Home indoor flowers If a black dove sat on the window. Lucky sign: the dove pooped, which means you are a good person. Why dove cooing or dancing on the windowsill

If a black dove sat on the window. Lucky sign: the dove pooped, which means you are a good person. Why dove cooing or dancing on the windowsill

Our ancestors were sure that any bird would not just sit on the windowsill, and they explained its stay there from a magical point of view.

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If the dove sat on the windowsill outside the window - a sign

Exist a large number of beliefs that are associated with birds, in particular, with pigeons. Our ancestors believed that the arrival of this feathered friend has a sacred meaning. They treated with caution, were afraid if.

On the one hand, a dove on the windowsill is accompanied by positive changes in life, on the other hand, it can portend bad events.

Common interpretations about birds on the window:

  • The sign says that a lone dove brings good news. In the near future, you will be told very good news that will change your life for the better.
  • If there is an unmarried girl or guy in the family, then a bird with a white feather is an important sign of an imminent wedding for them.
  • Notice if the bird is holding something in its beak. A twig or other object means profit.
  • into the glass or looks inside - there will be a meeting with relatives or friends whom you have not seen for a long time.
  • A bad sign is the restless behavior of the bird. If she worries, makes noise, it’s hard to drive her away - she brought bad news or warns someone close about the illness.

Sparrow sat on the window - a sign

There are no negative beliefs associated with this kind and harmless bird, and modern shamans are sure that it does not portend trouble. In addition, sparrows, like pigeons, are frequent guests of the window sills of cities, the reasons for their appearance are very easy to explain without signs.

In some regions, it is believed that the sparrow promises big trouble, but this is not so. This feathered one can only bring good news. Most often, the appearance of a sparrow means a pleasant telephone conversation, the long-awaited letter. Perhaps an old friend will visit you.

bad omens

In contrast to good beliefs, there are always negative ones. Therefore, some feathered friends are harbingers of bad events.

  • Crow sat on the windowsill - sadness will come to the house.
  • It's not always good to see cuckoo, our ancestors believed that she was a messenger of fire, tears, troubles.
  • Magpie also never been a welcome guest in the house. This chatty bird is a symbol of lies, gossip and rumors. Therefore, if she sat on your window, try not to reveal your soul to anyone in the near future.
  • Nightingale or martin bring well-being, wealth, joy to the house, and maybe replenishment of the family.
  • Often, the appearance of a bird can indicate sudden financial costs. Perhaps the appliances in the house will break down, the clothes will tear, and you will have to buy a new one or repair the old one.
  • Thrush is a harbinger of bad news and sometimes even warns of a severe illness of one of the close relatives.

Whether to believe signs about birds

During the time you need to pay attention to the behavior of feathered friends. Quite often they stop at your window to rest or ask for food, so it is far from always worth attributing magical background to their appearance.

If a bird looks outside, it does not call for trouble or any changes in your life. A feathered friend wants to warn about an important event when he looks into the room, at a person, and persistently tries to get through.

If you still believe in the negative power of belief, try to neutralize it. For example, give the bird crumbs with these words:

Come for food, don't come for soul.

Often a feathered friend symbolizes a messenger from the other world. Therefore, if he persistently tries to penetrate your territory, go to church. Remember the deceased loved ones, tell them that you remember them, honor them, do not forget about them.

The appearance of a bird is not always associated with problems or negativity. So don't take it negative meaning omens as an axiom. Set yourself up for the best and remember that only you attract positive or negative energy into your life.

In contact with

Probably everyone knows the sign - two doves sat on the windowsill. Today, many people tend to believe a wide variety of signs, and they are trying to endow magical properties those feathered friends. But does the appearance of pigeons really prophesy something important?

If two doves sat on the windowsill

Since ancient times, people have been convinced that pigeons are amazing birds, endowed them with magical properties. There are a lot of superstitions associated with them. Ancestors paid attention to whether he was walking on the windowsill and so on.

Always, if the dove behaved calmly, it was associated with good news, joy. Until now, a lot of people are sure that, appearing on your window, doves promise happy event. If you managed to see two doves, this is fate sending you a sign that something will soon change in your life.

Almost always, a pair of these birds was associated with love, understanding, fidelity. Today there are many different interpretations of this subject. It was believed that if two doves were on your window for a long time, then there would be a wedding in the house very soon.

That is why, for all young unmarried people, the appearance of two doves on the windowsill has prophesied a happy marriage since ancient times. There is also an interpretation that is already suitable for those who have been married for a long or some time.


It is believed that if a pair of pigeons is located on the window, then prosperity, peace will come in the family, relationships will be full of harmony and understanding. The ancestors believed that these birds are the defenders of the family hearth.

In fact, it is these birds that are able to protect both the home and the people who live in it from poverty, negative magical influence, various troubles.

You cannot drive them away, since it is believed that in this way you will drive away the happiness that has come to your house. You can build a small feeder on the window. Being constantly near your house, pigeons will attract happiness.

If you are lucky and two doves land on your window, pay attention to how they will behave. Since these birds are a symbol of a married couple, your relationship depends to some extent on them. By at least so says the belief.

If, after the birds flew to the window, one dove flew away, but soon returned, the same fate awaits the owners of the house. It is believed that one of the spouses will have to go on a business trip. It can be a trip to relatives, and any kind of travel.

It is very important that the bird still returns to the window, because otherwise the sign takes on a negative interpretation. After all, then no one will give a guarantee that the trip will be successful. It was believed that if the bird no longer returned to his soulmate, then the family was in danger of divorce, discord, and so on.

People believe that if the birds are not just long time are in their place, but they also drum on the glass, this indicates that in the near future you will learn very important information about family members or very close friends. It is possible that you will find out about pregnancy or a wedding.

Almost every sign that has come down to us from our ancestors has both a positive and a negative interpretation. Of course, in most cases, two doves are associated with love, devotion, reverence, and so on. However, in some cases, even they can become harbingers of negativity.

It is believed that if a pair of doves long time does not fly away from the window, then a long illness of someone close to you is likely. It is possible that it will be very long. Another interpretation says that if the birds leave the chosen place too quickly, then even the death of a familiar person is likely.

Such negative interpretations do not have any substantiated evidence, and also completely contradict the positive ones. That is why it is not worth fully trusting superstitions and interpreting all the appearances of pigeons from a mystical point of view.

The appearance of two doves on the windowsill can be deciphered from various points vision. However, remember that it is you who attracts positive or negative moments into your life. Therefore, to believe in signs or not, it's up to you.

A huge number of people today believe in signs and otherworldly forces. At the same time, there are simply plenty of firsts in our lives. Also in ancient times people tried to interpret their meaning. A rather interesting explanation has a sign when pigeons sit on the windowsill.

It would seem that this is surprising? For sure, to many, this symbolizing peace and tranquility on our planet repeatedly knocked on the window. And no one gave special significance the fact that she "perched" on the windowsill. However, later in the life of a person who saw pigeons trying to find temporary shelter in his house, a whole series of amazing events took place. And at the same time, earlier he received a message from above: he saw pigeons perching on the windowsill.

There is a huge arsenal of folk interpretations of signs that are directly or indirectly related to the above bird. According to the Bible, it was the dove that at the time was the harbinger of the resumption of life on earth.

And yet, how was the sign explained when pigeons sit on the windowsill in ancient times? The classical interpretation: if the birds flew into the house or beat against the glass, this is an omen of the imminent death of someone in the house or some kind of news for the guests. Moreover, it was believed that the spirit of the deceased would move into the body of a bird.

In this way, he, as it were, ascends to Heaven and leaves the "earthly" kingdom. However, such a dove can return at any moment and bring news to the relatives of the deceased person. It is also believed that the soul of the deceased can transform into the body of a bird, and because she is very homesick and her loved ones.

However, the modern interpretation of signs, why is somewhat different from the traditional one. Today, everything is explained quite simply: a bird flew to your windowsill, which means that some news awaits you or joyful events will happen in life.

If the birds decided to "land" on the windowsill office building where you work, it is very likely that you will get a promotion.

Again, from ancient times it was customary that if a white dove sat on a windowsill, then this is “tacit” evidence that someone close to you will die in the house.

If the bird is circling around the house, then unmarried girls this is a reason for joy - soon they will officially legalize their relationship with the gentleman.

At the same time, if a white dove on the windowsill is a sign with a negative connotation, then, having suddenly found pigeon droppings on your clothes, you should know that your financial affairs will soon “go uphill”.

When you see a feathered one walking across your dining table, know that this does not bode well: it is very likely that someone close to you will die in the near future. If you saw how the pigeons on the roof huddled “in a bunch”, then there will be a thunderstorm.

To believe or not to believe in signs is a purely individual matter, but it is very important to learn how to explain them correctly. One thing is certain: if the birds have chosen your window sill, then it's time to clean it.

In the treasury folk wisdom collected a lot of signs for all occasions. Some of them are related to pigeons. Birds have long been considered messengers of significant changes and messages- good and not so good. A dove sitting on your windowsill is considered a sign from above. If you can recognize the hints of fate by signs, you can attract pleasant events into your life, protect your home from misfortunes.

When a pigeon finds a place on the windowsill in the shade during a hot time, this indicates that rain can be expected during the day.

If he has something in his beak - a twig or a leaf, hope for replenishment in the family or unexpected cash gains.

Sometimes birds try to warn us of impending troubles. A dove that flaps its wings in front of your window is a sign that there is a possibility of a fire, and you need to be careful.

The dove on the windowsill looks at me. Interpretation of signs

If in this moment your other half is far away, the dove hints that she misses your presence, wants to be near you.

In other cases, the look of a bird means that someone wants to see you. from close relatives or friends. Think about those with whom you have not communicated for a long time, but would like to. When this is repeated often, and the dove looks at you for a long time, turning either its right eye or its left eye to you, this is a hint that you are in a hurry to make a decision, because someone really needs you.

Why do pigeons knock on windows?

Such behavior is regarded as a danger warning. When the bird knocked on the window, and then fell dead, this portends a sad event - protracted illness or death for someone close to you.

If the winged guest behaves calmly, after knocking on the window continues to walk along the windowsill, wait for the news.

When the feathered managed to enter the room after knocking, it means that you do not hear or do not see something important around you, you should change your mind, or there will be tangible losses.

Did a dove come to you paired with a friend?

A pair is considered a very auspicious sign if the birds coo and stay close to each other. This means that soon there will be a wedding. If at the same time one of the doves holds something in its beak, the newlyweds will have children in the near future.

When birds arrive in pairs, take a closer look at their behavior. When the birds are nearby, this portends comfort, harmony, reliability and fidelity to their feelings - the young will be happy in marriage.

Screaming, fighting doves hint that there will often be disagreements in the family. If they then fly away in opposite directions - to be divorced, fly away in one direction - after quarrels there will be reconciliation.

Why do pigeons walk on the windowsill or knock on the glass with their beak?

The dove brought you news. When he walks on the windowsill and looks inside, knocks on the glass with his beak, this see you soon sign with family members or some of your friends. If the feathered guest behaves anxiously - flies back and forth, when you try to drive him away, he returns again, be prepared for the fact that someone from your inner circle gets sick, or your plans may be violated.

The bird may be trying to get into your house. If it causes alarm, it is impossible to let it inside.

What does the white dove represent?

It symbolizes peace, kindness and love. The appearance of a bird of this color portends:

  • a marriage proposal if there are free young people in the house, and the dove also dropped a feather when it flew away;
  • good luck in business for a married couple;
  • protection from misfortune and adverse events if the dove periodically returns to you.

Feed your feathered friend, and he will bring you only good news.

Dove flew in and did not fly away? Interpretation of signs

This means that your home needs a talisman. The bird wants to turn away anxiety and sadness from you. You should not chase away a dove that does not want to fly away from you. He will be the guardian of your well-being. If the bird behaves calmly, this may mean news that will be significant for you and will affect your future life.

A dove that brought and placed a blade of grass or a twig on your windowsill is considered a harbinger of profit or an expensive gift. Do not rush to remove or throw away his gifts until what the winged guest predicts is fulfilled.

Winged guest arrived and flew away?

If he was not near your window for a long time, wait for the news soon. When a bird flew in surrounded by a whole flock, but only one of them was on the windowsill, this promises you a change in life, career growth.

If the bird flew at the tail of the flock, it will be difficult for your plans to come true, but the result will be positive if you make more efforts. A feathered friend, leading the whole flock behind him, portends you a dizzying success.

If he sat on the windowsill for a long time, hardly moved, but then flew away anyway, then you learn something unexpected for yourself soon.

Interpretation of signs: a feathered friend shit on the window

A bird that flew close to the glass and shat on it or on the windowsill is considered a predictor of large profits. If she flew away immediately, you will receive the money in the near future. If the dove first walked importantly on the windowsill, you will get VIP reward.

When a feathered friend was going to shit on your territory, but you frightened him off or drove him away on purpose, you will have to limit yourself in cash for some time.

Why dove cooing or dancing on the windowsill?

A cooing or dancing winged visitor on your windowsill is a harbinger of guests coming soon. If other pigeons join him, expect a noisy and cheerful company.

When a bird proudly walks outside the window, one of those who come will be important and influential, perhaps he can help you in serious matters if you accept him well. If the pigeon coos loudly, someone close to you will attract your attention.

The feathered guest coos in the morning - expect communication with good people and pleasant surprises.

It doesn't always matter if you believe in omens or not. You can pay attention to the signs shown by a dove that has flown onto the windowsill, or not pay attention - your fate is in your hands. But by listening to bird signs, you can learn a lot.

The dove is a constant inhabitant of any city and a constant companion of man. It is very difficult to imagine a metropolis, small town or a village without these birds. Thus, it is also very difficult to find a person who would be absolutely indifferent to this type of birds. For some, in particular car owners, birds cause a lot of problems because of the habit of fertilizing with droppings everything in a row, while someone considers them very beautiful, breeds and treats them with awe and admiration. Some people remember this type of bird only in a situation where their life can change due to a meeting with a feathered one, and they look for the meaning of superstitions and beliefs.

The sign of a dove on the window is one of the most popular. This is explained by the fact that you can often see a bird on a window or windowsill. Less often, a situation occurs when a dove flew into the house. However, almost any situation has its own explanation or omen.

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The people believe that doves are the messengers of heaven. At all times they were treated with respect and respectful attitude. AT Orthodox religion this is explained by the fact that it was the dove that marked the end of the global Flood with its appearance and acted as a messenger of God. In other religions, this type of birds was also considered a messenger, and individual peoples considered a bird - an offering to the gods.

Nowadays, people very often notice the intentional approach of a bird, and this is a separate sign. The most common signs are when a dove has been on the windowsill for a long time or has flown out the window. If this is what happened to you, then it makes a certain sense.

bird in magic

Below we will consider the main signs that will help a person know his future. Among the superstitions presented, there are those that suggest that the feathered one sat on the windowsill, flew into the house and others.

  1. sat on the windowsill.
    If it so happened that the feathered one sat on your windowsill, then this means only good news. The house of a person is completely safe, and troubles will certainly pass by. It is believed that many animals feel trouble. And in this situation, they protect the person and his family from adversity. If the bird is still there, then you can leave some food for it, thereby appeasing it.
  2. flew into the window.
    It is commonly believed among the people that if a bird flew into the house, then one should expect the imminent death of one of the household members. Although this is not always the case. If a guest holds a blade of grass or something else in his beak, then this is a sign of a good event that will happen in the near future. Also, do not take literally superstition in the case when a person has windows constantly open and balcony doors. After all, in this case, a guest can fly in by accident. You should pay attention if the pigeon appeared with practically closed windows and doors.
  3. knock on the window.
    If tender this guest knocking on the window, this means that he brought the news. And since he cannot get into the house, the message will not be delivered. In this case, if you think correctly, then nothing good or bad will happen in the house.
  4. white guest.
    Sometimes people may be lucky enough to see a bird near their house. white color. This sign may represent quick wedding or the birth of a child. After all, it is white birds that are considered a symbol of purity and goodness and are very often used by newlyweds.

As you can see, almost any situation or occasion has its own interpretation, whether it is the case when the feathered one sat on the windowsill or flew into the house. And if you treat this event with due attention, you can learn some details from your future. After all, even our ancestors, paying attention to different signs and symbols, could know what to expect after a while. So why don't we turn to folk art and not to study individual superstitions that can happen to absolutely anyone.

If you want to know your future, then signs and superstitions will help you with this. The sign of a dove on the windowsill has several meanings. However, the appearance of someone at the window will not always random event. Very often, the hostess, wiping out the tablecloth or something else, leaves food particles on the windowsill. And this is what can attract birds. In such a situation, superstitions and signs, of course, are out of the question.

Despite the variety of modern instruments and methods for determining and predicting the future for the near future, many people prefer to turn to proven folk methods. So, for example, classic signs that allow people to interpret the symbols and signs of fate that happen around are currently enjoying considerable popularity. And very often people ask the question of what it means if a dove sits on a windowsill. And it is not surprising, because pigeons can be safely called constant companions of both a huge metropolis and a small settlement. Therefore, today we will tell you what a feathered visit to the window means if you suddenly notice that he has flown up to the house.

Almost all situations and phenomena that can happen everywhere have their own meaning. This is due to the fact that our ancestors attached a lot of importance to all events and established their connection with possible changes in the future.

What did the ancestors think about pigeons?

Since ancient times, pigeons have been considered messengers of heaven, who carried good news from God. Believers and preachers of Orthodoxy assured that these birds became a symbol of the completion of God's punishment in the form of the Flood.

In other religions, pigeons are associated with other signs. And if the feathered guest sat on the windowsill, or flew right out the window, this can be interpreted in different ways. Moreover, the arrival of the birds of the world can not always be called intentional.

There are quite a few interpretations regarding the appearance of pigeons on the window. All of them have different origin and get in touch with certain events future. The large number of such signs is easy to explain, because, like sparrows, doves are most common.

What does the visit of feathered birds in the world of magic mean?

Superstitions regarding signs when a dove sits on a windowsill are explained in the world of magic as follows:

If a white dove flew onto the windowsill - good news. When a dove arrives in white plumage, it means that the inhabitants of the house will soon an important event(wedding, birth of a baby). The white feathered guest always brings happiness and good news with him. Therefore, if you see such a dove sitting on the window, expect only good things.

  • If the dove did not fly in, but unexpectedly knocked on the closed window with its beak, this is news that the owner cannot receive. Popularly, this is explained by the fact that if a guest in feathers could not fly into the window, then nothing would happen.
  • If a bird flies into the house and sits right next to the window on the windowsill, this means receiving good news. In this case, a positive event should be expected soon.
  • When the dove flies into the open doors, getting into the dwelling, the news will not be very good. For such situations, people have a belief that such a dove brings death to one of the household members.

How do representatives of different nations explain this phenomenon?

When it happens that the feathered guest honors you with his visit, the inhabitants different countries will interpret it differently.

For example:

  • The inhabitants of France, having seen a dove on the window, will wait for the imminent marriage (an invitation to a wedding or news of the marriage of one of the household members).
  • In Siberia, these birds of any plumage are harbingers of death.
  • The British believe that the feathered herald of peace, seated at the window, is the invisible good fortune and favor of Fortune.
  • In Ukraine, the bird of the world is also symbolized with the soon news of the wedding, matchmaking.
  • The people of Bulgaria regard the bird sitting on the window as a messenger of bad news. They believe that if a dove flew in and sat on the table, it means that the mistress of this house will soon die.

Other signs associated with these birds

Various signs about pigeons are popular. And not only the feathered messenger of the world seen in the window is considered a predictor of the near future.

There are a number of other signs with these birds:

  • When you notice that a flock of pigeons is gathering under the cornice of your window - there will be a thunderstorm.
  • When a dove flew into your window and, having shit, disappeared, expect monetary profit. This also applies to signs when birds mark you yourself on the street.
  • When the feathered guest sat on the ledge with a willow branch in its beak, wait for replenishment in the family.
  • The bird of the world stuck in the sewer is a sign of the unexpected death of the owner of the house.
  • A flock of birds that suddenly flew to your yard means that guests are rushing to you.
  • Bad news is carried by a bird beating its wings against glass. She's trying to say there's going to be a fire.
  • Pigeons hiding in the branches of trees mean intense heat.
  • If one white dove constantly flies to your window, this will symbolize a long loneliness.
  • When the newlyweds release birds at the wedding, and they fly away together in one direction, it means that the young will have a happy and long family life.

As can be seen from the article, pigeons are not in vain called messengers.

They are very sensitive not only to changes in the weather, but also to the changes that await a person.

Therefore, when you see that a dove has flown in or sat at your window, try to understand what he wants to tell you.

Often people do not even pay attention to the pigeons that sit on their windowsills, and in vain, because it is quite good omen. A dove on the window can be a harbinger of positive news and even an addition to the family, but sometimes this guest portends very bad events.

Sign value

What does the sign "dove sat on the windowsill" mean - pretty frequently asked question, which is given to people who are accustomed to interpreting various symbols. A dove that appeared near the house is almost always a positive symbol. Even in the Bible, it was the dove that became the messenger of God, announcing the end of the Flood. Since then, this symbol has been interpreted positively.

Pigeons and in other religions of the world are considered magical birds with extraordinary power. Sometimes such feathered animals are even called the incarnation of God on Earth, which means that you should not scare away such birds.

A person should expect especially joyful events if a white dove appears on his windowsill. Most likely, there will soon be a replenishment in the family, or maybe one of the relatives will marry. In any case, the meaning of the symbol is exceptionally joyful and positive.

If a dove that appeared on the windowsill brought some kind of branch or blade of grass in its beak, then good news awaits the person. Often, any appearance of such a dove is interpreted as some kind of joyful event or news that is about to reach the residents of the apartment.

To see a gray or black dove on your window - to making new friends or to the faithful support of loved ones. Perhaps a person in the future will face a problem that it will simply be impossible to solve on their own. If several birds of different colors appear on the windowsill, then only positive changes in his life await a person in the future.

Usually, the appearance of a dove on the windowsill of a house marks a comprehensive protection from above. Most likely, in the future, the inhabitants of the house will not expect any shocks or negative news. If someone in the family recently died, and a white dove suddenly appeared on the windowsill, then the deceased was able to reach heaven. This sign is especially relevant if the dove appears on the windowsill on the 9th or 40th day after the funeral.

Seeing a wounded pigeon on the windowsill - to problems and failures. If a person believes in signs, he should postpone serious matters for a while in order to prevent a negative development of events.

If the dove sat on the windowsill for only a few minutes, and immediately flew away, an evil person may be present in the house. This personality prevents family members from finding personal happiness and overcoming problems. Such a sign can simultaneously mean that the dove has blessed all the inhabitants of the apartment for good deeds.

People who believe in omens quite often talk about the positive reasons for the appearance of pigeons. So, for example, seeing a flock of feeding pigeons before a serious exam or an important work meeting is a good omen that portends a major success.

A few more interpretations of signs

What other signs are there about this bird? A dove that appears on a windowsill with a broken wing can portend several troubles at once. This symbol may mean that someone close to you needs help, and it also portends problems in your career and personal life. Perhaps the spiteful critics of the owner of the house will try to reduce his authority, making it impossible for the successful development of a career and personal life.

Traditionally, cases in which pigeons fly right out the window and move around the house are poorly interpreted. Usually this event means that soon someone in the family will die or become very seriously ill. If a white dove or a bird flew into the house, bringing a branch or a blade of grass in its beak, then the family is under reliable protection higher powers. Most likely, in the future, the inhabitants of the house expect exceptional success.

If a dove knocks on a window with its beak, then some news, some important news, is about to be delivered to a person. Since the bird cannot get into the house, this news can be lost. Such a sign can also mean that it is time for a person to pay attention to solving some problems, otherwise they will only continue to develop.

Sometimes a dove beating through the window is a harbinger of the imminent death of one of the family members. This interpretation is especially relevant if the dove knocks on the window for several minutes and refuses to fly away.

If a dove is trying to eat something on a person’s windowsill, then the family will finally find financial well-being. If, in front of the window, several birds are fighting for food, then a person should be wary of the bad influence of strangers.

It is considered a good omen if the dove refuses to fly away from the windowsill. Usually such a bird portends strong luck for all family members, regardless of the events taking place around. The main thing here is not to try to frighten away the bird, otherwise luck will fly away from the house just as easily. On the contrary, it is better to feed the pigeon so that it spends as much time as possible on the windowsill.

A very good sign is the repeated appearance of a dove on the windowsill. If a bird flies to the same place for several days, then the house is blessed from above. If a white dove flies on the windowsill all the time, then family members will be able to find not fleeting, but permanent happiness, forgetting about recent anxieties and hardships.

White dove considered a symbol of purity and divine purity in many cultures of the world. At modern weddings, it is customary to launch white doves into the air, symbolizing by this action your honest and serious intentions towards your spouse.

There are a lot of signs about pigeons, but not every one of them is worth believing, because sometimes the appearance of a bird has no additional background. Sometimes such signs are just remnants of the old pagan beliefs and everyday moments of interpretation of fragments from the Bible.

Winged neighbors and signs

If you have a dove on the windowsill, signs of a mystical nature are almost always favorable. Approximately five thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt these birds began to live closer to humans, and a number of species were domesticated. Today the city gray pigeons are settling large groups(up to a hundred copies) in spacious attics. Therefore, if your house has such a superstructure of solid size, open to birds, then you can almost always count on such a nice and not very neighborhood.

Let's be careful

positive sign

If the window sill is out of the reach of the kids, then there is a good sign for the visit of birds. A dove on the windowsill means that news may come to the house, and a couple may appear in the life of a single person, and already established relationships will gain brightness of feelings. The symbol of peace is so positive that even a negative sign regarding the flight of a bird into a room turns it into the category of a harbinger of the same news if the dove carries something in its beak (a blade of grass, food).

Why can they hit glass?

What can you think if a dove hit the window? The sign that there will be some kind of misfortune or loss often does not work in the summer season, when chicks come out of the nests, learn to fly and often make mistakes in "training". Also, the orientation of birds can be affected by a powerful electromagnetic radiation, for example, from some equipment, which in recent times appears more and more, including on the roofs of houses.

They only choose the good

That is why it is good if you have a dove settled on the windowsill. Signs and realities suggest that birds choose the most auspicious places to furnish their homes. Therefore, while a pigeon family is cooing at your window, you can be sure that Environment It has good parameters. In addition, it is believed that these birds do not settle near evil people with bad energy, because some beliefs attribute angelic essences to doves.

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What else can a dove appear on the windowsill tell about. Signs recommend looking at the air temperature outside the window. If it is a fierce winter, then the bird that has flown in is most likely counting on support in the form of cereals, crumbs, and some kind of food waste. In a fairly large feeder, they can pour millet, rice, barley, mashed bread. There were cases when people picked up freezing pigeons, warmed and fattened them at home, because. these days, a certain number of birds are released at weddings from warm keeping into the wild, where cold winter they are practically unable to survive on their own.

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