Home Fertilizers Pig fish. Zodiac horoscope combined with Chinese: how does a Pisces man born in the year of the Pig behave? Characteristics of a Pisces-Pig woman in Love

Pig fish. Zodiac horoscope combined with Chinese: how does a Pisces man born in the year of the Pig behave? Characteristics of a Pisces-Pig woman in Love

Characteristics and compatibility of the Pisces-Pig man belongs to individuals with the most different types character.

Some representatives of this sign can be very responsible and serious, while others in their lifestyle are more reminiscent of free creators.


But, despite such polar descriptions of the characters of men born under the signs of Pisces and Pig, such individuals bring with them peace, kindness and responsiveness. They manage to make new acquaintances and get along in a team. And if there is slight tension in the company, then with the appearance of the Pisces-Pig the atmosphere becomes warm and relaxed. It is difficult to give an unambiguous description of the Pisces-Pig man, since representatives of this type, as a rule, have very different psychological portraits. Two of them stand out most clearly. One of the categories represents men born in the Pisces-Pig community as serious and responsible natures. They always worry about their loved ones and love to pamper their children and their significant other.

Often, with their excessive care or even guardianship, they corrupt them, not allowing them to take a step without advice and help. The second type of representatives of this zodiac type is the complete opposite of the first category. IN in this case freedom, independence from others is the main priority of the Pisces-Pig man. He resembles a free artist who has a subtle and sensitive soul. Such a nature is always busy only with itself, and, to be precise, with exploring the unknown depths of its own soul. Monotonous work and routine can completely ruin this creative personality Pisces-Pigs. In the end, he will begin to lead an inappropriate lifestyle, so he should do what his soul lies in - creativity.

Pisces-Pig men, no matter which type they belong to, are very open, straightforward and honest people. It is these qualities in them that attract the attention of others. His own opinion is very valuable for the Pisces-Pig, so he will defend his point of view by any means and maintain his image in the eyes of society. Any defeats and mistakes are very painful for him and often lead to depressive states. But, fortunately, such men have an unshakable belief in their own success and determination that does not allow them to completely give up.

Compatibility in love

At first love relationship with a Pisces-Pig man they resemble a real idyll: the partner actively shows attention and affection to his beloved, showing her his feelings. However, later find mutual language It will become more difficult with a representative of this sign. Discord in relationships can arise for several reasons. Pisces-Pig is not ready to give up leadership in a couple to a woman, and besides, he tends to impose his own opinion, which can already cause a crack in this love boat.

Excessively high demands on a partner can cause difficulties with the compatibility of a Pisces-Pig man in love. Not every girl can bear the pressure that he is used to putting on the people around him, so a man should look for a different approach to women if he wants to find a life partner. Short-term romances and affairs are not suitable for him: he is capable of deeper feelings and serious relationships.

Despite the pronounced leadership and high demands placed on him, the Pisces-Pig man proves himself to be an affectionate and caring partner. He will sincerely care about his beloved, trying to please all her desires. Such a man quickly becomes attached to his chosen one, so he can perceive a long separation very acutely. It is impossible not to notice that this representative has a very vulnerable soul, so a woman who has entered into a relationship with him should refrain from making caustic and offensive remarks about her partner.

Career and finance

The Pisces-Pig man is absolutely not a sociable person. He finds it difficult to work in a team, and even under someone else’s leadership. Execution of orders and adherence to a strict work schedule are not to the taste of representatives of this zodiac type, so most often they find themselves in business, opening their own business. These natural leaders tend to achieve great success in this field or become excellent leaders. They skillfully manage to coordinate the work of several people at once, motivate and guide the team in the right way. Moreover, Pisces-Pigs spend much less effort and time on all this than everyone else.

Love gives a person's life a certain meaning. This is especially understood by old people who have lived long life, have achieved a lot, but also lost something. The most valuable thing that remains in old age is relationships with loved ones. That's why it's so important to find your soulmate.

Characteristics of a Pisces – Pig man

Pisces man - Pig loves unusual cases. He is so drawn to adventure. Risk gives him adrenaline, which drives him through life. On top of that, his boyfriend has a very developed imagination. He comes up with adventures on his own. Not all of them end well. But that doesn't stop them. They are eager to fight again.

The guy of this zodiac sign is not afraid of anything. Even if he does not know how to sing, and he is asked, he will definitely agree to participate in the competition. The same goes for sports. The Pisces-Pig man always tries something new. From the available choice, he pays attention to what his intuition leads to. Even serious failures do not stop you on your way.

Because If a Pisces-Pig man takes part in various activities and does not sit at home, his likelihood of winning first place in life seriously increases. He beats his opponents with ease.

The character of the Pig-Pisces man is mostly positive. It is honest, open and straightforward person. Extroverts always attract people to them. Therefore, this guy has many friends and acquaintances. They value this very much; the opinions of the people around them are important to them. Therefore, a guy of this zodiac sign will do everything to improve his image in the eyes of his interlocutor in order to meet his expectations. If something goes wrong, a conflict or disagreement is brewing, then the Pisces man is the most upset. He takes any failure in life painfully. True, this happens very rarely. Such a purposeful and confident person generally wins.

The Pisces Pig man does not like to work as a subordinate. Therefore, this guy rarely gets along in a team. He doesn't like orders and can't handle schedules. Best work for him it is free swimming in the business sphere, when he decides what to do and how much to work. And it’s okay if you have to, so to speak, “plow” seven days a week. The main thing is that this guy decided so himself, and not someone forced him. His own decision inspires him, but someone else’s order immediately cuts off any initiative. He immediately loses not only his desire, but also his vital energy.

The Pisces Pig man is a born boss and coordinator. He knows how to unite people for the common good. In addition, he knows how to direct the work of the group so that its activities bring the highest results.

Compatibility in love between Pisces man and Pig man

The Pisces-Pig man builds his love relationships very well at the very beginning. Usually everything goes smoothly. People found each other, fell in love, meet each other and will live like this until the end of their days. However, it's not that simple. Gradually they get bored with everything. Each time, meetings with their beloved cease to please them. It’s already more difficult to communicate, because... Pisces man - Pig doesn’t know what to talk about.

Also, the guy of this sign always prefers to be a leader. This also applies to his relationships with girls. Therefore, representatives of such zodiac signs as Pig, Goat and Rabbit are compatible with him in love. But girls born in the year of the Snake, Ox and Rooster will not be able to obey them, because... and are not averse to leading themselves.

TO family relations these guys mean business. They not only understand responsibility, but also accept it. In their house perfect order. All equipment always works properly. You never need to call a professional. The guy of this zodiac sign knows how to repair everything well.

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The Pisces-Pig combination for a man turns out to be very successful, because such a person usually turns out to be caring and loving, but he also cannot avoid contradictions in his soul. What is the horoscope for Pig, and with what problems? this person encounters in life?

Character traits

The Pig horoscope can be very different, and personal characteristic such a person directly depends on his character traits. So, for example, a Pig man born under the sign of Pisces can be a very romantic nature, caring for the closest and most beloved people. Such a person adores his children and always tries to spend time with his family and friends. maximum amount time.

Under the shadow of this sign and in the year of the Pig, a completely different personality can be born. So, for example, a Pig-Pisces man can devote himself to creative professions. Sometimes such a person turns out to be a real master in the field of music or literary creativity. His constant wanderings through the nooks and crannies of his own fantasies ultimately lead to the fact that the Pig-Pisces man destroys friendships and love relationships with those who are truly close to him.

Usually such a person has problems with discipline, which causes certain troubles in his career and personal life. The Pig man also rarely develops relationships with his superiors, since he cannot obey anyone and always tries to show his independence. The uncontrollable desire to be free plays a cruel joke on the Pig man, forcing him to go through all the circles of loneliness.

Such a person almost always has abilities in the sciences, he learns easily and quickly, and he is interested in acquiring new knowledge. However, if a man suddenly reveals his own indifference to some subject, no forces in the world will force him to do well in this discipline. The constant desire for new knowledge makes the Pisces man, born in the year of the Pig, a very interesting interlocutor. However, due to the oddities of character, such a person has few friends.

All his life, the Pig man has been trying to decide what he wants: to earn a lot or engage in creative self-improvement. The Pig-Pisces spends many years in search of such a balance, but in the end it rarely achieves its goal. When realizing himself in the financial sphere, the Pig man rarely feels happy if at least the illusory nature of creativity is not present in his life.

In childhood, such boys turn out to be very obedient, they rarely break discipline, and they adore their parents. However, if any conflicts occur in the family, this destroys the Pig man from the inside, bringing to him not the most cheerful thoughts.

The Pig-Pisces man chooses for himself a profession that is as close as possible to creative activity, but at the same time generating good income. Such a person can become a photographer, a magazine editor, or an illustrator.

The Pig man's attitude towards family and marriage

Such a person usually values ​​family ties very much, and therefore tries with all his might to create a happy unit of society. The Pig man born under the sign of Pisces usually falls in love very easily, but also quickly becomes disappointed in his partner. In the opinion of such a man, his partner should be smart, share the views of the stronger sex and unquestioningly follow him in any endeavors. Of course, not all girls meet the requirements of the Pig man. That is why he either finds his ideal, or deviates from his own principles and chooses a partner who is far from his fantasies.

If a Pisces man finds his ideal, he is ready to do anything for his beloved. The romantic nature of this man will make him surprise the girl with gifts again and again, making her happy unexpected meetings. When a couple has children, the man completely loses control over his emotions.

The Pig man can safely be called the most caring and loving father on the planet. Sometimes his concern goes beyond all conceivable limits, and children begin to experience discomfort due to the parent’s attentiveness. This, in turn, causes quarrels between spouses.

In the event that a Pig man marries not according to Great love, but because his relatives or society need it, the union turns out to be less strong. Knowing that his partner does not understand him and does not appreciate him, the Pig man tries to spend as little time together as possible. Sometimes such a marriage is destroyed due to constant infidelities of both spouses. That is why the Pig, born under the sign of Pisces, should marry exclusively out of great love, otherwise it’s simple family happiness will be inaccessible to him.

To keep such a person in a relationship, you need to let go of the reins and not try to limit the Pig man. Perhaps he will sometimes show arrogance, but he will definitely appreciate his partner’s patience. It is also necessary to be interested in the creativity of the Pig man, his life views. By becoming a reliable friend and comrade for such a person, sharing all his interests, a woman will be able to tie her lover to her forever.

The Pig man in bed turns out to be a very passionate, but at the same time modest lover. Usually such a person prefers to have sex for love, putting his soul into the process of sexual intercourse itself. Sometimes the Pig man decides to have casual sexual relations, but they do not always bring him pleasure.

The Pisces woman, born in the year of the Pig, always fights for justice. She is one of those people who cannot pass by someone else's misfortune indifferently. Fish-Pig is ready to give last thing who really needs it.


The Pisces-Pig woman is an attractive, kind and sympathetic person who is ready to help everyone who needs it. She has a light and flexible character, thanks to which she is always surrounded by many friends and acquaintances. All the girls I know know that if trouble happens, she will be the first to come to the rescue.

The Pisces girl, born in the year of the Pig, is always in a pleasant mood. Thanks to her cheerful disposition, the girl easily makes new friends. No matter what happens in this life, Pisces-Pig tries to look at everything around him with optimism and sees only good things in everything. This woman is not at all afraid of difficulties. She easily takes on several things at the same time, and does not forget to help her loved ones. Pisces-Pig treats every business with great scrupulousness and responsibility. The girl completes all the things she starts. Therefore, if she promised to help, then be sure that she will fulfill everything 100%.

They say that girls are cunning and treacherous creatures. This statement has nothing to do with Pisces born in the year of the Pig. This girl amazingly combines only positive traits. There is not a drop of cunning, malice or deceit in her. In any situation, she treats people exclusively honestly and fairly.

The Pig woman, born under the zodiac sign Pisces, absolutely cannot stand conflict situations. She herself tries not to enter into any disputes, and if she feels that a conflict is looming, she avoids it by any means. If the Pisces-Pig understands that she or someone close to her has been undeservedly offended, then only in this case will she be ready to enter into an argument to prove that she is right. If the offender takes the first step towards her, she will instantly forgive him everything.

This one has ideal woman There are practically no shortcomings. Her lack of conflict and compliance can sometimes play a cruel joke on her. Therefore, it is precisely these qualities of the Pisces-Pig that can be noted as disadvantages. Sometimes she can be so soft and unsure of herself that she is even ready to give up her beloved guy to her friend.

Such self-sacrifice is a significant minus in the ideal character of this woman.

What kind of man does she need?

A Pisces woman, born in the year of the Pig, needs a kind and understanding man. Her chosen one must perceive the peculiarities of her character and calmly treat her outbursts of kindness towards other people. After all, the Pig-Fish can rush to the aid of a friend in the middle of the night or completely to a stranger. Therefore, a man must be prepared for this.

In addition, next to such a woman there should be honest man who will not deceive her, will not take advantage of her weakness and defenselessness. Pisces-Pig dreams of having a man next to her who will understand her perfectly and support her in all her endeavors, and will also sincerely love her.

Behavior in love and marriage

This woman does not show love great activity. On the contrary, he often behaves shyly and even withdrawn. Even if there is a Pisces-Pig long time be in a close relationship with her beloved man, she will still continue to be embarrassed by him and will not fully disclose her feelings.

As soon as a relationship begins between her and a man, she immediately begins to dream of a happy future together, about strong family and children. Pisces-Pig is used to idealizing all the men who sympathize with her. In addition, for the sake of her beloved, this woman will make any sacrifice. Some devious men sense this and act very dishonestly towards her. A Pisces born in the year of the Pig may well get involved with a marriage swindler or gigolo.

But even after the relationship ends tragically, this woman will still make excuses for the man and look for flaws in herself.

In marriage, Pisces-Pig will be able to show their best best qualities. She will try to surround her husband with care and tenderness. She will pamper him daily with culinary delights and maintain perfect cleanliness in the house. A Pig born under the sign of Pisces will treat children with special trepidation and love.

Career and business

A Pisces woman born in the year of the Pig may well achieve great heights in her career. Considering all the above qualities of her character, a person might think that this weak woman. But in fact, the Pig-Fish has a very strong and decisive character.

Often, for many representatives of this zodiac sign, career is the most important stage in their lives. Pisces-Pig is ready to devote everything to his favorite work free time. For this reason, Pisces women manage to do good career and achieve financial well-being. Many Pisces born in the year of the Pig decide to open their own business, and they do it very well. These women have many acquaintances in the most different areas who treat them warmly and are ready to help at the initial stage with their business.

The only thing that can stop the Pisces-Pig from doing successful career– this is her lack of self-confidence. But if a woman can overcome this fear, she will easily cope with the task.

It is also very important for her to have a person nearby who will be her support and support in any situation.


Strong union in a Pisces-Pig woman it is possible with a man who was born under the sign of Pisces. This man will understand his beloved well and will never betray her.

A good relationship can develop with a Capricorn or Sagittarius man. Representatives of these two zodiac signs will be so fascinated by her spontaneity, purity and sincerity that they will be ready to immediately propose marriage to Pisces-Pig. A marriage with such men may well be happy.

You will learn more about the Pisces woman from the following video.

(from 02/08/1959, from 01/27/1971, from 02/13/1983, from 01/31/1995)

He is the personification of peacefulness, kindness and responsiveness. He can easily establish contact with people around him, anticipate their mood and soften everything sharp corners in communication. If there is some tension in the team, it completely goes away only with their appearance. Thanks to his intuition and sensuality, he can understand a person, listen to all his problems and even try to help him.

Characteristics of a Pisces - Pig (Boar) man in LOVE

Gentle, pleasant and kind, he literally attracts women. Everyone wants to show him care and protect him from all troubles. Well, he won’t mind too much about this and will definitely give them such an opportunity. It should be noted that he takes love very seriously. He does not like short-term romances, as well as affairs - he is determined for something more, deep and reliable.

In love, he manifests himself as a gentle and caring partner. He will provide sincere care for his beloved, trying to please her in everything. But at the same time, he can firmly stand his ground if their opinions differ on anything. He very quickly becomes attached to his beloved, so he will be acutely worried about any separation. It is impossible not to note his vulnerability, so it is not recommended to make sharp and caustic remarks to him.

Pisces born in the year of the Pig (Boar) in BED

He is used to living in his own subtle, sensual world. He freely navigates this sensory world and can speak body language. His modesty, vulnerability and tenderness easily excite any woman who, next to him, can feel real and loved. He does not pretend to be the main role, preferring to completely trust his partner. He doesn’t mind trying new experiences that allow him to gain new impressions and emotions.

This is an incredibly sensitive partner who will be able to understand the mood and desires of his beloved at a glance and with just one look. Intimate relationships allow him to express his special affection and love for his beloved. But he has one drawback - he completely devotes himself to his mistress, while forgetting about himself, his needs and unfulfilled desires.

Horoscope of a Pisces man - Pig (Boar) in MARRIAGE

He becomes a wonderful owner who will keep the house clean and tidy. In addition, he can create an ideal microclimate in it, where there will be no quarrels or major scandals. He tries to get around them all and he does it very well. Close and dear people often become the only meaning of life for him and he is ready to devote all his free time to them. Therefore, he can calmly forget about his hobbies and interests.

Creating a family comes to the fore for him. He does not make any special demands on his wife, so getting along with him will not be so difficult. He needs a reliable, responsible and attentive girl who could take care of him. Despite his soft and compliant character, he will not be able to get along with a girl who constantly puts pressure on him. Then he will take The best decision- leave her.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

He can be recommended in some life situations behave more strictly and harshly. Thanks to this, he will be able to get rid of unnecessary surroundings that take advantage of his kindness and responsiveness. Then it will become easier for him to live, and all things will go uphill. He shouldn’t concentrate his world on just one person, but rather mind his own affairs, hobbies, and try to realize himself in his career.

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