Home Mushrooms Rating of schools for the academic year. Requirements for premises and equipment. the best schools in the capital

Rating of schools for the academic year. Requirements for premises and equipment. the best schools in the capital

Today many parents pay Special attention education of your child. That is why, before sending their child to school, mothers and fathers carefully consider which school is best to choose. Basically, all educational institutions are evaluated, first of all, according to such a criterion as the results of children in the Unified State Examination and State Examination, as well as various Olympiads. But, in addition to these criteria, there are a number of others. For example, if students are caught for violations on the Unified State Exam, then the scale loses its points accordingly. Additional points may also be awarded for a child moving from preschool to first grade in the same school. As for the internal rating, that is, ratings that accumulate in magazines and notebooks, they are simply not taken into account, thereby creating a more objective opinion.

Moscow schools 2017-2018 represent quite big list, which includes more than 300 schools, each of which is unique and good in its own way. Famous for his achievements.

According to statistics, out of 300 schools, the first 170 will receive the appropriate and so necessary for educational process grants.

It is worth saying that on our list these are schools from 1 to 20 who received 1st degree grants, from 21 to 70 2nd degree, and from 71 to 170 3rd degree. It is these allocated cash the school has every right to spend on internal needs, or, more precisely, the purchase of equipment, additional materials, teaching aids etc., that is, dispose of them as they consider necessary and correct.

List of the best by region.

These are the schools that received grants of 1st and 2nd degrees, and, therefore, are considered the most popular places to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities according to the school curriculum.

All parents dream of their children receiving the best. This also applies to education, with which, as a rule, the most problems arise. Today in Moscow there is great amount schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, and it is often quite difficult to choose the best one from them. That is why, before sending their child to school, mothers and fathers carefully consider which school is best to choose. The rating of Moscow schools 2018, which can be found on specialized city portals, will help with this.

Evaluation criteria

Main criteria for choosing a school:

Results of the United state exam and GIA, as well as various Olympiads. For example, if students are caught for violations on the Unified State Exam, then the scale loses its points accordingly.

  • Teacher qualifications.
  • Feedback from parents and school students.
  • Additional points may also be awarded for a child moving from preschool to first grade in the same school.
  • Added in 2018 new criterion– effectiveness of working with disabled children.

Grants for the best schools in Moscow

According to statistics, out of 300 schools, the first 170 will receive the appropriate grants that are so necessary for the educational process.

The school has every right to use the allocated funds for internal needs: the purchase of equipment, additional materials, teaching aids, that is, to use them as it considers necessary and correct.

Where should I send my child to study in Moscow?

When sending their child to school, parents are traditionally guided by the principle of proximity educational institution to the place of residence of the future student.

Which educational institutions are recognized as the best in 2018? Full list There are almost 300 schools in Moscow. These lists are regularly published in the capital’s media and on the website Department of Education city, so any parent can find out which school is the best today.

The best Moscow schools in 2017

The rating of Moscow schools for 2017-2018 is a fairly large list, which includes more than 300 schools, each of which is unique and good in its own way, famous for its achievements. Here are the best schools from top 300:

  1. Lyceum of National Research University Higher School of Economics

This educational institution provides specialized training students of grades 10-11 in eight areas of training. Lyceum students independently draw up an individual curriculum, choosing the most interesting subjects for themselves.

  1. Lyceum No. 1535

Study profiles in high school: socio-economic, medical, natural science, humanitarian, technological. Practical lessons are carried out in specialized classrooms of chemistry, computer science, biology, physics, geography, equipped with modern equipment.

  1. School No. 179

School is structural unit Moscow Institute open education(MIOO). This school is famous for its specialized classes: mathematical, biological, inventive.

  1. School No. 1514

Classrooms are also intended for children with disabilities. Such students attend exercise therapy instead of physical education classes.

  1. Lyceum No. 1580

Full name – State Budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow “Lyceum No. 1580 at MSTU named after. N.E. Bauman". Under the guidance of Baumanka teachers, schoolchildren study algebra, geometry, mathematical analysis, physics, and computer science in depth.

  1. Technological College No. 21

This institution trains specialists in demand in the industrial sector of the city, has a modern training, production and sports facilities, a swimming pool, a dormitory building, and a driving school.

  1. Lyceum "Second School"

The Lyceum is a continuation of the famous Moscow Physics and Mathematics School No. 2, founded in 1956. For a long time, it has maintained a physical and mathematical orientation. In addition to mathematics and physics, English is studied in depth at school.

  1. School No. 57

Curriculums that are implemented in a school are usually programs higher level. Thanks to the success of its students and graduates, the school is well known in scientific circles not only in our country, but also in many countries around the world.

  1. School No. 1566

The school has a lot of different clubs and interest sections: art studio, interior design, photo club, environmental and math clubs, tour guide club, computer club.

  1. School No. 1329

In addition to standard lessons, there are classes in special mathematics, in which children solve research problems. Study profile in high school: humanitarian, mathematical, socio-economic, technological, chemical and biological.

Profile of study in high school: medical, engineering, technological, socio-economic, humanitarian, physics and mathematics.

Full list the best educational institutions of the capital are published on the Internet on educational websites in Moscow. For the first time in its five-year history, the leader in the ranking has changed:

The rules prescribed in the document are binding in all public and private educational institutions. They must be taken into account when developing regulatory and technical documentation, which is being approved by the relevant authorities.

The purpose of the document is to ensure comfortable conditions in buildings and premises in which schoolchildren study, establishing safety standards environment. Only in schools that comply with the prescribed requirements is it possible to receive a quality education.

The rules stipulate that every school must have modern computer equipment and access to the Internet, Sport halls, dining room, sewerage, cold and hot water.

These basic requirements are intended to ensure the necessary conditions allowing you to concentrate on educational process, and not on solving any everyday problems.

Requirements for premises and equipment

SanPiN establishes:

  • that parking spaces should be provided in school areas Vehicle which are used to transport students
  • there must be heated passages between buildings that are erected on the same territory;

school wardrobes must have hangers, storage compartments for shoes, hooks for clothes that correspond to the height of schoolchildren;

  • in addition, for the convenience of students, dressing benches should be equipped;
  • blackboards should be dark green or dark brown, while classrooms can be equipped with interactive whiteboards, touch screens and other modern devices that must meet hygienic standards;
  • the temperature in toilet rooms should be no higher than 21C, in showers - no more than 25C;
  • Some offices must have access to water supply.

The document also contains requirements for small-scale educational institutions. They must have such mandatory premises as a wardrobe, classrooms for training, an assembly hall, a dining room, a library, bathrooms, recreation, a utility room, a medical office, a gym, a training room and other necessary administrative and utility premises.

Requirements for organizing the educational process

In addition to the listed requirements, SANPIN establishes maximum permissible load on students.

Thus, the classroom load should not exceed 26, 32, 33, 35, 36 and 37 academic hours for students of 1st, 2nd-4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th grades. x and 10-11th grades. Extracurricular activities should last no more than ten hours per week for all schoolchildren.

SanPiN also details the total permissible load for each student during one day.


  • for first grade students - 4 lessons every 4 days, and 5 lessons - 1 day (at the expense of a physical education lesson);
  • for students in grades 2-4 - 5 lessons every 4 days, and 6 lessons - 1 day (at the expense of a physical education lesson);
  • for students in grades 5-7 - no more than seven lessons daily;
  • for students in grades 8-11 - no more than eight lessons daily.

Double lessons are allowed physical culture.

Particular attention in the rules is paid to classes on computers with LCD monitors. Such classes should not exceed 20 minutes in grades 1-2, 25 minutes in grades 3-4, 30 minutes in grades 5-6, 35 minutes in grades 7-11.

At the beginning of 2018, changes were made to SanPin for the school

The changes affected the requirements for premises and equipment:

  • on school grounds there must be parking spaces for vehicles transporting students;
  • if the school consists of several buildings, they must be connected to each other and equipped with a heating system;
  • installation is not allowed outdoor toilets for students if there is no centralized sewage system (in this case, internal sewerage should be provided).

School catering must also meet certain requirements:

  • free access to water supply;
  • drinking water and food must undergo quality control;
  • Canteen workers must undergo a medical examination twice a year, etc.

Specifics of the educational process:

  • the number of students depends on the area available for each child;
  • the document determines the number of lessons for each age group, thus, the lesson schedule must be drawn up in accordance with the standards (for example, for the first grade there should be no more than four lessons daily, by the last grade there may be 7-8);
  • academic year first-graders may include additional holidays;
  • Teachers must undergo retraining every two years and then certification.

The school should be a safe and productive institution that provides complete knowledge to students. Changes made to SanPin should improve the requirements that were established by earlier legislative documents.

Modern scientific research It has been established that the biorhythmological optimum of mental performance in children school age falls within an interval of 10 - 12 hours. During these hours, the greatest efficiency of assimilation of material is observed at the lowest psychophysiological costs for the body.

Therefore, in the lesson schedule for students of the 1st stage of education, the main subjects should be taught in 2-3 lessons, and for students of the 2nd and 3rd stages of education - in 2, 3, 4 lessons.

The mental performance of students is not the same different days school week. Its level increases towards the middle of the week and remains low at the beginning (Monday) and at the end (Friday) of the week.

Therefore, the distribution of the teaching load during the week is structured in such a way that its largest volume falls on Tuesday and (or) Wednesday. On these days, the lesson schedule includes subjects corresponding to highest score on the difficulty scale (Table 1, 2, 3 of this appendix) or with an average score and the lowest score on the difficulty scale, but in more than on other days of the week. Presentation of new material, test papers should be carried out in 2 - 4 lessons in the middle of the school week.

Subjects that require a lot of time to prepare at home should not be grouped together on the same day.

When drawing up a lesson schedule for primary, middle and high school students, you must use tables 1-3, in which the difficulty of each academic subject is ranked in points.

With a properly designed lesson schedule greatest number points for the day based on the sum of all items must fall on Tuesday and (or) Wednesday.

Table 1

Scale of subject difficulty for grades 1-4

table 2

Difficulty scale educational subjects, studied in grades 5-9

General subjectsNumber of points (difficulty rank)
5th grade6th grade7th grade8th grade9th grade
Chemistry- - 13 10 12
Geometry- - 12 10 8
Physics- - 8 9 13
Algebra- - 10 9 7
Economy- - - - 11
Drawing- - - 5 4
World artistic culture (WAC)- - 8 5 5
Biology10 8 7 7 7
Mathematics10 13 - - -
Foreign language9 11 10 8 9
Russian language8 12 11 7 6
Local history7 9 5 5 -
Natural history7 8 - - -
Geography- 7 6 6 5
Civics6 9 9 5 -
Story5 8 6 8 10
Rhythmics4 4 - - -
Work4 3 2 1 4
Literature4 6 4 4 7
ISO3 3 1 3 -
Physical Culture3 4 2 2 2
Ecology3 3 3 6 1
Music2 1 1 1 -
Computer science4 10 4 7 7
life safety fundamentals1 2 3 3 3

Table 3

Difficulty scale of academic subjects studied in grades 10-11

After the collapse Soviet Union Strange things began to happen in schools. In some educational institutions it has been preserved good level teaching and comfortable environment. Other schools have changed a lot, losing their skills as good educational providers. In third gymnasiums and other educational institutions, chaos simply began, both among the constant change of personnel and in the field of teaching itself. This separation is most noticeable in major cities. This is one of the reasons why the rating of Moscow schools 2018-2019 appeared, which allows us to at least somehow evaluate the educational institutions of the capital.

The influence of the rating on the activities of the schools themselves

Not only parents are interested in enrolling their child in the best educational institution. The lyceums, schools and gymnasiums themselves are interested in the highest level of rating. The financial background is no secret to anyone - schools not only receive money for each student, but also compete for large grants issued to the first 170 educational institutions (EIs). These are not some modest amounts in thousands, we are talking about millions of subsidies:

  1. From 1st to 20th place - 15 million.
  2. From 21st to 70th place - 10 million
  3. From 71st to 170th place - 5 million.

For now, this information is provided for grants, although everything may change. The last academic year was distinguished by greater generosity on the part of the mayor of Moscow. All capital schools received additional funding in the form of a grant. The amount was even more than what schools from 71st to 170th place now receive. In the 2017-2018 academic year, educational institutions from 71 to the last 292 places received 7 million rubles for development.

The management of the educational institution has the right to spend these grants on the needs of the school in free order. It is permissible to make repairs or purchase new furniture, hire additional staff or buy educational literature, sports equipment, reagents, etc.

Third party opinion! Students in Moscow schools were initially lucky to be equipped with the necessary tools for high-quality mastery of the material. Frequently getting into the rating only increases the gap in equipment, because... Schools spend the grants they receive on sports equipment, interactive whiteboards, and modern microscopes or computers.

There is already a proposal to separate capital schools from the all-Russian ranking. Then, after a few years, regional schools will also be able, thanks to grants, to purchase decent equipment and supplies. If this does not happen, then the “gap” in equipment will only grow, as a result of which only Moscow and St. Petersburg schools, as well as educational institutions from cities with a population of over a million, will appear in the ranking.

Criteria for evaluating educational institutions

When choosing an educational institution for your child, you should not confuse different ratings. There is a Moscow one specifically, but we shouldn’t forget about the all-Russian one. However, out of 292 Moscow schools, 137 metropolitan lyceums, gymnasiums, etc. were included in the all-Russian ranking of the 500 best educational institutions. The rating of Moscow schools 2018-2019 distributes exclusively metropolitan schools, but the evaluation criteria are the same as in the general classifier of educational institutions of the country.

These are just some of the criteria:

  1. Level passing the Unified State Exam and OGE.
  2. High level of teacher qualifications.
  3. The presence of prize-winners in sports competitions.
  4. Diversity of working with disabled children.
  5. Among the students there are winners and laureates of Olympiads.
  6. The school actively participates in social and cultural events.
  7. Enrolling a child in first grade after preparatory group at the same school.

Also, do not forget about an important criterion - the opinion of the schoolchildren themselves and their parents. Feedback from direct participants in the educational process also influences the rating. It is clear that the negative opinion of one mother will not affect the reputation of the school in any way, but several negative votes will be taken into account.

It is worth noting that additional points are awarded to schools and lyceums that do not have competition for enrollment. This is due to the fact that it is much more difficult to prepare an Olympiad winner yourself than to enroll only gifted children with a wealth of knowledge who come from other schools in the competition from the 5th grade.

Top 10 best educational institutions in Moscow

The end of the last academic year surprised me with its results. After implementing the rating into its modern form Leaders emerged quite quickly, and one of them confidently occupied first place for the last 5 years. At the end of 2017-2018, there was a change of leaders.

Among the best, in descending order, were:

  • Lyceum of National Research University Higher School of Economics, allowing high school students to fully profile by participating in the compilation own program classes with an emphasis on interesting and necessary subjects.
  • Lyceum No. 1535, which has 5 specialized groups for high school students. The lyceum has specialized equipment for such classes.
  • , is a division of MIOO. There are inventive, mathematical and biological specialized classes.
  • School No. 1514, designed for children with disabilities. A striking difference is the replacement of physical education lessons with exercise therapy classes.
  • Lyceum No. 1580 at MSTU. Students know that the lyceum is named after N.E. Bauman, and educational program has a pronounced bias towards the field of exact sciences.
  • College No. 21, providing a profession in conjunction with secondary education. The college has a dormitory building, a swimming pool, a driving school, etc.
  • Lyceum "Second School". The name has roots - school No. 2 of physics and mathematics. Now it’s a lyceum, but in addition to physics and mathematics, it also focuses on the English language.
  • School No. 57 different from conventional op-amps high level curricula. This allows school graduates to become famous even outside our country.
  • School No. 1566 stands out for its versatility in terms of the clubs offered to children. Not only mathematics, ecology and computers are held in high esteem, there is also a group of guides, fine arts, a photography studio and interior design training.
  • School No. 1329 characterized the widest spectrum profile directions. It's about not only about school disciplines. In high school there is a medical, engineering, and socio-economic focus. The usual humanitarian and mathematical profiles are also present.

Do not forget that these are only 10 schools in Moscow out of 292 educational institutions. They just happened to be among the first, among other “strong” OUs. This is evidenced by statistics stating that the stratification in the quality of education in Moscow schools has decreased significantly. Moreover, on average in Russia, even the capital’s schools in the second hundred of the rankings are superior in quality of education to the best educational institutions in many regions. Parents can choose an educational institution for their child from other capital schools, included in the TOP 500 throughout the country.

Where to see the full ranking of Moscow schools 2018-2019

After mass development With the Internet, obtaining information has become much easier. The same applied to the publication of ratings. On the website of the Moscow Department of Education, before the new school year, you can see the rating of Moscow schools. In addition, you can study the all-Russian ranking of educational institutions, this is especially important for those who are planning to send their child to study in the capital from the nearest Moscow region. Such parents should know that in the Moscow region there are many schools that are included in the all-Russian list of the best educational institutions in the country.

Parents should also remember that the child’s psychological comfort is more important than the place of his school in the ranking. If a child expresses opposition to studying in a particular place, then you should not waste your nerves trying to persuade him. It may be better to send the student to a school in the neighborhood that is not among the most prestigious educational institutions.

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