Home Indoor flowers How to identify and activate a Feng Shui wealth zone in your home. Feng Shui Southeast Money Zone: how to activate

How to identify and activate a Feng Shui wealth zone in your home. Feng Shui Southeast Money Zone: how to activate

First of all, it is necessary to free the wealth sector from rubble, old, unnecessary and broken things. They impede the flow of energy and block the path of material values ​​on the way to you.

It is better to decorate the southeast section of the house in green and blue colors. Plants with round leaves can be placed here, for example, Money Tree.

If there is a bathroom or toilet in the southeast, you do not need to activate the elements of water, and you do not need to place money symbols there. It is better to strengthen the sectors of wealth in all other rooms of the apartment.

All objects associated with money will also be favorable. For example, an orange is considered a symbol of gold, wealth. A painting of an orange tree or a still life of these fruits can be hung on the southeast wall.

To activate the element of water, you can put an aquarium in this sector, but the water in it must always be clean, otherwise energy stagnation will form, which creates an obstacle to cash receipts.

A water mill, a small waterfall or fountain, as well as paintings depicting a clear, full-flowing river, are not bad. Moreover, the water should move towards you. And here are the photos large waterfalls it is not worth placing here, because a large flow can change life not for the better.

In the southeastern sector, you can put various talismans that attract wealth. According to Feng Shui, these are Hotei figures, Chinese coins, a three-legged toad, etc. The toad must have its back to the door, because it is believed that it goes inside and brings a coin.

In the zone of wealth, figures or images of a ship moving in your direction are favorable.

You do not need to place fire symbols in the southeast, they weaken the element of the tree. If for some reason it is impossible to remove the fire, add earth elements, for example, a ceramic vase Brown color or a globe. They will reduce the effect of fire.

Whatever things you have in the southeastern sector, you need to keep them clean, regularly wipe the dust so that the energy flows freely throughout the room.

The Zone of the Gifts of Fortune in the home is related to wealth and abundance. Here it comes not only about money, but also about all other types of well-being, wealth. Many people use Feng Shui in this area in order to become richer, and this clearly has key value for successful business... If your toilet, closet or trash cans are located in the Gifts of Fortune area, then you do not have to count on much in life. The Zone of Wealth should be kept clean, it should be spacious and light! No stagnation!

How do you define and activate this wealth zone?

First, let's figure out what it is. The area responsible for wealth is located in the southeast.

Its dominant element- a tree, as it symbolizes abundance, money.

The color of wealth is green and purple. This side is responsible not only for wealth, but also everything connected with it - freedom, power and independence. That is, by activating it, you can have whatever you want. And this is quite simple to do. First, make sure that this area is well lit. This is especially important if you place a plant with rounded leaves here - a money tree. The better it grows, the more money attracts.

What to place in the Feng Shui Wealth Zone
to activate it:

1) Crystals, crystal pyramids will accumulate energy, direct it to achieve the desired well-being.

2) An aquarium with goldfish, its image, a small fountain or a picture with the image of water tending upward (!). Water is a symbol of money, and fish symbolize success and achievements. If you keep an aquarium in the southeast corner and one or two fish suddenly die, don't panic. The Chinese believe that in this way, misfortune was averted. Just hurry up and replace them with new fish. Beware of frills. In Feng Shui, more is not always the better. It is not necessary to have an overly large aquarium. Water is a very powerful element and must be used with care. Too much a large number of water can symbolically flood your Wealth Tree. Observe the measure. Also, the element of Water can be represented by a picture, a landscape with the image of water. Do not forget that symbolism is very important in Feng Shui.

3) Desirable living plant! It is optimal if it is fast-growing, beautiful, healthy, with rounded leaves resembling coins, or oblong, causing associations with big amount green bills. The Money tree is perfect, this is one of the types of fat woman.

4) Money tree with coins or Happiness tree with jade leaves, rose quartz, amethyst

5) The orange blossom has symbolized fertility since ancient times. For the Chinese, oranges are a symbol of immortality and good luck. V Ancient Greece the orange flower was the emblem of Diana. Oranges were identified with the gold and apples of the Hesperides. In Japan, the orange flower symbolizes pure love... Oranges - symbolize abundance (gold) and a successful marriage. To activate the zone of wealth in the Southeast, four real oranges or dummies are desirable.

6) A toad sitting on coins. It is a powerful symbol of wealth and is good not only in this zone, but also in the north (quarry) and on your desktop.

7) Cheerful god Hotei. One should not pray for him, he simply comes into the house, carrying away worries, sorrows and sorrows, and brings contentment, strength, money and joy.

It is important to know that there should be no blockages in this area! The name of this zone alone makes it possible to judge what kind of problems the "local" obstructions and piles are leading to. A blockage in this area will lead to a decrease in cash flow, overall financial position will become difficult and it will become harder for you to work.

List of things that are absolutely
should not be in the wealth zone:

  • waste bins (especially open ones),
  • paintings depicting sad, lonely or aggressive people,
  • broken things,
  • trash,
  • boxes with metal tools,
  • paper shredders,
  • unpaid bills.
  • In general, anything that symbolizes the Wood element, and hence the Water and Earth elements, is suitable for a zone of wealth. Healthy, luscious green plants such as money tree, bamboo, ferns, and more.
  • Images of water (a painting with a waterfall, lake or ocean), a mirror, or even a small fountain. Of course, the water should be clean and not stagnant.

In Feng Shui, form also matters - keep this in mind when you equip the Southeast zone. Whether it's the shape of photo frames, prints on fabrics or designs on wallpaper, in the Feng Shui richness zone, it is better to use rectangles (Wood), Squares (Earth) or waves (Water).

Images of forests, parks or green plants will reinforce the energy of the Wood element. In addition, you can hang pictures with interesting natural landscapes- from sandy beaches to mountains and canyons, which will symbolize the Earth element.

In the area of ​​wealth, it is advisable to use colors such as green, brown, light blue, black, light yellow (earthy), blue, purple, aqua.

Also, you can safely use decorative elements of red or orange (the color of Fire). For example, if your wealth zone is in the kitchen, you can put on the windowsill iron coins decorated with red ribbons. This will only increase the monetary energy. However, there should be VERY little red in the Wealth zone, candles are unfavorable in this sector, there are many triangular shapes.

You can hang pictures depicting wealth in any of its manifestations - from a luxurious yacht to a richly set table and so on. Here you need an individual approach, since everyone associates wealth with different things.

The last recommendation applies to every area of ​​Feng Shui - always keep the air fresh and alive. Use pleasant scents, fresh flowers, candles, and more to create a special atmosphere in your home. In addition, the wealth area should always be well lit, not to mention that it should be clean. By the way, from time to time you can recharge this zone with pleasant music, the ideal option is the sounds of nature.

In using Feng Shui recipes, call on all your creative imagination... Use your talents and come up with your own symbolic images of the growth of your wealth. All of these will work great for you.

Element - Wood.

Direction - South-East.

Green color.

To maximize the attraction money luck using feng shui means, you need to follow the basic rules in the sectors, the aspects of which are wealth and prosperity, and observe favorable directions.

Tips for actually attracting business or monetary luck:
The classic method of activating money luck will be: a small pond with carps right in front of your house, a well-kept aquarium in the southeastern zone of your apartment or house, an image or symbols of a turtle in the northern sector, and a fragrant money tree in the southeast. If you start new business from scratch, it will be better if you yourself grow a money tree from a small sprout, and as it grows and your business grows, it will get bigger and bigger.

You can also add bright lighting in the hall to the list, it is better if it is a good crystal chandelier. Another auspicious measure is the creation of a "lighted palace", that is, when there is a lighted space in front of the entrance to the house, and the more it is, the better. Good lighting is also desirable for offices, shops, etc. - the facade of the office, store must have bright lighting. Place a red and gold piece of jewelry in front of your front door, such as a tapestry or a painting, or something else, all of which will attract additional money luck and open up great prospects in the field of earnings.

Southeast zone of your home is responsible for wealth, and everything connected with it, which includes power, because the derivative of money is power, independence and freedom. Activate the Feng Shui wealth zone and you will have whatever you want.

To attract business luck, you need to pay Special attention your desktop: it must be correctly oriented, dimensioned, and properly designed. There is no need to allow blockages on the desktop, otherwise the same can happen to your affairs - this is the most important and effective rule. For offices, the same rules and recommendations apply as for houses, apartments. It is very good to place a large well-kept aquarium in the southeastern area of ​​the office, but the main thing is not to forget about the sense of proportion, so Feng Shui is, first of all, balance and harmony.

Revitalizing the southeastern zone of wealth

To activate the wealth sector, you need auspicious qi, as you already know, it loves everything clean, bright, elegant, beautiful and attracted by music and light. The owner of this sector is the element - Wood, and in order to support it, it is necessary to add the element of Water so that the tree grows well and gets stronger. According to the rules of Feng Shui, the cycle of creation is the most positive, therefore water supports the tree and gives it strength for growth.

In the southeastern zone, it is good to put an aquarium in which there will be eight goldfish and one black - for protection, a picture with a water image, a bowl with clean water... But, the main thing is not to overdo it, because a lot of Water will simply flood the Tree. And, do not forget that in Feng Shui, the main thing is symbolism. Also, to activate the wealth zone, the "wind chime" is suitable, in which there will be four hollow tubes, the number 4 - symbolizes Wealth sector.

For everyone who prefers non-Chinese symbols more, it will be more effective to place in the zone of wealth various symbols prosperity, for example: a jewelry box, a piggy bank and similar piggy banks, a bowl of fruit, a photograph of a dream car or a villa, a yacht, jewelry, chocolates in golden wrappers, dollar bills, various figurines of cows, pigs and roosters, beautiful paintings on which depicts fruits, especially oranges.

There are certain taboos for the Southeastern Wealth Zone. For example, the bathroom and toilet in the southeast sector is considered a serious problem - it is believed that your cash receipts will be flushed down the drain. You can protect yourself from this if you hang a mirror on the door of the toilet or bathroom from the outside, this will have the effect that the room has visually disappeared. And do not forget what is in it, should not be reflected Entrance door and it shouldn't cut off the top of any of your family members.

If you can't hang the mirror, then hang on this place a beautiful picture with a flowering tree or some other plants. You can also use a small pocket mirror to channel the energy. qi up, and tie up all the pipes that are under the toilet and sink with red ribbons. The lid of the toilet must always be kept closed, all these methods will help to keep positive qi and it will not go down the drain. Now you know everything you need to activate the Feng Shui wealth zone.

Coin chest

Who among us does not dream of wealth? Most likely, there are very few such people. Therefore, today our topic is the Feng Shui Wealth Zone. We will talk about how to activate this zone and what should not be in it.

The Wealth Zone is the southeastern part of the house. Take a look around what is there? Isn't there anything superfluous, like rubbish or unnecessary things? If so, discard them immediately. The Zone of Wealth should be filled with the symbolism of abundance, it should "know" about your aspirations. Thus, you will attract Qi energy into the house, which will bring material values ​​with it: money, expensive things, etc. Having learned the delicate treatment of the aristocrat Qi, you will receive fabulous gifts, Madame Qi knows how to be grateful.

Activating the Wealth Zone

Based Chinese philosophy The southeast of the house is ruled by the elements of the Wood. This means that first of all we need to place the Water element in the sector. Water directly affects the growth of the Tree, and hence the growth of your well-being. It could be a small fountain or a fish tank. It is desirable that there are nine to eight gold fish and one black one for protection.

  • Plants
You won't find anything more suitable for activating the wealth sector than a green plant. In this case, it is worth giving preference to the so-called "" with round leaves. But if you put your favorite cactus here, then remove it immediately! Cacti with their thorns spread harmful doses of negative Sha energy, which will prevent you from strengthening the zone of Money, Wealth and Welfare.

Care must be taken to ensure that your tree is always healthy and has a juicy, blooming appearance. At the first sign of wilting, replace it with a new one. Your wealth needs growth, not sluggish decay.

  • Colors

Purple and lilac are considered universal colors of wealth. You can never go wrong with placing an amethyst in this area. The stone will actively attract Chi energy to this sector. Connect your Creative skills, decorate the area with purple curtains, beautiful purple napkins, etc. And a violet blooming in a pot is just aerobatics!

Don't forget about green color... Cut green figures out of colored paper and post them on the walls behind the furniture. They will work even if you can't see them!

What shouldn't be in this zone?

Toilet and bathroom in the southeast of the house. This is very serious problem... If the southeastern sector of the apartment is "struck" by the bathroom located there, then all your money is simply flushed down the drain. If this is your case, don't despair: there are always a couple of ways to stop the wealth drain. We have a serious arsenal of tools for this.

Painting "Blooming sakura"

Hang a large mirror on your bathroom or toilet door. Thus, these rooms will symbolically disappear. But make sure that they are not reflected in the mirrors, in this case the Chi energy will be reflected from the house and will not bring any benefit.

If it is impossible to install mirrors, for example, the front door is reflected in them, then there is another way. Place pictures of flowering trees or any other plants on the bathroom or toilet door. The energy of growth that these paintings will give is exactly what we need.

You cannot activate the energy of wealth in the bedroom, here the Yin energy dominates, which is necessary for have a nice rest and full recovery vitality... The energy of money is influenced by Yang energy, and the mixing of these forces will lead to stress and feeling unwell... You will become nervous and irritable.

In the event that the bedroom is located in the southeastern part of the dwelling, keep in mind that this is very good. This means that you are the master of your wealth. Decorate your bed, let it become a royal bed, but never put an aquarium, figurines and other attributes of wealth in the bedroom, this is not needed here.

Other items in this area

Fireplaces have become a common attribute modern life... However, if in your home the fireplace is located in the southeastern sector, there is a serious danger to such an attribute of well-being as a tree. The tree is on fire! Use Water to eliminate this hazard. This can be a fountain mounted above the fireplace, a mirror or a painting with a water landscape.

Remove dead or dry flowers in time and monitor the health of other plants. Withering plants spread Yin energy, and you don't need it here.

Following the feng shui tradition, the Wealth Zone should be perfectly clean. If there is a trash can in the area and you cannot remove it from here, then get a bucket with a tight-fitting lid, be sure to tie a red ribbon around the bucket, or just draw a strip of red paint on it, you can use nail polish. This will help you conserve the Chi energy.

An abundance of fruity in the kitchen

Wealth implies that all the objects that surround you are working properly. Repair everything that needs repair and discard those things that have already served their time.

If there is a kitchen in the Wealth Sector, then do everything to make it fragrant with abundance. An irreplaceable assistant this will be bright, "ripe" tones, still lifes depicting food and juicy fruits, ideally oranges, and, of course, a large number of food supplies.

Your refrigerator can be a symbol of abundance. Keep it clean, both inside and outside, fill it only good products, dispose of stubborn food in time. Put a few on the bottom of the refrigerator, previously tied with a red ribbon, and you will always have funds for food.

By following these tips, you will attract wealth and abundance to your home, prosperity will become your faithful companion, but remember that the main objective Feng Shui philosophy is the achievement of harmony in life. You will not be able to feel happy after earning a lot of money and failing to maintain your health at the same time, a full-fledged family and reputation.

Feng Shui is an amazing science. If not magic. Masters from all over the world claim that Feng Shui can radically change your whole life, turn it from head to foot. Yes, we have not sealed ourselves. Precisely from head to feet, since standing on your head is not as comfortable and physiological as your legs * wink *

And Feng Shui is downright very logical, convenient and organic science, calling for the harmonization of this world. Well, or, at worst, your home (read, your life!). Just a lifesaver, not science. Well, what else can you call the doctrine of mysterious forces lands that provide human health, good luck and prosperity?

We will not bore you with stories about what Feng Shui is. We are sure that you have already familiarized yourself with such a vital (and necessary) aspect earlier. Instead, let's discuss how this Chinese panacea for all ills can significantly improve our destiny.

Today we will talk about the zone of wealth, because we understand that in the context of the global crisis, this sector is more relevant than ever. Well, and not only in times of crisis, of course. Suddenly you decided to get rich right now, and here we immediately give you a hot tip: what, how, where and where * victory *

What is the Feng Shui wealth sector?

The wealth sector, or in other words, the Feng Shui monetary zone is responsible for financial well-being In human life. This wonderful zone is located in the SOUTH-EAST part of the room. The compass and the Bagua grid will most accurately help you in the calculations. Read more in our article.

How to find a wealth zone in a house?

Yes, if you want to seriously deal with the definition of "magic" zones in Feng Shui in an apartment, then you cannot do without a simple compass. Moreover, the more accurately you “take readings”, the more favorable these “readings” will affect your life.

To do this, you need to determine the cardinal points several times, from different, let's say, angles. Always remember that the presence of massive iron objects (for example, an iron entrance door or an iron fireplace, etc.) in the room can distort the results. And the Bagua grid can always be printed and superimposed on the dwelling plan (for visuals).

Zone elements

It is worth remembering a small rule of this sector:

  • the main element is Wood
  • generating - Water

That is why green, purple, dark blue and light blue are the main colors of Feng Shui wealth.

  • the weakening element of the sector is Fire
  • destructive - Metal

Therefore, there should not be any fiery shades, as well as silvery ones. By the way, this also applies to metal figurines and furniture. A tough taboo. Place wooden furniture - it will not only provide freedom of movement of qi energy, but will activate the money sector.

How to activate the Feng Shui wealth zone

To activate the money zone, you need to place symbols of wealth in it. The masters suggest placing a plant in the southeastern part of the apartment (office or any other room). Namely, a plant with rounded leaves resembling coins. The so-called money tree is ideal.

Just don't forget to water. Better not put cacti. Yes, they are green. Yes, they are small. Yes, they are round. BUT! They are prickly. Do you remember the symbolic background in the details? Then you will have "thorny money" in every sense. And understand how you want.

Are you allergic to flowers? Then you can hang pictures with images of nature, only in wooden frames. Well, or glass. Just do not hang the image of the desert))) Again, you know, it is extremely symbolic.

Water is the main element for attracting money

Do not forget that water is the generative element in the wealth zone. Therefore, it is important to take into account the presence of "water" in this zone. By the way, water in the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui symbolizes money. And not only, apparently, in the Chinese one.

Remember our Russian "money is like water through your fingers", "money flows away like water." Therefore, we agree with the Chinese: let it be better for water to drain, not money. Therefore, put a fountain - and money in the house, and some kind of humidifier. True, experts in the field of Feng Shui say that the fountain must work smoothly, otherwise there will be no sense from it. By the way, why exactly a fountain and not a glass of water?

A glass of water is also suitable, but in the glass the water is "standing", "stagnant", and in the fountain it is "moving", that is, "working". Again symbols and metaphors. BUT! It is worth bringing fish in this glass of water and - Oh, magic! - from "stagnant" water, it turns into "living". And that means "working". These are the tricks.

Our advice to you: if you still want to have fish instead of a fountain, then think in advance who you will plant in your "glass". There are fish that can live without a special apparatus that saturates the water with oxygen (the compressor is called), and there are those that cannot.

The consultant at the pet store will tell you. What are we for? And besides the fact that dead fish in an aquarium (like dead wood in a flower pot) - bad sign on the way to the coveted wealth * unknw * Don't forget: metaphors are everything!

By the way, the image of water (preferably a fountain) is also suitable. Just don't hang Niagara Falls paintings on the walls in the hope of being overwhelmed. stormy stream cash receipts: the measure should be in everything! Well, a stagnant pond, however, will not add money to you either.

Money in the wealth zone

Craftsmen also recommend keeping dollar bills in the wealth zone. As a "bait" for your money. True, there is one more recommendation, but here it is for you to decide: scatter trifles in all corners of the zone (or even the entire apartment) (why not banknotes?).

In our opinion, a bit of a contradictory advice: firstly, it provokes a mess, because, as you know, perfect order- the basic principle of feng shui to get rid of the old dead shi energy (we do not even write about this, because you obviously know this without us); secondly, coins are metal, and it has a destructive effect on the money zone. Unless the coins are golden ...

Symbols for attracting abundance of money

The money zone can also be supplemented with a fat Hotei, a Chinese money tree, assorted (three-legged, with a coin in its mouth, sitting on a coin mount, with an open mouth, with Hotei on its back, with the Bagua symbol, etc.). Glass or wood fish will also make money.

And yet, Feng Shui masters argue that if you do not have an active desire to get rich (and here they are talking about laziness), then you are unlikely to be able to activate the wealth zone by 100 percent. The Chinese charter only promises to stimulate the confluence of favorable circumstances through natural forces, and does not guarantee a one-time inflow of all material wealth the world to a specific person.

That is in simple words: "a rolling stone gathers no moss". Chinese Tips, of course, with advice, but if you want to get rich, you still have to tear your ass off the sofa. Well, what did we want, Russian people? * wink *

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