Home Fertilizers India is a great budget travel destination. First time in India: five tips

India is a great budget travel destination. First time in India: five tips

For those who are not in the know, there are two news: bad and good.

  1. Citizens of the Russian Federation must obtain a visa.
  2. It is processed very quickly.

It is a completely legal situation when a person applies for permission to enter the country via the Internet, and the visa itself is stamped in the passport upon arrival.

Is it possible to enter the country without it?

By general rule, this cannot be done. But there is one exception: You can enter the state of Goa with a temporary permit, the validity period of which is no more than 15 days. The design features are as follows:

  1. Only tour operators have the right to obtain permission.
  2. It is necessary that there are at least 14 people in the group of travelers.

Upon arrival, foreigners hand over their passports to the migration authorities.

In general, it is not known what is better: quickly obtaining a tourist visa or telling the tour operator about your desire to obtain such a permit. Too many rules:

  • you need to wait for the group to be recruited;
  • you will have to give your passport to the representatives government agencies foreign country.

It's easier to spend some time studying the issue, loading necessary documents to the official website of the competent authorities and obtain a tourist visa for a fairly long period.

However, the type of entry permit mentioned is not the only one. It makes sense to consider everything possible types visas to India.

What types are there?

We can highlight:

  • Tourist.
  • Working.
  • Educational.
  • Business visa.
  • Transit.

Here we will also include electronic, although, strictly speaking, it does not apply to the above classification. All permit names reflect the purpose of coming to the country. And electronic is the way to obtain a visa.


This visa can be obtained for a period of up to 30 days. It can be issued by a tourist who is staying outside the territory of India in one of the following ways:

The validity period of the document cannot be extended. This is understandable. For a tourist, the above period is quite enough to see all the main attractions of the country. Exception: cases when a person needed health care, due to health reasons, he cannot leave for his homeland.

Attention: The visa begins to be valid immediately after its issuance. That is, it is advisable to complete the paperwork shortly before the scheduled departure date.

In some cases, there are chances to get a visa to India for several months. But a lot will be decided by what kind of person she is:

  • one-time;
  • double;
  • or multivisa.

As you might guess, the documents give the right to a different number of entries into the country. To obtain permission, you will need the following documents.

  1. A passport with at least two blank pages.
  2. A copy of this page of the same document containing the owner’s personal data.
  3. A copy of the main pages of the internal identity document.
  4. A completed application form in English (downloaded from the embassy’s official website).
  5. Two photographs: 3.5 by 4 cm.

Particular attention is paid to where the person will live in the country. Embassy staff should see:

  • travel company voucher;
  • round-trip plane tickets, hotel reservations;
  • an invitation from a resident of the country.

Indians know how and love to make money from tourism, so they do not create barriers for foreigners to enter. For example, a tourist will not need a certificate of his income. If you look at it, few people want to stay in the country forever - the rules there are too specific.


This is where things get a little more complicated. As the name suggests, it is issued to those who want to work in the country. Wherein The requirements for the candidate are quite serious:

The employer is required to:

  1. So that his company is truly Indian and not foreign.
  2. So that the employee receives at least 20 thousand dollars a year.

They will refuse to invite an employee if they plan to hire him for a position that can be filled by citizens of the country who are unemployed.

The following papers are added to the standard set of documents:

  • an employment agreement concluded between the parties;
  • an employer's petition containing justification for the need to attract a foreign worker;
  • documents confirming the fact that the company operates;
  • copies of education documents and papers indicating the presence of the necessary skills.

The state policy in this direction is clear: if a foreigner is attracted to work in the country, then he must be a real professional, who, in turn, must receive good money. Otherwise, the visa must be refused, and the company must hire local residents.


Issued, as the name suggests, to persons who want to receive education in the country. Important conditions apply:

  1. A foreigner cannot borrow budget place. From the point of view of national policy, it is fair: it is better to educate your citizen for free.
  2. For the first year of study, you must pay the fee in full at a time.
  3. The student must have $1,000 or more in their account. This requirement is not imposed on tourists and workers. This is understandable: the first ones, having seen all the most interesting things, will quickly leave, the second ones will earn their living. Students are another matter. They are not paid for their studies. Vice versa. Working and studying is difficult. Therefore, if a foreigner decides to get an Indian education, then he must prove that he will not die of hunger.

The following papers are added to the standard package of documents:

  • a letter stating that a foreigner has the right to study at a certain university;
  • a certificate stating that at least one year of study has already been paid for;
  • a certificate informing about the amount of funds he has in his account.


A business visa is issued in cases where a foreigner needs to:

The reason for the need to obtain an entry permit is studied in detail by embassy representatives and, accordingly, they make one of the decisions: to authorize entry or to deny it.

The following papers will be needed:

  1. If there is a question about some kind of interaction with Indian companies, then you need to send two letters of petition to the embassy: from a Russian company and one that operates in an Asian state.
  2. If a person is engaged in entrepreneurial activity, then he needs to submit documents confirming this to the competent authorities.

It appears that It is not very difficult to obtain a business visa if the need to come to the country really exists.


It is necessary if the traveler’s route lies through India. To issue a permit to stay in the country for 72 hours, you must present:

  • air tickets;
  • other documents confirming the transit.

For example, sailors have to collect the following papers: a letter from an agent of one of the states, a certificate indicating the person’s position on the ship, and the like.


Again, as the name suggests, it is issued via the Internet. Bye, V in electronic format You can only apply for a tourist visa, which will be issued for a period of up to 30 days. There is no right of extension established. But you can receive the document again within 12 months.

Attention: The issue of issuing a business visa electronically is under consideration.

To obtain an electronic entry permit, you must:

The issue is usually considered within 3 days. But it is better to send documents in advance. Further, the applicant for email You will receive a corresponding permit, which you need to print out and take with you on your trip.

Are children required for the trip?

Hello friends!

It's winter outside, and right now the snow is falling in flakes. First winter at -10 in the last 3.5 years. It’s a little unusual, but it’s an opportunity to pull yourself together and do things that you didn’t have time for on the road. With this article I decided to unpack my Indian experience a little and talk about what it takes to travel independently in India without shock therapy.

writing about India with such pictures is just right

I have a total of more than a year behind me, spent within this wonderful country. Here's a small one. Read it, there are many cross-references to interesting materials:)

India is a country of victorious chaos. Written and unwritten rules here work on completely different planes, and more often than not they don’t work at all. Everything here is ruled by the Gods and the omnipresent mad Heart. There is a lot in common with the Russian mentality. The same belief in one’s own exclusivity, ingenuity and the ubiquity of chance.

Chaos and dirt are the main features of any Indian corner. But it's so cozy

Here it is very easy to “erase your personal history” and become “Nobody” (with a capital letter and in the full sense of the word). Get lost, dissolve and be reborn. Among the ancient shitty streets, cows and crazy ascetics with eyes red from hashish.

As my good friend once said: people go to India and Nepal to heal souls.

Where to start preparing for your trip?

By accepting the fact that most likely all your planning will go to hell. In India, the very concept of time is very vague. And if planes fly according to a completely usual schedule, then trains may be late for a day (I am not exaggerating!!!).

Delay of 4-5 hours railways India is considered normal. Therefore, always have some time to spare.

In a typical Indian sleeper

Travel planning

Despite the quite expected destruction of all the plans made, it is necessary to prepare for the trip. It’s worth starting with at least tickets and visas). And let reviews of travel in this wonderful country say otherwise)


It is possible to obtain long-term tourist visas for India, valid for up to 5 years (formally the law has been adopted, but I have not yet seen any real precedents). Most often you can get a visa for 3 or 6 months. If you ask hard, they can give you a double. The cost is about 100 dollars.

The main thing is that in the occupation column, do not indicate “photographer” or “journalist”. They don’t like them there :) For there is no point in trampling the holy land with your vision with a heap of dirt, shit and crippled beggars.

In addition, Russians can obtain an electronic visa valid for 2 months.

It is prohibited to work on a tourist visa, so if you suddenly want to get a job, this can be fraught with problems.


I recommend purchasing tickets, especially for trains and buses, in advance. 1-1.5 months before the trip. And if you can at least get tickets for buses even at the last moment, then for trains it very often happens that there are no tickets.

I have good friends who are involved in developing routes and buying tickets for Indian trains and buses. I recommend. They have more than 10 years of experience traveling around India and their approach to business is very professional. They will select tickets, connections and the optimal route.


Despite the huge number of accommodations in popular booking systems, you can get seriously burned. In India, the concept of “service quality” is very weak. Even in 3* hotels you may encounter dirty sheets and pubic hair in the pillows. Therefore, it is better to search locally, or negotiate on some places that have already been tested by others.

Cobra Whisperer

First aid kit

The stomach and immunity of the Russian person are poorly adapted to tropical climate conditions. In India, the phrase “Don't let yourself get sick” should sound like a mantra.

That's why compulsory subjects Your trip should include:

  1. Activated carbon
  2. Ointment for insect bites (I recommend “Rescuer”. It’s very helpful in relieving itching after any nasty thing)
  3. Pancreatin. Spicy food can hit the pancreas hard. And she, according to doctors, is practically not recovering.
  4. Furozolidone. A wonderful and cheap remedy for all types of intestinal infections.
  5. Sun cream.

It is useless to take any mosquito repellent sprays and ointments from home. They have no effect on Indian fauna at all. There are many grocery stores in India where you can easily buy these things.

It would be a good idea to have insurance for your trip. Only, as elsewhere in Asia, it does not cover possible injuries from riding scooters and motorcycles. Be vigilant and careful.

It happens that people ask about vaccinations before traveling. I have never done them, but if you are very worried about malaria or dengue fever, it is better to be safe. There are a lot of mosquitoes here. I once had an incident with a mosquito bite, after which I felt feverish for a long time.


If you plan to travel with cash, take dollars or euros. Exchange for rupees can be found in almost any tourist place: from to Kanyakumari.

There are a lot of “ascetic businessmen” here

I prefer to travel like a savage with bank cards. ATMs can be found even in remote villages, where such technical innovations seem completely surreal against the backdrop of hand mills.

The best way to withdraw money is from SBI (State Bank of India) and Canara bank ATMs. They don't charge a fee for cashing out.

Traditions you need to know to be safe

All of India is conservative and traditional. Therefore, in order not to suddenly find yourself in an uncomfortable (and even dangerous) position, you need to be vigilant and know some traditions.

For women

I will highlight this point especially, because sperm toxicosis in men in a society with suppressed sexuality reaches very dangerous forms.

  1. Be modest with local men. Politely, but without ingratiating smiles. Otherwise, it may be perceived as a signal of availability.
  2. Cover up your charms. Tight clothes and flashy makeup also send a “signal.”
  3. It is better to respond to attempts to shake your hand with a “nameste” bow with your hands folded at your chest.
  4. It is better to avoid large crowds of people.
  5. Taking a selfie with an Indian womanizer often results in your photo being posted on Facebook with the caption “me and my girlfriend.” This happens with enviable consistency, regardless of the state. Even more often, 1 selfie turns into a whole selfie session with everyone.

Of course, you shouldn’t fall into paranoia, but being on alert is useful.

The Buddhist regions of India are calmer in this regard: Sikkim.

For everyone else

In India, aggression is perceived as something very out of the ordinary. This is why our not-so-prosperous compatriots love to flaunt their “Indian victories”. Hindus simply fall into a stupor, which can sometimes lead to very dire situations.

Don't be fooled

India is the country of the winning heart. Here, since ancient times, they have learned to sweeten the outstretched ears of simpleton newcomers with grandeur. (here they are called “fresh chicken”: literally “fresh chicken”). Therefore, there will be constant attempts to deceive here. The good news is that 99% of such attempts are childishly naive and harmless.

It is better to relax immediately and even if a deception is discovered, maintain a cheerful mood. Consider this a game whose price is 50-100 rubles. Agree, it’s not a high price to pay for a new one most interesting experience).

Hindus, when you catch them cheating, most often break into a smile, shake their heads and say “ok”. Like, “it didn’t work and that’s okay.” It’s not even possible to be offended by them.

Divorce the Indian way in Varanasi

However, we must not lose our vigilance! It is possible and even necessary to be persistent. Just without aggression. The latter is not held in high esteem here at all. It is offensive and destructive.

The most common divorces are as follows:

  1. Taxi in Delhi. “Is this your first time in India?” If you answer in the affirmative, there will be an idea: “oh, your hotel burned down. But I know one thing very, very a good place" In general, they will take you to a place where the taxi driver will rely on a small magarych. The price will be quoted 2-3 times higher than the market price.
  2. “The roads are blocked and there are no places.” Another breeder as old as time, found mainly in Delhi. Usually the same taxi drivers to whom you tell that you are going somewhere north answer like this.
  3. Ear cleaners. Divorce is older than Mahabharata. Sometimes these comrades can, as if by chance, “completely free”, pull a horse out of your ear and half the chicken you ate in the morning. When I saw the cleaner operating in the ear of a cute white girl, I realized that this scam would live on for a very long time.
  4. Pressure for pity. “I have 5 children, and today I know business... please, give me the tips.” All in all, classic story service personnel: from rickshaw drivers to cafe waiters.
  5. Well, and another +100 of all sorts of minor scams.

Determining a scam is quite simple: if someone offers you their services “just like that,” most likely it is not free. This is very common in tourist places like Goa. I have never seen anything like this on the road or in the villages. On the contrary - only a sincere desire to help, as I was repeatedly convinced of during our and after, along the way

Many people dream of going to India on their own, but not everyone knows how to make it a reality. But you are lucky, you yourself will be able to visit this multifaceted country, see how Indians live, enjoy the beautiful landscapes, understand a little of the national flavor, and you can simply relax here.

Solo travel to India can be quite inexpensive compared to offers from travel agencies, and this type of vacation will bring many times more positive emotions and interesting acquaintances. In addition, “package trips” do not offer anything new, all their ideas are worn out to nothing: lie on the beach, visit one or two attractions, go to the most expensive market. A vacation “being your own boss” gives you much more freedom of action; it is a real adventure that will be remembered for a lifetime.

The territory of India is huge, each part of it differs in climatic conditions, infrastructure development, and population density. An important fact is that some states of the country have limited access for foreigners; in order to enter them, they must obtain additional permits. But even without these places there are places to go and things to see. For example, the most popular state among travelers and tourists, the best way suitable for a “European” type holiday, there is a huge amount of entertainment, hotels, beaches; in Goa they have long been accustomed to foreigners (after all, this is also former colony Portugal) and their behavior and customs, no one here will pay special attention to short shorts and bikinis, unlike residents of other states, clothing that covers most of the body is held in high esteem there. But in order to see the “real” India, with all its wealth and beauty, you just need to go to other states of the country. And now to the specifics of how to organize your own trip.


It is faster and more comfortable to get to India by plane. Of course, you can go by car or go by train, but this is for real daredevils who have a lot of free time and nerves of steel. For those who have a short vacation, this is not at all suitable. Therefore, it is better to fly rather than drive.

There are quite a lot of flights to India. Most of them depart from Moscow and St. Petersburg (for Russia), Kyiv and Lvov (for Ukraine), Minsk (for Belarus), but there are also flights from some large provincial cities to India, just not so many of them. Tickets to India cost from 300 € (flights with transfers, round trip), but, as a rule, cheap flights involve a longer flight. If you want to get to your holiday destination quickly, then take a direct flight; ticket prices start from 330 €.

The best way to buy tickets to India is on the website. This is a search engine that finds and compares tickets from different airlines and offers to purchase the most profitable one. Thanks to him, you will save a huge amount of time and money too. It will only take a few minutes to get your coveted ticket.

Calendar of low prices for air tickets

Check airfare prices:


Hotels in India most often do not differ in luxury, although there are exceptions. To find the hotel that suits you, you need to search for it on. Thanks to the advanced search with many criteria, you will quickly and easily select the right option. Each hotel has a description, a list of what is in the room, and most importantly, there are truthful reviews written by tourists and travelers who have already lived in this place. This service saved a lot of money and nerves, because... All the accommodations I have booked through Roomguru have been quality and as described.

If you have questions regarding the booking process itself, then read, thanks to which you can book your own accommodation in any country in the world, including India.

There is also the opportunity to rent an apartment or house, but this is not for everyone. There are both pros and cons to this way of living in foreign country, and the disadvantages for most travelers outweigh the advantages. But if you are still not afraid of the difficulties that often arise if you rent a house from a private owner in another country, then you can read, which says what renting a house abroad is.

Find a cheap hotel from Roomguru right now:


To travel around India, you will need a visa and a passport; it is advisable (but not necessary) to apply for one; it can save you several tens of thousands of dollars in case of health problems. If you go to India without insurance, and something happens on the spot, then you will have to pay exorbitant prices for treatment, so it is better to purchase insurance yourself; besides, it is very inexpensive.

You can apply for a visa either at the Indian Visa Center (there are ones in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Vladivostok) or via the Internet. Typically, the processing time for an application is 4 days. You will have to pay $60 for a visa.

Here is the list of documents required to obtain a visa:

  • A passport valid for more than 6 months at the time of visa application
  • A completed application form
  • Hotel reservation confirmation
  • Copy of round trip air tickets
  • Copy of internal passport

You can find out the latest information on the website of the Indian Embassy.


There are a lot of attractions in India. Let's not forget that this is a huge country with a rich history. In order to create a route for visiting attractions, you must first decide in which part of India you are going to vacation. You will always find where to go and what to see. I will list only the most popular places among travelers:

  • Taj Mahal
  • Bollywood
  • Fort Aguada
  • Mahabodhi Temple
  • Stupa in Sanchi
  • National Museum of Delhi
  • Hampi
  • Qutub Minar
  • Dudhsagar

Getting to attractions in different parts countries conveniently by car. A trip from one part of India to another will take several days, but the impressions will be enormous. You can rent a car at.

If your travel budget allows, you can use the services of domestic air carriers. The cheapest way would be to fly somewhere on a low-cost airline, of which there are quite a few in India.

Travel cost

An independent holiday in India can cost either 700 € or 70,000 €. It all depends on you, as you wish, so it will be. This is what’s good about “being your own boss” travel; you decide what’s best to spend your money on, where to fly and what to do. Let me give you an example of spending on an average holiday for two people (10 days, departure from Moscow, Goa resort):

  • Round trip flights = 900 €
  • Accommodation in a 3* hotel = 500 €
  • Food = 200 €
  • Transport = 50 €
  • Attractions = 50 €
  • Shopping = 250 €
  • Visa = 60 €
  • Insurance = 20 €

Total price: 1980 €. You can holiday in India and much cheaper. But some people prefer not to deny themselves anything and spend many times more. If you want to visit India for little money, then read the guide, which tells you how to travel around the world cheaply; these tips and recommendations also apply to India. Budget holidays are a reality.

How to save on travel

How to inexpensively relax on your own in India and not go wrong in comfort - that’s what this section is about. Knowing some of the features of a budget holiday as a savage, you can significantly reduce your costs.

You have learned how to relax in India on your own. Put your knowledge into practice, book a hotel and buy air tickets right now. Best wishes to you!

Today I have a special guest for me, since this citizen and I managed to work in the same office for almost five years. 🙂

And although we are diametrically opposed people in character, there was one topic that equally excited our imagination.

The conversation turned to distant countries and long roads, and it became scary that another ten years could pass, and we would still dream about travel and a free life, without doing anything for it.

So one day I made a decision, quit my job and for the umpteenth time started everything from scratch. Imagine my surprise when I found out a year later that my neighbor had followed the same unrighteous path. 🙂

And how – I’ve already managed to go to India, take on many challenges there and experience a lot of interesting adventures. I asked her to tell me how she came to such a life. I always wonder at what point the switch flips in people's heads.

Victor Kotovsky: First, tell us who you are, what you are interested in, what you do, etc.

Svetlana: I am glad to introduce myself to your readers, we have known each other for a long time. :) My name is Svetlana. I am an English teacher by training. By profession former manager in the field of ship supply. She worked in this field for about nine years.

Currently in free flight. I like to travel, play sports, read books, am interested in psychology, philosophy, self-knowledge, lead a healthy lifestyle, and practice yoga from time to time.

When I have inspiration, I take up soap making (I remember how you joked about this, remembering the movie “Fight Club”) :). In life, he is a cheerful and optimistic person.

VC: I already told you that I didn’t believe that you could change your life so dramatically. It turns out I was wrong, and that’s good. In my opinion, you have always been a normal, practical person, but do you remember the moment when you changed?

St: Fun question :). Yes, it seems that she remained a normal person, in her understanding of this norm. Although, if you take into account the reaction of others, then yes, it has become not entirely normal. (completely abnormal – Kotovsky’s note).

I think certain qualities are given to us by nature. But, as they say, you can’t escape nature. You can hide yourself behind a number of masks and not even realize that you are wearing them. Live not your own life. Not hearing yourself, not understanding your inner needs and desires.

Hence all the problems of our society, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, dissatisfaction with life. People stopped listening and understanding themselves. Society imposes certain frameworks, standards, and values. Only nature has no standards. She is who she is.

Years of working on myself, on understanding my desires, needs and true values ​​have done their job. Masks began to fall off, sensitivity appeared, the ability to hear one’s inner voice. To be honest, he sometimes surprises me.

I'll tell you a secret, I recently read it in my natal chart:

“Most people don’t know about your audacity, fury, “crazyness,” and even you yourself may not realize that you are capable of this. You try to restrain the unusual, inventive, impulsive side of your nature - or realize it only in your fantasies. You may have strange dreams."

VC: This is not a secret for me, remember, when we celebrated your birthday in Greece, I said that I see two dissimilar entities in you: one, which I really don’t like - sober and practical, and the second is much better - what is written in your natal chart (I have no idea what that is). Of course, he turned out to be right. 🙂

Okay, let's continue. Wasn't it scary to lose stability? And in general, how necessary is this stability in life?

St: It's scary to live without really living. Doing a job you don’t like every day. I lived in a comfort zone: a job five minutes from home, a stable salary, work machine, a good relationship with the bosses, a team that has already become family, vacation twice a year with trips abroad.

Everything would be fine, only last year I began to clearly feel that this was not my job in life, that it was time to take the first steps in my direction, start doing what you like, and not what you have to. And to whom, exactly, does he owe it? Colleagues, parents, society? Will you be happy with this?

She did not take any decisive action then. Only this year did I come to a point when an apathy that was unusual for me, a complete loss of energy and vitality, appeared in my life.

As soon as you came to work, some strange feeling of unbearability, lack of oxygen, pressure from the walls appeared...

VC: I think you were especially pressured by the poster with the classification of commercial fish, hung in our office a hundred years ago by no one knows who or why. 🙂

St: I think he put more pressure on you and Ruslan. After all, it was you who proposed replacing all the posters in the office with posters in the “Shame” genre :). And if it weren’t for my sobriety and practicality... :)

So, after my symptoms, losing stability was not scary. It was scary that I even brought myself to this state.

For myself, I clearly understood that there is no development in stability. It resembles life in a box, the walls of which over the years become overgrown with thick moss, fresh air and it’s already hard for sunlight to get inside. I really felt like I was in a box. Groundhog Day - day after day. Even vacations and trips abroad didn’t save me.

Such stability is definitely not needed!

VC: I completely agree, as soon as I got infected with this virus, I realized that it is extremely difficult to satisfy my desire for freedom during a standard vacation. When you look back, it turns out that you only lived for four weeks, and the rest of the time was like a black hole.

Regarding such a drastic change in lifestyle, was it difficult to go against public opinion? After all, your parents and loved ones probably didn’t expect such a maneuver from you. How to deal with this?

St: I won't say it was easy. In life, I try to avoid conflicts and disagreements; harmony at work, at home, and in relationships is very important to me. I respect other people's choices, even if I disagree with them.

Everyone has the right to freedom of choice. I had to defend the right to my freedom. My parents and loved ones made it clear to me that they did not support my decision. Frankly speaking, they simply did not understand me. They had their own expectations for me, their own vision of how my life should develop.

But if I chose to live according to someone else’s plan, I would give up myself, my individual path, which would lead to great disappointments. We forget that each person is an individual. It is impossible to fit everyone into one general template.

In particular difficult moments I even came up with a little poem:
To where the Soul persistently calls,
Where I return from is no longer the same.
Let the masks all fly off...
I want to Live, Breathe!!!
I have the right to freedom!!!

VC: Wow, you're already writing poetry?? I liked it, especially about the masks, how they fly off. 🙂

St: We can only give ourselves the right to freedom; no one keeps us on a leash or shackles us. The shackles are more in the head than in reality...

It turns out to be a struggle with oneself. There is a way out: stop fighting!

I believe that our reality is only a reflection of our inner world. Therefore, perception and life experience everyone has a different one. As soon as you defeat the internal enemy, external “enemies” disappear from your life, or simply stop bothering you.

VC: You said this very correctly - “reality is only a reflection of our inner world.” I try to promote this thesis on the pages of my website, because for me it works one hundred percent.

To be honest, don’t you think that you’re just having some kind of personality change now, and after a while you’ll be doing the same thing as before? Was losing stability worth it?

St: I have already said that in such stability there is no development, no life. I'm sure I'm going in the right direction. Indicators of this are happiness, joy, ease on the path, and the absence of the slightest fear of the future. And these are just my first steps. Plus, I noticed that such trips develop flexibility of thinking. This is definitely worth losing stability for.

VC: I believe that every two to three years it is necessary to change your job, environment, and perhaps even your occupation in life. You agree?

St: I agree that there is no need to resist the natural flow of life. And nothing is permanent in life.
There is no need to hold on to a job in which there is no more development, which does not bring pleasure. We must boldly meet changes, and then new opportunities will open up. Get out of the “box”, out of your comfort zone, don’t allow yourself to ossify in your beliefs, be flexible like children.

I don’t think there is a universal rule for everyone - change jobs every two to three years. Everything is individual.

VC: Reasonable. Tell us what books, films, personalities influenced your worldview.

St: I will not name specific names, especially since they are unknown to the general public. Some of them even left the Internet after completing their task.

I just want to say that we all influence each other to one degree or another.

You've probably noticed that when you meet a traveler on the road and exchange positive emotions with him, an incredible surge of energy occurs between you. Positivity literally multiplies. The same thing happens with negativity. The main thing is not to feed it with your energy.

It is important to surround yourself with people with positive intentions, with positive outlook for life. When focusing on bright sides In reality, the right people and the right books will come to life, someone will “accidentally” recommend a film that will find answers to current questions.

VC: Yes, it's true, they say that when the student is ready, a teacher will appear.

Why India? Perhaps it has something to do with your yoga practice?

St: I probably subconsciously developed a special attitude towards India as a child. When I was a child, my parents sent me to my grandmother for the summer in sunny Bashkiria, in a small town called Dyurtyuli.

Now I remember with a smile my little palm, in which my grandmother put a coin for the next ticket to the local cinema, where Indian films were shown on repeat. I still remember their names: “Zita and Gita”, “Dance, Dance”, “Disco Dancer” and many others. I grew up watching these films.

I don’t know why they were so popular in the USSR in the 80s. This question was asked to me by my new friend Mithun, the namesake of one of the most popular actors in India, Mithun Chakraborty (can you imagine, I remember his complex name from childhood).

I laughed for a long time when Mithun told me that he even had to delete his Facebook account due to the attack of Russian women who asked to be his friends in the thousands, apparently hoping that he was the same hero of Indian films.

At the very beginning of 2011, I “accidentally” (in quotes, because I am deeply convinced that nothing happens by chance in our World) met a girl, Natalya, while visiting. An incredibly powerful positive energy emanated from her.

She had just arrived from India and told the story of her adventures. Natalya said that she lived and worked as a volunteer in an international eco-community called Sadhana Forest, which is engaged in restoration tropical forest on highly eroded land in the vicinity of the city of Auroville, in southern India.

I remember how I bombarded her with questions. It was very interesting. As a farewell, Natasha scrawled the name of this place for me on a piece of paper. Afterwards, I visited the home page of this commune more than once, dreaming that one day I would find myself there. We never saw Natalya again.
So interesting, a couple of hours of communication with just now stranger, and the line of your life rushes in a new direction.

After this memorable meeting, I spontaneously gave up meat products (remember, I told you this amazing story). Then at the end of the same year I went to yoga. Last year I took a 3-day vegetarian nutrition course, where I finally fell in love with Indian cuisine.

VC: Now it is clear. What was the route?

St: Initially there was only one route – a trip to Sadhana Forest. The plan was to spend one month there. All preparations for the trip went smoothly and took less than a month. By luck, I received an email from a local travel agency about cheap flights to Delhi.

Another pleasant coincidence - a few days before booking air tickets, I learn about a 10-day meditation practice to cleanse the mind, I feel an internal impulse, quickly find the right center (just on the way to Sadhana Forest - another success), register, receive confirmation , I buy flight tickets, arrange insurance, and only then get a visa (here I took a risk, since time was running out).

I worked my last day on August 12, bought air tickets on the 20th, and on September 10 I was already sitting on the plane, comfortably seated in a seat, drinking tea and brownies. There were 40 days of travel ahead...

Flight Tallinn-Helsinki-Delhi, then immediately from Delhi to Chennai by local airlines.

10 days of voluntary confinement in a meditation center (Chennai city), and then out into nature: planting trees and spending the night in a bungalow.

VC: Great! I always say that when you want something, the whole world comes to meet you halfway!

Going to India, and even to the outback, alone, blonde... is this the question that all your loved ones asked you before the trip? 🙂 What’s really there?

St: In fact, it is quite safe there, but only in daytime days! When darkness falls, it is better for single ladies not to appear on the streets unaccompanied by a man. Sadhana Forest (SF) was constantly reminded of this.

There is even a separate “Safety & Healing” stand, on which, among other things, hangs a poster with tips on how to minimize the risk of sexual harassment from local population. Therefore, in the evenings we traveled outside the commune exclusively accompanied by men.

In India, the topic of sex is very repressed. Officially, Hindus are prohibited from having sex before marriage. You can't openly show feelings in public. And some men can only get married at the age of 21, 28 or even 30, having never before experienced the joy of intimacy. Just imagine how much suppressed sexual energy accumulates at this age. And not everyone can direct it in the right direction.

Therefore, when they see a pretty and lonely woman in the dark, they may not be able to resist.

VC: Yes, I worked in Scotland with Indians, they told me about such passions. However, these bans apply only in the provinces; my Hindu friend said that in big cities everything is already the same as with us - the decline of morals and debauchery. 🙂

By the way, is everything in India really as dirty and creepy as they show on TV? How are things going in terms of infection, disease and other troubles?

St: You know, during the entire trip I had some amazing inner feeling of comfort and purity. Nothing caused creepy or disgusting feelings. Still, this is a moment of perception.

From the first minutes I fell in love with this country, accepted it completely as it is, with noisy chaotic traffic, dirty streets and emotional people. I felt at home there, completely at ease, like a fish in water. I think that’s why not a single infection took hold of me. I'll give you a couple of examples of how this worked for other people.

1. Nikita from Latvia is a temporary volunteer at Sadhana Forest. Upon arrival in India, I packed my shoes in travel bag and didn’t bother her again before leaving. He returned home safe and healthy. An incredibly positive person!

2. During a 10-day meditation in Chennai, about five women caught intestinal infection, some of them went home without completing the course to the end.

The most interesting thing is that all the sick people were of Indian nationality.

We all ate simple Indian vegetarian food from a common pot. Everything was very tasty to me. I noticed that, despite the sudden change in diet, my stool did not change; there was not even the slightest symptom of food aversion, such as belching, heartburn or heaviness in the stomach.

On the last day, I shared my excitement about food with the other course participants. Indian women did not share my delight: some did not taste it at all, others even found it too spicy. They were just on the list of victims. There are many more similar examples that can be given.

The same thing happened with living creatures. Those who were afraid most of all saw snakes, scorpions and spiders everywhere. To my regret, I went home without ever seeing a snake, although I was close to my goal. At the meditation center, the girls saw a cobra in the bushes, when I approached them with enthusiasm, the snake had already crawled away. In Sadhana Forest there was the same story with some other snake in the bushes.

A week before departure, I found out that near the Sadana Forest chef’s bungalow, under a barrel, a whole family of large scorpions had been sitting in the morning. I ran to get my phone in hopes of taking a couple of photos. But even here I was unlucky - at the time of my return there was only a lonely baby scorpion sitting there, half the size of a matchbox.

There is only one conclusion: if you are terribly afraid of snakes, spiders and other living creatures, if you are inherently disgusted, then you better not go to India, otherwise all your attention will be focused on this. But if you still have a desire to go there, then it’s time to work on your fears in advance.

VC: I completely share your opinion. It was wonderfully said by Pelevin in “Chapaev and Emptiness”: ... fear always attracts exactly what you are afraid of. And if you are not afraid of anything, you become invisible. The best disguise is indifference. If you are truly indifferent, no one who could harm you will simply remember or think about you.

If we're talking about spirituality, tell us about this 10-day meditation. What was it for you - a test or something else?

St: It was a test of sorts, although I was sure in advance that I could pass it to the end. This simple technique called Vipassana has been benefiting people around the world for many years. There are centers in many countries, the closest to us are Finland, Latvia and Lithuania.

The purpose of meditation is deep cleansing the mind from negative thoughts, programs, fears, freeing the body from physical blocks and clamps.
As its creator himself says, it is beyond religion, people of different faiths, atheists, people who abuse alcohol and drugs, or simply those who want to free their minds from restless thoughts can try it on themselves.

The course itself is free. After completing the course, donations are accepted, the amount is optional.

To get on the course, you first need to familiarize yourself with an impressive list of rules that, at first glance, may confuse the average person.

Some of them:
— throughout the entire course it is mandatory to remain silent; you are not even allowed to use sign language or write notes to each other (every day at a specially designated time you can ask questions to the teachers);
- it is prohibited to use mobile phone, personal computer, make any notes, listen to music or read books;
— during the course it is prohibited to smoke, drink alcohol and bring your own food (the center provides 3 meals a day vegetarian food) and many other rules.
Rise at 4 am, bedtime at 9.30 pm. In between this, about 10 hours of meditation a day, sitting on the floor on a cushion with a straight back.

VC: Cool, as a lover of masochism in the form of cycling marathons, I’m already interested! 🙂

St: I had the feeling that I was in some kind of monastery. Silence, no phone, no internet, no pen, no notepad, no one to share your experience with, discuss the weather or complain about back pain. People surround you, but you cannot talk to them. Everyone works with themselves, immerses themselves in their own world, lives his pain.

The meditation itself is simple. At the initial preparatory stage Students observe their breathing for about four days. At the same time, attention becomes sharp and concentrated.

Afterwards, Vipassana itself begins - with this laser-sharp attention, students go over all parts of the body, from the top of the head to the toes, observing the sensations on its surface. At the same time, it is important to simply observe, without judging pleasant or unpleasant sensations.

I will say that there were a lot of sensations. If the first day seemed easy to me, not counting Goenka’s chants (I’ll tell you separately later), then on the second day my back began to ache wildly, and shooting pain appeared in my knees.

The mind was constantly broadcasting something: for some reason he sang Talkov’s songs (“you migrant, looking for happiness on the way...” Probably about me :) then he was arguing with someone.

A flood of memories popped up in my head, some of them not very pleasant. This went on for several days. Over time, the mind calmed down more and more, and the most interesting thing was that the pain in the body went away, lightness and pleasant murmurs (energy flow) appeared in the body.

Goenka's chants are a separate topic. Each morning meditation ended with a 30-minute, may Goenka forgive me, bleating, it was difficult to call it anything else. I already considered myself a tolerant person, but here there is a direct provocation.

Just like in that film, “the torture with oranges lasted for three hours,” so here, we were tortured with Goenka’s songs. Why do I say us? As it turned out, at first, to put it mildly, it was unpleasant for everyone to listen to this.

“What the fuck am I even doing here?” - one of the most memorable reactions of a familiar fighter who completed the course. To be honest, this was the only situation of my rejection in India.

In the evenings we were shown recordings of Goenka’s conversations, where he explained the intricacies of the technique, warned about upcoming difficulties, told interesting stories and shared his wisdom.

After you see this charming, sincere, kind and wise man(by the way, with a wonderful sense of humor) on the screen, you perceive his songs in a completely different way.

Around the third time, the irritation had completely gone away. Then I even found pleasant and melodic moments for myself. On the last day, many even bought a CD with the recording. 🙂

In general, I will say that there are definitely benefits from meditation. In addition to the fact that my mind became even calmer and more balanced, I managed to get rid of pain in the middle of my back (it used to bother me often, especially when preparing food or washing dishes).

Some deep-seated fears are gone. Subsequently, I even decided to learn how to drive a moped, although previously for some reason I was terrified of fast two-wheeled vehicles.

VC: Should we hope that you will someday change your mind about the bicycle? 🙂

St: Quite possible. I'm already on my way to this. Moreover, in Estonia we have all the conditions for cyclists.

VC: Well, now I'm calm. Where did you go after meditation?

St: After Vipassana, my course was to the city of Auroville (150 km from Chennai to the south). Initially, I planned to spend one night there in a guesthouse and in the morning go to Sadhana Forest (volunteers are accepted there certain days until 12.00).

The last day of meditation was significant. I met a French woman, Mary, who was also going to Auroville after Vipassana, and Greta (of Spanish-Swedish blood), who came from Auroville for meditation.

It was a pleasant surprise and I found wonderful company. Greta gave us a lot of advice and recommendations.

The next day at 7 am after breakfast we all had to leave the center. Mary and I collected our things, mapped out the route to the bus station and were almost ready to leave the center when a nice Indian woman approached us and offered to take us all the way to Auroville.

Two brothers came for her in a large air-conditioned jeep, loaded our things and drove us comfortably to Auroville. On the way, we stopped at a local restaurant for a bite to eat, where Mary and I weren’t even allowed to pay for ourselves.

“You are our guests and we are very pleased,” said one of the brothers. They said goodbye to us like old people, good friends. It’s an indescribable feeling when a couple of hours of communication with strangers leaves such warm and bright memories.

After Vipassana, some miracles happened. One of the miracles was Mary herself. We stayed in Auroville in one guesthouse room and spent 5 days in the city. During my time with her, she told me so much amazing stories that sometimes the hair on my head moved.

I realized that miracles and pleasant surprises have been happening to her for about 4 years now, and if at first she was very surprised by this, now it has become the norm in her life.

At only 26 years old, she has already traveled half the world alone. I learned while traveling English language, made new friends, some of whom invite her to New York, with the provision of free apartments in Manhattan overlooking Central Park.

Mary told how several times in her life, when she found herself in dangerous places in the evening (in Argentina and somewhere else), she was surrounded by dogs and protected from passers-by by barking loudly.

Or how the ocean wave swallowed her clothes after she just thought it was time to replace them with new ones. Money was also surprisingly found for new purchases.

There were a lot, a lot interesting stories. If she finally decides to write a book, it will undoubtedly be a bestseller.
After meeting her, I was finally convinced of the power positive thinking. Mary has definitely given me even more optimism, courage and determination.

In Auroville, the most powerful experience was visiting the Matrimandir (meditation room). If it weren’t for Greta, with her picturesque story, we probably wouldn’t have gone there, since to get there, you need to get a pass in advance, which is free by the way.

The building itself looks big from the outside spaceship. At the entrance, visitors leave their shoes, put on snow-white socks and begin a slow ascent up a huge spiral staircase without steps, covered with a soft white carpet.

This brings to mind the song Led Zeppelin – Stairway to Heaven. It really feels like you are ascending to heaven.

After ascending, you find yourself in a huge white hall of a 12-corner shape with 12 columns. In the middle of the hall there is a spherical crystal (length = 70 cm), on which a single ray of sun falls from the very top of the dome and thus illuminates the space.

People sit around the perimeter of the hall on snow-white cushions facing the crystal, in which everyone sees themselves in an inverted image. I even shed a tear. I have never seen anything like this in my life. A feeling of some kind of touch of holiness, purity, harmony. The world around seems to freeze.

On this wonderful and bright note, I continued my journey. At this stage we said goodbye to Mary; everyone had their own plans. My path lay in Sadhana Forest.

At the time of my arrival in the commune, there were about 50 people there (out of season, usually the number of people is two to three times larger), of which 12 were children. Volunteers different ages from different countries World: USA, Canada, Colombia, India, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Korea and even Japan.

The people are incredibly interesting. All different professions: musicians, sound engineers, documentarians and anti-corruption fighters, environmentalists, journalists, DJs, doctors, nurses, etc.

The original goal of the project: restoration of tropical forest on highly eroded land in the vicinity of Auroville. The project itself has been successfully thriving for about 10 years.

In 2010, the founders opened a similar project in Haiti, just after the earthquake. At the moment, there are plans to open another project in Kenya.

The community follows a lifestyle that does not cause harm environment: instead of the usual body care chemicals, use ecological soap and dry herbal shampoo; dishes are washed with coconut fibers and ash (fibers remain after eating coconuts, and ash remains after cooking in stone ovens); Vinegar and iodine are used as disinfectants.

Electricity comes from solar panels and is consumed very economically.

To take a shower or wash clothes, you need to practice with a hand pump, and then carry buckets to the shower and laundry room. This is a great motivation to save water. 🙂

A separate topic is food. The community adheres to veganism. This means not only giving up meat and fish, but also any other animal products. Despite this, the food is very tasty and varied.

At this point in the story, many listeners usually experience internal outrage.

I will tell about myself. This was my first vegan experience. IN ordinary life I don’t only eat meat; other animal products, such as milk, butter, fish, honey, are actively included in my diet. I was wondering how I would feel on such a “strict diet”.
The food was digested quite easily and quickly, I ate almost for two. You won't go hungry there, you can always get a refill.

VC: I agree with you, even I, a kebab lover, liked Indian vegetarian food. 🙂

Sv: The children were delighted too. 🙂

Yes, and the most interesting thing is, despite the heat, physical labor and carrying buckets, I literally flew. There was so much energy in my body that it was sometimes difficult to fall asleep in the evening.

Volunteers who have been living there for several years now said that someone even got rid of eczema and cured allergies.

By the way, there are no refrigerators in the commune, and all vegetables and fruits are purchased from a local ecological farm. The diet also includes legumes, unprocessed rice, and various cereals.

A separate topic that particularly interested me was human waste.

As it turns out, nothing is wasted. And going to the toilet is an art! 🙂 There is a separate container for liquid and solid waste. If liquid waste is simply filled with water, then solid waste is covered with 2-3 cups of sawdust.

All residents of Sadhana Forest live in bungalows. For married couples and volunteers who come for a long period of time are allocated a separate forest house.

I spent the night in a shared bungalow on the first floor, only 60 centimeters from the ground, on which, I believe, active life was in full swing at night. You fall asleep to the sounds of nature: grasshoppers chirp in the grass, small chipmunks run along the inside of the roof, gently moving their soft paws.

When going to the toilet at night, a sleepy frog (about 200 grams) can accidentally crash into your leg, and a flying mouse can touch you with its wing.
In general, romance!

The morning begins with a pleasant awakening to the sounds of a guitar or song, no alarm clock. After the morning procedures, everyone gathers in a circle for exercise, a game or a song.

There are many types of work, you can always choose something to suit your taste, or if time allows you to have time to work in all places.
After the first shift, break for breakfast. After breakfast, the second shift begins, which ends with lunch.

Each shift is 2.5 hours of work. Only five hours of work per day, except Saturday and Sunday, plus 2 additional shifts during the week.
After one o'clock in the afternoon, if you don't have an extra shift, you're already free.

There is never a dull moment in your free time. You can sleep, read a book, surf the Internet, swim in a local mud pond, cool off in a cool pool, go to a neighboring village for tea, or to the city of Pondicherry to watch another Bollywood masterpiece without English subtitles (the most interesting thing is that everything is clear and without translation , and also a lot of fun).

In neighboring Auroville, free films with English subtitles are shown in the evenings.

At Sadhana Forest, volunteers often share their skills with others. Workshops are organized where they teach yoga, belly dancing, capoeira, pottery, etc.

Every Wednesday evening in the Open Stage commune, which is translated into open stage in English. It is usually very interesting and fun. Lots of improvisations, songs, games, acrobatic performances...

Life is in full swing! Almost every day new acquaintances, interesting events, warm and sincere conversations, joy and fun. There are not enough words to convey the atmosphere and energy of this place.

There are many guests at Sadhana Forest. Every Friday he comes from neighboring Auroville large group people who are given a tour of Sadhana Forest are told about the life of the commune, its goals and values. Then they show an eco-film, and after it they feed you dinner. And all this is free.
Neighboring schools and orphanages also come. Sometimes they even stay for a few days to live in a commune.

VC: You tell it so well that I even wanted to try...

By the way, how does the commune exist?

St: Sadhana Forest is a non-profit project that does not generate income. Upon arrival, volunteers pay for their own food for the duration of their stay in the community.

I paid 70 Euros for 3 weeks of living there, which is about 120 Euros per month. By Indian standards, this is a lot of money. I believe that part of them goes to purchase products, the rest for technical needs, as well as for the development of other projects. Donations are also accepted.

Volunteers who come there for a long period of time live there for free.

VC: Do you remember that we have said more than once that the most important thing in a journey is to catch your wave, a positive flow. Happened?

St: How did it turn out! The positivity was off the charts. It was some kind of explosion of happiness, freedom, jubilation. Every day was pleasantly surprising in its own way. In the evenings, however, it was difficult to fall asleep, I was overwhelmed with emotions. It seemed that we had known our new friends for many, many years. Everyone was surprised by this. The spirit of joy, harmony and comfort was literally in the air. Everyone was filled with happiness!

I understood for myself why my soul was so eager to go to India. There, besides everything else, a real miracle happened on the day of my departure (but history is silent about this :)).

VC: How much money will you need per day in India to travel using public transport?

St: India is still a very cheap country. And the further you are from tourist centers, the lower the prices. Let me give you some of them:
Room in a decent guesthouse: 6.13 Euro per night/single, 11.42 Euro/double.

Rent a moped: 0.71 Euro per day, gasoline for it: 0.95 Euro per liter.

Food: in a restaurant for local residents you can have a hearty meal for 0.50 Euro (without drinks), more expensive places dinner will cost 2-3 Euros (with juice or tea, this even includes ice cream). I'm talking about vegetarian food, which in India is very filling and nutritious.

On the street you can have a quick snack: drink a couple of glasses of tea (it’s very tasty there) and eat a couple of samosas (samosa is fried pie with vegetables) for only 0.26 Euro.

Tickets to public transport:
In Chennai, traveling by local bus around the city will cost approximately 0.15 Euro.
Traveling on a comfortable air-conditioned bus from Chennai to Pondicherry (150 km) cost me 2.14 Euros.

For travel by taxi or autorickshaw from Sadhana Forest to the neighboring city of Auroville (about 8 km), we paid about 3 Euros for everyone. Usually we gathered a company and divided the amount equally. But most often we went on mopeds, which is much more profitable.

The flight itself to Delhi from Tallinn and back cost me 515 Euros (I flew with Finnair, very comfortable). Plus 140 Euro for a flight from Delhi to Chennai and back (2,186 km one way). I bought a ticket in that direction for 60 Euros, and back for 80, but I think it can be cheaper if you buy it in advance.

VC: Do you think it is possible to use free services to find accommodation like Couchsurfing?

St: I myself only recently learned about this system. I've heard good things about it from travelers in India. I think this is a great opportunity for a budget holiday.

VC: Are you going to continue traveling? What are your plans?

St: Certainly! There are so many interesting places in the world that you want to visit. At the moment the number one desire is to visit South America: Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador.

VC: I believe that the road must be difficult in order to become part of your memories forever. Is there room for challenges, trials, difficulties in your travels? Or should everything be smooth and comfortable?

St: There is, of course, room for challenge and testing, without which travel would not be as vibrant. I judge from myself: the more difficulties and fears I overcome, the stronger I become, and accordingly, it is easier for me to move through life. But life is not always smooth and comfortable; our perception and attitude towards it is important.

VK: On my own behalf, I can only say that you are on the right path in my understanding, I wish you success in everything you dream of. It was very interesting to hear about your adventures, especially since they are very different from the usual “I went to Thailand.” 🙂

An airplane is the most realistic way to get to India from Russia. Most of The state borders of India run along the sea, while the other passes through inaccessible mountainous regions. In addition, there are political tensions on the borders with China and Bangladesh. It takes a long time to get there by sea. Besides, it's not at all safe. So, flight. This is where we will focus our choice. Largest quantity International flights arrive at Delhi and Mumbai, as well as Kolkata, Chennai and Bangalore. These airports serve the north-west, west coast, north-east, south-east coast, central and southern parts of the country respectively.

The price of air tickets to India depends on the season: the most expensive is from November to March, when the country has the “high season” and the weather is most comfortable. Prices decrease moderately between April and May and August and October. The best prices for flights are in June and July. By the way, in October-November, Indians from all over the world flock to their homeland to spend these days of Diwali with their families. That's why the cost of tickets is off the charts! Business, in general.

Tourists heading to Goa or the Kerala coast are recommended to contact a travel agency, where specialists will offer a ready-made tour package, including a charter flight along with accommodation. This is the most best option. But we must keep in mind that the Indian authorities have set a limit on the length of stay of tourists arriving on a charter flight - no more than 28 days. Moreover, the tourist is also obliged to fly away by charter.

Flights to India from most Russian cities are only possible with a transfer, so the average travel time is more than 10 hours. When flying directly from Moscow, for example, travel time is reduced by about 2 times, but the cost also increases proportionally!

Tourist routes along the “golden triangle” of Delhi - Jaipur - Agra in the north-west of the country begin in Delhi (New Delhi Airport). A round trip flight from Moscow with a transfer in Astana will cost approximately 24,000 rubles, and the journey will take from 10 to 12 hours. For comparison, Air India performs a direct flight in 6 hours, but the cost of a round-trip ticket is about 36,000 rubles.

Port Blair Airport is located in the Andaman Islands off the east coast of India. From Moscow you can fly here with Lufthansa together with Air India. With transfers in Frankfurt and Chennai, the flight takes as much as 35 hours, the cost of round-trip air tickets is 45,000 rubles.

Etihad Airways flies to Kolkata, a metropolis in northeastern India. With an intermediate stop in Abu Dhabi, you will spend 18-19 hours in flight, the ticket will cost about 35,000 rubles.

The same Etihad Airways flies to the city of Bangalore in the south of the country. 12-15 hours and you are there. The issue price is 26,000 rubles.

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