Home Fruit trees Press wheel. Exercises and how to properly engage with the press wheel. Exercises with a gymnastic roller for the press

Press wheel. Exercises and how to properly engage with the press wheel. Exercises with a gymnastic roller for the press

Greetings to all lovers of the gym, fitness, bodybuilding. In short, all who do not care how they will look! On the line Vitakha Okhrimenko!

Today, as part of the analysis, we will analyze different variants one exercise. B let's study existing exercises with a press wheel. Who does not know there is a wheel with handles that will help! In fairness, I must say right away why I abandoned this exercise.

The fact is that in my spine there is such an unpleasant thing - osteochondrosis is called. So everyone who has similar ailments of the spinal column should be especially careful about training with a wheel. Personally, this exercise once fettered me for three weeks, but at the same time I know that it was my own fault. On that day, I started the wheel without warming up first.

Okay, I won't scare you anymore with horror stories from personal experience, let's move on to the pleasant part, so to speak. From today's article, you will find out why you need a roller at all, what muscles work besides the press, what exercises with a press roller are, how to do it right, how much and when.

What muscles work when training with a roller

Based on the title of the article, it is safe to note the main muscle, for the sake of which we actually take up the handles of the wheel - this is the press! In second place are the back muscles, especially actively connected to work lumbar. Third and fourth places are separated by legs and arms, and here you can’t definitely say that it works more.

Some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity noted the high efficiency of the video for working out gluteal muscles. They say that the butt after the wheel becomes unrealistically elastic and toned! I want to draw attention to the effectiveness of the roller for the lumbar.

I personally know three miners - tunnelers who consistently work out with a roller in order to increase the endurance of the lower back when carrying heavy loads at work (and a tunneller, like no one else, drags these weights decently during a shift). Downloading the press with a roller is not as easy as it might seem from the outside. There are exercises of moderate severity, and there are especially heavy ones. Let's start with the easiest ones and work our way up to the hard ones.

Straightening - inhale, bending exhale. That is, moving forward is accompanied by inhalation, movement backward is accompanied by exhalation. And nothing else, this is very important!

Before you start working with the wheel, you MUST. It is especially important to pay attention to the warm-up of the spine.. do it rotational movements hands, twist your lower back, jump rope. The main thing is that when starting training with a wheel, your joints are stretched and your body is warmed up.

How to deal with the roller?

Dress in comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. Place a soft mat under your knees on the floor, you can use a towel, a small blanket, etc., etc. Very important point: if you are going to start practicing with a roller for the first time, I hasten to warn you about the possible consequences.

Krepatura after training with the wheel is simply unusual, even in well-trained people, the next day, the abdominal muscles and lower back hurt so much ...

In short, you need to study this exercise smoothly and gradually, in no case should you immediately unwind from a standing position, only from your knees. And that, with small loads. For the first time, two sets of repetitions of 8-10 are enough, and already with subsequent workouts, you can gradually increase the pace.

Benefits of a press roller

If you want to buy some kind of multifunctional inexpensive simulator for home, then the roller will fit like no other. Yes, you won’t pump up big shoulders with it, but it will be possible to maintain a beautiful embossed, and most importantly proportional body with a strong back and elastic press. Tempting?

In addition, the press roller will help to reset overweight, because during the exercise almost all the muscles of your body participate. Yes, and mastering the technique is not difficult at all, a few workouts with the wheel and you already own 95% of the technique.

In fact one of this simulator is enough to keep the body in shape without visiting the gym. Of course, the gym is much better, but not everyone can afford to find the money, time and desire to attend GYM's. This video is very useful for such people!

Roller exercises

Here we come to the most interesting part. with the help of a wheel, you can do so many different things that even a standard bench for the press will envy. True, it will be very difficult at once, but over time it will become easier and easier.

Half knee exercise

This is perhaps the most simple exercise with a roller. And it is with him that you need to start acquaintance with this simulator. The essence of the movement is as simple as five Soviet kopecks: you put the rug under your knees, which you wrote about above, take hold of the handles of the roller with your hands, and roll it back and forth 10–15 times.

Throughout the exercise, you firmly press the roller with your hands to the floor. Although in another way, in fact, it will not work. You need to straighten up not as much as possible, but as shown in the image. The arms can only be slightly bent at the elbows. The back is straight. The distance between the legs is 15-20 centimeters.

Full range knee exercise

Similar to the first, only with a number of amendments. You move forward with the roller as far as possible forward, at the end point we try to stretch out as much as possible. In this position, you can freeze for a few seconds, and then return to the starting position. The back is also straight.

Exercise from a lying position

This is a kind of reverse exercise from the previous one. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms as far forward as possible. There you grab the handles of the roller, take a breath, and as you exhale, you begin to pull the roller towards you until you reach the kneeling position. Then, on an inhale, straighten up. After straightening, you can relax a little, and then do the next repetition.

Squat exercise

Squat down, roller in front of you, and from this position, while inhaling, start moving forward. You need to go forward until the body is completely straightened. After that, you need to return to starting position.

Exercises to the side

This exercise targets the oblique abdominal muscles. Sitting position on the fifth point, legs straightened. You put the roller to your left and start pushing it with your hands to the left. You do a certain number of times for one side, and then, moving the roller to the right, the same for the other.

Exercise from a standing position with a limiter

With this version of the exercise, you need to start when sitting already seems too weak. Stand against the wall at a distance slightly greater than your height. Bend over, legs straight, roller in front of you. Take the roller with your hands and push it until you hit the wall with the roller. Then start moving back.

Exercise from a standing position

Perhaps this is the most difficult exercise, which you should take on only after mastering all the previous options. You bend over, your legs are straight, you start to put pressure on the roller and straighten up until you touch the floor with your chest. At this point, you need to freeze for 1-3 seconds. After that, you return to the starting position.

The number of approaches and repetitions when working with a roller

We take the number of approaches as standard 3-4, the number of repetitions should range from 10 to 20. We turn to more difficult exercise after it turns out to do 4 to 20 in less difficult.

  1. When training with a press roller, you should always keep your back straight, maybe even slightly round your back. The main condition is that there is no deflection of the lower back, this will relieve the load from the joints;
  2. You need to start moving slowly, and the entire movement of the roller should be controlled. Do not allow the roller to go forward on its own, this is fraught with injury;
  3. To make it easier to train, you need to take food an hour and a half, or even two hours before training. It is also advisable not to drink water for the next hour. Fulfillment of these conditions will allow you to do the exercise with an empty stomach.

Exercises with a video clip

Everything that I did not add in the article can be seen in the videos I found:

Well, perhaps that's all. Today we have analyzed a very effective, but at the same time traumatic and difficult exercise.. You need to approach exercises with the wheel carefully, but if you do everything right, use the progressive method of loading, then this exercise will certainly thank you with a strong press and toned muscles. I confess honestly - while I wrote an article about exercises with a video, I wanted to find my video and start practicing.

I wish you success in sports, good health and no less strong press cubes.

Sincerely, Vitaly Okhrimenko!

3 comments on ““Exercises with a roller for the press - hit the wheel on fat deposits””

    A cool simulator ... but for some reason my head starts to hurt a lot in the back of my head ... I realized that when I go down I strain and my head starts to hurt ... probably this is not for me

    Today I bought a roller for the press. As Anya writes, her head hurts from exercises, thank God nothing hurts me, and I came prepared for this type of exercise. Since before that I was engaged in 1.5 Nordic walking, exercise bike and other types of exercises. I really want to know the energy consumption taking into account time, weight, height and age.

    The video is super, for three months of daily classes, minus 12 cm in the waist !!!

When there is a desire to keep a figure in good physical shape, but there is no opportunity to attend gym or fitness, you can buy a simulator and work out with it at home on your own. For this, a gymnastic wheel is ideal, performing exercises on which you can work out almost all muscle groups.

With the help of a gymnastic wheel, it will not be possible to pump up biceps and triceps, but to keep the body in good physical shape, classes with a roller will be an excellent choice.

strong muscles, ideal forms body provides exercise with the gymnastic wheel

The benefits of exercise with the wheel:

  1. Useful exercise with gymnastic roller for those who want to make the relief of the abdomen smoother, strengthen the press and correct their posture.
  2. Classes on the simulator can be an addition to the diet, if available. excess weight.
  3. When performing exercises on the gymnastic wheel, almost all major and minor muscles are involved in the work, which allows you to train the whole body.

What muscles can be worked out

Most of the load when exercising with the wheel goes to the muscles abdominals. If you choose the right set of exercises, you can also train the muscles of the back, legs, hips, arms, shoulders and neck. While doing classic exercise almost all the major muscles and many minor ones work with the gymnastic wheel.

AT more the muscles of the press, hips and shoulders are being worked out. The muscles of the back and arms are also in tension, as they help to support their own weight. If you refine the exercise and perform it while standing, then the load on the muscles of the legs and arms will be added.

Exercise rules

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel, in order to avoid injuries and increase efficiency, must be performed, observing several simple rules:

How to increase the effectiveness of exercise with the wheel

If exercises with the gymnastic wheel have been performed for a long time, or if the body is athletic and prepared, increase the time or number of repetitions of the exercises.

Greater efficiency contributes to the complication of standard exercises. If classes with the wheel were held in the initial position on the knees, then they should be performed in a standing position, thus increasing the load on the muscles of the press, arms, and strengthening the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

You need to move on to more complex exercises gradually and carefully to avoid sprains and injuries.

Precautions and contraindications

Everyone can perform exercises, regardless of physical fitness, age and gender, but there are still several contraindications to exercising with a gymnastic wheel.

Contraindications include:

  1. Women need to avoid excessive loads, since during the exercises the abdominal muscles are worked out, which put pressure on the organs. genitourinary system, which can cause female diseases.
  2. It is worth giving up classes if there are back injuries. The load can not only aggravate the existing condition, but also lead to more serious damage.
  3. Pain in the lower back. When performing exercises with a gymnastic wheel, the muscles of the lower back are involved in the work, so it is better to postpone classes until the pain has passed.
  4. High pressure. If there is a tendency to increase blood pressure, it is necessary to exercise with caution, controlling the condition of the body.
  5. Need to quit when feeling unwell, dizziness, nausea, headaches.

Exercises for beginners with a photo

The gymnastic wheel is suitable for those who are just starting to play sports. The main thing is to start with simple exercises and do not fulfill them a large number of times, gradually increasing the load.

  1. One of basic exercises It is aimed at strengthening the press and training the oblique muscles. Sitting on the floor, you should spread your legs a little to the sides. The wheel is in front in the hands. Start moving forward to the stop, and then return to the starting position. The exercise is similar to the classic swing of the press, only with the help of a simulator. First, they make several rolls forward, sitting straight, then move the wheel to the right of the body and move it to the side, repeat the same by moving the wheel to the left of the body. When moving to the side, you need to bend as low as possible so that the chest touches the floor.
  2. Another exercise is rolling out the wheel while kneeling. Starting position - kneeling, the wheel is in outstretched hands in front. Slowly begin to move forward, then also smoothly return to the starting position. You can start with small roll-outs and increase the amplitude with each repetition. Ideally, the wheel should be in front in outstretched arms, while the body remains flat and does not touch the floor.
  3. Exercise with emphasis on the wall. To perform it is necessary to sit on your knees so that in front of you short distance there was a wall. The wheel must be held in your hands and rolled forward until it hits the wall. In this position, it is necessary to tighten the press and fix for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. The emphasis on the wall with the wheel allows you to keep the body in tension for a longer time, which gives an additional load on the press, shoulders and back.
  4. Rolls to the side. Take the starting position lying down, the body is kept straight. They take a gymnastic wheel and place it opposite the chest. When moving forward, it is necessary to roll the wheel to the side, approximately 45 degrees. In this position, they finish the exercise and then do the same, directing the wheel in the other direction.

Advanced exercises with photo

When the gymnastic wheel is mastered, and exercises with it are performed with ease, you can continue to complicate the workout by increasing the load:

  1. An exercise that was performed on your knees can be performed while standing on straight legs.. The starting position of the legs is shoulder width apart, hands below hold the wheel, resting it on the floor. Slowly begin to roll the wheel forward as far as possible from a standing position, then also slowly return to the starting position. Perform the same actions when the legs are closed together. When performing these exercises, the load on the legs, as well as on the back and lower back, increases. To complicate the workout, you need to roll the wheel, taking a prone position, and stretch your arms up. Having fixed for a few seconds and again leaning on their feet, they move the wheel towards themselves.
  2. Plank with a wheel. They occupy the position of an emphasis lying, leaning on their toes, and hold the wheel in their hands. Then slowly move the arms forward, keeping the torso parallel to the floor. At the maximum rollout, you should fix for a few seconds and slowly return back.
  3. Exercise from a lying position. You need to take the starting position lying on the floor, with straight arms extended forward and holding the wheel. Smoothly begin to move the simulator towards you, lifting and bending the body. Feet should remain pressed to the floor. In this position, they linger for 2-3 minutes and begin to sink to the floor, stretching their arms up.
  4. Rolled on one hand. You can perform the exercise on your knees or on straight legs. You need to take the emphasis lying down, take the wheel in one hand and start rolling slowly forward. If it is difficult to maintain balance, you can lean a little with your other hand. Repeat several rentals on one and on the other hand.
  5. Skating on one leg. You need to start this workout with strengthened leg muscles, since you will have to support the weight of the whole body on one leg. They put their feet straight and, bending down, take the wheel with their hands and begin to move forward, slowly lowering themselves. When the maximum rolling point is reached, raise one leg and return back.
  6. Rolling feet. For this type of training, you will need a wheel with special foot pedals. They get into a plank position with an emphasis on straight arms. The wheel is fixed on the feet and begin to move forward until the knees touch the chest. Then they come back, straightening their legs.

How often to exercise

Training with the wheel must be carried out regularly, only then you can achieve the desired result. Start classes should be from 5-10 minutes, and do the exercises every other day. Then, if it is possible to practice daily, for 20-30 minutes. It is desirable that each day of training take place at the same time.

How many reps to do

Classes with a gymnastic wheel should be started with several repetitions, about 5-7 times at first. Gradually increasing the load, you should add 1-2 repetitions each workout.

For effectiveness, it is enough to repeat the exercises 20-30 times daily. But it is worth remembering that this is an average value and the number of repetitions is selected individually depending on the preparedness and endurance of the body.

The gymnastic wheel is a universal simulator. Exercises with it are highly effective, as they help to work out almost all the muscles. Everyone can train, regardless of gender and age, the main thing is to choose the right set of exercises and load so as not to harm your health.

Video about exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women

Classes with a gymnastic wheel will strengthen muscles and prevent weight gain:

How to properly perform exercises with a gymnastic wheel:

Among the huge variety of devices for practicing at home, there is a place for such a tool as gymnastic roller. With it, you can pump up the press and strengthen your back, as well as work out well. upper part torso. You can read about what exercises can be done with this device in our article.

What is a gymnastic roller?

The gymnastic roller can be called another useful projectile designed to keep the human body in good shape. With him, the figure will become more toned, and strength and health will increase. The cost of such a device is extremely low, within 400-800 rubles you can buy a completely convenient and practical model that will serve you. for a long time.

The gymnastic roller looks like one or two interconnected wheels, on the sides of which there are handles that must be taken when performing movements.

A gymnastic roller is considered to be a power simulator that can be used at home or in a sports center. This device is quite easy to use if you have some training and regularly engage in sports training.

The gymnastic roller is very attractive for home purposes, because it does not take up much space and can easily fit in the closet. The roller will allow you to work out the abdominal muscles, tighten the shoulder muscles, as well as the muscles of the lower leg and thigh surface.


You will discover the opportunity to strengthen the muscles of the back and chest, and all this with the help of one simulator!

With the help of such a sports equipment, you can pump up seductive cubes on the press, unless of course you devote proper time to classes. When working with a video, a lot is involved muscle groups, which affects general condition organism. Before exercising with a projectile, be sure to perform stretching exercises and do a short warm-up.

If you are new to sports or have not been involved in sports for a long time, then at the initial stages it will be quite difficult to work with the video.

Unprepared people should master simple exercises and wait for the moment when the muscles get stronger. After that, you can move on to more complex exercises.

However, you do not need to be too zealous, since the load on the lower back and spinal muscles is quite large.

Not everyone is recommended to use a gymnastic roller. In particular, in the presence of a vertebral hernia, exercises with this projectile should be abandoned. By ignoring this recommendation, there is a risk of extremely unpleasant consequences.

No need to deal with the projectile and people who often experience pain in the region of the lumbar spine. Strengthening your back with the help of other simulators, you can gradually move on to roller exercises, but only when you really prepare your muscles for such intense work.

What types of gymnastic rollers exist?

Let's look at the main models of gymnastic rollers that you can find in modern sports stores.

  • Rollers with handles following the contour of the hand. With such devices, training becomes more comfortable, but if you are an experienced athlete, such a detail is unlikely to attract your attention.
  • Models with rubber wheels. Rubberized castors prevent a castor or two casters from slipping. The contact with the floor is higher and the noise level is lower.
  • Gymnastic roller for the lower press. This is enough a new version projectile, allowing you to work out the lower press. Such an item is equipped with special fastenings for legs. You just need to lower your feet into special bindings, rest your hands on the floor.

How to start exercises with a gymnastic roller?

When starting the first workouts with a gymnastic roller, follow these simple rules:

  • Do a warm-up beforehand.
  • Begin the first exercises on your knees, without straightening your body completely. For emphasis, you can use a wall against which you should rest your heels. Try to complete 10-15 extensions in 2-3 sets. Each time, try to slightly increase the range of motion.
  • Gradually, over and over again, increase the angle. Thus, each time the exercise will be more difficult. However, you should not immediately "rush" and train at full strength. Go to next level it is worth it only when you understand that you can manage the previous stage quite easily.
  • When training does not cause discomfort, and you feel light, give up on the emphasis on the wall. Passing this milestone, you can diversify the exercises and begin to work out the oblique muscles of the abdomen, broad muscles of the back and lumbar. To do this, straighten the body not only straight, but also to the right and left sides. It takes a long time to fix this stage.
  • Switch to exercises with emphasis on the feet, not on the knees. Make sure that the pelvis is pulled up. Practice breathing, while straightening the body, inhale and hold the breath, while bending, exhale.
  • Try stretching your arms with a gymnastic roller. For this purpose, sit down on the floor, take the roller behind your back with both hands so that your palms are directed to the floor. Make light jerks and exhale, go down slowly and smoothly, hands should move off until the back is on the floor. Elbows should be straight.

A few more exercises with a gymnastic roller

Now let's talk in more detail about the basic roller exercises that you can do at home on your own without any additional support and help.

  • Sit on your knees, pick up a gymnastic roller and place it on the floor so that the arms are straight. After that, lean on the roller and begin a smooth movement forward while lowering the body down until the moment when the chest touches the hips. After that, return to the starting position and start the movement again.
  • Lie on your stomach and take a gymnastic role in your hands j. Put it in front of you on arms slightly bent at the elbows. Start moving by pulling the simulator towards you, bend your back well. The hips during the exercise should not come off the floor. The roller must be moved as close to you as possible. When reaching the maximum point in it, you should linger for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. You can do 8-10 repetitions of this exercise.
  • Take the starting position: sit on the floor, straighten your back, point your legs forward without bending your knees. Position the roller on your right side. Put straightened hands on the roller and leaning on it, bend in right side with him until the moment when the chest touches the floor. After that, you should return to the starting position and shift the roller to left side. Do the same. Do 10 sets on each side. This exercise will perfectly pump up the oblique abdominal muscles.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart without bending your knees. Place the simulator in front of you and rest against it so that your arms are straight. Move forward smoothly without sudden movements. The maximum point will be full straightening and “freezing” in it for 2-3 seconds. After that, slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.

Training with a gymnastic roller will allow you to improve the body. Is this what every girl dreams of? However, do not get too carried away with this device, otherwise you will overdo it and the body will no longer be so attractive in the eyes of men. The roller is affordable and always in stock in sports stores, so you can quickly buy it if you have not already done so!

Source: http://odnatakaya.ru/uhod-za-telom/gimnasticheskiy-rolik.html

gymnastic roller

Not so long ago, the topic was raised: “How to pump up at home?”. Continuing this topic and supplementing it with new exercises, I would like to talk in this article about such an excellent device for training at home as gymnastic roller, as well as in what exercises it is used.

gymnastic roller- This is a power simulator designed for use both at home and in fitness rooms. This is a very convenient simulator that does not take up much space because its design is quite simple and it is not large in volume.

With the help of a gymnastic roller, you can effectively pump the abdominal muscles, and also tightens the muscles of the shoulders, the outer surface of the thigh and the muscles of the lower leg. It helps to strengthen the back muscles. In particular, the muscles of the chest and back are heavily loaded.

No wonder exercises with this simulator were added to the list. the best exercises on the press.

Therefore, if you want to pump your press to cubes, you need to add exercises with this projectile to the training program. During the exercise with gymnastic roller, a sufficiently large number of muscle groups are involved.

It will be very effective at the beginning of a workout, as it will help warm up your body and prepare it for the workout itself. Therefore, it will be very useful to include this exercise in the list of stretching exercises and in the warm-up itself before training.

The disadvantage of this simulator is that it is quite difficult for beginners or not at all.

For unprepared people, it is best to start with simple exercises, and when your muscle corset gets stronger, you can begin to perform more difficult exercises associated with a gymnastic roller too.

When performing, you can not overdo it too much, because there is a static load on the muscles of the back, lower back.

If you are a beginner, you can use the gymnastic roller in your workouts, only slightly facilitating the exercises with it, namely, the starting position can be done starting from the knees, as shown in the picture.

Gradually, you will be able to complicate the exercises and get up on your toes.

In order to move from the starting point, there is simple circuit: do not be lazy and do exercises, gradually increasing the load in the form of an increase in the number of repetitions.

The most important

The main exercises, where a gymnastic roller is used, are aimed at pumping the abdominal muscles. Also very important is correct breathing. Incorrect breathing can significantly reduce the effect of the exercise.

Let's move on to the exercises themselves:

Exercise #1

Get on your knees, take the gymnastic roller and put it on the floor, arms straight. This will be the starting position. Next, we lean on the simulator and begin to move forward, while moving, we simultaneously lower the torso down until the chest touches the hips. Then we return to the starting position.

Exercise #2

Starting position - we lie down on our stomach, take a gymnastic roller in our hands, put it in front of us on outstretched, slightly bent arms.

We start the movement by pulling the roller towards us, bending our back, do not tear our hips off the floor. The roller should be moved towards you as far as you can.

When you reach the peak point, stay there for 2-3 seconds and return to the starting position. Number of repetitions: 8-10 times.

Exercise #3

This exercise is very similar to exercise number one. The only difference is that it is performed at the moment when your chest is in contact with your hips, you should fix at this point for 3 seconds, and then smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise #4

The next exercise is quite peculiar, and is performed in this way: starting position - sit on the floor, straighten your back, legs point forward, do not bend your knees.

The roller should be placed on your right side, then you need to put your straight arms on the roller and bend to the right side with the roller until your chest touches the floor. Then return to the starting position.

Useful advice

Once completed, flip the roller to the other side and perform the same movement. Perform 10 repetitions on each side. As you could understand, the oblique muscles of the abdomen swing.

Exercise #5

Starting position - put your feet shoulder-width apart, do not bend at the knees. Taking a gymnastic roller, put it on the floor in front of you. After focusing on the simulator, the arms should be straightened, move forward smoothly. The best peak point will be when you fully straighten up, lingering in this position for a couple of seconds, return to the starting position.

You can also perform exercises with a gymnastic roller in supersets.

At home, a gymnastic roller is a great addition to strength training. You can buy it literally anywhere where there is a sale of sporting goods. Gymnastic roller buy everyone can afford, since its price is not high.

Sporting goods stores, fitness rooms and "rocking chairs" today are ready to offer their visitors exercise machines that amaze with their versatility and dimensions. Against their background, an unpretentious and compact gymnastic wheel, received "inherited" from their parents, looks very unsightly. Nevertheless, the figure of the mother, despite her age, is attractive and slender, and the father can still boast of relief muscles. So does the effectiveness of training devices depend on their complexity?

The design of the classic gymnastic roller for the press is simple: a small-sized wheel equipped with an axle-handles.

But not every beginner is able to immediately complete the entire set of exercises. Therefore, depending on the fitness and endurance of the athlete's muscles, an appropriate model of the simulator is selected from a wide range of sports equipment.

Features of exercises with a fitness wheel for beginners

the first lessons are difficult for beginners, so it is recommended to perform 3-4 approaches

Which press roller to choose and how to prepare musculoskeletal system, heart and lungs to perform a set of exercises in in full? Properly selected model of the simulator will help to avoid injuries:

  1. Roller with two wheels. A stable design will help you quickly master the principles of training without diverting attention to maintaining balance and coordination of movement.
  2. Roller with return mechanism. It also helps to avoid overloading. Mechanical forced return of the wheel to its original position greatly facilitates the task of the athlete and reduces the load on the lumbar spine.

An important element is proper breathing. But The main attention should be paid to training with an incomplete range of motion: this is how the strength and endurance of the muscles develop without their overstrain and pain.

The catch lies in the constant control over the retention of the projectile along the entire trajectory of movement.

Exercises for beginners

the back should be straight, do not bend in the lower back

Get on your knees with your feet against a wall or other fixed support. Place the wheel in front of you, and leaning on the handles with straight arms, slowly move it forward. Tilt your torso, trying to touch the floor with your chest. If possible, linger at the end point for a couple of seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. Perform 3-4 sets of 8 to 10 each. The number of repetitions as you train can be increased to 15.

How to learn how to work with a press wheel (video lesson):

Advanced Ab Roller Workout

exercises with a double wheel and tension harnesses significantly increase the load on all muscle groups

Alas, our body is created in such a way that it is, and most steadfastly resist our desire to be slim and fit. That is why every effective exercise aimed at correcting problem areas is so valued.

For men

Of course, by combining this machine with an ever-increasing weight, you can increase muscle volume. To achieve steel with beautiful "cubes" will allow the slow execution of the program on the appropriate simulator:

  1. With 1 wheel and displaced center of gravity.
  2. Scrolling the wheel of this projectile requires considerable effort, which is suitable only for experienced athletes.

  3. Trimmer with tensioners.
  4. The movement of the double wheel of this projectile is complicated by the tension of the harnesses attached to the legs. It is possible that the tensioner is equipped with a roller for each hand separately.

  5. With "Assist System" mechanism. internal system amplifies the load due to additional resistance.

For women

unusual arrangement of handles increases the load on the press

Fast and dynamic movements with a suitable model will help to make the stomach flat and lose extra pounds:

  1. With 1 wheel and classic handle position.
  2. This design requires average physical fitness and certain skills.

  3. With side handles arranged like bicycle pedals.
  4. Diversifies the program, increasing the load on the shoulder girdle, and the press.


When performing, it is extremely important to strain the press and buttocks, keeping the arms straight and the back without bending.

    Take a position lying on your stomach with the roller in outstretched arms. Slowly bending in the back so that the hips do not come off the floor, roll it towards you with straight arms. After a pause of 2-3 seconds, slowly return to the starting position. Do 3-4 sets. The number of repetitions increases from 8 to 15 as you train.

    Sit on the floor with your back and legs straight. Lower your straight arms to the roller located at the right thigh. Roll it to the right until your chest touches the floor. Come back and repeat the tilt 10 times. Bring the roller to your left thigh and repeat 10 times moving the roller to the left.

    The transition to the most difficult exercise is possible after a long study of the previous ones. Stand in front of the wheel with your feet shoulder-width apart. Leaning on it with straight arms, roll forward without bending your legs. Having touched the floor with your chest, fix the position for 2-3 s. After doing the exercise in reverse order, take the starting position.

Anatomy of classes with a gymnastic wheel

during exercise, the load is distributed on the muscles of the press, shoulder girdle, arms, back and hips

It is believed that this simple sports equipment belongs to the category of Pilates and cardio training equipment. Indeed, its use helps to burn extra pounds, and keep muscles in good shape, develop their strength, endurance and give a noticeable relief.

First of all, straight and oblique bundles of the anterior abdominal wall are worked out. The payload falls on other muscles:

  • Large, small and serrated pectorals.
  • Respiratory muscles.
  • Girls with broad shoulders and developed arm muscles, you should not focus on the power models of the simulator: a large load falls on the muscles of the shoulder girdle and, including muscle fibers forearms, and

  • Superficial and deep back muscles. Loaded depending on the range of motion.
  • Big berry. Engaged statically, i.e. does not increase in volume.
  • Anterior thigh and leg.

To lose weight and give your figure the desired contours, today there is a whole arsenal of a variety of sports equipment. Moreover, it is convenient that many of these useful shells can be used at home even without the help of an instructor. We are living in an era computer technology, in the progressive era of the Internet, and on the Web, as you know, there are any materials of an explanatory and educational nature - you just have to look carefully. This article is dedicated to the favorite training device of many: the press wheel.

What is a press wheel

The subject of our research, namely, is a roller equipped with two handles. The impact on the muscles of the press is exerted by the rotating wheel itself, and the second part of the sports equipment is intended, as you probably already guessed, to fix the simulator with your hands. This device has several names. In addition to the wheels and the press roller mentioned above, people use terms such as “gymnastic roller” and “gymnastic wheel” to refer to the device. In order to give the sports equipment greater and better stability during the training process, some devices are equipped with not one, but two rollers at once. In general, the configuration of a particular device depends on its model and, of course, on the cost.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wheel for weight loss

The press wheel has a lot of advantages over other members of the family of simulators. Firstly, the gymnastic roller is very compact, which means that it will not take up much space even in an ordinary, albeit small-sized, apartment. Secondly, the use of a press wheel for weight loss and body shaping will not cause any particular difficulties even for a novice athlete. Thirdly, the sports equipment is quite inexpensive, especially in comparison with the price of other simulators. At the same time, exercises with a press wheel are no less effective than training using devices that many cannot afford.

Of the shortcomings of the press wheel, it is worth paying your attention, perhaps, to the rather high complexity of the first exercises with the roller in order to lose weight. By at least, for a considerable number of beginners, initial training really seems incredibly difficult. But, as you get used to this kind of sports activities, in the name of the beauty of the figure, their opinion after a few days, a maximum of a week, changes radically.

In addition, such activities have contraindications: cardiovascular diseases and problems with the spine.

Press wheel: training rules

Workouts that involve the ab wheel must be done with some very important principles in mind. Now we will get to know them.

  • When exercising with the ab wheel, wear comfortable, moderately loose clothing that does not cause difficulty in movement. Hair, if you have long hair, should be collected in such a way that they do not block the view and do not interfere with training at all.
  • To perform exercises with a press wheel, a special soft mat is highly desirable, which must be laid on the floor where the classes will take place.
  • To make fatigue come to you as late as possible, breathe correctly during training, that is, through the nose. In addition, inhalations should be made while bending over, and air should be exhaled from the lungs at the moment the body returns to its original position. As a result, the blood will be enriched with oxygen, while the effectiveness of the exercises carried out with the roller will increase significantly.
  • In no case should you immediately start classes that are directly related to the use of a sports equipment. A preliminary warm-up of 5-10 minutes is required, the purpose of which is to warm up the muscles, prepare the body as a whole for a more difficult main workout and reduce the risk of injury.
  • If you are a beginner, do each exercise no more than 8 repetitions in a row. This is at first, and after 3-4 initial classes, you can gradually increase the load to 12-15. The number of approaches in this case is 2-3. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Exercises with a press wheel are most effective when focusing on the feet. However, during introductory classes, do not immediately try to use this method - as long as the emphasis on the knees is enough.
  • During the movement of the roller, try to strain the muscles of the press as much as possible, while the roller itself is rolled slowly. Standard training includes rolling the gymnastic wheel forward and backward, as the exercises become more difficult, it is recommended to introduce diagonal rolls as well.

Benefits of training with an abs wheel

It is clear that sports activities involving the gymnastic wheel help to fight against overweight. But what are the specific effects of such exercises?

Thanks to physical activity with the wheel for the press, not only the muscles of the press itself work, but also many others. Experts claim that training with a wheel affects more than two dozen muscles at the same time.

Due to training with the simulator, posture is corrected to some extent, pain in the back and lower back disappears, coordination of movements improves, and endurance increases. Of course, the metabolic rate increases.

And the last thing: video rentals help to establish the process of burning calories in those moments when you are not doing a workout. For people who want to increase muscle mass also manage to do this.

Abs Wheel Exercises

  • Get down on your knees. Place the roller in front of your feet. Now focus on it with your hands and roll back and forth. The movements should be as smooth as possible, the body should be tilted forward as much as possible. After the implementation of this technique, you must return to the original position.
  • Sit on the floor. Let the press wheel be on your right. Put your palms on it and, focusing on the sports equipment, roll the latter away from you. The body is bent, but lower limbs must remain straight. Return to the original position and perform this technique so that the simulator is located on your left.
  • This exercise is performed by initially occupying a standing position. Place your feet shoulder width apart. Place the roller slightly in front of you. Make a tilt and, resting your hands on the roller, roll it forward. Produce this movement until your rib cage will not meet the floor surface. Fix this state for 2-3 seconds. Take a starting position.
  • Sit on the floor. Bend your knees. The handles of the gymnastic wheel should be under your feet. Roll with your legs. The return to the starting position should be slow.
  • Exercise 5. This technique is performed lying on the floor. Your task is to stretch forward on outstretched arms with the help of a gymnastic wheel by pulling the roller towards you. In this case, the load must be transferred to the sports equipment as much as possible. Do not take your feet off the floor.

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