Square, 2
5. Moscow Theater Sovremennik
Address: Chistoprudny Boulevard, 19A.
6. "Moscow theater for young spectators"
Address: Mamonovsky per., 10, building 1.
7. Moscow Drama Theater "Sphere"
Address: Karetny row, 3.
8. Theater "Grandfather Durov's Corner"
Address: st. Durova, 4.
9. "International Theater and Cultural Center of Glory Polunin"
Address: st. Arbat, 35.
10. "Moscow Taganka Theater"
Address: Zemlyanoy Val st., 76/21.
11. Theater "Commonwealth of Taganka Actors"
Address: st. Earthen Val, 76/21.
12. "Theatre of Music and Poetry n / p E. Kamburova"
Address: Bolshaya Pirogovskaya st., 53.
13. "Moscow theater "Variety"
Address: Prospekt Mira, 76, building 2.
14. "Moscow Music Hall"
Address: Kalanchevskaya st., 33/12.
15 .Moscow state theater"Estrada"
Address: Bersenevskaya embankment, 20/2.
16. "Moscow State Musical Theater of Folklore" Russian
Address: Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya st., 5/9, building 2.
17. Moscow Academic Theater named after Vl. Mayakovsky"
Address: Bolshaya Nikitskaya st., 19.
18. "Theatre on Pokrovka"
Address: st. Pokrovka, 50, building 1.
19. Moscow Theater "Hermitage"
Address: st. Karetny Ryad, 3, building 1.
20. "Directorate of the project" Open Stage "
Address: Povarskaya st., 20.
21. Theater "School of Dramatic Art"
Address: st. Sretenka, 19/27.
22. "Moscow Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin"
Address: Tverskoy Boulevard, 23.
23. Moscow State Theater "Lenkom"
Address: Malaya Dmitrovka, 6.
24. "Moscow theater "ET SETERA" under the direction of Alexander Kalyagin"
Address: Per. Frolov, 2.
25. "Moscow theater under the direction of O. Tabakov"
Address: st. Chaplygina, 1a, building 1.

1 .Museum Association "Museum of Moscow". architectural complex
"Provision stores"
Address: Zubovsky Boulevard, 2.
2. The chambers of the old English court
Address: st. Varvarka, 4a.
3 .Museum of Archeology of Moscow
Address: Manezhnaya Square, 1a
4 .Museum of Russian estate culture "Manor of Princes Golitsyns"
Address: Poplar alley, 6, Starye Kuzminki, 13.
5 .Museum Lefortovo
Address: Kryukovskaya st., 23.
6 .Museum of Russian harmonic A.Mireka
Address: st. 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 18.
7. Panorama Museum "Battle of Borodino"
Address: Kutuzovsky prospekt, 38
8. Museum of Heroes Soviet Union(branch of the Panorama Museum "Borodino
Address: st. B. Cheremushkinskaya 24, building 3
9. State Museum of Defense of Moscow
Address: Michurinsky prospect, 3
10. State Zelenograd Museum of History and Local Lore
Address: Zelenograd, st. Gogol, 11-B
11. Museum of Gulag History
Address: st. Petrovka, 16
12. memorial museum astronautics
Address: Prospekt Mira, 111.
13. Memorial house-museum of Academician S.P. Korolev - a branch of the Memorial
Museum of Cosmonautics
Address: 1st Ostankinskaya st., 28.
14. Museum and Memorial Complex of History Navy Russia
Address: North Tushino Park, st. Freedom, possession 44-48.
15. Museum complex "History of the T-34 tank"
Address: Moscow region, Sholokhovo, 88-a
16. State Historical-Architectural, Artistic and Landscape
Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"
Address: st. Dolskaya, d.1.
17. Manor "Kolomenskoye" (Moscow State United

Address: Andropov Avenue, 39
18. Estate "Lefortovo" (Moscow State United
Art Historical-Architectural and Natural-Landscape Museum-
Address: st. Krasnokazarmennaya, possession 1.
19. Manor "Lublino". (Moscow State United
Art Historical-Architectural and Natural-Landscape Museum-
Address: st. Summer, house 1, bldg. one.
20. The estate "Izmailovo" (Moscow State United
Art Historical-Architectural and Natural-Landscape Museum-
Address: town them. Bauman, d. 1, p. 4 (Mostovaya tower).
21. The State Museum of Ceramics and the Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century
Address: st. Youth, d. 2.
22. MGVZ "New Manege" (Moscow Museum and Exhibition Association
Address: Georgievsky per., 3/3.
23. Museum and Exhibition Center "Worker and Kolkhoz Woman" (Moscow
Museum and Exhibition Association "Capital")
Address: Prospect Mira 123 b.
24. Museum - workshop of D.A. Nalbandyan (Moscow Museum and Exhibition
Association "Capital")
Address: Tverskaya st., 8, bldg. 2.
25. Exhibition Hall "Chekhov's House" (Moscow Museum and Exhibition
Association "Capital")
Address: st. Malaya Dmitrovka, 29, building 4.
26. Moscow Museum of Modern Art
Addresses: st. Petrovka, 25, building 1, st. Ermolaevsky lane, 17,
Tverskoy boulevard, 9, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 15, Gogolevsky boulevard, 10.
27 . Museum of Naive Art
Address: Union Avenue, 15-a.
Moscow House of Photography
Address: Ostozhenka st., 16.
28 . Moscow State Art Gallery of the People's Artist of the USSR
Ilya Glazunov
Address: st. Volkhonka, 13.
29. Moscow State Art Gallery of the People's Artist of the USSR
A.M. Shilov
Address: st. Znamenka, d. 5.
30. Moscow State Museum "Burganov's House"
Address: B. Afanasevsky lane, 15, building 9.
31. Moscow Association "Museon"
Address: Krymsky Val, 10.
32. Museum of V. A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time
Address: Shchetininsky lane, 10, building 1.
33. Moscow State Museum of Vadim Sidur
Address: st. Novogireevskaya, 37, str. 2.
34. Memorial apartment of A.S. Pushkin (State Museum of A.S.
Address: st. Arbat d.53.
35. Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely (State Museum of A.S.
Address: st. Arbat d.55.
36. Exhibition halls of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (State
Museum of A.S. Pushkin)
Address: st. Arbat d.55.
37 .Museum of I. S. Turgenev (State Museum of A. S. Pushkin)
Address: st. Ostozhenka, 37.
38. House of N. V. Gogol - memorial museum and scientific library
Address: Nikitsky Boulevard, 7a.
39. State Cultural Center-Museum of V.S. Vysotsky
Address: N. Tagansky dead end, 3.
40. State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky
Address: Lubyansky proezd, 3/6.
41. State Museum - Humanitarian Center "Overcoming" them.
N.A. Ostrovsky
Address: st. Tverskaya, 14.
42. House Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva
Address: Borisoglebsky lane, 6.
43. Moscow Literary Museum Center K.G. Paustovsky
Address: st. Old Kuzminki, 17.
44. Moscow State Museum of S.A. Yesenin
Address: B. Strochenovsky lane, 24.
45. Memorial Museum of A.N.Scriabin
Address: B. Nikolopeskovskiy lane, 11.
46. State Darwin Museum
Address: st. Vavilov, d.57.
47. State Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazeva
Address: st. M. Gruzinskaya, 15
48. M. A. Bulgakov Museum
Address: st. B. Sadovaya, 10, apt. fifty.
49. Museum of Local Lore "House on the Embankment"
Address: st. Serafimovich, d.2, sub.1.
50. House of the Russian Diaspora named after Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Address: Nizhnyaya Radishchevskaya st. D 2.
51. Museum of Folk Graphics
Address: M. Golovin per., 10.
52. Underground museum "Bunker-42"
Address: st.m. Taganskaya, 5th Kotelnichesky lane, house 11.
53. Moscow Butterfly House
Address: All-Russian Exhibition Center, pavilion No. 2.
54. Death Museum
Address: Novy Arbat, 15.
55. Chocolate Museum
Address: st. Lobachika d.1 p.1.
56. Museum of Industrial Culture,
Art. m. "Lyublino", st. District, 3A.
57. Memorial Museum of A.N. Scriabin
Address: B.Nikolopeskovsky per., 11.
58. Cosmonaut Training Center
Address: Star City, Moscow region, fixed-route taxi No. 380 from the Schelkovskaya metro station.

Moscow is many-sided and grandiose, each time it turns to the traveler in thousands of similar friend on the other side. There are multi-colored domes Orthodox churches side by side with monumental skyscrapers in the style of "Stalin's Empire". Wealthy estates of aristocratic families Russian Empire stand next to trendy restaurants and clubs, the glass skyscrapers of the business districts sparkle against the backdrop of the picturesque Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

In Moscow great amount cultural objects - more than 400 museums, about a thousand monuments, 130 theaters and dozens of concert halls. Most of the events of the social life of the country from prime ministers to international exhibitions take place in the capital. You need to come to Moscow for for a long time to feel the spirit and energy of this dynamic city.

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What to see and where to go in Moscow?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walks. Photos and a short description.

The most recognizable and visited places in Russian capital. The red towers of the Kremlin crowned with stars are an established brand, a symbol of Moscow. Since the 12th century, the Kremlin has served as a defensive structure; over the centuries, it has been repeatedly burned and rebuilt. Red Square has repeatedly become the site of important state events. It hosted public meetings, fairs, parades, and various cultural events.

The cathedral was founded by order of Ivan the Terrible as gratitude to the Lord for help in the capture of Kazan. Initially, the building had golden domes and walls red and white. After a fire in the 18th century, as a result of restoration, the temple was decorated in bright colors and now it towers over Red Square like a colorful gingerbread. The name was given in honor of the holy fool Basil the Blessed, who collected part of the money for the construction of the temple and transferred it to Ivan the Terrible.

Public space in the historical district of the capital of the same name. Construction was carried out in 2014-2017, after the demolition of the Rossiya Hotel located on this site. The park features 4 landscape zones Russia. The total number of trees planted is 752, bushes - about 7 thousand. AT different parts"Zaryadye" there are zones with an artificial microclimate. In 2018, a concert hall was opened in the park.

The business district of the capital, consisting of modern skyscrapers of futuristic design. The project is unique both for Russia and for the whole of Eastern Europe. The highest tower of the Federation complex reaches a height of 235 meters; proper names. Moscow City was nicknamed "Moscow Manhattan", the quarter was conceived as the Russian analogue of the London and New York business districts.

The Cathedral of Moscow, where the Patriarch conducts divine services. The temple was built in honor of the victory in Patriotic war 1812 according to the project of Konstantin Ton, the work lasted more than forty years. During Soviet times, the building was blown up, and the Palace of Soviets appeared in its place, and later, the Moskva pool. The cathedral was rebuilt in 1994-1997. and now has the maximum external resemblance to the original.

oldest convent capital Cities. According to legend, it stands on the spot where, during the reign of the Golden Horde, girls were selected to be sent into slavery. The monastery was founded in 1524 Basil III. Subsequently, many royal persons, as well as girls from princely and boyar families, took the tonsure in the monastery. Many came here against their will. In architectural terms, the monastery is a real fortress with powerful walls.

Temple of the 16th century on the banks of the Moskva River in the territory park complex in Kolomna. Presumably, the Italian architect Petrok Maly took part in the construction of the building. The church is one of the first samples of stone hipped temples in Russia. The structure was built in the form of an equal-ended cross with a 62-meter bell tower. The architecture of the temple is considered unique.

Main Catholic cathedral Moscow, built in the neo-Gothic style at the expense of the Polish community. The main buildings were erected at the beginning of the 20th century according to the project of F. O. Bogdanovich-Dvorzhetsky. The cathedral is a typical example of architecture Catholic churcheslancet arches, soaring figured towers, colored stained-glass windows. Organ music concerts and other cultural events are constantly held in the temple.

The palace and park ensemble, covering an area of ​​more than 100 hectares, is located in the south of the capital. All buildings were created in the 18th century in the pseudo-Gothic or Russian Gothic architectural style. Previously, the ensemble served as the royal residence. Today, the park houses exhibitions, museums, concert halls, greenhouses. Thanks to beautiful scenery, the Tsaritsyno ensemble has become a popular place for wedding photo shoots.

The wooden palace in Kolomenskoye Park, which belonged to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. It opened to the public in 2010. The building was founded in the 17th century, its appearance was conceived in such a way as to emphasize the power of the Russian state and the greatness of the tsar. The interior decoration was opulent and luxurious. Under Catherine II, the palace was dismantled, but it was previously made detailed drawings. According to these drawings, the complex was completely restored later.

An attraction of the New Age in the spirit of Russian architecture of the 17th century, a stylized residence of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The ensemble was built according to old sketches and drawings. The Kremlin appeared in 2007 near Partizanskaya metro station. There are craft shops, museums, taverns, a church on the territory. The Kremlin was designed by A.F. Ushakov as an attraction to attract tourists.

The mansion of the XVIII century, which belonged to the count family of Sheremetevs. The magnificent estate, surrounded by a landscaped park, was used for magnificent receptions, balls, festivities and theatrical performances. The museum on the territory of the complex exhibits one of the world's largest collections of ceramics. Exhibitions, concerts, festivities in old Russian traditions are constantly held in Kuskovo.

An architectural monument of the 17th century in the Tagansky district of the capital. Since 1991, it has been serving as a patriarchal residence. The Department for Youth Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church. The history of the place began in the 13th century. At first, a monastery was located here, and then the residence of higher clergy. Krutitsy Compound is a place where you can imagine what Moscow looked like in past centuries.

The main opera stage of the country and one of the best theaters in the world. The theater was built in 1825, but in 1853 the building burned down. Three years later, the Bolshoi was rebuilt. Large-scale reconstructions were carried out in 1886-1893, in 1958 and in 2005-2011. The monumental building of the theater is decorated with massive columns, interior decoration strikes with luxury. The crystal chandelier in the main auditorium deserves special attention.

An art museum with a rich collection, founded by the merchant family Tretyakov. In 1861, in his will, Pavel Tretyakov transferred the family gallery to the city and determined the amount of money for its maintenance. In 1893, the museum officially opened to the public. The Tretyakov Gallery is the largest (more than 180 thousand exhibits) collection of Russian painting, engraving, icon painting.

They are located in the same building on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin. The Armory has been functioning as a museum since 1806. Here are stored art and artifacts, both made in local workshops and donated by embassies of other countries. The Diamond Fund is an impressive exhibition of masterpieces of jewelry art. The best examples of the collection date back to the 18th-20th centuries. In addition, the exhibition presents gems and nuggets with a rich history.

It is located on Red Square and is one of the main metropolitan museums. In countless halls, collections covering all eras in Russian history from ancient times to the 20th century. Extensive expositions relating to the history of other states are also presented. The museum was founded by order of Alexander II in 1872. In 1990, the building was included in the UNESCO heritage list along with Red Square.

The circus was built in 1880 with the money of the merchant Danilov. From the very opening, the administration tried to invite only the best teams and attract more visitors to the performances. In 1996, in honor of the 75th artist Yu. Nikulin, the circus was given the name "Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard." Auditorium designed for 2,000 people, modern equipment is used during performances.

The museum gallery was opened in 1913. The basis of the collection was exhibits from the collection of the Cabinet of Fine Arts and Antiquities of Moscow University. Later, original samples of culture were acquired ancient egypt. During the 20th century, the museum developed and expanded, and now it contains about 700 exhibits. Various exhibitions of world-famous authors are constantly held in the halls.

Museum cold war located at a depth of 65 meters underground. The bunker was built in the middle of the 20th century, it was conceived as a completely autonomous shelter in case of a sudden nuclear strike. A supply of water and food was stored here for a long time. The entrance to the museum is a one and a half ton door, behind which a long staircase begins. Visitors can explore the interior of the bunker during a guided tour and watch a film about the Cold War.

Park complex with memorials, dedicated to Victory in WWII 1941-1945 Before construction began in 1987, the hill on Poklonnaya Hill was partially hidden. The park officially opened in 1995. The central monument is an obelisk crowned with a statue of the goddess Nike, 141.8 meters high. In 2009-2010 the Eternal Flame burned here, transferred for the period of reconstruction from the Alexander Garden.

Sparrow Hills are considered the main observation deck Moscow, overlooking the valley of the Moskva River, Luzhniki, Stalin's skyscrapers and Moscow City skyscrapers. Nearby is the building of Moscow State University. The park zone of Sparrow Hills is a great place for walking, cycling and rollerblading, jogging. Moscow bikers have been gathering near the observation deck for many years.

Opened in the 50s of the last century, it was rebuilt many times. The area exceeds 180 hectares. Hosted some events of the 1980 Olympics. In the 90s, it turned into a huge clothing market, which was liquidated by 2003. Now the complex consists of dozens of objects, including sports arena for 78 thousand seats, football fields, tennis courts, swimming pools and a golf academy. The final match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup was played at Luzhniki Stadium.

The largest subway in the territory former USSR. The first line was launched in 1935, it connected Sokolniki and Park Kultury. Currently, 15 lines have been laid with a length of almost 400 km. Of the 230 active stations, 48 ​​are recognized as objects cultural heritage Russia. The design of some metro halls resembles museums; there are guided tours, including night ones.

One of the oldest in Europe, it has been welcoming visitors since 1864. Currently, the zoo contains about 6 thousand individuals. They represent over a thousand animal species. The area is divided into themes. There are both open expositions and enclosures, as well as closed ones. Anyone can arrange guardianship of the animal they like, finance its maintenance and receive a number of privileges. The living symbol of the zoo is Samson the giraffe.

A large park area in the North-East of the capital with numerous exhibition pavilions, well-groomed alleys, fountains, cafes, concert venues. VDNKh is one of the most popular weekend getaways for citizens. Here you can visit an aquarium, a historical pavilion, innovative exhibitions, farmers' markets, a theater and even a "port" with a pool and a beach. There are many cyclists, roller skaters and other athletes at VDNKh.

The TV tower is another important symbol of the capital. The tower provides TV broadcasting to the whole of Russia, TV studios and offices of the main channels are located here. The building reaches a height of 540 meters. Ostankino tower built in the period 1963-1967, at that time it was considered the most tall building in Europe. For visitors, there are special excursions to the tower with a visit to the observation deck.

Arched gates on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, erected in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. The structure was built according to the project of the architect Beauvais in 1829-1834, later in 1936 the arch was dismantled. The reconstructed gate reappeared on the avenue only in 1968. The inscription on the top of the old structure glorified the deeds of Alexander I in Russian and Latin, the new inscription immortalized the feat of Russian soldiers in 1812.

Seven high-rise buildings built in the pompous "Stalinist Empire" style in the middle of the 20th century. These unique buildings as planned by the leader, they were supposed to symbolize the power and greatness of Moscow and the entire USSR. The buildings house the University of Moscow State University, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, hotels, residential apartments. AT Soviet times housing in these elite houses was distributed only to prominent scientists and statesmen.

It is located on Red Square and is one of its main attractions. The history of the building began in the 19th century with the opening of shopping arcades. Over the course of the 20th century, GUM gradually became the main and most coveted store in the country - all business travelers tend to get into it in order to purchase scarce goods. Nowadays, GUM is a territory of expensive boutiques, historical shops and author's showrooms.

The famous walking boulevard of the capital, where, surrounded by charming Moscow mansions of previous centuries, street performers perform and artists draw portraits. Focused on the Arbat a large number of souvenir shops, restaurants and small interesting museums. The street is included in the mandatory visiting program for foreign tourists, so here they can be seen in considerable numbers.

Small park in the city center popular place for walks at local residents. The garden was founded by entrepreneur and philanthropist Y. Shchukin in late XIX century. The last major renovation took place in the late 1990s. XX century. The park has three theaters and an open stage for summer concerts. In the warm season, festivals and various events are often held here, attracting many visitors.

A large area of ​​arts, located on the Crimean embankment. The art zone includes exhibitions under open sky, landscaped gardens, fountains, modern art objects and numerous walking paths. Krymskaya Embankment itself is a picturesque pedestrian area on the banks of the Moskva River, a cozy and romantic place that quickly gained popularity among tourists and Muscovites themselves.

Numerous art workshops, galleries, design studios, exhibition halls occupying the former building of the Krasny Oktyabr confectionery factory. This is a kind of bohemian center of the capital, where events are constantly taking place with the participation of the fashionable public and famous people. The red brick factory building itself is a classic example of industrial architecture of the early 20th century.

The park is located on the embankment of the Moscow River. AT last years the place has changed and has become a point of attraction for the advanced public. It constantly organizes events dedicated to the protection of the environment, vegetarian festivals, skateboarding competitions and other events. The park often becomes a venue for large-scale city holidays. In winter, a skating rink has been operating on the territory for several years.

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