Home Flowers How to find premises for a store. Common mistakes when renting premises for a store

How to find premises for a store. Common mistakes when renting premises for a store

One of the main issues when planning a new store is the choice of location. The profitability of the future enterprise will largely depend on his decision.

The primary task is to decide on the format of the store, what it will be, a separate store or a store in one of the shopping centers.

Shopping center


As a rule, high permeability due to the synergistic effect.

There is an interesting pattern in the world of retail, it happens that a competitor who opens up close to your store not only does not reduce your turnover, but also leads to an increase in the number of customers, such a cluster of stores makes it very popular for customers, and they even come from remote areas for the sake of wide assortment and choice.

This is the so-called synergistic effect, when several stores standing next to each other have positive influence on each other's turnover. Shopping centers use this feature to the maximum, ensuring a consistently high flow of customers for each of the stores in the shopping center.

Minimum costs for repairs and equipment. Typically rented space in mall already renovated and ready to go. Commercial equipment is often rented by the center itself or sold there at a discount. Another advantage is that the shopping center provides a ready-made infrastructure and you do not need to take care of it. These are car parks, electricity, internet.

Shopping center strategic planning.

As a rule, the manager of shopping centers is monitored, the number of different types stores in order to provide a well-balanced assortment to customers and thus make the center attractive. Likewise, management strives to locate stores serving the same target market next to each other. Thanks to this, the traffic of target customers is growing, which has a beneficial effect on the revenue of each particular store.

For work, just a lease is enough. Extremely simple design point of sale for rent, as a rule, the management of the shopping center itself deals with interaction with various checking and permitting organizations. This plus is quite important, you have no idea how much you will save nerves, paper and time by renting an area in a shopping center.


Complexity of design. Even if a shopping center does not adhere to the policy of uniform design of all stores, it is still very difficult to implement your own design solutions on the design of the store to life.

Although in some shopping centers, on the contrary, the requirements for the author's design of the store are too strict, and in order to meet the high standards of the shopping center, you will have to pay a large sum for the development of a design project, renovation and redevelopment.

The influence of the shopping center.

The traffic of your store and, accordingly, revenue directly depends on the popularity of the shopping center in which you are located. Any problems in the shopping center automatically become your problems, and when the popularity of your center falls, no wonderful solutions will save your store from losses.

On the other hand, your store will never reach sky-high heights, because it is still limited by the influence of the mall, and if its popularity is stable, you will feel some ceiling that will be very difficult to cross.

High rents for really nice mall locations. You are unlikely to be able to find a good place(especially a small area), for a reasonable rent, finding a place will always be the choice of the most acceptable compromise between price and attractiveness.

Separate store


Low maintenance costs of the store. If you own a store, the cost of maintaining such a store will be several times less than renting a similar area in a shopping center.

For example, I will give a comparison of the cost of maintaining some stores (real amounts are given for August 2011 for some stores in one of the cities of Russia with a population of 450 thousand people).

Self-service shops:

  • Shop 1 (40 squares): 6680 rubles.
  • Shop 2 (95 squares): 17 805 rubles.
  • Shop 3 (150 squares): 20,780 rubles.
  • Shop 4 (80 squares): 11,700 rubles.

Shops in shopping centers:

  • Shop 1 (27 squares): 33 150 rubles.
  • Shop 2 (80 squares): 72 800 rubles.
  • Store 3 (52 squares): 52 400 rubles.

It often happens that it is more profitable to take out a loan and buy out the premises in the property than to rent retail space. Even taking into account the loan payments, the cost of maintaining the store may be less than the cost of renting a shopping center.
Freedom in planning and design.

V in this case you are (almost) unlimited and free to do whatever you want with your store, giving it a personality, making it attractive to customers. Thanks to the design features, you can really stand out from the competition and get additional profit.


Lack of synergistic effect. In order to attract customers, your store must represent special interest for them, it is a unique product, prices, events.

Although, on the other hand, if it is a grocery or other store that sells everyday items, he does not really need synergetism, the main thing is that more houses there are fewer competitors in its coverage area.

It takes a lot of time and effort both for the initial design of the store, as well as for everyday communication with various communal and permitting structures.


All that is necessary for the operation of a separate store, you will have to do and maintain in working order on your own, this is light, water, heat, Internet, cleaning the territory, organizing a convenient access to the store, parking spaces, etc. All this is not so difficult, but still requires a certain amount of time and money.

How do shops usually open? At best, after a simple marketing research... A subjective analysis of already operating stores is carried out, fragmentary information about competitors is collected, a simplified sociographic portrait of the territory is compiled. But several months pass, and it turns out that the revenue is half of what was expected. Let us consider the approaches to choosing a location for a retail outlet, which are used by the most successful traders on the Russian market.

Can be distinguished following ways effective deployment of a retail network, which are used by the most successful traders on the Russian market:

  • franchising;
  • purchase of an existing business through mergers or acquisitions;
  • construction of their own stores with their own resources using both their own and debt financing.

To create or develop an existing retail network, you need the following types key resources:

  • financial;
  • temporary.

The importance of financial resources there is no need to clarify. Of course, a company can attract investments and borrowed funds, but the level of the former is limited by risk managers of investment funds or other institutional investors, and the level of the latter directly depends on the capitalization of the company.

If we talk about the second factor, then e o the influence on rapidly emerging markets is often even higher than the influence of the financial factor. If the network did not take any promising place, then competitors got it and the network lost twice: the first time, when it lost its possible income, and the second time, when a competitor received this income.

If we rank each of the ways of developing the network n about capital intensity, then the following sequence is obtained:

  • purchase of a business (the costs are the highest, since in addition to the assessed value of the company's property, it is also necessary to pay for some intangible assets of the acquired company, of course, if the company does not experience financial problems and is not in the stage of bankruptcy);
  • construction ;
  • franchising.

Ranking by cost of time yes the following picture:

  • construction (maximum time consumption: direct acquisition of a land plot and construction, recruitment, trainings, etc.);
  • acquisition of existing retail assets (it takes time to complete the transaction and time to integrate business processes);
  • franchising.

We see that in terms of time and capital expenditures, expansion of the retail network is most effective through a franchise program. Of course, for the sake of high speed, it is necessary to sacrifice a certain share of the profit. If we rank the networks organized on different principles, according to share of the profit remaining at their disposal, we get the following picture:

  1. Networks fully owned by the owner, not outsourcing logistics and other operations, owning all real estate objects that are used by the network to carry out activities. In this case, we are dealing with a quasi-vertically integrated company that has at its disposal margins as a real estate owner (stores as real estate), as a retail operator (stores as points of sale and assortment management objects) and as a logistics operator (transportation and warehousing).
  2. Networks fully owned by the owner, partially outsourcing logistics and other operations, leasing all or part of the real estate that are used by the network to carry out activities. In this case, the network does not receive part of the income from outsourcing activities and does not receive income as a property owner.
  3. Franchise-based network... Such a network not only does not receive income as an owner of real estate and a logistics operator, but also gives a part of the margin on retail operations to the franchisee.

It is obvious from this classification that owning the entire network, including real estate, gives the highest gross margin and the lowest risks, and the use of a franchise allows you to receive only a part of the profit from the implementation of retail trade on a certain territory... But it is also obvious that the efficiency of using investments is inversely proportional to the value of the margin remaining at the disposal of the merchant. In the case of a franchise network, the financial resources of the franchisor are used most effectively - for the implementation of the most key function - the creation and replication of effective retail technologies. Networks built on the principle of franchising most fully implement the concept of financial logistics - a total cost reduction along the entire supply chain.

The role of logistics infrastructure in retail

The role of logistics infrastructure in retail is manifested in the following components:

  1. Store placement.
  2. Select the type of retail premises.
  3. Creation of infrastructure for individual retail outlets (stores).
  4. The location and type of distribution center or network centers or simply storage facilities supporting the retail network.

As you know, a store is characterized by three main parameters rami - place, place and place. This only partly humorous sentence has the right to life, since the meaning this factor an order of magnitude higher than the value of such fa ktorov, such as the area of ​​the outlet and its other characteristics. If we are talking about the location of the outlet, then we are immediately faced with the following important parameters that affect the logistics of the store:

  • availability of convenient entrances to the location.
  • human flow, pedestrian or transport, passing near the location of the point of sale.

A number of formats do not imply the use of warehouse space at all, and in a number of formats (in hypermarkets), storage can be carried out on the same area from which retail sales... Each of the retail formats has specific requirements for real estate objects. These requirements are summarized in table. 1.

Table 1. Requirements for real estate for trade enterprises of various formats.

Format Room height Finishing requirements Flow logistics
Hypermarket 10 m (due to the need to organize the second and third tiers of storage racks) Average Excellent transport accessibility, large parking lot
Supermarket 3.5-5 m (required to create comfortable atmosphere) High Good transport accessibility, parking, pedestrian flows
Discounter Below the average Large pedestrian flows, parking availability
Shop at home 2.5-3.5 m (standard height retail space middle class) Average Passage place, parking is not essential

In addition to the fact that the type of retail location is largely determined by the format, it also depends on the type of location of the outlet. The following types of retail outlets are distinguished:

  • street retail (or street retail)- freestanding stores located in the shopping area or on shopping street with entrances from the street;
  • as part of a shopping center;
  • freestanding store located in a residential area(such as a separate discounter or supermarket in the center of a residential area);
  • freestanding store located on a suburban road or in other parts of the city, which, due to its size, itself is a place of attraction for buyers.

It is clear that in the latter case, the analysis of the logistics of customer flows is somewhat complicated - it is necessary not only to analyze the existing flows, but also to predict an increase in flows after the opening of stores of this type and their entry into planned indicators work. This issue becomes especially relevant in the case of designing such stores or large shopping centers in the central districts of the city or on highways with insufficient bandwidth. In this case, there is a significant risk that after the opening of a large retail outlet, increased traffic or pedestrian flows will cause significant traffic jams, which will alienate potential consumers.

Consider general approaches used when choosing a location for a retail outlet.

How do shops usually open? In the best case - after a simple marketing research. A subjective analysis of already operating stores is carried out, fragmentary information about competitors is collected, a simplified sociographic portrait of the territory is compiled: a poor area, an elite ... shopping facility... Further, the decision is dictated by intuition, common sense of the owners of the company and its managers.

But several months pass, and it turns out that the revenue is half of what was expected. It's too late to change something: a lot of money has been invested in the equipment and repair of the store, the rent has been paid a year in advance. Even worse, often the firm does not have any methodology at all that could be regularly used to decide on the closure of unprofitable stores.

The problem is further complicated by the fact that there is often a shortage of retail space on the market. It is necessary to evaluate offers from realtors quickly, otherwise there is an op It’s hard to be left with nothing. There is only one way out in this situation - to use more advanced forecasting methods that help to avoid gross errors. One of them is the method peer review, which allows you to combine objective indicators and subjective opinions about a trading object.

Mathematically, the relationship between the characteristics of a retail outlet and its financial result is described using a special normalizing coefficient. To obtain this indicator, an expert assessment of the already operating chain stores is carried out according to a number of criteria. Then the subjective assessment - in its quantitative terms - is compared with the volume of revenue for each store. This can be easily done by dividing the average (for example, monthly average) revenue of the outlet by the corresponding value of the estimate. The resulting number is the normalizing factor.

What is the accuracy of such predictions and what does it depend on? If the rationing ratios of different stores do not differ from each other by more than 5-10%, you are very lucky: you have acquired an irreplaceable business tool. In this case, the forecast for the revenue of new stores, which you will have to estimate, will be within the same 10%.

However, the case described above is ideal. In reality, the picture you would like to get can be distorted by a number of subjective factors.

First, it is necessary to correctly select the most important evaluation criteria and find a mechanism to describe them quantitatively. This is not always easy. It is one thing to measure the retail space in square meters, it is another to measure the intensity of the flow of people passing by the shops, or the level of well-being of the residents of the surrounding streets. We'll have to show both patience and imagination.

For example, some experts define the level of "elite" in a district as in an original way: counting the number of expensive double-glazed windows on the windows and brands of expensive wines on the windows in the nearest supermarket. The "passability" of a point of sale can be determined by simply standing next to it and counting how many people pass by. For a manager who knows the basics of merchandising, it is enough to look around the trading floor to appreciate the convenience of its layout.

To facilitate this work, to accurately select and quantify the assessment criteria, you can consult with a specialist in commercial real estate. If we speak in general outline, then the standard set of factors affecting the volume of revenue will be as follows:

  • store area;
  • remoteness from the entrance to the shopping center;
  • the floor where the store is located;
  • convenience of the internal layout of the store;
  • the location of the shopping center where the store operates;
  • the number of people passing by the shopping center per unit of time;
  • convenience of approach and driveway to the shopping center;
  • the presence of a parking lot at the shopping center;
  • competitive environment in a nearby area;
  • sociography of the area.

The list of these factors can be longer or shorter, depending on the format of the store, its consumer audience and the tasks that you set. The more criteria are taken into account in the assessment, the more accurate the forecast will be. However, you should not get carried away: the result is 80% determined by three main evaluation criteria.

The scope of the peer review system is not limited to retail revenue forecasting. It can be used to take management decisions in any area of ​​business.

Sergei Alekceevich Uvapov- Doctor of Economics, Professor of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, Head of the Department of Technology Systems and Commodity Science

Determining the location of the store

Many retail professionals believe that choosing the right location is a key success factor. You should be very careful when choosing a general location, as well as a specific administrative-territorial unit.

The store location decision process is complex nature, which requires taking into account many factors. If the approach to analyzing potential location is not consistent and efficient, then the store may face a financial dilemma in the future, and long-term business progress may be stalled. When making strategic decisions about choosing a store location, use systems approach given the full range of marketing factors.

When choosing a location, the following factors should be considered :

1) Consumer choice: the location of outlets is often the most important factor determining the choice of the consumer where to make purchases.

2) The need for a competitive advantage: Deciding where to open a retail outlet is strategically important as the retailer can gain a significant long-term competitive advantage by choosing the best location.

3) Taking into account existing trends: any decision regarding the location of a retail outlet should be based on existing social and structural trends - an increase in the proportion of consumers using a car, the importance of shopping centers outside the city, regional specifics, an increase in the number of chain stores, the position of brands in retail, etc.

4) High investment costs: opening new point in retail is associated with high investment costs, rent and a long period for the return of the funds spent, therefore, when deciding on the location of the outlet, it is necessary to analyze long-term financial indicators.

5) Own: it is important to carefully choose the form of ownership, since any outlet can be assessed in terms of its average annual turnover.

6) Decreasing number of locations suitable for placement retail outlets : There are a limited number of new locations suitable for retail outlets, and government policies have made it much more difficult to obtain permission to redevelop areas and premises.

The simplest method for assessing a shopping area is to segment a certain territorial unit (city, administrative district) by type of shopping area. In this case, the entire market of the territorial unit is divided into smaller trade zones according to the types of existing buildings. It is customary to highlight the following main types of shopping areas: the business part of the city; additional shopping area; a number of specialized stores; Residential area; shopping center.

Business part of the city Is an area where department stores are concentrated and where urban public transport arteries intersect. As a rule, due to expensive parking, high rents and remoteness from residential areas, shops located in this part of the city offer expensive products that only wealthy segments of the population can afford.

Additional shopping area. In large urban areas, in addition to the downtown area, there are many minor shopping districts where shops are located without any single plan.

Each store location has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of one of them is associated with a number of trade-offs, mainly between the price and value of the object in question for a particular merchant.

A number of specialized stores, for example, such as fashion stores, are often concentrated on the same street or “in the same row” with grocery stores, pharmacies, and consumer services.

Residential area. Residential areas are usually home to convenience stores and consumer services.

Shopping center Is a group of interconnected retail stores with a single management, designed and built as a single unit, fully stocked with retail equipment and with a free car park corresponding to the scale of the shopping center.

Dividing the market by type of shopping area allows you to consider the prospects of a trading enterprise in the light of specialization and helps to get a rough idea of ​​the situation in a particular market.

However, market segmentation by types of shopping areas is not able to reflect the dynamics of market factors in the future. For those stores that are already operating on the market and strive to predict their own trading potential, it is necessary to research not the type, but the territory of the shopping area... Analysis of the territory of the shopping area allows you to establish the number of potential buyers of the store and determine possible market changes in the local market.

Each outlet has three shopping zones, defined according to the principle of accessibility to customers.

1)Near shopping areageographic area, which accounts for 60-70% of buyers in a store or shopping center. The border of the near zone usually passes no more than 2-4 km for motorists and up to 1 km for pedestrians. The travel time is up to 10 minutes.

2) Average trading area- is of secondary importance in terms of volume of trade, as it accounts for approximately 20% of sales. Walking time is within 10-20 minutes and determines the radius of this zone - 1-2 km for pedestrians and 2-6 km for motorists.

3) Far trade zone- includes shoppers who rarely or accidentally make purchases in a store, passing by on their way to work, and preferring a store located near their home. She brings about 15% of all purchases made in the store. Usually, its border is within 2-5 km for pedestrians, for those using transport, the borders are not limited.

Counting the cars passing by can also help to assess the potential of the site. For traffic analysis, it is useful to have the following data: the number of cars passing by each day; percentage of local cars; percentage of other cars; the percentage of cars driven by women (since it is women who usually shop); intervals of the most intense movement.

When analyzing the territory of a shopping area, it is important to consider the following:

1)Proximity of the track... Obviously, a busy road passing next to the store will provide a constant flow of customers. As a rule, when making a purchase in a store "on the road", a person does not impose too high demands on the assortment and price level. The urgent need to make a purchase quickly puts such a store in an advantageous position. Therefore, the management of the "roadside" store may try to set a higher trade margin for some categories of assortment.

2) Population density. A store located in a densely populated area has similar advantages to a store located on the highway. The flow of customers provides a large volume of sales and, therefore, a large turnover.

3) The social level of potential buyers ( purchasing power potential clients)... This is the main factor that ensures the formation of the pricing and assortment policy of a commercial enterprise.

The viability of the study area will largely depend on factors such as the configuration of the road network, retail partners in shopping centers, ethnic characteristics of the population living in the area, the level of socio-economic development of the area, proximity to supply sources, etc. The level of development of the area can be judged by demographic trends, the nature of the industry, the level of income, the conditions of competition, as well as the overall progress achieved through retail trade.

The placement of each specific store cannot be resolved in isolation from the entire structure of the trade network. They should be considered comprehensively, taking into account for various purposes each store, its relationship with others and its role in common system shopping service.

The system of placing a retail trade network in cities involves the use of the following general principles:

-even distribution of shops - this is their location evenly throughout the city, taking into account the population density. This applies primarily to convenience stores;

-group placement of shops - arises from the need for territorial rapprochement of stores of various product profiles. They are united by the complexity of demand and the interchangeability of goods, which allows buyers to reduce the time spent on purchasing goods;

-staggered store placement - based on the peculiarities of the formation of an assortment of goods in stores, providing for the concentration of a wide range of goods or only goods of periodic and rare demand in stores of city-wide significance and the maximum approximation of goods of frequent and everyday demand to the place of residence of buyers.

When choosing a store location, it is important to determine the possible coverage area, predict sales and calculate the size of demand and profitability. To do this, a number of key factors should be taken into account, as listed below.

Factors influencing the choice of the location of the outlet

Clients - potential / existing Availability Competition Costs
-Demographic factors -Income / main occupation, employment by industry -Cost allocation -Lifestyle -Automobilization of the population - Visibility of the territory - Pedestrian crossings - Barriers: rivers, Railway-Type of location zone -Road conditions and road network -Parking -Public transport -Number of competitors and the level of competitiveness of the environment -Type of competition -Market saturation index -Proximity of the main competitors -Construction costs -Rent-Taxes -Insurance -Shipping costs -Wage costs

Correct placement of the trading network should ensure:

The optimal ratio of various types of retail trade network, allowing the use of in-store and out-of-store forms of selling goods;

Rational use of retail space by introducing an optimal range of types of various retail facilities;

Rationalization of the product range by organizing large retail facilities;

Rationalization of trade processes through the introduction of modern forms of trade services, as well as the provision of additional trade services to the population.

There are both simple and complex methods for assessing the location of a point of sale. The most obvious and straightforward valuation method is to count incoming and outgoing customers within five minutes during the store's peak period.

Analysis of the location of the store in the service area.

For a retailer, a successful location is half the battle. Moreover, more than half of it. Advantageous placement provides the outlet with a large and continuous turnover, loyalty regular customers, and also maintains a positive image of this store or the entire network.

A well-thought-out geographical location of the outlet will create the maximum comfortable conditions, which will determine his choice between two or more stores in favor of yours.

Key Factors of POS Placement

The choice of a place for the future retail business is determined by transport and pedestrian flows, the competitive environment and the characteristics of the area as a whole (industrial zone, business center, residential area, etc.).

In a professional assessment of places for future trading platforms the following factors must be taken into account:

    • the region as a whole, its trade potential depending on the product you offer;
    • territory: good visibility of the place for the future outlet, the intensity of traffic and pedestrian flows, the road map, the specificity of road conditions, etc.;
    • competitive environment: other shops, markets, kiosks, etc .;
    • location advantages: availability of parking lots, etc.

Analysis of the site for the placement of a retail outlet

A thorough study of the site and premises for a future retail outlet involves a detailed study of the target audience. The main groups of potential consumers, their socio-demographic characteristics, types of households, reasons for choosing a given outlet, time of day and days of the week when they will make purchases are identified. It is necessary to immediately analyze the possibility of providing a number of additional services, as well as the attitude of the audience to various types of advertising.

When choosing a place for a future store, the data obtained during questioning and interviewing potential visitors are used. Measurement of traffic flows. And also store-check-analysis of outlets in:

    • close (up to 4 km),
    • average (4-6 km) and
    • distant (up to 10 km) shopping areas.

The results of this comprehensive study help to choose the most appropriate format of trade (minimarket, supermarket, specialty store, boutique, department store, shopping mall, etc.)

Responsible for determining the trading format are:

    • the geographical location of the proposed store;
    • client flow;
    • the area of ​​the trading floor, as well as warehouse and auxiliary premises;
    • assortment of goods;
    • the number of staff and cash registers;
    • service form and additional services;
    • availability and volumes of own production (under the brand name of the seller);
    • average number of buyers;
    • average check;
    • price policy.

Some Western experts argue that there are only three main recipes for market success: 1) location, 2) location, 3) location. Russian manufacturers confirm this thesis by introducing into business slang the notion of a "passable place", which can often be found in conversations, articles and advertisements for the sale of a business. There are general requirements, regardless of the type of purchases, for a good location of stores.

Rate the main economic indicators(turnover in visitors, average check amount, turnover in money, etc.) can be done long before the opening of a retail establishment. These calculations will help to identify in advance the shortage or excess of retail space, calculate the number of POS terminals, determine the optimal capacity of the parking lot, and adjust the assortment list for specific buyers. Assess the profitability of the project as a whole.

For every retail entrepreneur, obtaining accurate information about the immediate environment. If he does not have such information, then he is in danger of not taking into account the wishes of consumers or offering goods on the market that other entrepreneurs have sufficiently saturated. In both cases, he will not be able to provide the necessary turnover to guarantee the viability of the enterprise.

First, you should estimate the size of the "zone of attraction" of the store. That is, those geographic areas within which visitors to the new store will live (work).

When evaluating a placement, you need to pay Special attention to nearby shops with a similar assortment or of a similar type. If possible, such a neighborhood should be avoided. In order to assess how great the influence of competitors in the gravitational zone is, it is necessary to obtain information about the retail space, the number of employees, the range and external appearance enterprises potential competitors... Based on this information, the entrepreneur can estimate what market share his own store can presumably expect.

In assessing the competitive situation, it is necessary to distinguish whether the range of products on offer matches the range of other retail stores or this range complements its own. Thus, it is quite possible that there is a supermarket near a discounted store with cheap goods, the assortment of which is made up of fresh products that are not sold in a discount store.

The decision on the location should be based on research, in the course of which the factors that determine the advantageous location of the location are established. As a determining factor, the optimal service radius is used, depending on the area of ​​the territory served by the store.

The service radius is the area of ​​operation of a store, which is determined by the distance traveled by customers from their place of residence to a given store. From the point of view of such researchers, the radius of service is the main factor affecting the time spent by buyers for the purchase of goods, and it is proposed to determine the service area empirically, taking into account the density of the population living in the area around the store.

The service radius is calculated using the formula:

Where, R is the radius of service, m;

S is the area of ​​the territory served by the store, sq. m;

In this case, the shape of the area served by the store (retail space) is taken as a circle, which is unlikely. In reality, the retail space has a complex geometric shape, the boundaries of which must be defined.

Retail trade space is broadly defined as the space in which a business enters into transactions within a specific period of time. In essence, the retail trade space is a “territory of attraction”, i.e. the territory within which a trading enterprise or group of retail trade enterprises located on it attracts consumers. It is possible to establish the boundaries of the retail trading space by calculating the distance from the outlet to the line of equal opportunities, where the probability is the same that the consumer will purchase goods from both one and the other competing with the first merchant. Thus, from the point of view of consumers living along the line of equal opportunities, both of these enterprises are equally optimally located.

Consumers give preference to one or another retail space, guided by some criteria. The initial criterion was the distance to the store (equally possible Converse point (2)). Converse has developed a formula that allows a retailer to calculate the equidistant point in units of length between competing retailers. Equipossible point (D) is located at the boundaries of trade spaces between two enterprises and is calculated using the formula:


Where, d is the distance between retail outlets, km;

x - store with a larger service area;

P x - the number of people visiting the store x;

y - store with a smaller service area;

Р у - the number of people visiting the store y.

The accuracy of the calculation will depend on how population size affects the size of the retail space, as well as how accurately this number is determined. In modern models, attractiveness factors are used instead of population size - for example, the breadth of the assortment, the price level, the convenience of the store location, and others. Thanks to this methodology, it is possible to take into account many factors of the attractiveness of trade enterprises, subject to scoring.

Another way to determine the boundaries of the retail trade space is to register the addressees (places of residence) of consumers visiting the outlet of interest to the researcher. This method makes it possible to find out from which streets and microdistricts the trade enterprise attracts consumers, and thereby assess the size and shape of the trade service area.

It should be added that the shape of the retail trade space may change depending on changes in the economic, social, demographic and other characteristics of the area. For example, an increase in the level of income of the population or the opening of new retail facilities can change both the size and shape of the retail space. Therefore, the current picture of retail trade spaces in the city will not remain constant - any of the above factors can distort it beyond recognition. The study and analysis of retail spaces should be periodic. By analyzing the dynamics of changes in retail retail spaces and the influence of various factors on their outlines, it is possible to predict the pattern of such changes in the implementation of investment projects related to the construction and reconstruction of retail facilities, as well as during various events aimed at attracting potential consumers to the retail network.

The structure of the retail space is the comparative ability of a retailer to attract consumers from different distances or from different consumer districts. The retail space includes the main zone (the territory closest to the store, where 50-70% of sales and purchases are carried out), the auxiliary zone (the territory where retail store has competitive advantages), an additional zone (the territory in which the store has the highest sales per capita). Considering the structure of retail spaces, it should be borne in mind that the main and additional service areas of most retail outlets overlap, which suggests that in the overlap areas, consumers of these businesses can visit both one and the other store. If the main areas overlap, then consumers have an equal opportunity to visit both stores. The overlap of the main and additional zones speaks in favor of the enterprise, which in this place has the main service area.

The size of the retail space depends on a number of factors: the type of retail outlet; the size of the commercial enterprise; remoteness from competing enterprises; the size of competing businesses; availability of transport communications, etc. The location of the store should be regularly revised, no matter how successful and profitable it may seem today, in order to be sure: it (location) corresponds to the new strategic goals and tasks.

See the textbook Polovtseva "Commercial Activity" p.97

Up to 100% of revenue depends on a good choice of location, so it is extremely important not to miscalculate in this matter. The determining criterion when searching for retail space is the location, much also depends on the product and the target audience. Finding the area that is optimal in terms of price and profitability is not an easy task. Here you need to follow correct algorithm search and selection of profitable points.

According to the investment company Prosperity Capital, in 2009 there were about 500 square meters of retail space per thousand Russians, while the norm was 1200 square meters. m is the most low rate in Europe after Ukraine. There is not enough retail space, so competition is high both from federal and foreign retailers, as well as from local market representatives. The lack of small rooms from 80 to 200 square meters is especially acute. m. Demand comes from cellular operators, branches of banks, jewelry salons and shops selling consumer goods. Therefore, free areas with high traffic are often either absent altogether, or their rental rates are too high. but point of sale analysis is not reduced to the task of finding a cheaper one.

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It is possible that a store in the busiest part of a city or district will turn out to be unprofitable. At the same time, a passable point with a high rental rate can pay off very quickly. Let's take a look at what needs to be done before choosing a retail space.

Analysis of a point of sale and search for a "fishing spot"

The opening of a new store is, first of all, a detailed analysis of the infrastructure, consumers and customer flows, the competitive environment and even the history of the retail space.

Infrastructure. Explore the area in which you plan to locate the store. Your task is to calculate how many people are in this zone during the day. Explore the transport and trade infrastructure, the number of businesses, institutions and their focus. To collect such information, you can use open sources- reference book "2GIS", articles in the media, data from the Internet.

Consumer. Study the socio-demographic characteristics of consumers. It is important to determine what proportion of those working or living in the area can become your potential clients. For example, you shouldn't locate a children's clothing store near a university or campus. Likewise, a budget store women's shoes is unlikely to be popular in the elite areas of the city. Determination of the target audience is also necessary for the competent formation of the assortment.

Competitive environment. The choice of a retail outlet must be made so that at least three competitors working in a similar price segment are located next to your store. This can attract more consumers. For example, in Novosibirsk there is a so-called "shoe street", on which about 50 shoe stores are concentrated. They form a huge customer flow: customers come here to choose shoes. We have three stores in this place, each with its own audience. But attracting customers to a stand-alone store selling a narrow segment of goods such as footwear is quite difficult.

Customer flow. Now it is necessary to analyze the point of sale in terms of how many people will pass in the immediate vicinity of the point of sale. The task is to study the movement of the customer flow. During the working day, it is necessary to record everyone entering the store and the time of visit, the research should last at least a month. Analysis of this data will help in the future to correctly position your outlet and correctly form an assortment policy. For example, you found out that on weekdays the peak of the customer flow falls at three o'clock in the afternoon - accordingly, by this time the entire assortment must be presented in sufficient volume.

The history of the retail space. We all know cases when out of two outlets located 10 m from each other, one turns out to be completely "dead", while the seller does not have time to release the goods to the second. You can only calculate bad places by carefully studying the history of the outlet. Explore nearby stores, chat with sellers. Find out who traded here and when, why the previous business owners abandoned it, how often owners changed at all. If for a short time the outlet has changed the profile and owners many times, and all of them are unknown reasons winding down the business, this is already a serious reason to think about the correctness of the choice.

Shopping center or street: determining the location of the outlet

It cannot be argued that a store in a mall is better than on the street. Everything determines target segment buyers and product. Decide for yourself what is more profitable for you - a shopping center or street retail. For example, the Westfalika chain of stores sells footwear of the middle and low price category, our consumer often moves around the city mainly to public transport... Therefore, about 90% of the chain's points are stand-alone stores, many of them are sales leaders ( picture 1). For other businesses, a shopping center may become more profitable. For example, it is better to open a branded children's clothing store in a shopping mall.

Both formats have pros and cons ( picture 2). In the shopping center, rental rates are higher ( table), the difference in comparison with street retail is 30–40% due to mandatory fees for security and other services. In the shopping center, these fees are included in the mandatory payments.

But the rental rate in a shopping center is not always higher than in street retail - it all depends on the brand. The higher the level of the shopping center, the higher the demand and rental rates. The same principle applies to “visited” street retail stores. So, in Novosibirsk, on Karl Marx Avenue ("shoe street"), the rental rate ranges from 3200 to 4000 rubles. per month per square meter, and in the shopping center "Mega" - 3500-5000 rubles.

One of the main problems of street retail is that many of the retail outlets are premises taken out of the housing stock. They may not meet your requirements for the layout and quality of the renovation. Do not forget that in this format, the store manager also faces many administrative and business tasks.

Choosing a retail outlet: buy or rent

We prefer to rent premises. This allows you to quickly respond to external changes and change location. After all, the flow of customers can move over time. If a modern shopping and entertainment center opens nearby, it will attract most of the buyers, and your point may become "dead".

Moreover, the purchase of premises is a lot of obligation. For example, the company is forced to reduce the number of retail outlets, while the areas remain in property. They must be rented out so that they do not stand idle - additional resources will be required. We need to create another direction in business.

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Renting a retail space is also not easy. Now a real fight is unfolding for good points... The terms are dictated by the landlords. The administration of the shopping center often even arranges auctions for vacant premises, offering potential tenants to play for higher rates.

The lease terms have also become tougher. The contract may state that the lessor has the right to increase rental rates once a year. Security fees are also required - the lessor's insurance in case of a conflict with the tenant or non-payment.

Although the competition is fierce, it is quite possible to find a successful retail space. A precisely chosen place will allow you to short time to form a stable customer flow and a wide audience of loyal consumers. I know by my own experience that the correct analysis of the outlet in combination with a competent promotion strategy gives an excellent result: according to statistics, 80% of customers return to us for a second purchase.

Expert opinion

Analysis of a retail outlet for the feasibility of renting

Dmitry Konon,

internet entrepreneur

The advantages of renting. First of all, mobility: you can always change the premises if the business did not go in the chosen place. In our experience, only 10% of the selected areas are really successful. The second very important plus is that you do not risk a large investment of funds, which, of course, makes it easier to start a business.

Cons of renting. Firstly, the landlord can terminate the contract at the moment when you have just begun to actively develop and have attracted regular customers; second, he can sharply raise the rental rate when it becomes obvious that your business is generating good income.

To weigh the advisability of renting or buying a space, I recommend using the following formula:

Ap = Spom ×% SEC + Naren

Ar- rent; Spom- the cost of the premises; SEC- the average monthly percentage of a commercial loan; Naren- tenant's margin. Rent= the cost of the premises multiplied by the average monthly percentage of the commercial loan + the tenant's surcharge.

Example: The premise costs $ 50 thousand, the average percentage is 2% per month. This means that when renting $ 1500, the tenant's margin is $ 500. This calculation makes it possible to determine what is more expedient in each specific case - renting premises or buying it.

Expert information

Dmitry Konon graduated from Kiev Polytechnical Institute... Owner of a chain of second-hand retail stores and an online store ecologically pure products nutrition. Author of the books “Instructions for creating a successful store for the sale of second-hand and stock in modern conditions»,« How to open a retail store »and« Secrets of second-hand trade ». Official site - www.businesspractikum.com.ua

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