Home Indoor flowers How old is Elena Isinbaeva's mother. Elena Isinbaeva: sports career and personal life

How old is Elena Isinbaeva's mother. Elena Isinbaeva: sports career and personal life

Elena Isinbayeva is a two-time Olympic champion (2004 in Athens and 2008 in Beijing), winner of a bronze medal at the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Three-time champion the world on outdoors and four-time indoor world champion, European indoor and outdoor champion. Winner of 28 world records in women's pole vaulting. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, candidate pedagogical sciences and the mother of the adorable little girl Eva.

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Biography of Elena Isinbayeva

Elena Gadzhievna Isinbaeva was born on June 3, 1982 in Volgograd. The father of the future athlete Gadzhi Gafanovich is from Dagestan, works as a plumber in one of the housing departments in Volgograd. Mother Natalya Petrovna - a native Russian, worked in a boiler room, later became a housewife.

Lena and her sister Inessa were sent to sports by their parents in early childhood. The future star began her career with artistic gymnastics. In the sports school in Volgograd, where she studied, a photograph of little Lenochka still hangs on the honor board. But when the girl turned 15, it became clear that she would not be a gymnast: she was too tall for this sport. And Lena went to athletics. And a little over a year later, in 1999, at the World Youth Games in Moscow, Isinbayeva wins her first victory in pole vault. Remembering this stage in her life, Elena said that then she immediately noticed how her peers changed their attitude towards her. She was never noticed: a girl from a working-class family, lived modestly, dressed poorly, behaved quietly. Suddenly - honor and respect. And Elena decided for herself: from now on she will only win! To be respected.

Elena Isinbaeva graduated from the prestigious Lyceum in Volgograd, studied at the Olympic reserve school, and then entered the Volgograd Academy of Physical Culture without competition. In October 2010, Isinbayeva defended her dissertation, becoming a candidate of pedagogical sciences.

Taking gold in 2004 at the Athens Olympics, 22-year-old Volgograd Lena Isinbaeva moves to live in Monaco. She attends social events, Prince Albert of Monaco invites her to dinner. Elena is resting at the fashionable Italian resort of Abano, becoming its face and even leading the top of the most secular athletes. After the triumph at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, Isinbayeva's stormy social life continues, Elena flashes on the covers of newspapers and magazines, and signs multimillion-dollar contracts with major companies. According to Forbes Russia magazine in 2009, Elena was in fourth place among the highest paid Russian sports stars. Isinbayeva's income from advertising alone was estimated at $ 2 million!

In 2005, Elena Isinbaeva left her coach Yevgeny Trofimov, who made her an Olympic champion. Vitaly Petrov, the coach of the titled pole vaulting athlete Sergey Bubka, became the new mentor of the athlete. With him, she won the 2008 Beijing Olympics. But starting in 2009, the invincible queen of the pole began to be haunted by a series of failures. Isinbayeva fails performance after performance. And in March 2011, on Forgiveness Sunday, she came to Trofimov with a prayer to return. “Time heals all wounds and insults,” Yevgeny Vasilyevich said then. “When Lena came, I realized that she was looking for ways to get closer and spiritually matured for this.” From that day on, Lena began to train in her native Volgograd, in the arena of the Physical Culture Academy.

In 2012, at the London Olympics, Elena Isinbayeva became the third. Many then predicted that the champion, who was only accustomed to winning, would leave the big sport. But Isinbayeva's plans did not include giving up. She took a break to become a mom, recover and re-enter the fight for Olympic gold in Rio de Janeiro, and then announce her retirement from the sport.

Personal life of Elena Isinbayeva

Elena Isinbaeva managed to establish her personal life only after 30 years. Prior to that, she was exclusively engaged in a career, and, apart from the failed story with Artem from Donetsk, there were no achievements in love front Isinbayeva did not. As if imposing a taboo on talking about her personal life, for almost the entire 2013 Isinbayeva said at press conferences that she was planning to go on maternity leave. They did not really believe her, because no men were observed next to her. But already in December 2013, at one of the events in Volgograd, Elena Isinbaeva did not hide her rounded tummy from anyone. When asked about pregnancy, she just smiled, they say, and everything is also clear! Not a word about the child's father.

The journalists had to find out everything themselves. As it turned out, Elena's beloved is the Volgograd athlete Nikita Petinov. They met Lena, oddly enough, on the Internet. Their wedding took place in December 2014, after the birth of their daughter Eva. The baby was born on June 28, 2014 in Monaco, making Elena Isinbayeva the most happy man in the world.

With all their regalia, achievements and financial well-being Isinbayeva manages to remain modest, open and a decent person... She created her own charitable foundation to support children's sports... This year, for example, a gym will be built with the money of the foundation in one of the orphanages. Volgograd region... Elena is known for her generosity towards her loved ones. She bought new apartment parents when they began to be assailed by the press. Several years ago, Lena made a royal gift to her very first coach (according to artistic gymnastics) - acquired a two-room apartment in an elite house on the banks of the Volga.

Many names of famous athletes and champions are inscribed in history in gold letters. And among them, undoubtedly, there are many people from different corners Russia. For example, the famous gymnast Elena Isinbaeva, who since childhood has put a lot of effort and went through many exhausting workouts to reach the Olympic podium.

To date, a successful athlete, who has demonstrated incredible perseverance to the whole world, manages not only to improve in sports, but also to raise a wonderful three-year-old daughter with her husband. Fans of this single-minded woman are tirelessly following the life of the sports star.

And so today we decided to talk about how the biography of Elena Isinbayeva began and how it developed, as well as what the celebrity's success story and the most interesting facts about her are (height, weight, age, nationality, place of birth, hobby).

Rising star

Many fans of the famous Russian athlete are interested in her parameters. For example, how tall is an athlete? Answering this question, you can give absolutely accurate data, namely - 174 cm. As for the weight, it is at around 65 kg. And the age of a beauty is easy to find out by specifying when she was born.

The future Olympic champion Elena Isinbaeva was born at the very beginning of the summer of 1982 ( exact date birth - 03.06.1982). It was then that a girl named Elena Isinbaeva was born in the family of a plumber and a working boiler room and her biography began.

A simple family of workers lived very modestly in the city of Volgograd. The baby's father, an emigrant from Dagestan, was diligently engaged in the repair and installation of plumbing, because he had to meet the needs of four people. Yes, yes, because in addition to Elena, another daughter, Inessa, grew up in the family.

The girls' mother is a Russian woman. Father, as we said earlier, is a Dagestani (Tabasaran from the Khiva region). Consequently, by nationality, both Isinbayev sisters have Caucasian roots and could have been Muslims, but Elena Isinbayeva converted to Christianity as a child.

Gadzhi Gafanovich, the head of the Isinbayev family, disappeared at work all day. The girls' mother, Natalya Petrovna, who once played basketball at an amateur level, first worked in a boiler room, and with the advent of her daughters, she quit, kept the house in order and was engaged in raising children.

The parents were quite strict, especially the mother, who encouraged discipline and sports. Not having entered the Institute of Physical Education at one time, Natalya Petrovna saw athletes in her daughters. And therefore, Elena Gadzhievna Isinbayeva began relatively early sports career.

Mother sent her to the gymnastics section at the age of 4. Lena's sister was also recorded there. However, sister Inna did not go in for sports professionally, although she currently works as an instructor in a fitness center. But Elena Isinbaeva was taught the basics of artistic gymnastics at a sports school by the Lisov family couple - Marina and Alexander.

The path to the Olympic podium

The future legendary athlete Elena Isinbaeva devoted 10 years to gymnastics. During this time, she changed school, entered the engineering and technical lyceum, and then began her studies at the special school of the Olympic reserve.

Due to the fact that Elena Gadzhievna Isinbaeva had a purposeful and persistent character, she was able, after a year of study in a special school, to enter the Academy of Physical Education, in which her mother once dreamed of studying. The profession of a teacher of physical education was mastered by the girl for 5 years, which is confirmed by the diploma awarded to Isinbayeva in 2005.

But the girl's sports career at a certain stage suffered a fiasco. Her high growth became an obstacle to the full realization of Isinbayeva as a gymnast. On the eve of 2000, Lena Isinbaeva, who by that time had already become a master of sports (at the age of 15), was declared unfit for professional use. From that moment on, she was no longer listed in the Olympic reserve.

But having decided to devote her life to the world of sports, Elena Isinbaeva could not imagine her future without him. And here the advice came in handy, which was given by the first coach of Elena Isanbayeva - A.I. Lisova. He saw that the girl was very talented and gifted, and for some reason decided that she would make an excellent pole vaulter.

Having recommended to his mother to enroll 16-year-old Elena for training jumpers, Alexander Lisovoy, in turn, assisted his ward and "put in a word" in front of his colleague Evgeny Vasilyevich Trofimov, who became Lena's second coach.

Yevgeny Vasilyevich, already in the first lessons, was able to discern the enormous natural potential in pole vaulting, which Elena Isinbaeva was endowed with by nature. This was confirmed by more than one of her leaps in the future. The girl's 10-year sports experience in gymnastics also played a significant role. It took coach Trofimov about six months to introduce the new champion to the world. It was since then that the new name has been written down in golden letters in its history. Athletics- Yelena Isinbayeva.

The incredible results and records of the athlete

The first pole vaulting competition in the girl's life took place in 1998. Then, within the framework of the World Sports Youth Games, Elena Gadzhievna demonstrated an incredible result - exactly 4 meters in height.

Other competitions were no less enchanting and successful for Elena:

  • 1999 - Isinbaeva established new record, having made a jump to a height of more than four meters (4 m 10 cm), for which she received a worthy award - she won a gold medal (her very first).
  • 2000 - the next youth games, at which Isinbayeva again managed to win "gold", performing among juniors in the result of 4 m 20 cm.
  • 2001 was also marked by the "gold", which the athlete won at sporting events in Europe, in Berlin.

But the promising athlete was able to set her world record only after a few years, jumping almost 5 meters in height - in 2003, her figure was 4.82 m.In the period between 2001 and 2003, Isinbayeva did not stop training, improving her pole vaults , and participated in various competitions.

However, not all performances were successful. For example, Elena Isinbaeva was a participant in the qualifying round for the Olympic Games. Having performed not very well, she was unable to make it to the final of the games. And while jumping at the championship in Munich, Elena won only a silver medal, leaving her compatriot ahead.

Every year, the successful and talented jumper was gaining shape and gradually won the title of the queen of this type of athletics. At the same time, she received very decent fees. Elena Isinbaeva at the Olympiads demonstrated her new achievements in sports and long time remained at the peak of popularity.

2 years after the establishment of her first world record, the purposeful beauty was able to make her next significant jump of 5 meters. Having beaten her previous figure of 4.82 m, Elena Isinbaeva admitted in an interview that this is only an intermediate stage in her achievements and she plans to set as many as 36 records.

In the same year, the Russian jumper was visited by the idea of ​​changing the coach. So, since 2005, Vitaly Afanasevich Petrov began to train Isinbaeva, thanks to whom such a sport as pole vaulting once acquired new star- Sergei Bubku. The successful athlete by that time, who became one of the most demanded and famous personalities in the world of sports, Elena Isinbaeva trained with Petrov especially hard.

The result of their fruitful work was another victory for Isinbayeva at the Super Grand Prix series in Monaco, and then at another large-scale sporting event- The 2008 Olympics, showing an unprecedented result in pole vaulting - 5.05 m.

Completion of a career

Since 2008, the world sports star Elena Isinbayeva living in Monaco has actively participated in various tournaments, winning one by one. However, since 2009, the athlete's success has declined. First at competitions in Berlin, and then in South Korea Elena did not manage to overcome the planned heights. Moreover, she could not even reach the "bronze". From that moment, Isinbayeva decided to take a break from her sports activities.

From 2010 to 2012, Isinbayeva did not live in Monaco, but in Volgograd (as you remember, this hometown athletes) and trained with her second coach - Trofimov. The results of her temporary "respite" and training with a new coach were not impressive.

In 2013 Russian star Athletics has reiterated its plans for retirement. The reason for this was the changes in her personal life: Isinbayeva, who is in a relationship with the javelin thrower Nikita Petinov, wanted to have a child.

But still big sport she did not leave, but continued to train. Now her plans included a trip to Brazilian Rio for the next Olympics to prove her superiority. But the two-time champion could not carry out her plans, since in 2016 new interesting facts appeared from the life of the star of the world sports arena - a real "doping scandal" broke out around her.

Of course, Isinbayeva was not previously involved in anything like this, but nevertheless, the committee for admitting athletes to the games denied her the right to travel to Rio. So, on a very sad note, Isinbayeva's career in sports ended. Confirmed her decision to leave sports arena Elena Gadzhievna in the summer of 2016.

To date, Elena, twice recognized as the best athlete of the decade and the planet according to VASS Laureus (in 2007 and 2009), has many achievements, including:

  • The prestigious award is the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree.
  • The Order of Honor awarded to Elena in 2006 for her enormous contribution to the development of national sports.
  • The Silver Doe award, which was received by Isinbayeva in December 2013.
  • More than ten medals for the first place in world competitions top level etc.

Love affairs and activities in the present

Elena Isinbaeva is purposeful and very attractive woman, whose personal life interests fans no less than her achievements in sports. But in this regard, the athlete is very restrained, which is confirmed by the absence of numerous spicy photos and gossip in the media.

The personal life of Elena Isinbayeva was first made public after the competition in Donetsk. There, during the training camp, she met a guy who was far from the world of sports. His name was Artyom, and he turned out to be an ordinary DJ. Isinbayeva did not meet with him for long.

Despite the fact that the athlete assigned a secondary role to her personal life, her great love still overtook her. This happened in 2010, when Elena Isinbaeva and Nikita Petinov first met. Three years later, during which communication was mainly limited to correspondence and calls, they decided to live together.

Elena Isinbayeva's husband, Nikita Petinov, like herself, is connected with the world of sports. He competes for Russia in javelin throw. Despite the fact that Elena Isinbaeva and her husband different ages(she is 8 years older than her husband), the couple has an excellent relationship.

They have a daughter, whom Elena Isinbaeva gave birth to without being married. The girl named Eve was born in early summer 2014. The newly minted mother devoted all her time to the baby and at the same time was preparing for her marriage with Nikita Petinov, the father of her daughter. Elena Isinbayeva's wedding took place far outside Russia, in sunny Monaco, in the winter of 2014. The ceremony, of course, was attended by the daughter of Elena Isinbayeva, who at that time was about six months old.

Today the couple is under close scrutiny fans and paparazzi, because in some pictures on the Web Isinbayeva was captured "with a tummy." Elena herself confirmed the spread information about the upcoming replenishment only at the end of summer 2017.

Currently, the famous Russian woman successfully combines several roles at once: she deals with organizational issues in the field of sports, in particular, she served as mayor Olympic Village, brings up a daughter, attends various TV shows, heads his own foundation. For those who do not know, in 2013 the Elena Isinbayeva Foundation was founded, which is engaged in charitable activities in Russia, helping many children from dysfunctional families and orphanages to join sports. Author: Elena Suvorova

The path laid out by victories, the payment for which is colossal work and constant overcoming of oneself. This is how you can describe the fate of the famous Russian athlete. Elena Isinbaeva - this name is known even to those who are not interested in sports, and her achievements are the pride of the whole country.

Isinbaeva Elena was born in Volgograd on June 3, 1982. The father of the future champion, Gadzhi Gafanovich, was a plumber, her mother, Natalya Petrovna, worked in a boiler room. It was on the initiative of the mother, who dreamed of becoming a basketball player, that the girls (Lena and her sister) began to seriously engage in sports.

Parents with early childhood took the sisters to a sports school. The girl, thanks to hard work, began to quickly achieve the desired results. Her first coach, Alexander Lisovoy, immediately saw talent in her. Isinbayeva herself admitted that Lisovoy became her second father.

For the first ten years, Elena devoted all her strength to gymnastics. When the young athlete was fifteen years old, she transferred to the Olympic reserve school. But soon after the transfer, young Isinbaeva was expelled as unpromising.

Elena's coach saved the situation. Lisovoy, who saw the performance of the pole vaulters, decided that for Isinbayeva this would be an excellent chance to continue the sports path. The athlete's mentor turned to the coach for athletics Evgeny Trofimov.

Six months later, thanks to the efforts of the coach, Isinbayev has grown from a young athlete into a real champion.

Continuation of a sports career

The first serious test for Isinbayeva was the World Youth Games, held in Moscow in 1998, in which the girl took first place. And a year later, Isinbayeva set the first record in youth competitions, making a jump with a mark of 4.10 m.

And two years later, Isinbaeva was able to exceed her own record by 0.3 meters. After this event, it was decided to include the athlete in the Olympic team. This decision opened the way to new heights, which the girl immediately began to conquer.

The main event of the summer of 2000 was international Olympiad in Sydney. It was on it that medals were first played among women athletes. Elena Isinbayeva, representing Russia, did not make it to the final. But this did not stop the athlete.

Just a year later, at the European Junior Championships, Elena Isinbayeva again wins the gold medal and after the victory goes to the international festival in Berlin, where she sets the world record among the youth team - the long jump of 4.46 m.In 2003, Elena won gold at the European Championships, showing an excellent result of 4.65 m.In the same year, on July 14 in Gateshead (Britain), Isinbayeva set a record by performing a jump of 4.82 m.

At the 2004 Olympics, held in Athens, Isinbayeva managed to win her first Olympic award during a hard struggle. The athlete at first almost suffered a defeat, failing to take two heights in a row: first 4.70 m, and then 4.75 m.But for the third time, the athlete, having conquered a height of 4.80 meters, continued the competition and managed to set a world record - 4.91 m.

But Elena's victories did not end there either: during the next stage of the Grand Prix, held in Monaco in 2008, Isinbayeva broke the world record - 5.04 meters.

At the Games in Beijing, the athlete managed to win a new gold medal, setting two consecutive records in a row: 4.95 meters and 5.05 meters. Isinbayeva also set two world records at an international competition held in Donetsk, performing jumps of 4.97 meters, and then - 5.00 meters.

The successes and records set by the girl glorified the athlete all over the world. In the same year, during the competition held in Zurich, Elena set another record, taking a height of 5.06 meters. But 2010 began with failures, and successive failures forced the athlete to take a break.

Soon, Isinbayeva returned to sports and won the competition at the Russian Winter tournament held in winter 2011. Another record was set by a Russian athlete in 2012 at the Stockholm Grand Prix - 5.01 m.

But the further sports life of Isinbayeva did not last long. On February 8, 2016, there was a major scandal over the ban on Russian athletes from taking part in international competitions, announced by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).

Isinbayeva was not allowed to participate in the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. This decision was perceived by Isinbayeva as a personal insult. The athlete went to court to restore justice, but her claim was dismissed. Elena Isinbaeva was never allowed to play.

Isinbayev over the years of competition and sports games has been repeatedly awarded by both domestic and foreign sports organizations:

  • the Order of Honor for great achievements contributing to the development of Russian sports in 2006;
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree in 2009;
  • she was repeatedly awarded with the annual national sports prize "Glory";
  • was recognized as the best female athlete of the year by the IAAF three times;
  • in 2006 and 2008, Isinbayeva received the Laureus Academy Award and was named “Sportswoman of the Year”;
  • was awarded the 2009 Prince of Asturias Sports Prize.

Personal life, family, children

In the period from 2006 to 2009, Isinbayeva met with a native Donetsk resident, Artem Khmelenko, who worked as a DJ. As the athlete admitted, their acquaintance was accidental, she met Artyom during a training camp in Donetsk.

The novel remained a secret for a long time, Isinbayeva openly spoke about it only in 2008 at the Beijing Olympics. But improving her personal life had a disastrous effect on the career of an athlete: failures followed Elena one after another.

The romance ended when Elena found out about her boyfriend's infidelity. After the breakup, the athlete, giving an interview, said that she would no longer allow anyone to stand between her and her sports career.

But soon she started new romance... This time, the chosen one was the master of sports, who was a member of the Russian national team, javelin thrower Nikita Petinov. Young people met in social network and at first they just corresponded. But in 2011, their relationship turned into real life.

Immediately after the 2013 World Championships, held in Moscow, the athlete took a break to improve her personal life and start a family. On June 28, 2014, the couple had a daughter, Eva, and on December 12, 2014, the couple entered into an official marriage. In the winter of 2018, Elena Isinbaeva gave birth to her second child, a son, Dobrynya, named after the epic hero.

The life of the athlete Isinbayeva is filled with vivid events and memories. The athlete herself willingly shares them with journalists and fans, recalling with pleasure the path she had to take for the sake of world fame and numerous victories.

  1. Isinbayeva's sports career began in a very unusual way. A young girl who came to the competition was asked about her attitude to the Ukrainian athlete Sergei Bubka. It turned out that the name of the athlete was unfamiliar to the girl. Ironically, when Elena Isinbaeva began to set world records, her popular nickname was “Bubka in a Skirt”.
  2. 2004 was a significant year for Isinbayeva. Between her and another Russian athlete, Svetlana Feofanova, a real fight for medals unfolded. The Olympic Games held in Beijing in 2004 became decisive. After two unsuccessful jumps, Isinbayeva climbed 4.80 m and became the Olympic champion.
  3. Elena Isinbayeva has developed her own tactics for the jumps: the first is considered warm-up, the second is victorious, and the third is made with the aim of setting a new record. The three jumping poles differ in color: the first is pink, the second is blue, and Elena uses a golden pole to set records.

Elena Isinbaeva now - latest news

The resumption of sports activities of Elena Isinbayeva caused a lot of emotions and many comments. Elena recently posted in Instagram photo from the gym. The athlete herself admits that, despite the difficulties, classes bring her great pleasure.

During the time after Isinbayeva left the sport, the athlete managed to obtain the status of the president's confidant, enter the Roskachestvo observer group, and decorate the cover glossy magazine with your photo, take part in a culinary show, and most importantly - experience all the joys of motherhood.


Elena Isinbayeva amazes many with her willpower, hard work and success. Her achievements are the pride of the whole country. The record holder, who has experienced ups and downs, but never retreated before difficulties, is an example for novice athletes.

With her achievements, she has repeatedly proved that the main obstacle is the fear of defeat. AND the main task an athlete, first of all, a fight with himself. Overcoming his weaknesses, a person can win any competition, no matter how difficult it may seem.

Sports achievements have always had great importance for the world community. and other competitions at all times have collected great amount spectators. This continues to this day, as the strongest, most skilled and fastest are determined here. And, of course, many are curious to learn about the personal life of sports idols, about their achievements not only in professional activity, but also in other areas. For example, the biography of Elena Isinbayeva (a person who has repeatedly set record achievements) is of interest to the entire world community.

Personal life

Elena Isinbayeva's biography begins in the Russian city of Volgograd. The famous athlete was born into a simple family with a modest income.

Elena's father, Isinbaev Gadzhi Gadzhievich, is Tabasaran by nationality (a representative of one of the peoples of Dagestan). By profession a plumber, he and in this moment works in the housing department in Volgograd. The record holder's mother, Natalya Petrovna, is now a housewife, in the past she dreamed of becoming a famous basketball player. It was she who instilled a love of sports in her daughters - Olympic champion Elena and her younger sister Inna.

Biography of Elena Isinbayeva contains many interesting facts however, the parents' decision to send their daughter to a sports school is thus an important turning point in her life. After all, it was the discipline that the coaches and her father and mother instilled in her that helped to reach such high standards. Although her sister did not become a professional athlete, she also carries out her activities in this area - Inna works as a fitness instructor.

Career and awards

As mentioned above, the biography of Elena Isinbayeva is marked by the fact that the girl entered the gymnastics section.

However, not everything goes smoothly, and in 1997 she was expelled from the institution due to lack of prospects (at that time the athlete was already much higher than her peers). Then she was accepted into his team by the athletics coach Trofimov E.V., who helped the future champion to cope with stress. He found a special approach to training, revealed Elena's talents. Literally two years was enough for the athlete to get at the World Junior Games.

In 1999, she entered the Engineering and Technical Lyceum, and then received a teacher's diploma in physical culture(in 2005 upon completion of State Academy In Volgograd). Elena Isinbayeva, whose records are not so easy to surpass, twice received the title of champion of the Olympic Games, which were held in 2004 in Athens and 2008 in Beijing. She has also been repeatedly awarded the national glory sports prize. In addition, in 2004 Elena was recognized the best master in athletics in the world and in Europe, and three years later she was awarded the title of "Sportsman of the Year" among women. This award is very prestigious and is established by Lawres World Sports Academy.

Additional Information

Elena Isinbaeva loves dolphins and is fond of philosophy.

We can say that love for the world around us and the ability to set the right goals led to success in life. Despite the fact that the champion has set a record for she does not at all feel like a star. As her family and friends say, Elena is very simple and open person... V difficult moments when at the Olympic Games in Greece her future depended on one jump, the athlete managed to pull herself together and show an excellent result.

Isinbaeva Elena, whose biography is full of successes, is an extraordinary person with strong-willed character... She knows how to set goals and achieve them in the most short time, while the champion is not going to stop at the achieved successes.

Elena Isinbaeva is one of the most titled and famous athletes of our time. Her specialization is pole vaulting. In the piggy bank of Elena - two gold and one bronze of the Olympic Games. Isinbayeva has repeatedly become the world and European champion with record results, was recognized as the best athlete in 2007 and 2009.

Her career is a continuous struggle with obstacles, overcoming the impossible, an incredible will to win and a desire for justice. Until now, one of the records set by our famous athlete, no one in the world can beat. The biography of Elena Isinbayeva, personal life, children will be discussed in the article. And also about what the athlete had to go through to become truly legendary.

Brief biography of Elena Isinbayeva in childhood

The future athlete was born in early June 1982. Her parents - simple people who had working professions. Father - a native of Dagestan, worked as a plumber, he is a Tabasaran by nationality. The biography of Elena Isinbayeva began in Volgograd, where her father moved before the creation of his family. The athlete's mother, Natalya, is Russian, she worked in a boiler room. Lena, together with her sister Inna, was brought up by her parents in severity. Both girls were interested in sports in childhood. The mother sent them to gymnastics classes in one of the local children and youth sports schools... Natalia herself in early years I played basketball, but I didn’t manage to connect my career with big sports. They did not take her to the Institute of Physical Education.

Lena was 5 years old when she first attended classes. Sister Inna soon gave up training. Now she is far from sports, she married a famous circus acrobat, lives with her family in America.


At the age of seven, Lena went to study at the Lyceum, the classes in which were formed in a technical direction. After 3 years, the parents sent their daughter to the gymnastics section of the coach Alexander Lisovy. At first, he did not see potential in the thin girl. But in terms of flexibility and grace, she had no equal.

After graduating from the Children's and Youth Sports School, Lena was taken to the Olympic reserve school, from which, however, after a while she was kicked out because of "hopelessness." It would seem that this could be the end of the biography of the athlete Elena Isinbayeva. But Lisova came to the rescue.

Pole vaulting

Alexander accidentally saw on TV performances of athletes with poles. He immediately thought about Isinbaeva - after all, her height and athletic physique were quite suitable for this sport. Lisovoy agreed with the pole vault coach Yevgeny Trofimov, who agreed to look at the abilities of 15-year-old Lena.

Many years later, Isinbayeva will thank Alexander Lisovoy by purchasing a three-room apartment in an elite area and admit that it was he who made her what she is now. And her debt to him is much greater than just buying a home.

The beginning of a sports career

Since 1998, the formation of sports biography Elena Isinbaeva. Personally, under the mentorship of Trofimov himself, the girl was engaged in jumping until 2013 with short interruptions.

The first significant victory for the young athlete, it became a championship at the World Youth Games, which were held in Moscow. Then, being a sixteen-year-old girl, Lena jumped 4 meters in height. A year later, Isinbayeva became the first among juniors already at the World Championships, held in Seville. The initial result was surpassed by 10 centimeters and turned out to be a world record.

With the onset of the millennium, Elena took part in the second world championship. Here she surpassed not only her rivals, but herself, breaking the previous record. In 2000, the discipline "pole vaulting" was included in the Olympic program. What became a real window to Europe, opening up new opportunities for athletes.

Records for records

A year later, participating in the European Junior Championships, the athlete bypassed all her competitors with a record of 4.40. And in the same season as part of international festival ISTAF Elena left no one a chance to catch up with the new indicator - 4.46 meters. German Silka Spiegelburg was able to break her record by two centimeters only in 2005.

For the first time, they started talking about Elena Isinbayeva as a great athlete after the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. At the pole vaulting competition, the girl set a world record, moreover, she surpassed herself - 4.91 m. gold medal she deservedly got it.

New season

A year after her triumphant victory at the Olympics, Elena signed a contract with coach Vitaly Petrov. It is known that he was once the mentor of the legendary Soviet athlete Sergei Bubka. Great athlete at some time he even acted as a consultant for Elena. Thanks to him, she developed own tactics... Of the three jumps, I divided each into three types: warm-up, victory and record. For each of the stages, I chose poles of different heights.

Isinbayeva conquered the five-meter height in July 2005. At a press conference, she told the whole world that this is not the limit, but only the norm. A month later, at a competition in Helsinki, she proved that she does not throw words to the wind - the record was increased by 1 centimeter.

The Beijing Olympics and the bitterness of loss

Elena approached the 2008 Olympic Games fully armed and again with a record of 5.04 meters. And at the competitions themselves, the athlete raised the bar by 1 centimeter and again became unattainable for her competitors.

A year later, troubles began - as part of the World Championship, held in Berlin, Elena failed all her attempts. In the comments to reporters, she told that she fell in love and was mentally distracted. Sports analysts stated that Isinbayeva had no one to compete with, the world championship was not interesting for her.

An annoying nuisance spurred the athlete to new achievements. She drew certain conclusions and began to train more than before. But it was not so easy to take new peaks. As part of the new World Indoor Championships, Isinbayeva again failed miserably. The athlete announced a career break.

Olympic cycle - 2012

Before heading to London for the Games, Elena set a new indoor pole vault record of 5.01. Great hopes were pinned on her, but she could not justify them. Isinbayeva rose to the podium, but only with the third result. However, given the extremely unsuccessful last three years, Elena called her third place quite a good result.

In the same period, a desire came to leave the big sport, especially since the 30-year-old girl thought about her personal life, her husband and children. Elena Isinbayeva's biography in sports developed very successfully, but in privacy not really. And she decided to postpone - announced a break.

The scandal of the 2016 Olympics. Completion of a sports career

After giving birth in 2015, Isinbayeva decided to return to sports, but at the same time emphasized that Olympic Games will be the last for her. However, it didn't work out nicely. Russian athletes in full complement suspended from participation in the world championship. There was a real scandal - the anti-doping association did not want to allow Russian athletes to compete.

Nor long-term litigation, no appeal to the International Athletics Association did not bring results. In mid-August 2016, Elena ended her career, saying that the athlete who will take first place in pole vaulting will only be the second for her at the OI-2016.

Personal biography of Elena Isinbayeva

The athlete has always admitted that she grew up in a simple family of workers. And she herself was never arrogant or suffering from star fever. You can calmly approach her on the street and chat, she is open to her fans, she never refuses to take photographs, she is happy to sign autographs.

After the first Olympics, Elena became a regular at various television shows, she was invited to photo shoots, the athlete appeared on the covers of glossy magazines many times and not only in sports headings. Gradually, the girl turned into a real lady. No wonder the fans nicknamed her "the queen".

Many men sought her location, and Elena herself fell in love with a young man who is 8 years younger than her, the athlete Nikita Petinov. The young man also hails from Volgograd, also an athlete and athlete.

Young people met in their hometown. However, they did not immediately realize that they were created for each other. At some point, Elena trained in Monaco, so it was not possible to meet with her lover - communication was mediated. Their relationship grew into a serious stage in 2011, when the girl returned to her hometown. Their romance became known to the public only when the athlete became pregnant.

The birth took place in Monaco, where Isinbaeva once lived and trained. Young parents had a girl named Eva at the end of June 2014. And in the winter, her parents decided to get married. They did not become original - they celebrated in their native Volgograd. There were few guests, the celebration itself took place in a modest atmosphere. The newlyweds did not want to attract public attention.

V three years old baby Eva first appeared in public. Elena took her daughter with her to the All-Russian athletics competition.

In August 2017, a tragedy struck in the Isinbayev family - Elena's mother died. At this time, the athlete was already in position. Isinbayeva gave birth to her second baby, a boy, in mid-February 2018.

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