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Business programs. Programs to help you organize a business

Free version Debit Plus can be used by both entrepreneurs and small businesses. The system allows you to maintain warehouse records and includes a system for interacting with customers. The functions of the system include a balance sheet, fixed asset accounting, and wages. The program is available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS.

Free version of the "Debit Plus" system:

  • Suitable for both entrepreneurs and small businesses.
  • Allows you to maintain warehouse accounting both with and without accounting (at the user's request).
  • Works on various OS - Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and DBMS - PostgreSQL, MySQL.
  • It is completely ready to work under the conditions of Ukrainian legislation and is promptly updated in connection with its changes.

The system consists of a platform Eclipse RCP, the Debit+ module itself, which is distributed in the form of a compiled jar and configuration.
The entire configuration is written in JavaScript, the forms are in XML. You can use Eclipse for development.
In fact, only one configuration is free - the one with accounting and small pieces of other sections. The rest are paid.
But no one is stopping you from freely modifying it to suit yourself, especially since the site has a lot of documentation and examples.

A pineapple. GNU General Public License is a free software license. Software under this license is free for use for any purpose.

Pineapple is a freely distributed accounting automation platform. The system will help automate purchases, sales, and report generation. This free analogue 1C has distribution kits for Linux and Windows.

Its own technology. The program is free, but the exact license is not known.

"Own technology"- management accounting platform for small and medium-sized businesses. The basic configuration of the system, which meets the requirements of most Russian companies, is distributed free of charge, including for use in commercial organizations. License Agreement and Terms of Use.

Main features:

  • warehouse accounting of materials, goods, products;
  • accounting and analysis of sales of goods, products, services;
  • conducting mutual settlements with customers or suppliers;
  • traffic accounting Money by cash desk, bank, ability to download data from a client bank.
  • registration of all necessary primary documents, printed forms that comply with the law;

For all accounting sections, you can generate register statements; in addition, a number of built-in and additional reports are available.
Reports and printable forms can be exported to Excel, Open Office, and also sent via e-mail. It is possible to upload data to programs accounting(when the corresponding additional module is activated).

Benefits of the program:

  • High speed thanks to client-server technology
  • The network version allows you to work a large number users with a single database, which is unique for free programs of this class
  • Multi-company accounting in one database and the ability to work with several databases
  • Flexible reports with custom groupings and filters
  • Possibility of connecting commercial equipment (RS232 or USB emulation)
  • Automatic re-run when correcting old documents

Athena. The program is free, but the exact license is not known.

Development and operation of various accounting tasks (and not only accounting), each of which is created with its own database.

This is a two-in-one system. The developer uses it to build accounting projects, and the user operates the developed projects in it.

The system can be classified as part of the RAD - Rapid Application Development direction, a tool for rapid application development, but on the condition that the developer is not a beginner. The complex, as a tool for developing various accounting tasks, is not so simple. On the pages of this site, beginners will find a lot of information to familiarize themselves with or master the system.

Athena exists in two versions: in the form of single-user and network assemblies.
A project completed using one assembly will work in another.
A few words about the differences between the assemblies are given on the "Download" page.

Athena is distributed free of charge without any conditions or guarantees.

Openbravo. Free ERP system with open source.

Wide, versatile functionality
Rich functional content: End-to-end financial accounting, Sales and CRM, Purchasing, Warehouse, Production, and Project and service management
Built-in extensible environment: Best developments from Openbravo, third-party modules and vertical solutions for better implementations
Expansion of organizational structure: Simple expansion from a mono-company to a multi-company structure with its own business units and warehouses

True open WEB architecture
Ease of use WEB: Simple and secure access to all functionality associated with WEB services, quick integration with other applications.
Easy to change and update: Most unique modifications are done without programming
Deployment flexibility: Mono or multi-party, on Windows or Linux, at home or at a service provider - you choose the ideal conditions

Low cost of ownership
High returns at minimal cost
Minimum initial investment: The “Pay only for services” model reduces the investment burden and allows you to clearly control the cost of the result obtained
Transparent pricing: Simplicity and clarity, no hidden fees, no license overpayments
Fast start, high result: Quick start with initial functionality and inexpensive cost of developing functionality in the future

GrossBee . GrossBee offers its clients a unique opportunity for such systems - to receive a fully functional single-user version of the GrossBee XXI system for free.

The enterprise management system "GrossBee XXI" belongs to the ERP class systems and is designed for complex automation of trading and manufacturing enterprises of various sizes: from corporations to small companies. The system solves problems of accounting and planning of material and financial resources, production, analysis of enterprise performance indicators, and many others.

All functions of the system are implemented as a set of interconnected modules that actively interact with each other and together form a single, holistic application. The modules are replaceable, allowing you to develop customized solutions for specific enterprises.

The modules are combined into subsystems, each of which is used to solve certain tasks. For example, the material accounting subsystem “deals” with the movement of inventory items, the cash and non-cash accounting subsystem deals with banking and cash transactions, etc.

The structure of the GrossBee XXI system is shown in the figure (click on the corresponding subsystem for detailed information):

GrossBee XXI includes the following main subsystems:

  • Material accounting subsystem
  • Contract accounting subsystem
  • Planning subsystem material resources
  • Production accounting subsystem
  • Production planning subsystem
  • Cash accounting subsystem
  • Cash planning subsystem
  • Subsystem for accounting for debts and settlements with counterparties
  • Fixed asset accounting subsystem
  • Accounting subsystem
  • Personnel accounting and payroll subsystem
  • Economic analysis subsystem
  • Enterprise economic monitoring subsystem
  • Administrative functions

All subsystems use common base data and exchange information with each other, which allows you to create a unified information environment at the enterprise, common to all its divisions. In general, the division into modules is quite arbitrary. For example, the material resources planning subsystem uses both data on the balance of goods in the enterprise's warehouses and information from the accounting and production planning subsystems, the fixed assets accounting subsystem receives data on equipment wear and tear from the production accounting subsystem, etc.

It should be noted that the system continues to actively develop; new modules and subsystems are constantly appearing in it, which are easily connected to others within the overall system architecture.

VS: Accounting. Accounting module - Free!

VS:Accounting is a program for maintaining accounting records for small and medium-sized enterprises. It allows accounting for organizations with both general and simplified taxation systems.

What is included in the Accounting module:

  • General taxation regime and specialized tax regimes USN, UTII.
  • Book of accounting of income and expenses.
  • Tax return according to the simplified tax system.
  • Tax return for UTII.
  • Accounting for fixed assets.
  • Accounting for inventories and services.
  • Accounting cash transactions and formation of the cash book.
  • Accounting for current account transactions.
  • Accounting for trade operations in wholesale trade, retail, accounting of goods by sales prices, calculation of trade margins.
  • Accounting for settlements with accountable persons and generation of advance reports.
  • Accounting for settlements with counterparties, generation of reconciliation reports.
  • Formation of a sales book, a purchase book and invoice journals.
  • Formation and unloading into in electronic format accounting and tax reporting.
  • Current reporting forms.
  • Standard accounting reports: turnover sheet, analytical account and others (with drilling function).
  • Different ways of entering transactions: using standard operations, posting documents, manually.
  • Client-bank.

Other paid modules can be found at the office. website.

  • Salary and personnel
  • Personalized accounting
  • Trade
  • Stock


The system began to develop through the efforts of Fabien Pinckaers in 2000. Tiny ERP soon began to be implemented in the public trading market.

Until the end of 2004, Fabien Pinckaers combined in one person the developer, manager, and distributor of Tiny. In September 2004 (when he completed his research), other programmers were brought in to develop and distribute Tiny ERP.

By 2006, the program was successfully used in specialized bookstores, distribution companies, and service companies.

At this time, the TinyForge resource opens. Since then, developers from all over the world have been involved in the development of modules.

A stable version is released every 4-6 months, and a developer version is released every month. In June 2007, in version 4.1.1, a “web client” appeared, allowing you to use all the capabilities of the system using a regular browser.

In July 2008, Launchpad became the platform for organizing the work of the OpenERP community, and the system itself became more open to translators and developers. Also in 2008, the first version of the OpenERP book was written, replacing the system documentation. Since 2009, OpenERP has been included in the Ubuntu and Debian packages.

Technical features

  • Python programming language
  • Server-client interaction is implemented using the XML-RPC protocol
  • The server part uses PostgreSQL as a DBMS
  • GTK-based clients
  • Ajax based web client
  • A web client has been developed to work using mobile devices(for now, access through it is read-only)
  • Modular structure


  • Accounting
  • Asset accounting
  • Budget
  • Human Resource Management - HRM
  • Products (goods)
  • Production
  • Sales
  • Procurement
  • Warehouse management
  • SCRUM - project management for software development
  • Order lunches to the office
  • Project management

Official website of the program: openerp.com


Standard configurations - free

How Tria works

The Tria platform was created in the image and likeness of the most common former USSR software product - 1C Enterprise. Just like 1C, ready-made solution consists of two parts - the platform (the application to be launched) and the database.

Comparison with 1C or a little history

The Tria system was not born out of nowhere. At first, the developers were creating non-standard solutions based on 1C 7.7. As a result of consistent research, a mechanism for business operations was born.

The essence of this mechanism is that the entire logic of document behavior is not contained in code in a programming language, but is specified using a special reference book Business transactions.

As a result, we received the following advantages:

  • The logic of document operation can be changed on the fly, while other users continue to work in the database.
  • The process of making changes to the configuration has been significantly simplified and accelerated, and consequently, the cost of support has been significantly reduced. What a programmer does in 1C in a day can be done in TRIA in an hour.
  • The level of requirements for a TRIA customizer/implementer has been significantly reduced. People who did not know how to program configured the wiring themselves and radically changed the logic of the program. The emphasis in the requirements for implementers has shifted: first of all, specialists must know the subject area, understand the methodology of work, and only then be specialists in TRIA.

Naturally, Tria turned out to be ideologically similar to 1C. The same hierarchical structure directories, documents, document journals, registers. There is no chart of accounts and periodic details yet - it will be planned over time. Essentially, this is something similar to the “Operational accounting” or “trade” component in 1C.

Here, of course, I would like to draw a comparison table, especially since 1C is familiar inside and out, but many will consider this as anti-advertising. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to a very brief summary: in 1C you can do almost everything that the user wants. It's just a matter of time, money and good specialist. Our software is more limited in functionality, but everything that can be done in Tria is much easier and faster, and therefore cheaper. At the same time, programming requires significant to a lesser extent training of specialists.

The main competitive advantage is a significant reduction in costs for the purchase, implementation, modifications and IT support of your software.

The configurations offered in TRIA contain all the experience of successfully running the business of our clients. They receive not only the program, but also constant recommendations and suggestions for increasing the profitability of their companies. We are proud of the achievements of our clients, that over 4 years of using TRIA in the Lugansk region, not a single client has stopped their business, but on the contrary, despite the crisis, they are successfully developing.

Tria Specifications

For normal operation of Tria, a Pentium 150, 32 megabytes is enough random access memory, 15 megabytes of disk space. How larger size databases and the volume of entered information, the more power the computer (on which the database is located) is required.

The Tria platform is a portable application - i.e. a program that does not require installation. You can install the program by simply copying the entire directory, and carry your accounting on a flash drive. On any computer you can issue documents or receive information about balances.

The free Firebird SQL server is used as a data storage (there are versions of the server both for Windows and for free OS(Linux, FreeBSD)).

For single-user work, by default it is proposed to work with the embedded version of the Firebird server, which does not require it separate installation and administration.

You can read more about Firebird's capabilities here:

  • www.ibphoenix.com – manufacturer’s website
  • www.ibase.ru – website of the company that took part in the development of this server. Contains a lot useful information in Russian.
  • www.interbase-world.com, www.sql.ru are sites where you can communicate with programmers who operated this server.

Technological developments nowadays make it possible to use powerful tools from mobile platforms. A smart calendar, a professional text editor, access to documents from anywhere in the world and many other features of mobile applications make life much easier for modern entrepreneurs. We have prepared for you the TOP 10, according to users, useful applications for doing business.

TOP 10 mobile applications for entrepreneurs

In the era of smart gadgets, the number of applications is growing every day. Among the countless number of programs, there are some that can significantly simplify running a business. In this article we will look at the TOP 10 applications that will be useful for both established store owners and those who are just planning to open their own business.

The criteria for compiling the selection were:

  • Maximum number of downloads
  • Russification of the application
  • Cross-platform (the ability of an application to run on more than one operating system)
  • Highly rated by users

Planning your time

Google Calendar can easily be called one of the leaders in this area. Plan the time of product deliveries, interviews, meetings with suppliers and partners - with Google Calendar all this is more than simple. By default, the program is installed on many devices initially. Both Android and iOS are suitable for its correct operation. The application is available for download at Google Play and AppStore.

About the benefits:

  1. Ability to customize the calendar viewing mode (by days, weeks and months)
  2. Automatic synchronization with Gmail. If you reserve a table or book a hotel, the information will be automatically duplicated in the calendar
  3. Ability to set reminders in the same view as the event
  4. The ability to set a goal for yourself (the planner will help you find free time to achieve it)
  5. User-friendly application interface

Nice bonus:

– Synchronization with Google Fit makes it possible to schedule sports activities, as well as track progress

About the cons:

  1. Some users attribute the lack of a watch to them
  2. You should also always take into account that changes in one event entail changes in related tasks


The program for automating the work of a Business.Ru store helps save time due to the fact that all data about products: prices, descriptions, characteristics, warehouse balances are stored in the cloud. This way you can access information anytime, anywhere.

Cloud data storage is actually an archive that allows you to access company documents (invoices, contracts, acts, certificates) from anywhere in the world. The only condition is that you have access to the Internet. Products from Google and Yandex corporations are very popular in Russia.

Yandex's product is installed on more than 5 million devices. Google drive was significantly ahead of its brother in the number of downloads, by this moment its download count is approaching 1 billion.

About the benefits:

  1. With files stored on virtual disk you can perform any operations
  2. There is a sharing function. There is also the possibility of limiting powers.
  3. File change history


Ability to scan documents using the device camera


Perhaps the main disadvantage is the lack of ability to sort files into folders. Each file on disk is stored separately


The favorite in this direction is the application created by the Bitrix company. The application is absolutely free and also cross-platform. Available for download on the company's official website.

About the benefits:

  1. CRM management from any available mobile device.
  2. Works with both ready-made forms and files
  3. Allows you to communicate with colleagues
  4. Contacts from phone book automatically copied to notebook applications.
  5. There is a video calling function.


– Availability of a live communication feed


– Used only in conjunction with Bitrix CRM.

Legal support

Legal support will never be superfluous, especially for an entrepreneur. If you have a large company, there will be no problems with legal assistance; most likely you have a personal lawyer or even an entire legal department.

If you are the owner of an individual entrepreneur or just small business, for example, one or two stores, instead of hiring a lawyer, you can get by by installing the “Consultant Plus” application. At the moment, the program has established itself as one of the most reliable. Current laws, regulations, examples of solutions to certain situations - with an assistant installed on your gadget, all this will be at hand at any time.

Bank in your pocket

Today, perhaps, every self-respecting bank has a mobile application. The functionality of the applications is almost the same. All of them make it possible to control finances, make transactions on accounts, send payment receipts, receive notifications about changes in accounts, make tax payments, open new accounts, etc.

One of the most popular applications at the moment is Sberbank Online (according to statistics as of January 1, 2018, 60% of the Russian population are active clients of Sberbank).

Bulletin board

Search for premises, purchase Supplies, promotion of your goods and services, recruitment - all this can be done on one site. These sites are called bulletin boards. One of the most popular resources in Russia is Avito.

About the benefits:

  1. Possibility to refine the search by parameters of interest.
  2. Management of posted advertisements.
  3. Ability to track new advertisements.
  4. Ability to communicate with sellers and buyers via text messages.


The leader in the field of Internet calls is undoubtedly Skype. Using it, you can communicate with subordinates, suppliers and partners for free, even while abroad.

About the benefits:

  1. Ability to create group chats
  2. Minimum traffic consumption when making video calls.
  3. Possibility of organizing group meetings with video call function.

Additional functions:

– Making calls and sending SMS to mobile operators (for an additional fee).

Office on your phone

Another assistant for an entrepreneur - applications Microsoft Office Mobile. With their help, you can work with documents from anywhere in the world and at any time. Working with tables in Excel, text files Word and even creating presentations in Power point- thanks to Office applications all these functions will become available on your gadget.

About the benefits:

  1. Familiar interface, convenience and ease of use of applications
  2. View, edit and create documents on the go
  3. Ability to store files in the cloud
  4. Preservation of document format when working on a PC and laptop
  5. Ability to send documents via email as attachments and hyperlinks.
  6. Office apps are supported on most phones and tablets.

The program for Business.Ru stores will speed up the issuance of documents and eliminate possible errors when filling out. Allows you to automate tax and financial statements and also control cash flows in company.

Document scanner

A store owner deals with documents every day. Working with papers within the office walls is not a difficult task. But what if you are on the road, and documents urgently need to be scanned and sent to the recipient? A document scanner will help you cope with this task.

One of the simplest and most multifunctional programs for scanning documents is Genius Scan. Images are saved in JPEG/PDF format in maximum resolution, the saved file weighs about 1. If the document turns out to be too heavy, it can be lightened, but with a loss of quality.

About the benefits:

  1. All created files can be sent to cloud storage (Box, iCloud Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive)
  2. Ability to send documents to social media(Facebook, Twitter)
  3. Sending documents by email. By mail or fax.

The basic version is available for free on both iTunes and Google Play. However, most of options become available only after purchase full version applications.

Of course, there are a lot of applications for entrepreneurs. However, you have to start somewhere. Try a few of the apps described above and you'll see how much easier it makes running your business, especially if you run part (or all) of it remotely. It is worth noting that each of the applications is absolutely free for the user.

Read articles about retail:

Programs for running a business, which abound on the Internet and whose creation is created by reputable developers, make it possible to facilitate many of the tasks of entrepreneurs. Programs that are aimed at a specific business segment are highly specialized. However, there are tools that can be used by a wide range of users. They are aimed at creating client bases, accounting and analytics.

CRM programs for doing business contribute to the organization of a client-oriented approach, but even without adhering to such a focus, they can be used to structure information about clients or business partners.

Client base

The software allows you to create an extensive customer base, combining the ability to save the history of all contacts, a scheduler and online interaction:

  • The tool is simple, each client is assigned more than eight fields, which allows you to accurately track the process of working with them;
  • has a sales funnel visualization function;
  • the ability to create contracts, invoices and documents for each client directly from the program, as well as carry out mailings and calls, makes the tool extremely convenient to use;
  • The software contains a planner for managers, makes it possible to limit access to data to certain categories of employees, and contains a transparent reporting system.

The free period of using the software is unlimited for one user and there are limitations in functionality. For more access points, you can use the program freely for 14 days, then payment depends on the number of users, amount of data, and the need to connect additional resources.

Customer Accounting

The software is designed to automate the work of departments that directly work with clients, such as the sales department, financial department, etc. The program allows you to:

  • creating Word-based documents generated into the system makes it convenient to work with contracts, the ability to export data to Excel, and makes it easier to work with invoices;
  • contains a large, flexibly customizable database, allowing you to generate information at the user's request;
  • Ample opportunities are provided by linking various add-ons to each client, for example, tables, pictures, payment systems;
  • except the ability to produce the entire package necessary documentation for the client, a bill payment control system has been introduced into the program.

This program for running a sales business is paid, the price depends on the number of users. The developer offers trial version, in which you can try the product for 30 days.

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Programs for electricity metering


An online system whose main focus is increasing sales volume. The software allows you to use it on mobile devices, without the need for installation:

  • Each client is assigned a personal profile containing information about all transactions at any stage;
  • a convenient system for filling out the database using a widget, as well as automatically filling out cards for any client request;
  • the planner, client service and control over the transaction are carried out by a system that warns of the need to perform one or another action in relation to the client;
  • Some actions are automated, for example, mailings about the receipt of goods or the need to change the status of an order;
  • visibility of processes, expressed in visual reports and creation of a sales funnel for each client;
  • the ability to customize visualization individually for managers with different functionalities;
  • A wide staff of technical support specialists helps to avoid errors and difficulties.

Free for 14 days, then the price depends on the needs of the company. Payment is made every six months; there is no monthly payment schedule.


Online CRM system, direction - increasing sales and improving staff performance. Unlike other similar products, some of the functions are aimed specifically at monitoring the work of managers and recording its intensity. The software does not require installation, it works via the cloud, and employees log in using a password. Advantages of the system:

  • developers do not limit the number of personnel and the amount of data that needs to be stored on disk;
  • supported mobile versions for iOS and Android;
  • if necessary, it has an installation version that will meet the security requirements of a particular company.

The system is free if there are less than 10 users. For large companies there is a free trial period, then payment is required. There are free programs in this segment: Clients and Galloper CRM, just download and install them. Choose good program you can use existing ones, or order development for individual requirements. Well-known developers, for example, SugarTalk, offer the creation of turnkey CRM tools.

Accounting programs

The tools in this segment are designed to account for goods in warehouses and points of sale. These business programs allow you to track the consumption and movement of commodity items regardless of their purpose, so they can be used in different areas of business. Large enterprises often use software products 1C, however, the emergence of new online developments that are easier to set up and use is crowding out this mastodon.

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Programs for accounting fuel consumption


The tool was created for control and accounting of warehouse goods and is aimed at solving problems related to trade management. The creators designed the software specifically for small businesses operating in the field of retail trade, sales of services, and Internet sales. The service does not require installation and is available for any device that has access to the network. The program allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • warehouse accounting, tracks the process of movement of goods, their inventory;
  • the procedure for receipt, sale and return is supplemented by the creation of the necessary orders and invoices;
  • it is possible to connect stationary points of sale and online stores;
  • the system includes capabilities for working with the cash register, including the connection of fiscal registrars and scanners, organized by Windows help applications;
  • the program also allows you to carry out transactions with the Client-Bank within itself, without limiting the number of cash desks;
  • integrated CRM module for working with client base, including a large number of reports for easy analytics and sales forecasting.

For one user, the use of the software is free. The ability to freely familiarize yourself with the tool allows you to choose pricing based on the needs of the company.


The application was created for product management and customer interaction in the retail industry. The online version of the CloudShop business software is supplemented with applications for mobile devices. Advantages:

  • an easy-to-use system that allows you to easily enter goods into the database using a barcode;
  • more than 10 million products are recognized;
  • if there are no barcode scanners, you can enter goods into the database using a smartphone;
  • the smartphone can also be used to process sales and returns at points of sale;
  • flexible application settings make it possible to create a system of prices and discounts for each point of sale separately;
  • provision is made for the creation of sets of goods that will act as a separate sales unit;
  • the ability to create an online storefront;
  • Data export and loading from Excel is supported.

One of the qualities for which this tool What is especially appreciated by users is fast and competent technical support. You can download and use the application for free.


A web application designed to automate the sales process. Functionality:

  • the program allows you to monitor the work of all trading platforms from one device;
  • statistical data is organized in the form of reports convenient for analytics;
  • discount system includes discount cards, easily assigned personally to the client;
  • Flexible settings and a clear interface make the software easy to use for cashiers and sales employees;
  • the program allows you to monitor and evaluate the work of personnel, according to reports for each of them, or for a selected group;
  • The software includes the function of preparing basic documentation.

Users noted some shortcomings of this business program, such as the inability to enter his financial details and date of birth into the client’s card. The dates of transactions performed are often incorrectly displayed in the client's profile. The application is free for one user.


A convenient online tool for quickly performing operations on the movement of goods and funds of an organization. Designed for work retail outlets sales, wholesale trade, online stores and network franchises. Work is possible from any mobile device. Application features:

  • the program organizes the accounting and movement of goods and services;
  • the function of monitoring the income and expenses of the enterprise, as well as debts is supported;
  • a built-in function for working not only with clients, but also with suppliers, including all the necessary documentation;
  • Users are provided with support available via Viber;
  • supports automatic accounting of tax rates.

A properly implemented business program is one of effective ways increase the efficiency of the company, reduce costs and increase profits. It is no coincidence that almost all large companies have long implemented various programs for business management.

But when it comes to small business and individual entrepreneurs, then the situation changes dramatically. Only a small proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises effectively automate their business processes. After all, business programs seem complicated to them and too expensive to implement and operate.

Actually on currently this is more a delusion than a reality. Now there are high-quality and inexpensive Internet services on the market, that is, business programs that work via the Internet, specifically designed for small, medium and even micro businesses.

Business programs

Why do you need business software? They allow you to automate business processes, which allows managers and owners of enterprises, regardless of their size, to receive tangible benefits for their business.

Automation of routine operations in itself allows you to do more with fewer workers, which will make it possible to effectively develop your business without inflating your staff and salary costs.

The standardization and transparency of processes in the company resulting from the implementation of the program will improve the manageability of the business as a whole. Moreover, a working business program accumulates statistics on the company’s activities with the possibility of its subsequent analysis. And this will have a positive impact on the quality of management and, including strategic, decisions. Today there is Various types

  • business management programs:
  • ERP systems allow you to create a unified environment for automating all company activities from planning business processes to monitoring their implementation and subsequent analysis of the results;
  • CRM systems (customer relationship management systems) are designed to automate relationships with counterparties and clients;

Accounting systems are used to maintain accounting and fiscal records. With the development of cloud technologies, it is possible to significantly reduce the costs of business automation. Appeared on the market specialized services

and programs for doing business in completely different price categories, including comprehensive solutions available to even the smallest companies.

Small Business Program Cloud service MoySklad is a powerful program for small businesses, with the help of which the company owner can organize unified system

trading, warehouse, customer relations and accounting. And after that, manage your medium or small business in real time from anywhere in the world. With the MyWarehouse service, you can effectively manage sales and purchases, control mutual settlements, work with the client base, maintain accounting and warehouse records, and print everything Required documents . That is, everything you need to run a small business in, immediately and without additional programming.

MyWarehouse users are provided with free support by email and phone number 8-800.

Support specialists will not only help with setting up and using the program, but will also tell you how to maintain inventory records correctly.

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