Home Flowers How to open fast food. How to open a fast food cafe - what to sell, where and how. Original fast food ideas

How to open fast food. How to open a fast food cafe - what to sell, where and how. Original fast food ideas

* Calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to create a mini-network of street fast food (shawarma). The production of the finished product and its sale is carried out in stationary pavilions located in places with the highest pedestrian traffic. The geographical location of the project is Voronezh. Trademark - "Shaurma-Show" (hereinafter - "SHSH").

The investment attractiveness of the project is due to high performance indicators (Table 1). The level of competition is relatively low, the demand for products of this kind is growing, and the investment costs of the project are low.

Table 1. Main indicators of the project


From the point of view of the project, the industry can be segmented as follows (by narrowing the niche):

    public catering in general (cafes, restaurants, canteens, fast food);

    fast food (cafes, stationary and non-stationary points of sale);

    street fast food.

The industry as a whole in the country is in a rather difficult situation. According to experts, in many large cities only in 2015, up to 30% of large players left the market. First of all, this is due to the decline in the solvency of the population. Attendance at cafes and restaurants also decreased by about a third. The second problem for the industry is the rise in food prices associated with Western sanctions, as well as import restrictions. According to Rosstat, the turnover in the catering sector in 2015 decreased by 6% compared to 2014. Nevertheless, even against this background, some regions show a stable growth in turnover: the Tula and Voronezh regions, as well as the republics of Mordovia and Khakassia. This information confirms the expediency of choosing the location of the enterprise.

Experts also note the steady growth of some segments of public catering against the background of the global stagnation of the industry. This applies primarily to fast food. In second place is pizza delivery. These two segments have an increase in turnover in 2015 of 10% and 6% respectively.

The most notable trends include the following:

    orientation in the purchase of food products to domestic suppliers;

    rejection of unreasonably expensive (“status”) establishments in favor of more democratic, but with good cuisine;

    distribution of monospecialization (for example, on grilled meats, steaks or burgers)

    the revival of interest in Russian cuisine or the cuisine of certain regions of Russia;

    an increase in the share of vegetarian dishes in the menu of most establishments.

It is advisable to consider the segment of street fast food not at the level of the geographical sales region. Today, stationary pavilions with street food prevail: pies and other pastries, pancakes with fillings, shawarma, hot dogs. Shawarma is estimated to rank first in demand among all types of street fast food. However, there are also deterrents to demand growth: many potential consumers are afraid to purchase this type of product due to uncertainty about the origin and quality of the original ingredients, as well as due to the potential lack of proper sanitary conditions in the pavilions when preparing the product.

"SHSH" takes into account all the shortcomings of traditional street fast food and offers a customer-oriented approach. The distinctive features of the enterprise are:

    careful selection of suppliers of ingredients and the use of only high-quality and fresh products;

    hiring employees only with sanitary books and monitoring their continuous renewal (passing commissions);

    courtesy and neat appearance of the staff of outlets;

    "service as a show" - a concept that involves the virtuoso preparation of shawarma and its serving with elements of juggling and other effects to background music; while the pavilion has a very large area glazing, so that waiting customers can see the process of storing ingredients, preparing shawarma and all elements of the show;

    high speed of service;

    a relatively small range of products (6 types of main products, plus drinks), which avoids the purchase of a large amount of ingredients; at the same time, the assortment is varied and interesting;

    availability of all possible certificates, permits, certificates, etc. within sight of the buyer.

It is planned to install 5 stationary, custom-made pavilions in places with the highest pedestrian traffic:

    Pedestrian zone in the city center, a large number of young people.

    The largest university in the city.

    Central park of the city.

    Central market.

    Central Bus Station.


The main product of the ShSh project is shawarma, presented in several variations. Shawarma (shawarma, shawarma, shuarma) is a Middle Eastern dish of Arab origin made from pita or pita bread stuffed with grilled and then finely chopped meat (lamb, chicken, veal, turkey) with fresh vegetables, spices and seasonings.

Only fresh vegetables are used for the SHSH project High Quality and quality herbs and spices. 4 out of 5 points of sale use only chicken meat; for a point located in a pedestrian zone (the most traffic of all five points), it is advisable to use lamb as well (small grill).

Ingredients are purchased from local producers. Copies of certificates and supply contracts are placed at points of sale so that buyers can see them while waiting; also available on hand at the request of buyers.

Table 2. Range of outlets




Shawarma "classic"

Classic oriental shawarma in lavash with fresh vegetables

Shawarma "Lamb"

Classic oriental lamb shawarma in lavash with fresh vegetables

    lamb meat


  • white sauce

Shawarma Fajitos

Shawarma with notes mexican food for lovers spicy food

Shawarma in pita "Summer"

Shawarma in pita with lots of fresh vegetables light summer taste

    chicken meat


  • lettuce

  • White cabbage

    bell pepper

    light white sauce

Shawarma "Krevedko"

Exotic shawarma in pita bread with shrimp and avocado

Shawarma "Insatiable"

Shawarma with lots of meat and bacon

    chicken meat


  • fried bacon

    bell pepper

    white sauce

Table 3. Cost and selling price





Shawarma "Classic"

Shawarma "Lamb"

Shawarma "Fahjitos"

Shawarma in pita "Summer"

Shawarma "Krevedko"

Shawarma "Insatiable"

Black tea

Instant black coffee

Mineral water


The marketing mix is ​​developed taking into account industry and regional factors.

Target audience "ShSh" - men (mainly) and women aged 14 to 35 years; pupils, students and working people. For various points of implementation, the main the target audience differs.

The product policy is reflected in Section 2 of this business plan. It is assumed that the assortment includes 6 types of main products and 3 types of secondary products (drinks). Range expansion is not expected. The limitation is due to the simplification of warehouse logistics (in the field of purchasing and storing ingredients). ShSh products are positioned as high-quality, produced exclusively from fresh, high-quality food products in conditions that meet all sanitary standards.

For 4 out of 5 points of sale, an assortment is applied only using chicken meat due to the need to purchase additional equipment for the second type of meat, which is not economically feasible. Lamb meat is used only for the point in the pedestrian zone.

The pricing policy assumes product positioning in the "Standard" and "Standard+" segments. Prices are the same for all points of sale. A loyalty program is provided: cards in the business card format, on which the “ShSh” stamp is affixed with each purchase; after filling six cells, the seventh shawarma is free.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The promotion is based primarily on the bright design of the pavilions, which draws primary attention to the "SHSH". On the next level attracting the attention of buyers is carried out by holding a show on the principle of "bartender show" by the staff in the process of preparing shawarma with juggling objects, ingredients, etc. Brand promotion is also used in in social networks: there is a group in vk.com, ok.ru, Instagram (priority).

The production of shawarma from pre-prepared ingredients and its sale is carried out directly in the pavilions (the location is indicated in Section 2 of this business plan).

The staff is formed from people with a culinary education who have received a sanitary book. Training in the basics of a bartender show is carried out before taking office (the costs of training are borne by the enterprise, they are included in the investment costs). The appearance of the staff is as neat as possible, designed in the corporate style of "SHSH".

The service process has three main priorities:

    quality of preparation of products in accordance with the existing recipe;

    speed - the waiting time by the client should not be more than 6 minutes;

    attracting the attention of the client, his entertainment in the process of waiting.

The considered type of business is subject to the influence of seasonality: in summer, demand is significantly higher in walking areas, lower - near educational institutions. In other locations (station, market) demand is more uniform. The planned sales volume is given in Table. 4. Sales forecast is given in App. 1 to this business plan.

Table 4. Total planned sales volume






Shawarma "Classic"

Shawarma "Lamb"

Shawarma "Fahjitos"

Shawarma in pita "Summer"

Shawarma "Krevedko"

Shawarma "Insatiable"

Black tea

Instant black coffee

Mineral water


2 031 803

All fast food establishments located in the immediate vicinity of the ShSh pavilions are considered as competitors. Analysis of competitors is given in Table. 5. Ratings are made on the basis of the conducted market analysis on a 10-point scale, where 10 is the highest rating.

Table 5. Analysis of competitors





Burger Burger

Cafe with a wide range of burgers. good room, average service.


Cafe specializing in chicken dishes. Poor location, little traffic

China town

Pavilions with Chinese noodles. Good traffic, limited stock, decent service

Delicious, damn

Pavilions with pancakes with various fillings. Wide range, very long time expectations

IP Pitomets S. G.

A pavilion with fast food (hot dogs, hamburgers and semi-finished pizza) and pastries (patties, chebureks, khachapuri). Very poor quality and service

Spoon and bowl

Dining room self-service. High traffic, unfurnished premises, low quality products

Donald Duck

A network of fast food cafes with a worldwide reputation. advantageous location, famous brand, fast service.

The main and key competitors include the institutions "Kura-mura", "Vkusno, pancake" and "Burger Burger". At the same time, none of these competitors offers a show during the service, which will positively affect the image of "SHSH".


Equipment for production is purchased from one of the largest suppliers of equipment for catering establishments. Delivery and installation of equipment are included in the price. The supplier conducts commissioning and training of personnel. Delivery time - 10 working days from the date of payment. The term of installation and training is 7 calendar days.

Raw materials are purchased from local suppliers - manufacturers and wholesalers. Storage of raw materials is carried out directly in the pavilions, in specially equipped refrigerators. Warehouse stock is designed for 3-4 days of work. All processing of ingredients and preparation of products is carried out on site, in the trade pavilion.

Finished products are packed in a thermal envelope that keeps the temperature of the product for a long time. The thermal envelope is suitable both for the use of the product "on the go", and for long-term transportation and storage.

The production plan corresponds to the sales plan, is subject to the influence of seasonality and is reflected in App. 1 to this business plan.


All main management and administrative functions in the project are performed by an individual entrepreneur - the initiator of the project. The initiator of the project has all the necessary knowledge and skills, has experience in entrepreneurial activity and a number of successfully implemented projects, including those in the field of public catering. The entrepreneur also performs the functions of a supply organizer and marketer.

The organizational structure of the enterprise is linear, all employees are directly subordinate to the individual entrepreneur.

Since one of the main competitive advantages is the show component, particularly stringent requirements are imposed on the staff of retail outlets: experience in a similar position for at least 1 year, availability of a health book, courtesy and tidy appearance. All personnel must undergo training at the bartending school on a mandatory basis upon taking office according to a program specially developed for the project.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Of the five outlets, 3 are equipped with shifts consisting of 2 people - a cook and an assistant; 2 points with the least traffic - shifts of 1 person. Hours of work vary, 2/2 from 10.00 to 22.00.

Table 6 staffing and payroll


Salary, rub.

Quantity, pers.

FOT, rub.




cook assistant


RUB 358,000.00

Social Security contributions:

RUB 107,400.00

Total with deductions:



The financial plan is designed for a five-year period, and takes into account all items of income and expenses for the project. Investment costs amount to 3.27 million rubles, of which 1.8 million are the acquisition of fixed assets. 900,000 rubles were used to cover the shortage of working capital until the project reaches payback. At the same time, the volume of own funds of the project initiator is 1.7 million rubles. The remaining amount is planned to be raised in the form of bank loan for a period of 36 months at a rate of 18% per annum. Loan repayment is carried out by annuity payments, credit holidays - 3 months.

Table 7. Investment costs


AMOUNT, rub.

Real estate

Production of pavilions (5 pcs.)


Equipment set (5 pcs.)

Intangible assets

Development of interior and exterior design

Initial staff training

working capital

working capital


3 270 000 ₽

Own funds:

RUB 1,700,000.00

Required borrowings:

1 570 000 ₽


Term, months:

Variable costs per unit of production are given in Table. 3. Fixed costs include depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets. The amount of depreciation deductions is calculated using the straight-line method. The life of fixed assets is 5 years.

Table 8. Fixed costs

Detailed financial plan given in App. 2. Organizational and legal form of the enterprise - IP. Taxation system - UTII, Basic income form - "Providing catering services through a catering facility that does not have a customer service hall." Physical indicator– number of employees (16 people). Net profit of the first year - 3.9 million rubles, the second and subsequent - 6.16 million rubles.


The effectiveness of the project is evaluated on the basis of simple and integral performance indicators. To calculate some indicators, the discounting method is used. The discount rate is taken at the level of 6%, since the market is in the development stage, the product and production technology are known to the market.

The simple and discounted payback period of the project is 8 months, which indicates high profitability. Net present value (NPV) – RUB 3,931,083 The return on investment ratio (ARR) is 15.97%, the internal rate of return (IRR) is 11.89%, and the profitability index (PI) is 1.2 (>0). All these indicators indicate that the project is effective and attractive for investment. The main performance indicators are given in Table. one.


All project risks can be divided into internal and external.

The internal ones include: a shortfall in profit due to low sales, as well as poor product quality due to insufficient staff qualifications, which can also lead to a drop in demand. It is required to carry out a careful selection of candidates, form a personnel reserve and constantly monitor the quality of production and customer service.

External risks usually include: economic, political, demographic, social and other risks. In this case, the economic crisis is rather a success factor for the enterprise, as many people refuse to visit cafes and restaurants, but the need for food must still be satisfied. For this reason, everything more people choose relatively inexpensive street fast food without loss of quality (compared to cafes and restaurants).


Denis Miroshnichenko
(c) - portal of business plans and guides for starting a small business

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In this material:

How to open fast food from scratch? To get the maximum income from the business, you need to decide on the idea, make preliminary calculations. The business idea of ​​opening a catering stall is ideal for those who do not own a large initial capital. At the same time, the profitability of the project is obvious, its profitability will be very high, since delicious food is in demand among a huge number of people, and the flow of customers is guaranteed.

Preparatory activities

How to open such a business? First you need to pay attention to the preparation of a business plan. It should reflect in detail the calculations of total costs, the expected profit, a list of possible risks. If this manipulation is successfully performed, you can proceed to registration. To do this, contact the relevant authorized state authorities.

The diner idea is very good. Such an enterprise has a specific target audience. Therefore, it is important to locate it in a place where a large number of people are constantly located. Usually a good location is the square near the market, train station, university or other educational institution.

Opening fast food from scratch, you need to Special attention devote to menu planning. It must be carefully chosen. Thanks to this detail, net revenue can vary significantly. If the food is really tasty and of high quality, then there will be many visitors, they will definitely visit the stall again and again. They will become regular customers and make a good advertisement for the institution, telling all their friends, acquaintances, relatives about it. At the same time, the businessman will be able to receive constant high profits, which will allow him to recoup capital investments in the shortest possible time.

Bright ideas should be used when choosing a room design. Outside and inside, it must be attractive, as comfortable as possible. It is important to ensure that the hall and the kitchen are perfectly clean. All orders must be completed to the maximum short time and absolutely accurate.

A good idea is to organize a bar counter, where everyone can order coffee, juice and other drinks. However, when developing a business idea, one should not forget about furniture. It is necessary to purchase a sufficient number of tables, chairs, so that any client is comfortable, especially if it is an elderly person or a child. Furniture should be of good quality and comfortable. You should not skimp on equipment, as cheap goods will not last long.

Having drawn up and calculated a business plan, fast food must be properly registered. The most suitable form of documentation, interaction with the federal tax service, suppliers, contractors and others is an individual entrepreneur.

Since the opening of an enterprise is connected with the field of public catering, in order to register it, you need to contact a number of institutions to obtain permits to start activities. Permits are issued:

  1. Federal tax office.
  2. Sanitary and epidemiological service.
  3. Russian Consumption Supervision.

If the functioning will be carried out in the form of individual entrepreneurship, an individual can successfully use a simplified tax collection system.

When opening any commercial institution, one cannot do without marketing activities. Successful promotion depends on the right advertising campaign. It is desirable that it be comprehensive. Forms of advertising that can be used:

  • outdoor advertising;
  • billboards displaying menu items;
  • Flyers.

On the opening day of a new institution, it is best to take care of organizing a presentation that is not too large. In this case, you should use the services of special agencies that work with outdoor advertising.

Important sections of the plan

A fast food business plan necessarily includes a production section. It reflects the list of equipment that needs to be purchased. Diner requires:

  • microwave oven;
  • coffee machine;
  • cheburechnitsa;
  • refrigerated showcase;
  • meat grinder, etc.

The dishes should be chosen the most suitable, for example, plastic for disposable use, ceramic, wooden.

In this department, you need to reflect the information that is associated with the service personnel. For the operation of the enterprise, it is necessary to conclude employment contracts with a cook, a cleaner, a seller, a dishwasher, a technical worker.

When a business plan is being drawn up, fast food cannot do without a financial part. The amount of income received is not determined by the high cost of selling products, but by the number of customers who will visit the diner daily. Capital investments should amount to approximately 150 thousand rubles.

The cost of purchasing furniture, necessary equipment, inventory will be about 80 thousand rubles. You can make repairs in the premises for 45 thousand, you will have to allocate 15 thousand rubles for promotional activities.

You will need to pay for the services of various authorities when registering a business.

In addition to the listed expenses, each month you will have to spend money on:

  1. Rent of premises and its maintenance (40-50 thousand rubles).
  2. Salary to employees (60-70 thousand).
  3. Grocery purchases (from 100 thousand).

In addition to costs, the business plan for which you are going to open a fast food business reflects daily income, average revenue and net profit for 30 days.

How to make a business profitable? Be sure to analyze the market, study the closest competitors in the area. These are nearby cafes, eateries. It is important to find out information regarding their menu. If competition cannot be overcome, then you should think about moving fast food to more appropriate place. When competition is relatively low, original catering ideas or new menu items need to be considered. For example, it can be vegetarian sandwiches, exclusive cakes with unusual fillings.

A well-thought-out business idea is the key to the success of any entrepreneur. It is important not to miss a single detail, then the results will definitely justify all efforts.

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Why, wanting to invest in a business, many entrepreneurs around the world choose the fast food industry?

The demand for fast food establishments is high not only in large metropolitan areas, but also in small regional cities. The food they serve is different. rich taste and satiety. And this is not to mention the fact that its cost is several times lower than lunch in a full-fledged restaurant or cafe.

It is not surprising that many are interested in how to open fast food and start making money from it. And now you will learn some secrets of this popular business.

Step 1. Choose the format of the enterprise

The organization of fast food begins with the fact that you choose one of two formats of the enterprise: stationary or street.

Street fast food includes retail outlets operating under open sky: mobile carts and counters, pavilions, kiosks and vans. The food is prepared right in front of the customers and served in the same place, on the street.

Stationary establishments are primarily pizzerias, bistros, small restaurants, coffee shops, etc. last years the so-called food courts - food courts near shopping centers are becoming increasingly popular.

However, all such establishments have one thing in common: the menu is based on dishes, the preparation of which requires minimal cost time.

Arguing about which of these two formats is better is pointless - almost any outlet will bring good profits to its owner. Of course, only if competent organization workflow and the use of quality equipment and raw materials.

Step 2. Analysis of competitors

It is extremely important, when opening a private fast food, to analyze the activities of the main competitors (especially if you live in big city). At the same time, it is necessary to study the clientele, location, product range and pricing policy of other enterprises. In parallel, you will be able to see the main mistakes made by your competitors and avoid them in your work.

Step 3. Business registration and paperwork

The organization of fast food in a street format is possible for individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs. No additional licenses are required for trading. However, an important point is obtaining permits from the fire inspection and the sanitary and epidemiological service. In addition, you will need certificates of compliance of your equipment with the relevant standards and documents confirming the quality of the products.

If we are talking about a full-fledged fast food cafe, it would be more logical to register entity OOO.

Step 4. Choosing a room

If you are interested in how to open fast food, you should focus on places that are characterized by a large crowd of people. An excellent option is the location near shopping and office centers or right on their territory. In this case, you will ensure yourself a stable influx of customers.

You must have at least 5 rooms at your disposal (including the kitchen, sales area, warehouse, toilet and staff quarters).

High-quality repairs should be carried out in the premises, all communications (electricity, cold and hot water, heating, gas, etc.).

Step 5. Purchase of equipment

Now let's talk about what equipment is needed for fast food. The more diverse units you use, the more opportunities you will have to expand your product range.

A standard set of equipment for organizing the work of a fast food establishment includes:

  • devices for making hot dogs;
  • pancakes;
  • grills;
  • fryers;
  • waffle irons;
  • thermal showcases;
  • devices for making shawarma;
  • microwaves;
  • boilers;
  • electric food warmers/microwave ovens;
  • chest freezer/refrigerators;
  • refrigerators for drinks.

In addition, you will need cash registers, dishwashers, dishes and cutting tools (if we are talking about creating a full-fledged cafe).

Modern equipment for fast food can significantly reduce the cooking time of various dishes, reduce their cost and end up with really tasty, mouth-watering food that none of your visitors can resist!

A little "freebie"

Already interested? Indeed, people interested in how to open a fast food restaurant can get some help from the big cold drink manufacturers (Nescafe, Coca-Cola, Nestle, etc.). These companies are extremely interested in increasing the supply of their products to such points, and therefore they can provide you, as the owner of fast food, with refrigerators for storing drinks for free (or by installments).

If we are talking about an open-air cafe, then they can also help in terms of decorating the point^, for example, by providing branded umbrellas for tables.

Step 6. Analyze seasonality

Fast food as a business is quite dependent on the seasonality factor. The largest influx of buyers is observed in spring and autumn. In sultry summer days demand drops a little, but the sale of soft drinks can make a fairly large cash desk during this period (just imagine how many people want to drink a can of cold cola in a 40-degree heat!). In addition, the sale of delicious ice cream will attract customers in the summer.

Step 7. Search for personnel

Fast food is a business that, with the right approach, can bring you huge profits in the first years of operation.

To ensure the normal operation of your enterprise, you will need sellers, cooks and cleaners. If you are planning to open a fairly large retail outlet, the skills of managers coordinating the work of the rest of the staff will be useful.

In the process of recruiting employees, you should focus on the following factors:

  • availability of special training and qualifications in this specialty;
  • Experience in similar positions in other catering establishments;
  • knowledge of relevant normative documents associated with work in the catering industry.

In addition, an important point is the sociability of all employees and their ability to build communication with customers.

Step 8. We buy products

The most profitable solution is to buy special semi-finished products for fast food. Ask what companies in your city offer such services, and try to establish regular wholesale deliveries.

The field of street fast food consists of many directions. It is impossible to cover everything in one mobile point, however, as well as in a stationary one. That is why the organization of a business must begin with the choice of a concept. The list of specializations is extensive. Most requested:

  1. Pizza;
  2. grilled chickens;
  3. hot dogs;
  4. shawarma;
  5. hot sandwiches, sandwiches;
  6. hot baked or deep-fried potatoes;
  7. pancakes;
  8. donuts;
  9. pies;
  10. salads;
  11. cotton candy;
  12. popcorn.

Choosing a direction should be based on several factors. Culinary education and work experience in a particular specialty is important, but not the most important. The decisive factor is the demand in a particular locality. Take, for example, the sale of salads. In the metropolis, which is characterized by a fast pace of life and a constant rush, many have a snack on the go and prefer to buy ready-made salads. In a small provincial town with an unhurried rhythm, a relatively low purchasing power and since most families have dachas, this type of fast food will not bring tangible profits.

Analyzing the characteristics of the market, it is worth considering the competition. The complete absence of outlets in your chosen specialization in a particular area may indicate good prospects or serve as a signal of a lack of consumer demand.

After collecting and analyzing the data, choosing a concept, start drawing up a business plan. It is necessary even for a small outlet. Try to enter the most reliable data, this will help identify potentially dangerous moments and correct them in advance.

Main risks

Most fast food outlets are closing due to common mistakes newbie. In the first place is the lack of clear calculations, this happens with a formal attitude to the preparation of a business plan. The hope that everything will work out along the way and be decided depending on the development of events is unacceptable for business. Even with deep analysis and diligent miscalculation of possible risks, unforeseen situations arise. But there are much fewer of them, and preliminary preparation helps to cope with difficulties with the least losses.

In second place among the reasons for failures is the poor quality of service and non-compliance with sanitary standards. Fast food does not have a very good reputation precisely because of the irresponsibility of specific entrepreneurs. High-quality ingredients, perfect purity and adherence to cooking technology will help to avoid fines, and in case of regular violations, complete closure. Customer reviews also play a huge role. If the service suits them, they will recommend you to friends and become regular customers themselves, but if there is an ugly service, word of mouth will spread the word about your shortcomings very quickly.

Some areas are characterized by a certain dependence on the season. But it is not critical, and if properly organized, it will not greatly affect profitability.


For fast food street vendors, the choice is clear - the most crowded places with heavy traffic. First of all, one should consider the central streets, public transport stops and the metro. Worthy of close attention are areas near railway stations, bus stations and airports, large markets, office centers and educational institutions.

If there is too much density of competitors on the central streets, it is worth considering places on busy highways in the suburbs near ring roads, gas stations or large shopping centers.

When choosing a place for trading, you should study the plans of the city administration for the development, reconstruction and improvement of a certain area. Perhaps a seemingly unpromising area will soon become a very profitable place, or vice versa, a vacant lot you like will soon be built up. Also, be sure to analyze the crime situation in the area - you should stay away from dangerous areas.


The choice and cost of equipment depends on the specialization. There are a lot of offers on the market. Manufacturers offer fully equipped mobile points. There are options for executing a leasing agreement or renting an equipped van.


As a rule, at the initial stage, two sellers are hired, who work in shifts. At the beginning of the activity, it is desirable for the entrepreneur to also take part in the preparation of dishes and serving customers. This will allow you to personally see the shortcomings in the organization and objectively test the business idea.

Recruitment can be carried out personally or entrusted with the selection process of applicants to the agency. In addition to skills in working with equipment and conscientiousness, courtesy and dexterity are important. The peculiarity of fast food is fast food preparation. If the buyer has to wait a long time or communicate with an unfriendly seller, he will never come to your establishment again.

Payment wages it is desirable to make up of the rate and an additional percentage of the proceeds. Such a system encourages employees to work more actively to increase sales.

Financial and tax reporting can be outsourced. But if you decide to expand and open new outlets, you should hire a full-time accountant.

Documents and licenses

The most optimal variant of the registration form for a fast food point is an individual entrepreneur. The following documents are submitted to the tax service:

  1. A completed application form.
  2. Information on selected types of activities (OKVED - 55.30; 52.62; 52.63).
  3. Receipt of payment of state duty.
  4. The passport.
  5. Original and photocopy of TIN.
  6. Information about the chosen taxation system and an application for entering your company in the register of payers.

The choice of taxation system should be chosen after a thorough analysis of the features of each of them. For fast food UTII or PSN (patent taxation system). The second option has different nuances depending on the region of activity, since the limit value of the potential income of an individual entrepreneur is set at the local level. In many cases, PSN is more profitable than UTII, but it is very important to calculate and compare the amount of tax in both systems. It makes sense to hire a specialist for this work.

After completing the documents in the tax office and registration, you should purchase and register cash register. For an individual entrepreneur, opening a current account is not necessary, but if your work is associated with a large turnover, you will not be able to do without it. It is mandatory for an LLC to have a bank account.

Since the mobile fast food point belongs to catering establishments, SES requirements high. They are contained in clause 16 of SanPiN Before starting the organization and in the process of choosing a location, at least the main points should be considered:

  1. If there is no access to a centralized water supply, it is necessary to ensure the uninterrupted supply of water of similar quality.
  2. Food and drinks are prepared using bottled water.
  3. It is necessary to have a toilet for employees within a radius of 100 m from the location of the outlet.
  4. A refrigerator is required for perishable food, drinks and ice cream.
  5. Only disposable tableware may be used.
  6. Personnel must have health books.
  7. Mandatory sanitization according to established rules with certified means.
  8. It is necessary to ensure the availability of containers for collecting waste and garbage and timely removal.

You must have the technical conditions for cooking, recipes and certificates for all ingredients - they are provided by suppliers.

Registration of the lease of the site takes place in the local administration. The procedure can take about 3 months, because according to the law, the site must be put up for tender and offered to the entrepreneur who proposed the most attractive project. In the case of renting a plot from a private owner, everything goes much faster and easier.


For fast food, only outdoor advertising installed directly near the point is effective. Order the manufacture of a remote structure (shtenter). Also of great importance is the design of a mobile van. The brand name and logo should be developed as early as possible. Registering a trademark takes a long time and requires investment, but if you plan to work further and develop a positive brand image, this is a must.

Order the production of packaging materials, bags, containers with your brand logo. This is a very effective marketing technique.


Each specialization has a different number. But fast food is one of the areas that are characterized by high profitability. Much depends on the location and quality of service.


Street fast food - very promising direction. In Russia, this niche is not yet highly competitive. According to experts, the demand for fast food will grow, and there are many opportunities for a newbie to get off to a good start.

Step by step fast food business plan for beginners. Create your profitable business!

♦ Initial investment in the project: 5,830,000 rubles
♦ Fast food payback period: 24 months
♦ Profitability rate according to the business plan: 38.5%

In the modern rhythm of life, eating quickly, moreover, tasty and inexpensive is a need that arises in every second person.

This is especially true for large cities such as Moscow. Despite the high level of competition among such projects, the audience of fast foods is expanding, thanks to which the work of such an establishment can bring significant income to the owner.

Fast Food Business Plan: Planning

In the current business plan, a description of the fast food project in the shopping center is drawn up.

To open fast food on wheels, less time and effort will be required.

Project Summary

This business plan describes the opening of fast food "N" in Moscow.
The establishment will operate on the top floor of the five-story Dream Town entertainment center.
Part of the food court will be rented for the needs of the enterprise.

The purpose of the project according to the business plan is:

  • Providing visitors to the entertainment center with the opportunity to eat quickly, tasty and not at high prices.
  • Getting profit from the project.

Fast food room

The requirements for fast food premises, of course, are not as high as they are for a full-fledged restaurant.

However, the importance of this item cannot be underestimated and they should be listed in the business plan. Since fast food "N" operates on the top floor of the "Dream Town" shopping center in the corresponding zone, it has this standard structure:

  • a counter 5-7 meters long, behind which are cashiers-waiters;
  • customers place an order and pick it up at the fast food checkout - the project works on the principle of self-service;
  • an open area is reserved for tables;
  • after the visit, the visitors themselves throw the garbage into a special bin, leaving the tray on top on a special stand.

This ensures maximum flow and high speed of service at a relatively low cost per project.

Although there are many food courts in the food courts, the kitchen of each of them should be provided with its own ventilation outlet.

Project marketing plan

Russian market fast food is booming. At the same time, 20% of the turnover of all firms falls on the city of Moscow.

According to the statistics of the business plan, the growth rate is kept at a high level: 30-50% increase in the number of projects per year. There is an extremely high level of competition in the market and a small number of places that are profitable for fast food. However, the pace of construction of shopping centers in Moscow also remains at a high level.

Therefore, a food court in the new Dream Town shopping center (commissioning in 2015) was chosen to host the fast food project under consideration.

Competitive advantages of work

The public of fast food restaurants is predominantly conservative and prefers familiar brands.

To increase the visibility of the project that this business plan describes, fast food will be advertised through an active company.

The competitive advantages of the project are:

  • Relatively low prices (more affordable than in all other catering establishments of the shopping center).
  • Plentiful portions for adults.
  • High speed of work due to the complete set of fast food staff.

Services (products) of fast food

In addition to location, another factor in the success of the fast food operation is delicious food.

The basis of any menu, which is also included in the business plan, are various semi-finished products that can be prepared quickly, but at the same time save everything taste qualities.

You can order the supply of these raw materials and other ingredients for the project only from reliable suppliers who have all the necessary quality certificates.

Dishes in the assortment of fast food should be easy to prepare. The presence of expensive and exclusive components is meaningless. After all, people come to fast foods to have a snack at an affordable price. And foie gras is not something that will satisfy their desire.

Organization of fast food takeaway

According to the business plan, fast food "N" will provide customers with a "takeaway" service.

Some visitors will place an order with the wish to take it with them. It is necessary to take care of convenient and beautiful packaging with high strength.

This means that food must be put away in sufficiently strong, heat-storing and odor-proof packages. The ideal and most common choice for fast food is cardboard boxes and craft packaging.

There should be a ready supply of napkins, tubes, portioned spices at the checkout area.

Target audience of the project

Along with the development of the fast food restaurant industry, the target audience of the project is also changing.

Previously, the largest segment of fast food customers, both static and on wheels, was occupied by visitors under 25, mainly middle managers. Over time, from youth entertainment, fast foods have literally turned into integral element life of middle-aged urban residents with average and above average income levels.

On the this moment according to the business plan, the distribution looks like this:

fast food staff

To start working in a fast food establishment, it is enough to have a staff of 18 people.

The project manager will be the owner.

Opening hours of the institution according to the business plan: 10.30 - 22.00.

P.S. For high level performance of functions by employees, shift duty is organized.

  • Administrator.
    Ensures compliance with the standards and culture of fast food customer service, advises on the cost of services, their varieties, the availability of loyalty programs and promotional offers.
    Supervises client base of the project, resolves conflict situations that have arisen in the work, conveys wishes and comments to the higher management on the organization of work, monitors the cleanliness in the hall and production premises (controls the quality of cleaning), draws up schedules for the rest of the employees to go to the shift, pays salaries and bonuses.
  • Cook.
    Produces a full cycle of cooking: from cleaning the ingredients to decorating before serving.
    Makes a menu, starting from the wishes and comments of customers.
    Keeps a record and analysis of complaints from visitors about the composition of dishes, taste and other shortcomings in the work of the kitchen. Distributes duties and controls their implementation among the rest of the employees of his site in fast food.
  • Assistant cook.
    Engaged in the preparation of surfaces and equipment for cooking, provides primary processing vegetables, fruits, eggs, monitors compliance with the sanitary-technical and production standards of the project, performs the work of a cook in case of his absence.
  • Cashier waiter.
    Greets guests, consults on issues that arise, introduces promotional offers of the project, places an order through the cash desk, accepts and fixes payment, controls the inventory, cleanliness and working condition of the checkout area, participates in thematic and promotional events of the company.
  • Cleaning woman.
    Cleans all service premises and the fast food customer area, cleans floors and surfaces, windows, sanitary equipment, removes garbage from the premises, controls stocks of cleaning products and equipment, performs extra work as directed by the senior management of the project.

To ensure a high level of professionalism, advanced training courses will be organized (administrators, cooks, waiters).

P.S. To organize fast food on wheels, you will need to hire only sellers. At the same time, the indicators of the business plan are recalculated accordingly.

PositionQtySalary (rub.)Total (rub.)
Administrator2 30 000 60 000
Cook1 35 000 35 000
cook assistant3 27 000 81 000
Waiter/cashier8 20 000 160 000
Cleaning woman4 15 000 60 000

Salary costs are entered into the monthly cost table of the business plan. In the future, it is planned to increase the rate by 10% annually.

In the first year of fast food operation, 396,000 rubles will be paid every month.

Fast Food Business Plan: Project Implementation

Project Schedule

1 month2 month3 month4 month
Registration and paperwork
Signing a lease agreement
Room design
Purchase of technical equipment
Obtaining the necessary permissions
Purchase of furniture for the kitchen and hall
Buying inventory
Staff recruitment
Installation of equipment and furniture
Order design and print paper materials
Repair in the premises
Launch of an advertising campaign
Conclusion of contracts with hired services*
Interior decoration
Opening an institution

According to the calendar scheme for the implementation of the project, based on the business plan, the opening of fast food will take place 4 months after the start of preparatory work.

Calculating the cost of opening a fast food restaurant

NameAmount (rub.)
Company registration15 000
Re-planning for the needs of the enterprise80 000
Design and decoration of the premises200 000
Procurement of lighting fixtures and interior items650 000
Repair400 000
Installation of equipment fire safety and cameras50 000
Purchase and installation of kitchen equipment800 000
Purchase of furniture for the kitchen and hall600 000
Acquisition of equipment for the kitchen and customers (dishes, towels, trays)250 000
Purchase of the official software "Accounting System"125 000
Purchase of mobile terminals for waiters (8 pieces)80 000
Employee training80 000
Advertising75 000
Business development expenses (6 months)2 000 000
Design and printing of menus, booklets75 000
Purchasing products for inventory200 000
Other expenses150 000

All amounts in the table are in rubles.

Thus, in order to implement a fast food business plan, a capital investment of 5,830,000 rubles is required. Start-up costs also include the cost of running the project until it reaches the break-even point.

The source of financing is the receipt of investments in the amount of 5,000,000 rubles.

The rest of the amount - 830,000 rubles - will be covered by the personal funds of the project implementer.

Fast Food Business Plan: Financial Section

“Success for me is about creating something that you can really be proud of.”
Richard Branson

Expenses for maintaining and developing the fast food project

The monthly costs of fast food under the current business plan consist of two categories:

  • Product cost.
  • Other project costs:
    • payment of salaries to employees;
    • advertising;
    • lease of the territory;
    • payment for hired services;
    • communal payments;
    • tax deductions.

At the same time, 335,000 rubles of current expenses are covered every month at the expense of the amount of 2,000,000 rubles pledged at the start of the project.

Upon reaching the break-even point after 6 months of work (based on the data of the business plan), the company's expenses are fully covered by profit.

The distribution scheme for the total costs of the project is as follows:

The organization of a fast food cafe is a laborious process that requires large investments in opening and development.

However, when fast food is detailed and competently, this will help to assess the risks and scenario for the development of the project. This is the first step towards creating a successful establishment, which can later turn into a chain of fast food restaurants.

The real story of how young businessmen,

independently opened a network of eateries in Moscow under a well-known brand.

  1. For fast food, location really matters.
    Therefore, the choice of premises for the project must be approached carefully.
    Do not forget that you need to not only choose a place of work, but also designate all the rights to it: sign a lease agreement in accordance with all the rules, obtain all the necessary permits from authorities (SES, fire safety service).
    The stages of their receipt are displayed in the business plan.
  2. When compiling the menu in the business plan of the project, also focus on the location of fast food.
    For sleeping areas, the demand for large meals, grills that you can take with you are in high demand. It is important for people rushing home from work to buy something that can be reheated and consumed at home instead of cooking dinner.
    But for fast food in the central region, the sale of “snacks” will be more relevant. After all, mostly people go to such places to eat and return to work.
  3. Pay close attention to the selection of cashiers for the project and the control of their work.
    Unfortunately, cases of theft in the fast food industry among employees are not uncommon. This is especially evident in the work with the goods "by weight". The seller may not report a little in several servings, but sell the saved products, putting the proceeds straight into his pocket.
    The video surveillance system, sudden checks and services will help to fight " secret shopper» for the project.
  4. It is worth paying attention to developing a personal style for your fast food project.
    Even if you have not even thought about expanding yet, this will demonstrate your seriousness and high reliability.
    Do not save and hire a specialist for this work.
    Be sure to include the finished result of the work in the fast food business plan.
  5. On the one hand, opening a profitable fast food project that won't close in the first year is not an easy task.
    However, even a beginner in the field of entrepreneurship can succeed if he makes due efforts to implement the project and focuses on.

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