Home Indoor flowers What diseases does the department of functional diagnostics detect? What is functional diagnostics, and what place does ultrasound take in it? What does a Functional Diagnostics Doctor do?

What diseases does the department of functional diagnostics detect? What is functional diagnostics, and what place does ultrasound take in it? What does a Functional Diagnostics Doctor do?

Functional diagnostics(FD) is an independent diagnostic direction that combines a variety of methods for studying the state of the body by recording and interpreting various objective physiological indicators (respiration parameters, electrical activity of the heart, heart rate and tones, blood pressure, electrical potentials of neurons and myocytes, etc.). Functional diagnostics has its own, different from instrumental and laboratory diagnostics, tasks. Functional studies provide information about the compensation or insufficiency of a particular function, i.e., about the preservation or loss of the functional ability of an organ. In this case, body functions can be studied both at rest and under conditions of special physical or medicinal stress.

At the same time, functional diagnostics significantly complements various methods imaging: radiography, ultrasound, endoscopy, CT and MRI. Functional diagnostic studies are used in all areas of clinical medicine without exception, however greatest distribution they received in cardiology, rheumatology, neurology, pulmonology. Painlessness and safety of studies, the possibility of their repeated repetition over time, the absence age restrictions, affordable prices make functional diagnostics in Moscow very popular and widespread.

Classification of methods

Taking into account the principles underlying the obtaining of diagnostic information, electrophysiological studies (cardiovascular EPI, EPI of the neuromuscular system) and methods for studying the biomechanics of physiological processes (24-hour monitoring of blood pressure, respiratory function, etc.) are distinguished. Sometimes ultrasound is also included in functional diagnostics. In addition, functional methods are divided into studies conducted at rest (for example, ECG, spirometry, EEG) and stress studies (bicycle ergometry, treadmill test, TEE, spirometry with bronchodilators, EEG with tests).

Depending on the area and goals of the study, research methods are distinguished:

  • of cardio-vascular system(electrocardiography, rhythmocardiography, phonocardiography, Holter monitoring, etc.)
  • circulatory system(rheography, rheoencephalography, dynamic phlebotonometry)
  • nervous and muscular systems (EEG, electroneurography, electromyography, etc.)
  • external respiration (peak flowmetry, spirography, body plethysmography, etc.)
  • Gastrointestinal tract(electrogastrography, esophageal manometry, antroduodenal manometry, anorectal manometry, sphincterometry)
  • urinary system(uroflowmetry, cystometry, profilometry)
  • visual, auditory, vestibular analyzers(visometry, audiometry, vestibulometry, etc.)
  • body composition(bioimpedansometry)
  • fetal condition(cardiotocography), etc.


In general, functional studies solve three main problems: diagnostic (detection of abnormalities in the functioning of organs and systems), therapeutic (choice of treatment tactics, monitoring the effectiveness of drug or non-pharmacological therapy) and prognostic (assumptions about the development and outcome of the disease). Functional diagnostic tests can be performed on both patients who have various deviations in a state of health and in practically healthy people.

For example, physically healthy adults are recommended to have an annual ECG as part of check-up programs. An ECG is included in the list of examinations of athletes, pregnant women, and patients before any surgical interventions. To resolve the issue of professional suitability of persons associated with aviation, astronautics, and troops special purpose, Ministry of Emergency Situations, or permission to drive vehicles requires registration and analysis of the electroencephalogram.

As part of medical examinations of workers exposed to local or general vibration, the following are carried out: functional tests: vibration sensitivity study, cold test, RVG, audiometry, electromyography. FVD research is required for workers in industries associated with exposure to dust, allergens, volatile chemical compounds etc. In all of the above cases, regular functional diagnostic tests allow for timely identification early signs occupational diseases, timely carry out preventive and rehabilitation measures, limit (or not limit) suitability for performing professional duties.

Certain types of functional diagnostics have their own specific indications. Cardiovascular EPI are based on recording electrical signals emanating from the heart muscle and blood vessels. Typically, a cardiovascular examination begins with a 12-lead electrocardiogram, which is performed at rest. The range of indications for the study is very wide: an ECG can be prescribed if any cardiac pathology is suspected (heart defects, arrhythmias and blockages, myocarditis, heart failure, coronary artery disease and its complications), for the selection and assessment of the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy, monitoring the condition of patients who have undergone heart surgery (including CABG and coronary stenting). Because a standard ECG records the electrical activity of the heart only over a few cardiac cycles, some cardiac abnormalities may go undetected. In this case, resort to daily ECG monitoring.

Stress tests, such as bicycle ergometry, treadmill test, transesophageal cardiac pacing, drug tests, etc., make it possible to diagnose coronary artery disease, assess its severity, and identify hidden heart rhythm disturbances that could not be recorded on an ECG at rest. A transesophageal ECG is performed when examination through the chest wall does not provide sufficient information to make a diagnosis. Phonocardiography and rhythmocardiography play a supporting role and are interpreted together by an electrocardiogram.

EPI neuromuscular systems involve recording impulses of bioelectrical activity of the brain, assessing the transmission of signals from nerve to muscle and their distribution along nerve and muscle fibers. Electroneuromyography is used to assess the functioning of the peripheral neuromotor apparatus in spinal cord injuries, neuroinfections, demyelinating diseases, neuritis, myopathies and other pathologies. In order to assess the conduction of nerve impulses in the ascending direction, evoked potentials are studied in response to electrical stimulation of peripheral nerves.

Electroencephalography and rheoencephalography are methods for assessing the functional state of the brain. EEG recording can be made both at rest and under conditions of additional functional tests (photostimulation, audio stimulation, hyperventilation, sleep deprivation, etc.). In some cases, night, day or daily EEG video monitoring is carried out. EEG has clinical applications for diagnosing neurological, mental and speech disorders. The most informative EEG is for detecting epilepsy. Rheoencephalography is indispensable for obtaining information about the state of the cerebral vascular bed and blood circulation in atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, head injury, migraines, dizziness, etc.

FVD study includes spirography, peak flowmetry, pneumotachography and plethysmography. In functional diagnostics, these methods are used to assess the risk of development and diagnosis of bronchopulmonary pathology, monitor the course of diseases (COPD, bronchial asthma), select medicines, issuing an expert opinion when determining work ability. When planning a surgery on the respiratory organs, a respiratory function test is performed to assess the degree of surgical and anesthetic risk.


Functional diagnostic tests have no age restrictions and practically no contraindications. It is not allowed to carry out stress tests during acute infectious diseases. It is also impossible to perform them on patients who are unconscious or do not understand the instructions given. FVD testing is not performed in patients with hemoptysis and significantly changes the ECG picture, including that it can mask or imitate ischemic changes. Interpretation of the electrocardiogram in such cardiac patients requires special training of a specialist. If the patient takes any medications on a regular basis (antiarrhythmics, sedatives, bronchodilators, etc.), the specialist conducting functional diagnostics must be warned about this.

Data interpretation

Functional diagnostics doctor deciphers and evaluates data from functional studies. It accompanies graphic, qualitative or quantitative parameters obtained during the diagnostic procedure with an expert opinion on the absence or presence and expected nature of violations. Subsequently, this information is sent to the attending physician (general practitioner, cardiologist, neurologist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist, gastroenterologist, urologist, etc.). Having compared the results of functional diagnostics with the data of other studies, the specialist makes a clinical diagnosis, makes or adjusts prescriptions, or (in the absence of disease or recovery) gives recommendations on lifestyle and further observation.

Cost of functional diagnostics in Moscow

Functional studies in various volumes are carried out in all medical institutions without exception - from doctor’s offices general practice to large multidisciplinary clinics. Prices for functional diagnostics in Moscow are very affordable and accessible to patients of all types. social status. The cost of a specific procedure is influenced by the complexity of the technique, the duration and complexity of the study, the need to use and the class of special equipment. Prices in various capital cities medical centers may vary depending on the qualifications of the specialist, organizational and legal status, prestige and location of the clinic.

Functional diagnostics evaluates capabilities (work) internal organs and body systems, including against the background of stress tests. All functional methods are painless and harmless, they can be performed on children of any age and pregnant women repeatedly. At CNMT, all types of functional diagnostics are performed using modern equipment qualified specialists with extensive work experience.

Functional research methods in cardiology

An ECG is an assessment of the heart's performance at rest. this moment time. ECG is the main method in diagnosing myocardial infarction, and also allows you to identify disturbances in heart rhythm and intracardiac conduction, assess the condition of the myocardium, etc. ECG registration is performed for any complaints about the heart (pain, interruptions in work, heaviness, etc.) to exclude acute urgent situation. The cardiogram is included in almost all medical commissions.

Daily Holter ECG monitoring is a highly informative method of daily continuous ECG recording in conditions of free human activity. Indications for its use are pain in chest, complaints of fainting, interruptions in heart function, weakness, shortness of breath after normal physical activity.

Daily blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is a measurement blood pressure throughout the day using a portable recorder, which is located in a small bag on the belt, against the background of normal life activities. This method eliminates the so-called “hypertension” white coat", identify nocturnal hypertension (unfavorable in terms of stroke), predict the course hypertension, development of complications, individually select the dose and time of taking antihypertensive drugs, and also reduce the incidence of cardiovascular complications.

Functional research methods in neurology

Electroencephalography is a method of studying the brain based on recording its electrical potentials using electrodes that are placed on the head. Thanks to EEG, it is easier to diagnose epilepsy and other pathological changes in the brain, including focal ones (tumors, hematomas, aneurysms, etc.). The procedure is performed for complaints of headaches, fainting, dizziness, loss of consciousness and other neurological symptoms. In children younger age The degree of neurophysiological maturity of the cerebral cortex is assessed.

Electroencephalography with sleep deprivation is carried out at the discretion of the attending physician when a conventional EEG is of little information value. This study carried out to identify hidden epileptic activity during complex forms epilepsy. Sleep deprivation is a provoking factor.

Rheoencephalography (REG) is a method for diagnosing disorders of the blood supply to the brain. Using this procedure, doctors evaluate blood flow disorders after injuries, against the background of osteochondrosis, age-related changes in the blood vessels of the head and other conditions. The study is carried out for complaints of headaches, dizziness, fainting, and tinnitus.

Echoencephalography (Echo EG, M-echo) is a method of studying the brain using ultrasound waves of a certain frequency. They have the ability to penetrate body tissues and are reflected from all surfaces lying at the tissue boundaries different composition and density. Pathological formations (cysts, hematomas, tumors, abscesses) can also be reflective structures. The study is carried out to identify space-occupying brain formations in the following pathologies: headache, dizziness, head injury, intracranial hematomas, brain tumors, abscesses, intracranial hypertension, hydrocephalus, inflammatory diseases brain and others.

Electroneuromyography (EMG, ENMG) is a diagnostic method that studies the activity of nerve endings. The study is carried out for various lesions of the peripheral neuromuscular system: osteochondrosis, limb injuries with damage to peripheral nerves, polyneuropathy, diabetes mellitus, paralysis, etc.

Functional research methods in pulmonology

Spirography (SPG, respiratory function, pulmonary function, spirometry) is a method for assessing the condition of the lungs by measuring the volume and speed of exhaled air. The study allows you to assess the vital capacity of the lungs, patency respiratory tract, identify obstruction (bronchial spasm) and the severity of pathological changes. Our Center uses only one-time use Consumables(mouthpieces, filters), which eliminates the possibility of infection of the patient.

The recognized advantages of functional methods are high information content, non-invasiveness and absolute harmlessness to humans. Thanks to them, doctors can:

  • based on the results of the study, judge the functioning of a certain organ or system;
  • based on certain parameters, obtain information about the compensatory capabilities of the body;
  • when testing with medications or stress tests, select an adequate treatment or regimen for the patient;
  • Carrying out dynamic observation, judge the effectiveness of treatment, carry out corrections, predict the course of the disease and recovery.

Functional diagnostic methods in cardiology

The so-called functional tests can be divided into main groups:

- load tests

— Holter monitoring

— cardiac rhythmography


— rheocardiography

- echocardiographic examination

The indications for prescribing each type of test are the severity of the underlying disease.

For example, stress tests: bicycle ergometry and treadmill the doctor will prescribe to the patient in order to understand the state of the system during physical activity and thereby establish the true functional reserve of the body. Holter monitoring will allow long-term (a day or more) ECG recording, in contrast to a standard ECG in a couple of minutes. Cardiorhythmography will reveal the nature of the rhythm disturbance and the state of vegetative nervous system. EFI-CHPEX or electrophysiological study of the heart - transesophageal cardiac stimulation will be prescribed if the patient is to undergo surgery. Rheocardiography allows you to determine the stroke volume of the heart, which is important when prescribing individual medicine patients with complicated forms arterial hypertension. Echocardiography will give an accurate picture of the functioning of the heart valves, show the presence of thrombosis of the cavities, the size of the heart and the thickness of the walls of the ventricles.

As you can see, the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases is a whole group of studies aimed at identifying the true causes underlying each disorder.

Functional diagnostics

Functional diagnostics – assesses the functional capabilities of organs and systems of the body, including against the background of stress tests. All functional methods are painless and harmless. They can be performed on children of any age and pregnant women, incl. repeatedly. At CNMT, functional research methods are carried out using new equipment and modern computer programs.

Functional research methods in cardiology

Electrocardiography is one of the main research methods in cardiology. This method has existed for a very long time and has not lost any of its relevance. It is the main method for diagnosing myocardial infarction. It is also important for identifying rhythm and conduction disturbances, for assessing the condition of the myocardium, etc. In the Center for Medical Sciences, ECG recording is computerized, which allows you to save the patient’s archive and observe him over time. At CNMT, ECG registration is carried out by a doctor, which allows you to assess complaints, the patient’s condition and individually select the number of additional leads.

  • 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring

In the last 5 years, this method has become as indispensable in cardiology as a conventional ECG (although in no way replaces it). Daily ECG recording evaluates the work of the heart throughout the day. A Holter ECG is performed for complaints of pain in the heart, periodic interruptions, palpitations, rapid and rare pulse, in the presence of strange dizziness and fainting, to assess the effect of treatment, etc. It is an important method:

  • for diagnostics coronary disease heart (including identifying indications for coronary angiography);
  • to assess rhythm disturbances (which also occur in healthy people– it all depends on the number of violations per day), incl. indications for surgical treatment life-threatening arrhythmias;
  • to identify indications for installing a pacemaker; to assess indications and contraindications for taking medications, etc.

The 24-hour monitoring method has become widely used not only by cardiologists, but also by therapists, pediatricians and other specialists. At CNMT, not only the analysis of the recording, but also the connection of the registrar is carried out by the doctor. Therefore, for any complaints about the heart, the patient, if desired, undergoes daily ECG monitoring. The diagnostician assesses the level of recommended loads. Taking into account the identified problems, the patient will be referred to specialists.

24-hour blood pressure monitoring

This is a measurement of blood pressure throughout the day using a portable recorder (which is located in a small bag on the patient’s side) against the background of normal life activities. Typically, blood pressure is measured every half hour during the day and every hour at night. The study is carried out both inpatient and outpatient. This method allows us to exclude the so-called “white coat hypertension” and identify nocturnal hypertension (which is unfavorable in terms of the occurrence of stroke). Daily blood pressure monitoring is indispensable both for diagnosing arterial hypertension and for monitoring the effectiveness of treatment. According to the latest recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, it is recommended to select drugs for the treatment of hypertension under the control of 24-hour blood pressure monitoring in order to avoid complications and ineffectiveness of treatment. 24-hour blood pressure monitoring in the center is performed both as directed and at the request of the patient.

Functional research methods in neurology

Electroencephalography is a method of studying the brain based on recording its electrical potentials using electrodes that are placed on the head. Thanks to this method, it is easier to diagnose epilepsy, as well as other pathological changes in the brain, including focal ones (tumors, aneurysms, hematomas, etc.). In young children, the degree of neurophysiological maturity of the cerebral cortex is assessed.

Rheoencephalography is a method for studying the vessels of the brain, thanks to which it is possible to evaluate the pulse blood supply of the arteries, peripheral resistance, elastic properties of blood vessels, the tone of arteries of different calibers, venous outflow and their changes during functional tests (turns, tilts of the head, etc.). REG evaluates blood flow disturbances after injuries, against the background of osteochondrosis, age-related changes in the vessels of the head, etc.

For complaints of headaches, fainting, dizziness, loss of consciousness, etc. EEG and REG in the Center for Medical Sciences are carried out both according to the directions and at the request of the patient.

Functional research methods in otorhinolaryngology

  • ECHO sinusoscopy

ECHO sinusoscopy – ultrasound of the maxillary and frontal sinuses. The harmlessness of the method allows it to be widely used to examine patients of different age groups, and when examining, for example, children and pregnant women, echo sinusoscopy is an alternative to x-ray examination, and is not significantly inferior to it in diagnostic significance.

Functional research methods in pulmonology

  • Spirography

After undergoing functional research methods, patients receive a conclusion and, if necessary, a recommendation to consult one or another specialist. In any case, anyone can conduct any of these studies “for themselves” to clarify information about the state of their health.

Functional diagnostics doctor called a specialist who studies the condition of the patient’s organs and identifies the presence of functional disorders even before the onset of anatomical transformations in the body.

Responsibilities of a functional diagnostics doctor

  • Constant control and organization of functional research by department staff;
  • Developing reasonable work schedules for yourself and for the nursing staff of the department;
  • Management of the work of nursing staff of the department;
  • Monitoring the correctness of ECG readings;
  • Conducting an analysis of completed studies, as well as developing conclusions on them;
  • Organization and implementation of advanced training for department employees;
  • Conducting classes on teaching functional diagnostics to clinic doctors;
  • Discussion, if necessary, of the results of functional studies with the attending physicians of the medical institution and their consultation on issues of functional diagnostics;
  • Increasing your own level of professional qualifications and theoretical knowledge;
  • Conducting a systematic analysis and generalization of the department’s experience;
  • Ensuring proper maintenance of primary documentation in accordance with approved forms;
  • Proper organization labor activity department staff with the introduction of work organization measures and the use of the experience of the best medical institutions;
  • Timely familiarization of department employees with all official documents(orders and instructions of the administration, methodological recommendations etc.);
  • Compliance with the principles of deontology.

What diseases does the Functional Diagnostics Doctor treat?

A functional diagnostics doctor does not treat and does not prescribe drug therapy; he has a different task. If the question arises what diseases the doctor treats, then rather we're talking about about what organs and systems he studies. These may be the following types of examinations:

  • Examination and assessment of external respiratory functions;
  • Cardiological functional diagnostics;
  • Functional diagnostics of the digestive organs;
  • Endocrinological functional examination;
  • Gynecological functional diagnostics;
  • Neurological functional diagnostics;

A functional diagnostics doctor conducts an examination in order to clarify, correct, and confirm the preliminary diagnosis determined earlier. The diagnosis is made based on the analysis of all results, thus functional study is an aid in diagnosis and not a treatment for the disease.

When should you contact a Functional Diagnostics Doctor?

Ideally everyone man of sense must understand the full value of his main resource - health, and undergo regular medical examinations, including a comprehensive examination of the functions of organs and systems. If this is carried out, the question “when should you contact a functional diagnostics doctor” simply will not arise. Unfortunately, most often patients end up in the diagnostic room on the direction of the attending physician, that is, when the first symptoms of the disease already appear.

  • Before you go on a long trip, especially to countries with climates and conditions that are unusual for the body;
  • In advance before carrying out various health activities - a trip to resorts, sanatoriums, and so on (often functional diagnostics and other studies are mandatory);
  • , fitness;
  • A comprehensive examination is necessary for those who practice conscious parenting before conceiving.


The main types of functional diagnostic studies performed by a doctor

  • Electrocardiography;
  • Echocardiography;
  • Electroencephalography;
  • Spirometry;
  • Daily monitoring of blood pressure and ECG;
  • Veloegrometry (VEM);
  • Impedancemetry;
  • Pure tone threshold audiometry;
  • Conducting an examination of external respiration functions.

The doctor’s advice on functional diagnostics primarily concerns the well-known saying “Bene dignoscitur bene curatur”, which translated means - well defined, means well treated. A comprehensive study of the functions and resources of systems and the state of organs is necessary not only for those who are already ill, but also for those who are classified as relatively healthy people. Modern technologies, methods and advanced diagnostic equipment make it possible to identify with maximum accuracy minimal, initial changes, disorders at the functional level, which means a unique opportunity for quick and effective treatment.

IN human body everything is interconnected; if the function of one organ is disrupted, the work of many other organs and systems changes. Functional connectivity affects not only the state of health, but also the course of the disease; information about this is especially important in the chronic form of the disease, when test results are within the normal range, but the person still feels unwell. A functional diagnostics doctor helps to find out how organs cope with their functions, their adaptive capabilities, resources and the mechanism of development of pathology.

Who is a Functional Diagnostics Doctor?

If a patient is given a referral for diagnostics, he often wonders, what is the difference between the specialist who will conduct the examination and the therapist and who is the functional diagnostics doctor?

A diagnostician is a specialist with a higher medical education, postgraduate training in the specialty “Functional Diagnostics”. The doctor must have the following knowledge and skills, applying them in practice:

  • Basic legislation of the Ministry of Health and all documents regulating the activities of a medical institution.
  • Etiology, pathogenetic mechanism of development of pathological processes, clinical symptoms and specificity of the course and development of diseases. All laws of normal and pathological physiology, methods of systemic analysis of physiological functions.
  • Rules and techniques for identifying general and specific symptoms of major diseases.
  • Clinical manifestations, symptoms of emergency conditions and methods of providing assistance.
  • Principles of complex therapy of major pathologies and diseases.
  • General principles and fundamentals, methods and methods of clinical, laboratory, instrumental diagnostics of the functions of organs and systems of the human body.
  • Rules for determining the basic functional methods and methods of examining a patient to clarify the primary diagnosis.
  • Classification and criteria for metrological characteristics of the equipment used.
  • General rules for the organization and instrumentation of the functional diagnostics department.
  • Rules and regulations for the preparation of relevant medical documentation and reporting.

A functional diagnostics doctor may have qualification categories- second, first and highest.

When should you contact a Functional Diagnostics Doctor?

Ideally, every reasonable person should understand the full value of their main resource - health, and regularly undergo medical examinations, including a comprehensive examination of the functions of organs and systems. If this is carried out, the question “when should you contact a functional diagnostics doctor” simply will not arise. Unfortunately, most often patients end up in the diagnostic room on the direction of the attending physician, that is, when the first symptoms of the disease already appear.

  • Before you go on a long trip, especially to countries with climates and conditions that are unusual for the body.
  • In advance, before carrying out various health activities - a trip to resorts, sanatoriums, and so on (often functional diagnostics and other studies are mandatory).
  • Before starting sports or fitness.
  • A comprehensive examination is necessary for those who adhere to conscious parenthood and conception.

Such preventive measures help assess the level of functioning of internal organs and systems interconnected with them, as well as eliminate risks possible complications and exacerbations. In the case of conceiving a baby, a functional examination of both parents will help to correct the health status and wisely plan the birth of the desired baby.

What tests should be taken when contacting a Functional Diagnostics Doctor?

As a rule, a function test is carried out when the patient already has clinical manifestations one disease or another. What tests to take when visiting a functional diagnostics doctor is decided by the attending specialist; it all depends on the patient’s condition and the form of the pathology - acute, chronic or initial stage. It happens that functional studies are carried out before laboratory tests or in parallel with them.

There are several types of functional methods that actually require preliminary analyzes, For example:

  • Assessment of external respiration function - diffusion capacity of the lungs. It is necessary to donate blood to determine the level of hemoglobin.
  • Bicycle ergometry requires a preliminary electrocardiogram and echocardiography.
  • Transesophageal echocardiography – results of FGDS are needed.
  • Spirography requires fluorography and x-ray of the lungs.

No tests or special preparation required the following types research:

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.
  • Ultrasound of lymph nodes.
  • Ultrasound of the salivary glands.
  • Duplex ultrasound of cervical vessels.
  • Duplex ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the upper and lower extremities.
  • Echocardiography.

The diagnosis is made based on the analysis of all diagnostic information, so it is impossible to say which is more important. All types of examinations are significant and assess the condition of the body according to the task set by the doctor.

What diagnostic methods does the Functional Diagnostics Doctor use?

The main methods of examining functional diagnostics can be divided into 5 categories:

  1. ECG - clinical electrocardiography:
  • Monitoring of 24-hour electrocardiography.
  • Stress tests.
  • Vectorcardiography.
  • Pericardial mapping.
  • Phonocardiography.
  • Determination of heart rhythm variations.
  1. Functional state of external respiration:
  • Inhalation provocative tests.
  • Graphic registration of changes in lung volume - spirography.
  • Assessment of the degree of airway obstruction - peak flowmetry.
  • Assessment of the functional state of the lungs - body plethysmography.
  1. Assessment and analysis of the functional state of the nervous system (central and peripheral):
  • EEG - electroencephalogram.
  • Determining the causes of sleep disturbances, apnea syndrome - PSG or polysomnography.
  • EP – evoked potentials of the brain.
  • Electromyography.
  • TMS – transcranial magnetic stimulation.
  • Echoencephalography.
  • VKSP is a method of evoked cutaneous sympathetic potentials.
  • Functional tests.
  1. Ultrasound of the heart - echocardiography.
  2. Assessment of the state of the vascular system:
  • Rheography.
  • Oscillography.
  • Dopplerography.
  • Phlebography.
  • Vaginography.
  • Load test method.

It is quite difficult to answer the question of what diagnostic methods a Functional Diagnostics Doctor uses, since this area of ​​medicine is developing very intensively and is replenished every year with new, more advanced and in precise ways early detection of pathologies. Also, the choice of method is directly related to the organ, system, and their functional relationship.

In addition to the above methods, doctors also use the following:

  • Dopplerography of the heart.
  • TPS – transesophageal pacing.
  • Variation pulsometry.
  • Bicycle ergometry - ECG with stress.
  • Thermal imaging diagnostics.
  • Pneumotachometry.
  • Rheoplethysmography.
  • Doppler vasography of the brain.
  • Duplex, triplex ultrasound diagnostics vessels (arteries, veins).
  • Acoustic impedancemetry.
  • Endoradiosounding.

What does a Functional Diagnostics Doctor do?

The main task of the doctor in the department of functional diagnostics is to conduct a thorough and, if possible, comprehensive examination for the purpose of early detection of pathology, that is, to study the condition of an organ or system, to exclude or identify a possible disorder before the development of obvious clinical symptoms and changes in the body.

What does a functional diagnostics doctor do step by step?

  • Examination of patients at risk to identify the disease at early stage and preventing its development.
  • Identification and assessment of anatomical and functional abnormalities in the functioning of organs and systems at various stages of the disease.
  • An examination aimed at dynamic monitoring of changes in the state of the body during therapeutic measures.
  • Carrying out tests - stress, medication, functional for an adequate selection of effective therapy.
  • Evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness of therapeutic prescriptions.
  • Examination of patients before planned and unplanned surgery.
  • Dispensary examinations.

In addition, the doctor draws up and issues conclusions with the results of examinations, participates in collegial reviews of complex clinical cases, advises colleagues on issues of his specialization - functional diagnostics, and constantly masters latest developments, methods and equipment, takes part in specialized events (courses, forums, congresses).

What diseases does the Functional Diagnostics Doctor treat?

A functional diagnostics doctor does not treat and does not prescribe drug therapy; he has a different task. If the question arises about what diseases the doctor treats, then the question is rather about what organs and systems he examines. These may be the following types of examinations:

  • Examination and assessment of external respiratory functions
  • Cardiological functional diagnostics.
  • Functional diagnostics of the digestive organs.
  • Functional diagnostics of the kidneys.
  • Endocrinological functional examination.
  • Gynecological functional diagnostics.
  • Neurological functional diagnostics.

As a rule, the patient enters the functional diagnostics office on the direction of the attending physician - a therapist or a doctor of narrow specialization. A functional diagnostics doctor conducts an examination in order to clarify, correct, and confirm the preliminary diagnosis determined earlier. The diagnosis is made based on an analysis of all the results, thus, a functional study is an aid in diagnosis, and not a treatment for the disease.

Functional diagnostics is a completely safe and painless type of examination. Before each procedure, the doctor conducts a conversation with the patient, explaining the essence of the method and how the process will occur. This not only reduces the patient’s anxiety, but also helps to qualitatively assess the functional state of the body, because highly sensitive devices are sensitive to any vegetative changes on the part of the person being examined. In this regard, in addition to the basic recommendations for preparation, almost all diagnosticians advise the patient to exclude any provoking factors, both physical and emotional. Specific preparatory rules also exist, they depend on which body will be assessed and in what way. During some procedures it is not recommended to eat food, while during others there are no such restrictions.

Not only doctors of the department of functional diagnostics, but also all other specialists related to medicine are adherents of preventive, early detection of pathologies, since such timely assessment of the functioning of human organs and systems makes it possible to identify the disease and stop it at the initial stage of development.

Advice from a functional diagnostics doctor, first of all, relate to the well-known saying “Bene dignoscitur bene curatur”, which in translation means - well defined, means well treated. A comprehensive study of the functions and resources of systems and the state of organs is necessary not only for those who are already ill, but also for those who are classified as relatively healthy people. Modern technologies, methods and advanced diagnostic equipment make it possible to identify minimal, initial changes and disorders at the functional level with maximum accuracy, which means a unique opportunity for quick and effective treatment.

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