Home Fruit trees Dream to get the deceased out of the coffin. Why is the black coffin dreaming? Interpretation by famous dream books

Dream to get the deceased out of the coffin. Why is the black coffin dreaming? Interpretation by famous dream books

Did it happen in a dream to see a coffin with a deceased without a lid? Waiting for you wonderful time carelessness and good luck. Why else is this terrifying plot dreaming? The dream book will analyze in detail the various options.

Miller interpretation

What is the dream of this image in the opinion of Mr. Miller? A coffin with a deceased without a lid promises in a dream repentance for unseemly actions, illness or a quarrel. But if you dreamed about how you actually covered the tomb with a lid and hammered the nails, then you will get rid of your own vices.

Let go and live!

Why dream of a funeral coffin with a deceased without a lid? The dream interpretation believes that you are oppressed by old feelings or unpleasant memories... This dream as if calls to let go of the past and move forward without regrets.

If the deceased looks young in a dream, then this is a signal that the wound is still too fresh. If the body is old and wrinkled, then the events are old.

Time to rest!

Did you dream of an open box with a corpse? Rejoice - waiting for you significant event or some kind of holiday. It is also a harbinger of successful fishing or hunting. So feel free to go for game, fish or mushrooms and berries.

Happened to see the dead a good, but relatively distant acquaintance? The dream interpretation thinks that you will receive important information.

Debt or wedding?

If one of the relatives was lying in the coffin, then the dream book is sure that in reality he will get rich. Seeing a friend as the deceased means you have to borrow from him large sum and it will affect your friendship ambiguously.

The same dream action indicates his quick marriage and, as a result, the loss of a single life. To be a dead person in a dream means to confidence and inner peace.

Who dreamed?

The dream book reminds that the interpretation of sleep is directly dependent on who exactly dreamed of the deceased in an open coffin.

  • Elderly - towards the end of life.
  • Family - to prosperity.
  • Young - for a wedding, longevity.
  • For the farmer - to crop failure, cattle disease.
  • To a businessman - to debts.
  • To a lover - to an unhappy marriage.

How did you feel?

Why else dream of a wooden coffin with a dead man without a lid? The dream interpretation thinks: this is an eloquent sign that there is only one final touch left until the completion of a certain process.

For a more complete interpretation, it is necessary to take into account the emotions that you experienced in a dream while participating in the funeral ceremony.

If you dreamed that you were happy and even happy, then something good will happen and good luck will come. If the heart was heavy and even scary, then the coming changes will be unpleasant.

Do not hurry!

To dream that there is a coffin with a deceased without a lid in the room means that you are quite ready for the upcoming changes that will soon happen to you. Moreover, they can be both material and mental.

Why else is there a dream about an open tomb with a deceased? The dream book is convinced that seeing him in a dream is an early promotion. Dreamed of a fresh corpse in a drawer? Make huge profits out of the blue.

  • It is often believed that such dreams foreshadow the imminent arrival of long-awaited guests. The meeting will bring only joy and positive emotions. From another point of view, a vision can mean unexpected news.
  • Carrying a coffin with the deceased promises financial gain. But it won't come as a surprise. Rather, you will receive material rewards for long and hard work.
  • Seeing in a dream that you are lying in a coffin, it says that a large number of obstacles prevent you from achieving the desired goal. But do not despair and give up. The dream book says that despite the difficulties, you can overcome everything and achieve what you want if you make every effort.
  • Bury in a dream closed coffin symbolizes the dreamer's desire to forget an unpleasant event in life, although this is still impossible. But digging up a closed box - to the discovery of some kind of secret.
  • To dream of a coffin with a deceased in his house, and even lined with flowers, portends a person an unsuccessful family life... For those who already have their own nest, it can symbolize conflicts and large-scale quarrels.
  • An open coffin has a negative meaning. Many trials await a person, but he will not be able to take any measures to avoid them. Therefore, it is better to prepare mentally for such difficulties and just wait out the streak of failures.

The dead man is dreaming in a coffin

Why dream of a living deceased in a coffin

Most detailed interpretation gives chinese dream book Zhou-gun:

  • Unexpected arrival a large number guests who will bring joy.
  • Sharp material profit.
  • If the deceased got up from the coffin and began to talk to the dreamer, then this bad omen... You should prepare for a series of misfortunes, so it is better to try not to talk to the deceased in a dream at all, and if you started to do this, then keep the dialogue to a minimum.
  • The revived deceased, who reaches out to you, also has a negative meaning. Misfortune can suddenly fall on a person. Most often this is the revenge of an acquaintance offended at you, serious problems with health or even attack by intruders.

Why do deceased relatives dream in a coffin

Any arrival of deceased relatives in our dreams raises many questions. But do not be alarmed, as usually such a plot is a serious omen that needs to be heeded.

  • The late father in the coffin warns you about the danger in the recently started business.
  • Mom in a similar situation dreams in order to warn the dreamer of impending health problems.
  • The deceased brother symbolizes help. Perhaps, in reality, someone from your acquaintances turned to you for support. Do not refuse him and your kindness will definitely pay off.
  • If you dreamed of a long-dead friend, and in a dream he is trying to tell you something, listen carefully to his advice in order to prevent an annoying slip in business.
  • Any of the deceased relatives who suddenly come to life in the coffin is considered a kind of warning. You should be more careful about people who are trying to involve you in some kind of financial enterprise... Most likely, you will not receive any benefit from this, and will only lose your own savings.

Why does the Dead Man dream in a coffin in a dream from a dream book?


What happened to the deceased in a coffin in a dream?

I dreamed of a revived dead man in a coffin ▼

The revived dead man is dreaming in a coffin - to the resolution of the old between people close to you. It is necessary to deal with the existing state of affairs, once and for all to dot all the "i" s.

Dreams that the deceased is moving in the coffin ▼

The dream book Felomena considers the dead man moving in the coffin as an impending trouble. If everything that happens happened to you - to receive bad news,. The deceased is trying to get up - be careful in reality, they are going to take revenge on you.

Who was the dead man in the coffin in a dream?

I dreamed of an unfamiliar dead man in a coffin ▼

I dreamed of an unfamiliar dead man in a coffin - to drastic changes in life. Expose your own, rethink existing values, you will be able to recognize mistakes.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's dream book

Video: Why is the dead man in a coffin dreaming

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Dreamed of a Dead Man in a coffin, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the dead man is dreaming of in a coffin in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I dreamed of someone else's grandmother in a coffin, I was leaving the apartment and from the next apartment on the staircase they carried out the coffin with my grandmother and blocked my way, I stepped over the coffin and left, my grandmother had half-open eyes and she was all covered with sewn wounds ... what would it be could mean ???

    Seemingly I saw a girl in a coffin in the cemetery just before the burial, but I didn’t see the grave. Then I sharply see the same coffin, but it is already covered with some kind of plywood so that the face of the deceased cannot be seen.

    my aunt is in the coffin, she is alive now, and the toad is nearby, the aunt is either dying or alive, talking and after she was buried, I did not see this process, she calls me on the phone and asks to get her back,

    Hello! I dreamed of a coffin in it, a girl who died about 10 years ago. She opened her eyes and began to reach out to the people around her. I didn't touch her. Then I ended up in a house with a lot of dogs. white and I played with them. I also dreamed about bare wires, they sparkled

    Hello! I dreamed of my friend's mother-in-law lying in a coffin and burning in a fire. The mother-in-law is still alive, but she is very sick, she is lying. The fire in a dream is bright and even I would say reddish, but in short, I saw the coffin with the deceased still alive, burning in fire. What is it for?

    dreamed of a deceased father and brother. They lie in the cemetery on the grave in an open coffin as fresh, although they died in different time for a long time, for some reason, the wrist was bandaged. Nearby is a crying mother near her brother's coffin. She was between the coffin and the wall, it felt like she wanted to lie down in the coffin with her brother. And I was standing next to me, looking like that on top of it all.

    The deceased mother-in-law is dreaming, lies in the coffin, as if her funeral, I go into the room where she lies, there were people still in the apartment, I look at her, and it rises and sits in the coffin and looks at me like that without stopping. She didn’t say anything to me. , just looked. The people who were in the room can hear them say, you see how she loved you, how you came in immediately came to life. I woke up in horror. Why such a dream?

    The father was lying in the coffin 'with his feet from the door. We were sitting on the couch, his face turned to us. At first he just lay there, then opened his eyes, looked me straight in the eyes and was silent. Then I asked my mother why he was at home? We buried him. I don’t understand how it happened. And there was some kind of holiday at home, but the guests sat quietly at the tables. And I was afraid that somebody would see now that the coffin was at home. One woman with a child in her arms saw 'said' oh Lord 'and left home. And in this dream, I was presented with a huge postcard. I opened it ’there are amazingly beautiful flowers’ as real. I began to touch them with my hand, but they are not real.

    I dreamed of how the houses went underground, the recently deceased grandmother, the house went underground and stood nearby, then walking around this place I saw the coffins with the dead, my eyes were open. After all, being with the family and parents in the house, shaking began again, the floor was missing, after which the frame of the house itself spun strongly, and when the ceiling beam stopped and hit my mother on the head hard, she was convulsing.

    Hello Tatyana, I dreamed tonight that we were burying the deceased grandfather, from the beginning we mourned at home, then they carried him to bury him, when they laid him on the ground, a snake crawled into his grave! And the time when we carried him, his spirit communicated with me and besides me no one heard him, he said that your father is good, that is, about his son ... and he said something else, but I don’t remember, tell me why such a dream!? we are Muslims! and in general to me recent times snakes often dream!

    I dreamed of a brother who had fun, my brother and I were in the eagle from ukraine as dezhenchi, after this he dreamed of me that I dug it out of the grave into a hornbeam, then I took it out of the coffin, buried it without a coffin and took the coffin away empty somewhere

    Hello, my name is Lena. A month ago my brother died, today I dreamed about him. There were a lot of us in some big hall with relatives, when we entered the hall, I saw 4 coffins. 3 coffins are on the left side of the hall, and my brother is standing by the window alone in a coffin. The brother's wife went to 3 coffins as her father was there. (who died with my brother.) And I went up to my brother and stroked it on the shoulder, and when I saw that my brother had open eyes, she began to be indignant that this was not allowed, why he didn’t close his eyes. That's all.

    Mom and I went to bed. Next to us was a coffin with a small doll, she was lying and blinking her eyes. I asked my mother to put him on a chair. She put him on a chair. And there were two live boys with us. End.

    I dreamed of a dead man who passed away almost 2 months ago. This is my father. He dreamed of me in a coffin, although we are Muslims and do not bury people in coffins. But on his face I saw a smile and calmness.

    three coffins near the cemeteries are a lot of people and as if they are measured in turn, I sit in the last of them with some gray-haired grandmother, I'm afraid to look at her because I think it will be imagining and I think why they are measuring them already in the coffin according to the size of their sweat Some guy called me and got off from there and we ended up on the road and he says to me, you remember you were hit by a car slightly and didn't stop there, my friend's husband was driving

    My late grandmother dreamed (she died 2 months ago). As if we were burying her again, she lies in a coffin and tosses and turns, disheveled, her feet on the floor and her eyes ajar. I ask - Why do you have your feet on the floor? And she - Numb and put them back in the coffin. I ask again - Close? I don't remember the answer. (in the present, she was buried right next to someone's grave), then she turns around, says - You need to sleep, you need to sleep. I ask - How are you there? She replied - Bad, I miss you. It's time for the funeral, I ask - And how now, will there be 2 graves? I go to the bus, and it is full of unfamiliar people, my mother and husband tell me, - Wherever you are going, you will not go, there is no place. I went back out. In the morning a sediment in the shower. Is it really bad for her there? Tears are still running.

    I dreamed that I came to work and stood in the lobby of the building, but they warned me not to close the door behind me and unscrupulously brought the deceased into the coffin - the dead was a thin man of 45 years in a beautiful suit. Maybe this dream is connected with worries about work, I'm looking for it now.

    the voice told me to lie on the dead man in the coffin, face to his covered face and guess what I want or so that I have happiness. I did just that, I started to get up and dropped the coffin and the deceased fell out of it, then I woke up and at the same time I did not feel fear. I did everything calmly in my sleep

    The man is not old, I know that he was ill, but whether he is alive or not, I don’t know. He dreams in a coffin and I put fresh gladioli flowers at his feet. And another dream on the same night: my floor is at work (in the classroom), but it hasn't finished. And again the dream is here: a drunken husband and a crowd of people having fun (husband is drinking) What would that mean? Sleep from Friday to Saturday, but intermittently (woke up)

    Hello! My name is Yana. I had a dream on Easter night that I was with strangers at a funeral, and stood on the street open coffin with some kind of grandmother, her eyes were open, and she looked at me somehow strangely, then there was a dream, but I don't remember it

    I only remember briefly, I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend who died on December 16, 2013 ... I dreamed that he was lying in a coffin open, near my entrance, I just looked at him and did not believe, I shocked but went on, went to the market and then returned home and he still lies, and my dad is sitting next to him, I also looked at him, but my mother took me by force and went home and that's all, it's strangely simple ..

    The late grandfather had a dream, who has been gone for about 5 years. For 5 years he dreamed about 3 times. This time I dreamed about how my family and I took the coffin to transport it somewhere, everything looked as if he had just died. I didn’t see my grandfather, but I knew for sure that he was in the coffin. I deliberately did not want to look into the coffin, then I missed the last bus. (In fact, I was not at his funeral, on principle refusing to see the deceased relative). The dream was very strange and stressful.
    I used to dream about my grandfather, but we always talked peacefully like old friends, there was one moment when he said "I have to go", I said that I would go with him, but he started shouting at me, "no, you will stay here" , I grabbed him and begged him to take me with him, but he left without me.
    In advance thank you very much I hope you clarify something.

    I walk down the street, it’s day on the street, I see a coffin with a girl of about 14 on my way, then there is one closed coffin, then another coffin covered with black cloth, a hand reaches out of it and takes my hand and touches my fingers, I don’t see the hand itself under a black cloth, I dig my hand and walk on, I come to a building there are a lot of people, I see my relatives, brother and wife and tell me what happened to me, then I’m already in a room and I see a lot of wooden boxes made of light walnut material. I go through them and find big map and looking at her, on this I woke up. And in reality I find out that a familiar person died, we used to work with him in the same building, but I did not know him closely, and he is not my age, he is 62 years old, he died of a heart attack, and I am 32 years old.

    I dreamed about my late grandmother, she was lying, I leaned closer to her, on the other side there was a woman and listened to me about her daughter, I was in the role of a psychic, I talked about some photos about husband of this woman, about how he mocked the girl and it may repeat itself (but I don't remember so well, this stage in a dream and I can't tell you for sure whether I heard it, or just thought of it now) and the most important thing I looked into her eyes , looked for 30 -40 seconds. She had a dull light gray blue eyes, in my dream there were no special flowers, except for these eyes.

    I dreamed about my father, he died 18 years ago, and then I dreamed that we were burying him again and how to say it is like a crypt is in my room, some kind of nonsense, maybe I did not understand the films. you can't stretch your head

    At first I dreamed that a young woman was lying in a coffin with an adolescent boy, and when they began to endure, the deceased became a man by my grandfather and for some reason they began to turn him upside down, so that some kind of liquid would be glass from him, the process took place in the house

    Good afternoon, I dreamed of a funeral, in the back of a ZIL-type car there was a coffin with a dead man and wreaths and flowers around him, well, like at all funerals, then the coffin from the candle ignited and the wreaths and everything in the car burned.

    Hello, I dreamed of a funeral, a dead man lies in a coffin in the back of a car, there was a carpet under the coffin, the body was decorated with wreaths, and I noticed that the coffin and wreaths were burning supposedly from a dead man's candle.

    today the late mother dreamed in a coffin. it was half open, that is, the lower part was covered. mother said that she was waiting for me and held out her hand, but I covered it with a sheet. she is a Muslim woman. I helped my grandmothers wash her. and here is her I saw an emaciated body. She died not long ago, in May

    My mom and I were walking and then my classmates 2 on a bike came, they had competitions like they had, and then I also started to participate, I was driving and hit something there was a transparent coffin without a lid and a young girl ... dead, and then she gets up and something says ... and after that, glitches start to me, I see scary faces, some things appear, I remember that in a dream I asked my mother to take me to a psychiatric hospital and prayed to bring the church down ...
    Everything was so detailed, these faces, things ... And I remembered that girl, it seems to me that I was even familiar,

    the now deceased father was lying in a coffin, and then it turned out that he came to life and turned out to be alive, as if he was sleeping, and everyone thought that he was dead! Everyone was delighted, mother, me and my husband ... But in fact, he died a year and a half ago

    The late grandmother is in a coffin (died more than 10 years) and I cannot kiss the ribbon on my forehead and all the time I apologize for that. I was asleep in the morning. Before she died, she was sick and I was afraid to approach her lying down. I did not go to the funeral.

    hello my name is Dmitry)
    today I had one such interesting dream, and before that, in 2 days we had a man dying in a hostel, his blood clot burst in his head and its essence is that he died and he should have been sent home by a corpse .... all this happens at my work, as if I sleep in the cabins at night at my place and then the guys come in, bring the grop and put it across in the results of his legs in my cabins and part of the body in the corridor

    My husband dreamed that his father (he was a suicide, but died a long time ago, about 20 years ago) was lying in a coffin in the hall at our house, at first he began to rumble in his stomach, then he turned over on his side, and then sat down in the coffin. His sister was very frightened in her sleep.

    They told me that my husband had died, I was seized with horror, I cannot believe. They bring a coffin into the courtyard, a completely stranger lies in it, opens his eyes and winks at me with a smile. Feeling of fear and horror. The heart woke up from the chest.

    In general, the dream was so dreamed. It seems like this is the light and my parents are deceased on their beds (they really died), I move them, there are a lot of people. I tell them: "Don't worry, I will come to you soon." Why don't I understand, but I'm not at ease.

    Hello my name is Taras, tonight I dreamed of a deceased person lying in a beautiful coffin and I was holding hands with the deceased. And on the same night I didn’t dream much elderly woman with a knife stuck in right hand and there was blood, in a dream I pulled the knife out of her hand and, as it were, helped her.

    I dreamed of a woman in a coffin lying on my left side and deceased grandmother they wanted to turn her over, she stirred, we left. The deceased lay in a milky-colored dress. kind of like mine deceased mother but not like her.

    I dreamed of some people in coffins, the bones of people in coffins, and for some reason I buried them right next to the house near the entrance, then I myself remember hammering nails into the coffin lid and thought why bury them here if the cemetery is nearby, then I took the coffin and carried it to the cemetery, I'm not exactly sure, but it seemed like I was starting to dig a grave, then at the cemetery I saw open graves-coffins with skeletons inside and for some reason they all had the palm of their hand on their face, covering face but faces it wasn’t, there were only skeletons. I often dream of skeletons in coffins, a cemetery, how I fall into the grave while stepping and breaking someone’s coffin, but today everything was completely different and different, then I also saw girls tied up and drowned in my dreams - they were tied with a rope and at the end of the rope there was a stone, but there was a feeling that this did not happen in the present, but when long ago in the past

    I had a dream in which a stranger to me was lying in a coffin, everyone was saying goodbye to him, I was very afraid to enter that room, cried, but still went out to say goodbye, and when I came up and for some reason leaned towards him, he suddenly opened his eyes. What does this mean, I am very scared.

    preparation for the funeral. my grandfather is in a coffin and I think to go up to him to say goodbye. I look and he has the Polish as if gathered in a fist, I say something is not right. and at this moment he comes to life begins to stand up. but I was not surprised. and I I continued to think about her lover all the time and wanted to somehow be left alone without a husband who followed me through the pet

    Well, I dreamed that relatives came from far away and brought a coffin with a trkp to the gamble. They began to bring it home and had to put the coffin upright, it was open. There was a woman I didn't know in the coffin and she first grabbed my hand, then by the waist, and so on . in the end she grabbed my leg. and it was as if someone possessed her, she began to mutate somehow, then it was very frustrating for me to say something and I woke up from this

    V Orthodox church I see a coffin with a long-dead grandmother. Nearby is my mother who also died long ago. The deceased's eyes and mouth are open. I ask them to cover her eyes and mouth, but no one reacts.

    Good day! I dreamed as if my grandmother was shifting the dead, caring for them, and living in a coffin. One is her brother, one sister, who is alive. Whether I took part in this, I do not remember. Grandma is also alive. Before that, a week ago, I had a dream that we were also burying an unfamiliar deceased from her apartment. And a day later, in the afternoon, I dreamed that the right molar broke and fell out without blood.

    Hello, tell me the meaning of the dream, I dreamed about this: they are carrying the coffin out of the house, I see only the legs of the deceased. The funeral of an already deceased person. Then they give me this house. Thank you in advance.

Seeing a coffin in a dream portends obstacles; for the elderly - the near death or loss of a dear relative; for family people - profit and prosperity; for young people - a wedding and a long comfortable life.

The coffin seen in the church - to an unsuccessful marriage. An open coffin is a joyful celebration. Sprinkled with flowers - to failure and disease. To see a friend in the coffin is to receive important news. To lie in a coffin is to acquire a calm occupation, long life... Carrying a coffin in a dream is a harbinger of an illness that will darken the upcoming celebration. Seeing how others carry him is sad circumstances and bad news.

Lowering the coffin into the grave is a tragic death. Digging a hole for a coffin is a happy marriage. To bury the coffin - chronic illness... To nail a coffin is to be very scared.

Seeing yourself sitting on a coffin - to quarrels with subsequent repentance and mutual forgiveness. Buying a coffin is a big expense.

To see a tomb in a dream is to receive protection in reality, and through it to gain good luck. To be locked in a tomb in a dream - to disappointment and elimination from business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

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Dream interpretation - deceased

The dream is favorable. Seeing the deceased - expect a change in fate.

For unmarried girl to see a deceased male - for an imminent wedding.

If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her.

If he is young, he will find a peer.

The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich.

If you saw a deceased in a good expensive suit or a rich shroud - your future husband will be wealthy.

If a dead man dreamed married lady, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep her distance. Over time, romantic infatuation can develop into good friendship... Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If the deceased dreamed of a man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision.

To see the deceased in a dream is a long and happy life... Kissing the deceased on the forehead - to recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing the coffin with the deceased, decorated with flowers, the mournful crowd around - for entertainment in the company of friends.

If you dreamed that the coffin with the deceased was being carried to the cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends.

If you see yourself sitting over the dead, sleep also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands.

Washing the deceased is a well-deserved delight.

To dress the deceased for burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend.

If the deceased is your friend or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person whom you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures.

If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of friends, you will make a dizzying career or sue for a large inheritance.

Closing the coffin with the deceased - you will be able to relatively a short time make a decent fortune.

Imagine that you are putting flowers in a coffin to a deceased person.

The deceased is dressed in a luxurious expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in an ornate shroud. The coffin, trimmed with gold and precious stones.

Interpretation of dreams from

Death invariably follows a person: relatives, friends, neighbors die. The time will come for each of us to meet with her. It is not surprising that after disturbing dreams the question arises: "Why is there an open coffin with a dead man in a dream?" Dead. It is believed that the dead portend bad things. However, there are also positive values such dreams.

Talking to the deceased in a dream: interpretation

The revived dead look creepy and unnatural. They appear in dreams to warn or convey a message from the afterlife. You should not attach importance to dreams about the dead if the dead behave calmly and do not show any interest in the dreamer. However, if they are talking to the sleeper, one should think about the meaning of such a vision.

  • To see a talking dead man in a dream portends danger when making new acquaintances. Possible failures in business sphere... Secret enemies are activated at this time.
  • If the dreamed dead are the dreamer's parents, then they came to warn of dangerous situations. A conversation with a deceased mother promises illness, and with a dead father - problems in business and new beginnings.
  • Talking to a deceased grandfather portends mental anxiety and complications. The dreamer may soon get sick or receive psychological trauma.
  • A call in a dream from a deceased predicts the receipt of important news. Hearing the voice of dead friends on the phone is bad news.

It is not always possible in a dream to meet the dead in the conditions of life. Sometimes they appear before the dreamer in the form in which he was seen in last time before diving into the cemetery ground. To meet in a dream a still living person who died and was put in a coffin is good sign... Dead in a dream, an acquaintance or relative will live a long and successful life... Other dream books interpret the vision of the deceased as a sign of an imminent change in the weather.

  • Dead man in good condition symbolizes that the dreamer is haunted by unpleasant memories.
  • A withered corpse in a coffin speaks of an imminent relief of difficulties and the ability to move along life path further, leaving sorrow behind.
  • For a family man to see a deceased in a dream is an auspicious symbol. Such a dream portends an imminent profit.
  • Laid in a coffin native person or an acquaintance who has been ill for a long time speaks of the imminent death of the sufferer.

Dream Interpretations have contradictory interpretations of what an open coffin with a deceased dreams of. For centuries, death and the dead have remained a taboo topic and cause mystical awe. The subconscious mind shows dead people in dreams in order to warn, predict the receipt of good or bad news, longevity or imminent death. Bad dreams about the dead should not be taken too close to heart, because a person has the right to make efforts and change his own destiny. The dead frighten by their very existence, but in dreams they become harbingers not only of misfortune, but also of good events.

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