Home indoor flowers Non-standard motivation: examples (26778). What role do methods of motivating staff play in the management of an organization. Cozy offices known all over the world

Non-standard motivation: examples (26778). What role do methods of motivating staff play in the management of an organization. Cozy offices known all over the world

It is customary to refer to traditional methods of motivation those that are used by most organizations. On the this moment traditional is financial incentives.

In the era of globalization, the development of technology and technology, free access to information and opportunities distance education in the USA, Western Europe, Russia and a number of other countries have sharply increased the quality of labor resources. Remuneration has ceased to be the main motivating factor for highly qualified personnel. This was confirmed by numerous studies - workers began to expect additional privileges from companies, and the increase in monetary remuneration no longer led to the intensification of work.

In addition, quite often state organizations are faced with the need to use non-traditional methods of labor motivation, since wage funds are largely limited, and the problem of attracting and retaining talented and skilled workers is very acute.

Thus, the use of non-traditional methods of motivation allows us to solve the following actual tasks facing the management of the company:

  • retention of the most chain workers;
  • attracting the most competent candidates on the labor market to the company;
  • increasing labor efficiency with a practically unchanged wage fund.

Actual non-traditional methods of motivation can be divided into three groups (Fig. 1.11).

Rice. 1.11.

Methods of non-monetary motivation

In dynamically changing, often difficult economic conditions, the management of companies does not have a large amount of resources for material incentives for their employees. However, demotivated employees pose a threat: in times of crisis, such personnel will not show loyalty to the company, may demonstrate deviant labor behavior or leave the company altogether in search of new opportunities.

To survive the economic downturn, companies are cutting staff budgets, canceling bonuses, and laying off staff. Under these conditions, motivating the remaining employees is more difficult than ever. Methods of non-monetary motivation primarily fulfill the task of maintaining the wage fund. At the same time, using non-monetary incentives, the company's management demonstrates its interest in meeting the needs and interests of employees. To unconventional methods A number of authors refer to this group as follows:

Paternalism- various manifestations on the part of the management, aimed at guarding the employee, caring for him. The employee feels that he belongs to a single family and that the organization cares about him. A sense of community is created through special activities, for example, providing ample opportunities for personal communication, demonstrating responsibility for the difficulties of subordinates by the leader, a system of additional benefits to alleviate tension, etc.

For example, in the Soviet period, paternalistic norms dominated labor relations: dependence, which is an integral attribute of paternalistic relations in the labor interaction between an employee and a manager, was reciprocal. Soviet paternalism was adequate to the attitudes prevailing in the mentality of workers towards the performance of labor functions prescribed by the state, which were naturally perceived by the majority of citizens. This situation has developed due to the persistence of labor shortages at enterprises, high turnover, planned and extensive development of the economy as a whole. The enterprises had an extensive network public organizations that defended the interests of workers (party and trade union organizations, commissions on labor disputes, on control over the activities of the administration, etc.).

In post-Soviet society, dependence in relations between workers and management has become predominantly one-sided: the worker depends on the decisions of management. Nevertheless, the orientation towards paternalistic norms of relations has not ceased to be significant for a significant part of employees. Studies show that elements of paternalism are expected and acceptable for most representatives of the working population, among them:

  • norms of friendship and trusting relationship with guidance;
  • uncontested performance of any tasks of the immediate supervisor;
  • the dependence of the salary on the relationship with management;
  • non-resistance to any interference of the head in the performed professional duties;
  • orientation to getting help from management in difficult everyday situations.

It can also be said that men are less tolerant than women about the intervention of management in the performance of professional duties and in the performance of any assigned task. It turned out that paternalistic norms are strengthened with an increase in age and length of service at the enterprise.

Paternalistic norms form a certain structure of the dependence of the worker on the management of the company, however, their prevalence has significant differences depending on the type of enterprise in terms of ownership, type of activity, scale and success.

In addition to domestic experience, the concept of paternalism in labor relations is typical for Japanese companies, where the guardianship of the employee by the enterprise is purposefully cultivated, they are characterized by: a single style of clothing, opportunities to communicate with management, including in a relaxed atmosphere, lifelong employment, etc.

Patriotism - the common destiny of the enterprise and employees is laid down in the general philosophy of the company and is embodied in all aspects of activity.

The motivation of patriotism can be used both through intra-company mechanisms and through the existing ideology of the region, region, state. For example, at the company level, this can be the release of high-quality products with a company logo, regular involvement of employees in setting goals, effective support for proposals and staff activity. At the macro level, patriotism is love for one's country, the desire to do everything possible for the sake of the Fatherland. In accordance with this, employees are instilled with a sense of responsibility for the results of their work, and the significance of these results on the scale of the entire economy is shown. Most often, such a global approach can be used in areas of activity that do not have advantages in the form of quick profits or are extremely difficult to implement, but are objectively important for the survival of the population (high-tech, knowledge-intensive industries and other areas of intellectual and industrial activity).

Personnel in companies that use this method of motivation can consciously take significant difficulties and risks in order to serve the country where it is especially difficult, difficult and necessary to do.

Patriotism as a method of staff motivation was widely used by enterprises in the post-war periods; is the basis of corporate culture in countries with a strong national ideology, as well as in state-owned high-tech industries.

Organizational incentives - stimulation by the content, conditions and organization of work.

The means of enjoying work comes from the content of the work itself: it is necessary to organize the work of the staff so that it corresponds to their natural incentives. It can be said that one should try to use a form of organizational ergonomics.

Ergonomics of incentives is not a new thing and is quite naturally applied to a certain extent and with some restrictions in domestic organizations. Employees can act as they please, as long as it produces results. In addition, it is necessary to use the human resource, given its own desires(initiatives in negotiations, creativity, leadership, etc.) Actually used Golden Rule personnel policy: "the right person in the right place." As examples of organizational incentives, we will cite: enrichment of work (a variety of skills required to perform work, completeness of tasks performed, the significance and responsibility of work, providing independence to the employee, timely feedback on the compliance of work with established requirements), flexible work schedules, setting adequate goals, attracting employees to actively participate in business, etc.

Participation and co-ownership - involves the involvement of an employee in management, timely access to any information, participation in decision-making, participation in profits, participation in capital.

In modern conditions, an employee is not considered only as a performer, he turns into an active and interested participant in the activities of the organization. Management participation is part of the employee participation system, which also includes profit sharing and ownership participation. But if participation in profits and property is associated with the receipt of material remuneration, then participation in management is associated with external (creation of appropriate conditions by the administration) and internal motivation of a non-material nature (development of a sense of self-determination and competence among employees).

This participation can take place at several levels. At the level of an individual workplace or working group, the decisions made relate to specifications workflow, relationships with colleagues, working conditions, current issues of people management; at the company level, it is the participation of employees in solving strategic issues (goals and objectives of production, investments, distribution of profits, organizational structure). In addition, these are issues related to specific labor relations along the line "employee - employer" (wages, holidays, working hours, social security). At the next level, workers participate in the relationship between the enterprise and the trade union, which can be of a sectoral and intersectoral nature.

Participation in management can take a variety of forms, to one degree or another demonstrating their effectiveness - from holding preliminary consultations with employees' representatives before making managerial decisions, participation in solving emerging problems through the creation of quality circles, autonomous self-governing groups, to the implementation by representative bodies of employees (councils, committees, commissions) certain managerial functions.

For participation to be effective, the following conditions must be met:

  • the manager and employees should have the time necessary to ensure this process (in crisis situations, this practice is not advisable);
  • the potential benefits of participation in management must exceed the costs (for example, the time allocated for participation in management should not exceed the time allocated for the main work operations);
  • employees show interest in participating in management;
  • the abilities and qualifications of employees should allow them to participate in management;
  • participants in the process must have the ability to communicate;
  • none of the parties should perceive the process of participation in management as a threat (for example, employees may perceive the actions of management as potentially dangerous, or the manager may consider that participation in management threatens his status);
  • the implementation of the practice of participation in management should take place within the scope of the freedom to choose the work tasks of the group (each unit does not have the right to make a decision that is contrary to company policy).

Participation of personnel in the management and co-ownership of the organization as promising direction development is accepted large quantity firms. One of the reasons for updating this method is the economic background of its application: it is more profitable and safer to attract funds "from within" (by selling shares of the enterprise to employees) than from outside. First of all, part of the shares is sold among line managers who are responsible for a significant line of business or who share the risk. Such motivational actions lead to an increase in staff loyalty and an increase in the degree of responsibility for the results of work.

Unleashing potential - career planning, work with a personnel reserve, short-term and long-term training, mentoring, rotation, promotion, etc.

This method of motivation is based on the needs for self-realization and on the desire of each person to develop, accumulating knowledge, skills and experience. The management of the company, using this type of incentive, not only has a beneficial effect on the level of satisfaction with the work of the staff, but also increases the human resource of its own organization. The transition to market relations means, among other things, the high dynamics of changes in the requirements for the quality parameters of the labor force. Large organizations are increasing investments in personnel training, as the external market and the training system are less and less satisfying the needs of high-tech industries. It is not for nothing that many organizations consider increasing investment in personnel development the main factor in the competitive struggle.

Unleashing the potential of the company's employees contributes to the formation of loyalty among the staff, which, in turn, has more high abilities and strong motivation to complete tasks. Naturally, this leads to an increase in productivity, and therefore to an increase in value. human resources organizations.

Psychological impact- can be carried out both in a positive form, for example, the transfer of information about the merits of an employee to social environment, assessment of the head and colleagues, recognition of merits; and in the negative - censure, punishment, the threat of losing a job, etc.

This method of motivation largely depends on the personality of the leader who exercises influence.

The most common methods of psychological influence on a person are proposed below:

  • persuasion - a conscious reasoned influence on another person or group of people, with the aim of changing their judgment, attitude, intention or decision, for example, when setting goals for an employee;
  • suggestion is a conscious, unreasoned impact on a person or a group of people, which aims to change their state, attitude to something and predisposition to certain actions, for example, in situations where management performs unpopular actions among staff: staff reduction, cancellation of additional payments, changes in the education system, etc.;
  • self-promotion - the announcement of their goals and the presentation of evidence of their competence and qualifications for personal gain; for example, such actions can be taken by a leader to increase personal authority in negotiations with new demanding clients in order to gain advantages in elections, when appointed to a position, etc .;
  • contagion - the transfer of one's state or attitude to another person or group of people who adopt this state or attitude; the state can be transmitted both involuntarily and arbitrarily, assimilated - also, for example, when forming elements of corporate culture - social events, joint recreation, the introduction of a single form / style in clothing, etc .;
  • awakening the impulse to imitate - the ability to cause the desire to be like oneself; for example, this method can be used by a charismatic leader whose image is associated with the name of the company, its successes and achievements;
  • request - an appeal to the addressee with an appeal to satisfy the needs or desires of the initiator of the impact, for example: demonstrating a certain "weakness" of the leader in the request leads to the formation of a sense of significance in the subordinate; it may be a request to complete a specific project, a search for resources, a personal request from the manager;
  • coercion - the threat of the initiator using his controlling capabilities in order to achieve the required behavior from the addressee; for example, most often this method is based on security motives, the leader "reminds" subordinates that it is in his power to deprive subordinates of any benefits or change working conditions; threats of coercion may not be realized, and yet have a strong impact on personnel;
  • manipulation - the hidden motivation of the addressee to experience certain states, make decisions and (or) perform actions necessary for the initiator to achieve his own goals, for example: an employee's desire for leadership can motivate him for a long time to organize the work of other people without additional material incentives.

Methods formed by current trends in society, are used in dynamically developing companies of a new type. These methods of motivation are based on the fact that rewards should not become ordinary and predictable. In many companies, motivational programs that repeat year after year are now complemented by non-traditional methods associated with the so-called mainstream.

In recent years, this approach has included the following methods.

Formation of a social package on the principle of "cafeteria" with new options for example, now popular: payment for membership in a prestigious fitness club, discounts on the services of partners of the company (insurance, tourism, cosmetology, etc.), payment for digital television and communication services.

In addition, the very principle of "cafeteria" (often called the motivational menu) is an innovation in domestic management practice. Waste is the main motive that makes companies think about cafeteria plan. By inviting employees to choose their own benefits, the company makes better use of the funds it allocates for them. The variety of the motivational menu for each specific employee is determined by objective conditions: his position, grade, annual salary, work efficiency, etc.

Coaching-style management this is a dialogue between a manager and an employee aimed at setting realistic and interesting goals, stimulating self-development so that in the process of activity the employee learns to extract the necessary resources to achieve goals on his own. Coaching is not mentoring, as the goal of the boss is not to convey specific actions or inform about ways to solve problems. Through the personal motivation of employees, the mechanisms of self-acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities are launched.

One of the approaches to coaching in the business environment states that a leader must be competent in three areas in a balanced way: management, leadership and coaching. In the zone of intersection of these three competencies is the maximum management efficiency. At the intersection of management and coaching, the high quality of business processes and administration. Where management and leadership intersect, there must be maximum entrepreneurship, performance and vision. And in the place where leadership and coaching overlap big role plays the function of integration and team building.

Thus, coaching-style management exists, but it is not the entire management process, but only a small part of it. And a lot depends on the coaching competence of the leader, his awareness and ability to switch to coaching mode. For example, crisis management does not imply coach management for a subordinate by a manager. Coaching will definitely help you find the best solution first person. And most importantly, it should be the help of an external coach. When there is a crisis in the company, this is not the time for coaching subordinates by the manager. This is the moment of clear and tough orders and the same clear and timely actions.

Incentive trips– popular among young people (since travel is also current trend), the best employees are delegated for work and leisure to various exhibitions, seminars with the opportunity to be the face of the company.

Motivating meetings - widespread in the field of sales (part of the training culture that is actively penetrating into Russia from the USA); at certain intervals, managers of various levels hold meetings with subordinates, where preliminary results of work are summed up, new goals are formed, and employees who show the highest results are rewarded.

Creating competition - The relevance of this method is based on the fact that Russian culture is undergoing a significant transformation towards individualism: the younger generation is focused on personal uniqueness and motivated to succeed. Competition is stimulated through competitions, competitions, the formation of "super-plans", etc.

Visualization of results- visually and aesthetically reminds employees of personal effectiveness, in addition, it allows you to compare the results of your activities with the results of colleagues. For this purpose, info cards are posted on the territory of the office, groups are created in social networks, and distribution is carried out by internal mail.

Formation of Significance- this method effectively uses the techniques of popular psychology and influence. An example is a series simple rules for top management, allowing to form correct settings personnel:

  • treatment: greet employees when you pass by and call them by name;
  • gratitude: after completing certain assignments, thank the employee personally; either the words "Thank you", "Well done" or something similar can be written on a piece of paper and left at the workplace;
  • attention: treat employees on certain dates and events with something pleasant;
  • highlighting: above each workplace, place signs with the name and position of the employee or provide a beautiful name badge with company symbols
  • (emphasizes the individuality of the employee and creates a sense of importance for the organization);
  • sensitivity: develop a "reward" specifically for those employees whose activities are usually overlooked.

Methods , which are based on previously unused personnel classifications, used by small companies with specific corporate culture with predominantly young staff. The system of motivation in such companies is formed on the basis of the individual characteristics of the personality of employees. Very original concepts become the basis for identifying such features, for example:

  • zodiac constellations of employees (drawing up individual professional horoscopes of employees);
  • socionic types of personnel (socionics, developing Jung's concept of psychological types, identifies 16 types of personality as a result of various combinations of "mental functions").

Consider the current trend in psychology - socionics and 16 socionic types for a better understanding of the motivation of each of them.

Socionics, or personality typology, or social typology, describes the interaction of people with others, or interaction in society. To do this, she classifies all people into 16 socionic types (or, as they are called in socionics, TIMs - types of informational metabolism). Each socionic type communicates with other people in a unique way. Socionics also classifies interactions between types, the main of which are dual. They occur between types that most harmoniously complement each other. Communication with your dual is the most comfortable type of communication for each type.

The first socionic descriptions of psychological types were made by Aushra Augustinavichute back in the early 80s. XX century., However, she was unable to complete this work.

First Full description all 16 types were completed in 1985 by Igor Weisband, using both the achievements of Aushra and involving other socionics in compiling descriptions.

Socionic types are described according to the features below (see Table 1.5).

Table 1.5

Signs of socionic types

Type attributes





Jack London






Maksim Gorky












Don Quixote













Let us consider in more detail the characteristics of the types indicated in Table 1.5.

Rational and irrational types. Jung wrote that the rational is related to the mind, generated by the mind, and the irrational is related to direct perception. Rationals are sometimes called decisive, and irrationals are perceived. We can say that rationals live on the basis of decisions made, and irrationals live on the basis of how the situation develops, which they, in fact, perceive. Living and making decisions according to the situation is typical for irrationals. Rationals, on the contrary, seek to influence the prevailing circumstances in order to transform them in accordance with decision, i.e. do what you decide to do, no matter the situation.

The decision of rationals is usually formulated as a plan of action or a system of rules that they try to follow in any situation. Having a plan brings stability, a sense of support and calmness to the life of a Rational. The disruption of the plan is extremely painful and always requires a new plan.

Irrationals also plan. But their plan is more of a wish for what might happen. The situation develops in different ways, new circumstances bring new opportunities and sensations, under the influence of which the irrational plan can undergo significant changes. If the plan is a list of work tasks for today, then the irrational seeks to do these things as soon as possible in order to breathe freely and finally start living. Accordingly, the irrational is rather calm about the disruption of plans, because it is not the plan, but the free flow of events that determines his life.

Intuitions and sensors. Intuition, as opposed to sensory, is the ability not so much to ignore as not to notice something objectively real.

Intuitives live in the flow of events, changes, trends, phenomena and opportunities that these events carry. Operating with generalized, holistic categories endows the intuitive with abstract thinking. inclination concrete examples reduce to abstract reasoning, the ability to understand many things globally, but experience difficulty with real tangible facts, is characteristic of intuitives. Intuitives usually just feel that it's time (or too early) to do something.

Sensors live in a space that is filled with real objects, divided into zones of influence and carries a lot of sensations. All this is a concrete perceived reality, with which the sensoricist first of all deals and which determines the zone of his competence. Sensory thinking is concrete, there is a tendency to translate abstract concepts into concrete examples, because it is easier for him to understand and explain. For sensorics, all spatial issues are fundamental. Who is on whose territory, who is the main and who is secondary, why it is cold or hot, where noise and smells come from, etc.

Logic and ethics. For ethicists, the main carriers of information are people, their experiences, intonations, mood. For ethics, the tone of the statement is of fundamental importance, and then its content. For the logician, the measure of everything is objective facts. Logicians seek to systematize, substantiate or refute even human experiences. Logicians do not always fully understand their own feelings, and emotional reaction other people to the words and deeds of logicians is often unexpected for them.

Ethics are a kind of generators of attitudes, emotions and the atmosphere of relationships. It would be wrong to say that ethics are always and everywhere polite and pleasant in communication. It only happens when they need it. In life, they quarrel quite easily, reconcile, easily talk about their relationship, feelings to others. They perceive the world through relationships or feelings, emotions. Like relationships between people, people's emotions are valuable to them, whether they are positive or negative.

Most logicians live in a system of strict hierarchy, they are perfectly oriented in facts, events, their causal relationship, they easily separate the main from the secondary. Evaluating people, they are guided by the principles of "reasonable or unreasonable", whether a person acts logically enough, solving his own problems. If a logician happens to have a conversation with someone, then unlike an ethicist who will persuade or swear, a logician will calmly, using facts and figures, prove the expediency or inexpediency of this or that act.

Extroverts and introverts. At the heart of these signs lies the attitude to the perception of information: objective and subjective. For extroverts - "I" is one of the objects of this world, for introverts - "I" is the subject around which the world is built.

Quite often, these signs are confused with such qualities as sociability - lack of sociability. However, sociability in essence is contact, the ability to easily and quickly converge with people. These qualities in more are determined by the signs of "logic - ethics". On average, ethics are more sociable than logicians. An uncommunicative extrovert tends to observe the world from the side, noticing everything that happens, but not making contact with people. A sociable introvert can make intensive contact with people either because these people are included in his subjective world, or because he needs information that is directly related to his subjective world.

An extrovert receives the necessary stimulus for inner work from the outside, processes it inside and gives it back to external environment, as if finding confirmation or refutation of his inner work. That is objective reality is primary, and its internal - as if later. And sometimes even ignored. To sacrifice oneself both literally and figuratively, to give oneself to anything but oneself is an extrovert.

Introverts trust their inner thoughts, feelings, desires more.

Extroverts and introverts communicate very differently with people. For an extrovert, people are objects. And if an object does not fit in something, it is quite easily replaced by another. That is, the significance of the relationship between objects for an extrovert is small. For an introvert, the most important thing is attitude. It is quite difficult for him to adjust them, and, probably, that is why he is so frugal. He is always trying to fix and restore something. The introvert's world is about attitude.

Following the description of the characteristics of the type, you can determine your socionic type. Choose to start between rational and irrational, and then follow the mutually exclusive pairs in Table. 1.5.

In the application, you can get acquainted with the main behavioral and visual characteristics of each type.

In the theory of socionics, an attempt was made to link personality types with A. Maslow's motivation system. In his theory, at the bottom level are basic needs (poverty, comfort, physical survival). At the middle level are social needs (respect, love, acceptance by society). And at the top - self-realization. To implement this model of motivation, it is necessary to rise in stages from the bottom to the top. In practice, it has been proven that A. Maslow's pyramid is not always embodied. There are examples when people, unable to provide themselves with basic needs, came up with brilliant ideas and made great discoveries. And also the amount of material goods, which should be considered sufficient to satisfy these very basic needs, differs and depends both on the reference group and on the personality of the person (including his socionic type).

There are four groups of motivation, each of which includes four types (Table 1.6).

Table 1.6

Distribution of motivation groups according to personality types

Socionic type name



Ethical-sensory extrovert

Sensory-logical extrovert

Sensory-ethical extrovert

Caesar, Napoleon

Logic-sensory extrovert

Intuitive-logical extrovert

Don Quixote

Ethical-intuitive extrovert

Logical-intuitive extrovert

Jack London

Intuitive-ethical extrovert

Sensory-ethical introvert

Logic-sensory introvert

Maksim Gorky

Ethical-sensory introvert

Sensory-logical introvert

Logical-intuitive introvert


Intuitive-ethical introvert

Intuitive-logical introvert

Ethical-intuitive introvert


The first group - "kings", extroverted sensors (Hugo, Zhukov, Napoleon, Stirlitz). The main motivation of this group is expressed in the status. This is a prestigious position, career, power, influence, respect. They like to be in charge so that everyone can see it. The "King" is quite easily involved in a business that is not very profitable, but which can bring him fame and glory, respect and honor. Status is more important than money, since a high-status position gives the "king" much more opportunities to make a profit.

If we draw parallels with the theory of A. Maslow, then the "royal" level is approximately the middle of the pyramid: social recognition, a worthy (high) place in society. Based on the above, we can formulate the motivation for the "king": the possibility (feasibility) of career growth, a solid job title ("deputy security director" sounds much better than "head of security"), the ability to "be in sight", a presentable-looking workplace (separate office, secretary, state-of-the-art technology, company car), including stationery, business cards and other PR materials (representativeness, solidity, expensive printing).

The second group is "knights", extroverted-intuitives (Don Quixote, Hamlet, Jack London, Haeckels). For these people, the main motivating factor is uniqueness. This factor should be understood broadly: it can be the uniqueness and indispensability of the "knight" as a specialist or some very unusual, not "like everyone else" field of activity, or the uniqueness of the subject of work itself - the study of the unexplored, the discovery of the undiscovered, the creation of something fundamentally new.

Like "kings", "knights" are extroverted, which means they need the recognition of society (average social level pyramids). The difference is that "kings" need confirmation of their supremacy, strength and power, and "knights" - indispensability and exclusivity.

It is also possible for the "knight" to use the attraction motive as a search for a way out of a hopeless situation.

We can conclude that in order for the "knight" to work efficiently, he must be interested. And he should feel irreplaceable. Confirmation of this, for example, is invitations to seminars and other events for training and exchange of experience, and not only as a specialist, but also as a student, because increasing the level of knowledge and skills makes the "knight" more and more valuable and unique employee. The “knight” is rather indifferent to positions: he is interested not so much in his career in general as in the status of an expert, firstly, and personal freedom, secondly. Freedom is directly related to the ability to make discoveries and overcome obstacles, so any free schedule or opportunity to take independent solutions also benefits the "knight" and his work.

The third group - "ladies", sensory introverts (Dumas, Maxim Gorky, Dreiser, Gabin). This is the only group for which A. Maslow's pyramid has a classical form and is firmly based on the needs of comfort and - the key word - well-being. Only representatives of this group, choosing between an interesting or high-status job and a job that pays more, will choose the latter. In a large team, it is these types that form the main composition of performers, and it is on them that personnel officers are most often guided in the development of labor motivation systems.

It is necessary to motivate this group financially - by raising wages, bonuses. But welfare should be understood more broadly in this group. This is not only money, but in general the convenience of life, comfort, security. So for this group there are ways of non-material encouragement. For example, the rational organization of labor.

"Ladies" live and work much better if they are guaranteed a social package, paid vacations, newsletters, etc. But trainings and seminars should be excluded from this list, which will show their level is insufficient for you, which will negatively affect their activities. On the contrary, it is better to diversify this list office lunches and travel reimbursement.

The fourth group - "pages", or introverted intuitives (Robespierre, Yesenin, Balzac, Dostoevsky), are motivated by a sense of self-realization, inner harmony. The "page", like the "knight", is driven by curiosity, interest and a positive assessment, but he gives this assessment to himself. Self-realization of the "page" is a purely personal, internal phenomenon and can be expressed in anything. Moreover, even he himself often does not know where and under what conditions he can achieve this self-realization.

To keep the "page" in the workplace, one should be careful about his pace and ways of working, his ideas and interests (related to professional activity). "Page" is self-sufficient, and in the light of this, any external motivation is ineffective for him, except for the one that coincided with his personal ideas or the direction of his development. Therefore, the most effective external stimulation for him is the creation of an environment in which he can fulfill himself as fully as possible.

Determination of motivation groups to which employees belong is the basis for an individual approach to creating optimal conditions work and development of the most effective reward system. Obviously, if a person does not want something, then he will not achieve it. Therefore, for example, on upper steps There are more extroverts than introverts on the career ladder, and more sensors than intuitives. Freelancers and "freelancers" are most often intuitive, and in general, intuitives change jobs more often than sensorics. The main mid-level performers are sensory introverts.

Naturally, this approach is very subjective, but if employees share such a vision (which means they are interested in astrology, socionics, etc.), then such a motivation system will most likely be effective, but only in relation to employees who share these theories .

  • For example, let's denote the traditional methods of motivation of different periods. During the war period, material and monetary incentives (in the form of food products) become traditional; moral and psychological methods (recognition, insignia) were widespread in the Soviet Union.
  • Sidorenko EV Psychology of influence and confrontation. M.: Delo, 1995.
  • The process of transition of an emotional state from one individual to another at the psychophysiological level of contact characterizes the effect of spontaneous social cohesion. However, when it gets out of control, mental infection (induction) leads to the disintegration of normative-role behavior, and a destructive "crowd effect" occurs.
  • Mainstream (English, mainstream - the main stream) - the predominant direction in any area for a certain period of time. Often used to refer to any popular, mass trends in culture.
  • The "cafeteria" principle is a method of forming a social package in an organization, in which the employee independently selects from the list of benefits that are most important to him in the current year within the established amount.

Why do we need non-traditional methods of motivation?

In the USA and Western Europe, back in the 30s of the last century, wages ceased to be the main factor of motivation. This has been confirmed by numerous studies - workers began to expect and demand from the workplace something more than a decent income. In modern Russia, these processes are now only gaining momentum (if we leave out the Soviet practice, which is not applicable to modern conditions). The first publications appear confirming that an employee now chooses a company not only, and often not so much, by the level of payment.

Accordingly, the use of non-traditional methods of motivation allows you to answer the following questions:

How to keep the most valuable employees in the company and do it systematically?

How to attract the most intelligent candidates from the labor market besides salary?

How to increase output (labor productivity) without inflating the payroll?

What to do if the salary increase does not have the same effect as before?

We refer to non-traditional methods of motivation:

moral incentives- transfer of information about the merits of the employee in the social environment. It is useful to single out moral stimuli of general action and target (among the latter - reference and competitive).

Paternalism(concern for the employee). This is a special way of organizing the atmosphere of a company (division), in which the emphasis is on informal relationships, a wide range of opportunities for personal communication between employees, the head becomes a revered "head of the family", taking responsibility for the problems and difficulties of subordinates. Natural incentives and social guarantees are widely used, leaders are grown within the team.

Organizational Incentives- stimulation by the content, conditions and organization of work (autonomy in work, the right to self-control, incentives for free time / flexible schedule, contract form of employment, etc.).

Participation in management:

full and timely information;

participation in decision making;

participation in decision making.

Participation in co-ownership:

participation in profits;

equity participation.

Career and development(career planning, work with a talent pool, short-term and long-term training, mentoring, promotion, horizontal career, etc.).

Negative incentives(displeasure, punishments, threats of job loss, etc.).

Separate from all the previous ones is the method of forming the desired motivational structure of personnel. Usually, two tasks are solved for this: the formation of conditions conducive to the development of the desired motivational structure in the team and the selection of applicants with the desired motivational structure.

When developing systems of non-traditional motivation, we use the typological model of V.I.

The typological model is built on the intersection of two axes - motivation and labor behavior (Figure 1). There is a difference between achievement and avoidance motivation. Achievement motivation refers to the desire to receive certain benefits as a reward for work, and avoidance motivation is the desire to avoid punishment or other negative sanctions for failure to complete tasks, failure to achieve planned results, or unsatisfactory performance of functions.

Figure 1 - Typological model of V. I. Gerchikov

Types of work motivation

The model distinguishes four basic types of achievement motivation and one type of avoidance motivation: paternalism career motivation

Instrument type. The work itself is not of any significant value for such an employee and is considered only as a source of earnings and other benefits received as a reward for work. But he is not interested in any money, namely earnings; therefore, he will work with maximum efficiency in any job, if his work is fair and highly (in his understanding) paid. Therefore, an employee with an instrumental type of motivation is more likely to react positively, for example, to a proposal to work in worse conditions: for him, this will serve as a basis for demanding an increase in earnings as an additional payment for unfavorable working conditions.

professional type. An employee of this type appreciates in the work its content, the opportunity to prove himself and prove (not only to others, but also to himself) that he can cope with a difficult task that not everyone can do. These workers prefer independence in work and are distinguished by developed professional dignity. The leader is most often treated with a certain amount of irony. As a rule, an employee with a professional type of motivation quickly becomes the best specialist in the company for this type of jobs.

Patriotic type. Workers of this type are interested in participating in the implementation of a common, very important business for the organization. They are characterized by the conviction that they are needed for the organization, they are distinguished by their willingness to take on additional responsibility for the sake of achieving the results of a common cause. For them, public recognition of participation in common achievements is important.

Master type. It is expressed in the voluntary acceptance by the employee of full responsibility for the work performed. An employee with this type of motivation will perform his work with maximum efficiency, without insisting on its special interest or high pay, without requiring any additional instructions or constant monitoring. A worker with a predominance of master's motivation is probably the most efficient in terms of cost-benefit ratio. But the owner is very difficult to manage - he is sovereign and not only does not need orders or punishments (typical of our administrative style of management), but also does not tolerate them. This type of motivation is typical primarily for people engaged in entrepreneurial activities.

Avoidant. This type of worker has very little motivation to work effectively. He has low qualifications and does not seek to improve it; he is irresponsible and tries to avoid any work connected with personal responsibility; he himself does not show any activity and has a negative attitude towards the activity of others. His main desire is to minimize his labor efforts at a level acceptable by the immediate supervisor. Due to these qualities, he is not highly valued as a worker, he cannot provide for himself with his work and resigned himself to this. Accordingly, in order to improve his position and well-being, he can only hope for a favorable combination of circumstances and the favor of the leader and a “freebie”.

But he is convenient: he can be entrusted with work that employees of other types of motivation will not agree to; he advocates equalization and agrees to a sufficiently low salary, so long as no one else receives significantly more; he is extremely dependent on the leader and takes this dependence for granted. In addition, an employee with avoidant motivation is the only one in relation to which the administrative style of management can be effective, and therefore justified.

The concept of motivation.

In its general sense, motivation is a set of stimuli that guide human behavior.

Based general concept, staff motivation is a set of actions on the part of the employer, designed to ensure the quality work of employees. Motivation also includes ways to attract the most talented specialists to the company and keep them.

Staff motivation This is one of the ways to improve productivity. Staff motivation is included in the personnel policy of any company. Each employer determines for himself how to achieve the desired results from his employees.

What should an employer do to properly motivate employees?

  • create a positive attitude to work;
  • meet the basic needs of the staff;
  • create comfortable working conditions with minimal costs for business;
  • reduce staff turnover;
  • increase loyalty.

Synonyms of the concept, features of their use (motivation and stimulation).

Staff motivation It is the internal motivation of employees to work. What do employees want from an employer? First of all, money. This also includes self-realization, career, position in society, the realization of creative abilities, the need for communication, etc.

Staff incentives- this is external influence employer to employees in order to obtain a certain result. Incentives include external levers of pressure on staff. These can be bonus payments, bonuses, deprivation of bonuses and bonuses, preferential meals, additional days off, paid vacation, etc. incentives are sometimes called , methods, methods of motivation, etc.

It turns out, stimulation is a means by which employees can be called motivation to efficient work.

When choosing methods to stimulate staff, the employer needs to study the needs of each employee. Everyone has their own value system and personal motivation. For some, only money is important, for others, self-realization, the possibility of daily communication is more important.

Example: Vasya is a janitor, he receives 5,000 a month for his work and is pleased with it. But he is fed every day for free in the local canteen. The employer chose the method of stimulation in accordance with the internal motivation of the employee. Both are positive.

Types of employee motivation.

The system of personnel motivation can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Material.
  2. This includes all incentives related to personal enrichment. These are salary, bonuses, bonuses, commissions, etc.

  3. Intangible.

This includes non-wage incentives. The employee does not receive “live” money in his hands, although the company often spends money on this. These are social benefits, lunches at the expense of the employer, payment for travel, mobile communications, subscription to the pool, corporate transport, medical insurance, Personal Area and etc.

Most employers believe that motivating employees to achieve results is the most effective. There is a result of labor, there is a reward for it, this is the simplest and most effective scheme. However, this is not always enough. If an employee begins to choose between two vacancies with the same pay, then non-monetary incentives will become decisive.

Example: Petya is a programmer with vast experience, 2 successful IT companies want to hire him at once. They offer the same salary, but the additional conditions are different. He chose the one in which he was given a personal parking space.

Non-standard ways of motivating personnel in Russia.

According to the results of the study Russian companies, today many of them use additional bonuses to motivate staff.

These are the bonuses:

  • kitchen in the office (60%);
  • vending machine with free coffee (35%);
  • shower area (9%);
  • rest room (6%);
  • table tennis (5%);
  • bedroom (2%);
  • scooters (1%).

28% of the surveyed companies do not have additional amenities.

Any business today (large or small) forces its owners to think about how to spend less and earn more at the same time. What can you save and how to choose the right method of motivating staff, employees, so that they work more and ask for less. And at the same time, they did not scatter in the event of a pay cut.

Staff motivation is a question that we will discuss in more detail today. At the same time, we will consider non-standard methods of staff motivation. That is, ways to really save.

The process is complex. And one of the main tasks of successful HR (personnel management) is the right motivational schemes, both tangible and intangible. If we take psychology as a basis, then here "motive" presented as something that activates, supports, and directs behavior. If the motivation of the staff is right, you will notice it right away. Employees will be more efficient, assiduous. Accordingly, the results of their work will not keep you waiting.

Of course, best method staff motivation, how wage, hard to imagine. But it is wrong to think that there are no more really effective ways to direct the team along the path of creation. also exists. But how does it compare favorably with the material? Are there any other benefits besides real savings of money?

An employee does not live by a single salary. Tangible and intangible

In order to understand the differences between the material and non-material motivation of employees, you can first consider Maslow's pyramid. This is the so-called needs theory. It is based on human needs, which are used as a method of motivating staff. These needs fall into five categories:

Physiological - needs for food, water, sleep, etc.;
Self-preservation - the need for security;
Social needs;
Needs for respect and recognition;
The need for self-expression.

Actually, the last needs for self-expression or, as they are also called, the needs for self-actualization, or rather their satisfaction, lies at the top of Maslow's pyramid.

The most costly for the employer, since it implements the needs of the first two points. In addition, wages alone cannot satisfy the needs of the worker. Sooner or later, he, like any wolf who has been fed a lot, will begin to look into the forest. According to the generally accepted theory, his motivation will only last for three months. Even if the salary level is competitive. Also, an increase in wages can make the wage fund unnecessarily inflated, which will be far from beneficial for the company.

However, it's not all that bad. Any employer, knowing the needs of his employees, can use other personnel motivation methods, intangible including. It is only important to take as a basis the needs of employees of different levels and carry out activities aimed at increasing motivation regularly, and not once a year, arranging a corporate booze. So, the desire to save money is realized quite easily.

Any employee is pleased with the attention from the authorities. This attention is the basic principle of non-material motivation of personnel. It is called a "culture of gratitude" to employees for their conscientious work, that is, for the performance of their duties. This gratitude may be symbolic. But even such gratitude should be regarded by employees as the most important. Motivational events on the part of management should make employees understand that they are important even in a large company, make them feel like they are involved in what is happening on an equal footing with management. Any business goes uphill if every single employee is involved in the daily life of the company.

Incentives (non-monetary) are important for everyone. But at the same time wealth– only for the best. So, all employees will strive to do more to take the place of a leader in the team.

Non-standard methods of staff motivation

Now let's look at the most common 10 non-standard ways to motivate staff. They are simple and can be used both in a large holding and in a small company:

1. Hold motivational meetings and meetings for all employees, not just for management. This is the first and easiest thing you can do to motivate employees. When people are aware of what the company does, how it lives, what the state of affairs is and what can be done to improve the situation, this encourages them to act.

2. Celebration of significant dates and events. This is the second step towards your success. Start celebrating birthdays together, and, of course, anniversaries. There can be many reasons: from the end probationary period, raising before the wedding and the birth of the first child. The most important thing here will be not so much the set table, but the attention from the management. Financial incentives are also not necessary, although it will be nice, a beautiful funny poster will be enough.

3. Professional development and training courses is also one of the most simple ways motivate employees. These can be courses, internships in other companies, seminars and conferences, including international ones. The main thing is that you need to send “excellent students” to such courses, that is, those who made more sales this month, exceeded the recruitment plan, etc. Learning, as a rule, is loved by those who are ready to move up the career ladder. Such people make a profit, because they themselves are interested in it.

4. There should always be a choice. For example, you can give employees the right to choose a place for the next corporate evening, choose a reward method (payment cellular communication, travel or gasoline coupons). At the same time, this is also a non-material motivation of the staff, since, among other things, it is possible to give the best of the best the right, for example, to choose a time for vacation.

5. Feedback. Employees should be able to make suggestions and comments on the workflow. You can, for example, install a box for letters and proposals. At the same time, you should not write "for complaints and suggestions." Show that you are willing to listen to rational suggestions. Instead of a box, you can hang a board with crayons or markers. This includes open meetings. Employees should know that they are ready to listen, that their opinion is important for the company. The so-called "principle of rewarding initiatives" works well in large corporations.

6. Place to rest. In the office, even if it is small, there should be a place to relax and a dressing room. Employees need a place for snacks, where they can drink tea, eat sandwiches or chocolate they brought with them. The meaning of such motivation is that the employee needs time to fulfill his physiological needs for food and rest. At the same time, he will not eat at the workplace and interfere with the rest with the rustling of candy wrappers and the crunch of crackers.

7. Informing. Employees should be aware of the merit of their colleagues. The Leaderboard is, of course, a relic of the past, but it is a very effective way to show that everyone can become the best. Instead of a board, you can start publishing a corporate newspaper or launch a small internal Internet resource.

8. Contests and bonuses. Conducting all kinds of competitions between employees showed that once an employee of the month became an employee, he will strive to repeat the success or figure out how else to motivate his own colleagues. For girls, competitions for "Miss Smile" or "Fairy Cash Desk" are more important. This staff motivation, of course, is more suitable for the trade industry, but similar ones can be invented for other areas.

9. Area of ​​personal responsibility - workplace. The desktop of any employee should speak about who is sitting here. It is not necessary to hang a huge sign on the door, just a badge on the table or business cards. But any employee will be pleased when they are known by name.

10. Corporate events as a form of encouragement. It's about not about new year party, but about a joint outing for a picnic in the summer or about going to the ice rink in the winter, but subject to the fulfillment of a certain plan. Or vice versa. Imagine how happy your employees will be if you organize a trip to the indoor skating rink for them on a hot summer day. You can hold joint subbotniks on the territory adjacent to the office, hang birdhouses in the nearest park. All this increases the team spirit and gives an incentive to work better.

Remember that happy employees always work better. Any person is pleased when he is appreciated according to his merits. If the work is noticeable, then it is not in vain.

Business development directly depends on the professionalism and efficiency of the staff, so one of the main issues facing the management is the motivation of the company's employees. Medical insurance, payment negotiation mobile phone and a sports club are the main components of the compensation package that many organizations offer employees. However, there are enterprises that practice a non-standard approach to stimulating the work of staff. Let's try to find out what these methods are and whether they can be applied in Russia.

The most important of the ways is the public recognition of the merits of the best employees. This can be done in different ways.

In OAO Oktyabrsky Electric Car Repair Plant, following the Soviet tradition, photos of the best employees are placed on the honor roll. By the Day of the railwayman and the birthday of the company, the best are awarded with diplomas, valuable gifts, personalized medals.

At OAO NPP Piramida (development and installation of special-purpose radio-electronic means) and at Scientific and Technical Enterprise TKA LLC (development and production of instruments and instrument complexes for measuring parameters environment) celebrate the merits of a distinguished employee at corporate parties.

At the Krasnoyarsk plant of refrigerators "Biryusa" materials about the best employees of the company and the best divisions, personal achievements, results sports competitions between teams formed from employees of different workshops, departments are published in the corporate newspaper Biryusa.

At Sberbank of Russia, Chairman of the Board German Gref invites the best employees to lunch every month.

Prizes for non-infancy

If you look at the Western experience of public recognition, it is interesting to note that at Walt Disney Co., windows in the Disneyland cafe are dedicated to the most valuable employees.

Southwest Airlines has created a special aircraft with the names of the best employees.

In addition to public recognition, to motivate staff, they use such a method as a personal thank you letter by e-mail, in telephone conversation, at a meeting, in a greeting card.

In addition to public recognition and personal gratitude, recently such an unconventional form of staff motivation as a bonus for not keeping up is gaining popularity. In particular, this method of motivation was chosen in the educational complex No. 2 of the city of Voronezh, where teachers are paid special bonuses for not taking a sick leave during the year. In Seventh Continent stores, employees who have never taken sick leave or vacation at their own expense for several years are also paid a bonus.

Paid education

At Johnson&Johnson in Moscow the best employees pay for MBA education and advanced training.

The Transmash company does the same, where the best workers are sent to the Tula State University for training in the specialty "design and technological support of machine-building industries (engineering technology)".

A similar method of motivation is the organization of short-term educational trips for the best employees. Yuri Grigoryan, Deputy General Director, Director of the Human Resources Department of Alfa Capital Management Company, says: “We widely use corporate travel to further motivate our employees. As a rule, we try to combine leisure with business. Most a prime example such an event is the “Strategic Dialogue”, to which, in addition to the management team, we invite employees who have made a great contribution to the development of the company. The event is held once a year at different cities countries. The standard agenda: discussion of strategic business issues, training and consideration of best practices is diluted with a deeply developed cultural program. For example, in Suzdal for all participants, and there were more than 40 of them, a city tour was organized in carriages drawn by troikas, as well as tours of the Kremlin, the Museum of Wooden Architecture. In addition to Suzdal, there were Samara, St. Petersburg and many other cities. The tradition of changing venues and programs is so deeply rooted in the company's culture that every year all participants look forward to a new trip. Similar activities are carried out at the level of individual departments.

At Sberbank, the best young employees are allowed to deal with priority business tasks and form successors from them to the positions of members of the Management Board and managers of branches of territorial banks as part of the personnel reserve program.

At Rosneft, the most promising employees are also trained and promoted to key management positions through a talent pool program.

In the Altika group of companies, they give valuable employees an interest-free loan to buy an apartment or a car.

In the Russian office of IBS, some consultants, after particularly difficult projects, are sent on vacation to the Canary Islands at the expense of the employer.

A method of motivation close to this is used by Staffwell. According to Yulia Smirnova, General Director of Staffwell, “Once a year, the President Club is opened as part of the corporate loyalty program: as an incentive, the best employees of the company, together with the founder and CEO of Staffwell, Teri LINDEBERG, go on a three-day trip to any country. Members of the President Club have already traveled to ski resort Chamonix, together with the head of the company, were engaged in rafting and kayaking on the river in Croatia, took part in a sailing regatta in Montenegro, went on a yacht off the coast national reserve in Turkey. Each such trip was a real adventure for the employees, from which they returned even more united, with vivid impressions and megabytes of photos.”

In many companies, the best employees are empowered. This method of motivation is very effective for ambitious employees.

Office with dogs and kanga money

Along with the above, there are also very exotic methods of staff motivation, which, in my opinion, are unlikely to take root in Russia, but which are very interesting to learn about.

For example, in the Russian office of Airbnb, employees can take dogs with them. It is believed to improve psychological state workers who stop yearning for their pets and therefore work better. The same company has free style in clothes, but business is welcome on Fridays. According to the director of Airbnb in Russia, Mikhail Konoplev, changing the uniform stimulates the creative potential of employees

Huffington Post, Google, Zappos, Procter & Gamble believe that the presence of a bedroom in the company's office increases the productivity of employees and their motivation.

Employees of the Bashkir Automobile Company, marked with a special sign for exceptional work results, receive the rights of lifelong employment and extraordinary access to any of the top managers of the enterprise.

At Masterfiber, every week the employee who has made the greatest contribution to the prosperity of the company over the past week receives $10 in kenga equivalent (kenga-corporate currency) from each employee who considers him the best. Internal corporate currency can be cashed out. And you can exchange it for a subscription to the pool or go to training at the expense of the company. And the one who received the most kenga is given a super trophy, the “golden kenga”. After collecting 50 gold awards, each employee can exchange them for a trip to Australia.

The Random House publishing house, which is part of the German media group Bertelsmann, has a paid sabbatical program for “old-timers” (at least 10 years of experience in the company). Despite the challenges of finding replacements for vacationers, the company benefits from this because employees can come up with a lot of ideas while on sabbatical. interesting ideas and, having returned, quickly begin to implement them. A similar system was introduced by the publishers of the American magazine Newsweek. Any employee who has worked in the company for 15 years has the right to take a six-month sabbatical, during which he will receive 50% of his salary.

To motivate key employees, some companies use free choice programs. Their meaning is that the company's management through questionnaires and interviews helps the employee to determine their values, needs and qualifications and gives him the right to influence the choice of tasks, benefits and rewards. At the same time, the organization encourages managers who take into account the individual preferences of their subordinates.

Some European companies pay a premium “for being in demand” to representatives of rare and extremely necessary specialties for the organization. As soon as they become more available or less necessary for the employer, the additional remuneration is cancelled.


Summing up, we note. Despite the fact that some companies use such methods of motivation as allowing animals in the office, office bedrooms, changing uniforms, free choice programs, paid sabbaticals for old-timers, the main non-standard methods of motivating personnel in Russia are public recognition of the merits of the best employees, personal gratitude, award for non-sickness educational programs, participation in personnel reserve programs, an interest-free loan for the purchase of an apartment or a car, payment for rest by the employer, competitions of professional skills, empowerment of the best employees.

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