Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The most ancient man on earth is called. The first and present people on earth

The most ancient man on earth is called. The first and present people on earth

The evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin tells us about when man appeared on Earth. This point of view is generally accepted among scientific researchers. Previously, people could not say for sure who created a person. For thousands of years, it was believed that humanity is the work of the gods, but when asked who created man, the answer is evolution.

In contact with

The first representatives

Man appeared in ancient times not at all in the likeness in which we can observe him now. The very first representative of our species did not look more like a monkey than a modern representative of human society. Some researchers believe that the first person was Australopithecus. Many criticize such assumptions, since he is indeed more similar to the lower class of primates. The next milestone in development after Australopithecus was homo habilis or "skillful man."

He walked on two legs and had a relatively straight posture. These people created the first tools to use them for food and housing. Modern archaeological discoveries have made it possible to establish the maximum the exact date when a skilled man appeared on Earth. This happened approximately 2.6 million years ago.

Attention! The first representatives of our species on Earth were relatively short in stature. If now medium height the average person is about 1.7 meters, then a skilled person was no higher than 1.2 meters.

Place of residence

Researchers are trying to establish where the first settlement appeared of people. For many years it was believed that the human race originated in Western Europe.

The main reason for this is the theory of Eurocentrism, which said that it was on the territory of Europe that powerful civilizations were created, and it was from here that progress began.

In the second half of the twentieth century, archaeologists found the remains of that very skilled man on the territory of modern Tanzania, the so-called Afar Triangle.

It was there that key findings were made that shed light on the origins of humanity. Archaeologists have found tools of labor created from stone next to human bones, which could well serve as good tool for getting food.

In 1960, few doubted it. Archaeological finds they also made it clear how a person developed, how his brain volume increased over time and his intellectual activity improved.

As for the classification by period, the origin of mankind should be dated to the Cenozoic era, which began 65 million years ago. O this period speak as about the "era of new life", because it started immediately after the fall of a huge meteorite, which destroyed the dinosaurs and most of life on the planet.

Evolution process

We learned where man came from and what was the name of the very first man on earth, but the evolution of our species did not stop there - even more amazing changes were ahead.

Homo ergaster

Approximately 1.8 million years ago, homo habilis evolved into a working person, that is, homo ergaster. The brain size of this species is much larger than homo habilis. Scientists believe that it was homo ergaster who gained the ability to use colloquial speech.

Near the skeletons of homo ergaster, archaeologists have found traces of the first bonfires. Therefore, it is this species first began to produce fire. In addition, the working man invented the ax.

Homo ergaster began to hunt animals more often, and until that moment the first people on Earth were more likely gatherers and scavengers. Enough high level intelligence allowed them to gather in groups, which began to go hunting - this significantly increased the chances of survival and a successful ending.

Homo erectus

Even the previous species of man began to colonize the planet. From the territory of Africa, the first people on Earth went to the territories of Western Europe and Asia. It was in the Far East that the remains of the next stage of development were found human race- homo erectus or homo erectus.

At this stage of human development, its typical representative had an average growth of 1.4 m. Homo erectus no longer stooped, the campaign was straight. Still used stone tools... People collected roots and plants, hunted medium and small game.

Since the person in ancient time could not defend himself alone, erectus began to stray into large enough primitive communities, which numbered several dozen people. Erectus also began to cook meat over a fire for the first time. At this stage of development, during the period of hunger, a person resorted to cannibalism.

For the first time, the beginnings of a relationship appeared between erectuses, resembling a constant married couple, however, promiscuous intercourse took advantage. Archaeological finds have also confirmed that erectus looked after wounded tribesmen and understood medicinal properties herbs.

Important! Perhaps even then there were people who were called shamans or healers.

Development of thinking

For a long time it was believed that Homo sapiens was the ancestor of the Neanderthal.

However, studies of the twentieth century proved that the Neanderthal was a dead-end branch of development in Western Europe, and homo sapiens came from Africa. Moreover, it was he who exterminated and assimilated the Neanderthals.

Archaeologists have established that the first people with the rudiments of reason appeared about 350-250 thousand years ago.

Initially, homo sapiens were nomads and gatherers, and only 15 thousand years ago they began:

  • master Agriculture,
  • make tools from bone,
  • build permanent dwellings,
  • establish small permanent settlements,
  • to sew clothes,
  • paint on the walls of the caves.

10 thousand years ago, people communicated with the help of speech, and gestures and facial expressions faded into the background.

At this stage of development, people first became create families and marry. The development of agriculture made it possible to preserve part of the production, thanks to which it became possible for the emergence of classes, power and the ability to survive in unfavorable times.

Homo sapiens domesticated animals, which gave impetus to the development of animal husbandry. It also made it easier to get food - there was no need to spend a huge amount of time and effort hunting. At the same time, trade between the tribes appeared: some offered skins, while others - beautiful shells or fish.

There are many rumors about the appearance of human life on our planet, there are many hypotheses about when and where the first people appeared. Paleontologists and anthropologists have found a huge amount of irrefutable evidence and facts that make us understand that human life originated on Earth, and our ancestors were animals. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Where could the first people on the planet appear?

Science claims that the first man on Earth appeared many years ago. But how did this happen? How did human life come about, after all, people did not always exist? This means that their origin depended on some creatures, or rather, on animal ancestors, which were very similar to great apes, but they were not similar to either chimpanzees or gorillas. What were the human ancestors?

Scientists believe that living things, which were the direct ancestors of man, inhabited our planet many millions of years ago. Presumably this was the area in the east African continent... The first upright "forefathers" also appeared there. modern people, which are about 50 thousand years old. Living beings, which can be called a "skillful man", with their inherent skills of conscious labor and primitive culture, appeared about 2 million years before the birth of Christ.

What were the ancestors of modern people

The very first people on Earth - the "progenitors" of modern man - were such animals in which various signs of humanization were formed for a long time. First of all it is vertical position the body that definitely influenced the release upper limbs, a highly developed brain that allowed these animals to think, as well as the active use of various bones, sticks and stones as tools.

Of course, there are no such prehuman animals left, since they have long since become extinct. But to this day, scientists find their remains in the form of parts of skeletons and teeth, as well as objects that they actively used in their everyday life. So, on the territory of South Africa at the beginning of 1924, scientists discovered the fossilized remains of the skull with a brain imprint. It was determined that the find is nothing more than a fragment of a monkey that once lived in the area. However, by examining the teeth of the skeleton, a striking resemblance to the human skull was found. The find was named "African Australopithecus", which means "southern monkey".

Important discoveries

In the early 30s of the last century, in the southern part of the African continent, an active search for answers to the question of how the first people appeared on planet Earth began. In ancient caves, scientists discovered a huge amount of bone material, fragments of skulls and teeth, which, no doubt, belonged to the Australopithecines, as well as morphologically similar fossils of ancient animals ─ paranthropes.

No less interesting finds, which indicated their belonging to the Australopithecines, were found in South Asia and on the island of Java. Answering the question when the first people appeared on Earth, one should pay attention to the fact that the paranthropes and australopithecines are not direct ancestors of man, but they make it clear how the development of the prehuman took place.

They walked and ran on their hind legs, held their bodies upright and lived on the ground, not in trees. In addition, they had free hands, thanks to which they could perform primitive types of work. Scientists managed to make these conclusions thanks to the findings. Split various subjects(with stones and sticks) the skulls and bones of animals prompted the idea that this was a primitive hunt.

Natives of the animal world

In the summer of 1959, paleontologists managed to find on one of the islands of Lake Tanganyika the skull of an animal that resembled Australopithecus. Judging by the state of the bones, the find was more ancient than paranthropes and australopithecines. But at the same time, primitive tools of labor and hunting were discovered. This anthropoid animal is called zinyantropa.

In general, it is enough to resort to the knowledge of human anatomy, which will confirm that the first man on planet Earth came from the animal world. Some of the human organs "passed by inheritance" to him from fish, and others from mammals. A prime example that is the skin and hairline, which are inherent in most animals. Also, the presence of rudiments, that is, rudimentary organs and atavisms, testifies to the evolutionary past of modern man. Among them is the appendix, the often encountered "cleft lip" or the outer caudal process.

On the amazing find of a Dutch doctor

Where did the first man on Earth appear? To get a closer look at the remains of the most ancient people on the planet, you need to mentally travel back several centuries, in 1891, when the very first people on Earth were found on the island of Java. This find belongs to the Dutch physician Eugene Dubois, who with early years interested in the question of where the first people on Earth appeared.

In 1892, he carried out excavations on one of the banks of the Solo River, not far from the village of Trinil. The doctor managed to find on great depth remains of the skull, teeth, and femur, which practically did not differ from human and gave a clear idea that the "found creature" walked on two legs. Moreover, the cranium was much smaller than the skull of modern humans, but much larger than that of monkeys.

What is this

Having carefully examined the bones found, Dubois made the following conclusions:

  1. The skull had a protruding supraorbital ridge.
  2. The frontal bone is strongly thrown back.
  3. The frontal bone merged into a very flat crown.
  4. This cranium could accommodate a brain with a volume of at least 850 cm³.

This was an unprecedented discovery, since the volume of the human brain is on average 1400 cm³, while the largest gorilla does not exceed 600 cm³. This means that the creature he found had signs of a very large monkey, which were combined with upright posture. The find was named Pithecanthropus, which literally means ape-man. This means that Pithecanthropus was the very first man on Earth!

About further findings

Half a century later, the famous anthropologist Ralf von Königswald also discovered the remains of 3 adult Pithecanthropus and the skull of one child near Trinil. He managed to establish that the very first man on Earth appeared about a million years ago. In addition, he was lucky to find tools of labor and hunting, which were stone flakes and blades with sharpened edges. This find proved that the Pithecanthropus were engaged in the manufacture of stone tools. This is the line that separates animals from humans, and even the most primitive labor was the beginning of production. This provides an answer to the question of where and when the first man appeared on Earth.

Moreover, the "artifacts" found by Konigswald give an unambiguous understanding that this was already a primitive "society". This is a herd that was engaged in the manufacture of stone tools. Stone processing required certain skills, mental labor and constant improvement of technology. Then the first man learned to use fire, as well as to get it, as evidenced by the finds.

Where else have traces of the first people been found?

It is foolish to believe that only on the island of Java, scientists could find traces of life and the remains of the first people. Traces of the times when the first people appeared on Earth have also been found in other places on the planet. It is impossible not to recall the famous excavations on the territory modern China, which began in 1927 and were produced for 10 years. This took place in the Zhou-Koudian caves, where many Pithecanthropus skulls, bones and teeth were found.

In the same place, paleontologists found traces of fires, in which there were bones of various animals. In all likelihood, the ancient people ate them. The found settlements of the first people in the caves directly indicate that the first man on Earth worked, hunted and lived here. Moreover, this did not happen alone, but in a primitive society. The found remains of people were called Sinanthropus, or Chinese Pithecanthropus. They actively used fire in their lives. Their limbs and skull bones were slightly larger than those of previously found Pithecanthropus remains.

About the Heidelberg man

On the territory of Western Europe, human remains were also found, which were the same age as the Chinese Sinanthropus. Not far from the small town of Heidelberg, a massive human jaw was discovered that did not have a chin, like many monkeys, but had human teeth. In addition to the jaw, there were no more bones, but animals were found that have not lived on the European continent for many millennia.

Where and when did the first man appear on Earth? It is impossible to answer this question with absolute precision. However, the findings of scientists suggest that the first man on Earth could appear on the territory of China, and on the African continent, and in Siberia or on the territory of a number of Asian countries.

From Germany to the Atlas Mountains

Almost simultaneously with the discovery of the Heidelberg man, similar remains of "human" bones were found in the north-west of the African continent in the Atlas Mountains. According to the name of the mountains, the find gave the name to the people who lived there ─ Atlantropes. Here scientists have already managed to find as many as three jaws, identical to the "Heidelberg".

In addition, stone and wooden tools were found, in again proving that the first man on Earth possessed the rudiments of a culture inherent only to humans. Let the finds testify to the primitiveness of the thought processes of the first man, however, a lot of evidence was found that once and for all divided man and the animal world.

Labor ennobles man

In the process of labor activity of the first people, the structure of their body also changed. Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus were replaced by more advanced Neanderthals. This name comes from the Neandertal Valley, which is located near Düsseldorf. There, in the caves, for the first time, bone remains were discovered, which significantly differed from the bones of Pithecanthropus and more and more resembled human ones. In addition, the discovered tools were a more perfect tool. The growth of a Neanderthal man was about 160 cm, and a woman - about 150. Later, the remains of Neanderthals were found throughout the territory of modern Europe, Asia and Africa. Their age is at least 300 thousand years.

Since school age modern man begins to perceive Darwin's hypothesis as great scientific discovery... Each generation of schoolchildren from year to year is told that over millions of years labor has made a man out of a monkey. Stories about the first tools of labor, about how the need for communication first arose, about the struggle for existence seem quite plausible. But the most important thing is lacking, namely, evidence of this fact, evidence of the transformation of a monkey into a man.
Oddly enough, but many people today are sure that science has sufficient archaeological data to prove that man originated from a monkey. However, everything is exactly the opposite.

Darwin argued that transitional forms will certainly be found with a longer study of the remains. Believing this, evolutionists are still in all parts of the world examining the remains, trying to find confirmation of his theory. But real evidence were never found.

The number of questions with each new discovery did not decrease, but, on the contrary, only increased. Where is that single ancestor of all hominids and humans? Is Africa really the only cradle of humanity? And if so, then when and how many times ancient man and left the continent? When did he take possession of fire? And most importantly, when did the person speak? With each new find the very time of the appearance of the first human ancestors was pushed further and further into the depths of the centuries.

At first, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons were considered intermediate forms, however modern science he no longer considers humans to be their ancestors. These are just races of people with minor features of the skeleton and skull. Currently, tribes can be found on earth with physiological characteristics that are inherent in their race. The rest of the finds are presented in a single copy.

In Africa in 1959, individual bones, jaws, teeth, fragments of the skulls of extinct creatures were found. They were named Australopithecus. Since this creature could be upright, it was decided that Australopithecines may well be the ancestors of humans. But the rest of the parameters corresponded to the monkeys - the humerus was adapted for climbing trees, a small brain, weighing only 27 kg and height 105 cm.Therefore, only on the basis of such data, one cannot conclude that this is an intermediate form.

Scientists Oxnard and Zuckerman released data from biometric broad studies that proved that Australopithecines were not humanlike creatures. But "Darwinian" thinking suited many respected scientists and turned out to be stronger than these scientific data.

In caves in China in 1920 - 1940, the remains of creatures called "Sinanthropus" were found. Fragments of the skulls were badly damaged, but it was clear that the brain was very close to the size of a monkey. There were also found human remains, tools of labor and hunting, a fireplace. Of course, it is clear that Sinanthropus could not live a human life, since they had a very small brain. The only logical conclusion that can be is that there was a camp of people whose favorite dish was monkey brains. Professor Brel pointed out these facts to the researchers, but these remarks were ignored.

Thus, in the hands of scientists today there are only a few fossils - parts of the limbs, pieces of the skull cover, teeth, which can only be attributed with great difficulty to intermediate link... But as reasoned evidence, they are of little use. These elements may belong to great apes. Belief in evolution, lack of evidence and the desire to prove that the ancestor of man was a monkey led to the fact that some scientists even went to falsification.

The question of where humanity came from is still one of the greatest mysteries of humanity. Science and religion have been arguing about this for a very long time, but maybe the truth is somewhere in between?

Riddles and questions that have not been answered have caused a lot of versions and guesses. Inquisitive researchers have always been interested in the question - why in all religions - in Christianity, in pagan beliefs tribes, Islam has something in common - a supreme being who lives in heaven. It created people and gave them basic concepts of how to live - moral and everyday.

Until the 21st century it never occurred to anyone that it was actually possible to create a person. But now genetic engineering has become quite commonplace and people have looked at religious subjects from a new angle. Maybe a person was actually created by some powerful creatures from a completely different planet?

Surprisingly, but today science is already very close to proving this. According to the most recent data, the human genome consists of 30 - 35 thousand genes. These genes are 99% the same as those of chimpanzees. There are also genes that make humans related to invertebrates and even plants. This, of course, proves to some extent the validity of Darwin's theory. But research has also shown that modern humans have 223 genes that no living creature has. These genes are precisely responsible for language, mind, etc. Those. for the difference between man and apes.

Since ancient times, there are facts that confirm the presence on the planet extraterrestrial civilizations... Incredible finds extraterrestrial that have lain in the ground for millions of years, cave drawings- testify to this. How else can you explain the origin of the flying saucer, which was found in the ice of Antarctica? Or, for example, a bolt that has lain 200 million years in the ground? And there are a great many such finds. This suggests that there have always been aliens - even before the appearance of man. Perhaps we were settled here by aliens and are now watching us.

They do what they want. They arrive when they want and take what they need. They do not hide and are not afraid of us, but, on the contrary, demonstrate their presence, as if they are the masters. And we cannot prevent this. It is possible that humans are just guinea pigs that aliens are experimenting with.

Aliens influence people and rule the planet. Give people modern technologies and then watch them use them. These technologies are primitive for them and new for us. V different corners Hundreds of UFOs are recorded every day on Earth. Especially often, they appear near any scientific tests, events, near military objects and with space stations... Millions of people go missing every year. It is possible that they are abducted by aliens in order to explore the body and mind, to conduct experiments.

Many great geniuses and scientists dream about their inventions or take them “from above”. Only a few admit that they get it from them. Aliens endow a person with knowledge, otherwise how to explain such a leap in the 20th century in the development of technology. Why do they give people new opportunities? Maybe they are just waiting for people to destroy themselves, because we use all these opportunities against ourselves. Perhaps they are trying to teach us the laws of the Universe, without which existence in it is impossible? Maybe they're trying to educate us.

Zakaria Sitchin (a scientist from the United States) published an article based on these data, in which the scientist claims that man was created through genetic engineering. According to his version, aliens from the planet Nibiru once flew to Earth. In ancient Sumerian sources, there is a mention of her. Nibiru appears once every 4000 years near the Sun. Sitchin suggests that a Niberian ship landed on Earth 300,000 years ago. According to him, they possessed high technologies and flew to our planet in search of minerals.

The aliens needed work force as there were too few of them. Then they took a monkey, which they added with the help of genetic engineering several "extra" genes. After that, the monkey had a mind. The scientist believes that this is how Adam appeared - the first man, and then as a clone of Adam - Eve, but with a slightly different set of chromosomes.

Aliens probably suspected what the nature of a man who was created from wild beast and instilled in their offspring the rules of life. Probably, the aliens wanted a human society, not an animal society, to exist on Earth. At the same time, they contacted their home planet and continued their exploration work. Humans multiplied and multiplied and, perhaps, did not quite correspond to the ideas of the aliens about a righteous life. And then there was a worldwide sweat, about which the aliens knew in advance. They only warned the righteous Noah, who was saved on his Ark. Once, nevertheless, the aliens left the Earth, leaving a reasonable person on it - a creation of their own hands, which is constantly forced to fight with its animal nature.

However, this still does not provide an unambiguous answer to the greatest mystery of the universe. Even if humans were created by aliens, then who created them? But, one way or another, man is not descended from an animal. According to the research results, it became clear that he immediately appeared on Earth in his human form.

Let's try to reveal the geographical problem of anthropogenesis: on which continent did the first Reasonable Man appear? There is no consensus on this issue in world science.

Some scientists argue that Homo sapiens was formed in Africa, others - in the Himalayas, still others - in Europe and so on.

The process of transformation of a monkey (or rather a hominid) into a man is called anthropogenesis (from the Greek word "antropos" - man, "genesis" - emergence, origin), or noogenesis (from the Greek "noos" - mind).

Where and when did a person appear on Earth: place and period of origin

The economic and social aspects anthropogenesis: evolution of mating and family relations; the reasons for the emergence of the team; the role of labor in the emergence of man; the emergence and evolution of speech, language, writing, religion; collective labor; division of labor within the family, within the tribe and between tribes; ancient agriculture, the emergence of crafts, metallurgy; exchange in kind, money, value; the emergence of private property, social classes, the state, and so on - dopinfo.ru.

Science has many brilliant achievements in many areas of knowledge. For example, radiophysics helps to determine the exact age of the bone remains of human ancestors and his stone tools, biochemistry can identify the degree of similarity of protein fractions of blood in monkeys and humans.

but world science still cannot indicate exactly the continent where the first Reasonable Man appeared on Earth.

The geographic problem of noogenesis remains unsolved until now, despite the fact that a huge amount of information on this issue has been accumulated by sociologists, philosophers, archaeologists, anthropologists, ethnographers, but it is not systematized.

Indeed, on what continent did the first Man emerge? For a correct solution to the problem of the place of origin of the first Man, the following facts must be taken into account.

At first, all ancient civilizations(Egypt, Ancient Greece, The Kingdom of Crete, Sumerians, Aztecs, Mayans and Olmecs and all others) are located in the northern hemisphere between 30 º and 50 º north longitude, located between the north pole and the equator.

Consequently, the first man arose on some continent in the northern hemisphere, not the southern!

Secondly, cold is the only reason for the emergence of Reason and the first Thinking Man!

For the survival of an animal in a cold climate, body weight (like a mammoth), sharp teeth (like a tiger), speed of running (like a deer) will not help. Only Reason will help to survive. A Reasonable Animal will hide from the cold wind in a tent made of skins, make a fire there, melt ice in a pot and receive water, cook meat in boiling water. Only with the help of Reason can one survive in a cold climate!

Thirdly, The Earth began to cool down from the poles.

Reason arose on the cold continent of Arctida, which quite recently (2 million years ago) became the bottom of the Northern Arctic Ocean... Once upon a time North Pole The land was occupied by a huge continent, which scientists call Arctida or Hyperborea - dopinfo.ru. it perfect place for the physical suffering of hominids from the cold, where hunger and cold could force the animal to use intelligent activity to fight for survival.

Consequently, only Arctida can claim the role of a continent where the first Reasonable man could arise. The warm and “well-fed” African climate would never have forced ancient hominids to strain their thoughts to the point of exhaustion in order to come up with a method of survival.

Check yourself

1. Where on Earth did the first human ancestors appear?
In Africa.

Why was one of the ancestors of man called a skilled man?
They knew how to make the simplest tools of labor.

3. How does a reasonable person differ from the rest of their ancestors?
Homo sapiens differed from the closest ancestor - the Neanderthal man - and other ancient people in the following features:
Structural transformations of the brain
Enlargement of the cerebral cavity and brain
Development of bipedal locomotion
Grasping hand development
Descent of the larynx and hyoid bone
Reducing the size of the canines
Reduction of most of the hairline.
He knew how to think, talk, and had a complex behavior.

How did man change the face of our planet?
Tilled land, cut down forests, tamed animals, built houses, then factories and factories, railways, highways. Basically, the impact of human activities on nature is negative.

5. In what way does a person seek to restore the riches he has destroyed?
Creation of parks and reserves. Creation of the Red Book. Limiting the extraction and use of rare (depleting / disappearing) resources, both minerals and living organisms

What significance for the development of mankind had such a human trait as the volume of the brain?
This was of great importance, because a second signaling system appeared, which was characterized by the appearance of speech and the systematic manufacture of tools, which, in fact, made a man out of a monkey.

Explain why we need reserves?
A reserve is a section of a territory (water area) where its entire natural complex is preserved in its natural state, and hunting is prohibited. In addition, any economic activity of a person is prohibited on the territory of the reserve, and the land has been permanently withdrawn from any form of use.

How do schoolchildren of our country participate in the protection of rare species?
They helped to save the lotus (they collected seeds and distributed them to different lakes), ginseng and golden root, as well as other species.

Complete tasks

A. Comparison and explanation tasks

compare a man of skill and a Cro-Magnon
The Cro-Magnon man had a large brain mass, he was taller, he knew how to make fire, speech, rituals, ceremonies, complex tools and decorations appeared.

2.Explain how some plants and fungi from natural communities can serve as medicine for humans
Many plants and mushrooms contain substances from which medicines are obtained.

Many plants are used in folk medicine(St. John's wort, dandelion, sage, celandine, etc.) and mushrooms (fly agaric).

The first people on Earth. History of mankind

Explain why people of all ages have a duty to protect the natural environment.
Nature must be protected so that we ourselves can live on earth. And not only we, but also our ancestors, children, grandchildren.

Nature feeds us, gives water, supplies us with everything we need. And how not to take care if everything that surrounds us is very beautiful, makes us happy every day. This is our planet and our responsibility to keep it in order.

B. choose the correct answer from the proposed statements.

the closest ancestor of modern man is:
c) Cro-Magnon

2. new stage human development began when primitive people learned to make tools from:
c) made of stone

3. From what plants, at the behest of Peter 1, was the Livaulovskaya grove grown near St. Petersburg?
b) larch.

write a word that contains the suggested letters in the specified order.
1.a. reserve
B. man
B. security
2.a. australopithecus
B. forest plantations
B. felling.

Where did man first appear

The oldest of the genus Homo is Homo habilis, or a skilled person, the first representatives of which appeared on Earth about 2 million years ago. Until this time, only Australopithecus probably existed. About 2.5 million years ago, there was a splitting in the evolution of hominids, as a result of which massive australopithecines (a dead-end branch of evolution) and the genus Homo separated.

Early human migrations

In addition to the finds from the Olduvai Gorge, to Homo mind habilis include the so-called Rudolf man, Homo rudolfensis, whose skull was found in Kenya in 1972 in the area of ​​the lake. Rudolph (now Lake Turkana), as well as finds from Ethiopia and South Africa. The antiquity of these species is from 2.4 to 1.9 million years. It is assumed that these first people were the creators of the tools of the oldest Olduvai (pebble) culture on Earth. There are finds that have not found a taxonomic definition and some of the researchers refer to Homo habilis, and the other part to the groups of archantropians (ancient people) who replaced Homo habilis about 1.6-1.5 million years ago.

The archantropus group includes two main types.

This is a species of Asian ancient people, Homo erectus, and its African version, Homo ergaster.

For many millions of years, human ancestors inhabited a limited area in eastern Africa. Here, on Lake Victoria, a proconsul lived 18 million years ago - our great apes ancestor; there are more than 4 million

years ago, the Afar Australopithecus appeared - our erect ancestor. The first representative of the Mankind, a skillful man, who appeared more than 2 million years ago, spent his entire history here, and an upright man appeared here 1.6 million years ago. Where our species began its journey - reasonable person- not known, but somewhere nearby.

Sapiens formation site

“The processes of sapientation, as evidenced by paleoanthropological data, took place in different regions of the Old World, albeit at different rates.

Various circumstances, features could play a role here. environment, specificity public structure populations, etc. Thus, both hypotheses - the multiplicity of sapientation centers (polycentrism) or its limitation to one fairly vast territory (broad monocentrism) - have points of contact. It can be assumed that, so to speak, "at a faster pace" it took place in East Africa, Southeast Europe and the Middle East.

Nowadays there is a lot of controversy about the priority of Africa or Europe.

Judging by some data, sapiens could appear in the ancient ancestral home of mankind several tens of thousands of years earlier than in other territories. However, even if we accept this hypothesis, it does not at all exclude the possibility that sapientation also took place in other regions of the Old World. Most of supporters of polycentrism are recognized by a moderate number of sapientation centers: from two ("dicentrism") to four or five.

True, the following consideration was also expressed: there could be as many centers of the origin of sapiens as there were places of formation of the culture of the Upper Paleolithic.

After all, the Mousterian culture is mainly associated with the Neanderthal, and the culture of the Upper Paleolithic with the sapiens.

However, there was no strict connection between the stone implements and the physical type; there was, apparently, no insurmountable border between the Neanderthal and the Sapiens in cultural terms.

Polycentrism is also supported by the almost simultaneous appearance of sapiens at the turn of the Upper Paleolithic - about 40-35 thousand years ago, moreover, in such distant from each other, and sometimes even marginal regions such as Indonesia (Nia on Kalimantan), Western Europe(Cro-Magnon, Haneferzand) or South Africa(Florisbad).

One of the most significant questions concerns the antiquity of the formation of races. modern humanity- Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid

Themselves as large races of modern mankind were formed only in the post-Paleolithic time. That is, sapiens is older than races, the processes of sapientation and races genesis coincided only partially, and the latter took place on a rather mixed basis.

The final stage of hominization - the sapientation process - occupied mainly the last 100 thousand years.

years. In this segment of anthropogenesis, significant shifts took place in the morphological organization, cognitive abilities, the rate of aging processes has decreased, the life expectancy has increased (p.

The spread of modern man

More ancient fossils have been found in Africa than on any other continent. So, in southern Ethiopia, they found Omo-I - an incomplete skull with many modern features, which is probably more than 60 thousand years old. At the mouth of the South African Clasis River, "modern" remains, which are 100 thousand years old, were found, and a "modern" lower jaw, 90 thousand years old, was found in Border Cave.

Fossil skulls of 40 thousand years ago, which belong to a completely modern type, are found in various regions of Asia - from Israel to Java.

They all have a chin ridge or other distinctly "modern" features.

For the first time, humans appeared in North America probably between 70 and 12 thousand years ago.

During the periods of the greatest cooling at this time, the sea retreated and a wide land bridge Beringia was formed, which is now flooded by the Bering Strait.

Fossil traces and established fossils indicate that modern man lived in Australia along at least already 40 thousand years ago.

Most likely, people first appeared here in the period from 55 to 45 thousand years ago, when the ocean level was 160 feet (50 m) lower than it is now, and many of the islands were a single whole.

On this scale, the development of all primitive people the world, starting from the period when the first humanoid hominids arose (5 million years ago) and up to 700 BC.

5,000,000 - 2,000,000 to.

The first tree-dwelling hominids appear in Africa.

2,000,000 - 250,000 to. AD

Homo erectus appears and spreads across Asia and Europe.

250,000 - 120,000 to. AD

In Africa - Нomo sapiens- which are gradually moving to the north.

80,000 - 30,000 up. AD

Neanderthals (cave dwellers) live in Europe.

50,000 - 25,000 to.

Modern people settle in Europe, Asia, Australia, America. Tools are made of bone and stone.

25,000 - 10,000 to. AD

The first round houses, drawings and carvings.

10,000 - 9,000 to. AD

Climate change, end of the ice age.

9,000 - 7,000 to. AD

The emergence of agriculture in certain areas of the world.

Settlements in Syria, Palestine, Cyprus. The dog is domesticated.

7,000 - 6,000 to. AD

In the eastern Mediterranean, goats, sheep, pigs are domesticated. Linen fabrics, ceramics are made, copper is used. The first cities are being built.

5,000 - 4,000 to. AD

Copper and lead are processed in Anatolia. Domesticated horse, donkey. Maize is grown in the Gulf of Mexico, cotton is grown in Peru, and rice is grown in China and India.

4,000 - 3,000 to.

Sumerian civilization. The first writing. Articles made of gold, silver, lead. Irrigation. Sailing ships on the Nile and Euphrates. Stone temples and tombs in Malta and Europe.

3,000 - 2,000 to.

The first pharaohs of Egypt, hieroglyphic writing. The chariot was invented in Mesopotamia. The emergence of the civilization of the valley of India. Cotton fabrics. Methods for processing copper and making fabrics are spread throughout Western Europe.

2,000 - 1,000 up. AD

The spread of bronze processing methods throughout Europe. The construction of Stonehenge is completed.

1,000 - 700 BC

Olmec culture in Mexico. Celts settle in Central Europe, the British Isles.

By 700 BC the secret of iron processing was discovered in Europe. Prehistoric cultures are developing in America and Africa.

V human society historically, two main versions of human origin have developed: creation and evolutionary. Evolutionary theory is unable to explain the genetic discrepancy between the species of terrestrial humanoid species (Neanderthal) and modern humans (Homo Sapiens), since there is no whole link or a common ancestor. The analysis of the biblical version of the origin of man leads to the conclusion that in Old Testament there is no information about the appearance of man on Earth, but only a mythical story of the origin of the Jews in the territory modern India, as a result of the mixing of the white and black races, and the history of the migration of tribes from Dravidia to the Land of Man-Made Mountains (Ancient Egypt), as a consequence of the Second Aryan Campaign to Dravidia against the BLACK MAGES who worship the BLACK MOTHER. And the very creation of the earth is described in the most primitive way, clearly not from the words of the Lord God.

Consequently, neither modern science, nor the main religions (Abrahamic) give an answer, where and how did modern man appear on Earth ?! The opinion has taken root among scientists that only practice (moreover, in its most banal sense) is the criterion of truth. However, in this case, a downright paradoxical situation arises: science must proceed from an experiment, while the idea of ​​infinity cannot have experimental confirmation, since it has at its disposal only materially limited devices created on representations received through organs feelings.
Where is the exit?
And the way out is that besides practice, there are other criteria of truth based on other methods of cognition. And among them - speculation, the ability of the brain to bring all the knowledge accumulated by human civilization into a single consistent system, or more precisely to rethink all the available information. Such an ability appeared after other intellectual abilities of living organisms and which, in fact, makes a person a person. Using the principles of abstract thinking, one can step over the line that is available to human practice and conceptually embrace the seemingly impossible - the entire Universe, although for this it is necessary to have a qualitatively developed brain.

Unicellular organisms are evolutionarily divided into two "evolutionary arms" - plant unicellular organisms and carnivores. Single-celled plant organisms have gone to evolve along the path of synthesis organic matter necessary to maintain their life by absorbing sunlight, while carnivorous unicellular organisms began their evolution, absorbing ready-made organic matter, industriously created by plant organisms. Therefore, the latter simply cannot exist without the former.
Evolutionary development, the mechanisms of which I describe in detail in my books, followed the path of creating colonies of the same type of unicellular organisms, which were interconnected by their antennae - the processes of their cell membranes. Over time, their "antennae" intertwined so that they were no longer able to free themselves from the "embrace" of their neighbors, and a voluntary colony of unicellular organisms turned into their prison - a rigid colony of unicellular organisms, where each cell received a "lifetime residence permit" without a right " moving ", almost like a registration in the former USSR... In rigid colonies, different unicellular organisms of the same type were found in different external conditions... The unicellular organisms that were inside the colony were surrounded on all sides by other unicellular organisms, which, thus, became their natural defenses, while the external unicellular organisms were directly exposed to the external environment, which often turned out to be very aggressive.
Finding yourself in different external conditions, being exposed to different external influence- chemical and radiation - in identical initially unicellular organisms of rigid colonies, various biochemical changes began to occur, which ultimately led to the appearance of cells in the rigid colonies, which looked different and began to perform different functions in the interests of the entire tough colony. This is how multicellular organisms arose. Multicellular living organisms are rigid colonies of unicellular organisms that perform different functions in the interests of the survival of both themselves and the entire colony as a whole, a kind of "collective farm" created by nature.
Now let me remind you that every virus, unicellular organism has a second material body, which is an exact copy of a physically dense virus, a unicellular organism and is built from " building material"Other organic and inorganic molecules caught in the" zone of attraction "of the spirals of DNA or RNA molecules. Therefore, at the second planetary level, the second material bodies of unicellular organisms of a rigid colony create an identical rigid colony of second material bodies, which are intertwined in the same way as they are intertwined on physical level unicellular organisms of a rigid colony. A rigid colony of unicellular organisms is called a multicellular organism, and the unicellular organisms of this rigid colony are called the cells of a multicellular organism. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that each cell of a multicellular organism is an independent living unicellular organism that is part of a rigid colony of unicellular organisms. So, the rigid colony of the second material bodies is what people call the essence, the soul.

The evolutionary development of multicellular organisms led to the appearance of third material bodies (astral) in living organisms, which in turn create a rigid colony - the third material body of a multicellular organism. , in this case, will already represent a system of two rigid systems - a rigid colony (system) of the second material bodies of cells and a rigid system of third material bodies of cells. In what follows, we will call a rigid colony of unicellular organisms a physically dense body, a rigid colony of second material bodies - a second body, a rigid colony of third material bodies - a third body of a multicellular organism, etc. Second, third, fourth, etc. bodies of multicellular organisms and form an entity.
Depending on the evolutionary development of a living being, its essence can consist of one body - the second body, of two - the second and third, of three - the second, third and fourth material bodies of a multicellular organism. And therefore, when the first material body - a physically dense body dies or dies, the essence, consisting of the second, third, etc. material bodies, frees himself from his rigid "attachment" to the physical body. And if we consider that emotions, memory and consciousness are the result of evolutionary development at the level of the second, third and fourth material bodies, it becomes clear why people in a state of clinical death see their own physical body from the outside and is able to think, feel and be aware of ourselves. "Dumping" a physical body does not mean the death of a living being.
An entity that has two or more material bodies becomes stable and does not perish with the death of the physical body. The only thing that happens with the loss of a physical body is a slowdown in evolutionary processes. Without a physical body, the essence appears to be in a “frozen state” and cannot develop further. For the further development of the essence, a new physical body is needed, which it acquires by entering the fertilized egg at the moment of conception. And everything repeats again. As follows from the above, the first entities appeared in viruses, as a consequence of a certain spatial organization of the most ordinary atoms, and any entity is material, only formed by matter in a different form. Thoughts are also material, as you could see for yourself when I mentally moved the glasses. Only again, this is a “different” matter, in relation to the ideas familiar to a “normal” person. A person is not able to feel radio waves or radiation, but, nevertheless, radioactive exposure kills, and with the help of radio waves food is prepared. Therefore, to say that it is primary - matter or consciousness - is meaningless, because consciousness is material and by influencing consciousness on "ordinary" matter, you can change the latter. Both of these concepts are interconnected, interchangeable and make up one whole ...
In order to preserve your essence from destruction, you can in a nutshell advise not to do to others what you would not want to be done to you. If a "normal" person adheres to this rule, it is very likely that he will avoid "hell". A person receives the punishment for sin at the moment of committing a sin, and not after death. The changes that take place with both the physical body and the essence are real processes taking place at the level of the physical body, the second, third and so on of the bodies of the essence. And again the Lord God has nothing to do. After the death of the physical body, an energy release occurs, which opens as many high-quality planetary barriers as the body itself has. If an entity has two bodies in its composition - the second and the third - two quality barriers open, etc. In other words, the essence is at such an evolutionary level, which it reached during development in a given physical body.
At the moment of conception, the entity enters the biomass, the genetics of which correspond to the evolutionary level of the entity. This happens automatically at the moment of conception, so that in this case the Lord God "did not hold the candle." Therefore, nothing accidental and undeserved happens. The appearance of injustice arises from a lack of understanding of what life is. Each physical body is a temporary garment for an entity. If a person, having committed a murder, changes his costume, he does not become innocent from this. The crime is committed not by the "costume", but by the bearer of the costume - an entity located in a given physical body "...
(To be continued)

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