Home Berries Memory restoration in old age. How to improve memory and attention in adults - drugs, exercises, methods. Positive outlook on the world

Memory restoration in old age. How to improve memory and attention in adults - drugs, exercises, methods. Positive outlook on the world

After a certain age, almost all people experience memory deterioration; this process is natural and caused by the aging of the body.

But even now, when medicine and pharmacology are so well developed, doctors still cannot prevent a decrease in the excitability of nerve cells and loss of communication between neurons.

These are the reasons that cause memory problems. Very often the question arises: how to improve memory after 60 years, and whether it can be done at all.

Experts say that sclerosis develops gradually, since the human brain must have time to get used to such specific changes. Age-related sclerosis does not cause concern among doctors, since such a reaction after 60 years is normal and is most often caused by certain factors.

They are as follows:

  1. Decreased blood flow in the brain. Depletion of capillary walls, loss of vascular flexibility, cholesterol deposits - all this negatively affects blood circulation. Constant pressure surges are also not in the best possible way affect brain function.

Progressive multiple sclerosis– a serious obstacle to improving memory after 60 years. Therefore, concern for brain health should be taken even in middle age.

  1. Previous strokes and ischemic attacks contribute to rapid memory loss.
  2. Injury to brain matter. Various injuries, disruption of the integrity of blood vessels, meningitis and other diseases can cause unwanted complications. Even if the pathologies are well tolerated, it will still leave a negative imprint on the brain. Since the body's reserves run out in old age, these diseases can provoke rapid sclerosis in the future.
  3. Lack of vitamins and minerals (may be caused by improper absorption of incoming products).
  4. Improper metabolism due to dysfunction thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus and arthritis. With these diseases, the body begins to release toxins that disrupt the functioning of brain cells.
  5. Dysbacteriosis intestines.
  6. Dementia congenital or acquired.
  7. Alzheimer's disease. It develops after 70 years of age, but in medicine there are known cases of earlier onset. The patient begins to forget everything at a progressive rate. It is impossible to improve memory after 60 or 70 years with this pathology, since effective method no treatment has yet been developed.

Alzheimer's disease is a serious pathology, the progression of which can only be slowed down, including the use of means and methods of improving memory.

To improve memory or partially stop the progression of pathology, the body needs to provide healthy environmental conditions and avoid overexertion. Only in such an environment will the brain begin to function properly and recover.

Walking in the fresh air to improve memory

Improving memory after 60 yearsperhaps through weekly walking. Since fresh air improves blood circulation and saturates cells with oxygen, such a pastime will have a positive effect on the health of an elderly person and activate neurons in the brain.

The only thing to consider is You can take walks with medical permission and correctly calculate the load. As an alternative to walking, you can also bike, rollerblade or boat around the park.

Active and passive rest to improve memory

For pensioners who love an active lifestyle, It is recommended to go on picnics with friends and do gardening(not to the detriment of health).

Spending a long time in nature, fresh air, birds singing - all this will relax the brain and help it rest. Many people mistakenly assume that sitting in front of the TV or relaxing in the apartment will give the same effect, but this is not the case at all.

Foods that improve memory

Memory improvements after 60 yearscan be achievedHowthrough proper nutrition and diet. Thanks to numerous studies, scientists have found that the most useful for combating sclerosis are foods rich in omega-3 acids (most of them are found in fish).

Here are some products that older people should pay attention to:

Prohibited Products

1. Whole grains. Nutritionists have long been strongly recommending the introduction of various cereals and bran into the diet. Alcohol products. Alcoholic drinks negatively affect the body and brain even in youth. In old age, it is generally not recommended to get involved in them.
2. Nuts. Almost all types of nuts include vitamin E. Tocopherol not only has a positive effect on memory, but also prevents its further deterioration Abuse of tea and strong coffee
3. Fatty fish. Both river and sea fish strengthen nervous system. If you include fish in your diet from a young age, it will prevent the occurrence of many mental diseases Flour products (gingerbreads, cookies, cakes)
4. Blueberries. There is no need to rack your brains about how to improve memory after 60 years, because the answer has long been found. Blueberries are an amazing berry; they contain more vitamins and microelements than modern dietary supplements. If you eat 300 g of these berries every week, the work of the brain will be regulated, and the nervous system will work more stably. Another advantage of the product is that blueberries can improve vision in a few months. Semi-finished products and canned food
5. Fresh tomatoes, spinach and rosemary, pumpkin seeds– help support brain function

Brain training to improve memory

Not only proper nutrition, but also special training will help change the state of memory. This includes reading books, solving crosswords and puzzles, playing chess and dominoes.

Reading books to improve memory

Reading exciting books will not only help improve your memory, but also increase your concentration. Moderate reading has a positive effect on visual memory, helps improve motor skills, logical and associative thinking. To quickly achieve a positive result, you can retell the books you read to friends and relatives.

Solving puzzles and crosswords

If you get involved in crosswords and puzzles, it activates your brain processes. Such activities will force a person to analyze information and remember many facts. Solving crossword puzzles can also improve your concentration.

Learning poems by heart to improve memory

When trying to remember a text, a person will think and reflect to himself, the brain will begin to work more actively. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the loads should be moderate.

Playing music to improve memory

A few years ago, scientists proved that listening to classical music has a beneficial effect on the right hemisphere of the brain, while increasing concentration.

No matter how surprising it may be, but Listening to songs with words is an impetus for activating memorization, this is also due to the fact that a person is trying to perceive the lyrics of the song. Also, classical music is an excellent means of calming.

Medications to improve memory

When asked how to improve memory after 60 years, most experts advise taking pills, because it is this method that allows you to achieve improvements in the shortest possible time and at the same time the elderly person will not have to do anything. Modern medications not only adapt the brain to a large flow of information, but also maintain its performance.

Vitamins based on ginseng

Multivitamins have proven to be very good for strengthening memory., the main active ingredient of which is ginseng. Pills with the addition of this plant reduce excitability, reduce nervous and physical stress.

This complex effect prevents atrophy of the part of the brain responsible for memory. The most preferred are vitamins based on Asian or American ginseng. Another advantage of the complex is that it will strengthen the immune system and reduce the likelihood of colds.


These sublingual tablets have a very low price and relate to natural products. However, they are very effective and significantly improve brain performance.

Thanks to their unique composition, they have virtually no contraindications; even pregnant women and infants can take them. The tablet begins to act quickly, immediately after the components are absorbed. Among side effects– allergic reaction and drowsiness, but they occur extremely rarely.


The drug is prescribed only by a doctor and is sold by prescription. The tablets have a pronounced calming effect and are prescribed for anxiety and fear. They also help eliminate insomnia and improve memory.

Before taking it, you must read the instructions and find out all about the side effects. During medication treatment about 40% of patients experience headaches, skin rashes and nausea. In order not to suffer from poor memory in old age, you need to take care of your health from youth.

A healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet and a lack of stress will all help prevent the loss of neural connections in the brain. Of course, we shouldn’t forget about prevention; solving crossword puzzles and reading books will be excellent memory training.

Useful videos about improving memory after 60 years

In the video selection below you will find valuable additional tips on how to improve memory after 60 years and other important information:

I wish you good health and good mood every day!

The aging process often causes a decline in the ability to remember information. Brain activity gradually decreases, nerve cells become less excitable, and connections between neurons are disrupted. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse the aging process. However, there are ways to keep your mind clear even in old age. In this article, we will look at how to improve memory in older people.

What causes memory loss in older people?

Typically, absent-mindedness bad dream, deterioration of memory and attention occurs due to asthenic syndrome. Of course, age-related changes also have an impact on brain activity. Many people believe that it is impossible to improve memory performance in old age, however, this is not true. Many elderly people, who are well over 70-80 years old, manage to keep their minds clear and their memory strong.

Read the material on the topic: Sleep disturbance in older people

To understand how memory can be improved, it is necessary to understand the reasons that cause its deterioration. Let's list them:

    age-related changes;

    changes in brain vessels, tissues, organs;

    loss of vascular elasticity;

    reduction of the lumen between the walls of the vessels;

    the presence of minor hemorrhages in the brain;

    various infections;

    overwork, stress, depression;

    impaired metabolism;

    hormonal disbalance;

    lack of vitamins, minerals;

    malignant neoplasm;

  • changes in the functioning of one of the internal organs;


    diseases that cause memory impairment: endemic goiter, hypothyroidism, acromegaly, etc.;

    spending long periods of time watching TV;

    progressive dementia.

Most of the above reasons need to be treated under the supervision of a doctor. However, you can improve memory and concentration with the help of folk remedies, which, as a rule, produce a positive effect.

3 general rules for improving memory

Healthy Environment

Most effective way improve memory - create the necessary conditions for normal brain functioning. Therefore, you need to work and rest in a suitable environment.

Let's list what is needed to improve memory:

    do not overexert yourself physically and mentally during work;

    take rest breaks every day, week, year;

    walks on fresh air in the mornings/evenings.

Regular physical activity

To improve memory, older people need regular physical activity. Exercising stimulates blood circulation and supplies the brain with nutrients. Walking is also very useful.

Performing anaerobic exercises (running and strength training) helps older people improve their memory. By the way, the supervision of a coach is very important, given that we are talking about pensioners. Regular training improves the memory of the elderly if it is performed based on the age characteristics of the elderly, their medical history and current condition.

Proper nutrition

How to improve memory at home? Everything is very simple. It is important for a pensioner to follow a diet and consume only healthy foods.

To improve memory, older people need to ensure that their diet contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish. By the way, drinking blueberry juice has a positive effect on brain activity. Blueberries contain antioxidants, improve memory in the elderly and slow down the aging process.

Read material on the topic: Nutrition for the elderly

What memory-improving foods should older people eat:

    whole grains. Use wheat bran, sprouts, cereals helps improve memory for older people;

    nuts are rich in vitamin E, the regular use of which helps to improve memory functioning and prevent its deterioration;

    blueberry. How to improve memory and attention? The answer is simple. Eat blueberries and blueberry juice regularly. Such natural remedies that improve memory allow you to restore brain function and have a stimulating effect on mental processes;

    fish (fatty varieties) is rich in fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the nervous system. If you regularly consume foods that improve memory and brain function, for example, fish, you can prevent disruption of mental processes;

    black currant rich in vitamin C, the rich content of which can improve memory in older people;

    tomatoes contain lycopene, which can improve memory in older people and cope with dementia;

    dry vitamin breakfast contains a whole complex of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain. How to improve memory after 50 years? Regularly consume foods that help stimulate memory processes, for example, vitamin breakfasts;

    spinach, Broccoli is rich in vitamin K which helps improve memory in older people;

    sage. How to improve brain memory? If you add sage when cooking, your attention and concentration will gradually increase;

    rosemary. To improve memory, older people just need to inhale the aroma of rosemary;

    honey. Products that improve memory, for example, honey, have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect, enhance brain function;

    pumpkin seeds. To improve memory, older people are advised to eat a handful of pumpkin seeds daily.

10 tips on how an elderly person can independently improve their memory without medications

So, you can improve your memory and concentration by doing regular exercise, eating right, taking medications and vitamins.

In addition, the following tips will help strengthen brain function:

    Load up your memory. Try to engage in activities that force your brain to analyze information. Teach English language, decide logic problems, solve crossword puzzles. To improve memory and concentration, you need to regularly train yourself, that is, reflect, think, remember, etc.

    Necessarily stop work every hour for a short break. Get up, walk around, do some exercises. This will improve memory for older people who engage in mental work.

    Avoid stressful situations and worries which cause the death of nerve cells. By the way, to improve memory and concentration, you just need to get enough sleep.

    Use an organizer if you want to improve your memory. These days, anyone can buy a notepad. The choice is wide, and you will choose the one that suits your liking. To improve memory, older people need to plan their affairs and record important dates.

    Try to read more to improve memory and concentration. Reading promotes the development of motor and visual memory, the development of logical, associative, abstract thinking. Don't know how to improve your memory quickly? Just read works that you like and retell them.

    Pay attention to detail if you want to improve your memory. Brilliant people notice small details and remember them. To improve their memory, older people just need to learn to pay attention. Try to look at objects, clothes and visualize them with all the small details.

    Learn poetry by heart to improve memory. Surely you have a favorite poet. Start with that. Memorizing poems by heart improves memory and concentration. Plus, you'll have a good time.

    Learn to play one of the musical instruments or sing. Memorizing texts, notes, and mastering new information stimulates the brain, so you can improve memory and concentration.

    Think positively if you are looking to improve your memory. Alas, old man prone to depressive states. Tune in to a positive mood, because old age is by no means the end of life. How to improve memory and attention? Just be in a good mood.

    Master mnemonics. This is the science of simplifying memorization through associations. Such techniques can improve memory in older people.

What memory enhancing drugs can older people take?


This remedy has been known since Soviet times. It is used to improve memory in elderly people who suffer from amnesia and sclerosis. The drug improves and regulates metabolism, increases performance, relieves stress, anxiety, and eliminates insomnia.

Read material on the topic: Vitamins for older people

Glycine can also be prescribed to a person at a young age if he has suffered an injury, brain contusion, or concussion. If you suffer from nervous exhaustion and emotional fatigue, then this drug will help get rid of these unpleasant phenomena. Glycine has no contraindications for use, however, individual intolerance to one of the components in its composition is possible. Drugs that improve brain function and memory, such as glycine, in rare cases cause an allergic reaction, drowsiness and a feeling of “tinnitus”.


Intellan stimulates brain activity. It is prescribed for severe stress, depression, problems with concentration and attention. The drug helps improve memory in older people, but is sometimes prescribed to children if their development is slow. By the way, the medicine should not be taken at night due to the risk of insomnia.

Piracetam and phenotropil

The drugs piracetam and phenotropil, which improve blood circulation and activate metabolic processes, help older people improve their memory. Piracetam is used not only to improve memory. It is prescribed for diseases of the nervous system, atherosclerosis, and injuries. It can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, as it is possible that allergic reactions and exacerbations of heart disease may occur. The medicine is available in ampoules, capsules, granules, and tablets.

Phenotropil produces a psychostimulating effect. It helps improve memory and concentration, and should be taken in the first half of the day. Like other medicines that improve memory, phenotropil can cause side effects, for example, high blood pressure, insomnia.

Tanakan and phenibut

Tanakan and Phenibut are prescribed to adults if they need to improve their memory. Tanakan is prescribed for encephalopathy and mental impairment. Phenibut is recommended if the patient is worried about anxiety and irritability. Like other memory pills, they may cause side effects, for example, dizziness, itching, etc. These medications are contraindicated for gastritis, ulcers, and circulatory disorders.

What vitamins that improve memory are suitable for old age?

According to doctors, to improve memory, older people need to take vitamins containing ginseng, which is a nootropic plant origin. Vision is the most popular of the complexes, which can significantly improve memory. By the way, it is recommended to take it not only for pensioners, but also for those who are constantly engaged in mental work, for example, students and those who seek to improve memory and concentration.

Biotredin helps improve memory in older people due to its effect on the nervous system. Such memory enhancing drugs are also prescribed for depression and stress.

Vitrum Memory - effective remedy, which helps improve memory in older people. Such vitamins that improve memory are prescribed for poor eyesight, hearing, etc.

How to improve memory for older people using folk remedies

Now you know which drugs improve memory. However, folk remedies allow you to achieve equally lasting results.

Let's look at the basic recipes:

    infusion of pine buds. Pour boiling water (200 ml) into 2 tsp. kidneys, place on low heat and cover with a lid. After 10 minutes, remove from heat, cool and strain. To improve memory and concentration, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. infusion after meals;

    collection. Take motherwort herb (20 g), fragrant woodruff (20 g), blackberry leaf (25 g), mistletoe leaves (15 g), marsh cudweed(15 g), hawthorn fruit (10 g). Mix the ingredients, pour boiling water (1 l) over them. Brew the herbs for half an hour. To improve memory, older people need to drink 3-4 glasses of decoction per day;

    Chinese folk recipe , which will help improve memory and concentration. Eat 1 tsp. ground ginger per day;

    garlic tincture. Take a head of garlic, peel it, chop it finely and add oil (200 ml). Close the container and place in a dark place for three weeks. Strain. To improve memory, older people need to take garlic tincture before meals. Add one teaspoon of garlic “potion” to ¼ tsp. lemon juice. The recipe is not suitable for people suffering from infectious diseases or having diseased kidneys or stomach;

    mix carrot and beet juice(4:1) and drink daily;

    pour water into a container(250 ml), add 2 tsp. crushed red rowan bark. Boil for 10 minutes, leave for six hours, strain. This remedy helps improve memory and concentration. You need to take it 3 times a day, 1 tbsp.

As you can see, it is possible to improve memory using folk remedies, and recipes tested over generations often give amazing results.

For people over 60 years old, and in modern world There is a tendency towards a decrease in age-related indicators, and memory loss is characteristic. Moreover, amnesia progresses in a retrograde manner, that is, current events are forgotten, details and moments of life are gradually blurred reverse order and childhood memories and images last the longest. At the same time, if you do not train your memory, the process cannot be reversed and it will not be possible to restore the lost function.

Features of memory in older people

Memory loses its functions not only due to age-related characteristics of the brain, but also for a number of other reasons:

  • Narrowing of interests;
  • Weakening of attention due to uselessness;
  • Sedentary image life;
  • Disruption of various neural connections.

Since in old age people often do not work, sit at home and practically do not engage in mental activity, memory declines much more severely. Practice shows that retirees who continue to work retain many intellectual indicators for more high level.

Among the physiological reasons for memory deterioration at this age are:

  • Problems with blood supply to the brain;
  • Decrease in the number of nerve cells in the brain.

However, such disorders are strictly individual, since it is not so rare for a person to have an excellent memory in old age. Basically, these are people who, intentionally or not, constantly kept her stimulated.

  • First of all, you need to carefully monitor your own body, identify violations in a timely manner and immediately consult a doctor. Particularly dangerous are chronic diseases cardiovascular system, for example, atherosclerosis, which negatively affect memory.
  • Maintaining the required level of physical activity also affects brain function, so older people need exercise. It may not be as intense as compared to young people and must necessarily take into account all contraindications.
  • Proper nutrition plays an important role in improving memory. The brain needs a day a large number of glucose, the lack of which will adversely affect its work. To prevent or alleviate atherosclerosis, you should not eat foods containing a lot of cholesterol.
  • Suitable for memory training handmade, such as knitting or embroidery. In addition, a high level remains fine motor skills and attentiveness improves.
  • Walking in the fresh air helps improve oxygen supply to the brain, thereby maintaining its performance at a high level. Also, during walks, you can strain your memory, trying to remember in as much detail as possible the places you managed to visit.

Exercises to improve memory in old age

You also need to perform some simple steps to keep your memory in good shape.

  • Memory load. Few people know that such difficult things as learning a foreign language can be done in old age. Moreover, various loads of this kind help stimulate memory and help improve it.
  • Reading. While reading a book, we use many elements of brain activity, so literature is useful at any age. In order to further improve memory, you can retell to someone what you have read, trying to reproduce the images as clearly and in detail as possible.
  • An exercise to remember the features of an object that should be considered for some time will help improve your memory, after which you should try to reproduce its image in your head in as much detail as possible.
  • An excellent exercise is to memorize some poems or excerpts from books that, on occasion, can be recited to loved ones.
  • Singing. To develop memory, you can sing in a choir or on your own. In addition to having a pleasant time, many brain processes are trained, because you need to learn the text, hit the notes, remember the melody.

The main thing for older people is not to lose self-confidence and not to think that they can’t do something. After all, a person, no matter how old he is, is capable of anything. Therefore, even at 80 years old, you can maintain an excellent memory if you put a little effort into it.

Human memory... It, of course, should always be good. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. Today, many young and middle-aged people are concerned about medical forecasts that the disease of memory impairment begins at a fairly young age.

Naturally, many are interested in how to avoid it. After all, if you do nothing, you are not far from Alzheimer’s disease.

Memory training with exercises

T. Wujek’s book “Training the Mind” contains a lot of useful information in this direction. There's a lot given there good exercise for the preservation and development of intelligence. Moreover, the book is addressed not only to the elderly, but also to the young (in order to avoid subsequent “troubles in the head”).

At first glance, this is not so great difficult exercises may even seem primitive to some, but they provide the necessary gymnastics to the mind. If, of course, you do them regularly, not occasionally.

For example, quickly pronounce the letters of the alphabet in order, while giving a word for each letter. Or: read a poem, simultaneously naming the number of letters in each word; quickly pronounce 20 words for any letter of the alphabet with their numbering; in 5 minutes, compose as many phrases as possible with the selected word.

Of course, for some people it is much more interesting to read philosophical treatises, effortlessly making their way through the complex structure of phrases to their essence. It’s also like mental gymnastics. But psychotherapists find it less effective than those simple exercises. Because someone else’s philosophy is someone else’s: here you don’t have to invent anything yourself.

Solving crossword puzzles, playing chess and more are also recommended. The matter is also, of course, useful. But all this without systematic physical training of the body is half measures. Turns out, top scores are achieved only through the interrelation of mental and physical work.

In Volgograd, for example, there is a club where pensioners not only play musical instruments and chess, sing, recite poetry, stage one-act plays, but also learn a wide variety of dances and dance a lot. And this clearly benefits everyone. Medicine recognizes that such versatile activities stimulate the establishment of new connections between nerve cells in the brain, even the growth of the cells themselves. And, therefore, the risk of developing dementia is reduced.

Useful products for memory

Nutritionists also make a significant contribution to solving this problem. They openly state that the presence of aluminum in everyday life is considered one of the causes of memory loss and the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, the question is categorically posed: no products in foil! They propose closing the entrance to the house to processed cheese, sweets in shiny candy wrappers, beer in cans, yogurt, and cereal in appropriate packaging. Moreover, you should cancel all delicacies baked in foil.

Well, as for the products themselves to maintain brain activity, there is a wide choice. Main construction material clear memory - oatmeal, fish, meat, chicken, turkey, nuts. Dairy products - low-fat cottage cheese, milk (especially goat's), kefir. Eggs (especially the yolks) are healthy. You should always eat buckwheat, cabbage, legumes, carrots, green pea, sprouted grains. Never forget about fruits - watermelons, melons, apples, bananas, grapes.

There is an ancient way to keep memory fresh: the constant use of spices in food - ginger, cloves, black pepper, cinnamon. They stimulate capillary blood circulation, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, and improve memory. By the way, to improve it and mental abilities Avicenna recommended eating the above-mentioned spices, as well as nutmeg, cardamom and saffron.

How to strengthen memory with folk remedies

Of course, now there are many different medications, only they without folk remedies are half the battle. They were used from generation to generation, and they brought noticeable relief.

To activate brain function they did pillows made of dried wild garlic leaves. Now is her time. You can prepare wild garlic for future use by sowing new portions if you have your own garden. To enhance the effect, garlic seeds were added to the wild garlic. Everything was placed in a linen bag and used as a pillow. The essential oils of these plants have beneficial influence on the brain.

Already at the first signs of weakening memory in the old days in the villages brewed pine bark. Relatively young trees are suitable for this, but always with cones. The ground under the tree is usually strewn with this bark, just don’t be lazy, collect it.

Pine grows on sandy soil, and under it they often settle cowberry, blueberry, bearberry. When picking berries, it would be nice to take this bark to add it to any tea. The drink will be very aromatic and tasty. You can brew it in a thermos or in a kettle. Imperceptibly, not quickly, but memory will improve. However, you will have to drink the bark regularly. There is no need to rip it off the trunk, there is already plenty of it around.

Cleansing brain vessels - improving memory

The first action of “brain gymnastics” is cleaning all the vessels of the brain and the blood passing through them. To do this, in the morning (on an empty stomach) drink water with lemon juice and soda (200 ml), which will dissolve cholesterol deposits (plaques). The next day - a decoction of the same amount St. John's wort leaves, clover, oregano, currants, strawberries and linden flowers with viburnum-rowan jelly (spoon). Before lunch, drink juice from apples, cabbage or carrots (200 ml). During lunch and dinner you need to eat an onion or garlic clove, carrot or coleslaw with the addition of horseradish and parsley (you can serve a portion of buckwheat porridge), which play a cleansing role. You should drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid per day (water, compotes, juices, tea).

More thorough cleaning of the blood and blood vessels should be done annually.

For this purpose, the following composition is used:

  • 5 parts each – immortelle and mulberry;
  • 4 each - horsetail, chicory, hawthorn flowers;
  • 3 each – nettle, walnut leaves, sundew;
  • 2 each of flaxseeds and motherwort.

The composition (tablespoon) is poured with boiling water (glass), boiled for 5 minutes. A daily dose of 70 ml three times a day is carried out before food consumption (half an hour). The course is designed for a month.

Proven Memory Strengthening Recipes

It has long been known: memory weakens both from laziness of the mind and from its overstrain. Therefore, on especially difficult days it is worth maintaining your mental performance.

  1. For mental workers, especially when you have to work a lot, rosemary is very good. Two teaspoons. dry leaves (first crushed) are poured with boiling water (200 g), left under the lid until it cools down. Then they strain it and drink it in several doses.
  2. You should eat more prunes at breakfast every day. It prevents forgetfulness from developing.
  3. Ginseng stimulates memory. Its root (50 g) is kept in cold boiled (slightly sweetened) water for 4 hours. Next, it is crushed and poured with half a liter of vodka. Infusion is carried out in the dark for up to three weeks. One-time daily intake (10 ml) - before meals (half an hour), without drinking anything.
  4. For creative people whose work involves a lot of mental stress, figs are recommended - the fruit of the fig tree. They contain substances similar in composition to Aspirin, and therefore thin the blood, promote better cerebral blood supply, thereby encouraging the brain to work actively.
  5. Mental lethargy can also be treated with salty and sour foods: sauerkraut, pickled mushrooms, cucumbers...
  6. The director of the Dutch Institute of Memory and Age, Jellemera Jolles, claims that coffee perfectly restores memory. His experiments, of course, can hardly be called humane. He gave subjects drugs that temporarily impair memory and asked them to remember a list of words. No one could cope with this task satisfactorily. But after drinking a cup of coffee, things went much more successfully. So you don’t need to painfully remember the order of the numbers, but just brew some coffee, drink a cup – and phone number will come to mind.
  7. There is another method that is not suitable for everyone because of the risk of falling asleep. One to six glasses of alcohol per week reduces the possibility of memory lapses. Believers say that it is much safer to breathe in the aroma of incense. It is sold in church shops, in every church...
  8. Take two tablespoons of the flowering tops of hogweed, basil, and motherwort and pour a liter of boiling red wine. Wrap it up, leave it for two hours, strain it. Drink it in two days. Then the head is completely fine. But you can get by with a tincture of the same effect without alcohol.
  9. An ancient recipe that fully justifies its purpose. Regularly drink 40 ml of sage infusion twice a day. Prepare this way: crushed leaves (a tablespoon) are poured into 100 ml of boiling water. Infuse under a lid and a heating pad for about 15 minutes. This infusion is also good because it does not give side effects. A month of admission - a month of rest. And again preparation. There are three courses in total.
  10. A decoction of rowan bark (0.2 kg) in boiling water (half a liter). Cooking – 2 hours on low heat. Take before meals (25 drops).
  11. Elecampane tincture: 30 g of root – per half liter of vodka. The infusion is prepared for 40 days. Take before meals (25 drops).

These are measures to prevent and treat forgetfulness. This - a lot of work. But be that as it may, a rich life with a clear memory is much more interesting and easier than without it!

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Old age is often accompanied by memory deterioration.

This occurs due to a general age-related decrease in brain activity, decreased excitability of nerve cells, and disruption of connections between neurons. Unfortunately, aging is an irreversible process, but maintaining clarity of mind until old age is, for the most part, within our power. Let's talk about how to improve memory in old age. treatment of eye erosion with folk remedies

Healthy environmental conditions. It's simple - for good memory, healthy functioning of the brain is necessary, and for this, in turn, it is necessary to maintain healthy environmental conditions for work and rest every day. Namely:

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Regular physical activity. For good brain function, you need to have good blood circulation, for which it is important to exercise regularly and keep the muscles of your body in good shape. During runtime physical exercise blood circulation will improve, which means the brain will receive more nutrients. Walking is also beneficial. Anaerobic exercises are also useful, they include running and strength training. Taking into account your age, it is best to exercise under the supervision of a trainer; he will help you create a training program based on your state of health, age, experience and past illnesses.

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Proper nutrition. For good brain function you need to eat right. So scientists have found that the daily diet of an elderly person should contain omega-3 fatty acids (there are many of them in fish). Blueberry juice also has a positive effect on the brain. It is this berry that is most saturated with antioxidants. They have a beneficial effect on the body and slow down the degradation process. Glucose intake is also important. Doctors often prescribe special medications that contain high glucose levels to older patients. This component is necessary for the normal functioning of memory, but with age it becomes more difficult to absorb it from food, so it is better to take tablets. Nootropics also help improve blood circulation in the brain. But remember that any medications should only be prescribed by a doctor.

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Besides physical activity and special nutrition, what else can be done to improve memory in old age?

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It is important to load your memory. Studying a foreign language, solving logic problems, solving crosswords - everything that makes the “brains work”, that is, memorize, recall, think. Any activity where your head has to process a large amount of information will benefit your memory.

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While working, you need to take short breaks every hour. You can get up, walk around the room, and do some physical exercises. This way the brain will switch from one type of activity to another, and this will benefit its functioning.

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You should try to avoid stress and anxiety, as they lead to loss of nerve cells, which results in decreased attention and memory impairment. Chronic lack of sleep can also be considered stress for the body. For proper brain rest, it is very important to get a good night's sleep every day.

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An organizer can help age-old forgetfulness. Now available in stores big choice notepads of different sizes and colors. Any a person will find something to your liking. You can record everything in it important dates and plan things. It also allows you to “unload your head.”

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Reading books trains your memory well, since during reading not only visual memory works, but also motor memory, and logical, associative, and abstract thinking develops. But to improve memory, it is important not just to read, it is necessary to do it correctly, with a retelling of what you read, since most of all we train our memory at the time when we remember what we read! It is useful, while reading, to note the details of the characters of the main characters, their habits and the like. After reading the book, remember everything storylines. This kind of memory training will be beneficial.

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The peculiarity of all brilliant people is their attention to detail; when they meet a new person, they can immediately see many small details and remember them. Brilliant people are people with well-functioning heads, this is indisputable. Therefore, to improve memory in old age, you can adopt this technique of gifted minds and try to learn to be more attentive. To do this, you need to try to look at any object you have chosen very carefully, and noting the details of its appearance, then try to reproduce them in your memory. Get yourself one of these good habit.

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Eat useful exercise to improve memory at any age - memorize poetry. Choose any poet you are interested in and start studying all his works by heart. And then remember at any time.

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It has long been known that playing music has a beneficial effect on brain function. In old age, you can sing, alone or in a choir, or start learning to play some kind of instrument. musical instrument, or all of this at the same time. During rehearsals, memorizing texts, notes, mastering new things, the brain will receive a load, which will have a positive effect on the state of memory.

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Don't forget about psychology. Positive attitudes help you cope with any task. Older people are more susceptible to depression than anyone else, and it also leads to memory impairment. Attitudes such as: “I’m too old to learn new things”, “After 30 years (40, 50, etc.) I’m no longer fit for anything” and the like, not only lead to undermining self-esteem, but also indirectly lead to memory impairment. Therefore, it is important to set yourself up correctly. Believe that in old age life does not end, but only begins - the children have grown up, work has ended, there is a pension, you can live for your own pleasure!

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At any age, it will be useful to master the techniques of mnemonics (mnemonics) - the science of simplifying memorization by forming associations, replacing memorized objects and facts with familiar concepts and ideas.

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How to master the techniques of mnemonics, watch in the video broadcast of the magazine EXPERT Speaks “How to improve memory?”

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When my mother started having memory problems, we went to the doctor and he prescribed the drug Noben, saying that it nourishes the brain well, and that it can even reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, i.e. Very good drug. My mother took the course and said that the effect was very good, my memory became much better, and in general everything in my head fell into place. The doctor advised me to take a couple of courses a year, and my mother does just that.

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In old age, many people have memory problems, but it seems to me that this is not common among young people. In general, something strange is happening to me. Not only do I forget everything, but I also get terribly tired. Before, I went to the gym, and I immediately felt better. I run on the track and my strength appears and my head becomes fresher. And now it’s the other way around. I come to the gym and after half an hour I’m like a dead lemon.

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I am familiar with this, it was for this purpose that I started taking Noben, it affects the recovery and increase in sports activity, and the nootropic effect improves coordination of movements. Now I get less tired during training, and after it I still have the desire and strength to do other things.

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Trichomonas treatment with folk remedies Continued on my blog.

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10 tips to improve memory in old age

Old age is often accompanied by memory deterioration. This occurs due to a general age-related decrease in brain activity, decreased excitability of nerve cells, and disruption of connections between neurons. Unfortunately, aging is an irreversible process, but maintaining clarity of mind until old age is, for the most part, within our power. Let's talk about how to improve memory in old age.

General rules

Healthy environmental conditions. It's simple - for good memory, healthy functioning of the brain is necessary, and for this, in turn, it is necessary to maintain healthy environmental conditions for work and rest every day. Namely:

do NOT work to the point of physical or mental overstrain;

rest every day, every week, every year;

walk outside every day.

Regular physical activity. For good brain function, you need to have good blood circulation, for which it is important to exercise regularly and keep the muscles of your body in good shape. During exercise, blood circulation will improve, which means the brain will receive more nutrients. Walking is also beneficial. Anaerobic exercises are also beneficial, including running and strength training. Taking into account your age, it is best to exercise under the supervision of a trainer; he will help you create a training program based on your state of health, age, experience and past illnesses.

Proper nutrition. For good brain function you need to eat right. So scientists have found that the daily diet of an elderly person should contain omega-3 fatty acids (there are many of them in fish). Blueberry juice also has a positive effect on the brain. It is this berry that is most saturated with antioxidants. They have a beneficial effect on the body and slow down the degradation process. Glucose intake is also important. Doctors often prescribe special medications that contain high glucose levels to older patients. This component is necessary for the normal functioning of memory, but with age it becomes more difficult to absorb it from food, so it is better to take tablets. Nootropics also help improve blood circulation in the brain. But remember that any medications should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Tips on how to improve memory in old age

In addition to physical activity and special nutrition, what else can be done to improve memory in old age?

It is important to load your memory. Studying a foreign language, solving logic problems, solving crossword puzzles - everything that makes the “brains work”, that is, memorize, recall, think. Any activity where your head has to process a large amount of information will benefit your memory.

While working, you need to take short breaks every hour. You can get up, walk around the room, and do some physical exercises. This way the brain will switch from one type of activity to another, and this will benefit its functioning.

You should try to avoid stress and anxiety, as they lead to loss of nerve cells, which results in decreased attention and memory impairment. Chronic lack of sleep can also be considered stress for the body. For proper brain rest, it is very important to get a good night's sleep every day.

An organizer can help age-old forgetfulness. Nowadays, stores offer a large selection of notebooks of different sizes and colors. Everyone will find something to their liking. You can record all important dates and plan things in it. It also allows you to “unload your head.”

Reading books trains your memory well, since during reading not only visual memory works, but also motor memory, and logical, associative, and abstract thinking develops. But to improve memory, it is important not just to read, it is necessary to do it correctly, with a retelling of what you read, since most of all we train our memory at the time when we remember what we read! It is useful, while reading, to note the details of the characters of the main characters, their habits and the like. After reading the book, remember all the plot lines. This kind of memory training will be beneficial.

The peculiarity of all brilliant people is their attention to detail; when they meet a new person, they can immediately see many small details and remember them. Brilliant people are people with well-functioning heads, this is indisputable. Therefore, to improve memory in old age, you can adopt this technique of gifted minds and try to learn to be more attentive. To do this, you need to try to look at any object you have chosen very carefully, and noting the details of its appearance, then try to reproduce them in your memory. Get yourself such a useful habit.

There is a useful exercise for improving memory at any age - memorizing poetry. Choose any poet you are interested in and start studying all his works by heart. And then remember at any time.

It has long been known that playing music has a beneficial effect on brain function. In old age, you can sing, alone or in a choir, or start learning to play a musical instrument, or all of this at the same time. During rehearsals, memorizing texts, notes, mastering new things, the brain will receive a load, which will have a positive effect on the state of memory.

Don't forget about psychology. Positive attitudes help you cope with any task. Older people are more susceptible to depression than anyone else, and it also leads to memory impairment. Attitudes such as: “I’m too old to learn new things”, “After 30 years (40, 50, etc.) I’m no longer fit for anything” and the like, not only lead to undermining self-esteem, but also indirectly lead to memory impairment. Therefore, it is important to set yourself up correctly. Believe that in old age life does not end, but only begins - the children have grown up, work has ended, there is a pension, you can live for your own pleasure!

At any age, it will be useful to master the techniques of mnemonics (mnemonics) - the science of simplifying memorization by forming associations, replacing memorized objects and facts with familiar concepts and ideas.

How to master the techniques of mnemonics, watch in the video broadcast of the magazine EXPERT Speaks “How to improve memory?”

We often hear the phrase from older people: “Again, I forgot to do something, check, look...”. Many explain their forgetfulness by age - they consider memory deterioration, like old age, to be something inevitable and irreversible. But is it? Long-term research US scientists proved that normally an aging person should not experience difficulties in memory functioning. If there are any violations, then it is necessary to find out exactly what problem is affecting the deterioration and eliminate it.

In the “Prevention Center” about methods of solution and prevention different problems with health and will be regularly discussed by lecturers from the City Center for Medical Prevention, located on Italianskaya, 25.

After 60 years, memory function should be preserved. What does this require? Work systematically, constantly and regularly. Then there will be a 100% result. Confirmation is the story of the hundred-year-old nun Mary of one of the monasteries in France. Until her death, she was distinguished by high intelligence, was active, and led an active lifestyle. It was only after her death that it became clear that her brain was seriously affected by Alzheimer's disease.

That is, even if you have a disease, you can and should train your memory. There are three groups for this special exercises. The first group is aimed at improving blood supply to the brain. The second is for training attention. The third is memory.

Sing and dance

Exercises to improve cerebral circulation

Finger gymnastics. When you wake up in the morning, massage your fingers for three minutes. This exercise will help you finally wake up and cheer up.

"Rings". Pressure thumb alternately on each finger of the hand. Performed synchronously with both hands. It can be done several times a day when you feel tired.

Action with small objects. For children, this is playing with a constructor and putting together a mosaic. And adults have their own “mosaic”: women - collecting beads, buttons, men - sorting nails, screws, nuts. This also includes “sorting.” Pour a pack of rice or peas into a small deep bowl, immerse your hands in it and slowly sort through the grains or peas, like a rosary, when you watch TV or listen to the radio. It is wonderfully calming and relaxing. 5 - 10 minutes a day is enough.

Eye exercises. Keeping our head still, we move our eyes left and right, up and down and in a circle for 30 seconds. Thus, we also improve vision.

Improve not only blood supply to the brain, but also speech function will help singing. It is enough to perform 2-3 songs a day. There is no need to shout or sing “to yourself.” If you heard familiar songs on the radio, sing along loudly, don’t be shy.

Don't forget about the benefits physical education. There are two types of physical activity that have no contraindications - walking and dancing. Therefore, as a physical exercise, you can safely recommend dancing to the extent that you can afford. You can dance instead of exercise. 2-3 dances a day will provide you with not only the necessary physical activity, but also positive emotions. Dance with pleasure!

Music also plays a positive role. While doing household chores, listen to any of Mozart’s works in classical orchestral performance, and not in fashionable electronic arrangements. Breakfast with Mozart will provide you with a positive charge for the whole day! 20 minutes of such music therapy a day, and your brain becomes more receptive to information. Bach, Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi are also useful.

Chewing and blowing

French researchers, working with schoolchildren, discovered an amazing pattern: if students chew gum, they learn science better.

The beneficial properties of chewing are also relevant for older people. The number of chewing movements decreases significantly with age. Due to problems with the stomach and teeth, old people mostly switch to soft foods. Therefore, it is advisable for them to chew something hard every day after eating for 10 - 15 minutes: nuts, carrots, apples. Chewing gum is not suitable for this purpose.

It is worth doing breathing exercises regularly. For example, “let’s cool hot tea" We move our hand away from our lips by 30 cm, imagining that we have a saucer in our hand, and blow on it. We do 5 breathing movements, then a break of 30 seconds. We perform 5 such “blows”.

Another breathing exercise: take a half liter jar with boiled water and a cocktail straw. We inhale air through our nose and exhale into a tube lowered into the water. In this way we “gurgle” for 10 minutes a day. It should be noted that this is also an excellent prevention of viral infections.

Activating the brain hemispheres

Usually we do everything with our right hand - we write, type, throw a ball. For actions right hand answers left hemisphere brain, and the right one rests more often, since left hand we use it less often. Of course, unless you are left-handed. To activate it, try doing your usual things with your left hand - picking up a spoon, brushing your teeth, fastening buttons, writing, drawing. First, you should practice tracing and shading with your left hand. geometric figures- squares, circles, triangles.

Then we train with both hands at the same time to symmetrically trace the drawings with a pen, first in one direction, then in the other. You can trace imaginary figures in the air in this way. This is how we synchronize the work of the hemispheres.

Our brain quickly gets used to color, smell, shape, and stops being activated. To make it work, it is worth activating the olfactory receptors more often. Peel an orange - smell it. Inhale the aroma of coffee before drinking it. Essential oils work great. Just don’t forget to change the scents in the aroma lamp.

The training moment for visual analyzers is bright colors, household items, paintings. In old age, people are accustomed to dark, practical tones in clothing and furnishings. There is nothing for the eye to dwell on. Add some color to your everyday life: complement your outfit with a red scarf, buy colorful towels or oven mitts for the kitchen, hang bright curtains in the room.

Training attention and memory

As we age, we stop paying attention to our usual surroundings. It seems to us that we have already seen everything: “Why look at photographs and paintings on the wall, look at household members and furnishings, I already know everything.” Even on the way to work we don’t look around - everything is familiar. This is how we dull our attention.

To prevent it from dissipating, you need to train it. Try looking at an object carefully for a few minutes. Then close your eyes and imagine it in every detail.

Or take a proofreading test. Take any printed edition- book, newspaper, booklet, select one paragraph and cross out all the letters “e” in the text, and underline the letters “a”. Set the text aside and check it later. Normally, during a five-minute work there should be no more than 2-3 errors.

The “find 10 differences” and “walk through the maze” exercises are great for training attention. It is useful to solve fillwords, scanwords, and sudoku. But you can solve classic crossword puzzles purely for fun.

All these exercises do not require any physical, time or material costs. This is especially important for older people. You can do them casually, but there will definitely be benefits.

There are few ways to train your memory. The most effective thing in old age is learning foreign languages. But this process should be approached not because it is memory training - “I’ll just teach Japanese" It won't do any good. You definitely need motivation: “I’m going to Milan to listen to Italian opera. But I want to understand what they’re singing about.”

And the easiest way is retelling. Tell your friends recipes, news, performances, films. What matters is the fact of the retelling, and not the specific content. It’s also good when a friend reads the text, you retell it, and she/he listens. Both speech and content are important here.

At home, you can practice walking around the room with your eyes closed and picking up what you need by touch.

Laws of memorization

To remember information well, you need to know about some laws of memory.

Law of Information Significance: We ourselves divide all the information into groups - it is necessary, it is not necessary, it may be needed. We remember only what is really important.

Law of Motivation: if a person has a strong reason, a desire to remember this or that information, then its assimilation occurs without any problems. Find the benefits of memorization.

Law of activity: we remember especially well the knowledge that we use in our activities, and forget those that we do not use. Include information in the activity, work with it - write it down by hand, compare it, highlight something. This will significantly improve its memorization.

Law of Prior Knowledge: the more knowledge a person has on a certain topic, the better and faster the whole thing is remembered new information on her. Try to refresh your knowledge on the issue of interest. If you didn’t know anything about the topic, then you will remember the material worse.

Law of Interest: We should be interested in what we need to remember.

Law of tuning: for memorization, like for any other type of activity, you need to tune in, you need to prepare for it, at least one or two minutes. This stage of preparation can significantly improve the quality of memorization.

4. Tell us about significant event your life today to your girlfriend, friend, loved ones.

5. Solve at least one crossword or sudoku puzzle every day.

Announcement of classes in the lecture hall “University of Health”

March 24, 14:00 " Non-drug methods treatment of respiratory diseases”, in the second part in the “Culture and Health” section, a lesson on the topic “To the 100th anniversary of Alla Bayanova”

Inquiries by phone. 571- 65-01

Address: City Center for Medical Prevention - Italianskaya St., 25, lecture hall "University of Health". Inquiries by phone. 571- 65-01

Doctor Peter

You will need:


Naturally, people do not want to get sick, and the best method The cure for any disease is its prevention.

The first step towards preserving a person’s memory in old age is the timely maintenance of not only physical condition, and also intellectual processes, emotional sphere and state of mind.

Regular physical activity.

The body is connected to the brain by inseparable threads. Support physical activity an elderly person, so that there is no stagnation of blood circulation. Then more useful substances will enter the brain, and it will work at its full capacity.

Exercises for physical activity should be selected carefully and be sure to consult with your family doctor so as not to cause further harm.

Balanced diet.

For the full functioning of the brain, it is necessary that the body receives many useful substances and vitamins. For example, to improve memory, it is recommended to eat a handful every day walnuts or any seeds (sunflowers, pumpkin).

The diet should contain foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids; fish is especially rich in them.

Foods that contain large amounts of vitamins, as well as glucose, have a positive effect on brain function.

Focus on dried fruits, baked potatoes, dairy products and dark chocolate.

No stress and worries!

Stress at any age negatively affects the human body. For people in advanced stages of life, they can be fatal. Try to avoid unnecessary worries and worries.

Do not overload your nervous system in vain, may it serve you for a long time.

Learn poetry and read.

The process of memorizing poetry will not allow the memory of an elderly person to relax and will always keep it in good shape. It's like exercise for the brain. Also,

Reading any literature helps to activate all the resources of cognitive processes.

Play mind games.

Very often you can see how our beloved grandfathers gather in the yard for a game of chess or checkers. Know that these grandfathers are not at risk of senile sclerosis.

Intellectual games allow the brain to activate all its knowledge, actively process information, predict and develop thinking.

Crosswords and similar activities also contribute to this.

Getting to know something new.

New knowledge, new emotions have a beneficial effect on people, especially if a person is already retired and his circle of acquaintances and interests is very limited.

It is necessary that older people do not close themselves within four walls, but are active social subjects.

Study new areas of knowledge - languages, psychology, music.

Would you like to join clubs for creative activities?

Use traditional medicine.

Everyone's favorite blueberry is a very good healer not only of eye diseases, but also nourishes the body big amount vitamins and nutrients. Blueberries contain anthocyanidins, which strengthen the walls of thin capillaries and blood vessels.
Folk medicines based on clover, pine buds, elecampane and rowan relieve intracranial pressure, reduce noise and ringing in the ears, improve blood circulation and preserve memory.

Before using such medications, consult a herbal therapist or your doctor to calculate your intake rates. traditional medicines and selected the dosage and suitable medicinal plant just for you.


A study of the reflex connections of the human body led to the conclusion that rinsing the mouth for 5-10 minutes activates processes in the cerebral cortex, which has been repeatedly recorded on the encephalogram.

So by gargling you can force your brain to work and, thus, cognitive processes will be in active training mode.

It is very good if you gargle with sage decoction. This plant, in addition to antibacterial properties, also has the ability to improve the metabolism of the whole organism. So you can “kill two birds with one stone” with one blow.

Rejection of bad habits.

Bad habits This is a problem for all generations. It doesn’t matter whether a person is young or old, but it can be very difficult to completely give up alcohol and a couple of cigarettes.

If half a glass of red wine may not harm an elderly person, but only help, then drinking strong drinks, such as vodka, cognac, whiskey, beer and others contribute to the death of nerve cells and, accordingly, a deterioration in memory.

Nicotine clogs blood vessels and contributes to the formation of so-called barriers that do not allow blood to move freely throughout the body.



In conclusion, we will consider the reasons that lead to memory impairment.

1. Reduction of brain neurons.

As is known, nerve cells do not recover; the same thing happens with neurons in the human cerebral cortex. With age, there are fewer cells, the number of nerve connections decreases, and metabolism in neurons deteriorates. This leads to the fact that with age, difficulties arise in mastering new information.

2. Vascular diseases affect memory processes.

Such diseases include the common VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), hypertension, strokes, infectious diseases brain, etc.

3. A sedentary lifestyle, stress and emotional stress worsen the state of memory, both in young and old age.

4. A factor that significantly influences and is directly related to disorders of mnemonic processes in old age is hereditary predisposition.

We wish you to always remain sane and in clear memory.

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