Home Flowers The meaning of items in the game isaac. Comprehensive guide to the Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The meaning of items in the game isaac. Comprehensive guide to the Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

What would it be if Abraham had talked with the Most High in our day? You will find the answer in our selection of blood-curdling arcades about little Isaac, who escapes from the fate of being sacrificed!

Primitive graphics, many times bored with the arcade format - it seemed that this craft would remain unnoticed by the game community, but something truly catchy was found in it. Isaac's games are an example of how a quality script is more important than any graphical bells and whistles! The main thing is that Isaac's game was created not only for entertainment, but also to make society think about whether it is going in the right direction. A desperate escape through monster-infested cellars is a great way to get a feel for your skin. modern world only children's tears are a real weapon, but they gradually stop working.

Isaac, son of Abraham

After watching the introductory video for the toy or reading the description on the Internet, many people will consider it terribly blasphemous and even propose to ban it (or, as in Germany, at least install age qualification). However, the authors of the script cannot be accused of disrespect for sacred books or ignorance of ancient texts. Isaac's game is based on the classic Old Testament storyline, in which Abraham, obeying the command from above, practically sacrifices his only son, and only at the last moment the voice stops him.

This event still remains one of the most controversial events in biblical times. After all, by deceiving your own son to the altar and trying to kill him there - frankly, not the most plausible act for a father! However, that is why the developers chose it as the starting point of their story. They want to remember such aspects of a person's spiritual life that it is not customary to talk about, but it is definitely worth thinking about!

Sacrifice in the 21st century

In the modern interpretation, we have to play as little Isaac, who must die at the hands of his own mother, led by the same religious motives that once nearly killed his Old Testament namesake. That's just modern boy learns in advance for what purpose the once good-natured mother took a knife in the kitchen, and therefore does not wait for her fate with humility, but tries to escape. It will not be easy to play: the way to Isaac's life lies through the struggle with terrible demons living in the basement of his father's house.

Rules and governance

The multi-level arcade is divided into chapters, each of which has two locations. The second can be reached only after all the monsters from the first have been defeated. Location names are awe-inspiring. While you play, Isaac will have to consistently go through the Basement, Cellar, Caves, Catacombs, Depths and Necropolis, after which he will come to decisive battle with Mom herself. Defeating it will allow you to penetrate into the terrifying Maw, from where the path to the Underworld opens.

You will have to play online using the keyboard: you need to control Isaac's movements with the WASD keys, the arrow buttons allow you to shoot the right direction, and Shift places a bomb (just be careful, don't detonate it yourself!). In short, if you think the struggle for survival will be simple, you have chosen the wrong fun. Only hardcore here!

Additions and sequels

The original The Binding of Isaac has two add-ons, Wrath of the Lamb and Rebirth, which can be played via Steam. They contain additional levels, new monsters and new unlockable items. The plot remains the same, but the gameplay becomes much more exciting and twisted!

The already large number of alternative endings with the help of these add-ons can be increased. There are also branches of the plot, because instead of the default levels, you can walk through alternative locations!

The computer game The Binding of Isaac literally blew up the gaming world with its release - suddenly, amid giant projects that spend millions of dollars, with graphics close to realistic, and computer requirements beyond the clouds, a small game appears, not even written on a full-fledged engine. own or someone else's. It's done on flash and it's beautiful. An extensive "roguelike" (rogue-like - games in which the world is constantly generated randomly, and the death of your character is final, and you have to start all over again), which has a fascinating plot, and beautiful art, and incredible depth. Simply put, this project conquered gamers all over the world.

Naturally, this did not end there, everyone wanted to see the continuation of Isaac's adventures - and the developer presented the gamers with The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, the second part of the project, which turned out to be even more ambitious and exciting. But even with this, the creators did not exhaust themselves - and released a large-scale addition to the game, which received The name Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth. Items, features, levels, plot twists, characters - all of this appeared in a large number in the new part of the game. Therefore, you should definitely purchase and install the add-on if you have the original part. After all, if in the original there were 342 items with which you could ensure a safe journey to the final boss, then in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth items significantly increased in number - there are 95 more of them. This article will only talk about a few of the most interesting of them.


In The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth, items can affect many different parts of the game, not just your combat abilities. For example, you can take this item - it is best used where there are many useful things or artifacts. Indeed, when using it, all items in the current room are doubled in number. Thus, you can act cunningly and go to the merchant, apply this item, thanks to which its goods will double, and you can pick up duplicates for yourself absolutely free. In The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth, items like this can have a huge impact on your progress.


Can you imagine this article as a kind of semblance of The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth, Wiki - items here will be described in a little more detail than in any Wikipedia, however, here, of course, you will not find descriptions of all 95 things that were added with the new addition. The emphasis will be on the most useful or the most interesting and unusual items such as this one. Even in the first part of the game, everyone was familiar with the pills - their effect could be positive or negative, and in varying degrees, and it was not always known what exactly such a pill would give. But in any case, it was a pity to spend it, and this item, which is outwardly the same pill, allows you to get the effect of the one that is in your inventory, but without using it. This means that if the effect is negative, then you can simply throw it away with peace of mind, and if it is positive, reuse it. Please note that this article does not provide descriptions for The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth item IDs (this is required for cheating). Here you will only find a description of things and how to use them.

Wooden nickel

In The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (Afterbirth), objects are not always so easy and transparent to use. For example, given coin is given from the very beginning of the game to the Guardian character after you donated at least thirty-three coins to a special machine in the previous playthrough. What does this item give? It can only be used once, and after using it, it will give you a random coin with a fifty-five percent probability. That is, you can get either nothing, or one coin, or five, or even ten - not bad for a start. As you may have noticed, on information resources on The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth (Wiki) items are described briefly - here you will find the most complete information.

Toxic Shock

Items The games Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth can vary in power, but there are some incredibly strong examples among them. For example, this passive improvement is very serious, as it has many effects that will come in handy for you. So, when you receive this improvement, then it begins to act passively. The moment you enter the next room, all enemies who are already there take damage equal to twice the strength of your tears, after which they become infected and continue to receive double damage for a few more seconds. Thus, you can practically not be afraid of rooms with big amount opponents that were previously difficult to deal with. Now you just need to go into the room and wait a couple of seconds - most of enemies will die, and the rest you can easily finish off. But you should pay attention to the fact that the effect of this item does not apply to those monsters that appear in the room later - as a result of opening a chest, death of a specific enemy, and so on. As you can see, in the case of a game like The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth, item descriptions need to be detailed so that you don't miss out on any very important detail.

Mega bean

It's no secret that this game communicates “on you” with various unpleasant topics, such as nausea or gas. It is to gases that the use of this subject leads. Your character releases poison gas that deals five points of damage, and then within a few seconds your standard tear damage to all those enemies that are in the radius of destruction. Please note that this is an explosive effect, that is, you can give them access to the secret room if you run out of bombs.

Glass cannon

This item must be handled as carefully as possible - it is better to use it only on the most terrible bosses or if you know that you can instantly replenish your health. So, if you activate this item, then your health will be reset to half of your heart, regardless of how many hearts you had before - and even the shadow ones are affected. In return, you get one shot of a spectral tear that goes through enemies and deals 45 points of damage to each of them - enough to destroy any Living being in Game.

Bomber boy

This is a pretty interesting enhancement that is passive. When you activate this item, you get five bombs - this is a one-time effect. But now each of your bombs will explode a little differently. The explosion is now much larger, which will help you deal more damage to enemies. And this applies not only to conventional bombs, but also to troll bombs. It is also worth noting that the effect stacks with any other abilities that affect bombs - be it the ability to push them in a certain direction or make bombs with gifts out of them.

Crack Jacks

This item gives you a constant increase in health by one heart, and you are given not just an empty container, but a full heart. However, this is not all that such a thing can do. The fact is that when it is activated, a keychain appears on the floor of the room in which you are located - also an object, but only of a slightly different kind. You can only have one, and it gives you some kind of permanent improvement - for example, every ten seconds all secrets are highlighted in the room, or you can reduce the damage for yourself due to the fact that all troll bombs will turn into ordinary ones before the explosion ... So it will do you a lot of good too.

Hello everyone here. My name is Artem, and I am struggling with addiction. I've been fighting enough long time and everything seems to be going well so far. My acquaintance with this abomination began in 2011. The game has just been released, it has not yet enjoyed great popularity. I loved Edmund McMillen's last project, a hardcore platformer, so I decided to give The Binding of Isaac a shot.

“What a good and sweet game,” I thought. "Complex and incomprehensible, but there is something in it." From that day on, everything went downhill. I started playing The Binding of Isaac regularly. I killed Mama for the first time - I almost did it for joy. I thought it was the end, but after that two additional levels opened. Then the game was constantly feeding something new, teasing with new items, bosses, characters ... In short, I got really hooked.

Sometimes he spent up to eight hours a day with her. Intellectually understood that this was not the case and that it was time to tie, but every time before leaving, Isaac asked: "Do you really want me to die?" I pressed "No" and said to myself: "Here last time run - that's all. " Nonsense. Run 200 hours, completed all achievements, unlocked all items. This picture of Golden God has appeared in the main menu - a reward for the efforts spent on it.

It would seem that after that one could calm down - there is nowhere else to strive. The hell with two: I could not stop. He advised The Binding of Isaac to all his acquaintances and, with bulging eyes, proved that it was something fantastic. In most cases, I ran into bewilderment. Well, okay.

In 2012, the Wrath of the Lamb expansion came out, and my addiction blossomed with new strength... I rushed to master it like a man possessed. A hundred hours later, a new trophy appeared in the main menu - Platinum God - for completing all tests. I decided it was time to stop. Lasted two days.

When Mom's kill counter passed 200, The Binding of Isaac greeted me with this picture. Then I realized that I needed help.

I have been clean for almost two years now. I play other games again, see people, everything is fine. I am grateful to this society for all the support in overcoming this disease. Thank you, thank you so much. If not for ... What? Remake, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth out now? Oh my God.

Even putting this dramatization aside (honestly, I'm not that hopeless), the fact remains: it took me a catastrophic amount of time on The Binding of Isaac. In my memory, there were only four cases when I tried to kill absolutely all free (and not so) minutes on a video game. This is DOTA (both in the form of a map for WarCraft 3 and from Valve), and, in fact, The Binding of Isaac. The last one is somewhat out of line, isn't it? One of the greatest MOBA games of our time, the king of paid MMORPGs, a masterpiece from From Software and a flash-based roguelike about a child crying in a basement. Drop your prejudices. The Binding of Isaac is a great game. Here are just a few reasons why.

This is a game where the random generation mechanic works correctly. There are many projects that have something like this in the list of their main features: “A huge number of combinations - every time you play new game! ". In most cases, it turns out that the random number generator does not affect the gameplay as much as the developers portray it. Yes, there is no point in memorizing the map, enemies are always different, but in general, these are the same eggs, only in profile. The Binding of Isaac takes a slightly different approach: it combines certain constants with randomness that can radically change the gameplay.

The levels are built from hundreds of handcrafted blank rooms. Each stage (Basement, Depths, Womb, Cathedral, etc.) has a specific set of bosses and enemies tied to it - the further you go, the more difficult the opponents and the more difficult the game becomes. All of this forms the basis so that The Binding of Isaac does not collapse under the pressure of thousands of variables: special items, cards, secrets, curses, key rings, pills and much more. Trophies can give flight bloody vomit, giant but slow tears, endless bombs - all this in its own way changes each specific passing The Binding of Isaac. There are over 450 items in Rebirth in total - just imagine the number of all possible combinations, say ten of them.

And other numbers

In The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Over 50 bosses

10 playable characters

20 challenges

17 endings

178 secrets / achievements

This is a game that teaches you to adapt and squeeze every drop out of the current situation. The Binding of Isaac - Pretty difficult game... Isaac is very vulnerable, there are always a lot of monsters, the main resources - bombs, keys, coins - are constantly in short supply. To advance, sometimes you have to take risks - say, pouring almost all your health into the donor machine in the hope of getting free healing and an upgrade. Sometimes it's the other way around: an unknown pill can not only give a bonus to the rate of fire, but also cripple a child, and some artifacts can ruin a successful passage.

In such conditions, you have to constantly think and build cunning combinations in order to get the most out of each level. Even after opening the passage to the next stage, you can spend a lot of time on the current floor. Give the devil almost all health, get a pass to the test room, fight two bosses at once, earn a powerful artifact, win several extra keys and bombs in the slot machine, accidentally blow up a machine gun, get 99 coins, buy in the store, thereby making your lot easier for the future - this is just a rough to-do list. You may well not give a damn about all this and rush to the next stage as soon as possible - only you will already be without money, artifact, bombs and keys. The Binding of Isaac has its own laws of survival that you will have to learn and use to your advantage.

This is a monstrously addictive game. Successful passage The Binding of Isaac takes 40-60 minutes on average. This is sheer deceit: due to the relatively short duration, you do not notice the passage of time. The more time you spend on The Binding of Isaac, the more content it unlocks. Considering that each playthrough is radically different from the other, you do not get tired of the game and end up in vicious circle... "One more time and that's it." Yeah of course.

Difficult childhood

Edmund McMillen doesn't really advertise this fact, but The Binding of Isaac is based on memories of his own childhood. His parents drank a lot and used drugs, while being ardent Christians. It is easy to imagine how this affected early years McMillen. “My parents were constantly shouting that I would go to hell for my passion for Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering,” Edmund admitted in an interview. He was mistreated, beaten and frightened with particularly bloody episodes from the Bible. All of this is reflected in The Binding of Isaac.

Honestly, I undertook to write this column for one reason: to have a legitimate excuse to play The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth at work - they say, I'm gaining impressions for the article. If this fact and over six thousand recommendations on Steam do not convince you to even try it, then I wash my hands. I'll go and spend another three hundred hours in the basement.

Breaking the game is cheating the game, when you can, with the help of your convolutions, make, for example, a lot of artifacts, very high damage, or even experiment with combinations of 5, 10, 25 or even more items. Also, with the help of breaking the game, you can easily complete a difficult achievement, starting from full passage Guardian before opening Godhead (Godhead, divinity), although basically just duping things until they lose their pulse.

The main ways to break the race

There are many ways to break a run, the main types are:

  1. Blank Card + Jera - the main thing is to find one battery and an item for a dupe. Here I want to tell you more about one battery. The fact is that many players think that they need two, although you can get by with one. How? First, you need to squeeze the Blank card, pick up the second open battery and quickly activate the artifact again. Voila, magic, we already have 3 batteries, tk. after charging the artifact with a battery, it still remains for a very short period of time, and then it disappears.
  2. Restock + IV Bag - everything is simple, we squeeze the dropper 2 times, we get 3-4 coins, we buy a whole heart and thanks to this error in the falling out of coins we have a surplus. We repeat this shenanigans many times, and we already have a lot of money. We buy artifacts, do this shenanigans again and after a while we have a dozen artifacts, a lot of coins and, in general, everything is covered in chocolate. To make things even better, I advise you to find Piggy bank, Humble Bundle, Steam Sale, Fanny pack, and enjoy life
  3. D20 in Greed Mode - reroll on D20 in the store, go through all the waves, buy it, pray at the next level in the store for a battery, or roll on it with D20. Then the most important thing: DO NOT pick up coins, because we will roll them on chests, keys and cards / pills. After you have enough coins in the room, press D20, open chests, press cards / pills that give pickups, collect silver coins (5 and 10), buy a battery in the store, repeat this many times and whoops! The whole room is in chests, coins, keys, etc.
  4. D20 and Sharp Plug / Habit in a regular race - the method is similar to the previous one, we also roll on D20, do not spend bombs, keys and coins, find Sharp Plug / Habit in the store (I advise you to familiarize yourself with these items on the wiki), blow up the donation machine , knocking out coins, reroll them, use the Sharp Plug / Habit to charge the D20 with our hearts, pick up hearts, open chests, reroll, etc.
  5. Placebo + 48 Hour Energy - everything is simple here - we squeeze the placebo, the placebo is charged thanks to the pill + 1-3 more batteries on the floor, we squeeze the placebo again, and so on. The tricky part is that you only have an infinite supply of batteries, so this is most likely an oversimplification with battery problems during withdrawal.

    These are the main ways to break the game, but there are many more.

Broken run characteristics

A race is broken if:

  • If you can have an infinite number of batteries or charge one item many times
  • Huge stats like 900 damage
  • “Illegally” opened achievements (but without the interference of various programs / scripts / mods into the game)
  • There is a possibility to get a lot of artifacts

Possibilities of a broken run

First, how many times to use Glowing Hour Glass:

  • Find at least one battery
  • Pick up the artifact The Battery and fully charge the watch
  • Find any artifact in the room, i.e. if you pick up any activated artifact, enter the room with it, pick up the clock in the room and go back, then the artifact that you had in the last room will be discharged, and the clock will still be charged. (Doesn't work in Afterbirth +)

And why is it needed:

  1. Fully fill the Sacrifice Machine / Greed Machine
  2. Pick up an infinite number of times Eden Blessing. The mechanics of Eden Blessing are arranged so that when you pick it up, there will be +1 item in the next run, and if you roll back to the last room and pick up the artifact again, then there will already be +2 items in the next run. In this way, you can easily go through Silence and Madness, for example, for the Lost.



After the mother of the protagonist hears a voice from above, which demands human sacrifice as a sign of proof of her faith, Isaac escapes with the hope of escape to a basement filled with various monsters. There he meets crowds of enemies, lost brothers and sisters, pets and, finally, his mother. Isaac is constantly crying, and tears are his weapon.


Gameplay The binding of isaac resembles the games in the Legend of Zelda series, although some features - such as the random generation of dungeons - make it akin to games in the roguelike genre. The Binding of Isaac is a 2D Action / RPG in which the player controls Isaac or several other characters that can be unlocked by playing the game. The player will have to explore many rooms filled with enemies, traps, and secrets. At each level there is a boss - defeating him is required (but not always, when you receive the artifact "We Must Go Further" (eng. "We Need To Go Deeper") you can go through 6 levels, and by activating it, get to next level) and after it the player goes to the next level. During the passage, you come across all sorts of bonuses and improvements for the character, increasing and decreasing characteristics, giving special features, various cosmetic changes and much more. There is no respawn of opponents and objects in the game. With each new start of the game, all opponents, rooms, objects, bosses appear randomly.

Characters (edit)

Name Health Speed Rate of fire Attack Range Initial items Description
Isaac(Isaac) 3 2 2 2 2 Bomb and D6 (After beating the game in ???) Initially available character
Magdalene(Magdalene) 4 1 2 2 2 Heart Available after getting 7 red hearts in one playthrough
Cain(Cain) 2 3 2 3 1 Luck leg and key Available after accumulating 55 coins or more in one playthrough
Judas(Judas) 1 2 2 4 2 The Book of Belial and Three Coins Available after completing the game
Eve(Eve) 2 3 2 1 2 The bird and the curse "Babylonian harlot" Available after making two deals with the devil in one game
Samson(Samson) 1 + 1 blue 2 1 2 1 "Bloodlust" Available after skipping two treasures and passing Mommy
??? (real name - Blue baby) 3 (blue) 2 2 2 2 Poop Available after 10 playthroughs


The structure of the dungeons in the game is formed randomly. In the first three chapters, there are necessarily 4 types of rooms - a treasury, a room with a boss, a store and a secret room. In the fourth chapter (The Womb), there is necessarily a room with a boss and a secret room (sometimes a call room may appear, game room and / or a room with a mini-boss). An ordinary room has one to four doors, stones, poop, bonfires, opponents, chests, and items. Rooms can be a puzzle or a room where the player must destroy all opponents in order to open the doors to the following rooms. Often, after “cleaning” a location, a heart, coin, key, bomb or chest drop out in the middle.


The item room (sometimes called the treasure room) contains no enemies. In the middle is a pedestal that holds one of the many objects. Bonfires can sometimes come across as well. To get into this room, you need a key (except for the very first level - a key is not required there).


In this room, the player can purchase various subjects from the gallows. Prices are different - from three (hearts) to 15 coins (items). Sometimes items are sold at half price, in which case the price will be red. Occasionally, items can be purchased for a certain number of hearts (like in the Devil's room). You always need a key to get to the store. Sometimes, instead of the store, you can get to the mini-boss Greed (Greed).

Boss room

To leave the level, the player must defeat the boss, teleport, or die with extra lives. After its destruction, hearts, objects fall out and the door to the next level opens. Sometimes a door to the Devil's room may appear.

Call room

The door to such a room is latticed and has two crossed swords. It only opens if the player is at full health. There is a chest or item inside. After the chest is opened (or an item is raised), the player will have to reflect three waves of opponents. After the destruction of all enemies, the door from the room opens, and a heart, bomb, key or coin can also fall out (as after clearing a normal room). Sometimes, after clearing, one of the items that change the characteristics of the character drops out.

Game room

A coin is required to enter the room. When entering a room for the first time, a heart or a coin may appear in the corner of the room. Inside the player are three mini-games - slot machine, machine donated blood and playing with thimbles. The slot machine requires a coin every time it is used - the player can win pills, bombs, keys, coins, flies, or even a dollar, which increases the number of coins to 99 and explodes the machine (just like after a long use). The donor blood machine issues a certain number of coins instead of half a heart (or a whole heart, starting from the "Womb" level). If you use this machine for a long time, it explodes and grants a pack of blood, restoring 6 hearts and giving 1 additional heart. When playing with thimbles, the player can get hearts, bombs, keys or a special item (if the player chooses incorrectly, a fly attacks). When any of the mini-games are destroyed, a certain number of basic items will drop out.

Mini-boss room

In this room, the player encounters one of seven mini-bosses (which are references to the seven deadly sins).

Secret room

Such a room is not marked on the map and has no entrances. To get into it, the player must detonate a bomb against the wall or use the Tarot card "The Moon". There may be several coins inside, sometimes - slot machine, less often - mushrooms that increase skills, or give an extra life. To get into the room again, you need another bomb. If the player has X-ray glasses, then the entrances to the room are always open. Often such a room is bordered by 3-4 rooms, one of which is a store. Can be found with items such as the "Spelunker Hat" or "Treasure Map", and the Tarot card "The World" or "The Sun ").

Devil's room

The room is sometimes available after the boss is destroyed. Moreover, the entrance to it disappears after leaving the room. It looks like a store, but instead of coins, the player pays with their lives (including blue ones) for one or two items. In this room, you can purchase unique items in the game that significantly increase the characteristics or endow with special abilities. The spent hearts are taken away forever or transformed into blue, and if the item is worth the current number of red hearts, then the purchase deprives it of all hearts, even if there are several blue ones. Some items from the Devil's room can be found after the death of the boss or in the item room, some still take health away, although there is no warning about this anywhere.

Special room

You can get into it with the help of a teleport. Upon entering, the player cannot go back without using special tarot cards, tablets or used items with the ability to teleport. Inside is a man who says "I AM ERROR" (a reference to the Zelda II game on the NES). The room can contain any item (or several items for purchase), tablets, coins, chests and a door to the next level.



At the end of each level, the player enters a room with one of the bosses. The boss is chosen randomly (depending on the level the player is on). Occasionally, you can find a boss from other chapters on a level, for example, The Fallen boss in the "Depth" or "Maw" levels. Also, at the levels of the fourth and higher chapters (sometimes at the third), the bosses of the previous chapters can be encountered as enemies of ordinary levels. Some bosses can be painted in different colors - they are "strengthened" in contrast to the usual (found after several playthroughs).


  • Monstro - Monster
  • The Duke of Flies - Duke of Flies
  • Gemini - Gemini
  • Pin - Pin
  • Larry Jr. - Larry Jr
  • Widow - Widow (Wrath of the Lamb - alternative level "Cellar")


  • Husk - Shell
  • Hollow - Empty
  • Wretched - Wrath of the Lamb
  • Fistula - Fistula
  • Blighted Ovum - Wrath of the Lamb
  • Gurdy Jr. - Gerdi the Younger
  • Gurdy - Gerdy
  • Peep - Peep
  • Chub - Chub


  • Loki - Loki
  • Mask of Infamy - Mask of Shame
  • Monstro II - Monstro 2
  • Mom - Mom
  • Carrion Queen - Queen of the Carrion
  • Wretched - Restrained
  • Triachnid - Triachnid
  • Bloat - Fat


  • Scolex - Scolex
  • Teratoma - Teratoma
  • Lokii - Lokii (enhanced by Loki)
  • Bloat - Fat
  • Daddy Long Legs - Daddy Long Legs
  • Triachnid - Triachnid
  • Blastocyst - Blastocyst
  • Mom's Heart - Mom's Heart (becomes available after defeating Mom for the first time)
  • It lives - It's Alive (replaces Mom's Heart after 10 wins)

Underworld (Sheol)

  • The Satan

Special bosses (can appear in any chapter)

  • The Fallen
  • Headless horseman
  • Krampus


  • Isaac

The Chest

Unlockable bosses

Such bosses appear in the game after the first defeat of Mom. The reward after killing the harbinger of the Apocalypse is a meat cube, the reward after killing two additional ponies (you will receive the White Pony from the Conqueror, the Black Pony from the Headless Horseman). They are a reference to the Six Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

  • Famine (Famine, found in the Basement)
  • Pestilence (Pestilence, found in the Caverns)
  • War (War, found in the Depths)
  • Death (Death, occurs in the Womb)
  • Conquest (Conqueror, occurs anywhere)
  • Headless Horseman (Found anywhere)

Alternative bosses

  • steven (instead of Gemini)
  • C.H.A.D. (instead of Chub)
  • Gish (instead of Monstro II)
  • It Lives (available after nine victories over Mommy, instead of Mom's Heart)

Mini bosses

At each level, there is a chance to get into a special room, where the player encounters a mini-boss. Each mini-boss is a reference to

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